View Full Version : Player Help Need to pick 2 out of these 4

2018-10-31, 12:05 AM
I need to pick 2 out of these 4 spells: Mirror Image, Revivify, Tongues, and Death Ward

I leveled up in Sorceror to Divine Soul 7 / Hexblade 3. I expect we will face vampires/spawn in the near future. So, I am expecting to use Spirit Guardians. My AC is solid at 20 plus Cloak of Displacement plus the +5 from the Shield spell.

Mirror Image – this would be to add more defense but which might be overkill.
Revivify and Death Ward – these are both Twinnable.
Tongues – this is to support being the ‘party face’; it could be cast with Subtle along with Enhance Ability or Suggestion.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Current Spell selection:
Sorceror: Absorb Elements, Bless (c), Healing Word, Enhance Ability, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Spirit Guardians (c)
Warlock: Eldritch Blast (Agonizing), Hex, Shield, Misty Step, Suggestion (c)

2018-10-31, 01:04 AM
My gut reaction: Death Ward, for sure.
The other option.. I'd go for Revivify if it seems like people get close to death a lot.
Tongues if you encounter a lot of situations where you don't have *any* language in common with the people you're dealing with.

If neither of those come up a lot, I'd go for something else, since the Cloak already makes you a b*tch to hit with an AC of 20.

2018-10-31, 01:08 AM
Death Ward and Tongues.

Most of the time when someone goes down you're going to healing word then back into the fight. Only if they get targeted down by an enemy are you going to need Revivify, more often you'll have the time to get them back up before three fails.

I'm assuming if Tongues is on your list you see potential for it's use within your campaign so it's good to mix combat utility and social utility when choosing your non blasting spells as a Sorcerer.

2018-10-31, 06:46 AM
I need to pick 2 out of these 4 spells: Mirror Image, Revivify, Tongues, and Death Ward

I leveled up in Sorceror to Divine Soul 7 / Hexblade 3. I expect we will face vampires/spawn in the near future. So, I am expecting to use Spirit Guardians. My AC is solid at 20 plus Cloak of Displacement plus the +5 from the Shield spell.

Mirror Image – this would be to add more defense but which might be overkill.
Revivify and Death Ward – these are both Twinnable.
Tongues – this is to support being the ‘party face’; it could be cast with Subtle along with Enhance Ability or Suggestion.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Current Spell selection:
Sorceror: Absorb Elements, Bless (c), Healing Word, Enhance Ability, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Spirit Guardians (c)
Warlock: Eldritch Blast (Agonizing), Hex, Shield, Misty Step, Suggestion (c)

If you are having to twin cast revivify, things have REALLY hit the fan lol.

I will echo what the others said regarding death ward. Its pretty critical for facing undead. I will say that having both revivify and healing word is kind of a moot point. Healing word will do about the same from a distance, it's pretty much the gold standard for keeping people from death. Pretty sure you can twin it also (correct if I am wrong please).

As for the other two, it really just depends on whether or not you are expecting this level to be more combat or role-play intensive. Honestly, if you are far from civilized places, then tongues would probably be more helpful; but then again, ive never seen a mage who couldn't capitalize on mirror image.

So here's my final suggestions:
Take death ward. No arguments lol.
If you make liberal use of Suggestion, take Tongues to make it available against just about anything sentient (Not so good against unintelligent undead).
If you are planning on running Spirit Guardians constantly, then use mirror image to help with being in melee range.
I would avoid revivify personally because you already have Healing Word. I'd only pick this if it were critical to how you RP your character.

Guy Lombard-O
2018-10-31, 10:22 AM
I'm sure the above advice is all solid. Probably a better choice than what I'd do. But I'm me, soooo...

I'd probably not go with Death Ward (cuz I'm an idiot?). I'm a real resource-hog, and I don't care for the idea of preemptively burning my only 4th level spell slot without even knowing if it'll be needed. Not when I've got access to Polymorph and Greater Invisibility with that slot.

I'd probably take the Revivify, and possibly the Tongues. Sure, Healing Word (and Polymorph) might well save your battered and moribund from actual death. But, just in case? Revivify!

2018-10-31, 04:01 PM
I think Death Ward is a lock, now. I was on the fence before but now I like it more based upon everyone's comments... especially seeing as you cannot (twin) cast Healing Word (or Revivify) if you are unconscious. Thanks!

Note: Guy Lombard-O still makes a good point about how about Death Ward vs Revivify... both are unlikely to come into play that often, but Death Ward would probably use up that 4th level slot each day while Revivify would not. Still, I like the extra survivability of Death Ward.

2018-10-31, 04:09 PM
Rev is for when things went *REAL* bad.
Death Ward is for that player/character that seems to go to 0hp at least once during most sessions.

I know my Death Cleric is going to cast Death Ward on the Warlock when he gets access to the (domain) spell. Because for some reason he always winds up caught out of position, through no real fault of his own, and eating dirt.
If a 4th level spell slot can keep him up for an extra round and keep my bonus action free to Spiritual Weapon more, that's just Gucci!

2018-10-31, 04:42 PM
@DarkKnightJin... and better yet, Death Ward is twinnable (but 'point expensive') for Sorcerors.

As for Revivify vs Tongues... I guess Tongues wins. Both might see infrequent use, but being able to speak to 'just about anything sentient' (as carrdrivesyou mentioned) on any given day is pretty sweet.

So the revised spell selection is...
Sorceror: Absorb Elements, Bless (c), Healing Word, Enhance Ability, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Tongues, Spirit Guardians (c), Death Ward
Warlock: Eldritch Blast (Agonizing), Hex, Shield, Misty Step, Suggestion (c)

At the next level-up, I'll take Greater Invisibility (which will combine with Elven Accuracy). After that, i'll probably take Greater Restoration. I hope Greater Restoration is not too niche to choose.

2018-11-01, 12:20 AM
Greater Restoration has the drawback of needing a 100gp gem for a material component, which it consumes, I believe.
But, the sheer breadth of stuff you can nope with it makes it never a bad spell to have in your repertoire.

2018-11-01, 01:27 AM
If you have (or plan to have) Dexterity 20, Mirror Image is simply amazing spell.

2018-11-02, 12:28 AM
If you have (or plan to have) Dexterity 20, Mirror Image is simply amazing spell.

Thanks. Good point. This character has (and will likely only have) a 14 Dex. So, another reason not to take Mirror Image in this case.
Stats: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16 (Resilient), Int 10, Wis 12 (Proficient), and Chr 17 (Proficient)

2018-11-02, 08:04 AM
I need to pick 2 out of these 4 spells: Mirror Image, Revivify, Tongues, and Death Ward

I leveled up in Sorceror to Divine Soul 7 / Hexblade 3. I expect we will face vampires/spawn in the near future. So, I am expecting to use Spirit Guardians. My AC is solid at 20 plus Cloak of Displacement plus the +5 from the Shield spell.

Mirror Image – this would be to add more defense but which might be overkill.
Revivify and Death Ward – these are both Twinnable.
Tongues – this is to support being the ‘party face’; it could be cast with Subtle along with Enhance Ability or Suggestion.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Current Spell selection:
Sorceror: Absorb Elements, Bless (c), Healing Word, Enhance Ability, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Spirit Guardians (c)
Warlock: Eldritch Blast (Agonizing), Hex, Shield, Misty Step, Suggestion (c)

Death ward no question saved my life many times. best part only drops when you loss concentration

2018-11-02, 09:22 AM
Death ward no question saved my life many times. best part only drops when you loss concentration

Death Ward is an 8 hour duration, non-Concentration spell.
Sure, it only wards a single death/KO, but even that is plenty useful.

2018-11-02, 01:05 PM
Death Ward is an 8 hour duration, non-Concentration spell.
Sure, it only wards a single death/KO, but even that is plenty useful.

we really played that spell wrong. never read it before just went by what my dm told me. thats less powerful but at lest not as broken as i thought it was.