View Full Version : Beginners Soldier back-story question.

2018-11-02, 09:24 AM
I'm about to start my first proper 5e campaign and have my character fairly fleshed-out, but need some advice when it comes to back-story. I plan on rolling a Tethyrian fighter with the soldier background and wanted to play along the lines of a defeated soldier who still has bonds to his defeated comrades and resentment towards the victorious regime. My question was how accurate does this need to be within the 5e lore? Can I just state my background or do I need to find a certain army I have a bond with and one I resent? Is there a set timeline of wars from the 5e world that I can look into. Again I'm very much a beginner so any advice would be really appreciated.

2018-11-02, 09:37 AM
That kind of question is really more dependent on your DM since it will affect that game and any plots/stories that it may come in contact with. That said; your background doesn't need to be fleshed out any more than necessary but could be, if you're the type, a small novella. The trick is to come up with enough information to help your DM figure out how your character fits into the story. If your DM is like me, then a modicum of detail is perfect since I can use it to create events and, potentially, story arcs based on the information you give. If you have too little information, I can't make it very personal. if you have too much information, I'll read it and then forget most of it because I'm trying to remember 4 peoples' stories and the world/module we're in all at the same time.

Bit's of warning: try not to give yourself anything too significant: titles, land, an heirloom which is a magical pocket trebuchet. If you involve an NPC name or family, be ready to have it used against you. If you involve a location of significance, try to make it fit in the established world, having to find spots to stick the port city of your birth in a world based in the desert is going to be difficult. Remember: You are a level 1 mook who just happens to have the ability to become a hero, don't try to make Superman and Storm your parents...why would you have to adventure if you're that loaded?

2018-11-02, 09:56 AM
Thanks, I never really thought about it like that. I shouldn't be trying to create an established hero, I need to create someone who can turn into one. A faceless grunt is a lot easier to work into stories than a 5* General.

2018-11-02, 10:06 AM
Simple way to do this is to ask your DM. Basically, leave blank the names of families and/or places (or if not blank then vague/open to change).

iirc Tethyr is a rather backstabby monarchy with prominent families (very Game-of-Thrones-esque) so perhaps the opposing army could have been that of another noble house within Tethyr? Ask your GM for some names and if he's not very read-up on FR lore then invent some and let him check they are ok*.

I once had a player play a half-elf Paladin whose surname was DeVir, we were doing out of the abyss and if I had read ahead more I would have suggested a name change because of an NPC with the same surname later (and definitely no relation).

2018-11-02, 11:59 AM
Simple way to do this is to ask your DM. Basically, leave blank the names of families and/or places (or if not blank then vague/open to change).

iirc Tethyr is a rather backstabby monarchy with prominent families (very Game-of-Thrones-esque) so perhaps the opposing army could have been that of another noble house within Tethyr? Ask your GM for some names and if he's not very read-up on FR lore then invent some and let him check they are ok*.

I once had a player play a half-elf Paladin whose surname was DeVir, we were doing out of the abyss and if I had read ahead more I would have suggested a name change because of an NPC with the same surname later (and definitely no relation).

Thanks, I like that idea. another question, if Im building a dex based fighter is my saving throw still strength and constitution, I cant change it to dex?

2018-11-02, 12:18 PM
Thanks, I like that idea. another question, if Im building a dex based fighter is my saving throw still strength and constitution, I cant change it to dex?

Your saving throws are based on the class that you choose, so in a normal situation it would stay STR/CON. However, if your DM doesn't mind changing the core class and swapping it to DEX that's on him/her. That's something you'd have to ask your DM if they're willing to do.

2018-11-02, 12:27 PM
Thanks, I like that idea. another question, if Im building a dex based fighter is my saving throw still strength and constitution, I cant change it to dex?

You can't. You can start as one of the classes that have Dex save proficiency and multiclass into fighter later, grab Resilient (Dexterity) feat or ask your GM. But Dex is one of the "strong" saves, so you should replace Con save with it, not Str save, for balance reasons.

2018-11-02, 12:35 PM
No you don't not need all that information, but an experienced DM will make use of it. I would ask from your DM or decide with him:

- The name of it's leader (Let's call him Rhegard)
- The name of the army or company you were in (Like the Rhegard red lancer)
- The name of the battle that was lost (The battle of the Silver Lake)
- The opponent of that battle (The Grimfang gnolls tribe)

That give hook for the DM to use later, that give your character a reason to hate the Grimfang, you can hear that Captain Rhegard that you thought dead is still alive but need rescue, you may face what is left of the Red Lancer in battle because they are now mercenaries and work for the evil baron.

Again none of this is necessary, but it make the story more compelling, better to save your old commander that a stranger, and it harder to kill guards when they are not faceless npc but harry, tom and charlie that you know and fight together against the gnolls.

2018-11-02, 04:51 PM
I'm about to start my first proper 5e campaign and have my character fairly fleshed-out, but need some advice when it comes to back-story. I plan on rolling a Tethyrian fighter with the soldier background and wanted to play along the lines of a defeated soldier who still has bonds to his defeated comrades and resentment towards the victorious regime. My question was how accurate does this need to be within the 5e lore? Can I just state my background or do I need to find a certain army I have a bond with and one I resent? Is there a set timeline of wars from the 5e world that I can look into. Again I'm very much a beginner so any advice would be really appreciated.

Sounds like the Brown Coats from Firefly!

Lot's of good suggestions here. I like the list that SirGraystone came up with and then let some of your imagination take over. Get names/locations of the interactions your character had and then add some (unanswered) stuff that the DM can use. For example, why did they lose the battle? Was there treachery that your character knows about? Was your commander poisened just before the big battle....or possibly disappear? Did the battle take place at a Mythal location and the magical properties of the location is what swung the tide of the battle? Does your character proudly wear the badge/coat/insignia of the losing side? Maybe now "works" for the victor but is always secretly working against them as part of a resistance?

Just some idea's! Have fun.

Edit: Lots of good rescources for D&D lore in the sticky's at the top of this forum. I also like to use the Forgotten Realms wiki as a "history" resource. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page

2018-11-03, 09:09 AM
Haha yeah Captain Mal was the inspiration for my character. Thanks you all so much for the help, its really appreciated. We play tonight!

2018-11-03, 10:40 PM
If I saw a background like yours as a DM I'd provide suggestions of possible conflicts to have been involved in and units to have been a part of.

The player can often fill in the blanks as most DMs won't have access or knowledge of small unit actions and units down to company size so most players would have leeway in deciding that.