View Full Version : DM Help Dream world sub-setting?

2018-11-03, 04:43 PM
I would like to get your suggestions and opinions about the following idea that I have had.

A long long time ago, before the human civilizations, there was a shaman who had powerful dreams and she was able to train herself to control her dreams. She used these dreams to heal people. She slept close to a person who was mentally or physically sick. The sickness was personified in her dreams and then she slew this persona, which cured the person. Eventually people's jealousy drove her to become a hermit and she started to live in a mountain cave. People often came to her to seek help and she always helped everyone, until one night she tried to cure a schizophrenic child. The persona was too strong for her and she was enslaved by the persona, which severed her mind from her body. The mother fled the cave with her child and sadly they weren't able to descent the mountain ridge alive. After the bodies of the mother and child were found, no one dared to visit the shaman or even mention her name.

Shaman's body has rotten away a long time ago and her bones have turned to dust, but her enslaved spirit and the schizophrenia persona still exist in that cave. The persona, with the help of its slave, is willing slay the mind of anyone who sleeps in that cave. One mountain trekker, a friend of the PCs' friend, found the cave. He had to return because he was out of water, but he asked people to come with him and see the cave, because it had some marvelous cave paintings. No one wanted to go. He went to examine the cave and he spent hours interpreting the cave paintings, which told stories about people who had dreamed and healed. He made lots of insightful notes. He slept in the cave and died in his sleep, despite the fact that he was a fairly young man. Now the PCs' friend sends the PCs to find out what has happened to the man. The truth must be uncovered and if someone killed him, then justice must be served.

But what happens if the PCs sleep in the cave? What game mechanics should I use? Any ideas?

(Sorry if the world-building or homebrew forums had been better choices. I thought about it but decided to send it here because this is very much 3.5 specific.)

mabriss lethe
2018-11-03, 06:34 PM
There's some stuff in the Planar handbook, I believe. Concerning dream worlds and the Lucid Dreaming skill.

2018-11-04, 03:01 AM
Heroes of Horror have a section on Dreams and Nightmares

2018-11-04, 03:19 AM
Hm. Hm hm hm.....

That would be relatively easy to model in PF: The whole cave is a Haunt, maybe combined with Cursed Earth (both Horror Adventures) with the main effect of drawing victims into an immersive Mindscape and maybe instigating a Psychic Duel (both Occult Adventures). The mechanics are are relatively self-contained and it should be no problem back porting them to 3.5E.

Ursus Spelaeus
2018-11-04, 03:52 AM
The Expanded Psionics Handbook has a couple of dream related powers, and I believe Eberron has dream-stuff with the quori and kalashtar.

If you don't mind semi-third-party content, you might look into Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics, by Bruce Cordell.

2018-11-04, 04:58 AM
Get hold of "The Nightmare Lands" for Ravenloft. It's 2e, and is chock full of good ideas. The actual mechanics are a mess but you should be able to bash something together with these concepts as a base easily enough.

2018-11-04, 12:41 PM
Dragon #287 has "Dreamlands: Variant Planes of Dreams" article (by Jeff Grubb), which contain awkwardly-written Dream Element Creature template

Towers of High Sorcery have some Dream Creatures - such as Dreamshadow template and Dreamwraith

3rd-party Book of Broken Dreams have Nightmare Creature template, and Dream Weaver PrC