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2018-10-29, 07:54 PM
Here is the #1 post of our new IC thread for this campaign based in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (https://classic.mystara.net/karameikos.html). This will be where I put character sheets etc. Updating to second level.

For the religious type characters, a quick summary (http://www.pandius.com/5ekarabk.html) of lawful Mystaran theologies.

http://www.pandius.com/trlchrch.html is a good resource about the Traladaran Church.

http://pandius.com/thy_rel.html gives a nice concise summary of the immortals worshipped by the Church of Karameikos.

Nereida will speak in Medium Blue?

Nereida Vantelion, Human (Thyatian) Paladin.
Physical: 5'9", Physically strong with red curly hair, and blue-green eyes. Statuesque, tends to freckle rather than tan.
Motivation: To be like the heroes described in legend, prove her family are more than administrators and judges.
Relationships: Nereida has a mostly good relationship with her family, but she is a little disappointed in them. She almost idolises her mentor Alonsyius, who promises to sponsor her application to the Order of the Griffon once he judges her skilled enough.
The family histories tell great stories of the past, and the heroic feats achieved, while her modern family is complacent, to live on its wealth and command others from the safety of their manor.

Initiative: +1
Move: 30ft
hp 17/17
AC: 18 (16 without shield, 10 unarmoured)
Saving throw proficiencies: Wisdom, Charisma
Longsword: +5, 1d8+3/1d10+3 (2h)
Javelin: +5, 1d6+3, Thrown (30/120)

ST 16 (+3)
DX 11 (+0)
CN 12 (+1)
IN 10 (+0)
WS 12 (+1)
CH 16 (+3)

Armor: All (including Shields)
Weapons: Simple & Martial
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma
Tools: Chess
Skills: Athletics, , History, Persuasion, Religion,
Languages: Common (Thyatian), Elvish (Callarii dialect)

Position of Privilege
Divine Sense Sense Celestial, Fiend or Undead presence within 60ft (action, 1+Cha mod per day).
Lay on Hands Healing pool (10) = level x5, spend for hp of spend 5 to cure disease/poison
Fighting Style:Protection When a creature I can see attacks a target within 5ft of me, can use reaction to impose disadvantage on attack roll. Must be wielding a shield.
Spellcasting: Prepared, Charisma, Holy Symbol Focus.
Divine SMite: When hit with melee attack can spend spell slot to deal 2d8 dmg +1d8 per slot level higher than 1st.

Heavy Armor Master
+1 Str (Factored)
Reduce B/P/S damage from non-magical weapons by 3.

DC: 13; Attack: +5
2/2 slots; Prepare 4 (1/2 level + Cha mod)
1st Level
Cure Wounds
Detect Poison and Disease
Purify Food and Drink

Gold: 25
Chain Mail
5 Javelins
Explorer’s Pack
Holy Symbol
Fine Clothes
Signet Ring
Scroll of Pedigree

Vasilica Florinescu, Human, Cleric (Light Domain), Level 1
Vasilica, like most Tradalarans, is small and lightly built (about 5' 2"). She has pale skin and deep black hair, often braided.
Vasilica is determined to uplift those who live under shadow and prove her own worth, and especially protect Tradalarans from oppressors both mundane and supernatural. However, she often has difficulty pushing past her own fears, and wishes to learn true courage. She believes that rather than waiting for the return of Halav, Petra and Zirchev, they shall return once the Tradalarans themselves have created their own golden age and proven themselves worthy.

Vasilica's family lives in the Black Eagle Barony. Her father Florin tends to sheep, while her mother Isabela is a weaver. Her younger brother, Iacob, is too young to have taken up a trade, but helps her father with the sheep whenever he can't escape to catch snails and pull pranks. She regularly writes letters to them, but is unsure if they arrive. Grigori Marcelov inducted her into the church of Tradalara and taught her much of what she knows. He is an itinerant priest, fond of card games and drink, but nonetheless full of wisdom.

Vasilica was born in the Black Eagle Barony, and grew up in deep poverty. Subject to the whims of the mad Baron von Hendriks, a pall of fear hung over her for all her childhood years. A close run-in with the Iron Ring brought things to a head. Her parents cut away the hem of her cloak in a traditional Shearing, and Vasilica fled under cover of night, promising to return when she had to the means to save her community or at least her family from the Baron's tyranny. By arrangement, she was taken in by a wandering priest, Grigori, who inducted her into the ways of the Tradalaran Church. A year later, she parted ways with Grigori, now a priest in her own right, and ready to strike out into wider Karameikos.
Initiative: +2
Movement: 30ft
HP: 9
AC: 18 (Scale Armour and Shield)
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Wisdom and Charisma
Sacred Flame- 60ft range, Dex save (DC 13) or take 1D8 Radiant damage, with no benefit from cover
Dagger- +5 to hit, 1d4+3 Piercing damage
Burning Hands: 15-foot cone, Dex save (DC 13) or take 3d6 fire damage, half on save. Ignites flammable objects unless worn or carried.

STR: 9 (-1)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON:12 (+1)
INT: 15 (+2)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 10 (+0)
Animal Handling, History, Medicine, Insight
Weaver's Tools
Land Vehicles
Rustic Hospitality, Warding Flare
Mace, Scale Mail, Dagger, Shield, Holy Symbol, Backpack, Blanket, 10
Candles, Tinderbox, Alms box, 2 blocks of Incense, a Censer, Vestments, 2 days of Rations, Waterskin, Weaver's Tools, Shovel, Iron Pot, Common Clothes, Belt Pouch with 10gp
Cantrips: Guidance, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy, Light
1st level: Bless, Healing Word, Burning Hands, Faerie Fire

Vasilica will speak in warm gold.

In Karameikos, a gnomish wizard might be a graduate of the Royal School of Magecraft in Specularum, of the Academy at Krakatos, or might have studied as an apprentice under a gnomish wizard in Highforge.

R.S.M. is the school officially licensed by Grand Duke Karameikos and it has beautiful new facilities built only 30 years ago, right near the ducal palace in the middle of the city. But it's kind of an upstart institution, not yet respected, and not very selective of its students.

The Academy is the older human-run school in the nation; it predates the Thyatian invasion a century past, and it's rumored that the school was founded by Zirchev, which would make it two millennia old. It's well respected outside Karameikos. On the other hand it's unlicensed, officially discouraged, and it's located in a few small stone buildings at the outskirts of an otherwise abandoned ruined town about midway between Specularum and Rifflian.

Finally, gnomish tutelage of spellcraft is the second oldest tradition in the realm (after the elvish lineage of wizards). Gnome masters are extremely selective of their students, generally are high level wizards, and are known by name in most of southeastern Brun (the continent of which Karameikos occupies a small portion).

Uriah Coppersmith, Forest Gnome, Wizard, 1, Merchant

Uriah Coppersmith comes from a merchant family in Highforge. As the youngest son, it falls on him to travel Karameikos searching out new markets for his family's goods. As it happened, he enjoys the travel (and the adventure that comes with it) far more than the business side of things.

Uriah has two older brothers, Aphonse, who manages the family business after the death of their father, and Iobarian, who handles security for the Coppersmith holdings. His mother, Roberta, is well known in Highforge for her charity work on behalf of orphans.

Uriah never fit the family business model. His father was almost dwarvish in his regimented style, and expected his three sons to fill the traditional clan roles. The two older Coppersmith sons were dutiful and good at their jobs. But not Uriah. As the Coppersmith "factor", he quickly learned to enjoy a life of travel and adventure. The problem was that he enjoyed the adventure more than the work, often blowing off appointments and meetings for a chance at a little excitement. His brothers are frequently unhappy with his performance, but his mother dotes on her youngest son, so Alphonse hasn't been able to fire Uriah just yet...

Uriah's father would have sought out a gnomish mentor as soon as Uriah's magical ability was noticed. He would have been willing to pay large sums to make sure his son got a traditional, gnomish understanding of magic. But Uriah was a difficult student at best, and his teacher(s) all eventually gave up on him. Eventually, his reputation was so well known that no Gnome masters would take him and he was forced to finish his training at the RSM.

If your campaign world follows standard age conventions for gnomes, Uriah is 42. If otherwise, he is a young adult, actually very young for a Gnomish wizard (while he is a difficult student, he is very intelligent and a gifted mage).

initiative: +2
move: 25
hp: 8
AC: 12 DX
Saving throw proficiencies: Intelleigrence, Wisdom
Attacks: +2 (Spell +6) Dagger 1d4 Piercing, Staff 1d6 Bludgeoning, Spell (by spell: DC 8+Level+Int Mod)

ST - 7/ -2
DX - 14/ +2
CN - 14/ +2
IN - 18/ +4
WS - 14/ +2
CH - 12/+1

Arcana, Religion, Investigation, Persuasion

Staff (Arcane Focus), Dagger, Explorer's Pack, Spellbook, set of traveler’s clothes, a business license issued by the local ruler or merchant’s guild, a cart and a mule for hauling your wares, and a purse containing 15 gp

Darkvision 60', Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves against magic, Languages: Common, Gnomish, Natural Illusionist: You know the minor illusion cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for it, Speak with Small Beasts: Through sound and gestures, you may communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts
Spellcasting, Ritual Casting, Arcane Recovery

Spells: Cantrips - Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Mold Earth
1st Level - Find Familiar, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, False Life, Sleep

Ahira will speak in this color.

Ahira, Mountain Dwarf, Barbarian, level 1
Ahira was a typical dwarf, stout, solid, with his red mohawk, braided and decorated beard and not much else in the way of clothes. People tended to avoid him as he generally looked to be about to start a fight.
Ahira was still a child in most dwarven eyes and didn't have very many close relationships.
Driven to wander by some unknown gene malfunction (according to his clan anyway) He would leave his duties and his clan for days on end in his youngest days. Those days stretched into weeks, months, and even now it had been years since he had been back. Of course they had long since exiled him from the clan, but when that wasn't home to you, what did it matter?

initiative +2
move (unaffected by encumbrance) 25'
hp - 25
AC - 17
Saving throw proficiencies, Strength +5, Constitution +5
Attacks: +5 melee; +4 ranged, damage +2 (+4 when raging)

ST - 17 +3
DX - 14 +2
CN - 16 +3
IN - 10 +0
WS - 10 +0
CH - 8 -1

Athletics +5
Nature +2
Perception +2 (Passive Perception 12)
Survival +2

None yet
Battle Axe 1d8; Shortbow 1d6; Javelins 1d6; Staff, Hunting trap, bear skull, travelers clothes, ADVENTURER’S PACK: a backpack, healer’s kit, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches (1 hr, bright 20’ radius + 20’ dim light) , 10 days of rations, 50’ hempen rope, and a waterskin. Also a pouch w/10 gp



Physical Appearance: Inyuel stands a mere 5' 6" , brunette hair, and slightly built. Only the most discerning eye would note her vaguely elven features; the high cheekbones, flawless complexion, and slightly upturned ears. Her lustrous brown hair falls well below her shoulder, and covers her ears(the one feature she remains deeply self-conscious of) as she always leaves it unbound. Her armor, shield, and sword seem oddly incongruous with her otherwise nondescript and unimposing demeanor and appearance. To all she appears as a young, attractive human woman.

Motivations: Meaning...connection to something, someone, or some cause. Of course, these are things she would never consciously admit, if indeed she's even fully cognizant of her own motivations. Her adult life to this point has been one of constant movement, deception and lies...albeit lies of omission. Since coming of age, she has viewed that which could be her greatest strength(the conjoining of elven and human strengths) as her original sin, her dark secret, her fatal flaw. She has become so adept at hiding her true nature, she has grown perilously close to losing any sense of her self all together.

Initiative: +2
Move: 30
HP: 17
AC: 16 (14 if two-handing lonsword)
Class Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Attacks: +5
Damage: 1d8(d10) +3(+5 vs Cursed opponent) longsword; slashing, versatile

Ability Scores

STRENGTH: 9 (-1)
DEXTERITY: 14 (+2)
WISDOM: 14 (+2)
CHARISMA: 16 (+3)


Deception +5
Intimidation +5
Perception +4


Insight +4
Persuasion +5

Light Armor Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Wisdom and Charisma Saving Throw Proficiency
Deception, Intimidation, Perception Skill Proficiency
Otherworldly Patron: The Hexblade

Proficiency with Medium Armor, Shields, and Martial Weapons.
Charisma to attack and damage.
Hexblade's Curse: Proficiency bonus to damage, improved critical and cursed healing

*Eldritch Blast
*Minor Illusion
-Spells - 2/2
*Armor of Agathys
*Hellish Rebuke
-Eldritch Invocations-
*Agonizing Blast
*Eldritch Sight

+2 Charisma; +1 two other ability scores
Medium/30' move
Fey Ancestry: Advantage vs Charm; Immune to magic sleep
Skill Versatility: Add two skills
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan

2nd level
leather armor, longsword, shield, backpack, bedroll, common clothes, component pouch, rations(5)

Professor Gnoll
2018-10-29, 11:20 PM
OOC thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572539-Karameikos-OOC

2018-10-30, 08:53 AM
We're going to start on the road between Verge and Threshold, headed to Threshold. Verge is a village of about 200 people with not much going on. You left there near dawn with the small caravan that runs weekly between Rifflian and Threshold, and it is now late morning.

It's a warm summer morning and both you and the pack mules are sweating as you trudge up the narrow dirt mountain trail, overlooking a steep valley to your left and under a steep pinkish rockface to your right. Scrubby bushes grow right out of cracks in the rockface above you, and a few mountain goats are scattered among the bushes eating their lunch. An eagle circles lazily above. A small stream chatters over rocks in the valley a hundred feet or more below, headed down to Verge - you crossed the stream at the village ford. A few hundred yards ahead, the trail bends right around the rockface. The trail is barely wide enough for the three of you to fit side by side behind the mules. A few humans follow you; they look like would-be loggers, burly and bearded and carrying axes over their shoulders.

You know there's the rest of today until sunset and then another full day's travel til you reach the relatively bustling city of Threshold. Each of you has a different reason to get there, but all of your reasons added up to you being in this caravan together, and you've been talking a bit about your destination and your origins.

It's pretty simple - you needed to get out of Rifflian and heard that Threshold was a good wide open town with opportunity for folks who liked wandering through the woods and chopping trees down. If you can grit your teeth and tolerate a little discipline, there's opportunity for good pay in the forest patrol that keeps the loggers safe from goblins and such. There's even a bounty for goblin heads. So here you are, guarding this caravan that never runs into trouble. At Threshold, you'll get a couple of halavs (what the Thyatians call "royals") and you'll be free to go.

A few months ago, your big brother Alphonse was in Specularum and heard about a new opportunity - a pebbly-peeled orange sweet fruit from Ierendi. Guaranteed to be popular as a fresh snack in the inland cities like Kelvin and Threshold. He entered a contract with the Minrothad merchant who carried the cargo from Ierendi, and since then your family's carts have been carrying bags of the things from Specularum inland.

Only problem, the Coppersmiths are paying out for oranges but they're not getting paid at destination. The family's contract carters have not explained what's happening, aside from saying that there are complaints about quality ... Not knowing what else to do with you, your brother sent you on a fact-finding trip to Specularum. Everything seemed in order - the oranges were coming off the ship in canvas sacks, sitting quietly in the family warehouse for a day or so, and getting loaded onto the carts for their various destinations among all the other goods the family sells. So from Specularum, of your own initiative, you decided to follow a cart to Threshold and find out what happened to the oranges along the way. That brings you here. So far you've seen nothing unusual, the carters have been vending all sorts of things along the road including some of the oranges. You even ate a few yourself, a couple days ago. They had an unusual sharp sweet flavor, very exotic.

You heard from Grigori, who heard it from a contact in the Church, that there was a need for a junior priest in Threshold. Someone who could encourage the faithful and keep them from straying into the clutches of that Thyatian proselytizer, Sherlane Halaran. Along the way, he suggested, you could remind your companions of the wisdom of Halav, Petra, and Zirchev.

That brought you here, with about a dozen others, thankfully all but one are good Traladarans (you consider gnomes and dwarfs to be natives, they were here a long time before the legions came).

Master Alonsyius mentioned to you that the Order wanted someone to go check out the situation on the streets of Threshold - rumor has it that the Traladaran Church has begun to foment unrest against the wise teachings of Patriarch Sherlane, Baron Halaran. It would be helpful if you could demonstrate the worth of the Karameikan Church to the Halav-worshippers.

Another post this evening or tomorrow morning.

2018-10-30, 04:47 PM
Ahira takes a big sniff of the morning air and the proceeds to snort and hawk up a huge spit wad. Deftly firing it away from the trail and narrowly missing Nereida. Grinning underneath his beard he asks no one in particular "Oy now, we all seem ta be 'eaded in da same direk-shun, any of ya got plans once we get ta Threshold?"

Professor Gnoll
2018-10-31, 03:10 AM
Vasilica hides a smile at Ahira's antics, reminded of Iacob. It seems inappropriate for a priestess to laugh at such things, somehow. "I shall seek out the faithful, wherever I can find them." She rolls her shoulders a little, still unused to the weight of her armour, and the way the straps dig into her as she walks. "Halav willing, they will not have forgotten the old ways."

2018-10-31, 06:20 AM
Nereida gives Vasilica a stern look, "I hope you and I are not going to cross each other, my ties to the Church of Karameikos are binding." before a radiant smile crosses her face "I jest, I have faith the churches can work together, perhaps if the people see us united in good works, it will serve as an example to the folk there and settle some of the animosity?"

She pointedly tried not to react to Ahira's actions, though the slightest upturning of her nose is unavoidable.

2018-10-31, 09:18 AM
A few minutes pass as you plod up the path behind the sweaty, smelly mules. One of them releases a few steaming lumps of dung. The sun continues to shine, the eagle above you continues to lazily circle, the mountain goats bleat at each other and their hooves send skittering pebbles down the rockface. Eventually you reach the place where the path bends around the west end of the rockface. Here there are a series of several wide, shallow rock steps alongside a cliff about twelve feet tall on your right side. To your left is a sheer drop down to the valley, more than a hundred feet. Above the cliff on your right is sloping ground with small conifer trees. Ahead, the path continues upward and northward along the side of the mountain for quite a ways, probably a mile. About two or three hundred yards ahead it comes level with the top of the cliff on your right, and at that point there are taller conifers. The rest of the way along the trail is sunny forest land. You can see a couple of deer in among the trees.

"We'll stop for lunch and feed the mules in the shade, a couple more miles," rapidly says the gnome merchant who is in charge of the caravan. Uriah knows his name is Veldan. He's fairly old for a gnome, and the weeky six mule route from Rifflian to Threshold and back has been his for many years. Unusually for a gnome, he has not been filling your ears with his passionate opinions on all topics - he seems content to mutter quietly upward into the ears of the mules he walks beside, patting them on their withers (https://books.google.com/books?id=Lj3kOknZjkQC).

"Good," grunts the burliest of the loggers behind you. You glance back to see sweat glistening on his forehead, running from his brown mullet into his bushy brown beard. He swings his broadaxe downward then upward to switch shoulders, bouncing on his feet to re-settle the straps of his pack. Another of the loggers reaches down and grabs the waterskin that swings by a lanyard from his neck, pulls the cork with his teeth and takes a quick sip as the cork dangles by a thread.

After a while, and another couple turns of the trail, you do stop in the shade where Veldan dumps oats from the feed bags onto a patch of mossy rock under the branches of some big green fir trees. The mules gnaw on the oats and the pine cones while you and the loggers sit down to eat and talk. The loggers have bread and dried strips of goat meat and onions and cheese. One of them, named Artor, offers you each a sip of "good beer" from a big bottle that he takes from his pack. The four loggers all come from different little woodsy villages near Rifflian, they all are recently Sheared, and they heard that Threshold was a good place to earn good money swinging an axe.
...but please talk some more before we get there.

2018-10-31, 04:01 PM
Uriah files away the look of the Big Man With the Beer before moving towards the head of the caravan. "Oy, Vedan, any problems that you're seeing? I never imagined I'd be nursemaiding oranges." He winks at the old gnome as he slows to a walk beside him. "Anything you are doing different than when I'm not here?"

2018-10-31, 06:57 PM
"I'm going to take a look around before we settle in, if anyone's after a little further walking before we settle down I'd be glad of the company." Nereida does a patrol about 40-60ft out from the perimiter of the camp, keeping an eye out for anything that looks off - though she's well aware that she's not skilled in woodscraft.
Once back at camp she'll settle down and eat some of her own rations, mostly salted beef and pork with some cheese, before settling in for her watch (or to sleep if other watch arrangements are made).

2018-10-31, 09:22 PM
Uriah files away the look of the Big Man With the Beer before moving towards the head of the caravan. "Oy, Vedan, any problems that you're seeing? I never imagined I'd be nursemaiding oranges." He winks at the old gnome as he slows to a walk beside him. "Anything you are doing different than when I'm not here?"
Veldan laughs like a lad. "Naught, young fellow. This route's routine as anything. Could walk this trail with eyes closed I reckon. Just grab a mule tail and stumble after. But I'll tell you, it's a good day for a hike in the hills. Nice and sunny, no wind, no rain, not too hot here under the trees... A good day above ground, eh? Those ran jess, now, I don't know ... no offense meant ... but I don't know what his eminence" (you guess he means Alphonse) "might be thinking. Damned things rot, you know. Take a whiff of the left mule, she's the one carrying the sacks. See the dark stains at the bottoms? Smell the rot? Have to double wash those sacks before the canvas'll be fit for any use. But don't you worry much, I've found a market for that rotting fruit ... 'deed so. You'll see! You'll see. Just don't get too excited when y'see, y'mind? Y'll see."

"I'm going to take a look around before we settle in, if anyone's after a little further walking before we settle down I'd be glad of the company." Nereida does a patrol about 40-60ft out from the perimiter of the camp, keeping an eye out for anything that looks off - though she's well aware that she's not skilled in woodscraft.
Once back at camp she'll settle down and eat some of her own rations, mostly salted beef and pork with some cheese, before settling in for her watch (or to sleep if other watch arrangements are made).
The loggers kill off Artor's big clay bottle of beer, which anyone who samples it finds drinkable but far from excellent. Another logger - his name seems to be Brczi, which is a good Traladaran name - pulls out a smaller clay flask of something sharp-scented, minty. It's called hillbrew, and it's more potent than beer. The loggers seem to have no interest in keeping a watch. So if the three of you are interested in doing so, sort it out before the sun sets ...
Busy all day tomorrow with real life.

2018-11-01, 07:00 AM
Nerieda declines to drink unknown brews, it's not that she objects to drinking, but she'd rather be alert when safety is not assured.

"Ahira,with your eyes suited to darkness, do you mind taking the midnight watch? Vasilica can take over after?" she looks at the named individuals as she speaks, speaking as a query rather than orders.

After reassuring herself with a brief patrol, she settles into watch for a few hours.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-01, 10:31 AM
Vasilica cautiously assents to Nereida's plan. She can't quite bring herself to trust the paladin yet, given the opposition of their beliefs. But in the spirit of faith and good companionship... she seats herself next to Nereida, nursing a mug of Artor's beer. "Nereida, yes? Forgive me if I am assuming, but you are not Tradalaran, are you?" Vasilica awkwardly sips from the mug, feeling a little self-conscious. That may have been ruder than she intended.

2018-11-01, 10:48 PM

Sitting quietly on the mossy rocks, Inyuel sips lightly from her well-worn waterskin. With a downward cast of her eyes and polite shake of her head she declines the offer of drink from the loggers, and sets to work rebinding her leggings and clearing pebbles from her too-old and too-worn soft leather boots. Too many miles...too many, and no closer to....to what? Where are you going Inyuel?

Over hearing the exchange between Nereid and Vasilica, she turns her head slightly and a nearly overwhelm urge to speak up about her night sight and willingness to stand watch washes over her, before receding and leaving in its wake anxiety and self-doubt. No damn it! Say something!

Approaching the pair hesitantly, she casts a sidelong glance through her unkempt bangs, "I could take one of the night watches....I wouldn't mind, truly."

Appreciate the patience....I swear I'm not usually this swamped at work. Still chipping away at the build, and catching up on the setting.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-02, 04:07 AM
Vasilica looks up, considering the half-elf. Inyuel's features are far finer than her own rather plain, broad face."I'd be glad of it." She takes a long swig of the beer, savouring the familiar flavours of peasant brew. Just like they had back home. "Sit with us. The road is long, and good conversation will ease our spirits." She gestures to the ground next to her. "It's all least as comfortable here as on those stones, and the fire will keep you warm." Emphasising her point, Vasilica brushes a hand against the holy symbol hanging around her neck, and the flames of the nearby campfire brighten, spilling light into the darkening sky.
Vasilica casts Thaumaturgy on the campfire, causing its flames to brighten.

2018-11-02, 06:23 AM
"Aye, I've no problems seein or sleepin. I be takin the dark wee hours ifn ye want." Ahira smiles and grips his axe.

2018-11-02, 06:43 AM
Nereida smiles at Vasilica, "My Thyatian heritage is no secret, and I stand by the ideals of the empire. I hope you do not hold that against me."
She quickly appraises Inyuel, "I'm not in charge here, but I feel responsible for ensuring these people are protected. I'm not too proud to turn down aid when freely offered. Perhaps you should double up with Vasilica on the morning shift? Or we could split to four watches, but that leaves those on the middle watches less than two hours rest before being awoken again?"

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-02, 08:12 AM
Vasilica does not return Nereida's smile. She stares into the fire, fingers toying with her holy symbol. "We should split into four watches. A shorter second rest does not trouble me. If necessary, I will create a beacon to see by." Her voice is quiet. Nereida speaks so casually of her empire- the very empire that Baron von Hendriks drew his power from. As if she were completely unaware of the tyranny.

2018-11-02, 09:35 AM
Spinning on his heel Ahira takes a short walk through the surrounding area and brings back an armload of fresh berries and various other treats he scavenged off the land. He drops them in a pile near the fire and then moves a bit away from it, settling in to rest before his watch.

2018-11-02, 10:09 AM
Spinning on his heel Ahira takes a short walk through the surrounding area and brings back an armload of fresh berries and various other treats he scavenged off the land. He drops them in a pile near the fire and then moves a bit away from it, settling in to rest before his watch.

The sun set about twenty minutes ago and the evening is dark even in the meadow where Veldan's loosed the mules to graze. Under the trees, twenty yards aside from the trail, it's even darker. Ahira's dwarven vision comes in handy as he wanders among the trees with his axe, gathering handfuls of berries from shrubs into his folded cloak. He's gone for about half an hour and comes back with snacks to share, not nearly a meal.


Ahira notices nothing unusual, only a few chipmunks and a hunting cat. The animals freeze and scatter normally.

As Ahira settles down, and as Vasilica and Nerieda consolidate the watch schedule with Inyuel, Uriah sits next to Veldan talking about the happenings back in Highforge, where the old gnome hasn't been for years.

2018-11-02, 10:17 AM
Before he nods off Ahira mutters to no one in particular, "Ye'd think they'd offer us up a meal err two seein as we gotta protect dis stuff."

2018-11-02, 05:54 PM

The ghost of a smiles flashes across Inyuel's face at the small kindness of Vasilica's offer to join them. "Thank you," is all she is able to meekly manage, as she slides in next to the ebon-haired woman.

As the taller, redhead spoke Inyuel mused inwardly, Beautiful, strong, and so....confident. Are you jealous Inyuel? Really, what a petty thing you are. No, that wasn't it....well, not really. Jealous, yes, but not of the woman's beauty or obvious skill at arms, but rather her unabashed honesty. To announce, 'this is who I am and I make no secret of it' would be a luxury, wouldn't it?

As the two speak of watches, and Vasilica fans the flames with her magic Inyuel nods slightly before reaching out to warm her hands. This one too, it seems. Working magic openly without hesitation...such a simple thing it seemed.

When Ahira returns to the campsite and deposits the berries he gathered, Inyuel instinctively reaches out, "May I?" She asks rather timidly. She was curious about him, as she had very little knowledge of dwarfs or their ways....but she was starving for something other than the hard biscuits she had been subsisting on for what seemed like an eternity. Inwardly she seconded his comment about being fed.

While the two gnomes spoke of Highforge, she studied the others feeling somewhat at ease and a little emboldened by their easy ways and demeanor, "Inyuel.....uh...that's my name, Inyuel[IN-you-EL]. Thank you for the fire....and the food." Feeling instantly the fool for her awkwardness, she looks down pretending to adjust the ties on her boots.

2018-11-03, 10:16 AM
It's been dark for a while and now, despite it being a summer night, the mountain air is getting cold. Veldan reaches over and takes a couple more branches from the clumsy pile next to the stone lined pit. He must stop here every trip, but when does he find time to gather all the wood?

"Uriah," he says sleepily, "would you mind helping move them sacks of ran jess over tother side of fire, nearer the trees?" He stands up slowly like an achy old gnome who had walked miles up a mountain all day, then easily gets a sack of oranges up over his shoulder as he walks about a dozen yards from the pile of mule bags over to a random spot near the tree line.

2018-11-03, 10:20 AM
Uriah smiles at the old gnome. "If'n you've found a market, I won't do anything besides laugh and be glad to wipe my hands of 'em."

Sitting down beside the cart wheel, Uriah waves to Veldan to sit beside him. "What word have you from Highforge? My brothers don't keep me informed, and my mum hasn't sent a letter in a bit, so I'm a bit behind myself."

2018-11-03, 12:45 PM
Veldan shrugs. "There usual rumors. Bickering among the council, the dwarves want more share of the profits from their work for the duke's armory, a few new tunnels supposed to find richer veins but failing... You've been there more recent than I, but I guess from all the folks trying out the Threshold mines I have picked up some news."


Glancing across the fire toward the trail, Uriah thinks he sees a small figure approaching in the dim light at the edge of the fire's glow...

2018-11-03, 03:58 PM
Uriah squints, trying to make out the figure approaching the fire. "Who is that, Veldan? I didn't think there were anymore of the smallfolk on thie caravan."

When he can't identify them he speaks loudly, "Look lively, we've got company!"

2018-11-03, 07:27 PM
Uriah's outcry draws everyone's attention. The drowsy drunken loggers scramble to their feet. Vasilica, Nerieda, and Ilyuen turn their attention toward the figure on the trail. Ahira awakens from a dream of running fleetly after a herd of deer, through the forest.

The small figure swaggers fully into the firelight. It is about the size of a scrawny-limbed eight year old child, and it carries a short curved sword in a loose and casual manner, the tip of the sword grazing the rocky ground. The dancing firelight makes it hard to identify a color of its skin, but its hairless face is bestial - a short snout, dog like nose and fangs, big eyes, broad pointy ears protruding from the sides of its head.

Before you can act, it raises the flat side of the sword toward Veldan and speaks in a yippy, growling, howling voice: "Ch'eldan, greetingha. Hrogarrr shleez. Hree ha'ch dee toll."

What do each of you do?

2018-11-03, 11:21 PM

The half-elf maiden turns from her meandering reverie at Uriah's warning. Standing slowly she takes three smooth steps toward the menacing figure, and as she comes to stand next to Veldan she draws her longsword from its battered sheath. The simple, nondescript blade seems to blacken slowly to the tip as she lowers it and slips it behind her back.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-04, 04:17 AM
Vasilica snatches up her shield and stares at the figure, eyes wide, the mantras of fire already at her lips. One thought runs through her mind, dreadful and stark.


There is nothing else it could be, with that furred face and terrible fangs. She'd never seen one before, of course, but everyone knew the tales. The mortal enemies of Halav, Petra and Zirchev. The despoilers of Tradalara. The primal evil, the great enemy- and here one stood before her. Fire glitters on Vasilica's shield and in her eyes, and her outstretched hand forms the third sacred sign, ready to unleash purifying flame.

2018-11-04, 06:23 AM
Ahira hops to his feet axe already in hand and shoulder his way to stand between the others and this thing. He had an inkling of what it might be but wasn’t sure.


2018-11-04, 06:46 AM
Nerieda slings her shield onto her arm and draws her sword, the practiced ease of her movement showing long years of practice. She begins to move towards the creature, though slowly, it's words meant little to her but sounded more like a greeting than a threat.

2018-11-04, 09:26 AM

Tilting her head slightly toward Valden, " Toll? Is this a regular transaction?"

2018-11-04, 02:20 PM
Veldan stands up and pulls the dagger from his belt sheath. He holds it up, flat side toward the small dog-faced creature, and says with an anxious laugh, "Wogar sleeps. Thank you for your welcome." Lowering the dagger point-down to his hip, and turning slightly toward the women and the dwarf, he says: "Part of the routine on this route is paying a toll to Hregrarr and her kin." Quietly to Uriah he adds, "Those ran jess come in very handy for that. Her folk love them rotten."

Meanwhile the swaggering little creature (Hregrarr?) has brought her curved sword down to a low position by her side, point forward and ready to thrust. She's not quite close enough to anyone for this to be a credible threat, but it communicates a change of attitude.

[roll0] DC 10
[roll1] DC 15
Vasilica realizes this little creature is a goblin, one of the numerous races said to be relatives of the beastmen who so savagely treated her ancestors.

Also, things were not going too badly until she and her companions stepped in. Now the goblin has gone from offering a peaceful greeting to confronting an unexpected threat.

[roll2] DC 10
[roll3] DC 15
Nereida thinks it is not unusual for there to be a goblin clan in the foothills of the Black Peak Mountains. But it is unusual for a goblin to exchange a greeting rather than simply ambushing.

[roll4] DC 15
Uriah recognizes "Wogar" as the goblinoid name for the one called Maglubiyet by the elves - the cruel immortal who condemns and commands all goblinkin to ceaseless wreckage and ravage in the present life. Those who comply are rewarded with eternal servitude in Maglubiyet's armies. Those who fail to comply are sacrificed and eaten by their kin.

2018-11-04, 02:48 PM

Sliding the blackened sword from behind her back, she shifts her grip so the flat side of the blade is facing toward the creature, and assumes a nonthreatening stance.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-04, 03:03 PM
Vasilica frowns, seeing things more clearly as the goblin steps forward into easier view. This is... slightly less terrifying than the primal creatures of legend. But a relative to a beastman is still a potential threat. Grigori's lessons float back to her. A priestess's first duty is the safety of her people. If a rash action here provokes an attack that could be avoided...

"Show the flats of your blades," she calls out to her travelling companions, forcing herself to draw her own dagger and present the flat by way of example. But Vasilica's shield stays up. If these creatures have been preying on travellers, it will be her duty to see them destroyed. "Veldan. What happens if we don't pay the toll? Will they try to kill us?" She tries to keep her voice as calm as she can, seeking to avoid provoking the goblin any further.

2018-11-04, 04:47 PM
Nereida does as instructed and shows the flat of the blade, casting her eyes around the loggers, she speaks quietly to Vaslica "I sense your mistrust, but there are many here who could be hurt should conflict break out. We can always come back later unhindered by civilians at risk, to investigate further."

2018-11-04, 05:45 PM
Ahira does his best to put on a charming dwarfsmile as he watches the goblin carefully. On his best day though it would look like he had just bitten off your ear and really just looks like a snarl.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-04, 06:36 PM
A brief, petty desire to disobey Nereida on principle flashes through Vasilica's mind, but her priestess's instincts override it. "I agree. If these creatures are a danger to travellers passing through, it is our duty to drive them out. But this is not the time or place for it." She keeps her voice a low whisper. if the gnome is speaking common, perhaps the goblin understands it.

2018-11-04, 07:40 PM
"Everyone stand back and sit down," Veldan now says with authority. "Hregrarr has been no threat to travellers since I've had this route. But she and her kin don't show themselves often, even less to big groups like this. First time I met her I was alone, just me and the mules. If she's here in front of us she's got something to tell us."

Turning to the goblin, the gnome begins to yip, howl, and whine like a dog. The goblin lowers her blade to dangle loosely from her hand, then squats and kneels at her side of the fire. Veldan does the same, halting his goblin speech (for that's what it is) as his opposite begins a lengthy reply.

2018-11-04, 08:14 PM

With a casual shrug, the half elf slips the longsword deftly back into its sheath, and as she releases the hilt an astute eye would note that the metallic sheen returns to its pommel. Almost instantly there's a shift in her stance and demeanor as her shoulders slump slightly forward, and her chin dips. The change is subtle, as she seemingly withdraws into herself becoming again nothing more than the shy, nondescript young maiden.

Returning meekly to the campfire, she sits and stares silently into the flames.

2018-11-05, 05:48 AM
Nereida backs away, sheathing her sword. She's not sure which between her and the dwarf a goblin would find more intimidating. She does keep to her feet and watch the interactions from a distance. While she tries not to judge others it feels unsettling to treat such creatures as anything other than enemies.

2018-11-06, 08:23 AM
As Veldan interrogates and listens to Hregrarr, the waning gibbous moon arises over the wooded ridge to the east. Its light outshines the dwindling fire, and casts long shadows of the trees across the meadow. The old gnome and the goblin continue to talk. Occasionally, she shifts from goblin speech into Traladaran as it is deformed by her bestial mouth.

They speak quietly, but Uriah, who is closest, catches words and phrases from Veldan's mouth like "Bugbears? When are you leaving? Where will you go?" The old gnome becomes increasingly anxious as the two continue to talk for about half an hour.

After a while, Veldan takes a few more branches from the pile onto the fire. Its heat is a nice respite from the chill mountain air. The loggers snore. Hregrarr stands. Veldan stands. The two bow to each other. Hregrarr steps around the fire, touches Veldan's forearm briefly, and swaggers toward the treeline. As she passes, Veldan tentatively pats her shoulder. She shrugs and continues away.

"That's the last I'll see her," Veldan says quietly. "Last time I take this trail without worries, too. For now, we're safe. Still, it would be good if you warrior types did take watches. Tomorrow we'll push hard for Threshold, hope to make it before sunset. Mostly downhill from here."


Watching the goblin approach the treeline, you see two small shadows step forth from the shadows under the trees to meet her and escort her into the woods.

2018-11-07, 12:11 AM

Although appearing lost in her private thoughts, Inyuel responds almost immediately to Valden, "Why do you say this will be the last time you will see her? What is it that apparently threatens her people, and this part of your route?"

Turning to her fellow travelers, "I will gladly take first watch if you all have no objections. Hregrarr's sudden appearance has awakened a....disquietude, within me that personal experience has taught me will be slow to pass. Trying to take my rest right now would likely be a fruitless endeavor."

2018-11-07, 09:36 AM
Veldan creakily picks up his dagger and puts it back in its sheath, cracks his knuckles, shuffles his feet. He's unusually reticent, for a gnome. Then he begins to explain:

"It's sixty or seventy years that I've known Hregrarr. That whole time, and longer, her clan has held this part of the mountains, I think because no other humanoids wanted to be here. Not sure why that is, but in any case, Hregrarr 's kin have hunted these hills and controlled this road for a long time. I met Hregrarr the first or maybe second time I took this trail alone, that was after I'd been over here a few dozen times with armed guards and the Coppersmiths wanted to cut money on the route on account of how Threshold was not that big a market - yet - but they wanted to keep the route going cause they had the vision to see as how Threshold would get bigger. So anyway, there'd been no trouble with the guards and so I said, to your father Uriah, I said to him that I would try it alone and he offered me half the guards' pay to do that... so I did... and that's when Hregrarr came up the trail to this very meadow and told me first of all her folk were in the woods around, as if I couldn't guess that for myself. Then she made me an offer - her pick of my cargo for safe passage and aid. Aid like keeping the woodpile full, mostly, but also keeping bears and big cats away from the trail so as the mules could go safely. I reckon her aim was to make me happy so as I wouldn't make trouble for her folk, not that the legions would have cared at all back then. Threshold was a pure Traladaran town then, y'see, and not of concern to the Thyatians."

He pauses, twists his hands. "So it's been a long time since before most of you were born, that I've been in cahoots with the goblins - skimming cargo in exchange for protection. Good thing that they usually want stuff that has gone a bit off. I was pretty happy the first time your brother sent those oranges north, tell you that - no need to lie when I said the quality was off."

"Anyway, what you mostly care about, young lady, is what might be coming. It sounds bad. Hregrarr and her folk are going out of here, she's not sure where, because hobgobs and bugbears have come. There's some old set of caves northwest of Threshold that the goblins have been using as a storage place, and last time they went up there, there was orcs and hobgobs and bugbears a plenty milling around. Too many even for Hregrarr's clan to handle, not that I know how many that means because I've never seen all of the clan at once. Or hardly at all, really. They only come out at night and they stay in the shadows, except for Hregrarr herself. But I'm rambling. Hregrarr thinks the big humanoids are only the scouts for a real horde, the kind we haven't seen here for centuries. She's not sure where or why they're coming, but she doesn't want to be here when they bring back the real rites of Wogar. I guess since their shaman died, her clan hasn't done any sacrifices, and they don't seem to miss that at all. But she says those who don't follow the hobgoblins orders get done, if you get the idea. And if I remember correctly from back when I was a little one, that rule wasn't just for goblins - some elves and humans and even gnomes went under the knife on Wogar's altars. So it sounds like rough times and terror coming to this little frontier."

He sits down, exhausted. "Anyway - it's time for my old bones to rest. I really do appreciate you all taking watches, it's first time in decades that I've felt the need for that."

2018-11-07, 11:33 AM
Uriah, having watched the proceedings carefully, stands as Veldan finishes telling his tale. "My brothers will need to hear this quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if they send out someone to scout this 'gathering of the clans' to see how big the danger is. Good chance they'll send me, since I'm not really useful to the company any other way. If'n any of you are looking for a job, or just a chance to protect our local communities, I'm betting ol' Alphonse will be happy to pay you all a bit for your service."

He looks around the group, seeing if his words connect with anyone, then sits back down and begins reading his spellbook.

Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Mold Earth, Minor Illusion (gnome Trait)
1st Level: Mage Armor, Sleep

2018-11-07, 12:28 PM
Nereida ignores the sleight against her people, she could barely contest it anyway - she strove for the ideals of her people and to show the world what they could be, when they stand with their principles instead of hiding behind them.

"Dangerous roads are a burden to all, noble and commoner alike. If the danger is enough to threaten towns and cities it is even worse. I should like to come out here again and investigate, companions would be a boon to have alongside."

She withdraws a little and begins unstrapping her armour. "if you are taking first watch, someone awaken me for the last, I beleive dwarven and elven senses are better suited to the midnight hours?"

2018-11-07, 01:13 PM
"It's not just the Coppersmiths who have interest in this matter," says Veldan. "Baron Halaran of Threshold will likewise be concerned. Humanoids hunting sacrifices almost certainly will harass the loggers and the miners, and Threshold - and Halaran - depends on their work for wealth. Plus the outlying farms, which are needed so badly to fill the thousands of bellies in that town, will go up in flames if bugbears visit. We should go to the Baron at the Great Hall, soon as we get to town tomorrow evening. And with you, miss -" the old gnome waves a hand toward Nereida "- being of his people, and of his church, there's a good chance he'll grant us an audience right on the spot."

That's about the last conversation you get from Veldan as he settles down for the night.

Whatever the situation with watches, the night passes uneventfully and by a few hours after dawn you all have breakfasted and feel reasonably rested (credit for a long rest).

It's another warm sunny summer day - actually, Loshdain 25 Klarmont, only four days until the big Traladaran holiday of Beast Day that commemorates Halav defeating the Gnoll King. Tomorrow will be the first of the three days of national mourning that precede that holiday, so you'll arrive in Threshold just in time to not have a good time.

This morning as you walk down the trail toward Threshold, the loggers are inquisitive about last night's events - they really did just go to sleep while Veldan was talking with Hregrarr. "Was that a goblin?" asks Brczi. "What was it and the old one saying?" asks Artor quietly at the back of the line, jabbing his thumb forward toward Veldan who is following the mules ahead.

What do you tell them?

2018-11-07, 11:50 PM

Her eyes lock onto Valden intently while the old gnome spins out his story. It wasn't until he approached the end of his narrative that she became aware that her hand had drifted to the hilt of her sword....that there was a small piece of her that relished the idea of conflict....of a fight....what is wrong with you? He's talking about people's lives and livelihood!

Swinging her gaze back to the dancing flames of the campfire, she wrestles inwardly with the strange.....alien emotions roiling through her breast. She was only just vaguely aware of the offer Uriah proffered. Indeed, it wasn't until Nereida said something about elves that Inyuel's eyes lifted from the fire as she quickly scanned those gathered around the fire for any reaction, relieved that there was none.

When Valden spoke of meeting with the Baron Halaran of Threshold she smiled....Imagine that. That would be something, indeed.

Watch passed uneventfully, which was a blessing. The quiet chill of the night air seemed to cut through her fugue and drive away the dark specters within.

The dawn brought with it the promise of fair weather and quick travel. Walking along the side of the trail with her head down and thoughts drifting toward a possible meeting with the Baron, she is surprised at the loggers' queries, "Uh....I dunno. Never seen a goblin...could have been I suppose. I couldn't make out their words, but Veldan mentioned something stirring in the hills and mountains nearby. Might be a good time to take caution....might not be safe to venture too far into the wilds here abouts."

2018-11-08, 09:17 AM
Artor clearly is displeased, not with Inyuel but with the content of her words. "Our whole purpose is to go out in the wild and clear out the trees," he says, "and there's good pay in it. I've got a couple of kids and a woman back in the village who are hoping for money when snow falls."

Continuing down the winding trail, you walk around a hairpin turn at about noon and confront an unexpected obstacle. A big pine tree lies right across the trail, blocking progress of the mules. The stump of the tree stands a few yards to the side of the trail. It shows rough and clumsy axe marks.

What do you do?

2018-11-08, 11:03 AM
"Well, this isn't suspicious at all... Ahira, how about you and I go investigate the tree while the rest of you watch the flanks for signs of ambushers? Nereida looks to the group for opinions.

2018-11-08, 03:52 PM

Nodding at Nereida, the half-elf moves back to the turn they just rounded....if it is indeed an ambush, I would wait here, just around this corner.

Slipping her blade from its sheath, Inyuel feels a surge of cold confidence run through her body as she peers back up the path from which they had just come.

2018-11-08, 04:27 PM
The corner behind you is clear of ambushers.

Vasilica and Uriah
There's no one waiting down the trail past the felled tree.

Nereida and Ahira
The tree is about twenty inches thick, with many growth rings. The wood chips by the stump are fairly small; it was no broad bladed axe that brought this down, Artor tells you authoritatively, but some kind of hatchet. "The wood doesn't smell fresh," says Brczi. "It's been down more than a day, anyway."

The four loggers get to work with their big axes, reducing the sizable tree to chunks that can be hefted out of the way. It takes them about a half hour to clear the trail, while Veldan hostles the curious mules away from the action.


Continuing down the trail, it's only about half a mile until you reach another felled tree. And a few hundred yards beyond it, just in sight at the next bend, another.


An hour later, those obstacles are cleared and you continue ... to find more felled trees across the trail, a mile further down.


You hear the faint echo of distant axes coming off the hillside to your left. Another hour, another half a mile, more trees down. Louder sounds of axe blows echoing.


Another hour, another mile, more trees. "These are fresh," says Brczi. "You can still smell the sap." The axes ring loudly and you hear a very faint creak and thud come echoing up the hillside; further down, maybe two miles down the trail and a few hundred feet lower, you see a few treetops sway in the valley.

As the wearied loggers ready their axes to clear the present set of obstacles, Veldan squints at the westering sun. "We'll not make Threshold by sunset," he says anxiously.

[roll19] <- here I thought we'd get out of this without any injuries, but there's a natural 1 for the very last roll

The smallest logger brings his axe up wearily, swings it down, and it bounces sideways off the tree into his shin. Hard. He drops the axe and collapses, swearing shrilly.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-09, 03:17 AM
Vasilica approaches the smallest logger, her voice calm. "Be still. Petra's light will ease the pain." Her lips move silently as she recalls the cants of healing, drawing on the power of Petra in her aspect as the Sacred Healer. If the logger allows, she places a hand on his wound and speaks a word of power, releasing a shimmer of divine light. She then turns to Veldan. "It's clear we're being hindered, even hunted, and more than likely by the hobgobs or bugbears. If we cannot reach Threshold before the darkness falls, we should make ready to fight." She casts her eyes across the trees, considering. "If we choose to fight, then we should stop here. We can use the trees the loggers have cleared to build as much of a palisade as we can with the time we have left. The Nightwalker will watch over us. These are his woods. " Vasilica imbues her words with a confidence she cannot bring herself to feel. The truth is, if the caravan is set upon by a determined band of raiders, it is unlikely they will survive. But it is a priestess's duty to protect people from the horrors of their minds as well as the horrors of the world, and if she is seen to be brave, perhaps they will find bravery as well. She can only trust that the Trinity will guide her and her companions.

2018-11-09, 08:28 AM
"I agree, if it has to come to fighting then we are better choosing the battleground, than risk further ambush as the light fails. Hopefully they will realise their ploy has failed and we will only have some hard work ahead of us tomorrow."

2018-11-09, 08:56 AM

Standing silently along the side of the trail looking down at the trees being felled below, the half-elf doesn't even turn when the logger cries out.

When Vasilica's caution is reinforced by Nereida, Inyuel shakes her head slowly. Her fingers play lightly over the pommel of her sword and there is an uncharacteristic firmness in her voice, "No. We should go down there and kill them. They won't be looking for us, and we shouldn't allow them to spring their foul trap."

2018-11-09, 09:38 AM
Veldan straightens from where he's been crouched next to the squirming logger, watching Vasilica's work. He grunts in a satisfied way and slaps the logger's shoulder: "You'll be fine, boy."

"T-thank you," says the logger, wiping tears from his eyes. "My name's Todgar, and I do appreciate your help, lady. You're a priestess of Petra? My mum has a shrine to her, she's a midwife in t'village."

"It's about five in the afternoon," says Veldan. "Just thinking out loud ... rambling old gnome, I know ... Sunset's half past eight. The trail is twisty, but we've come already ten or eleven miles since this morning, so we have about five or six miles more to go til we're out of the woods and in sight of Threshold. Don't know how many more trees are down before us, but it looks like they just dropped another a couple miles down the trail, and they've been felling them about two or three to a mile I think. We've been catching up to them all day despite the stops to clear trees off the trail, it's taking them longer to cut down than it takes us to clear. There's six or seven of us can't see in the dark at all, but only three of us can as well as what we think's trying to trap us. I've never been a soldier, but I reckon if we're fighting in the dark we'll be at a loss, and I reckon that a fight in the dark is 'xactly what these tree-fellers want to have.

"Uriah? You're the factor, what do you think? Ahira, you clearly know how to fight, and if it is in the dark you'll might be carrying most of the load - what do you think? ... Artor, you're good enough with an axe, can you speak for the loggers?"

Artor shrugs. "We can clear logs all day ... thank you for helping Todgar, lady Vasilica." He touches his forehead respectfully. "At night I'd rather be inside walls, not waiting out in the woods to get killed. I think we'll keep on down the trail and if there's someone in our way in daylight, they'll get chopped like a tree." The other three loggers glance around at each other, then start to argue with Artor. It seems like they're in disagreement what to do if Vasilica and Nereida enforce a strategy of fortifying the present position.

2018-11-09, 09:55 AM
Nereida sighs, "If you are unwilling to fortify then perhaps those of us who can fight should break ahead of the group. Even armoured we can move quieter than this large a group. Follow Inyuel's notion of striking them first. My worry is if this is a diversion and we leave you behind unprotected?"

2018-11-10, 10:18 AM
Brczi and Artor talk briefly and quietly, then Brczi steps forward from their group. "We think would make sense if we stay with Veldan and mules, clear trees from trail, follow you at distance, while you all go forward to stop the ones felling the trees. We have big axes and we know how to swing them, can take of ourselves if someone sneaks up the trail."

Ahira grunts and spits. "Let's go 'n chase away the hobbygobs."

Uriah seems indecisive whether to stay with the mules or come down the trail with Ahira, Inyuel, Nereida, and Vasilica. But after some thought he agrees that the group would be less effective without him, that the loggers probably can protect Veldan ok, and that it's unlikely anyone will be able to sneak around them up the trail.

Accordingly, the group of five ready their weapons and armor and start hiking down the trail with Veldan and the mules and the loggers following a few hundred yards behind. About a mile down, they reach a tree that has been only partly chopped through - there are wood chips scattered around its base, but it's still standing next to the trail. A broken axe handle lies on the ground near the tree.

Another mile on, the sun is noticeably lower but still a good distance above the mountains to the west. They reach a tree that is felled not directly across the trail, but diagonally so that its upper branches present about sixty feet of blockage to be cleared.

"This will take a couple of hours," says Artor. The loggers glance at each other, and at the sun, with anxiety. Then they get to work.

There has been no sound of tree-cutting during the past hour of walking. Veldan scatters handfuls of oats for the mules as the gnome, the dwarf, and the ladies consider what to do while the loggers work.

2018-11-11, 06:41 AM
"It's changed, do they realise we're coming and are preparing? Or are they expecting it to be dark by the time we reach them, so they're setting up to attack when we would be vulnerable?" Nereida muses, looking to the others for thoughts.

2018-11-11, 12:57 PM

As the group moves slowly in mass down the trail, Inyuel falls back into her quiet and withdrawn demeanor. When the group stops to discuss possible courses of action, she drifts to the side of the trail and listens intently for any sign of activity below.

With the loggers quickly setting to work on the felled tree, Inyuel responds naively to Nereida, "Maybe the heard us coming and were frightened away."

2018-11-11, 02:35 PM
The loggers' axe blows echo like a flock of woodpeckers from the forested hillside across the valley to the west.

This tree has tumbled down just above the point where the trail reaches a corner of the mountain and makes a sharp turn beneath a sheer rock face, downward and eastward toward Threshold says Veldan. "If we can get the mules past this quickly, and if it's the last one, we might make the walls pretty soon after sunset," says the gnome.

The axe blows echo from the rock corner, up and down the trail. The loggers are making good progress.

Then there is the sound of another tree falling, from a higher portion of the trail. Up the hillside behind the party.

2018-11-11, 04:50 PM
"I think they've delayed us enough, let's go find them." Nereida ducks off to the side of the path so she's not quite so obvious and heads up towards the noise.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-12, 04:11 AM
"I'm right behind you, Nereida. Keep your guard up." Vasilica brings her shield to bear, rolling the stiffness out of her shoulders out in readiness. "Celestial King, guide our hands and minds," murmurs Vasilica, forming the first sign of guidance and touching a hand to her holy symbol.
Cast Bless, targeting Nereida, Inyuel and Ahira.

2018-11-12, 08:20 AM
Going without the mules, it becomes more noticeable how much the trail switches back on itself. A quarter mile upward from the tree that the loggers still are clearing, there is a narrow scramble through the leafy green brush straight up the hillside, cutting across a hairpin turn. Disturbed earth shows where others recently have gone up the same way.

Do you scramble up the hillside, or do you continue to follow the switchback trail? The shortcut probably would save a half mile of walking on the trail.

2018-11-12, 02:08 PM
Uriah looks at the steep hillside, shaking his head. "I don't want to be on that up-slope when we catch up to the tree cutters. I suggest we ignore that track and keep right on up the trail."

He mumbles some arcane words as they continue, protecting himself with armor of force.

Mage Armor in in effect for the next 8 hrs.

2018-11-12, 02:31 PM

Spurred into action by the others, Inyuel grimaces as she hustles to keep up. With her sword drawn, she stops next to Uriah and looks up the hillside shortcut, nodding at his suggestion, "Not to mention we would be emerging blind and single file."

As they close in on the sound of trees being felled, she stops, weaving her blade around her in a strangely complex martial form as she mumbles something under her breath.
Cast Armor of Agathys

2018-11-12, 02:58 PM
Bypassing the shortcut, the companions trudge upward another half hour around a couple of hairpin turns. As they round the last turn, the sun rests on the hilltops across the valley to their right. Its golden light casts sharp black shadows of leaves and branches onto the hillside to the left, and glows around the green leaves to their right and the fallen brown leaves to their left.

About two hundred yards ahead, up the gently inclined trail, they see a few figures gathered round a tree that shakes with each axe blow that strikes it. Two goblins are taking turns swinging their handaxes at the trunk, so that each axe strikes just after the other has been levered out of the notch. Wood chips fly. Near the goblins, a pair of larger creatures stand with their backs to the companions, shoving and elbowing each other and jeering at the goblins. The larger creatures appear unarmed, but they are wearing chain mail hauberks from shoulder to knee. The goblins are unarmored. All four creatures appear to be focused on the chopping of the tree. About fifty yards beyond them, another tree lies already across the trail.

2018-11-12, 10:37 PM

The half-elf turns to the others, a strange eagerness in her eyes as she clutches the blackened blade tightly, "Ranged weapons as we close in hard and fast. Kill the armored ones and if the ones with the axes don't surrender kill them too."

She moves into the trees and begins working her way toward the figures deftly.

2018-11-13, 06:47 AM
Nereida (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23472439&postcount=4)

Nereida nods and slips a Javelin from it's bundle, ready to move out and throw once everyone is ready.

2018-11-13, 07:46 AM
Ahira snorts and grabs a javelin as he follows the others, itching to get to melee range.

2018-11-14, 09:28 AM
Nereida (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23472439&postcount=4)

Nereida tries to be stealthy, though every step she takes seems to make her armour rattle more. In fact she pays so much attention to making sure her armour does not reveal their position that she fails to pay attention to the ground ahead, causing her to trip, the noise from her armour eclipsed by the unladylike curse escaping her lips.

Seeing the goblin's faces look towards her, she scrambles back to her feet and begins to try and close the rest of the distance.

2018-11-14, 09:39 AM
Uriah follows the others, preparing to cast as soon as he is in range.

cast Sleep once all the bad guys are inside 90’. [roll0] HD of creatures fall asleep, beginning with the lowest.

2018-11-14, 10:30 AM
Nereida (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23472439&postcount=4)Seeing the goblin's faces look towards her, she scrambles back to her feet and begins to try and close the rest of the distance.

Nereida trips about fifty yards out from the goblins. The one swinging its axe misses the notch and gets the axe blade stuck in the trunk of the tree. It releases the axe handle to wave both its hands in the general direction of the party, yelping as it does so. The other goblin spins around, clutching its axe to its chest like a comfort doll. The two big muscular creatures wearing chain mail stop horseplaying and also turn around as Nereida scrambles back to her feet. Their big fanged jaws drop open, and their big pointy ears stand straight out from the sides of their heads, then they are pushing past each other to snatch up a pair of great axes that they had left lying next to the tree that the goblins were working on.

The goblin with the stuck axe puts a foot against the tree trunk, grabs the axe handle, and tries to wrench the blade out of the tree: [roll0]

Uriah follows the others, preparing to cast as soon as he is in range.
cast Sleep once all the bad guys are inside 90’.

Uriah is a few yards behind Nereida when she trips, and comes up even with her as she regains her feet. The others in the party all have turned automatically to look at Nereida.

charge? Continue a gradual approach? Stop and wait for the goblins to attack? Option 4?

2018-11-14, 10:49 AM

Stopping momentarily to watch Nereida regain her feet, Inyuel nods then turns back to the big-eared creatures on the trail. She raises her longsword at the nearest of the two as she strides forward, then stops and utters and incantation as a sizzling bolt of green-black energy erupts from the tip of her sword.

Move forward 30'
Eldrtich Blast: Ranged spell attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2018-11-14, 10:54 AM
"Well it be lookin like we ain't gonna get ta sneak up on dem." Ahira says as he calmly walks towards the goblin group. "Come on den ya stinkin gobbo's, let's see ya pick on somone whut can pick back!" he yells at the group, not really expecting them to understand him but he figures they will get the drift.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-15, 08:19 AM
Vasilica murmurs a prayer to the Blazing Arrow, her hand forming the second sign of flame behind her shield, ready to unleash sacred power. The weight of her armour feels like reassurance instead of hindrance now, and steadies herself, recalling her lessons, keeping herself calm.

Move to within 60ft and prepare to cast Sacred Flame on the first enemy that tries to attack.

2018-11-15, 09:55 AM
Uriah *reactive action: cast sleep when in range
Vasilica *reactive action: cast sacred flame on whichever guy closes to attack
Nereida *last this round: throw javelin (going to assume at one of the chain mail guys)
Ahira throw javelin (going to assume at other chain mail guy)
Inyuel cast eldritch blast at one of the chain mail guys

The goblin whose axe stuck in the tree heaves at it one more time, then barks a high pitched bark, spins to its left, and runs off the trail straight down the hillside through the brush. The goblin who is clutching its axe to its chest pauses momentarily, then follows its comrade.

Ahira closes within max range and launches his javelin at Hobgoblin #1.d20+4d20+4; [roll2]

The hobgoblins seize their axes, turn toward the party, and hustle forward sixty feet. This closes range to sixty feet for everyone who has been moving forward.

Uriah casts sleep in response to the hobgoblins closing range. Vasilica casts sacred flame on Hobgoblin #2. ([roll3] [roll4]) Inyuel casts eldritch blast at Hobgoblin #2. Finally, Nereida heaves her javelin at Hobgoblin #1. ([roll5]; [roll6])

The hobgoblins sway on their feet, the sleep spell beginning to take effect. Then one is staggered by Inyuel's bolt of greenblack energy, while the other is pierced by Nereida's javelin; Ahira's javelin clatters off that one's chain mail.

Both hobgoblins collapse to the ground, dropping their great axes. From down the hill comes the sound of the goblins yipping and barking as they sprint away.

Advancing cautiously, melee weapons in hand, the party finds the hobgoblins are dead. Ahira recovers his javelin. Nereida wrenches hers out of the victim's chest, but the metal shaft is bent beyond use.

2018-11-15, 02:34 PM
Ahira bends a knee and starts searching the downed hobgoblins for anything useful.

[roll0] Passive = 12

2018-11-16, 09:54 AM
Ahira bends a knee and starts searching the downed hobgoblins for anything useful.

Both hobgoblins are wearing chain mail with wide leather belts and sandals. Each hobgoblin has a pouch dangling from its belt.

hobgoblin #1
[roll0] 17 cp
[roll1] a crystal knob

hobgoblin #2
[roll2] 50 sp
[roll3] an empty glass vial with an ivory stopper

Ahira notices that the hobgoblin pierced by Nereida's javelin is bleeding profusely from its chest wound, but is still lightly breathing.

2018-11-16, 10:15 AM
"Oy! dis one's still breathin. We kin wake his arse up an question 'im!" Ahira says as he takes a step back to let the a healer work on the hobgoblin.

2018-11-16, 10:38 AM
As the party stand around the fallen hobgoblins, the distant downslope yelping of the goblins fades away. The reddened sun is partway down beyond the hilltops to the west, and although the remaining light still has that golden pre-sunset color, it will be fading into dim purple-grey twilight soon enough.

2018-11-16, 06:37 PM

As the hobgoblins fall to the ground, the half-elf moves quickly to the downhill side of the trail and looks down to see if she can catch sight of the fleeing goblins. She seems to struggle inwardly for a moment as she lowers her blade, but when Ahira calls out that one of the saboteurs still breathes she strides quickly over and places the point of her sword to the creatures throat. There is a fierceness in her eyes as looks up briefly at Vasilica.

2018-11-17, 07:48 AM
Inyuel catches glimpses of the goblins as they plunge down the hillside through the brush, but they are moving fast and quickly disappear while she is considering whether to urge pursuit.

When her sword tip touches the hobgoblin's throat, it opens its eyes. "Huck you," it growls weakly in its bestial version of Thyatian. "Nay Naglugiyet eat you." The fangs and its thin lips interfere with a lot of the sounds that a human mouth could make.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-18, 06:25 AM
Vasilica raises a placating hand as Inyuel looks at her. "Put away your sword. It's already dying." What is this new viciousness? The shy, awkward girl Vasilica met on the trail seems completely gone, replaced by this unflinching warrior. Staring down at the goblin, Vasilica starts. From a distance, the creatures seem so monstrous. But this close, there's an undeniable... humanity to the beast. Something in the eyes, the face... And all the blood. Vasilica had seen blood before, on the backs of men put under the whip, splattered around the carcasses of butchered livestock, but never the blood of battle, spilt by her and her allies. The scent is dizzying. Vasilica swallows and speaks. "Beastman, or goblin... whichever it is you are. Your wounds are deep, and will surely kill you soon. If you've any secrets to spill, do it now, and we shall ease the pain of passing." The words feel cold and strange on her tongue.

2018-11-18, 07:14 AM
"Afore mah clan asked me ta seek my fortunes elsewhere I had me a bit o battle trainin, not much mind ye, der way just be a takin too long ta end a fight, but before, we 'ad healers whot could do some kinna minor magic ta stop da bleedin long enough ta get dem to a proper healer." Ahira beams like he was proud of the clan but really he's just happy to have remembered something from those days.

2018-11-18, 08:34 AM

The hobgoblin's words elicit a sneer from the half-elf that is wiped away in turn by a wicked grin. She could feel the soft resistance of the creature's throat against the tip of her sword. It thirsted for the beast's blood. It yearned for death and resented her reticence. Vasilica's words sounded muffled...distant, meant for the other....the other? what the hell? She's speaking to me!

Taking a halting step backward, she nearly stumbles, trailing the tip of her blackened sword through the sand and pebbles of the mountain road. Unbidden words spill out in a harsh, raspy croak, "Kill it or it will kill you." With a sudden flourish she slams the sword back into its scabbard, dropping her gaze as her unkempt hair sweeps forward to obscure her face.

2018-11-18, 09:40 AM

"We should treat our foes as we would wish ourselves to be treated." she kneels beside the goblin and pushes a small amout of energy into it "Now, tell us what plans your people have and how many there are - we will release you once the current threat is over."

Spend 1 point of Lay on Hands
Persuasion? [roll0]

2018-11-19, 09:58 AM
The hobgoblin coughs and shudders as Nereida calls on the power of Idraote, Immortal patroness of medicine. "Ny nane is Norrkug," says the hobgoblin, scooting itself up to lean back on its elbows. "Underr-sug-chiech uch the horde uch Groken Skulls. Rree are nany, nunerous geyond counting." It holds up its right hand as it says this, opening and closing the fingers rapidly to indicate numbers. "Send ne to Naglugiyet, I rrill not tell churther." It clenches its fangs together firmly for a moment, then, with a menacing glint in its eyes, it gapes its mouth and lets out a loud and sinister howl that echoes off the slope above and across the valley below. After a few moments, the howl is answered by several indistinct howls from lower down the slope, in the direction where the goblins ran.

The sun is three quarters behind the western hilltops, and shadow covers the far hillside and most of the valley between that hillside and the trail where the party stand interrogating Norrkug. Although the evening sunlight is warm, it will soon be cooler in the twilight. There is a smell of blood and dust.

2018-11-19, 12:25 PM
Nereida curls up her fingers and punch's the hobgoblin in the face as he howls, a little late perhaps but somewhat satisfying. "Well, we now know where we stand." she looks back over the valley towards the sound of the howls, "They could be spread out on purpose, in case of this sort of event... make it seem like there are more of them. But I don't like this. We should return to the others, unless anyone thinks we should try and distract this horde?"

2018-11-19, 12:46 PM
Nereida curls up her fingers and punch's the hobgoblin in the face as he howls, a little late perhaps but somewhat satisfying.

Norrkug responds a moment too late (from his perspective), giving Nereida just enough time to spring away as he tries to sweep and roll her onto her back. With a jingle of chain mail, the hobgoblin momentarily is in a push-up position, knees bent, coughing in a small cloud of dust as he tries to regain his feet facing away from the party ...

What do you do?

Downslope, howling, yipping, and other goblinish speech continue faintly. It's hard to judge distance given the muffling effects of underbrush, the amplifying effects of the sloped terrain, the occasional echoes from the far hillside, and the party's near-total lack of familiarity with goblin speech norms.

2018-11-19, 03:24 PM

As the beast howls, Inyuel's head jerks up and in a flash her blade is drawn. When the hobgoblin tries to stand she launches into a spinning, two-handed chop at the back of its neck.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2018-11-19, 06:00 PM
With a satisfying splatter and crunch of sword through bone, Inyuel severs Norrkug's spine and sends him on to a well deserved eternity of service in the infernal legions of Maglubiyet.

each gain 100 xp - now at 225 total, next encounter should make 300+

There are two paths back to Veldan and the loggers: the mile hike down the switchback trail, or a more direct scramble down the hillside across the two long legs of the trail. The direct route is toward the goblin howls, which are becoming sporadic. The sideways route probably also would lead past the goblins - later in the evening.

2018-11-19, 10:07 PM

Her feet hit the ground lightly at the same moment the dead hobgoblin's body does, and she whirls the blade around on her follow through so that the point drives through the beast and pins it to the ground. Moments later a violent shudder passes through her shoulders as she releases the hilt of the sword. She looks up at the group as she brushes the hair from her face, "I'm....I'm sorry. I thought maybe it would hurt one of you."

2018-11-19, 11:26 PM
Uriah watches the proceedings with intent interest. After all, he had never seen a hobgoblin before today. So hearing one speak and smelling it's fetid breath is an intriguing experience. The howl, the punch, the flip, the sword flashing down... it was almost too much for the gnome to take in. He laughed and clapped his hands as if he were at a mummer's show. Yet, when the yips begin downslope, he grips his staff tight and prepares for a fight.

"I believe it is only the three goblins trying to scare us. But if they've managed to bring another hobgob or two, I suspect we can vanquish them, too."

2018-11-20, 06:00 AM
Nereida offers a smile at Inyuel, "No need to apologise, I should not have let myself be caught off-guard. Thank you for your quick action." she sighs.
"If we go the direct result, we may be able to intercept the goblins, though I do not relish hiking through the woods, and they will likely have an easy time ambushing us, if that is their intent."

2018-11-20, 10:00 AM
In the lull after combat, and beyond the sound of the goblins' voices, the party become aware of the steady thunking of the loggers' axes on the tree that lies across the lower trail. They may recall the estimate that it would take a couple of hours to clear the tree. That time would be nearly run if they took the long route back, or if they took the shorter route they could have a good chance to catch up with the rest of the caravan.

2018-11-20, 10:58 AM
Ahira kicks the hobgoblin alarmer for good measure and then turns to head off through the woods. "Aye say we be takin da fastest route back in case it be more den t'ree o dem bastards."

2018-11-20, 06:10 PM

Nodding shyly at Nereida, Inyuel looks askance at the sword before hesitantly reclaiming it and quickly slipping back into its sheath. As the others reminder her of the predicament the party and caravan remain in she moves to the side of the trail in looks down the steep slope.

"Nuthin' for it I suppose, we should go," and with that she begins to clamber down the hillside.

2018-11-20, 08:26 PM
Reluctantly, grimly, and above all decisively, the companions head down the narrow scramble that leads through the brush toward the next lower leg of the trail. As they shuffle and heel slide down the steep dirt track, the last golden light of sunset glows around the green and spicy sassafrass leaves. The setting sun light also gets in their eyes, making them squint and awkwardly raise their hands for shade. The goblins have stopped barking and yelping, and only the birds of late afternoon and a few angry squirrels break the silence of the wooded hillside. Even the axes of the loggers have gone silent.


To the left, a branch snaps. Inyuel glances that way and sees a goblin crouched in the brush about twenty yards away, pulling an arrows from a quiver. Almost at the same time, Ahira spots motion to the right: a tall muscular creature with a big bulbous nose and fanged jaws, dressed in chain mail and readily holding a great axe.

2018-11-21, 10:51 AM

Spotting the diminutive creature, Inyuel pauses her descent, raises her sword toward the figure and fires a crackling ray of green-black energy at it.

Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2018-11-22, 08:04 AM
Ahira snarls something that might be mistaken for language, if you'd had enough ale, and charges at big nose.

Assuming he can close the gap and attack, slipping into a rage...

2018-11-23, 03:31 PM
An instant later, Vasilica, Nereida, and Uriah also spot the two figures.

2018-11-23, 07:45 PM
Not wanting to stray too close to Ahira's swinging weapon Nereida cautiously approaches the Goblin

Move up 30' towards and use the dodge action - hopefully I'm still the most obvious target as I move up

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-24, 02:49 AM
Vasilica throws up her hand, forming a sigil in the air, and speaks the second word of flame, channelling the energy of the Immortals into a spear of bright flame directed at the archer.
Sacred Flame at the archer goblin.

2018-11-25, 12:01 PM
Ahira charge hobgoblin a [roll0]
Vasilica sacred flame at goblin 4 [roll1]
Nereida cautious approach goblin 4[roll2]
Inyuel eldritch blast at goblin 4 [roll3]
Uriah stand flat footed
goblin 1 [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]
goblin 2 [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]
goblin 3 [roll10] [roll11] [roll12]
goblin 4 acts last [roll13] [roll14] [roll15]
hobgoblin a acts last [roll16] [roll17] [roll18]
hobgoblin b charge Nereida[roll19]
hobgoblin c charge Vasilica[roll20]

The ambush is partly detected, and is sprung, in hectic moments of confusion.

From the right rear of the party, an arrow whistles past Inyuel's shoulder to bounce off a sapling just to her front. From the left front, another arrow glances from Vasilica's armor with a harsh metallic scraping noise. From the right front, a big nosed hobgoblin in chain mail charges stumbling through the briars toward Nereida, great axe raised in both hands over its shoulder.

As Nereida picks her way through the underbrush toward the clumsy goblin archer to the left side, Inyuel's eldritch blast arcs past her to strike the goblin in the chest. Writhing, the goblin silently collapses, dropping its bow.

From the left front, right next to the bare dirt of the scramble, a muscular hobgoblin leaps from behind a tree and charges up the slope toward Vasilica. It is slippery going and it barely reaches weapon range, great axe held in one hand as the other hand is used to aid in ascending the slope.

As the hobgoblin to the right side collects its wits, Ahira plunges through the brush to swing his battle axe in a broad sweep that connects with a thick snapping and chunking noise. The hobgoblin sinks to its knees, dropping its axe, then falls to its side as Ahira recovers to a ready position.

From the right front, an arrow zips past Ahira's head.

goblins 1-3: 5hp
Goblin 4: down
Hobgoblin a: down
Hobgoblin b-c: 11hp
Ahira: 11hp
Inyuel: 10hp
Nereida: 11hp
Uriah: 8hp
Vasilica: 9hp

2018-11-26, 12:22 PM
Nereida lunges low as the hobgoblin charges towards her, hoping to gut the large goblinoid before he can leverage the heavy axe at her.

Attack: [roll0] Dmg?:[roll1]

2018-11-26, 09:23 PM

The half-elf turns searching for another enemy, and spots another goblin. She levels her blackened sword at the creature, and green flames flicker along its edge before coalescing into a crackling bolt of energy that erupts toward her chosen target.

Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2018-11-27, 08:45 AM
Uriah shakes himself out of his reverie, spotting the archer. He speaks arcane words and points toward the creature, directing a gout of flame his way.

Firebolt [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2018-11-27, 09:39 AM
Positions of characters and opponents

Inyuel stands at the left rear, facing toward the right rear.

There is a dead goblin (#4) to the left side about twenty yards away.

Uriah stands in the middle.

There is a goblin archer (#2) to the left front about thirty yards away (three rounds of movement through the brush - difficult terrain).

Vasilica is at the left front, facing forward and readying her action against the hobgoblin (#b) that confronts her with a great axe.

Nereida is at the right front, facing forward and lunging toward the hobgoblin (#c) that is about to attack her with a great axe.

Also to the right front is a goblin archer (#3) about sixty feet away (two rounds of movement through underbrush - difficult terrain).

Ahira is in the brambles near the trail at the right side, close enough to charge at the hobgoblin threatening Nereida. He stands over a dead hobgoblin (#a).

To the right rear is a goblin archer (#1) about sixty feet away (two rounds movement through the brush).


The combat is happening around a three foot wide dirt scramble that runs down a fairly steep slope (a little steeper than common stairs). To either side of the scramble are trees and brambles. The scramble (headed upward) is difficult terrain. So are the brambles. The brambles and the dry dead leaves under them are somewhat flammable. The goblin archers are settled in among the brambles.


It's not really "sunset" - the sun still is above the horizon beyond the mountains, and the sky above still is day blue, it's just that the shadow of the western hilltop is about to cover the combat area. So it will still be daylight for the next while, just a little bit of shadow instead of direct sunlight.

The Raven Queen is a creature of the Shadowfell, maybe comes closer to the real world in shadows.

2018-11-27, 09:43 AM
Growling in satisfaction Ahira spots the closest hobgoblin and charges him.


2018-11-27, 10:10 AM
(22) goblin 1 [roll0] [roll1]
(20) goblin 2 [roll2] [roll3]
(19) hobgoblin b [roll4] [roll5]
(17) Nereida attack hobgoblin b
(17) Inyuel eldritch blast goblin 1
(12) hobgoblin c [roll6] [roll7]
(11) Ahira [roll8] [roll9]
(9) goblin 3 [roll10] [roll11]
(5) Uriah Firebolt at goblin 3 [roll12]
(4) Vasilica Sacred Flame hobgoblin c [roll13] [roll14]

The goblin at the right rear sends another arrow gliding past Inyuel's head.

The goblin at the left front bounces an arrow off Vasilica's shield.

The hobgoblin at the right front takes a mighty swing at Nereida, but misses; the tip of its battle axe scrapes and swishes across the chain mail at her abdomen. Almost at the same moment, Nereida responds by lunging and thrusting at the hobgoblin's chest (the lowest part that she can reach, given the sloping ground) - the hobgoblin pivots aside, and her sword grates and sparks off its chain mail.

Inyuel's eldritch blast completely misses the goblin to the right rear.

The hobgoblin confronting Vasilica swings left to right, but misses; its axe blade rasps through the brambles beside her.

Ahira pivots, charges, swings, and beheads the hobgoblin battling Nereida. Blood spurts everywhere. Nereida and Ahira are more than spattered, their faces and armor are wet.

An arrow whispers between Nereida and Ahira, and embeds into the slope behind them. Uriah's arcane bolt of red-orange flame erupts over Nereida's left shoulder, envelops the goblin who sent the arrow, and ignites the brambles and leaves around it. There is a stench of burning meat. The goblin writhes screaming and collapses into the flaming leaves.

Vasilica completes the sacred sign with the tip of her finger, and a golden glow rushes down the body of the hobgoblin who tried to smite her. The hobgoblin yelps and twitches, but otherwise seems unharmed.

goblin 1: 5hp (loading shortbow)
goblin 2: 5hp (loading shortbow)
goblins 3 & 4: dead
hobgoblins a, b: dead
hobgoblin c: 7 hp (wielding great axe)
Ahira: 11 hp (blood stained) (wielding great axe 2 hands)
Inyuel: 10 hp (wielding longsword)
Nereida: 11 hp (blood stained) (wielding longsword, shield)
Uriah: 8 hp (unarmed?)
Vasilica: 9 hp (shield, unarmed)
fire: growing

The goblins to the left front and the right rear assess their situation and rapidly decide to decamp their positions in an expeditious manner. Yelping and yipping, they scamper directly away from the dirt scramble in opposite directions. The one to the front still is about thirty yards away and the one to the rear still is about twenty yards away, just on slightly different angles from the characters.

Professor Gnoll
2018-11-27, 03:49 PM
Vasilica raises her shield, gritting her teeth as the hobgoblin's axe skates off her shield and then her armour. "Beast-slayer," she intones under her breath, "lend me your strength." She forms the second sign of flame again, dips her shield for a moment and thrusts out her hand, feeling the tingle of heat through her arm as she again calls down a spear of glittering flame to strike the hobgoblin attacking her. She notices the growing forest fire out of the corner of her eye, cursing her lack of a incantation to control the blaze.
Sacred Flame at hobgoblin C.

2018-11-28, 06:27 PM

Cursing under her breath for missing, Inyuel turns on the goblin firing at her, points her sword at it an unleashes another eldritch blast. She then pulls her shield and hoists it in front of her.

Attack [roll0]; Damage [roll1]

2018-11-28, 08:20 PM
Nereida glances around the field of battle, the goblins were all but routed, and her companions could likely deal with them. [b]"Ahira, feel free to chase that one down. I'll see what I can do about the fire."

Nereida approaches and if it seems at all feasable beat out the flames (either using her feet/shield or if it seems necessary her bedroll from her pack). If it does not seem feasable she'll call out the others and see anyone has any magic/equipment that can help.

2018-11-30, 08:42 AM
(22) goblin 1 already running
(20) goblin 2 already running
(17) Nereida stamp out fire
(17) Inyuel eldritch blast goblin 1
(12) hobgoblin c [roll0] [roll1]
(11) Ahira [roll2] [roll3]
(5) Uriah stamp out fire
(4) Vasilica Sacred Flame hobgoblin c [roll4] [roll5]

Inyuel, the hobgoblin, Ahira, and Vasilica all are combat ineffective - a bolt of sizzling green-black energy high over the running goblin's head, mighty missing axe strokes, a fizzle of light from which the hobgoblin steps aside. The two goblin archers thrash a little further away through the brush. Nereida and Uriah cooperate in stamping out the smoldering embers of the leaves around the other goblin archer's charred and smoking body, a task made difficult both by the body and by the scorched brambles. The up-close smell of seared meat and singed leather armor surrounds both Nereida and Uriah. Nereida notices that portions of the goblin's facial bones have been burnt bare of flesh.

2018-12-01, 10:33 AM

Seeing the goblins flee, Inyuel launches herself at the remaining hobgoblin bringing her longsword around in a wide sweeping arc as she charges.

Attack: [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2018-12-01, 02:44 PM
Uriah begins to systematically use Mold Earth to create a berm around the fire, making it easier to contain.

2018-12-02, 07:09 AM
Snarling at the hobgoblin Ahira launches what he hopes is a killing blow



2018-12-02, 01:43 PM
Nereida and Uriah fire extinction
hobgoblin c [roll0] [roll1]
Ahira kills hobgoblin c

Uriah continues molding the earth to form a bare wall around the embers and the goblin's smoldering, smoking corpse. Nereida continues crushing embers under her boots.

The hobgoblin takes a mighty backhand swing at Vasilica, and misses.

Ahira's axe connects with the hobgoblin's left temple, making the sound a pumpkin makes when it is thrown against a rock. The hobgoblin gasps, crumples to its knees, and tumbles backward down the slope, winding up face down in the dirt with a pool of blood beginning to form around its shoulders.

everyone gains 150xp. (Using the calculator at d20.srd.org). Realizing I went a little heavy on xp the first two encounters but that's ok. Everyone will gain 2d level after a long rest.

Uriah gains extra 25 xp for use of Mold Earth.

2018-12-02, 04:55 PM
Nereida shoots Uriah a smile, "Good thinking." turning to face the others she calls out (not too loudly) "Good work everyone, but we should rejoin the loggers as soon as we can. Does anyone need attention before we start moving?"

Professor Gnoll
2018-12-04, 04:20 AM
Vasilica flexes her shoulders, feeling the power drain away from her fingertips, breathing heavily. She focuses her mind on the mantras, calming herself, letting the adrenaline drain away and her breath steady. "I am untouched, by the grace of the Immortals." She glances towards Inyuel, carefully watching to see what she does next. How long does this strange fever that overtakes her last?

2018-12-04, 07:12 AM
Growling as he watches the hobgoblin bleed out Ahira reluctance lets go of his rage. Anyone watching can see it is a visible effort. Slowing his breathing he surveys the others and relaxes his shoulders. "I'm no hurt enough ta need any-tin. I agree we need ta get back to da tree cutters."

2018-12-05, 12:49 AM
Uriah shakes his head. He has taken no injury. he takes a long pull on his waterskin, then gestures towards his companions with it. "Here's hoping we meet them quickly and make it to our destination afore nightfall!"

2018-12-05, 06:50 AM

As the goblins flee and the last hobgoblin falls, the snarl on Inyuel's face slowly fades replaced with what appears to be stern disappointment. For a long moment she stares at the blackened blade in her hand with her head cocked slightly to the side, as if playing out some sort of inner monologue. The tell-tale shudder that runs through her shoulders seems to break the spell, and she sheaths her sword with a shaky hand, and says meekly, "I hope no harm has come to the others in our absence....we should be get back...quickly."

2018-12-05, 09:07 AM
Not having the time or the stomachs to strip the corpses of valuables, nor having any good way to carry chain mail and weapons, the co-venturers recover their packs from where they dropped them prior to combat, and wearily clamber down the steep scramble to the trail. Turning to their right and down the mountain, they continue for about a quarter mile until, as the sun passes below the mountain tops to the left, they reach the remains of the last tree that the loggers had been working on. The chopped sections are scattered down slope off the lower edge of the trail. From there, the companions guess, the loggers and Veldan and the mules continued down the trail in haste, half an hour to forty five minutes ahead.

Knowing their eventual destination is Threshold, the companions hurry down the trail in the shadows that have overtaken the hillside - greyish purple twilight shadows in which Nereida and Vasilica can see shapes, and muted colors, while the eyes of Inyuel, Ahira, and Uriah begin to tingle with the strange pale monochrome glow of darkvision. Small creatures, silent during the daylight hours, awaken and begin to scurry in the leaves alongside the trail.

The trail turns right - eastward - and runs more downward as true night comes on. Stars gleam and tremble in the deep purple sky, visible at intervals through the canopy first of pines, then further down slope the oaks. Inyuel and Uriah are leading Nereida and Vasilica, now - the humans can see only dimly a few feet ahead. About an hour after the true dark fell, the trail emerges from the wood at the top of a broad shallow slope above a dark lake that reflects the starry sky in ripples. Between the hill and the lake, little squares and specks of orange and yellow flame glow brightly. It is Threshold they behold.

Continuing hastily, the party pass down the hillside beside a large flock of sleeping sheep, guarded by a pair of sleepy shepherds who cautiously raise their staffs in greeting.

About twenty minutes later, they come within about fifty yards from the wide and barless "gate" of the town. A bonfire burns brightly just to the left side of the twenty foot wide opening in the ten-foot-high wooden stockade. Four men and a woman, all wearing chain mail, sit on folding stools around the fire. Shields rest near their feet and they wear longswords on their belts. They are passing around a big leather flask. A shadowy stone watchtower, twenty feet tall, looms over them just inside the fence.

"Blessed be," says one of the men as he gets a good look at the party (they're within about forty feet from the gate). "Yee're covered wit blood, ye are. Halt and deliver yer names and yer story." His speech is Thyatian, with a Traladaran accent. He puts down the flask on the ground and smoothly stands, sliding his shield up onto his arm. His comrades mimic him. There is an abrupt change in the mood, from convivial drinking to stern alarm.
Please use your next posts to describe how you tell your parts of the story since Verge - what's included, what if anything's left out or added. Let's try to wrap up this part by Friday morning New York time.

2018-12-06, 04:55 PM

The half-elf trots along seemingly oblivious to her surroundings, occasionally muttering to herself, but as the last shreds of light evaporate to slows to lead the others. Spotting the shepherds she calls to them, "Keep the flock close tonight, there are foul things afoot on the mountain paths and hills."

She is filled with doubt as they approach Threshold, yet she steeled herself for what she knew was inevitable. Absent-mindedly she sweeps her hair forward, covering her ears and shakes her bangs lose so they fall freely obscuring her eyes.

As the gate guards move to question, "Did Veldan and his train make it through these gates...we were set upon travelling the mountain road."

2018-12-06, 07:26 PM
Nereida raises her arms "Peace be with you, there are gosblins on the road tonight - we've done what we can - but I think there are more in the woods." she nods towards Inyuel as she asks her question.

2018-12-07, 09:09 AM
Expressions are hard to read by the monochrome glow of darkvision or by the orange glow of firelight, but it seems to Nereida and Inyuel (who are closest) that the watch captain is frowning. "We haven't seen Veldan tonight," he says. "Who were with him? When did ye see him last? Did ye leave him behind ye, or did he come ahead?"

2018-12-07, 12:07 PM
"There were goblins causing problems with the road. We left the group to deal with them, when we got back it looked like he'd managed to clear the road and head this way." Nereida's jaw clenches as she finishes speaking, if this had been a trick to draw them away... she should be back out there looking for them, she promised them safety and now she stands here and they do not.

2018-12-07, 05:52 PM
Uriah grimaces at the guard’s words. Immediately, he checks his pack, heft’s his staff, and turns around to head back into the dark.

”Those’re my brother’s oranges Veldan is carrying. I better go back and protect our investment...”

2018-12-07, 08:26 PM
Uriah grimaces at the guard’s words. Immediately, he checks his pack, heft’s his staff, and turns around to head back into the dark.

”Those’re my brother’s oranges Veldan is carrying. I better go back and protect our investment...”

"Hold on now, little fellow!" The watch captain turns toward the woman. "Beatrice, could ye please go wake up the Count? Tell him we need to muster the garrison, double the guard, and search on horses for lost travelers on account of goblin raiders. Double quick, go."

The tall, lean woman named Beatrice raises her shield, nods, and says "Aye, captain." She turns and sprints through the gate along the broad street between the candle-lit windows of the houses of the town. Quickly she disappears into the darkness of the town.

Turning back to the company, the watch captain says "Wait a bit, we'll go out with torches and horses. For now, tell me more of yer troubles. Here, Vinislas, fetch a towel and a basin water from the tower well - these folks need to clean off the blood." A younger-looking one of the remaining four guards puts down his shield by his stool, nods his head, grabs a burning log from the fire, and strolls off through the gate to a side door of the watchtower where he enters, carrying the brand for light. "Most forgot," the watch captain concludes, "my name is Symmios. And what'r yer names? And where'r ye from?"

this is when to do so. If you'd like to tailor your answers to make friends with this Thyatian-speaking Traladaran, good idea.

Professor Gnoll
2018-12-08, 05:05 PM
Vasilica steps forward, inclining her head. "Dzien dobry," she begins in Traladaran, before switching to her slightly less fluent Thyatian. "I am Vasilica, servant of Three Stars. From Black Eagle Barony." Knowing she cannot hide the thickness of her Traladaran accent, nor the roughness of the words, she doesn't try to. "Blessings on you, Symmios."

2018-12-08, 10:14 PM
Nereida considers Symmios' words, waiting for more men is more advisable than running out into the dark alone, she bows her head slightly to Symmios, "Nereida of Specularum, I thank you for your hospitality, we've had little chance to make ourselves presentable after our skirmish.".

2018-12-08, 11:13 PM

Hearing that Valden did not make it to the gates was like a slap to the face, "....but the road was cleared," she mumbles.

To Captain Symmios' query she simply responds, "Inyuel from Rifllian."

2018-12-09, 06:24 PM
the company gain the benefit of a short rest.

As the companions, especially Nereida and Ahira, refresh themselves with cold clean water from the basin carried by Vansilas, Symmios stands by the fire talking with the other three guards. After several minutes he turns back toward the companions, and says (still in his accented Thyatian):

"Hopin ye'll forgive me, but I got to say this - never done this before. Not just never in the dark with torches, not just never in the face uvva goblin horde, but never a tall. Does any of yez know anythin about searchin for people?"

About this time, Beatrice returns with four more sleepy-looking guards. They are wearing chain mail and swords, and carrying shields. They look at the companions with open interest, but don't say anything.

"The hostlers are gettin the horses ready," she says excitedly. Seems like this might be the most interesting thing that's happened in her career as a guard. She looks about the same age as Nereida and Vasilica. She's facing toward Symmios, with her back to the companions. Her hair is braided long down her back and swishes against her chain mail as she gestures with her hands. "I ast for fifteen and they said they be bringin em down within a half a candle." Beatrice also speaks Thyatian with a Traladaran accent. "Also I ast the stewart to wake up the Count." A pause. "Alright?"

"All right," says Symmios. He rubs his bristly chin with the back of his sword hand. "Well," he adds, turning to the adventurers, "do ye have any ideas?"

Professor Gnoll
2018-12-09, 10:29 PM
Vasilica brushes a hand over her shield and intones a word. The surface of the shield shimmers, then brightens, spilling out bright light. "Maybe not person, but you have searched for lamb, yes?" Her voice is confident, but she's self-conscious of how awkward her Thyatian sounds in comparison to her Traladaran. "Is the same. Make line with horse, cover area in squares, until find the lamb, jesli Halav pozwoli." She raises the shield, letting the light shine out across the gathered people. "Make light, listen close. But this way, keep swords close. Raiders still in hills, maybe run, maybe fight. "

2018-12-09, 10:41 PM
Uriah listens to the priestess' broken Thyatian, nodding. "That might work in a more open area, but I'm not sure we'll be able to keep contact between riders closely enough in the forest. We will likely see better results by returning up the road looking for any sign they left behind. Once we see that they either left the road, or find signs of a struggle, we will know where to begin our search."

2018-12-10, 04:57 AM
Nereida nods, "I agree, return to where we last saw them first, the light may reveal things we missed in the dark. From there we either follow what trail we find or spread out in teams. With goblins about, in thick forest I'd rather not spread out too much."

2018-12-10, 07:06 AM

Leaning toward Nereida, the half-elf whispers, "We're more likely to need a tracker and dogs rather than horses and soldiers."

2018-12-10, 07:45 AM
Ahira fails to introduce himself, whether on purpose or just being forgetful the group isn't sure. He nods his agreement with Nereida, "Aye, teams be a good idea. Dem gobbo's 'll pick us off one at a time if'n we get spread too thin."

The washing off did little to help his appearance. In fact it may have worsened it since the blood nor appeared to be running down him like some garish makeup. He shook himself much like a dog drying off a little and swiping the gore off his axe with a log before snapping it in half and tossing it in the fire.

2018-12-10, 10:16 AM
Symmios nods slowly as each adventurer speaks in turn. Waving to the other eight soldiers, they gather to confer. After a few minutes, Symmios turns back to the companions. "We think the best way is to ride up the trail slowly, lookin for signs that Veldan's mules went off down the slope. Most like they would not turn up the hillside. Sister Vasilica has good idea to light up the shields, thank you please. Also we can call out the names of Veldan and tother travelers, time to time. Now we wait for the horses, and maybe the Count."

Beatrice steps forward. "I'm Beatrice," she says eagerly - in Traladaran, directed mainly toward Vasilica. Even in the firelight, her broad smile is clear to read. She holds out her free hand. "I'm so glad to see you. Old Mother Elya has not been well the past two years, she does not really remember the rituals anymore. We try our best to keep her from wandering the town, but sometimes she has trouble getting dressed in the morning... Anyway, I'm sure she will be glad to have someone who can help her with her duties."

Meanwhile, Vansilas shyly approaches Nereida and Inyuel. "Are you really from Specularum? I've heard that it's really big," he says in accentless Thyatian. "And what about Rifflian? I was born here in Threshold only eighteen years ago, I always have wanted to travel like my father did. But when I got sheared I just joined to the guards, we didn't have money for me to roam yet."

Symmios clears his throat. "Sorry," he says. "Should introduce yez to the crew. Here is ..." and he rattles off a list of names of which Beatrice and Vansilas are easy to remember.

...maybe everybody could name and interact with one guard? I do like to have names for my NPCs but I'm not feeling super creative right now. And I like it when players throw stuff into the story.

2018-12-10, 11:28 AM
Nereida smiles at Vansilas, "It is certainly larger than here, but I have found people in the smaller towns and villages more open and more supportive of each other," she shrugs. "In truth I spent little time exploring the city, I have trained and honed my skills and continue to do so - only those who prove worthy will be accepted in the Order of the Griffon, and I will not embarrass myself with a poor showing at my trials."

She turns back to Symmios and nods, "The mules at least must have left some trail."

2018-12-12, 10:13 AM
Vansilas is speechless for a moment. Then raw admiration can be heard in his voice. "The Order of the Griffon?" he gasps... "Oh, you must be an excellent and holy warrior! I could never even think of attempting that honor."

Meanwhile Beatrice asks Vasilica all sorts of questions: how long has it been since she was in the Barony, does she miss her family, who are her family, has she ever heard of the Iron Ring, what is life like in the Barony...?

Another guard, somewhat shorter and sturdier than the rest, cautiously approaches Ahira. "So yer a dwarf," he says cautiously. "I'm Raukat. My folks say we're part dwarf on my father's father's side. Whence are ye?"

There is a distant jingling of harness and snort and hooftrod of horses from the darkened town. Few windows still are lit. The hoofs thump slowly on the dirt street. One of the horses neighs, then others.

"Guess they're coming now," says Raukat obviously.

Professor Gnoll
2018-12-13, 08:57 AM
Vasilica warmly takes Beatrice's hand, relieved to be addressed in Traladaran. "You must introduce me to Mother Elya as soon as you can. It would be an honour to assist an elder. The Hearth-Maiden tells us we must care for those with wisdom to share." The barrage of questions catches her off-guard, and she raises a placating hand. "Please, one question at a time! Perhaps we should have a proper conversation later, when things have calmed down. It has been maybe a year and a half since I left. My father's name was Florin, and my mother's Isabela... and of course I miss them." Vasilica gestures to her cloak, the lower hem roughly sheared away. "I am Sheared. When the time comes, I will return to them. Until then, the Divine Mother will watch over me in their place. As for the Iron Ring..." Vasilica hesitates, nervously tugging at her armour straps. "I would rather not say. Not here."

2018-12-13, 09:22 AM
"While I am not ready yet, I train and practice until I am ready for that honour. Until then I am little more than a soldier, same as you"
Nereida moves towards the horses, trying to show confidence, in truth she'd never liked horses, and they must be able to sense it in her. Many of her early riding lessons had seemed to spend more time thrown in the dirt than mounted on the animal.

2018-12-13, 12:16 PM
Uriah steps over to Symmios, who is obviously the leader, ”Watch Captain, my brother will want us out there looking for his cargo, and the men who carry them. This wait means we are less likely to recover either. We must move quickly, before something happens to Veldan... err, the oranges.”

2018-12-13, 12:37 PM
Another guard, somewhat shorter and sturdier than the rest, cautiously approaches Ahira. "So yer a dwarf," he says cautiously. "I'm Raukat. My folks say we're part dwarf on my father's father's side. Whence are ye?"

Ahira eyeballs the guard sideways for a few moments, just long enough for to begin to think he's made a grave mistake, then he spits heartily into his palm and holds it out for the guard. "An jess which part of dem were dwarf, child?" Ahira's sideways grin belies his harsh tone as he awaits the guards reaction.

2018-12-13, 05:28 PM

Inyuel returns the shy look before scuffing at the ground idly with the toe of her travel worn boot, "Rifflian is much like every other town I've visited....too big, too dirty, filled with people too full of resentment and scorn."

2018-12-13, 06:55 PM
Raukat grins and grabs Ahira's hand firmly. "My father's grandfather was a dwarf," he says with a chuckle. "A soldier in the Tenth Legion. The Tenth occupied Rifflian when the legions came to Traladara. My father's grandma was a tavern wench in Rifflian. When great grandpa found out she was pregnant, he left the legion and set up his forge in the town. He used to come up here and visit when I was little. He passed a couple years ago."

Beatrice inclines her head respectfully, with a shy smile. "Sorry, I do ask many questions when I'm excited," she says. A little giggle. "That's most of the time!"

Vansilas gazes wide eyed for a moment at Inyuel, unsure what to reply. "I'm sorry ... About all that," he says awkwardly. He moves to hold the bridle of Nereida's horse.

Symmios is about to respond to Uriah, when a short slim man walks over and grabs his forearm. "Captain Symmios," the slim man says roughly. "The Count sends his regards. And me. To watch the gate with four of your ... best ... while you ride out on this errand you've set yourself." He releases Symmios. More quietly: "I'm not damn happy to be awake at the gate, these hours. Hurry along!" The man has a clean-shaven face and wears an embroidered dark tunic of shiny fabric and high leather boots over some kind of tights. His long hair is pulled back in a neat ponytail, tied with an exaggerated bow of the same shiny fabric as the tunic. It looks like, if he was awakened, he took a few minutes to put himself together.

"The Steward," Symmios says to the adventurers, with a sarcastic half bow. To the slim man in the fancy tunic, he adds, "No worries. It can't take so long to find a few travelers and a pack of mules."

Five guards and the companions mount up onto horses. Vansilas offers Nereida a leg up. Raukat roughly boosts up Uriah and Ahira, who actually need the help. Then Raukat clambers up the side of his own horse. The four remaining guards hand up shields, which Vasilica already has set aglow.

"Five damned extra horses," says the steward grimly. "Here, Yveny, bring 'em back to stables. Quick now and back here. We should have a full force at the gate." He absentmindedly handles the hilt of the long slim rapier at his side.

"I guess we best get to it," says Symmios, and he pulls the head of his horse round to the trail.

... feel free to post any interesting conversations you'd like to start with NPCs. probably tomorrow, I will do a follow up post further up the trail.

2018-12-14, 04:46 AM
Nereida nods at Yveny, "Thank the Count for his assistance.". Mounting the horse with Vansilas' assistance she gives the horses neck a rub, more to calm her own nerves than the horse.

2018-12-14, 07:11 AM
"Sorreh ta 'ere dat, Raukat. He be at Moradin's side a forgin away now doh." A rare show of emotion, other than rage, from the dwarf. "Say, if'n yer boy der could bring back an extra shield I'd be mighty grateful, dem gobbo's didna seem ta 'ave any extra."

He nods his thanks for the boost, horses were not his favorite things to ride, too high off the ground.

2018-12-14, 10:22 AM
As the horses awkwardly shift their weight from hoof to hoof, adjusting to the loads in their saddles, one of the left-behind guards casually passes Ahira a shield. "Ye won't want ta fight from the horse back," says the guard. "That axe'll take the hoss's head right off." He speaks Traladaran.

Indeed, all the guards but Vansilas seem to be native Traladaran speakers, while he and the Steward speak Thyatian without an accent. The Steward's manner of dress is familiar to Nereida... she has seen the same at formal social events in Specularum. It is a little strange in a rough hill town like Threshold, but maybe he misses the city or wishes he was there. His speech suggests he's originally from Specularum but she doesn't remember seeing him there. He's about her parents' age she guesses. So is Symmios, who seemed surprisingly tolerant of the Steward grabbing him. Maybe, given his long time in military service, Symmios expects roughness from his superiors.


The ride up the trail into the hills is starlit and slow. "The moon won't rise til maybe the eighth or ninth candle," Vansilas shouts to Nereida. The trod of the horses' hooves throbs loudly even at a walking pace - which is all the horses initially will do as their vision adjusts (https://equusmagazine.com/management/nightvision_091003-8169) from the firelight to starlight. Then they begin to trot a little bit. The glowing shields cast weird dim shadows of the riders and the horses' heads.

The riders trot up the trail past the big flock of sheep and the sleepy shepherds, who silently raise their staffs in greeting. Inyuel thinks that one of the shepherds grasps a spear, not a staff. Then the sheep and the meadow are behind them and they're entering the woods. The pale golden light of the shields gleams off tree trunks and branches and leaves near the trail. But beyond a few yards off the trail, the woods are very dark.

Symmios raises his free hand, and pulls back his horse to a slow walk.

"Should we get off the horses to search?" he asks in his Traladaran-accented Thyatian. It might be a matter of pride or position that he habitually uses what is clearly a second language. "What do yez think about callin em by name?"

2018-12-14, 10:30 AM
Nodding his thanks, "Aye be a tinkin dat would no be a big loss." Ahira heft's the shield and taps it a few times with his axe then falls in line with the rest.

2018-12-16, 10:40 AM

The half-elf hisses, "If you're suggesting we should start calling out their names as if they're innocently lost in the woods, then no.....no we shouldn't."

Looking around hesitantly, Inyuel turns to Vasilica, "All the horses and torches, we were surely spotted....this whole thing is ill-conceived....they were likely attacked and abducted. What good will come from calling out for them? "

2018-12-16, 03:57 PM
"Whomever is best at tracking or noticing hidden things keep to the edges of the road, look for signs of a trail or disturbance. The rest of us keep our guard up for unexpected attack. If we reach the place we last saw them we will form teams and examine the outskirts of the forest as we make our way back." Nereida has no experience in this area, but soldiers liked having direction and no one else was making suggestions.

Professor Gnoll
2018-12-16, 09:25 PM
Vasilica sits comfortably in the saddle, used to riding a horse. "Calm yourself, Inyuel. We were spotted the moment we rode out. It's for the best to give the people we look for a chance to spot us as well. Unless you suggest we wait until morning, there's no use stumbling around in the dark hoping to run into them. The Nightwalker treads at our side." She keeps her voice smooth, forcing down the knot of tension rising at the thought of further combat. Her hand twitches at her side, ready to form the signs of flame. "Do as Nereida says. If the raiders are foolish enough to attack a band of armed warriors, they'll get more than they bargained for. We must not speak in possibilities, but act with certainty. Grigori had taught her how to speak with confidence when she felt none, and she silently thanked him for the teachings.

2018-12-17, 06:52 AM
Nereida nods appreciatively to Vasilica, a united front between them would do well to quell any misgivings the soldiers had and even if their faith was a little rustic they would draw strength from it.

2018-12-17, 09:14 AM
Watching quietly from his horse Ahira smiles inwardly, he had been with many a mercenary company who had similar traits as his current company. He awaited a decision or an enemy head to show itself keeping careful watch on the surroundings.

2018-12-17, 10:46 AM
Proceeding up the hill on the trail under the trees, the companions continue to discuss what to do without really coming to enough consensus to give Symmios an instruction. He and his guards continue to ride, peering into the shadows surrounding them, occasionally exchanging remarks about the cool breeze in the summer night or what tavern the four waiting back at the gate might have been called from. Apparently the taverns in Threshold include Saray's House, the Nag's Head, and the Bushel of Hops. Overall the guards do not seem to be taking the possibility of goblin raiders very seriously.

After about ten minutes, Ahira hears a faint whinny from the right side of the trail, downhill and ahead. His horse tosses its head and neighs loudly in response. The rest of the horses begin to neigh, thrusting their noses up toward the sky, and there are several more whinnies and a sound of hoofed animals climbing the hillside through the dry dead leaves and sticks on the ground. The other companions notice this as well.

"Seems like we found the mules," says Symmios. "But where's Veldan?"

2018-12-17, 10:51 AM
Steering his horse out of line Ahira gets closer to the mules looking for any signs of foul play or injuries, etc.


2018-12-17, 11:17 AM
Steering his horse out of line Ahira gets closer to the mules looking for any signs of foul play or injuries, etc.

The mare willingly steps downslope toward the mules, but as she does so she suddenly and awkwardly adjusts her stride as if she's trying to jump over something without actually jumping ...

Glancing down between her hooves, Ahira sees a body huddled on the hillside next to the trail. It's wearing chainmail and a big axe lies next to it.

2018-12-17, 11:22 AM
"Oy! 'ere now ye bloody beast, whot's got inta yeh!!!" As he spots the body lying there he calls out to the others, "Der be a body 'ere! We'd best be a lookin closer round 'ere."

He pulls the horse to a stop and clambers down off the side in all his dwarfly grace. "Ooof."

2018-12-17, 09:06 PM
Uriah slips off his horse, moving quickly to the body. He checks for signs of life, scanning the area for others.

Medicine [roll0]

2018-12-18, 06:07 AM
Nereida gets down from her horse, if anything is still around she'd rather fight with solid ground underfoot.
She heads down towards the body and looks around for disturbances while Uriah checks them out.

Perception [roll0]

2018-12-19, 09:52 AM
Ahira notices immediately that the corpse is a hobgoblin.

Nereida sees scattered leaves and bare dirt, which suggest that the hobgoblin crawled downhill from the trail to its dying place. Looking up at the trail, by the light of her shield Nereida sees many deep hoofmarks smaller than those of a horse. Perhaps the hobgoblin was trampled by mules?

Uriah examines the hobgoblin and notices that it is not visibly bleeding. Based on his knowledge of medicine, he suspects that its injuries are internal - as if it had been crushed or beaten, rather than attacked with an edged weapon.

A pair of mules come into the light of the shields and begin to nose at the foremost horses. They seem uninjured, but Uriah immediately sees that one of them is missing its packs.

Three more mules crowd against the first pair. Those mules still wear their packs. Everyone can hear the gentle plod and scrape of hoofsteps coming up the hillside. Probably the rest of the dozen, including Uriah's two.

Hesitantly, a sixth mule comes up the slope toward Ahira's horse, and halts to press its head against the horse's ribs. The mule nervously stamps its front hoof, almost as if it wants to kick the hobgoblin's corpse.

Professor Gnoll
2018-12-20, 06:21 AM
Vasilica stares at the riderless mules for a moment, dreading the worst. "Mules, but no riders..." She glances towards her companions. "We must act quickly. Unless they abandoned their mules willingly, this is no longer a search party. Our task is one of rescue... or failing that, vengeance." She urges her horse forward at a walk, carefully guiding it around the corpse, scanning the ground for further corpses or clues that might lead them on while her companions examine the hobgoblin.

2018-12-20, 01:11 PM
Ahira grins at the mule anticipating it's wishes and gives the hobgoblin corpse a rough kick in the head. "Good on ya, mule. Ye be a beast o war ifn I ere seen one!" He reaches into his rations and gets some sweet meats out for the mule holding it out in his palm for him to take.

2018-12-20, 03:08 PM
"Watch-Captain, would you tell off a couple of men to gather up these mules? Veldan will not be well-pleased if we allow his animals to wander off. Nor my brother his investment."

Uriah clambers back up on his horse, ready to ride and search for the gnome and the loggers.

2018-12-20, 05:00 PM

Troubled by the signs of conflict and missing people, Inyuel edges closer to the roads edge listening intently and studying the darkness with her acute vision.

2018-12-21, 07:59 AM
This whole situation sits badly - the loggers were woodfolk, not warriors certainly but hardy men used to having to defend themselves. Surely there would have been more signs of battle if they were attacked.
"It doesn't seem like this is the way they left, nor does there seem to be signs of battle on the main path. Though why the mules are here I don't know. No offense to your men Symmios, but I would swap them all for one skilled tracker right now."

2018-12-21, 09:48 AM
As the characters debate what to do and what they think happened, they hear a voice from downslope.

"Hey! A-hey! Artor! Brczi! Todgar! Totherun! A rescue is here! Come out! Let's get to the trail!"

Next there is a scrambling of feet in leaves, several pairs of feet coming up the slope at a run toward the trail. And Veldan and the four loggers burst from the darkened woods into the light of the shields.

They look generally unharmed.


On the way back to Threshold, as he rides on Uriah's horse, Veldan explains that when they were confronted by several hobgoblins and goblin archers, he "set the mules on 'em", causing the goblinoids to scatter down the trail and into the woods. It was almost sunset, and rather than continue down the trail and risk another ambush, Veldan and the loggers decided to hide in the woods - trusting that the goblins, even with their darkvision, would not be able to search efficiently. Also trusting that the mules wouldn't stray very far.

It all seems to have worked out ok, and now the party are headed to Threshold for I will be going dark until after the new year, probably January 2.

2019-01-02, 08:37 AM
and are now second level. Please update character sheets accordingly.
Sunrise finds the companions awakening in the communal straw bed at the second level (first floor for British players) of the watchtower behind the town gate. Bright pink/yellow sunlight, and a mild summer morning breeze, come in through the arrow slits that overlook the broad street leading from the gate up toward the Count's castle. The companions have no idea what is in the town of Threshold, or who might be there aside from those in the room with them.

Veldan, Artor, Brczi, Todgar, and the other logger also are awakening.

The sleeping room occupies the entire second level(first floor for spinningdice) of the tower. At one side of the room there is a rectangular hole in the floor along the stone wall of the tower, with a steep wooden stair leading down through the hole to the first level (ground floor). At the other side of the room there is a steep wooden stair leading up along the wall to a rectangular hole in the ceiling. The floor is wooden underneath about six inches of straw. Bows and quivers of arrows are hung all around the wall, along with shields and spears and swords and shirts of chain mail. There is enough armor and weaponry to equip about twenty warriors. The companions' equipment is piled on the floor underneath the stairs that lead up through the ceiling. They are wearing their traveling clothes.

Late last night as they settled in to sleep, they were informed that armor - and weapons other than daggers and swords - are permitted only to guards within the wall of Threshold. Visitors leave other equipment in a watchtower or in the Count's castle armory. "Also," Veldan said quietly to Uriah, "the Count Bishop don't like spellcasters. Who aren't priests, anyway." Otherwise the town adheres to common law.

From the opening in the floor, thin wisps of greasy bacon smoke arise and waft across the room in the dawn breeze that blows through the arrow slits. Along with the bacon smoke come sounds of seats and tables scraping on a stone floor, cutlery clattering on clay and wooden plates, and muted morning grumbling. It sounds like Symmios, Beatrice, Vansilas, Raukat, and the other guard are breaking fast after their night watch.

2019-01-02, 09:46 AM
Nereida rises and stretches, before performing her morning rituals. She's not sure if she's not sure if it's just the relief of finding the loggers intact, or the practice against inhuman foes, but she feels stronger and more full of energy than she did before.
Absent the need for padding and armor she considers changing into her better clothes. But leaves them be for now, keep them clean for if she needs meet the count or other nobility here.

Coming down the stairs she calls over "If there is enough food I am powerfully hungry after last nights adventures. If not can you recommend anywhere close by?"

Levelled up, I'll bear in mind American flooring conventions for the future :smallsmile:

2019-01-02, 01:44 PM
Ahira sits up abruptly when the smell of bacon hits his nose. He does some sort of possible miracle by yawning, stretching, belching and passing wind all at the same time. After chuckling to himself he gets up and makes his way downstairs looking for food as well.

"Aye, 'ere's hopin dey 'ave enough food fer us. Killin gobbo's is hard werk."

2019-01-02, 02:35 PM

Having slept lightly for a few hours at a time had become something she was deeply familiar with from her time on the road alone. It was refreshing to have slept a little sounder and more secure. After rousing, she immediately goes to the wash basin and splashes water on her face a couple of times. The smell of freshly fired bacon was a powerful lure, but she tempered her expectations as she dried her face and hair...probably just for the guards.

The half elf follows Nereida and Ahira down the stairs.

2019-01-02, 02:51 PM
Uriah awakens to the smell of cooking bacon. His stomach rumbles, but he pulls out his spellbook first thing. As he studies, he realises he is able to read two more of the spells written within. As he finishes, he resolves to take part of the day to call a companion. He had always wanted a pet, but his father wouldn't allow animals in the house.

As he hears his companions begin to stir, he puts his spellbook back in his pack and follows them to breakfast. Uriah nods to Veldan, "Thanks for the warning, friend. I'll keep that to meself, long as I'm able."

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-04, 08:08 AM
Vasilica wakes early, but sits in repose for almost an hour, silently praying and meditating on the teachings of the Three Stars. Last night was the first time she had truly called on the sacred arts in battle. She'd seen blood before, of course and corpses- a corpse was never too far in the Black Eagle Barony- but never one made by her hand. Her understanding of what it means to be a priestess and defend her people is deeper than before, and her connection to the Sublime Power greater. She rises with the others, pulling on mud-stained clothes her mother used to own and throwing her shorn cloak over one shoulder. Then she follows her newfound companions downstairs, filled with drive and purpose. For a start, she needs a new staff.

2019-01-04, 09:42 AM
As Nereida descends to the ground floor, Raukat turns briefly from the hearth in the wall near the foot of the stairs. "Good morning," he says. "Bacon?" He's holding in one hand a plate and in the other hand a pair of tongs that grip a strip of sizzling meat. More is frying in a big iron skillet that sits on a tripod directly over the flames of the hearth. Even though a cool summer breeze flits through the open door across from the stairs, the room is stiflingly hot and smoky.

Symmios, seated at the broad wooden table in the middle of the room, his back to the door, looks up as Ahira follows Nereida. "Busy night," he says. He has dark circles under his eyes and his greying blond stubble is more prominent on his square face than it was last night. "Yez are welcome to breakfast, but it costs us to provision the tower. The straw is free, which is better'n the inns up the street. A silver a head ok?"

As Nereida and Ahira reach the foot of the stairs, and Uriah and Inyuel follow, Symmios adds: "By the way, the steward wants to speak wit yez this mornin, soon as yer properly dressed for the castle. I'll walk up with yez."

As Symmios finishes speaking, Vansilas stands from the table and bows slightly to Nereida. "Good morning," he says warmly in his flawless Thyatian. He gestures to the seat across the table, next to Beatrice. "Please, sit down." Beatrice turns her head, nods respectfully, and asks: "Is Vasilica up yet? How did you sleep?" Her long braid has wisps of hair escaping all down its length.

The other guard from the night shift ignores the companions entirely.

Upstairs, as Vasilica finishes her meditations, the loggers stretch and stir, and begin to chatter among themselves about the previous days' events. Veldan stands abruptly. "Good morning, miss," he says to Vasilica. "Twill be a busy day fer me, I hope you won't mind if I get about washing meself before I get to trading. Good morning to you all," he adds toward the loggers. He thoughtfully pats the money pouch on his belt, then begins to strip his clothes next to the wash basin. He clearly intends to have a thorough washing up.

2019-01-04, 10:37 AM
Ahira nods to his new friend and digs into the breakfast. "Aye kin see ye are a startin ta grow ye a mans beard der, keep it up." In response to the lodgings fee he says, "I kinnaw answer fer da others but dat be a soundin fine ta me." At the mention of dressing for the castle Ahira grins that michevious sideways grin and wipes his greasy fingers on his bright red chest hair, "Aye be a ready ta go now."

2019-01-04, 11:12 AM
Nereida gives a small nod at Symmios' request, retrieving a coin for him, before sitting down with Vansilas and Beatrice, an easy smile on her face "I believe Vasilica is still engaged in her morning prayers, I am sure she will down shortly. It is good to sleep in the safety of solid walls again". She sighs and runs her fingers through her hair with a grim expression "I suppose I had better get cleaned up properly before meeting the steward in a more formal setting. Travel and combat do not lend themselves to looking presentable."

- - - - -

Once breakfast is finished Nereida returns to her pack and carefully retrieves her finer clothing, a slim-cut dress of blue and black, before giving herself a little more of a wash and de-tangle. Finally she slips her family ring from its cord around her neck and onto her finger, as much as she distances herself from her family she was still a Vantelion and the steward seemed to be the sort where she may get more cooperation as a noble than as a simple warrior.

She was still hardly as well presented as she would be at home, with maid and makeup available, but she would be fit enough for a meeting outside the capital.

- - - - -

Returning back downstairs in a more readied state Nereida inquires with Symmios, "I assume we can leave our arms here, until we are able to make more permanent arrangements? If you can take care of my blade, it may not seem like much but has been in my family for a few generations, I'd rather not be the one to lose it."

Apologies if this is moving on too forward, got a little carried away, I'll edit if it's too far.

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-05, 06:45 AM
Vasilica nods, unabashed- it was hardly uncommon to see men bathing in the street back in her village. She pulls on heavy boots, made for standing out in the fields, then picks up her worn leather satchel and slings it around her shoulder. She inclines her head respectfully to Vansilas. "Good day to you. I had best get downstairs." Trudging down the stairs, she catches sight of Nereida's dress, and feels a brief flash of embarassment at her shabby peasant's garb. For a moment, pride almost stops her, but she realises that making a good first impression on the steward is more important than such notions. And while Nereida may be Thyation- and maybe even a noble Thyatian by the looks of things- her attitude so far has set her distinctly apart from the likes of the Baron. Awkwardly fingering her tangled, dirty hair, Vasilica approaches Nereida. "Nereida, how do you... make yourself look like that?"

2019-01-05, 11:12 AM
Nereida almost scoffs at Vasilica's query, but stops herself, it is sometimes hard to remember that not everyone was brought up as she was, "I have a family that tried to bring me up thinking my looks were more valuable than my skills or my morals. I lack the deft hands of the maids who used to help me, but if you would like I could help you clean up a little, though we shouldn't keep the Steward waiting long enough to go shopping." .
She smiles warmly and leans in to speak in a quiet conspiratorial tone "I would say we should try and make ourselves appear in good standing, but I'm not even sure I'd know where to start with Ahira."

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-06, 06:25 AM
Vasilica stifles a giggle at Nereida's remark, glancing over at the less-than-well-kept dwarf. "We used to own a big brush for scrubbing the pigs back home..." She adjusts the strap of her bag slightly, straightening her back. "But... thank you. Anything you can help me with, I'd be grateful." Maids! The idea of having your very own servants to wait on you hand and foot is as alien to Vasilica as the goblins they'd battled the night before.

2019-01-06, 09:07 AM

Paying the coin for loding, Inyuel sits and enjoys the breakfast fare while listening to the conversation going on in the bustling guard tower. When the topic shifts to being properly dressed to meet with the steward, she nervously runs her hands down her shirt and breeches. Letting her hair fall forward to cover her face and embarrassment....I've nothing to wear other than what is already on my back.

When Ahira proclaims his readiness, she looks up and smiles in relief, "I too, am as ready as I can be."

2019-01-07, 11:11 AM
The loggers clump clumsily down the stairs to break their fast. Veldan finishes his bath dresses, and desscends to the ground floor, while Nereida and Vasilica prepare to be seen by the steward. Beatrice comes up the stairs and begins to ready herself for the day's rest - bringing the basin back down the stairs, filling it at the well in the corner of the ground floor opposite the fireplace, bringing the basin back up the stairs, taking a towel from the peg where she hangs up her chain mail, and scrubbing thoroughly. "I think you look nice enough," she says quietly to Vasilica. "D'you think you'll have time to visit Grandmother Elya today? I can bring you to her after I rest a while. Maybe the third hour after noon, when I help her make dinner?"

Downstairs, Symmios laughs heartily at Ahira's statement, scratching at his own scruffy face as he does so. "The steward likes me well enough, rough as I am," he says. He looks sympathetically at Inyuel. "It's lady Aleena ye'll need to concern of, she's pure Thyatian and partic'lar." Looking around, "Hey, Vansilas, get em off on a good start wit' the lady, can ye? ... Vansilas'll bring yez up to castle, right? I'll be up after noon if yer still there."


When Nereida and Vasilica come back downstairs, leaving Beatrice snoring in the straw, Vansilas is waiting eagerly to bring all five companions up the street to the castle. He greets Nereida particularly with a broad smile and a small bow, acknowledging her makeover. "M'lady," he says respectfully. "Though your beauty was clear in armor, you shine brighter in your formal clothes."


The street is broad, with buildings at either side spaced apart by fifty feet or more and surrounded by gardens in full summer fruit. Side paths strike off through the gardens between every second or third building, leading to other main streets that are visible from the main street. Townsfolk are working in their gardens and strolling the side paths from building to building, many of them carrying goods. The town is laid out very differently from other towns the companions have seen, clearly the settlement was planned for health and comfort of the residents. Also, Nereida notes to herself, there is produce enough within the walls to sustain the whole population in case of siege.

In addition to the watchtower they just have left, two similar towers also are visible to the north and to the east beside a low bridge a few hundred yards long that crosses over part of the large lake to an island that lies parallel the shore. At the north end of the street, near the northern watch tower, stands a taller and wider fortification - "There's the castle," Vansilas gestures. "I wish I'd had time to change into my better clothes, but the steward and the lady know me, so I don't need to concern with first impressions." The castle walls are about thirty feet high and enclose about two acres of land around a central tower that is slightly taller. As the companions reach the end of the street, they realize that the castle is surrounded by a steep walled dry moat, maybe twelve feet deep. There is a bridge across the moat to the castle gate. The bridge is about wide enough for a single cart to pass.

Also visible above the castle is a plume of grey smoke that wavers westward in the morning breeze. "The smelter," says Vansilas.

The land enclosed by the castle wall is mainly pasture for horses and cows, with chickens scattered around, a small garden, and a collection of low buildings including the smelter up against the stone wall to the right side. All the buildings except for the smelter are wooden. The central tower stands imposingly in the middle of the acreage. Broad steps lead up to its open doors.


After waiting a few minutes in the great hall of the central tower, a large room that Nereida notes is sparsely decorated only with a few bright tapestries (none of the statuary or ceremonial armor found in the mansions of Specularum), the companions see two people descending the staircase at the back of the room behind the Count's chair. One is the steward, again wearing the dark green silken tunic, boots, leggings, and hair bow of the previous night. His face remains clean shaven and his demeanor is stern. The other is a young lady a few years older than Nereida and Vasilica - maybe twenty four. Her hair is bright blond, braided and wrapped up around her head like a crown. Her knee length, loose fitting dress is the same blue color as the sky reflected in the lake next to the town. She smiles gently at the companions and seats herself on a small chair next to the Count's vacant chair. The steward sits on a stool at the other side of the chair.

"The Count is busy this morning," the steward says firmly. "Vansilas - thank you for bringing the wanderers up to see us. You may stay or go as you wish. I am sure you are tired. Dear strangers," he says turning his attention to the companions, "please tell the whole tale of how you came through the mountains. I notice Veldan has not come with you. Does anyone know where he went?"

Vansilas sits cross legged on the floor of the hall, clearly interested in what will come next.

Collectively, the companions end up telling the whole story since leaving Verge. It takes about an hour. The lady and the steward sit attentively, the steward sometimes asking piercing questions about the companions' actions - e.g., why did they leave Veldan and the loggers to fend for themselves; how did they not notice on their way to the town that they had passed the mules and their traveling companions? How many goblinoids did they fight? Why did they allow two goblins to escape? When the companions mention Veldan's deal with Hregrarr, the steward and the young lady look startled at each other; the steward appears to clench his teeth as if restraining an outburst.

"I am Aleena Halaran," says the young lady when the story is done. "Thank you for your patience with all of Steward Delaney's questions. My uncle relies greatly on his judgment ... and on mine. I am impressed by the actions you tell of. It seems like we have a goblin problem now..." she looks thoughtfully at the steward "and perhaps you could help us. Delaney, could we possibly equip these people to search the hills for wherever these goblins have encamped? Perhaps the people of the outlying villages might know of possible locations."

"It could be done," says Delaney respectfully. "They already have their own warlike equipment, it would be a matter merely of provisions ... ponies ... and maybe Symmios' guards watch to assist them."

"I'm sure we all would be honored to help," Vansilas interjects. He's clearly eager for an adventure beyond watching the gate of the town.

2019-01-07, 05:26 PM
Nereida blushes at Vansilas' compliment, though she had been complimented before it had been a while. Besides, he seemed more honest than most who showered her with praise.

She slips back into soldier mode as they walk, appraising the defences, it would take a lot of effort for the goblins to seriously threaten the town. Though perhaps cutting the throat the trade through would serve their purposes equally well? A town is more than it's defences, or even it's people, it's like it's own entity.

She recounts the tale of their arrival as honestly as she can, almost tempted to skip Veldan's deal, but since it's over and done with now - there seems little point. While she may speak the most, she gives space for the others to speak and falls silent when they interject. She did not want to take the credit, when she did no more than any of the others.

"Veldan is a trader - his time is money and your message was not clear he was required. I am sure he will make the time to visit if he is needed. Speaking of which, while I would be honoured to track down these goblins and either deal with them or report, if there are more than we can deal with. But we are far from home and if we are to spend time on this could use some recompense of our own.", it pained her a little to ask, but she was far from home and her purse was lighter than it had ever been. She could ask the Lady Aleena for shelter and food she would rather earn her way as anyone else.

2019-01-07, 05:37 PM
Ahira perks up at Nereida's mention of coin, "Aye dat be a good point lass, rootin dem gobbo's out o der home should carry a weighty price tag fer sure."

2019-01-09, 10:50 AM
Aleena smiles gently. "Each of you seems competent - and modest," she says. "It would be reasonable to pay you for your services, and I am willing to hear your proposals for fees."

Focusing on Nereida, she adds enthusiastically and without a trace of irony, "I do like your outfit! But I can not recognize your signet ring, perhaps because I have not spent much time in the capital. Could you tell us more about yourself?" At this request, Vansilas visibly becomes yet more attentive, shifting his weight to lean his wiry body eagerly forward in his cross-legged sit.

To the others Aleena adds, "All of you, really, it would be nice to hear about your stories before your fight with the goblins. Who are you and whence do you come?

"You especially, so shy" she says directly to Inyuel, "yet from your companions' account an accomplished warrior. I must warn you my uncle permits no magic of your sort within this town, and I will comfort you that you should have no need of your dark arts here. I would like to know more of your history."

Turning to Vasilica: "You mentioned that you are a priestess of Petra. I myself, like my uncle, am a cleric of the Church of Karameikos; we have equal regard for many immortals, each as serves a need of a moment. Yet we welcome all lawful religions here. The days of mourning begin today and your faithful will have the first slow parade at noon. I assume you will join them? Their old priestess, Elya, might need your help to officiate."

The steward, Delaney, directs his gaze toward Uriah and Ahira. "I know you are of Veldan's company - his employer, in fact. You say you knew nothing of his dealings with goblins, before you traveled here. Does your company not expect honest and complete reports from its traders? And you, ... barechested sir ..., are not like the disciplined, orderly dwarfs I have known. Certainly unlike old Graudang, who worked the smelter and the forge and taught young Orahim his arts before he passed. Have you any civilized ways at all?"

2019-01-09, 11:13 AM
Those that have traveled and endured the brazen dwarf so far will likely cringe at the expected response from him and for a moment they are not disappointed. His grin and demeanor fit him perfectly as he says "Nope." But then he sighs, "Good sir, the days of me beholding to some standard set by humans and then adopted by dwarves as to how we should look or act are long past." All hint of his accent and mannerisms disappear for a brief interlude but then return just as quickly, "Aye 'ave been clanless and alone fer a very long time. I be happy ta sit out in da hall err even outside ta wait on my companions ta find der way tru dis pomp and circumstance. Dah outside suits me better anyhow."

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-09, 06:09 PM
Vasilica clasps Beatrice's hand and smiles. "I will be sure to find you then. And thank you for saying so."


Vasilica glances towards Ahira, surprised at his sudden change in mannerism. It seems there's more to the dwarf than meets the eye, and she belatedly remembers the teachings of Grigori that she should have been remembering all along- to look beneath the surface, to see what others don't. She will need to be more attentive.

Vasilica inclines her head to Aleena, hoping that choosing to speak in her native Traladaran rather than her poor Karameikan will cause no offence. "I intend to assist Elya in any way I can. It is always an honour to meet an elder of the church. The old ways must be preserved. Despite all that's happened, Vasilica hasn't forgotten her purpose in this town. The grip of the church of Karameikos is clearly the stronger in the area, but there may still be seeds of faith to be watered. "Forgive me if I overstep, but I could not help but notice your expressions when Veldan's deal with the goblins was mentioned." Vasilica holds herself upright, speaking calmly. "I myself was shocked at first as well, but please permit me to speak in his defence if the idea has angered you. You know that my church holds no love for goblins, but I believe that he acted in good faith and with nothing but a wish to prevent violence in his heart."

2019-01-09, 10:07 PM
Uriah gives the Steward an absent-looking grin, "I think you have me mistaken, old chap. Maybe for my brother? I'm of so little value to the family business that I get sent to 'inspect the caravans'. I knew nothing, but Alphonse would suggest that is a terminal condition for me."

He looks at Ahira and wrinkles his nose.

"And you are right. Something is a bit foul in here. Perhaps I will take in the fresh air myself."

2019-01-09, 10:45 PM

The half-elf hangs to the back of the assembly, eyes downcast, with her hair tumbling down over her face. Shifting her weight back and forth from one foot to the other while Nereida spells out the troubling events of the night before. When Delaney questions the group about their decision making she can feel something stir in her breast for a moment....such is the way of functionaries, always second-guessing, always questioning the judgement and actions of those that are compelled to act. The hostility of the thoughts, tumbling unbidden through her mind nearly made her gasp, but she forced herself to remain still and quiet.

The lady spoke to her. Spoke of dark arts. She held her breath while her heart beat furiously within her chest for a few tense moments, "I....I'm no one really m'lady. Just...um, travelling when I came across Veldan's caravan. Thought I would fall in with them. You know...safety in numbers, and all that."

The tense exchange between the Steward, Uriah and Ahira blessedly cuts her off, and shift the attention away for a moment.

With a hesitant step forward, she tries to get Vasilica and Nereida's attention, leans in close and whispers, "Should we point out that Veldan's....arrangement was with one of the local goblin clans...that Hregrarr and her kin were leavin' because of the horde of hobgoblins, bugbears, and orcs that were moving into the region?"

2019-01-10, 04:54 PM
Nereida's smile doesn't falter. "It is no surprise you have not heard of my family. My father, Lord Vantelion has lands in the South-East. A small province with little more than hamlets and farms. I'm not even sure I could find it as he believed the family would be better served if I spent most of my time in the capital."

She nods at Inyuel's whisper, "Regardless of Valden's arrangements, the clan he had an arrangement with has moved on as they felt threatened by this new force. If it is enough to force them out, then the threat may be credible. Hobgoblins are more organised and more "

While she talks easily, she has concerns as her companions leave. Had she spoiled her relationship with them by dressing & playing the noble? It's not as if they were friends, they met only a short while ago, but their opinions mattered to her, perhaps more than they should...

2019-01-11, 09:22 AM
In response to the steward's comments, and the swift rejoinders by Uriah and Ahira, Aleena frowns. "I am certain that sir Delaney meant you no offense," she says. "Isn't ... that ... right?"

For just a moment, the steward looks alarmed. "Oh ... no," he says weakly. Then he rallies. "I am sorry," he says more confidently. "I am sardonic at times. But I appreciate your candor, and I have no ill will toward you. I am sure that you -" he nods to Ahira - "you are quite competent in your ... chosen milieu. I am simply surprised that you show such individuality. It is innovative for a dwarf to do so. And you, sir gnome, I apologize that I did not understand your situation, which seems to be a sensitive matter for you. Again, I am simply surprised that you were surprised by Veldan's arrangement. I - and Count Halaran - would have liked to know of goblins on the trail, a long time ago. Then we could have dealt with the problem appropriately."

Aleena slowly nods. "Whatever the nature or reasons of Veldan's arrangement, the situation has changed and has become far more threatening. Bringing us back to your abilities to assist us - and what you need in order to do that. What do you offer for terms?"

2019-01-13, 10:08 AM

Speaking softly, but firmly to her female companions, "A fixed, negotiated fee for each mission objective, in this case specific pieces of reconnaissance like who is the enemy, how many are there, where is their base, what types of units comprise their forces? Add to that a bounty for each enemy killed."

Once the words have spilled out, Inyuel raises her hand to her lips, as if taken aback by her own words.

2019-01-14, 06:38 AM
Nereida tried to think back to her father's ledgers, unsure of how much a mercenary should be paid. Sadly she'd neither paid much attention nor had her father thought it something she should know. She'd never had to work for pay before and was at a loss. Inyuel's advice seemed sound, but how much would seem appropriate? She looked around at the others, hoping one of them was more knowledgable.

2019-01-16, 11:12 AM
After waiting patiently for the adventurers to reach some kind of agreement, Aleena voices a small high-pitched cough through her nose. "Perhaps steward Delaney could propose a reasonable fee scale," she says. "I apologize that I must withdraw to prepare for my part in the first day of mourning; also, to confer with my uncle." She pauses and looks at Nereida. "As you are a visiting member of a noble family, it is my duty to insist that you join my uncle and me for dinner after the parade." She smiles. "It is an easy duty. I look forward to learning more about you, and to introducing you to my uncle, Count Halaran, Bishop Sherlane." Aleena rises from her low chair, bows, turns away, and heads up the staircase at the back of the hall, her long sky blue dress floating a little bit around her, her blond braids gleaming like a crown on her head in the morning light that dimly reaches the hall through the high windows in the east wall.

Steward Delaney interlaces his fingers, turns his palms toward the company, and stretches his arms forward, cracking his knuckles as he does so. He grins a haggler's grin and brushes imagined lint from his dark green silk tunic. "This is an urgent matter," he says, "so we are willing to pay for swift action. Perhaps two thousand five hundred silver pieces for the location and numbers of the new-arrived goblinoids. Full support by Captain Symmios' section of the watch, and provisions and mounts for two weeks. Fifty silver pieces for each goblinoid slain and proof brought back - a left ear will do. Vansilas, please bring a small sack from the kitchen, that can be used as a proof bag. How do you think?" he asks the companions. He thoughtfully pats his long black hair.

2019-01-16, 09:11 PM
Ahira clears his throat and nods in deference to Nereida, "If I may lass, he be a offerin less dan a months wage, resources he need ta commit regardless ifn we complete da task er no and a gold per ear...ta each o us."

2019-01-17, 09:40 AM
Nereida assents to Aleena's request, she had expected as much, "It would be an honour to attend, my lady."

As Steward Delaney turns to business Nereida takes on Ahira's advice, "Your figures do seem a little low there, master steward. While distasteful a gold for each of us per ear sounds more reasonable, and how about we split up the rewards, two-thousand silver for a location, another two-thousand for a reasonable headcount?" She frowns a moment, "While I don't expect to fail, on the chance this is all a feint and there are no more goblins, I'd request a stipend of ten silver per day for the two weeks if we do not find the camp - on my word that we will try our best, I am sure Symnios and Vansilas will corroborate our efforts should that not be enough."

Persuasion? [roll0]

2019-01-18, 10:35 AM
The steward's grin becomes less wide, but he continues to smile. He clearly enjoys the interaction. "Perhaps three thousand for location and numbers, and eighty per ear," he says. "Sir dwarf makes a fair point about the provisions, though to my mind the assistance from Symmios' crew is optional and a great value given that I - or the Count - will be paying them to help you while giving up their service at the gates and in the town. If you forego the aid, I could entertain a higher figure for the mission."

These four members of the party hear a faint crash and sounds of shouting from the room above. They cannot make out intelligible speech.

2019-01-18, 10:49 AM
Perking up at the crash, Ahira's axe is in his hand in a flash, but then he remembers he is in a place with guards and people to take care of such things and that he was told to leave his axe in the watchtower... "It sounded like da missus dropped a pot o stew err sometin didna it?" He looks around to see if the others heard it as well.

2019-01-18, 11:01 AM
Vansilas returns hastily to the hall from the kitchen, through a doorway in the west side wall of the great room. He is carrying a waxed cloth sack, which he hesitantly presents to the group, then more confidently to Ahira as the dwarf relaxes. "For the ears," the young man says with a trace of amusement.

From above there is louder shouting - almost screaming - that even Nereida notices, then the sound of a heavy door being slammed and the faint scrape and thunk of the door being barred. The shouting continues for a few moments, then stops abruptly.

Steward Delaney waves a hand as if brushing away a fly. "Clumsy chambermaid maybe," he says casually. "Sometimes people drop things. I won't make an issue of it, I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose."

Vasilica notices that Vansilas glances uneasily at the ceiling before returning his attention mainly to Nereida. He stands near the steward, fidgeting with his hands.

2019-01-18, 11:42 AM
Visibly relaxing and realizing his grasping hands are empty Ahira snorts, "Royals" is his only comment on that subject. He looks from the steward to Nereida, "She be a layin out da terms dat we will help on. As fer me ye kin keep yer people here err send dem wit. If'n we fail den ye gonna be sendin dem anyway wit no idea whut dey be facin. eider dat or go tru dis agin wit a new group wile da gobbo's get ready dat time."

2019-01-18, 11:55 AM

The half-elf's eyes drift upward for a moment, when she hears the sounds of confrontation on the second floor, then she nods in agreement with Ahira's words. As the sounds grow louder, however, she watches the Steward's reaction and dismissal of the incident with keen interest. Something odd is afoot here, perhaps the relationship between the Count and his niece is not all that it appears to be....

2019-01-18, 12:22 PM
"Very well," says the steward hastily. "Four thousand for the total mission, fifty per ear, and ten apiece per day. Symmios and his section will accompany you, and we will provide you with mounts and two weeks provisions." He rises. "I must attend to other matters. Vansilas, please conduct our visitors back to the guardhouse, communicate to Captain Symmios my orders that he should accompany these heroes on their quest to find the goblin nest, and make ready to depart tomorrow - keeping in mind that my lady desires to dine with Miss Nereida here, soon after the mourning parade." He bows abruptly, turns, and hurries toward the stairs at the back of the hall.

Vansilas bows to the steward's departing back, then turns to the party. "Well," he says with a trace of unease, "let's get back to the watchtower. Captain will have to re-arrange the watchbill, if we're to get any rest before we move out. Priestess Vasilica, I think Beatrice made an appointment with you for after the parade? I'm for the straw, myself."

As Vansilas leads the way out of the hall, through the bailey, over the drawbridge, and back down the main street toward the southwest gate, the companions may (quietly or loudly) discuss among themselves the recent past events. He politely ignores the conversation unless he is directly addressed.

2019-01-18, 08:36 PM
Casting a cheeky smile over his shoulder Ahira glances around and then follows the steward as he makes his way upstairs.

2019-01-19, 10:08 AM
Casting a cheeky smile over his shoulder Ahira glances around and then follows the steward as he makes his way upstairs.

Vansilas stands dumb founded for a moment, then leaps to follow the dwarf and interpose himself. "I'm sorry," he says firmly, "it's really not proper for you to intrude like this. The steward has matters to attend to, and he has dismissed us. Let's go." He stands solidly planted between Ahira and the stairs, not wearing armor and not touching the hilt of his long sword, but clearly braced for a shoving match.

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-19, 05:34 PM
A slight smile touches Vasilica's face. To tell the truth, she found the steward tiresome. Her natural bias against Thyatian nobles and their lackeys would have been enough, but his bargaining attitude reminded her of the sweaty-faced slave traders who frequented the barony more than the ideal image of the just leader of men she had been raised to believe in. Notions of wanting to make a good first impression are quickly fading, and she finds herself much more inclined to stand behind her newfound friend than a haggling steward. Vasilica steps forward and lightly places a hand on Ahira's shoulder, calling on the wisdom of the Unerring Councillor to grant him aid. "How far are you going to go with this?" she whispers into the dwarf's ear.
Cast Guidance on Ahira.

2019-01-19, 06:25 PM

She was not terribly happy with the arrangement made, but had to admit the prospect of having an actual income far exceeded her simple desire for a change of scenery when she had joined the caravan.

Following meekly behind the others, she nearly gasps when Ahira moves to follow the steward up the stairs. Moving with a swift grace the half-elf quickly steps in next to Vansilas blocking Ahira's path...or providing interference for him if he chose to move around her, it's hard to tell really.

2019-01-20, 08:15 AM
Ahira gives the man a cold stare, then he appears to make a decision, "Lad, der be sumtin more a goin on up der dan just da maid a droppin da mushroom pot an I be of a mind ta go see if we be a needed ta help. Ye kin move er be moved."

He then proceeds to try to push past him.


2019-01-21, 07:17 AM
Nereida had already turned to leave before she realises Ahira is creating a commotion. The attitude towards whatever was going on upstairs did not sit well with her, but now was not the time to be invoking the ire of the local nobility, or their minions.
Or apparently it is.
She should not stand aside when there may be trouble afoot, regardless of what may be polite and proper... She steps up beside Ahira, her voice gentle "Vansilas please, let us just take a look, if all is well we will return to the tower with you - no harm done."

If I'm not too late before Ahira starts pushing...
Persuasion? [roll0]

2019-01-21, 09:27 AM
As Nereida and Vasilica speak, and as Inyuel moves to interpose, Ahira already is shoving past Vansilas, who stumbles aside, almost falling. At the same time, the steward halts on the third step of the staircase, turning to descend.

"Hold fast," the steward shouts, as Vansilas yells "Havoc! Havoc!"

"Lady Nereida," says the steward more calmly, his face showing both weariness and sorrow, "calm your followers. This matter is one that Lady Aleena and I have long discussed, and your arrival brought us we hoped the glimmerings of help. Lady Aleena meant to discuss it privately with you, over dinner with herself and her uncle. However, given your companions' strong interest now, we might as well address it head on. Allow me, please, to go ahead of you a few moments and prepare ... everyone ... for your arrival.

"Vansilas," he adds, "waylay the guards who are coming to answer your call. Explain the misunderstanding. Then go ahead to Symmios, and have him make ready to depart tomorrow. I hope the next events will in no way alter our plans for dealing with the goblinoids.

"Follow me slowly," the steward says finally to the companions, "for courtesy to the Lady and her uncle. Lady Aleena!" he calls up the stairs, "Our guests wish to come up, now."

2019-01-21, 09:33 AM
Slightly startled at how easily Vansilas was moved aside Ahira subtly hooks a couple of stout fingers under his belt and prevents the lad from actually toppling over. As he tugs him gently back to his balance he glances up and gives him a knowing wink. "I do nah tink I woulda made it past ye lad. I be glad we saw reason." He proceeds to wait patiently for the group to head upstairs.

2019-01-21, 11:57 AM
Strolling around outside the hall, waiting for his companions to make whatever bargain and emerge, Uriah hears the cry of "Havoc! Havoc!" from within.

2019-01-21, 05:48 PM
As everything calms down a little Nereida approaches Vansilas and speaks quietly, her face slightly pained "For what it's worth I'm sorry to have put you in this position. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you."

2019-01-21, 07:30 PM
Uriah strolled the hallway, waiting for his comrades to strike a deal. He himself hated haggling, so, when the opportunity to remove himself from the monotony presented itself, he took it. He was mildly surprised the dwarf hadn't joined him, as he was surely tired of the interminable need to be on his best behavior.

As the wait drew on, Uriah began to actually take in his surrounding. He looked in the alcoves, and behind the pictures. He tried turning the newell on the staircase. After all, he had heard that these nobles liked to have secret passages. Investigation [roll0]

he was just returning a vase to it's plinth when he heard the cry of "Havock, havock!". He set the vase down hurriedly and rushed into the room, preparing to speak the words of a spell...

2019-01-22, 01:53 PM

She had been expecting things to ignite into at the very least....a heated exchange, and was taken aback by the Steward's invitation. Straightening her clothes and casting a bemused glance at Ahira, she begins to turn to follow the others up the stairs when she spots Uriah hustle into the room.

Slipping to the foot of the stairs quickly she motions the gnome over and speaks in hushed tones, "After you left, the lady excused herself and retired upstairs. Then while we were haggling with the steward over wages and what-not a commotion broke out above. We suspected some sort of exchange between the Lady and her uncle the Baron. When they tried to hustle us out of here, Ahira made to go upstairs and investigate....things got a bit tense for a moment, but now it seems we've been invited. Something's afoot here, and by the Steward's words we might be in for a bit of shock. Come along."

It was, perhaps, the most anyone had ever heard her speak at one time....quite out of character for the normally shy and retiring young woman.

2019-01-23, 11:14 AM
The companions wait a minute, then follow steward Delaney slowly up the stairs. At the top is a broad U-shaped hallway that runs across the width of the back of the great room, with the long legs of the hallway extending along the long walls of the great room. The inward walls of the hallway are interrupted by balcony openings, not really apparent from below; the companions can look down from the hallway onto the great room. Nereida and Inyuel realize that the balconies provide for downward missile fire, in case the great room might see battle. At the moment that seems unlikely, and the hallway is vacant except for them.

The steward leads them down the right leg of the hallway to a small foyer about midway along the length of the building. Here the Lady Aleena sits slumped on a small bench next to a barred door. Ahira, given his dwarfly knowledge of craftwork, notes that the holders for the bar were hastily attached to the door by unskilled hands that needed a couple of tries to get the holders aligned - there are a couple of misplaced nail holes in the thick wooden door.

The Lady Aleena stands, and all the companions immediately notice the dark wet stain on the side of her sky blue dress. There appear to be scraps of oatmeal caked to the dress around the stain. "My lady," says the steward. "Breakfast did not go well?"

"Not much worse than usual," the young lady replies dully. Her eyes are red and puffy, as if she has been crying. "Here," she adds, "I'll introduce you all to my uncle." She smoothly removes the bar from the door and leans it against the plaster wall next to the bench. Then she heaves the door wide open, and gestures to the companions that they should enter. Steward Delaney steps through first, saying in a soothing voice "Good morning, my lord." Lady Aleena follows the companions in.

Within the door is a large room, ornately furnished with a desk, a chair, a sofa, some brightly colored tapestries depicting various Immortals, and built in shelves and pigeonholes that should hold books and scrolls aplenty. Many of the documents, however, litter the desk and the polished wooden floor in utter disarray. In the middle of the floor, upside down, is a shattered pottery bowl surrounded by a mess of oatmeal. Next to the bowl is a wooden tray and a shiny silver spoon.

At the far end of the room, behind the desk and with his back against the stone wall beneath a high window, crouches a balding man wearing only a woolen nightshirt and a graying beard that hasn't been trimmed for maybe a couple of months. Dried oatmeal is stuck in the beard and on the nightshirt. A wooden chamberpot stands near the man. It smells.

"Leena!" says the man cheerfully. A moment later his affect shifts. Sadly: "You dress so prih'y. I saw'y what I do..." With a stern frown: "Oatymeal too hot."

"My uncle," Aleena says sadly. She wipes a finger beneath each eye. "Count and Bishop of Threshold. Do him homage, please? Maybe it will remind him of himself."

2019-01-24, 05:24 AM
At Aleena's words Nereida snaps back to focus, her initial surprise suppressed. She drops to one knee, arm across her chest in salute. "My Lord Baron."

2019-01-24, 09:47 AM
Ahira blinks in surprise at everything he has just learned about the Count of Threshold, while still processing everything his words seem to spill out involuntarily, "Be he possessed lass?"

2019-01-24, 06:01 PM

The half elf stands in the doorway, momentarily taken aback by the Baron's appearance and demeanor. Nereida's words finally break through, and she quickly drops to a knee.

"M'Lord", she mumbles softly, while tugging on Ahira's hand.

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-24, 08:31 PM
Taken aback, Vasilica hesitates a moment, then inclines her head deeply. "Baron." Moon-touched, perhaps? She'd seen men and women in the village who'd lost their reason. Often, it came after too long spent in the depths of the Black Eagle Barony's bleak tower. But she could not imagine such hardship befalling a man of the same power as the very baron who kept that tower.

2019-01-25, 07:33 AM
Snapped out of his stare by Inyuel's tug on his hand Ahira snorts and looks down at people kneeling before the Count and realizes he should at least bow. He manages a deep bow at the waist and catches Inyuel's eye with a wink of thanks.

2019-01-25, 09:47 AM
In response to the homage, Count Halaran shrieks laughter and claps his hands like a small child pleased by a puppet show. Then a look of discomfort crosses his face. He stands, hikes up his nightshirt, and sits heavily onto the chamberpot.

Lady Aleena looks embarrassed. "I'll be back later today for your bath, Uncle," she says slowly and clearly. To the companions she adds, "If you'll please excuse me, I would like to change my dress, and then meet you again here to discuss this situation. Meanwhile, could you please give the Count his privacy while he toilets?"

Steward Delaney absentmindedly kneels and begins using his hands to scoop up the fragments of pottery and the clumps of oatmeal onto the wooden tray. A few gobs of oatmeal have spattered as far as the unwound scrolls that are scattered across the floor in front of the desk. He nods toward a soft stained towel near the chamberpot. "M'lady, I'll help the Count with his toilet," he says quietly. Glancing up at Nereida, he says, "If you don't mind, could you lead your companions out to the hall? I'll join you in a few minutes."

2019-01-27, 10:31 AM

She offers Ahira a weak smile, but before she could even rise the Count cackles and squats upon the chamber pot. Seeing the Lady Aleena's embarrassment, she remains on one knee but moves to help Delaney scoop up the remains of the Count's breakfast. Scrapping a few of the bigger clumps of oatmeal from floor near the desk, she then takes the tray as she stands with a nod to the Steward, and places it on the desk.

"Come. Let's give the Count his privacy," she moves out into the hallway.

2019-01-28, 07:04 AM
Nereida attempts to respectfully usher the others outside the room (if they're not already moving). Once out of the way she looks to Vasilica, Do you have any insight? If this is a disease, my faith may let me cure it, though surely others have tried. I see little we can do? Unless the Lady Aleena has some evidence that this is a magically induced affliction

2019-01-30, 09:58 AM
The companions convene in the hall outside the library, pulling the door shut behind them but leaving it unbarred. As they begin to converse about the various tasks they could pursue, they again hear the sound of raised voices from inside the room they just left. It is not quite shouting; it sounds like the steward is remonstrating the count. After a minute or so the door opens and shuts and the steward replaces the bar.

"He keeps going through the scrolls," steward Delaney said with exasperation. "I don't know what he wants from me, I can't read his writing. And it's not as if he can make any sense of them in his condition." He absentmindedly grabbed his ponytail and pulled it tight with both hands.

The Lady Aleena swept around the top of the stairs, freshly dressed in a light green ankle-length dress embroidered with bright yellow flowers that almost matched her blonde hair. "What do you think?" she asks the companions. "Do you have any ideas how to help my uncle?"

2019-01-30, 04:51 PM

With a clumsy, half-curtsy Inyuel speaks softly to the lady Aleena, "M'lady when we arrived you spoke something to me about the....um....'dark arts'. If you've knowledge of such things, is it possible there is an enchantment that lies upon your Uncle...er...the Count?

2019-01-30, 08:34 PM
Lady Aleena sighs and shakes her head, frowning prettily. "If there is an enchantment," she says, "it is beyond my abilities to lift it. I know only the simplest prayers of our faith, none of great power. My uncle had only begun to instruct me in the Church this past year."

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-31, 09:09 AM
Vasilica shakes her head slightly. "...If there is an enchantment." She shrugs slightly. "It is just as likely to be natural. I have seen it happen to men before. Their mind leaves them, and never returns." She sees no reason to be gentle with Aleena. She has surely made peace with the possibility already, and it is not the way of Traladarans to skirt around difficult issues. "It is perhaps not hopeless. Many things may be achieved through the grace of the Gentle Queen."

2019-01-31, 10:09 AM
"You mention the natural decay of the mind," Aleena replies, "but is that not a gradual matter? My uncle's mind went feeble in the span of a single night. At dinner he was cheerful, then he grew tired and went to bed early. Next morning he was like this. It has been only three weeks since it happened."

2019-01-31, 10:12 AM
"Be he poisoned maybe? If'n it taint a spell..." Ahira pauses a moment, "Narh, surely yee'd already looked inta dat."

2019-01-31, 11:12 AM
"Honestly," steward Delaney says wearily, "we've been very busy these past few weeks just caring for the Count and keeping him contained. He needs help with the simplest activities, and he tends to wander through the castle. We're afraid he'll come to some harm if not kept safe - not to mention alarming the populace. And there's other concerns, as well, fairly selfish ones I'm afraid. We have been so bewildered by his bewilderment that we only recently considered that it might be curable."

Lady Aleena looks at the steward for a few moments, then tosses her head. "Steward Delaney is unusually blunt right now," she says. It's hard to tell whether she's sarcastic. "Our selfish concerns are simply stated, and I'm sure at least Nereida will understand. As a Count, my uncle was appointed and his position is not heritable - if he's replaced, the replacement also will be appointed in Specularum and sent out here. The replacement in turn would choose either to keep on some or all of the household, or else replace the whole. Moreover, the furnishings and appointments of the castle are national property, they don't belong to my uncle or any other single person. Thus, if uncle Sherlane should lose his position, myself, and Delaney, would be in an untenable position and probably homeless and penniless.

"But your presence gives us hope. You seem like the sort of folk whose discretion might be trusted, and unlikely to go around the town spreading rumors. Moreover, you in particular, lady Vasilica, might be able to garner some help from Mother Elya. She has never been happy with my uncle's religious work, but she might give an ear to a priestess of her own faith seeking aid for him."

2019-01-31, 03:31 PM
"In this matter I defer to Visilica's expertise, while I have some ability to restore the body from my faith, truly I am no healer. But few natural maladies come upon one so quickly, I agree it sounds like poison or other malfeasance" she looks Vaslica in the eye "I think we can agree to help as I would rather have the Lady Aleena here as a hand by the power, than trust to whomever Specularum replaces them with."

2019-01-31, 03:46 PM
Uriah listens to the proceedings quietly, his mind astir. After the ideas of the group appear to be put down, one by one, he finally speaks.

"I assume someone has already tried priestly magic to repair this condition? And it has proven fruitless?

There is a way I could delve your uncle that isn't available to the divine, but I do not have access to it at the moment. I would need to procure the spell through other means. But I must warn you, it is of the "abominable" magic your uncle disdains."

2019-01-31, 08:08 PM
"No," Aleena says slowly, "we haven't tried any significant holy magic. The best I can do is to mend a minor wound, or grant good luck for a task at hand. As I said, Mother Elya could do more, but she hasn't spoken to the Bishop since he..." She paused, looking at Vasilica.

"Bishop Sherlane nationalized the library of the old Triune Temple on the island, after the big fire a few years ago," Delaney says. "All that could be rescued, he had brought here -" he nods toward the barred door of the library. "Mother Elya wanted to keep it, had no place to put it, and has held that against the Bishop ever since."

Professor Gnoll
2019-01-31, 09:23 PM
Vasilica frowns. "In a single night..." She unconsciously tugs at a braid of hair, considering. "Then there is surely something else at work." She meets Nereida's gaze, and nods slowly. "I have no fine words to spin, so I will speak plainly. I have no reason to love you, your uncle or any Thyatian. And I must honour my obligations to my church and to its elders. But it is my duty, as a servant of the Sacred Healer, to attend to all who live peacefully in this land. And perhaps your uncle will come to understand the wisdom of the old ways, should they restore his mind. I will speak to Mother Elya."

2019-02-01, 07:07 AM

Taking a hesitant step toward the steward, Inyuel addresses him softly, "Would it be possible for me to take a look at these scrolls the Count seems obsessed with?"

2019-02-01, 09:19 AM
Lady Aleena flushes pink in her face as she confronts Vasilica. "I understand you do not know us," she says with a slight tremor in her voice, "therefore I agree you have no reason yet to love us. Neither yet do you have any reason to despise us. My uncle was - he is a good man, a kind man, worthy of love and respect. If you can persuade Mother Elya to restore him, you will see that!"

Meanwhile, steward Delaney gestures Uriah and Inyuel to come a bit further toward the stairs. "Are you thinking that a solution might be found in those jumbled scrolls?" he asks. He thoughtfully strokes his chin. "I do not know about such matters," he adds, "except that I have heard some writing has arcane power. But the scrolls I glanced at were written in a script and maybe in a language that I do not know. They came from the Triune Temple, maybe they are in Traladaran. Do either of you read the old Traldar script?"

The gnome's arcane training has of course included ancient Traldar writings. Inyuel probably has not been exposed to that mode of writing.

Professor Gnoll
2019-02-03, 02:05 AM
Vasilica keeps her voice calm, but she bristles a little at Alya's tone."My church is my law, and King Halav my king. I have already agreed to speak with Elya, what else do you require of me? I cannot go against the word of my elders."

2019-02-03, 09:19 AM

Casting her gaze toward the floor, Inyuel slowly shakes her head, "I do not. Like you, I know that some writings are capable of holding power, and found the Count's apparent obsession with the scrolls to perhaps be a clue to his current condition."

2019-02-03, 11:09 AM
Aleena seems about to say something, and her face flushes darker. Then she clenches her jaw and her color subsides. "If you can help my uncle," she says, "I hope he can overlook your politics. Or maybe you will listen to old Mother Elya, who is more reasonable. Anyway, it seems like we have a few ideas how to proceed now. I hope you will help and I don't want to keep you from your other commitments. Though you all are welcome to dine with me after the mourning parade."

Delaney focuses on Uriah. "You mention you have knowledge of the arts," he says. "Would that include the ability to look through the scrolls for us? I don't know what they are, but the Count does seem to be obsessed with them."

As the steward speaks, a soft noise comes from behind the barred door as if a dog were quietly asking to come out. At the same time there is a warm gust of wind under the door. Then a human voice cries out in pain and fear. "My uncle!" "The Count!" exclaim the steward and the princess simultaneously.

2019-02-03, 01:55 PM
Although those were not the scrolls Uriah was talking about, he was intrigued by an opportunity to look at them. After all, perhaps they did hold the key to the Count's condition.

"My studies have given me a familiarity with Eld Traldaran. I would be happy to assess these scrolls."

2019-02-03, 05:40 PM
Nereida nods, "I've heard tell of curses sometimes hidden within old texts to trap the unwary. Watch yourself in your reading Uriah." she waits by the door a few moments, to ensure the steward and the lady do not need assistance.

2019-02-04, 10:07 AM
Steward Delaney hastily lifts the bar from the brackets, tosses it aside to clatter against the wall, yanks the door open, and steps in. Lady Aleena warily follows.

A smell of burnt wool and burnt hair wafts out of the room.

Over the shoulders of the lady and the steward, the companions can see the Count sitting on the desk, mouth wide open, holding a scroll case in one hand and a scroll in the other. His beard and eyebrows and nightshirt are smoking and his face is sooty. "Scroll go boom!" he says excitedly, waving the case and the scroll in the air. The scroll begins to unroll.

2019-02-06, 07:05 AM

Moving into the room, Inyuel steps toward the Count and gently relieve the old man of the scroll.

2019-02-06, 09:55 AM
Ahira peers cautiously into the room but doesn't go inside it.

2019-02-06, 06:18 PM
Nereida waits by the door, in case anyone needs assistance, but does not enter.

2019-02-07, 09:18 AM
For a moment, the Count holds tightly to the scroll; then he lets it go into Inyuel's grasp. She glances automatically at the parchment, and sees it is covered with arcane runes that seem to crawl and wriggle in their places. The runes are Thyatian, which she can read, but the words do not make sense - a few glrabed ssndou fleet through her mind before she wrenches her attention away from the scroll and begins to roll it up.

Lady Aleena steps around Inyuel and begins to slap at the smoldering patches on the Count's nightshirt. "Delaney," she asks, "could you please find the Count another garment from his chambers? We should try to move him there. His obsession with the scrolls endangers him."

The steward answers, "Yes, my lady." He steps out into the hall.

The Count mumbles to himself.

"What do you think?" Lady Aleena asks of the companions. "Is it worth the risk to investigate these papers, searching for an answer that my uncle has not found? Or could you possibly get help from Mother Elya? Or ... " she pauses, slightly lowers her head, and speaks more softly: "Is this not a problem you can aid?"

2019-02-07, 09:39 AM
"Aye Lass, dis certainly be sumtin we kin aid." Ahira says as he looks across the faces of the other companions. "I donna know how much ehlp I kin be, better suited ta smackin tings on da head. But we will try."

2019-02-07, 04:43 PM
"I can't promise success, but I at least will try and help" Nereida comments, her brow furrowed.