View Full Version : DM Help Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Level Question

2018-11-01, 10:51 PM
This is a question for any DM's who are running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and are nearing the end.

Do you think there are going to be any headaches or repercussions for allowing the characters to level past LVL 5 once the Mad Mage book comes out in November?

I'll be running for a friend group of 4 PC's and don't mind going off book a little bit but want to try to run it true to the source material. WotC provides a table on pg 14 that gives approximate levels for the chapters; but the thing that strikes me as odd is the Final chapter for each of the possible scenarios states "5th or higher level". Do you think a level 6 or 7 party will make the transition into the Mad Mage more challenging?

If I use the adventure progress instead of exp. leveling, it may be better, but knowing my playgroup I can anticipate still reaching for higher levels.

-Spoilers ahead for all PC's-

Here is how I see it playing out:

Chapter 1: Pretty railroaded; no issues here, Lvl 2 at the end of this
Chapter 2: Here is where I see it going to pieces: my players are pretty happy with open sandbox campaigns. I can see them each going No drow in the party so no Bregan D'Aerthe I dont think. One player is a Firbolg Rogue, who has a history of RP'ing treehuggers, so I know she will want to join the Emerald Enclave. Our Human Wizard is a 20 year vet to DnD and will definitely take up the offer of The Blackstaff for Force Grey. The other two are a Human Ranger and Triton Fighter (who thinks all non-tritons need his protection) so they will likely take up arms with the Lords Alliance or Order of the Gauntlet if given the chance! at least 3 different ways. I foresee there being enough RP around these quests and Volo's gifting of the Trollskull Manor that it would be difficult to not bump them to Lvl 3 at the "end" of this- even if some of these are continuous things.
Chapter 3: At this point, this party will most likely investigate themselves calling for a level up to level 4. But then if they go ahead with the Factionmissions, they will likely earn level 5 around here.
Chapter 4: So this "choose your own adventure" will likely go down by the book, and then that would mean level 6, if they live...
Final Chapter: I'm leaning toward Hell of a Summer, with the Cassalanters as the main villains for this chapter. So if they manage to thwart the antagonist here, that would put them at level 6; with the real possibility of the party having developed a beef with another one of the NPC's who have their own chapters.


2018-11-02, 03:40 AM
There will probably be no consequence if the party goes above lvl 5.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage is a lvl 5 to 20 adventure. At worst, it'll make a couple of floors slightly easier.

2018-11-05, 04:36 PM
Thanks for your input. I've DM'd a few levels of homebrew 5e before but this will be my first big foray into hardcover adventures.