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2018-10-30, 07:44 PM
I recently had a discussion about multiclassing, in which the other person pointed to the Martial Adept and Magical Initiate feats as examples of the kind of multiclassing they liked - not reducing your effectiveness in your primary class, but taking just a little of the core power of another class (or taking the feat for your own class to represent even more expertise than a typical member of the class). I thought this was an interesting idea, and so I now present a full suite of multiclass feats, for all 12 classes in the Player's Handbook. They are sorted by applicable class.

These are intended to replace multiclassing through actual levels in another class, and also replace the existing Magic Initiate feat with specific feats for each spellcasting class. They have not yet been tested and are purely theoretical as of yet.

Inner Rage
Requires Str 13+

You have learned to harness the anger which constantly swirls beneath your skin. As a bonus action, you may enter a rage as described in the Barbarian's Rage feature. After raging using this feat, you cannot do so again until after a long rest.

Unarmored Defense
Requires Con 13+

When you are not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 10 + Dexterity Modifier + Constitution modifier. If you have the Barbarian's Unarmored Defense feature, you may add 2 to your unarmored AC.

Inspirational Novice
Requires Cha 13+

You gain 2 Bardic Inspiration dice, which are d4s. If you already have Bardic Inspiration dice, you gain 2 extra dice of the size you already have. You can spend your Bardic Inspiration dice as a bonus action to give them to allies as described in the Bard's Bardic Inspiration feature. You regain expended Bardic Inspiration Dice after a long rest.

Bardic Apprentice
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Bard spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Bard spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. If you already know a cantrip you would have learned from this feat, learn a different cantrip from the Bard spell list instead. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Divine Channeler
Requires Wis 13+

Choose 1 Channel Divinity effect granted by a Cleric Domain. You can use this effect as an action. After using this effect, you must complete a long rest before doing so again. If you already have the Channel Divinity feature, you can use it one additional time between rests instead.

Clerical Student
Requires Wis 13+

Learn Thaumaturgy and one other cantrip from the Cleric spell list. ALso choose one first level spell from the Cleric spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. If you already know a cantrip you would have learned from this feat, learn a different cantrip from the Cleric spell list instead. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Wild Shaper
Requires Wis 13+

Choose one beast of CR 0. As an action, you may transform yourself into this creature as described in the Druid's Wild Shape feature. You can stay in this shape for up to 1 hour. After using this feature, you cannot do so again until after a Long Rest. If you already have the Wild Shape feature, you gain 1 additional use of it instead.

Druidic Initiate
Requires Wis 13+

Learn Druidcraft and one other cantrip from the Druid spell list. Also choose one first level spell from the Druid spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. If you already know a cantrip you would have learned from this feat, learn a different cantrip from the Druid spell list instead. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Fighting Style
Requires Str 13+ or Dex 13+

Learn one fighting style as described in the fighter's Fighting Style feature.

Martial Adept
Requires Str 13+ or Dex 13+


Bare-Knuckle Boxer
Requires Dex 13+

You have practice fighting with no armor or weapons. When you take this feat, you gain the following benefits.

You deal an extra 2 damage when you make an unarmed attack, and you may make unarmed attacks as a bonus action.
When you are not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 10 + Dexterity Modifier + Wisdom Modififer.

Meditative Novice
Requires Wis 13+

You gain 1 Ki point. You can spend it as a bonus action to use Step of the Wind, Patient Defense, or Flurry of Blows as described in the Monk features of the same name. Expended Ki points are regenerated after a long or short rest.

Healing Touch
Requires Cha 13+

As an action, you can touch a person and restore health equal to your level. After using this feature, you cannot do so again until after a long rest. If you have the Paladin's Lay on Hands feature, your Lay on Hands pool instead increases by an amount equal to your level.

Paladin's Squire
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Thaumaturgy and one other cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list. Also choose one first level spell from the Paladin spell list. You can use that spell once per day eithout expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Hated Foe
Requires Wis 13+

Choose one creature type from aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. When you are fighting an enemy from this type, you have a +2 attack bonus against them and a +2 damage bonus.

Ranger's Student
Requires Wis 13+

Learn Druidcraft and your choice of one other cantrip from the Druid spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Ranger spell list. You can use that spell once per day eithout expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Expert Tradesman
Requires 13+ in the ability that the chosen skill is associated with.

Choose one skill or tool that you are proficient in. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the chosen proficiency. Additionally, Whenever you make an ability check with that skill or tool, if you roll below 11 on the d20, you may add 4 to the check.

Precise Attack
Requires Dex 13+

Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll or if an enemy of the target is within 5 feet of them. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. If you have the Rogue's Sneak Attack feature, you instead deal an additional 1d6 damage when you make a Sneak Attack.

Natural Caster
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Sorcerer spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Sorcerer spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Requires the ability to cast at least 1 spell.

Gain 2 sorcery points and choose two Metamagic option as described in the Sorcerer's Metamagic feature. When you cast a spell, you use that Metamagic option with that spell by spending your sorcery points. Sorcery points granted by this feat are restored after a long rest.

Requires Cha 13+

Learn one Invocation as described in the Warlock's Eldritch Invocations feature. You must meet all requirements for the invocation.

Patron's Benificiary
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Warlock spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Warlock spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for thse spells.

Ritual Caster

Wizard's Apprentice
Requires Int 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Wizard spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Wizard spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for thse spells.

Final Thoughts
Each class has a handful of core features. I tried to provide feats which granted limiited access to those features while also being viable for a member of that class to take in order to boost their skills with those features. My guide for this was the MAgic Initiate feat and the Martial Adept feat, each of which does this - taking Martial Adept as a Battlemaster gives you extra superiority dice, and taking Magic Initiate gives you more cantrips and an extra spell. Therefore, I tried to make feats which mimiced rather than duplicated those features, and additionally allow them to stack with those features when possible.

Some of my choices may require explanation, which I will briefly provide here.

I identified their two core features as being Rage and Unarmored Defense, both of which are granted at level 1. I considered Reckless Attack as well, but decided to leave that as a full barbarian feature only partially to maintain 2 feats per class and partially because I wasn't sure how to reduce its effect while still maintaining 5e's design paradigm.

I identified their two core features as being Bardic Inspiration and Spellcasting. I considered Expertise, but decided to leave that as a Rogue feat rather than duplicate it.

I identified their two core features as being Fighting Style and Action Surge. However, my only idea for a downgrade to Action Surge was to make it require a Bonus Action, which would seem to let a fighter who took this feature to use it twice in one turn. It could alternately grant a second use of Action Surge, but given the level that's granted to the fighter normally this seemed too powerful. I then considered Second Wind, but then remembered about Martial Adept.

I identified their core features as being Martial Arts in general, Unarmoed Defense, and Ki. I combined Martial Arts and Unarmored Defense into one feat because, like a Barbarian's Rage granting both damage mitigation and damage boost, they both come from the same source (although they are two separate features in the Monk Class, both are reflections of a Monk's mastery of martial arts). I didn't grant a bonus to the AC of a Monk who takes this feat because they receive a damage bonus from the feat. Another reason to combine both features into one feat was because I wanted to maintain the 2 feat paradigm, and the second feat would be granting Ki.

I identified their core features as being Lay on Hands, Spellcasting, and Smites. I decided not to make a feat to grant a Smite because I wasn't sure how to make it stack further with a Paladin's smite, and because I wanted to give them cantrips with their spellcasting feat.

I identified their core features as being Expertise, Cunning Action, and Sneak Attack. I decided not to grant Cunnning Action because I wasn't sure how to downgrade it in a way that would still be a bonus to a Rogue who took the feat. I gave a weaker version of Reliable Talent to the expertise-granting feat because I thought that giving only one Expertise seemed too weak for a feat, but granting both would tread too much on the Rogue's Expertise feature itself.

2018-11-07, 08:48 PM
The first Barbarian feat is a little weird. It looks like it has two separate, uncorrelated effects, which is one more than most feats have. Also, adding twice your proficiency to Strength checks is weird, not to mention ambiguous (and why doesn't it apply to saving throws, which are far more likely to actually happen?). Does it stack? If it doesn't, it's not that great because a character who would take that feat probably has proficiency in Athletics anyway; if it does, then a character with expertise in Athletics would get plus four times their modifier, which itself is ridiculous.

The other Barbarian feat is also a little weird, since unarmored defense specifically doesn't stack in every other situation.

tl;dr barbarians are weird

2018-11-07, 10:19 PM
The intended effect of Inner Rage is for it basically give expertise. It should not let you add your proficiency bonus 4 times if you already have expertise, but should let you add it 2 times even if you are not proficient normally.

It does sort of have two uncorrelated effects, but both are versions of an effect granted by rage, which is what it's meant to mimic, so I think that they're connected enough.

I realize that the Barbarian Unarmored Defense is kind of odd in that way. Perhaps instead of giving you more AC, it should give you DR while wearing no armor (similar to Heavy Armor Master)?

2018-11-07, 11:24 PM
I recently had a discussion about multiclassing, in which the other person pointed to the Martial Adept and Magical Initiate feats as examples of the kind of multiclassing they liked - not reducing your effectiveness in your primary class, but taking just a little of the core power of another class (or taking the feat for your own class to represent even more expertise than a typical member of the class). I thought this was an interesting idea, and so I now present a full suite of multiclass feats, for all 12 classes in the Player's Handbook. They are sorted by applicable class.

These are intended to replace multiclassing through actual levels in another class. They have not yet been tested and are purely theoretical as of yet.

Cool! Let's go through them.

Inner Rage
Requires Str 13+

You have learned to harness the anger which constantly swirls beneath your skin. When you take this feat, you gain the following benefits.

As a bonus action, you may enter a rage which lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Until tha time, you gain a +2 bonus to damage with attacks you make using your strength score, and you may add your proficiency bonus twice to Strength checks. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Strength bonus. You regain expended uses after a long rest.
As a reaction when hit by an attack, you may reduce the damage by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus plus your Constitution modifier. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution bonus. You regain expended uses after a long rest.

Unarmored Defense
Requires Con 13+

When you are not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 8 + Dexterity Modifier + Constitution modifier. If you have the Barbarian's Unarmored Defense feature, you may add 2 to your unarmored AC.

Final Thoughts
I identified their two core features as being Rage and Unarmored Defense, both of which are granted at level 1. I considered Reckless Attack as well, but decided to leave that as a full barbarian feature only partially to maintain 2 feats per class and partially because I wasn't sure how to reduce its effect while still maintaining 5e's design paradigm.

Can't say I'm a fan of Inner Rage: it's too fiddly. Frankly, I'd just give out one use of normal rage per long rest. With feats like Great Weapon Master or Alert, I don't think it's overpowered to give barbarians an extra use of rage at the cost of either another feat they could take (such as one of the aforementioned feats) or a constant +1 to attack and damage rolls, ability checks, and saving throws and/or +1 to AC and/or +1 hit point per level.

Unarmored Defence is actually too weak. Consider a rogue taking the feat. With a Constitution of 14, and eventually max Dexterity, they'd have an AC of 15: 1 less than they could get with non-magical leather armour. A wizard or sorcerer would reasonably have an AC of 12 or 13, depending on their Constitution and Dexterity scores, but they'd have that if they didn't take the feat. For that reason, I'd suggest something else entirely, unless you're willing to just give the normal unarmoured defence feature.

I'm hard-pressed to come up with something that touches on core barbarian features at low levels, but maybe you could do a 1-die brutal critical once per short or long rest type thing, alongside a +1 bonus to Constitution.

Inspirational Novice
Requires Cha 13+

You gain 2 Bardic Inspiration dice, which are d4s. If you already have Bardic Inspiration dice, you gain 2 extra dice of the size you already have. You can spend your Bardic Inspiration dice as a bonus action to give them to allies as described in the Bard's Bardic Inspiration feature. You regain expended Bardic Inspiration Dice after a long rest.

Bardic Apprentice
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Bard spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Bard spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. If you already know a cantrip you would have learned from this feat, learn a different cantrip from the Bard spell list instead. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Final Thoughts
I identified their two core features as being Bardic Inspiration and Spellcasting. I considered Expertise, but decided to leave that as a Rogue feat rather than duplicate it.

Inspirational Novice is fine, except the dice can still be d6s. I have to assume you're scrapping Magic Initiate as part of this project, though, because otherwise Bardic Apprentice is strictly a worse version of that feat.

What I'd suggest as a replacement for Bardic Apprentice is a feat that gives:
- +1 to Charisma
- Once per long rest, you can perform a d6 song of rest as per the bard feature
- If you are a bard, you instead give each creature two dice to roll once per long rest

Divine Channeler
Requires Wis 13+

Choose 1 Channel Divinity effect granted by a Cleric Domain. You can use this effect as an action. After using this effect, you must complete a long rest before doing so again. If you already have the Channel Divinity feature, you can use it one additional time between rests instead.

Clerical Student
Requires Wis 13+

Learn Thaumaturgy and one other cantrip from the Cleric spell list. ALso choose one first level spell from the Cleric spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. If you already know a cantrip you would have learned from this feat, learn a different cantrip from the Cleric spell list instead. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Divine Channeler is great, although I wonder if it would be better to restrict it to Turn Undead for the feat?

Clerical Student has the same problem as Bardic Apprentice.

If you're looking at a substitute, I'd suggest a feat that does:
- +1 to Wisdom
- Divine strike usable once per short or long rest

Wild Shaper
Requires Wis 13+

Choose one creature of CR 0. As an action, you may transform yourself into this creature as described in the Druid's Wild Shape feature. You can stay in this shape for up to 10 minutes. After using this feature, you cannot do so again until after a Long Rest. If you already have the Wild Shape feature, you gain 1 additional use of it instead.

Druidic Initiate
Requires Wis 13+

Learn Druidcraft and one other cantrip from the Druid spell list. Also choose one first level spell from the Druid spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. If you already know a cantrip you would have learned from this feat, learn a different cantrip from the Druid spell list instead. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

For Wild Shaper, I think you can go as high as CR 1/4 and have the effect last for 1 hour.

Druidic Initiate is the same as Bardic Apprentice or Clerical Student. I'm at a loss as to what might replace it, though.

Fighting Style
Requires Str 13+ or Dex 13+

Learn one fighting style as described in the fighter's Fighting Style feature.

Martial Adept
Requires Str 13+ or Dex 13+


Final Thoughts
I identified their two core features as being Fighting Style and Action Surge. However, my only idea for a downgrade to Action Surge was to make it require a Bonus Action, which would seem to let a fighter who took this feature to use it twice in one turn. It could alternately grant a second use of Action Surge, but given the level that's granted to the fighter normally this seemed too powerful. I then considered Second Wind, but then remembered about Martial Adept.

These are fine, although I'm not entirely sure a fighting style is worth a feat all by itself. Maybe that feat should also grant +1 to either Strength or Dexterity?

Bare-Knuckle Boxer
Requires Dex 13+

You have practice fighting with no armor or weapons. When you take this feat, you gain teh following benefits.

You deal an extra 2 damage when you make an unarmed attack.
When you are not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 8 + Dexterity Modifier + Wisdom Modififer.

Meditative Novice
Requires Wis 13+

You gain 2 Ki points. You can spend them as a Bonus Action to make 1 unarmed attack, or when you move to increase your movement speed by 10 until the end of your turn. Expended Ki points are regenerated after a long rest.

Final Thoughts
I identified their core features as being Martial Arts in general, Unarmored Defense, and Ki. I combined Martial Arts and Unarmored Defense into one feat because, like a Barbarian's Rage granting both damage mitigation and damage boost, they both come from the same source (although they are two separate features in the Monk Class, both are reflections of a Monk's mastery of martial arts). I didn't grant a bonus to the AC of a Monk who takes this feat because they receive a damage bonus from the feat. Another reason to combine both features into one feat was because I wanted to maintain the 2 feat paradigm, and the second feat would be granting Ki.

Not a fan of Bare-Knuckle Boxer, at least not with the unarmoured defence portion (for much the same reason I don't like the barbarian version of the feat). I'd consider removing that and giving +1 to Wisdom instead, maybe renaming the feat Monastic Training or something.

When you consider Martial Adept, which just gives you one Superiority Die and battlemaster manoeuvres without nerfing them (save for the fact that the Superiority Die doesn't scale if you're not already a battlemaster), Meditative Novice is pretty sucky. I'd consider giving only 1 ki point, but having it refresh on a short or long rest, and giving access to Flurry, Step of the Wind, and Patient Defence as normal, and monks get 1 additional ki point.

Healing Touch
Requires Cha 13+

As an action, you can touch a person and restore health equal to your level. You may use this feature once per. If you have the Paladin's Lay on Hands feature, your Lay on Hands pool instead increases by an amount equal to your level.

Paladin's Squire
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Thaumaturgy and one other cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list. Also choose one first level spell from the Paladin spell list. You can use that spell once per day eithout expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Final Thoughts
I identified their core features as being Lay on Hands, Spellcasting, and Smites. I decided not to make a feat to grant a Smite because I wasn't sure how to make it stack further with a Paladin's smite, and because I wanted to give them cantrips with their spellcasting feat.

Healing Touch is fine, although I would clean up the wording. It should work like Lay on Hands: you can use it as often as you like, but you only regain expended hit points from the healing pool when you finish a long rest.

Paladin's Squire really doesn't make sense, because paladins don't get cantrips.

Instead, I would give a limited-use smite, say +1d8 radiant damage to one weapon attack once per long rest, and either +1 to Charisma or a single 1st-level paladin spell that can be cast without a spell slot once per long rest.

Hated Foe
Requires Wis 13+

Choose one creature type from aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. When you are fighting an enemy from this type, you have a +2 attack bonus against them and a +2 damage bonus.

Ranger's Student
Requires Wis 13+

Learn Druidcraft and your choice of one other cantrip from the Druid spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Ranger spell list. You can use that spell once per day eithout expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Hated Foe is actually better for combat than Favoured Enemy is, which is a problem. I would rather give +1 to Wisdom and either just give a favoured enemy with the standard benefits from the feature of that name, or +1 to Wisdom and a favoured terrain.

Ranger's Student - again, why the cantrips? Giving a 1st-level spell that you can use once per long rest is fine (ranger has some good ones), and I'd give the ability to use primeval awareness for 1 minute once per long rest without spending a spell slot along with it.

Expert Tradesman
Requires 13+ in the ability that the chosen skill is associated with.

Choose one skill or tool that you are proficient in. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the chosen proficiency. Additionally, Whenever you make an ability check with that skill or tool, you can treat a d20 roll of 4 or lower as a 5.

Precise Attack
Requires Dex 13+

Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d4 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. If you have the Rogue's Sneak Attack feature, you instead deal an additional 1d6 damage when you make a Sneak Attack.

Final Thoughts
I identified their core features as being Expertise, Cunning Action, and Sneak Attack. I decided not to grant Cunnning Action because I wasn't sure how to downgrade it in a way that would still be a bonus to a Rogue who took the feat. I gave a weaker version of Reliable Talent to the expertise-granting feat because I thought that giving only one Expertise seemed too weak for a feat, but granting both would tread too much on the Rogue's Expertise feature itself.

The problem with Expert Tradesman is that the second clause does nothing for rogues who take the feat once they get reliable talent.

I'd replace that clause with +1 to either Dexterity or Intelligence. The expertise part to one skill or tool is fine.

I don't think Precise Attack needs to be a nerfed Sneak Attack. Just give 1d6 and let it apply whenever Sneak Attack would.

Natural Caster
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Sorcerer spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Sorcerer spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Requires the ability to cast at least 1 spell.

Choose one Metamagic option as described in the Sorcerer's Metamagic feature. When you cast a spell, you can use that Metamagic option with that spell. After using this feature, you cannot do so until after a long rest. If you already have the Sorcerer's Metamagic feature, you instead gain 2 additional Sorcery points.

Natural Caster is once again a nerfed Magic Initiate. I'd dispense with it, though I'm not sure what to suggest as a replacement. Perhaps mine the subclasses for options, the way fighter has Martial Adept?

For Metamagical, I would consider granting 1 metamagic option and 2 sorcery points instead, with the caveat that unless you have the Font of Magic class feature, you can only use these sorcery points for your metamagic option.

Requires Cha 13+

Learn one Invocation as described in the Warlock's Eldritch Invocations feature. You must meet all requirements for the invocation.

Patron's Benificiary
Requires Cha 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Warlock spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Warlock spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Invoker is fine.

Patron's Beneficiary is once again a weaker version of Magic Initiate. I'd consider replacing it with +1 Charisma and a single use of Dark One's Own Luck that refreshes when you finish a long rest - so warlocks get one such use per long rest (or one additional use, if they're Fiendlocks).

Ritual Caster

Wizard's Apprentice
Requires Int 13+

Learn Prestidigitation and your choice of one other cantrip on the Wizard spell list. Also learn one first level spell from the Wizard spell list. You can use that spell once per day without expending a spell slot. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Ritual Caster is fine.

Wizard's Apprentice is the same as all the other weaker-than-Magic-Initiate feats. Not sure what to suggest to replace it, though.

2018-11-08, 01:13 PM
Can't say I'm a fan of Inner Rage: it's too fiddly. Frankly, I'd just give out one use of normal rage per long rest. With feats like Great Weapon Master or Alert, I don't think it's overpowered to give barbarians an extra use of rage at the cost of either another feat they could take (such as one of the aforementioned feats) or a constant +1 to attack and damage rolls, ability checks, and saving throws and/or +1 to AC and/or +1 hit point per level.

You're right - giving a single use of rage makes way more sense. Changed.

Unarmored Defence is actually too weak. Consider a rogue taking the feat. With a Constitution of 14, and eventually max Dexterity, they'd have an AC of 15: 1 less than they could get with non-magical leather armour. A wizard or sorcerer would reasonably have an AC of 12 or 13, depending on their Constitution and Dexterity scores, but they'd have that if they didn't take the feat. For that reason, I'd suggest something else entirely, unless you're willing to just give the normal unarmoured defence feature.

I'm hard-pressed to come up with something that touches on core barbarian features at low levels, but maybe you could do a 1-die brutal critical once per short or long rest type thing, alongside a +1 bonus to Constitution.[/QUOTE]

You're right - having it start with a base of 8 makes it pretty bad unless you have a really great constitution, and even then it never gets better than studded leather. Perhaps it'll be just straight-up Unarmored Defense, and also give the reduce-damage-as-a-reaction thing that I originally had as part of Inner Rage.

Inspirational Novice is fine, except the dice can still be d6s. I have to assume you're scrapping Magic Initiate as part of this project, though, because otherwise Bardic Apprentice is strictly a worse version of that feat.

I am indeed scrapping Magic Initiate. I'll edit to make that more clear.

Divine Channeler is great, although I wonder if it would be better to restrict it to Turn Undead for the feat?

I'm not sure... Turn Undead is obviously the common point between all cleric domains, but you get both your domain Channel Divinity and Turn Undead at first level. Perhaps offer a choice between Turn Undead or a domain Channel Divinity?

For Wild Shaper, I think you can go as high as CR 1/4 and have the effect last for 1 hour.

I'll bump it up to 1 hour. I don't want to bump it up to 1/4 CR though - that would let it be used in combat as a boar or a wolf or something, and I'm thinking about this more as a utility thing than a combat thing. Druids get it as combat. Then again, I am limiting it to only one creature, and other feats are giving the full usage of a feature... I'll think about that on.

These are fine, although I'm not entirely sure a fighting style is worth a feat all by itself. Maybe that feat should also grant +1 to either Strength or Dexterity?

I think it's worth a feat, personally. Compare to Tough - that's like getting a +4 to Con (instead of a +2 from an ASI) but only for health, not for saves or checks. Archery, for example, is like getting a +4 to Dex, but only for ranged attacks - Dueling is like +4 to Strength or Dex, only for one-handed damage. Etc... fighting styles are pretty good on their own.

Not a fan of Bare-Knuckle Boxer, at least not with the unarmoured defence portion (for much the same reason I don't like the barbarian version of the feat). I'd consider removing that and giving +1 to Wisdom instead, maybe renaming the feat Monastic Training or something.

When you consider Martial Adept, which just gives you one Superiority Die and battlemaster manoeuvres without nerfing them (save for the fact that the Superiority Die doesn't scale if you're not already a battlemaster), Meditative Novice is pretty sucky. I'd consider giving only 1 ki point, but having it refresh on a short or long rest, and giving access to Flurry, Step of the Wind, and Patient Defence as normal, and monks get 1 additional ki point.

Meditative Novice changed as per your suggestion. Bare-Knuckle Boxer now gives full Unarmored

Healing Touch is fine, although I would clean up the wording. It should work like Lay on Hands: you can use it as often as you like, but you only regain expended hit points from the healing pool when you finish a long rest.

It's actually more based on the Aasimar's healing touch than the Paladin's, but the points stack with a Paladin's Lay on Hands.

Paladin's Squire really doesn't make sense, because paladins don't get cantrips.

Instead, I would give a limited-use smite, say +1d8 radiant damage to one weapon attack once per long rest, and either +1 to Charisma or a single 1st-level paladin spell that can be cast without a spell slot once per long rest.

I know they don't get cantrips, but I think that giving them is fine - it means that getting cantrips is the bonus a Paladin would get from taking the feat.

Hated Foe is actually better for combat than Favoured Enemy is, which is a problem. I would rather give +1 to Wisdom and either just give a favoured enemy with the standard benefits from the feature of that name, or +1 to Wisdom and a favoured terrain.

I think that's more a problem with Favored Enemy than Hated Foe, tbh.

The problem with Expert Tradesman is that the second clause does nothing for rogues who take the feat once they get reliable talent.

I'd replace that clause with +1 to either Dexterity or Intelligence. The expertise part to one skill or tool is fine.

True... I think I'll change that to give you a +4 bonus if you roll below 11 on the die. That makes it stack with reliable talent instead.

I don't think Precise Attack needs to be a nerfed Sneak Attack. Just give 1d6 and let it apply whenever Sneak Attack would.

You're right - changed to be a full +1d6 and whenever sneak attack would normally work.

For Metamagical, I would consider granting 1 metamagic option and 2 sorcery points instead, with the caveat that unless you have the Font of Magic class feature, you can only use these sorcery points for your metamagic option.


2018-11-08, 05:56 PM
I am indeed scrapping Magic Initiate. I'll edit to make that more clear.

Ah, okay. I would say that you could disregard all my comments regarding the Magic Initiate-like feats, but you already did, so carry on. :smallsmile: