View Full Version : Help with a wizard build

2018-11-01, 09:34 PM
so Due to shenanigans in my current game I'm forced to retire my current character. so I was thinking of making a sword mage, that will dip into pale master.

my character is second level, the books allowed are PHB, PHBII, the complete series, exalted deeds an vile darkness
My stats as of right now are
STR: 13
DEX: 16
Con: 15
Int: 17
I was thinking of Making a Duskblade 3, wizard X, pale master.
I was thinking of having a disillusioned samurai, whom has turned to the dark paths to protect her self. I was thinking of making the Naginata my main weapon as well for the Two handed fighting.

2018-11-01, 10:34 PM
If only you had access to heroes of horror and/or book of nine swords.

Oh well. Getting two classes with synergy, or being mad I can understand, but two separate caster classes that don't have any stacking benefit seems like it will hurt, alot. And duskblade tends to be better when you don't dip.

That being said if you had access to minatures handbook a marshal/sorcerer would play like a bard, without singing and a wider spell selection, but can easily be fluffed to be more like a commanding officer who then dabbles in the arcane.

But since marshal is up in the air, if you had unearthed arcana you could just go straight battle sorcerer.

But since that is also up in the air, if you weren't planning on taking PRC's or dips I would recommend the stalwart sorcerer ACF from complete mage. But since you want to dip and I'm reaching the bottom of the barrel

That leaves us two choices. fighter, with the armored mage ACF, also from complete mage. This option is.. okay. sure you get fighter feats, but the selection of those feats isn't that usefull and doesn't add much else to being a caster, or that much else in general.

And the other option oddly goes against what I said earlier. Hexblade. A free action save or suck, Cha mod to saves vs spells and spell likes, mettle. Swap out the familiar for dark companion ACF in ph2 for auto suck on enemy ac and saves, you don't really have to care about casting with a hexblade with all those early level bonuses, and can build them as a more martial type.

So, after all that my suggestion would be hexblade 4/ sorcerer or wizard (6)5/palemaster X.

And in the end these are of course suggestions, if you feel it doesn't fit, completely disregard what I have said 😉.

2018-11-01, 10:40 PM
My spells So far Are
Dusk blade
1: Disrupt undead
1:Bigby's tripping hand
2:Blade of blood

Wizard spells
1:Detect poison
2:Read magic

2018-11-01, 10:50 PM
If only you had access to heroes of horror and/or book of nine swords.

Oh well. Getting two classes with synergy, or being mad I can understand, but two separate caster classes that don't have any stacking benefit seems like it will hurt, alot. And duskblade tends to be better when you don't dip.

That being said if you had access to minatures handbook a marshal/sorcerer would play like a bard, without singing and a wider spell selection, but can easily be fluffed to be more like a commanding officer who then dabbles in the arcane.

But since marshal is up in the air, if you had unearthed arcana you could just go straight battle sorcerer.

But since that is also up in the air, if you weren't planning on taking PRC's or dips I would recommend the stalwart sorcerer ACF from complete mage. But since you want to dip and I'm reaching the bottom of the barrel

That leaves us two choices. fighter, with the armored mage ACF, also from complete mage. This option is.. okay. sure you get fighter feats, but the selection of those feats isn't that usefull and doesn't add much else to being a caster, or that much else in general.

And the other option oddly goes against what I said earlier. Hexblade. A free action save or suck, Cha mod to saves vs spells and spell likes, mettle. Swap out the familiar for dark companion ACF in ph2 for auto suck on enemy ac and saves, you don't really have to care about casting with a hexblade with all those early level bonuses, and can build them as a more martial type.

So, after all that my suggestion would be hexblade 4/ sorcerer or wizard (6)5/palemaster X.

And in the end these are of course suggestions, if you feel it doesn't fit, completely disregard what I have said 😉.

well under RAW you can use non-dusk blade spells with your melee attack so long as it's a touch spell. so there is that benefit but it requires a dip of three to get. other wise theres the armour proficiencies and weapon proficiency plus base attack bonus and the dusk blade casts of of INT as well.

I was hoping to do the sword mage by pure wizard but the hand books i've looked at all require dips.

2018-11-02, 01:51 PM
Pure Wizard is more than fine if you just eschew the armor (or go Runesmith or Spellsword down the line or get a 0 ASF Armor). Racial proficiencies such as a Gray Elf's are useful in that case tho.

2018-11-14, 07:13 PM
So how's my build looking so far