View Full Version : Male Drow Character Concepts

2018-11-03, 10:03 PM
So I was looking through the other thread about Drow society being sexist and it got my character creation juices flowing. I came up with this character concept for a male drow. I don't have a name yet so I'll just say Gary.

Gary was a promising wizard in one of the drow arcane research places. A Priestess chose him as a consort to give her a child. After the child was born he found out that she would be sacrificed to lolth on her 7th birthday. the week before the ritual he used the illusion magic that he had been learning to sneak his daughter away to the surface world, where the would be safe... ish.

School of Illusion wizard with the high drow magic feat eventually. I would have to talk to the DM about taking a kid around, but I think it could be fun.

What do you guys think? Also, what are some of your character concepts for Drow?

2018-11-03, 10:29 PM
I only have a single concept for a male drow. A black draconic sorcerer.

He was a guard and consort for a priestess of Lolth. One day as they were traveling through the underdark they were ambushed by an ancient black dragon. The dragon killed the priestess and every other drow within the convoy before taking him prisoner. This particular dragon has a hatred for the drow and has been killing them for hundreds of years. Having grown bored with merely killing them it's making them kill each other and infuses him with the power of a dragon. Making him a draconic sorcerer.

Thinking he'd be killed for not only failing to protect his charge but also for being in league with the dragon (it gave him power to make them think he was helping it). He ran away to the surface and began to lead a new life. Wearing a large robe and a mask to hide his face he leaves his hands and feet visable, leaving only black scales for people to see. Now going under the name Kepeshkmolik Nadarr, he passes himself off as a dragonborn that has gone through a horrible accident and his face is mangled beyond repair and hides it to not frighten people. Lawful Neutral, seeing the horrible evil things he's done more as whats necessary to survive he's become a true survivalist. Following whatever rules it takes to stay under anyone radar. Taking any mercenary work he comes by to make money with his new magic while searching the surface for someplace he could live in relative peace.

Possible plot hooks for the DM include being tracked/found by the drow, to try and take him back to the underdark to publicly execute him. As well as a high level dragon NPC up for use, hatred of the drow and extreme boredom required.

2018-11-03, 10:48 PM
I always liked this one (http://i.imgur.com/QoH5XOf.png).

2018-11-04, 12:04 AM
A drow who was born with a heart of justice and so fled to the surface world. He's a ranger who has a black panther companion.

A young, cruel elite warrior of the drow was captured by a super-powerful Chaotic Good Bard of the surface world, who used level 9 Modify Memory to make the drow believe he was a heroic figure who fought for justice, peace and love. The drow fights bravely and with honor, and although at first discriminated and distrusted, after decades of adventuring and saving lives, gets to win the trust of the surface world as a real hero. He marries a surface elf, has children, teaches other adventurers how to fight, and leads a happy life.

One fight, a partiularily powerful enemy caster casts a terrible curse on the drow. To end this curse, a strong cleric casts Remove Curse on the drow... which at the same time also dispels the Modify Memory cast on this drow decades ago. The drow regains his old memories as a ruthless killer.

But, then again, he realizes that now he likes his new life more. His old life seems more like a bad dream. He decides to live on as a surface hero - even if it started out as a complete lie, it's now the truth.

2018-11-04, 01:59 AM
Divine soul sorcerer of Pelor. All his years in the underdark he felt an urge to go up to the surface world, to see the sun. Like if there was a voice in his head, calling him. Any good alignment would be a good fit.

I'd probably beg my DM to lift sunlight sensitivity (I'd even bribe him with cookies if I had to). You know, because it would be thematic to do so, not because I hate the mechanical consequences of that... feature.

Total recall (the remake)! :smallbiggrin:

Sariel Vailo
2018-11-04, 04:32 AM
A drow who was born with a heart of justice and so fled to the surface world. He's a ranger who has a black panther companion.

A young, cruel elite warrior of the drow was captured by a super-powerful Chaotic Good Bard of the surface world, who used level 9 Modify Memory to make the drow believe he was a heroic figure who fought for justice, peace and love. The drow fights bravely and with honor, and although at first discriminated and distrusted, after decades of adventuring and saving lives, gets to win the trust of the surface world as a real hero. He marries a surface elf, has children, teaches other adventurers how to fight, and leads a happy life.

One fight, a partiularily powerful enemy caster casts a terrible curse on the drow. To end this curse, a strong cleric casts Remove Curse on the drow... which at the same time also dispels the Modify Memory cast on this drow decades ago. The drow regains his old memories as a ruthless killer.

But, then again, he realizes that now he likes his new life more. His old life seems more like a bad dream. He decides to live on as a surface hero - even if it started out as a complete lie, it's now the truth.
Im into this alot. I had a consort who had ahem issues getting it up, so he fled to the surface hides his identity using the alias zilesril(singing drow) he is a bard claiming half drow heritage. He enjoyed cheesy romance novels while waiting for his mistress'. He dreams of being like one of the men in those novels and his flaw believes then to be fact.

2018-11-04, 05:25 AM
So I was looking through the other thread about Drow society being sexist and it got my character creation juices flowing. I came up with this character concept for a male drow. I don't have a name yet so I'll just say Gary.

Gary was a promising wizard in one of the drow arcane research places. A Priestess chose him as a consort to give her a child. After the child was born he found out that she would be sacrificed to lolth on her 7th birthday. the week before the ritual he used the illusion magic that he had been learning to sneak his daughter away to the surface world, where the would be safe... ish.

School of Illusion wizard with the high drow magic feat eventually. I would have to talk to the DM about taking a kid around, but I think it could be fun.

What do you guys think? Also, what are some of your character concepts for Drow?

This has a few similarities to the character I'm playing now. When I say "a few" I mean the overall theme is the same. Mine's a half-drow former slave who barely escaped with his life. He still has a child in his home city who's going to be sacrificed when she turns 18. The twist? He escaped by making a deal with the archfey and became a warlock; he went to the Feywild for what seemed like a few weeks, but 15 or 16 years passed in the mortal world. Now he's a Warlock, back in the "real world", on the surface, and he has to find his way back to the Drow city where his daughter was born, before it's too late.