View Full Version : Player Help Character Creation Help

2018-11-02, 05:50 PM
Looking for a little help brainstorming some character ideas, posted a little while back but didn't have all the information at that point. The relevant info is here, I am open to most suggestions as I am fairly new to 5e, though proficient in PF and 3.5.

- Consider all official material available, though something like Yuan-ti I might have to run by the DM (I am assuming based on what I know that D&D guild material is not actually official).
- Playing Lost Mines, so roughly 1-5 is all this character will see.
- Rest of the Party consists of a Monk, Warlock, either a Cleric or Druid, and myself.
- Rolled Stats of 18, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9.
- Each Character gets 1 FREE FEAT at 1st level.
- Unearthed Arcana is allowed (with the exception of Mystic)

The potential niches I see to be filled here are a beefy frontliner, a skill monkey, and a utility arcane caster (or some combination thereof). For me, the free feat offers a TON of potential ideas that might not otherwise be stellar in a lower level game, or that can significantly upgrade an existing concept. From what I have read, things like Great Weapon Master (Barbarian or Fighter), Moderately Armored (Bard), Crossbow Master, among others all seem like they can add a lot of power to certain concepts, and Sentinel makes the 3.5/PF player in me salivate a little bit at the possibilities, especially combined with something like Variant Human with Polearm Master.

Though I presented certain niches that I see to be filled, please don't hesitate to offer me any build that you think is cool/powerful with a free feat and those stats, just remember it will basically be limited to 1-5, so some concepts naturally will shine less than others. I absolutely love reading builds, especially since I am new to the system and don't really know the ins and outs of all the classes, so GO NUTS!

2018-11-02, 06:04 PM
Looking for a little help brainstorming some character ideas, posted a little while back but didn't have all the information at that point. The relevant info is here, I am open to most suggestions as I am fairly new to 5e, though proficient in PF and 3.5.

- Consider all official material available, though something like Yuan-ti I might have to run by the DM (I am assuming based on what I know that D&D guild material is not actually official).
- Playing Lost Mines, so roughly 1-5 is all this character will see.
- Rest of the Party consists of a Monk, Warlock, either a Cleric or Druid, and myself.
- Rolled Stats of 18, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9.
- Each Character gets 1 FREE FEAT at 1st level.

The potential niches I see to be filled here are a beefy frontliner, a skill monkey, and a utility arcane caster (or some combination thereof). For me, the free feat offers a TON of potential ideas that might not otherwise be stellar in a lower level game, or that can significantly upgrade an existing concept. From what I have read, things like Great Weapon Master (Barbarian or Fighter), Moderately Armored (Bard), Crossbow Master, among others all seem like they can add a lot of power to certain concepts, and Sentinel makes the 3.5/PF player in me salivate a little bit at the possibilities, especially combined with something like Variant Human with Polearm Master.

Though I presented certain niches that I see to be filled, please don't hesitate to offer me any build that you think is cool/powerful with a free feat and those stats, just remember it will basically be limited to 1-5, so some concepts naturally will shine less than others. I absolutely love reading builds, especially since I am new to the system and don't really know the ins and outs of all the classes, so GO NUTS!

I'd probably go as a Dual Wielder Battlemaster Fighter, grabbing Stealth from your Background. Your team will have issues maintaining a front line, but you also lack any kind of ranged weapon attacks, so I see this working out really quite well.

It'd make you a decent ranged attacker with your high Dexterity, while also bumping your AC to a solid 17, upping it further to 18 at level 4. Not only that, but most Battlemaster techniques can work in both melee and ranged combat, so you'd just switch from skirmishing the enemy at range to finish them off with in melee with your bonus action attacks.

This covers your team's need for a melee defender and a ranged weapon attacker at the same time. At level 5, you'll have a dramatic increase on your damage output, and possibly outshine everyone else in the party.

Due to the effectiveness of dual wielding at early levels, I'd recommend the Two Weapon fighting style. By the time they reach you and the monk, there won't be much of a fight left.

For high burst damage at range, consider packing Daggers, as they can use your Dexterity modifier, but are still eligible for Two Weapon Fighting since they're melee weapons with the Thrown feature. That's 2d4 + 8 damage at range, at level 1, each turn.

You can instead go with Crossbow Expert and the Archery fighting style, which would do +4 more damage than my previously proposed suggestion, but you won't get the bonus to AC, and you'd be stuck with light weapons in melee combat
(effectively -1 AC and -6 damage in melee for +4 ranged damage).

2018-11-02, 06:14 PM
Any Recommendations on Race? High Elf seems really solid, with a +2 Dex (meaning a 20 at level 1), Darkvision, Perception Prof, and a Cantrip (I hear Booming Blade is good)

Edit: Also Edited OP to reflect the fact that Unearthed Arcana material is allowed.

2018-11-02, 06:58 PM
Try to get a little more information out of your fellow members. Warlocks, Cleric, and Druid are also highly versatile classes that can really affect what your party needs. For instance, the Warlock going Hexblade/Blade Pact makes things pretty different from Tome Pact and Book of Many Secrets. Likewise, Moon Druid and Knowledge Cleric have wildly different skillsets

That said, there's a lot of short rest potential here, as well as some great full-party Stealth opportunities. I'd suggest Eldritch Knight, or maybe Ranger.

One option: High Elf, Defense Fighting Style, switch between rapier and shield or longbow as necessary.
STR 12 DEX 16 CON 18 INT 14 WIS 11 CHA 9

Take the Ritual Caster feat if you don't have ritual support from the full casters. If you do, Medium Armor Master or Sentinel are both great options.

In a fairly similar vein, going Ranger and taking Dual Wielder will allow you to absolutely shred enemies the minute you can find an extra rapier.

2018-11-02, 07:15 PM
Booming blade isn't that hot until it gets its first damage bump at 5th level, but it can be useful for a caster as a way to use your casting attribute to remain relevant in melee. If you pick up the Warcaster feat it gets a little better since anyone you hit with a booming blade opportunity attack is by definition moving and therefore always takes the extra damage.

A variant human bard with the Diplomat and Menacing feats is pretty handy. You can have a starting Charisma of 18 and get to 20 by 4th level. This will give you excellent save DCs on your spells, plus you've got expertise on two interaction skills (four by 3rd level) and two very good non-magical "spell" effects available through your feats. Kalashtar with Diplomat gets a similar result. A changeling bard or rogue with Master of Disguise can very convincingly impersonate others, and you can run rings around social and even some combat encounters if you are quick-witted with your fraudulent identities, especially if you back it up with charm person, command, and suggestion.

If social isn't your thing, clerics are a good choice in low-level games. They get A LOT of spells known right away, along with excellent weapon and armor choices. Even a simple spell like healing word is a lot of healing at low levels, so you really can be the anchor of your party. If your friend plays a druid, the two of you need not worry about stepping on each other's toes so long as you steer clear of the Nature domain. A dwarf cleric of the Forge domain would also fit very nicely into the story of the Phandelver mine, so you might find that a lot of fun to roleplay.

2018-11-02, 07:19 PM
Go Bard! Any race with a +2 to Cha so you can start with 20 Cha from level 1. Take Inspiring Leader as your free feat. I was thinking Lore at first but with a 14 Dex at best, you'd be better off with one of the medium armor Bards like Swords or Valor.

Another option is Tabaxi Swashbuckler. Start 20 Dex, 14 Con, 14 Cha. Free feat could be Magic Initiate for Booming Blade, a utility cantrip, and Find Familiar.

2018-11-02, 08:05 PM
Been thinking about this idea, how do you guys think it would work?

Level 1 Variant Human Fighter
Background: Mercenary Veteran
Fighting Style: Tunnel Fighter (Lights! Dark! Underdark!)

Str 18
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10 (9+1)
Wis 14 (13+1)
Cha 11

AC 16 (Chain Mail)
HP 12

Feats: Polearm Master, Sentinel
Skills: Perception, Insight, Athletics, Persuasion, Survival

Attacks at +6 for 1d10+4

Bonus Action can either be used to attack for 1d4+4 or enter Defensive Stance (until your next turn, you don't have to use a reaction to make an opportunity attack(!), and you can use your reaction to attack a creature that moves 5ft while within your reach)

Level 2 Action Surge
Level 3 Martial Archetype (Battlemaster )
Level 4 ASI +2 Str
Level 5 Extra Attack

2018-11-02, 09:37 PM
Been thinking about this idea, how do you guys think it would work?

Level 1 Variant Human Fighter
Background: Mercenary Veteran
Fighting Style: Tunnel Fighter (Lights! Dark! Underdark!)

Str 18
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10 (9+1)
Wis 14 (13+1)
Cha 11

AC 16 (Chain Mail)
HP 12

Feats: Polearm Master, Sentinel
Skills: Perception, Insight, Athletics, Persuasion, Survival

Attacks at +6 for 1d10+4

Bonus Action can either be used to attack for 1d4+4 or enter Defensive Stance (until your next turn, you don't have to use a reaction to make an opportunity attack(!), and you can use your reaction to attack a creature that moves 5ft while within your reach)

Level 2 Action Surge
Level 3 Martial Archetype (Battlemaster )
Level 4 ASI +2 Str
Level 5 Extra Attack

I think it's a gimmick that sounds awesome on paper, really is great when you get to pull it off, but you'll find that you won't use it very often in actual gameplay.

2018-11-02, 09:51 PM
I mean, maybe the Defensive stance part is gimmicky, and wont be used a ton, but I cant see why I wouldn't get regular use out of the other stuff, with so many ways to trigger OAs, plus Sentinel and Tripping Attack from Battlemaster, its just seems like an all around solid BFC fighter, but I could be wrong. I have done some light reading of fighter guides and basically every one rates the Sentinel and Polearm Master Feats as Sky Blue or Gold, depending on the exact rating system, especially when used in combination. So I just cant see how having 2 great feats with lots of synergy and one of the better fighter archetypes is gimmicky, it's not like I'm sacrificing that much and the upside is quite substantial.

2018-11-02, 11:03 PM
I mean, maybe the Defensive stance part is gimmicky, and wont be used a ton, but I cant see why I wouldn't get regular use out of the other stuff, with so many ways to trigger OAs, plus Sentinel and Tripping Attack from Battlemaster, its just seems like an all around solid BFC fighter, but I could be wrong. I have done some light reading of fighter guides and basically every one rates the Sentinel and Polearm Master Feats as Sky Blue or Gold, depending on the exact rating system, especially when used in combination. So I just cant see how having 2 great feats with lots of synergy and one of the better fighter archetypes is gimmicky, it's not like I'm sacrificing that much and the upside is quite substantial.

PAM + Sentinel is indeed very strong. The Tunnel Fighter style is the gimmicky part. Sorry I didn't make that clear. I've just seen a lot people take it thinking they're going to be able to fire off multiple AoO every round and it just rarely works out that way. Basically all I've seen from it is disappointment.

2018-11-02, 11:35 PM
I can see that. I am not expecting anything monumental like that. The other options of fighting stlye aren't amazing for 2h polearm build. Basically reroll 1 and 2 on a d10 or +1AC.

2018-11-03, 01:03 AM
+1 AC is very, very good. Much more so than it was in PF or 3.5. But tunnel fighter is especially useful for that build and is also a good choice. Overall, I think it's going to be very effective in fights. Your skill selection is well-chosen and will go a long way towards giving you something relevant to do when you are not fighting.