View Full Version : One for All (IC 1)

El'the Ellie
2018-10-31, 11:08 PM
1. Setting Sail



The sun hangs high over the Sea of Swords, beating the endless waters into a sapphire expanse. The sun occasionally throws glittered reflection of the waves at your eyes, and occasionally the salt spray makes it up to the top decks. Though you may not be here of your own volition, it's hard not to have a positive outlook in the sun. A weight held over you for too long is finally being acted upon, and there is purpose and adventure drifting along the sea breeze. Even if you haven't actually made much progress over the last day.

* * *

"Right, crew, listen up! These are the folks Blackbird mentioned. Yer all going to be together for a while, so might as well get off on the right foot." The day of your departure, Captain James Stockburn greeted you on the deck of the Albatross as you carried your belongings aboard. Your introduction was fairly cursory.
"I'm Captain Stockburn. As long as you're on board this ship, I'm considering you under my care. Adams here is second in command," He motions to a younger woman leaning on the banister, clearly sizing each of you up. "If I'm not around, what she says go. Anything you need me fore you can talk to her about.
Em here is our lookout." He motions to a wood elf leaning back against the Albatross's mast who wordlessly gives a small wave. "Well, her and the bird."
A half-orc pushing a crate into place stretches and turns to face you all as a halfling climbs up on top of one of the crates towards the back of the deck. "Over there is Big and Little. I'll let you work out which one is which. Our resident experts on most things that don't involve the ship herself."
"Over there," he motions to a dark skinned man clearly dressed in the outfit of a priest. "is Eston, the closest thing we have on this ship to a godly man. He's also the cook, so you might want to make sure you're on his good side. That's about it, other than the deckhands. DECKHANDS!" He cups his mouth to his hands and hollers, as seven kobolds come out of the woodwork. A few were chattering noisily around the deck, but most were readying the ship (or making it look like they were being useful.)
"We got the Kaggle trio: Snapt, Skap, and Scraft." He points to each of the larger, reddish brown scalykind in turn as they line up on the deck. "And those four are Varak, Kelrak, Sortrak, and Nurrak. Let me know if any of them give you a hard time."
He dismisses his crew back to preparing the ship, and sits on a barrel and studies you all.
"I'm sure Blackbird filled you all in, but let's have it said once more for measure.
First, y'all are passengers here. I'm not here to take care of you, but I do like to keep those on my ship alive. When we run into rough seas, and we will at some point, if I tell you to take cover or grab a line, you do it. You do that and respect my crew and ship, and we'll get along fine. Other than that, I don't much care what your plans are as long as we get our cut.
Which brings me to two. You treasure hunters still gotta pay your dues. Twenty percent of what you find goes back to me and the crew: that's our pay to ferry you around to gods know where. And that includes selling anything of value you might find when we reach a port. You can settle up with me or Adams, if need be.
Last: the Sea of Swords is a dangerous place by itself. The normal hazards of the sea, well that's part of life. But if you bring a special kind of hell on us in your hunt that gets one of my crew killed, your paying their insurance. Ten thousand gold. Some of these folks have families that need to be taken care of. But I'm sure that won't come up."
He gets up and claps his hands. "Right, bunks are below decks. We have two cabins with one bed, two with a pair of bunks each, and a room with four cots if you want: I'll let you argue among yourselves who gets what. Meals are when Eston feels like it, but usually at seven, noon, and six. Other than that..." He shrugs, feeling like he forgot something, but then lets it go.
"It'll take us a couple days to get out of Waterdeep out on the sea. As I recall you guys have something that's supposed to tell us where we're headed? Let me know."

* * *

That was yesterday morning. Since then you've gotten settled somewhat, at least enough to feel the rhythm of the ship beneath you as it leaves the Sword Coast, and life as you knew it, behind. With little progress gleaning any clues from Jast's last letter on your own, you all have decided to meet up on the deck of the ship and put your heads together.

Welcome! I hope folks don't mind a bit of a swift introduction. Please feel free to participate in the current scene of you all working to find out anything you know on the letter, as well as the introductory scene aboard the ship.

Feel free to roll any checks you might think are relevant to the letter or things contained within the letter.

2018-11-01, 06:09 AM
Standing towards the rear of the group of strangers boarding the Albatross, the pale silver haired young elf clutching a fluffy white cat looks quite small compared to her companions. Her white blouse, and brown leggings(Mostly brown. They have their share of cat fur as well) go fairly well with her small collection of carved jewelry. A rapier rests on her hip, and a longbow and backpack across her back, but he hardly looks strong enough to use either, as she seems to be struggling with holding her cat.
Almost as soon as she boards, the cat jumps away, and darts off into the ship, clearly exploring, and the elf stretches her stick thin arms in relief while Captain Stockburn greets the small mismatched band. While introductions go, she smiles softly at each new crewman, but doesn't say anything then, until after the crew was introduced. Her soft, melodious voice contains a slight tang of a Neverwinterian accent, backed by that of the Moonshae Isles, but it's understandable despite the nervousness within. "Thank you for introducing us, Captain. I'm Illani, and my cat answers to Fluffy." She seems a little put out by that, but she soon continues, as she looks at her erstwhile companions. "Does anyone mind if I take one of the private cabins? Otherwise, Fluffy'll probably steal whomever I'm sharing with's pillow."


Wearing a simple white blouse with brown pants, along with a small collection of jewelry, Illani's appearance is hardly noteworthy. The bag at her back marks her as a wanderer, especially when combined with the rapier at her belt, and the longbow across her back, but beneath her clothing, she seems to be incredibly thin, and her movements, while graceful, seem to lack strength.

2018-11-01, 11:02 AM
It's a rag-tag group if ever she's seen one, Lo thinks when she looks around at the crew and the passengers of the ship. The mixed group isn't like anything she's seen before, much less all working together. But, she supposes, living in a dwarven city - where the main occupants are dwarves, and dwarves only - will tend to make one forget about the other varied races in the world. Even though it's been some time since she left the home she made for herself, to see such a group all working together is still somewhat of a shock to her. She remembers the names as best as she is able to, though the group is introduced rapid-fire. Knowing who you were dealing with was always better than remaining ignorant. Years as an assassin had taught her that much. Through the introductions, she remains silent, only nodding here or there to show she is listening. She doesn't pay much mind to the others, when bunks are arranged. She just heads belowdecks, finding one of the rooms with two bunks and claiming one as her own. If someone chooses to room with her - that's fine. If she gets to keep the room to herself - fine, too. They had a job to get done, and she wasn't here to make friends.

Don't worry, she'll warm up to you guys. :smallredface:

2018-11-01, 08:54 PM
Ubelen stands looking over the ship for some time. His plate mail is fairly dark and tends to glisten black in the sun. A silver embossing of Kelemvor's symbol is on his breastplate over his heart, and he has a sturdy greatsword strapped to his back. His feet are somewhat further than shoulder-width apart, still adjusting to the rocking of the ship.

Ubelen removes his helm, placing it at his side. He sweeps back his long blonde hair, and addresses his new-found companions:

My thanks as well Captain, I find your expectations reasonable.
Greetings and salutations. I am Ubelen Giantsbane, of House Giantsbane. I am a cleric and soldier of Kelemvor, and am optimistic we can be focused on putting this debt behind us. Though so far I've found Blackbird to be...motivating for those kinds of things. I'm fine with a bunk in a shared room, I'm neither accustomed to nor need privacy. Please come to me immediately if you are injured or harmed. There are maladies like drain I can't yet counter, but there's more that I can. We will likely need to coordinate magic before we encounter enemies, but we look to have days for that.

Ubelen considers his companions at this point, and wonders what he's getting into. Most of his associates of the past several years have been armored soldiers or clerics, if not outright Knights. He already misses their camaraderie keenly. He has often heard successful adventuring parties are more diverse than he's used to, and this group looks to certainly be that.

2018-11-02, 05:19 AM
While Zaheir was listening to captain introductions one thing caught his attention . Noone mentioned that 20% cut. He fully understood rationale behind it as this is his ship, his crew and his responsibility. Still, he didn't like the revelation that his debt was already 20% higher. Was there anything to do about it? No. So there was no need to argue, and decided to accept the situation as it is. He's already neck deep in debt. This was the first time that he is going on such extended voyage on the sea and the thought made him uneasy. Not to mention constantly shifting balance and rocking of the vessel, living in close quarters and the company of kobolds.

There were five souls here that shared his fate. He introduced himself as „Zaheir Shazzar from Calimshan, wielder of the Art and servant of Mystra. I echo sentiments from Ubelen on putting this debt behind us.“ He didn't envy his need of donning the armor in these conditions.„Hopefully, we will work together in decent manner, accomplish our goal and be back in one piece. I don't mind sharing the room with others, as long as you don't snore too loud or fart on a regular basis. I'll be in a room with four cots.“

He approached Eston when crew was dismised and told him to prepare one meal less, as his needs were covered. Tho he wouldn't refuse occasional glass of fine wine if there was any. After making himself somewhat accustomed to the ship, he lay his belongings in room below.

Frog Dragon
2018-11-02, 10:18 AM
Erick's mind immediately went to the contract with the captain. He wondered how a "special kind of hell" was defined and where they came up with 20%. He had certainly never signed anything of the like. Then again, it would be useless to argue. Hopefully there would be no trouble with the captain and this expedition would be a success. Maybe once his debts were settled he might even be able to get his law credentials back.

But that was in the future. For now, he introduced himself, looking over everyone on the ship in turn. "Greetings all. I am Erick Irencar Barde, and before I came here I was a lawyer, a scholar, and a priest of Berronar. For now, I suppose we are all sailors. And I'm fine sharing a room," he says. Though he had lived a life of relative luxury at times, temple life had taught him to be content with little.

2018-11-02, 10:33 AM
With introductions ongoing, Illani offers a nervous smile as each member introduces themselves, and ignores her question. "It's nice meeting everyone? Are all of you in debt to Blackbird too? Or for another reason?" Her quiet voice remains rather nervous. I hope he isn't getting into trouble. If he'd just waited for a little bit...

2018-11-05, 03:03 PM
Lo remains in her room for a while, getting everything settled, but when she realizes that secluding herself probably won't be productive to group cohesion - and that she's been sitting here doing nothing, now that her gear is safely stowed - she heads back up abovedecks. She arrives just in time to hear the pale girl's question, and quirks a dark brow in response. "I thought that was a given," she remarks flatly in response.

2018-11-05, 05:30 PM
Illani's attention quickly turns to Lo as she speaks, and she offers her a quick smile. "I thought maybe someone might have volunteered, or been hired? Instead of conscripted? I don't think Fluffy's in debt, and he's here." The question in her lyrical voice is quite clear, as is her continued nervousness. Her hands stay far away from the rapier strapped awkwardly at her side.

2018-11-05, 11:46 PM
"That's your cat? Figured it belonged to the ship," Lo says. She didn't see much use for an animal like that, outside of as a mouser - which would be useful on a ship. But to just keep one as a pet? "What good is it?" she asks - not really meaning to sound hostile, but there's a rough edge to her voice that she isn't quite sure how to filter around strangers.

2018-11-06, 05:40 AM
Illani's amber eyes continue to peer up in the general direction of Lo's face as the conversation continues, never quite meeting Lo's eyes. She's interested in Fluffy? Maybe she's a cat person? But no! she just wants to know if he's useful? Now looking quite worried, she tries to explain. "Well, I got Fluffy because the warehouse near my shop had a bit of a mouse problem, but he soon decided that he'd rather beg treats and attention from the neighborhood children, which was ok, because the mice still started avoiding my store. And all the kids loved him, so I ended up doing a bit of babysitting too. He's a really nice cat, really!" Left unspoken is the final portion of the conversation. Please don't hurt him!

2018-11-06, 11:10 AM
Lo hums softly at Illani's hurried explanation. The girl seems nervous. Well, Lo supposed, she tended to have that effect on people. Especially when she wasn't... exactly... trying to be polite. They were going to be stuck together for a while, though. She didn't want to be feared, not really. They were allies, and allies should count on one another. So she made herself smile - she hoped it looked reassuring. "He's pretty," she tells the elf. "If a little on the big side. I see you don't slack off in giving him those treats."

2018-11-06, 11:24 AM
Seeing the effort at being reasurring Lo was putting out, Illani tries to cut back on her nervousness. It doesn't quite work, but she keeps not trembling, so, progress! "He'd probably love it if you petted him, and scratched him. He'll probably be around the fisherman, begging them for treats, then complaining to me when his fur is covered in scales." She shakes her head with a soft smile. "Silly cat."

She pauses for a few moments, before speaking again, on a different topic. "Do any of you know where we should be going, to follow Jast? Or have another idea on where to find a million gold?"

2018-11-07, 04:27 AM
After making himself as comfortable as he could in his cabin of four, Zaheir head back to the shipboard, where he heard Lo and Illani speak about her cat. „Well, you should definitely speak with your kin, up there in the lookout. To see that Fluffy doesn't make meal of that bird. Or vice versa, who knows these days“ he said with a benevolent smile.

He introduced them to what he knows about Jast. „Asked around docks for a bit, seems noone knows anything about Cauldia or her crew and the only “lead” I managed to get is Calduria, which is name of island somewhere in Moonshaes. Don't know if it is a clue in a first place.“

Afterwards, he asked Adams for permission to climb the mast and lookout, to enjoy the view of the endless blue horizon.

2018-11-07, 06:36 AM
Paling at Zaheir's comment, Illani's eyes quickly glance at Em, taking in the suspiciously innocent eagle, before looking back at Zaheir. "Maybe they'll get along?" Her voice is fairly hopeful. Possibly too hopeful.

However, when Calduria is mentioned as apart of the Moonshae islands, Illani smiles. "Maybe we could visit Gwynneth? I'm sure someone would know something? They're very traditional, so stories might have survived? And if we can wait a few days, I might be able to visit some of the more reclusive groups on the island? They might know more too." Maybe mum and dad might not be too upset with me?

Illani is definitely a bit out of the loop with regards to Gwynneth, since the fey sort of took over since she left, and banned non-elves from the island. And several fairly nasty things happened.

2018-11-07, 10:49 PM
Ubelen steps away from the rail, paces for a bit, and walks towards the group. "Barring better suggestions, I've often found the direct approach is best. The officers of this ship look to know far more about these waters than we do, at this point. I'd suggest we ask them about the Cornucopia and the Southern Straight, and how we might explore them. We could meet with the Captain and First Mate after dinner, and plan a voyage. I'm frankly leery of letting several kobolds know too much about us, so I'd prefer just those two and whoever else they ask for advice."

Ubelen looks over his new companions, still pondering how good they each are in a fight. "This assumes we are after the big score, we paid enough for the information on it. We could simply act as an adventuring party. But with the debts, interest, and percentages we're paying I don't see that as a likely success. Plus I'd like this debt over sooner rather than later."

"After that I'd like to discuss some basic tactics and coded commands. I'm not expecting military discipline, but there are some useful ones like focusing fire on a target, taking a more aggressive or defensive approach, ambush and react to ambush. That sort of thing. Also to discuss spells we'll likely need. Water breathing stands out, and can be memorized more than once. It competes with my best spells though, so it will be a balancing act. Once we're done with the officers we can decide on spells. Conveniently I pray shortly after that. Anything I'm overlooking?

Frog Dragon
2018-11-08, 06:04 PM
After leaving his relatively meager supplies belowdecks, Erick comes back up to join the discussion.

"It definitely feels like we are working off fairly sparse leads. I could tell you who Rengar Jast was, but that doesn't help us too much yet. Hopefully the sailors have more context."

He waits for Ubelen to finish before speaking up again. "I will defer to the more experienced on matters of combat," he says. "I've had basic weapons training and I've been told I'm a good shot with a crossbow. But Underhome was a peaceful place and I was a lawyer. I can improvise some minor magic as well, but breathing water is beyond my power."

2018-11-08, 07:59 PM
Illani looks slightly sad as both Erick and Ubelen dismiss her idea, and then sadder as Ubelen clearly assesses the group, with his eyes quickly passing over her. However, as Erick explains his skills, she cheers up a bit, clearly thinking that her skills might not be so lacking. When she speaks, she's almost pathetically eager to explain how useful she can be. "I... I know a bit of magic, and I had a part in a play, with dueling, so I know a bit about using a rapier, and I always tried in the archery contests, even though I never won, and sometimes, I'd lose my keys, so I might be able to pick locks, sometimes? Oh! And Mr. Bante, the owner of the grain warehouse would sometimes pay me to help with the rats, and they're really tricky to sneak up on, so I could catch them, and take them to the ratcatcher. So... maybe I can scout, if we find a ruin, or something? And Fluffy's really good at hiding when Mr. Bante was hiring, so he might be able to help too!" She clearly thinks about that for a moment, before frowning. "Well, maybe not, because he can't talk, but he might be able to find out if they have any fish they'd be willing to give him? And he's really adorable, so I'm sure they would!" As she finishes, she quickly looks at each of the strangers in turn, her amber eyes slightly wide, to emphasize her certainty.

Fluffy, meanwhile, had found himself a nice cozy spot, and was having a nap.

2018-11-09, 08:06 PM
As Ubelen asked about combat coordiantion and readiness, Zaheir replied "I've got some basic training with weapons, but I only carry this dagger for sentimental reasons. Lost my shortbow on the way here. Other then that, I can use my magic talents to blast, effect enemies in various ways and support you on the frontline while I lay back. Like this.
Cast Haste on 6 creatures (5 group members + Fluffy)
"Feel that? You are trembling with weave. Hope you like it?" Zaheir looks upon rest of the group cautiously and continued "That doesn't mean I can help with water breathing. I agree with Ubelen for us to talk with Captain and first mate about Rengal, as we need to do anyway. At least to judge how many days we have to neareast island port worth of interest, given our supplies."
He turned to see if he woke Fluffy and added "We could also see where Gwynneth stands in all of this."

2018-11-11, 08:37 AM
Fluffy, curled up in a coil of dry rope, doesn't react to being hasted.

2018-11-11, 01:45 PM
Ubelen draws his greatsword, finds an open space on deck, and goes through some short katas. Followed by some quick dashes forward and to the sides.

"I've heard of this, but I haven't often had arcane magic available in the past. I can think of more than a couple battles it would've saved lives."

"Cleric spells by contrast, often heal or improve the recipient substantially. But they are less often as impressive in raw offensive power as say, arcane."

"Though I still hope for discussions tonight, there may be no substitute for real experience. Trial by fire and all that."

Ubelen sheathes his greatsword, and looks over the deck towards the open ocean.

2018-11-16, 09:48 AM
As Ubelen draws his sword and starts moving about, Illani moves closer to the quarterdeck, making sure to be out of the way.

2018-11-16, 11:54 AM
Lo quirks her brow as she feels the magic wash over her, making her steps lighter and movements quicker. "Interesting," she hums, giving Zaheir a nod. It had been quite some time since she'd worked with a mage. She had magic of her own sort that typically kept her safe, but nothing that had ever required any study or particular precision.

El'the Ellie
2018-11-16, 02:02 PM
An hour or so later, the group is assembled again on the decks just under the main mast. The Albatross has made it's quite journey onward, the sea looking calm as far as your eyes can see. A yards away, Snapt and Skap bicker about some kind of trinket they apparently found at port, but Snapt holds it away from your vision and her brother's reach.

Captain Stockburn has joined you all now, at your ask. The man sits on one of a number of large wooden crates lashed to the deck, momentarily preoccupied with a scarred chip on the mast.

"Alright folks, talk to me. You all learn anything from that thing?" He points casually to the letter.

2018-11-17, 07:59 PM
Sticking to the shadows cast by one of the crates, Illani's melodic voice trembling slightly as she speaks up as everyone looks about a bit in confusion. "Ubelen suggested that maybe you'd know more about the Cornucopia, or the Southern Straight? We're not really expert sailors."

Seeing his chance, Fluffy rubs himself on Lo's leg, and looks up at her expectantly.

2018-11-17, 08:58 PM
Lo glances down at Fluffy, baring her teeth a little bit before she catches herself doing it, and simply nudging the cat away with her foot. She isn't really interested in petting him. So, she returns her attention to the conversation. "I had assumed you would already know which direction to sail in. Did Blackbird keep you in the dark?" she asks.

2018-11-18, 11:37 AM
Ubelen peers at the Captain for several seconds, not fully how wise this next course of action is. He suddenly claps his hands once, braces himself on deck, and addresses the group:

"It looks like we'll have to trust each other and work together for some time, so I'd like everything out in the open. I'm not sure how well you trust your crew as a group or individually, so I'll leave the Captain to decide how much they need to know. Expert knowledge they may have of these waters is of course, welcome."

"Blackbird's main suggestion to us, if she hasn't already told you, is to find the lost fortune of Rengar Jast. Though many have failed before us, I'm hopeful Blackbird at least likes the odds of our success, as a lot of gold is riding on it. I trust her insight when it comes to gold, if nothing else. We are open to other methods of gaining large amounts of wealth. Sadly we haven't thought of another that approaches the magnitude of our debts, or even consistently the interest."

"One piece of information other treasure-seekers didn't likely have, is that said fortune sank near the Cornucopia. Rengar Jast himself referenced a Southern Straight, presumably near there if that helps."

"To my knowledge none of knows how to get there, or the hazards nearby. We were hoping you or one of the officers did. If not we may need to consult some sages or equivalent, which would take substantial time.

"Myself I'm a inland city boy. Though I've adventured for years in various wildernesses, the ocean is something I've only heard about until recently. Others of our party had some useful knowledge of the locations in the letter or Rengar Jast specifically, but not enough to plot a course there. I'd very much like to hear about the difficulties and hazards near the Cornucopia. But currently that's the goal, if anyone has useful information I'd ask that they share it now."

Ubelen then tests the tautness of his bowstring briefly, while remaining attentive.

Frog Dragon
2018-11-18, 06:32 PM
"Aye, the story of Jast, I believe, was no big secret," Erick says, finding the closest reasonably sturdy place to sit down. "Half red dragon, naval officer in Estagund until the country turned on him. He turned pirate and eventually disappeared. Unfortunately, geography is not my strong suit."

2018-11-19, 06:29 AM
With the more talkative members of the proto adventuring party handling the conversation, Illani unobtrusively stays in the crate's shadow, not wanting to attract any attention.

Rebuffed by Lo, Fluffy calmly sits down, and starts cleaning himself, as though he'd never asked for pats in the first place.

2018-11-21, 04:26 AM
As captain joined them again, Zaheir spoke with anticipation "Hello again Captain. Good to have you back here. I want to know in what detail did Blackbird inform you about the details of this voyage, and your crew in particular. As other mentioned, we have few clues and we are all pretty much novices when it comes to sailing. For how many days do we have supplies and what are port options for visiting, resupply and maybe getting some additional information from local populace?“

As ship was swung and rocked by the waves and wind, he wasn't feeling very comfotable already so he sit on nearby crate, to calm his stomach a bit.