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View Full Version : Brotanels [race]

2007-09-18, 10:32 PM
The brotanels used to be a race of slaves to a powerful ogre mage. They had been specially bred for servitude, and almost never questioned their masters. They almost seemed happy serving without question. But, their servitude ended abruptly when their ogre mage master, and all her followers, were killed by a rival tribe. The brotanels fled, and finally tasted freedom. Out in the wild they stayed for year, where uncontrolled magic eventually morphed them. Now, they are a race of tree people, often living in villages suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. The average brotanel is a little bit shorter than a human, and has smooth green skin, and hair that's usually brown, but is sometimes black or red. Due to their life in the trees, they are natural climbers, and their connection with nature makes them prime candidates for druids.

Racial Traits

+2 Charisma, -2 Strength
All brotanels get a +2 bonus on climb checks
Plant Empathy: All brotanels can use a diplomacy check to affect the mood of sentient (int 3 or higher) plants.
+2 on Will Saves. The mindless willingness to serve has left the brotanel mind more weak than others.
All brotanels get +1 on attack rolls against all ogres, a hated race that the brotanels often fight.
Due to their familiarity with forests, all brotanels get a +2 bonus on survival checks whenever they're in a forest.
All brotanels get an automatic proficiency with bows, rapiers, and scimitars.
Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, gnome, halfling, giant, undercommon
Favored Class: Druid

2007-09-18, 10:40 PM
I assume that they're medium sized, correct?

A Cha bonus and a Str penalty leads to a natural Sorcerer (or Sub-sorcerer, such as Dread Necro) path. However, the lower will saves is a viable counterpart to that, I believe.

Looks overall well balanced.

The Neoclassic
2007-09-19, 06:37 AM
They look balanced and interesting. Good use of racial penalty with the Will save. However, I am curious why they have a bonus to Charisma. You don't address it in your description of them, and I would think that an oppressed race would not have strong personalities if they had been specially bred for servitude and had "almost seemed happy serving without question."

2007-09-19, 07:37 AM
Ehm.. Perhaps it's an idea to grant Brachiation as a bonus-feat? Because +2 on climb checks might still drop them out of a tree, especially if this creature has a strength penalty.
I love the race, by the way. Well balanced, and fun!

2007-09-19, 07:41 AM
Hmm, interesting. For my two pence, they look a bit underpowered. Whilst they get a spattering of skill bonuses and bonuses against Ogres, the negative on Will saves and unequal penalty on Strength hurt a lot. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the -2 penalty on Will saves could become a +2 bonus on Will saves, and they wouldn't be overpowered.

To complete them, just add their base land speed and size category, whether they eat, sleep and breathe (I presume all three) and which age/height/weight charts to use.

In terms of the fluff, they're pretty good. They're pretty world-specific, but then I presume that you've gotten something in mind for them? I've found that using the same headings as the PhB ("Personality", "Physical Description", "Relations", "Alignment", "Lands", "Religion", "Language", and "Adventurers") helps me flesh out parts of the background that I hadn't thought of before.

2007-09-20, 04:11 PM
They look balanced and interesting. Good use of racial penalty with the Will save. However, I am curious why they have a bonus to Charisma. You don't address it in your description of them, and I would think that an oppressed race would not have strong personalities if they had been specially bred for servitude and had "almost seemed happy serving without question."

A pleasant personality, eager to please can mean a charisma bonus by some arguements... with the penalty to strength they certainly are more "house slaves" than "field slaves". This is approximately the same reason I gave my "Empty Skins" a bonus to charisma.

2007-09-20, 04:23 PM
I would label this as underpowered due to the will save penalty. I just don't know what other bonus to add to balance it out.

2007-09-20, 06:12 PM
The brotanels used to be a race of slaves to a powerful ogre mage. They had been specially bred for servitude, and almost never questioned their masters. They almost seemed happy serving without question. But, their servitude ended abruptly when their ogre mage master, and all her followers, were killed by a rival tribe. The brotanels fled, and finally tasted freedom. Out in the wild they stayed for year, where uncontrolled magic eventually morphed them. Now, they are a race of tree people, often living in villages suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. The average brotanel is a little bit shorter than a human, and has smooth green skin, and hair that's usually brown, but is sometimes black or red. Due to their life in the trees, they are natural climbers, and their connection with nature makes them prime candidates for druids.

Racial Traits

+2 Charisma, -2 Strength
All brotanels get a +2 bonus on climb checks
Plant Empathy: All brotanels can use a diplomacy check to affect the mood of sentient (int 3 or higher) plants.
-2 on Will Saves. The mindless willingness to serve has left the brotanel mind more weak than others.
All brotanels get +1 on attack rolls against all ogres, a hated race that the brotanels often fight.
Due to their familiarity with forests, all brotanels get a +2 bonus on survival checks whenever they're in a forest.
All brotanels get an automatic proficiency with bows, rapiers, and scimitars.
Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, gnome, halfling, giant, undercommon
Favored Class: Druid

so um, what is their culture like. And what do they look like. And what relgion do they tend to have. How do they view their old masters, i mean they do have an attack bonous. And what is their common aligment ect. Oh and what do they look like