View Full Version : These Are Strange Times [IC]

2018-11-01, 05:07 PM
These Are Strange Times
Oct. 31, 1892

"...and in light of the ongoing disappearances, I want each of you to check in with the Club once weekly, even if such is brief," says the woman standing, a steaming cup of tea in her hand. Abigail von Gertz is a striking woman in her mid-fifties, dressed severely in black and dark green, in the fashion of the New Woman. Her face is paler than most, but most striking are her eyes, dark and green, but from which you can occasionally see a red flash.

Upstairs, the monied rabble socialize, all dilettantes hoping to gain full membership in the prestigious Apollo Club, which they assume is the gathering they attend. They came dressed in their best, and exchange fine wines and posh brandies while gossiping about the latest in San Francisco society.

Meanwhile, in the basement, the true Apollo Club meets. You meet.

Here, the furnishings are rougher, more well-loved. Some of them came from the original steamship Apollo, buried deep beneath you. A fire in the fireplace gives off just enough heat to keep you all warm without being uncomfortable, and there is no chimney, betraying its magical nature. Here, the pretense of high society is banished, along with its snobbery.

All who have been welcomed here are welcome, regardless of social class. The only thing that matters is that you have all been touched quite strongly, in one way or another, by the Yellow-Green Star.

Those upstairs don't know this, of course. Most people don't even know that the basement exists. Which is why it is such a shock to all of you as, in the wake of Ms. van Gertz' statement, that a loud knocking comes at the basement door.

A pause, as you all stare at each other, and then the knocking repeats, weaker this time. And those of you with better hearing than most can hear a low moan, and a whispered "Oh, God. Please help me," coming from beyond the door.

2018-11-01, 05:43 PM
When the knock comes to the door, Reuben is first made aware of it by how Andrew suddenly straightens up, a manic sort of interest in his eyes and a smile quirking on his lips. The spirit is only barely stopped by his spiritualist when Reuben's arm darts out and - does not quite catch the insubstantial soldier, but it's enough to draw his attention. Wait, Reuben petitions quietly through their mental link, looking over towards Abigail. As president of the club (and even that shows the club's forward thinking - a woman! Had Reuben not grown up knowing such a woman himself, it might have surprised him more) he figures it should be Abigail to best decide how to tackle this situation.

Andrew, however, seems to have other ideas. "Ma'am," he calls, light tenor voice breaking the startled silence that settled over the society when the knocks came to the door. "Were we expecting guests?" Reuben can't help but be glad the spirit didn't go streaking towards the noise, instead of deferring to the president like he wanted. He, too, turns his gaze to the sharply dressed woman, brow quirked and questioning.

2018-11-01, 06:16 PM
"We were not," Abigail says, her hand straying to the underside of the end table nearest, where you know from past experience she keeps a small, but serviceable, Derringer. And then she does something very odd. She sniffs the air... and then pales, further. "Please help Mr. Graves in, Reuben, but be on your guard."

2018-11-01, 06:16 PM
Father Jonathan Delaney sat listening to the woman's speech, somewhat uncomfortably. It hadn't been his idea to join the club--Archbishop Riordan had recommended that he do so. "It would be good to have some connections, given the unique nature of your calling," he had said. "Perhaps you will find allies there." And so he sat among the wreckage of the Apollo, dining with the oddest assortment of people he had ever seen collected in a single place. He was certainly more at ease here than among the socialites above, though still he kept to himself, not contributing often to the discussion. He had given Salvo a respectful nod upon entering--he hadn't necessarily expected to see him here, but wasn't surprised either. He didn't pay Reuben too much mind, but did regard the ghostly soldier with him with an odd, melancholy expression.

When the voice cried for help, however, he was out of his seat as quickly as Andrew was. He does pause a moment as Reuben asks von Gertz if they were expecting visitors. Does he expect a trick of some sort? The thought gives him pause, but that voice sounded desperate--he had heard plenty of people calling out for help in that tone before. "It sounds like someone is in trouble," Jonathan says as he continues toward the door, hand drifting near the handle of a revolver as he does so. He does pause for a moment, waiting for von Gertz to respond and listening a moment at the door.

When the woman responds, he draws one of his revolvers and waits next to the door, regarding the rest of the room before taking any further action.

Perception check: [roll0] Both to listen for anything the person outside might be saying and listening in the background in general--does background noise from upstairs sound normal?
Sense Motive: [roll1] to see if the cry for help seems sincere.

Edit: DM hadn't posted when I started this, but I suppose the checks still stand.

2018-11-01, 11:26 PM
In the back of the room the hulking Ben perches on a loveseat, looking as if he's ready to pounce even before the knocking comes. "Ready to pounce," tends to describe Ben's demeanor in general, really. When the weak pleas reach his ears, he doesn't hesitate. He's across the basement in seconds, one hand on his sword and the other reaching for the door.

2018-11-02, 02:01 AM
As Ben throws open the door, a man in a frock coat and formal trousers collapses through the threshold, a bloody hand that had been raised to knock once more falling open onto the floor. If the blood beginning to seep out from beneath him is any indication, he is bleeding quite profusely, but his rasping, struggled breathing and pained moans indicate that he is still alive. On the ground next to him, a top hat, sliced nearly in two horizontally.

With his remaining hand, he grasps Ben's collar and stares him straight in the eyes.

"Help... me..."

And then he collapses back to the floor, unconscious.

For Delaney: The noise upstairs sounds as it always does during these meetings, that is to say, normal, snobby, and uninterrupted.

The noise outside seems sincere, but all you can hear are pained moans now.

2018-11-02, 10:53 AM
"Reuben, do something!" Andrew demands when he sees the visitor collapse in a pool of his own blood. Pale and surprised, it takes the spiritualist a moment to act, but he finally does, hurrying forward and kneeling over the stranger. His eyes search over the wounds, trying to determine their source, as he extends one hand over the fallen man. There is a brief golden glow from his fingertips which falls onto the stranger, and the wounds begin to quickly close. As the healing takes effect, Andrew nods, murmuring under his breath, "I always knew you'd be a better doctor than banker," to which Reuben shakes his head, but doesn't respond aloud lest he break his focus.

[roll0] to determine the cause of the wounds.

2018-11-02, 10:59 AM
Jonathan drops to one knee, holstering his weapon and preparing to try and control the bleeding, when Reuben begins magically healing the man's injuries. He spares the banker a quick look of surprise, then leans out to see if the man was being followed--or if anyone else had taken note of him. "Ms. von Gertz, you know this man?"

2018-11-02, 02:45 PM
Ben snarls and steps over the fallen man, putting himself between his prone form and anything that might have done this to him. Ruby-red eyes scan the surroundings, looking for any sign of danger.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-11-02, 03:26 PM
As Reuben rolls the man over, he sees several injuries: bruises, as if from clubs or fists; a dangerous burn or two; and the most egregious, a puncture wound in his left breast, which seems to be the cause of much of the blood. Reuben also notes that the blood flows slower than a normal human, though not slow enough to be undead. He thinks that, perhaps, his usual brand of healing might be a poor idea here. With a pocket sewing kit, however, he is at least able to sew up the wound.

Ben, standing at the door, sees down the alley toward Sacramento Street, where what looks and sounds like an angry mob is passing. Clubs, torches... their weapons match this man's wounds, or at least, most of them — the puncture wound is still a mystery. Jonathan, standing behind him, doesn't see the details, but notices the mob.

"Aye, I know him," Abigail says. "Like me, he had... an encounter after the Star rose. Healing won't work on him. Theodore Graves, what have you gotten yourself into?"

Consider the CMW unused. If you make your K:Religion check and happen to have an Inflict spell of that level prepared, I'll allow you to use that roll for that.

2018-11-02, 04:59 PM
"There's a mob out there... they did most of this," growls Ben, "but not likely the stab wound... likely someone wanted use the mob as cover to kill this man."

Crouching down, Ben lets the smells of the wounded man and the alley fill his nostrils. And then he begins the hunt.

Entering Running Hunter Stance, which gives +10 speed and Scent. [roll0] Survival to see if he can track the attacker.

2018-11-02, 05:16 PM
I unfortunately do not have any spells which would be useful for saving an undead. Plenty useful for killing them, but not for saving. Reuben will just roll with that heal check, then, and hope for the best. :smallredface:

also, [roll0] is an automatic pass, so...

Reuben begins his spell, but when he takes note of the slowed blood and the other information about the stranger, he cuts it short before the energy leaves his body. Andrew shoots him a confused look, but he just gives a small shake of his head, lips pressed in a thin line as he does what he can to save the man's life. Andrew offers to help, but as he was never a medic and only a soldier, Reuben just shakes his head again.

2018-11-02, 06:21 PM
Jonathan takes a look at the mob outside, then quickly does his own assessment of the man's injuries... and their odd nature. His face hardens a bit and he shoots a glance toward Abigail, but questions could be saved for later. "Let's get him inside, before anybody notices." He quickly helps Reuben patch up the worst of the injuries, then moves to help bring him inside the doorway.

Rolling Heal to assist: [roll0]

2018-11-02, 09:37 PM
Graves remains unconscious, but is breathing better now, and the bleeding has stopped. He's remarkably light as you manage to lift him to a stool.

The scent of his blood leads Ben back out toward the mob, where he sees, upon getting closer, that several of the rioters have wooden stakes and mallets. At least one has Graves' blood on it, as do several of the mallets. A few of the rioters notice you staring at them. Crossing themselves, they whisper to each other, and the mob withdraws, further down the road.

As in the OOC: Graves is a dhampir, which means he is living and human, but responds to healing like an undead creature might. The more astute among you might discern that Ms. van Gertz is likewise a dhampir. Recall that in this setting dhampir are victims of vampire attacks who barely survived and didn't turn.

Healingwise, he is stable and no longer dying, and will not resume doing so without further injury.

2018-11-02, 10:17 PM
Stealth [roll0]

Ben drops back into the shadows and starts trailing the mob. His brand of justice might be required tonight...

2018-11-03, 02:28 AM
In the room, a man dressed in a rather large amount of beads and turquoise that had a number of Celtic designs on it, yawns as he awakens moving his hat from his face. "Oi, whats with all the racket? Cannot a man not get a good sleep around here?" he asks moving to his feet.

2018-11-04, 12:09 AM
Jonathan glances to Reuben, to the door, and to the apparently napping Salvo. "This man has been injured badly. And there is a mob of some sort out there." He takes his long coat from its chair and pulls it on, before stepping outside to see if Ben--who had apparently slipped out without being noticed--needed any help. Jonathan could understand the mob's reaction, to a point--he himself had been wary when he realized the taint of undeath that lingered on the man--but once he'd realized what the newcomer was it all made sense. The poor soul had suffered enough already, these people should not be targeting victims of the undead menace.

Not going to follow Ben/the mob, I think, unless it seems like there might be trouble. I'll keep a lookout at the door in case anyone saw Graves come in and decides to try and finish the job.

2018-11-07, 08:05 AM
Violet walks past anybody who happened to step out, somehow managing to barely notice the mob in the area, holding a tray of coffees and uses her tail to open the door.

"Sorry I'm late y'all, Picky client ran had me running late this morning".

As she gets in; she notices the man lying prone in physical distress. "and I thought I needed a pick me up, Yikes".

Anybody looking notices she's wearing her usual dress (https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/A4AAAOSwG-1WvNXr/s-l1600.jpg)on days she might be doing things a little more...adventurous. and Has her bandoleer strung across her chest. Her signature Rifle is not in sight but a Revolver rests on her hip.

2018-11-07, 10:41 PM
The mob looks ready to disperse, having lost sight of their quarry. There are mutters of "We'll get that undead scum some other night" and "Bloody vampires; think they own the city!" and "My son got snatched by them bloodsuckers just last week!" as they split into smaller groups, extinguishing torches and putting other weapons away.

2018-11-08, 12:07 AM
Ben watches until he's satisfied no further harm will be done, then heads back to the Apollo Club.

2018-11-08, 01:01 AM
Jonathan gives Ben a sidelong glance as he returns, then holsters his revolver and returns to the club after him. He returns to ensure that Graves is still stable. "Poor fools," he mutters. "Wouldn't know a proper vampire if they saw one."

2018-11-08, 01:26 AM
"Fear turns men into beasts," growls Ben, "they'd best hope Graves survives. I know their scents now."

2018-11-08, 03:02 PM
"He'll survive," Reuben murmurs, and Andrew nods with a bit more confidence.
"Reuben knows how to tend a wound. I am confident that given enough time to heal, it will be as Reuben says," he chimes. The spirit then turns towards Abigail, tilting his head. "What are we going to do about this? Anything?" he questions.

2018-11-08, 04:18 PM
"Well, I guess its a good thang I was sleeping than. Wouldablown 'em up." The man moves back to where he was napping and begins to lay down again. "I take it, we ain't needen ta go after tha mob than?

2018-11-08, 04:52 PM
"Mob's dispersing. Might want to hunt down who riled them up."

Ben's fingers unconsciously flex, highlighting his thick, vicious claws.

2018-11-10, 07:00 PM
Abigail fusses a bit over Graves, then sighs, slipping off one of her long, white gloves. Her hand is deathly pale, but she grasps his chest over the stab wound and exhales, straining. Over the course of a minute, perhaps two, as she clenches her teeth and grows ever paler, Graves' wounds close, his skin clears of bruises and burns. As Abigail collapses into her chair, exhausted, Graves' eyes open and he gasps, sucking in breath.


2018-11-10, 08:46 PM
"Oi, what sota magic was that?" Salvo asked, "Ain't ever seen anyone close anything on tha gravetouched like that."

2018-11-16, 01:37 AM
Abigail sighs.

"Pure necromantic energy," she explains. "With more and more... 'gravetouched,' as you call them appearing, it seemed like a good idea to have a way of healing them. And if the curative magicks the miracle workers have discovered harm those of us who have been touched by the foul undead, then the opposite should..."

"Heal us," Graves says, his voice raspy as he sits up. "Ms. van Gertz. I take it I have you to thank for my recuperation?"

She nods.

2018-11-16, 02:18 AM
"You should tell us what happened," says Ben. It surely sounds more ominous than it is.

2018-11-16, 11:57 AM
"Give the man a chance to breathe, Ben," Andrew speaks up quickly, glancing from Graves over to the tiefling. "He's just nearly been killed."

2018-12-04, 06:45 PM
"No, no," Graves says. "I... I was walking, taking an evening constitutional down Washington. All of a moment, that mob appeared, carrying the proverbial pitchforks and torches. One of them saw me, saw my... complexion, and began to point and yell 'Vampire! Vampire! Destroy the abomination! Avenge our lost!'" He sighs, reaching up for glasses to clean, and, finding none, sighs again. "There was, as you might imagine, a scuffle. One of them tried to drive a wooden stake into me, and quite frankly I'd have been dead for sure if it hadn't slipped on a rib. I... I got away. I got away? I got away, and came here, hoping for aid. And the rest, I'm afraid, you know."

2018-12-04, 10:03 PM
"Despicable," the ghost hisses, his complexion going from a light, soft blue towards an angry red hue. "Why, I oughta-" he is cut off by Reuben shaking his head quickly, and the spirit settles, returning to his normal hue.

"Did you see anything of the attackers? Anything that might be used to identify them?" Reuben asks, voice quiet so as not to grate on the man's ears.

2018-12-04, 10:18 PM
Jonathan scowls a bit. "Seemed to be a lot of them out there. Once a mob like that forms, it's tough to nail down any one person. Unless someone was obviously stirring them up, I'm not sure we'll have much luck in finding anybody involved. Still, if you did happen to recognize anyone..."

2018-12-05, 12:45 PM
"Someone started this," growls Ben, someone wants pain and death. They may get it."

Knowledge: Local [roll0]. Who would start this kind of thing?

2018-12-05, 06:27 PM
Graves seems at a loss identify any faces in the crowd, busy as he was trying not to get stabbed. But Ben... something in Graves' account sticks out to him: the words 'avenge our lost.'

Ben knows that there's been an uptick in disappearances lately, the latest he knows of as recent as last night -- a young woman, Antonia de la Cruz, never made it home after a stint dancing in a Barbary Coast nightclub. This, in and of itself, would not be too much of a rarity, sad to say... but it seems more and more people, all of them young, have been going missing lately. And the rumor going around is that a nest of vampires has settled in somewhere in the area.

2018-12-10, 11:55 AM
Reuben lets out a sigh. Without a culprit, there isn't much they can do. "Are you well enough to walk? Andrew and I can escort you home. Or to a hospital, if you prefer," he offers.

2018-12-10, 10:32 PM
"There's rumors of a vampire nest in the area. And various young people going missing. Together, perhaps we can resolve the issue."

2018-12-11, 01:46 AM
"Well thin, Aye say we go 'n find it, 'n blow it right up."

2018-12-11, 01:55 AM
Jonathan nods agreement. "If there are vampires about, clearing them out might help to ease people's minds." His had drifts once more to the butt of his revolver, almost unconsciously. "Let's make sure Mr. Graves makes it home safely, then see what we can do about these undead."

2018-12-11, 10:55 AM
Reuben gives a nod in agreement with the others after glancing to Andrew. The ghost seems determined to do something about all this, so of course the banker will be along for the ride. He offers Graves an arm in standing, taking most of the man's weight as he rises. "I will take him home - Father, if you would like to accompany me, perhaps it would be good to have your firearm along," he says. Andrew gives a fierce nod. "And then we can meet somewhere to begin our search! Where will we find you all?" he asks.

2018-12-13, 10:05 AM
Jonathan nods to the banker. "Of course. Though I hope there will be no more trouble." He glances to the others. "Perhaps we meet near the archbishopric? Seems like a safe enough place to begin our search." He gives a wry smile.

2018-12-13, 04:06 PM
"Well 'hen, I'll meetcha 'her." says the alchemist as he gets up to head out the door himself.

2018-12-14, 07:03 PM
"I'll ensure Mr. Graves reaches his home safely," Abigail says. "Once the meeting above lets out, there will be carriages a-plenty. And I've yet to meet the angry mob capable of harming me."

2018-12-17, 06:16 PM
Reuben gives a small nod to Abigail. If she says she'll be all right, then she'll be all right, he's sure. He straightens up, and looks to the others. "If that's the case..." he hums, and Andrew grins and glows a little brighter. "We have a battle to fight, men!" he declares. "Let's track down that mob!"

2018-12-18, 01:52 PM
Jonathan pulls out his revolvers, checks that they are loaded and functional, and nods. "No reason to delay. Ben, you mentioned these rumors of a vampire nest--do you have any ideas where they might be? Or who might know?"

2018-12-18, 10:59 PM
Ben nods.

"Barbary Coast. The last disappearance was a dancer at one of the clubs. I'll lead the way."

He waits briefly for everyone to ready themselves, and heads out.

2018-12-19, 01:13 PM
Reuben casts one last glance over to Graves and Abigail, but with a bit of a mental prod from Andrew, he turns to follow the others.

2019-01-01, 11:43 PM
Jonathan nods. He certainly didn't have a better place to start. "So long as you are certain you can handle things, Ms. von Gertz. Mr. Graves." He double-checks his revolvers once more, almost reflexively, and follows Ben out of the club.