View Full Version : "Wait, your Patron is a kobold?" Warlock: Pact of the Humble idea.

2018-11-03, 10:39 AM
In one of his Happy Fun Hours, Mearls jokes about a poor sod who made a warlock pact with a kobold, and I found that idea both funny and potentially interesting to see in-game.

The idea would be that the Warlock, rather than making a Pact with a powerful entity, made it with one who clearly isn't, but who still managed to use the magic of contracts one way or another. Which mean that, on top of being a Warlock, now the person is traveling with their weakling Patron doing what that kind of characters usually do. And as the Warlock gains in power, so does the Patron.

I was thinking that the Patron could be any sapient being of CR 1/4 or lower.

Now, what kind of mechanics do you think would fit such an arrangement?

2018-11-03, 10:56 AM
In one of his Happy Fun Hours, Mearls jokes about a poor sod who made a warlock pact with a kobold, and I found that idea both funny and potentially interesting to see in-game.

The idea would be that the Warlock, rather than making a Pact with a powerful entity, made it with one who clearly isn't, but who still managed to use the magic of contracts one way or another. Which mean that, on top of being a Warlock, now the person is traveling with their weakling Patron doing what that kind of characters usually do. And as the Warlock gains in power, so does the Patron.

I was thinking that the Patron could be any sapient being of CR 1/4 or lower.

Now, what kind of mechanics do you think would fit such an arrangement?

You ever read Small Gods by Terry Pratchett? Basically I want to play a Humble Warlock Pact of the Chain with an Awakened Turtle.

As far as the Mechanics, I like the idea of the pact giving means to go unnoticed and giving surprise strikes against opponents. Less being sneaky, and more that people just do not notice your presence. So you end up with a Rogue like character with high stealth.

2018-11-03, 11:22 AM
I've more or less adopted a similar type of character. I'm playing a Profane Soul Blood Hunter (Celestial Patron) and befriended the Tressym Rillix early into SKT.

After an unorthodox and strange fight with Chief Guh, Rillix (now my familiar) struck the final blow on Chief Guh and gained an extra set of wings. Kind of like a Seraphim. As we've progressed and my character has grown, Rillix has also gotten a bit tougher and faster.

I've never had a direct conversation with my DM about it, but he seems to be leaning towards Rillix being my Patron, since I got him before I ended up taking the Profane Soul subclass and he's been becoming more and more celestial like as we've gone on.

2018-11-03, 01:50 PM
Well the 1rst level feature would have to be "having your Patron around". Probably with a feature saying that if the Patron dies, they're brought back to life with a Long Rest.

2018-11-03, 02:53 PM
Imagine if the patron isn't aware of his "destiny", and hates being followed around.

That could make for some interesting stories.