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2018-11-05, 08:07 AM
Turn 1 Start: 1st Month of Winter

Omen from the Auspex:
This month's sign is the Sword, in the Defensive aspect. This is the sign of the Sheathed Blade, signifying peace and diplomacy, but a tense peace, where weapons are not put away, but kept waiting.

The Five Days of Vulpa are concluded, the third harvest brought in, the animals slaughtered and smoked, the festival ended. This is when peace would settle over Rialta, any other year. The storms begin blowing over the northern sea, cutting the city off from the world and the rains begin, incessant drizzle that can keep up for weeks, but brings some relief from the tropical heat.

But that is not what is happening. A dark cloud seems to hang on everyone's minds. Citizens toss and turn in their sleep with vague nightmares of slow, stalking shadows and once-familiar faces becoming strangers. The carneval days have seamlessly given way to the wire-cable tension of tempers about to snap. There are glares and bad words, and people changing street sides, in the middle-class districts around the crater rim, and drunken fist fights among laborers and sailors, as they begin labelling themselves Imperials and Rialtans, and each other foreigners and colonials.

Even the usually jovial River God is grumbling, turning the river's waters choppy and grey, and smaller spirits throughout the city are mimicking him. A thousand usually routine things go wrong, as the spirits vent their displeasure. Animals are spooked, crockery breaks, meals are spoiled. In the Forum, an hours-long riot breaks out when a palanquin carrying two noble matrons nearly tramples the elderly priest of some fish-god who is too slow to move aside. In Pearlmother and the Exchange, two merchant agents are found dead in the water, with just thin stiletto-point marks in their backs.

Rialta is not a cheerful city, these days.

2018-11-05, 03:23 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Excerpt from the minutes of Captains Council vote for the shipping season of year 61 of the Thousand Sails Trade Company.

Having concluded the question period for winter shipping practices Mr Hirgan called for discussion on the topic of city affairs regarding the upset of local spirits.

Captain Redgrave put forward that warehousing foodstocks was becoming increasingly difficult due to premature spoiling, and referenced the plate of cheese and dried meat being cleared by catering staff, the food had gone from fresh to foul just over the course of the meeting.

General agreement from those present. Captain Karnum recommended erecting small offering shrines in all shoreside storage which will be stocked with the equivalent of three hearty meals each week. The motion was second by Mr Hirgan, and orders went out to the wages office to hire a cleric to build and maintain the shrines.

Though in agreement with the shrines Captain Redgrave continued to insist that the River God ought to be contacted in hope of a more permanent solution.

The next subject for the meeting was the future policy regarding the beastfolk encountered around the far outposts. Captain Mov asked for a budget increase to the marines stationed in those outposts, where she claimed raids were becoming more frequent from the tribes who refused trade or simply did not know the common tongue. She spoke with much passion against the beastfolk.

Despite agreement from Commander Witalius, Mr. Hirgan offered Captain Mov a stern reprimand and asked that the Captain back down from her position, citing success with the turtle tribe and the disaster of Outpost Footfall.

Captain Karnum stepped in to mediate the renewed dispute, asking a compromise of modest budget increase while clamping down on overly aggressive sergeants to avoid another Footfall. He finished by calling for a vote, winning by a small margin.

Though the discussion of the succession crisis was not a happy topic for any present it was the next topic. Commander Witalius opened the discussion

Security 6

Player messages

To The Governor
Greetings Your Lordship,
The Thousand Sails Trade Company is soon to begin the monthly budget meeting and ask a boon of your office. Where will the Imperial Tax fall next month so we may budget appropriately?

Your Servant,
Mordred Hirgan

The Informants
Greeting Broker,
The Thousand Sails faces an unusual problem with rats in the harbor, and the rumors are wild and inconsistent, do your archives have any clarity on this matter? I would greatly value a specific location, though even just a contact among their organization if such a thing exists would be of value.

Captain Mov

To The Living
Greetings Beastfolk,
I write with regards to beastfolk both within and without the city. Within the city I hope to hire some beastfolk into the Thousand Sails, both because they are strong and hardy and because I think it may ease tensions with those beastfolk we have contact with elsewhere on the ghost coast. And those beastfolk are the second reason I write. Most people we encounter simply avoid our ships and outposts, and occasionally there have even been raids and skirmishes. One tribe has been the distinct exception. They call themselves the Turtle Tribe and have been willing to both trade and speak with us, yet they remain secretive and mysterious. Before we conduct further diplomacy I hope to gather more information on them. Have you ever heard of this group or their activities?

Mordred Hirgan

To the Malki
To the Malki Council,
I hope to continue or business from the previous years, the appearance of these Nackermen comes as something of a surprise, especially so late in season. Do let us know if they cause undue trouble. Price competition is fine, and will likely benefit your folk, but their swagger makes me worry about extortion, and my company does not want to see one of our oldest trading partners suffer such indignity.

Mordred Hirgan


The Auspex
Greeting Diviners,
The winter storms are setting in, and our new ships are about to brave them, do your omens have any readings on which trade route will be safest and swiftest?

Captain Karnum

To The Syndicate of Rats
Ooc: Assuming I have a point of contact, if I do not we send out a guy in nice clothes with very stuffed looking pockets in areas we know the rats have been active. The pockets of course contain nothing but copies of this letter, maybe some pickpocket can deliver it…

I want to talk. I’ll be pier 13 at midnight in three days. Me and two anchorman. No legion, no guard. Meet me there if you want my offer.

Captain Redgrave

The Bull of the Bog
A personal messenger will deliver this message, and offer to read it aloud if it seems Leras cannot read.

Dear Mr. Leras,
I have a hope of hiring more Beastfolk like yourself into the Thousand Sails Trade Company. Do you know of other beastfolk who may be looking for work? Yourself included of course, I can promise wages enough to put a roof over your head and food in your belly, and a payrise after your 500th day with us. It will involve sailing most likely, though shore jobs are available as well.

Mordred Hirgan

To the Mercantile Union
Fellow Merchants,
We wish to discuss Winter business, and the questions of trade during a succession crisis. Would you be willing to meet?

Mordred Hirgan

2018-11-06, 09:07 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

The general malaise that had fallen over Rialta certainly did a number on the health of its denizens as well, if the increased number of people who have thronged the Apothecary in Hunter's Gate is any indication. For many are seeking a remedy for the cold that had been going around, for more serious ailments that have become even more common than the norm, and some were just literally under the weather for undetermined reasons. And that would have been a good thing for Eithne, if not for the fact that her tinctures and salves had been spoiling faster than usual as well.

"Oh, nuts...!"

A vial fell to the ground and shattered, knocked off the shelf by a careless movement of Eithne's hand. Eithne could only prop her hands on her hips and sigh, as she watched some of her perfectly good medicine go to waste. That had been happening somewhat more frequently, and certainly did not help her the dwindling supply of her remedies. If this kept on, she would have to make another herb-gathering trip into the jungle earlier than planned... assuming said herbs could be found, or would keep until she could turn them into more salves before they too end up spoiling.

Huffing her last sigh, Eithne turned her mind back to the job. Quickly swiping another vial from the shelf, she turned to the next one at her counter, giving him her well-practiced warm smile as she launched into her explanation.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, here it is; pour out half a spoonful of this after every meal..."


Dear Lord Brightmyre,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of Rialta's denizens, along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?


Dear Legatus Harenacus,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of Rialta's denizens, along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?


To whom it may concern,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of Rialta's denizens, along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?


Dear Captain Hirgan,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of Rialta's denizens, along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?



Eithne shows up at the steps of the August House, like she did regularly on that particular day of every week. With the handle of a rattan basket around the crook of her elbow, she stepped up to the door.

"Good morn! I have some deliveries to be made here, I believe?

Eithne shows up at Decimus Flavius Marinus' mansion, like she did regularly on that particular day of every week. With the handle of a rattan basket around the crook of her elbow, she stepped up to the door.

"Good morn! I have some deliveries for Lord Marinus, I believe?"

Eithne shows up at the steps leading up to the Pontifex's pavilion, like she did regularly on that particular day of every week. With the handle of a rattan basket around the crook of her elbow, she stepped forward.

"Good morn! I have some deliveries for Lady Prospero, I believe?

2018-11-06, 11:52 PM
Dammer's Freehold

The wind soared above the fleet, gently caressing the masts as if searching for the sails that were withdrawn for the day, the fleet knew every place devoid of significant currents across the city and were currently sitting on one such spot the barges and small boats adjoining to the bigger ships to form the veritable village.

most of the usual crew of Jermalion were either down in their cabins or within some other ships, enjoying their earned (for a lack of well) keep.

Dammer was bouncing a ball across the deck, laughing and muttering when it was let go, a hand appeared holding from the railing, And in a moment Daghir jumped up to the deck proper, wearing a few furs over her usual armor, she stared intensely at Dammer waiting for a greeting, he ignored her she could wait for a bit...

a sneeze from the second in command brought her to Dammer's attention, a small nod of recognition of her presence and a cry of health for her followed.

-There is business to attend to.

-It is far too great of a day to waste on such a thing...

After cleaning the nose with her arm she pulled out a small note, written in fine paper and practically shoved it in the admiral's face.

-mmm... if you read this... source... act... You wouldn't have happened to write this would you?

The woman frowned angrily.

-oh! right, can't read imperial, sorry, sorry; do remind me to appoint you a teacher soon... if you didn't write it this is pretty bad *sigh* well it was too good to last.

Dammer threw the ball down some hole, and tapped with his feet in an elaborate pattern that sounded and looked nothing short of ridicolous, he grabbed a long rope and gave a two finger salute to his second in command, before swinging to the deck of another ship at the cry of "You are in charge!"

The wolf shook her head, not only was the statement no longer needed, but he forgot she had business to attend too, she sneezed again, cursing the relative cold of the place and the pitiful little water sprites that had been waking her up with a cold shower. She then went below deck to find a suitable replacement.

Security: 4


a single River barge with a home upon it wades through the filth of the bogshole, upon their deck two rowers, in scale armor of a light quality as befitting sailors, a robed man with an unnatural shadow under his hood stands with them, his robes pristine. Upon the ceiling of the small home stands a young lanky fellow of pale complexion for even a colonist, he wears jewelry all upon arms and hands, he sports a feathered hat and a wide blue cloak of fine silk that were clearly not chosen for practicality he stared as his hand or the waves alternatively, until he got close enough to a bogsmen ship to get heard and point his sword menacingly at the nearest bogsmen "You! either bring me to someone in charge or speak for your misdoings!"

A woman of caramel skin walked in, she wore an ornamental dress and hairstyle and the fine fabrics and jewels screamed wealth, behind her trailed some men that looked much like her but with a smaller stature (figuratively and literally) armored in bronze and sporting odd weaponry, they brought a couple of crates.

with a snap one of the men who carried no box spoke to whatever administrator was in there, the accent was thick and "Mistress Alhar seeks a meeting with the council to discuss previous agreements and new developments, we bear a token of good will,
and apology for the sudden arrival"

A woman of caramel skin walked in, she wore an ornamental dress and hairstyle and the fine fabrics and jewels screamed wealth, behind her trailed some men that looked much like her but with a smaller stature (figuratively and literally) armored in bronze and sporting odd weaponry, they brought a couple of crates.

with a snap one of the men who carried no box spoke to whatever administrator was in there, the accent was thick and "Mistress Alhar seeks a meeting with the council to discuss previous agreements and new developments, we bear a token of good will,
and apology for the sudden arrival"

A pale lanky young man in a fancy brown cloak that miraculiously caught no branches on the way to the shop entered, a single woman clad in bronze armor unlike that of the empire came as his entourage, a large spear strapped with a shield to her back as she leaned to a wall, an intimidating stare laid on anyone who entered after them.

Dammer waited in line as long as he had to, and if an apprentice was at the head skillfuly insulted all of his blood until Eithne appeared, when she did he lowered his hat and head in a bow, releasing surprisingly kept dark hair "my lady, I have heard of your healing touch, and I was wondering if you may have some time for a word or two, perhaps over tea."

Dearest Mr Lartia

I am painfully aware of the struggle the city suffers under the lack of the standing navy and the strains on the populous that the current royal "kerfuffle" have caused, please join me for a drink to discuss the current predicament, I'll have a ship at The exchange tomorrow.

Mine truly, Admiral Dammer Estragoth.

a veritable squad of barges and
small trade vessels came to shore, unpacking a mix of fishers artisans and soldiers that were quite hard to tell apart from each other and seemed eager, anxious even, though two stood out, a pale lanky man in a bright red overcoat, covering a standard sailors outfit and a slightly smaller girl by his side, packed with some of the gizmos appropiate of people of science, googles with different paramethers of lenses that were easily adjustable, comfortable clothing resistant to blunt force and a pouch she held like her life.

Most stayed back as the two approached the center of any one congregation of natives, a little overheard from their conversation.

-...st parties, heh? so how come I hadn't he...

the girl shushed him and spoke cheerfully to the group.

-Howdy! are the elders around today? boss wants to meet them.


I seek access to the archives, as I imagine many do. I've been made aware that you follow a strict motto of exponential knowledge to your membership (which I can see the charm behind) I added a small tidbit of my own to this letter that might spark a reply or perhaps even a meeting.

-Ughul, Kabal master of the freehold

attached to the note is a letter by philosopher Eul "the lamb" examining ancient practices of the extinct category of swamp hags previously found across the southern empire, when a scarce 8 of the great families were assimilated. Is deliberately info thats old and obscure but not too hard to come by in the area most affected by the hags, likely something the library as a whole has, though the specific branch may not.

Miss Bluebell, Your talent is almost unrivaled within the city, so I formally invite you to discuss matters pertaining to yours and other fields of "arcane" research The location will be a suitably large home barge, laden in purple's and black that will be near the towers in two days, if you wish to come.

-Ughul, Kabal master of the freehold

A lone ship calmly stirs by the wind Ughul sits atop it, some sort of beverage raised to his face from time to time, he calmly speaks as he passes through several of the known places where the river god tends to be found "may we share a word, river-dweller? I brought the proper sacrifice" a couple of casks of beer and other assorted alchol sat on the prow, he threw the beer whe he spoke, caring to not run out of it too fast.

Dearest Lord Flavius, I heard you are looking for an out from the routine, care to join me for some fine hot beverages with some similar company? for a start.

-Dammer Estragoth, High Admiral of the Freehold

I heard you can talk to ashes or something, I need that. Just find some boat to bring you to the freehold and tell them to put it on Ughul's tab and ask for me when you are around.

- Delilah, Fairways.

A single sail boat was guided by sheer force of will of Ughul, he approached, confident on his ability to whistad whatever force affected the tower. as he arrived he picked a random human and spoke with the force of magic behind him "Speak as if you could unsee your dreams"

Dammer rocked the full pirate attire as much as his well kept appentices allowed him to Daghir by his side he knocked on the union house, a number of sailors equipped with the tools of their trade and some leather happened to lean near the entrances and around the house.}

He knocked.
-Could I come in invited?

Daghir and a few men equipped for tunnel fighting cornered the envoy of the miners, menacing but not directly hostile "How far down to your leader?"

A wide barge of tightly kneated leather and wood sailed through rivermarket, a veritable feast of
food and drink layed right in the middle guarded by 5 men and woman and a scruffy looking fellow by the name of Dammer who soon screamed out "any good swimmer looking for a hot meal for hism and his buddies can come up and talk!, any that try to sneak a bite before we are done gets burned! any fighting near the ship gets a few holes in him." one of the men in a plate that threatened to make a whole on theb barge through sheer weight shot a flare of fire to the air to make a point

A nearby barge pulled near the old men, one the Freehold's own scavenger and his on waved to him, he was an usual buyer, and the old man didn't unnerve him too much, vampires never ate ugly men or so did his papa say. "Ferryman! any good stuff lately"

2018-11-07, 08:01 AM
To the Thousand Sails

The Auspex [3]
Greetings, Captain

A brave undertaking, to be sure. The clouds predict a lull in approximately four weeks time, when the eastern passage around the Raven's Eye Islands should open up. We would of course be more than willing to divine a full chart and weather report for you, for just a small donation.

Arif Fulminius, High Sylphicus

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
The letters don't even seem much disturbed, but upon return, the courier finds that one has been opened and a short message scrawled on it: "Agreed"


Pier 13 is left conveniently dark, at this late hour, away from the most frequented bars and boardwalks of the harbour area. The weather is not exactly ever cold, this far south, but the drizzle has a way of creeping into boots and under hats that makes even a mild night uncomfortable. The stars clearly show that midnight is fifteen minutes come and gone, when a young voice speaks up of a nearby alley.
"Well. Seems like you really did come without an army."
A cloaked figure, recognizeably a fit, slender young woman, steps out of the alley. She has a red shawl slung around the lower half of her face, fastened with some pins, and wears a woolen cap over her hair, so that only her eyes are visible. She rubs gloves hands toether and blows on them.
"And a fine spot you've found for this meeting, too. You wanted to talk?"

The Bull of the Bog [2]
Leras' handwriting is a blocky scrawl on thick, fibrous reed paper, the kind made by the small, cheap paper mills along the riverbanks.

"Mister Hirgan,
I have barely any contacts, these days, back home. I don't leave the city anymore, and my kind does not write letters. I cab organize a handful of folk, if you give me some notice, up to a dozen if things go well, but no more. But I am myself open for an offer, if you are."

The Rialta Mercantile Union [4]
"But of course! We are always eager to make trade contacts. Sooner or later, we would certainly have contacted you ourselves.

Would you do us the honour of visiting one of our council meetings? We meet fridays, for lunch, followed by council business discussion, followed by drinks, at the Lion's Head, you are free to join us any time.

Sincerely Yours,
Iafed Lucio, Secretary General

Eithne's Apothecary

The August House of Wisdom[9]
Stepping over the treshold of the House is a shocking sensation, like stepping under a mountain waterfall for just a second. Cold, striking, almost isolating, as if a previously unfelt bodypart was cut off. Bands of silver, iron, ash wood, and other, more exotic materials run through the marble halls of the outer walls, encircling the entire building, and there are scrolls of incantations nailed to every doorway.
The room inside is pleasantly cool. There are only narrow windows, almost like arrow loops, though oil lanterns give more than sufficient light.
A number of clerks, each wearing a simple white tunic and sporting a shaven head, sit cross-legged behind a long, low table. One immediately jumps up as Eithne enters, and bows.
"Apothecary Eithne", she says, her voice cool and professional.
"Of course. Philosopher Archytas will see you immediately."
The clerk leads the Apothecary deeper into the building, to a second-floor office. The room is spartan, though two walls sport overflowing scroll racks. Archytas is a gaunt man with a sharp nose and black eyes that are piercing like knife-points. He only sketches a bow, as the clerk backs out of the room, though he stands up from his writings as Eithne enters. His robe is pristine white and free of even the slightest wrinkle.
"Apothecary. You do me an honour by meeting me in person. Have you brought a delivery?"

Decimus Flavius Marinus [3]
Eithne is kept waiting for perhaps fifteen minutes by an attendant, who apologetically offers her snacks and refreshments. Flavius has at least imported some excellent olives and fruit from his Imperial holdings. The man is well-dressed, at least, in a midnight blue suit that flatters his muscular physique, but his hair is uncombed, his stubble at least three days old and his eyes bloodshot.
"Apothecary. Good. I..."
He remembers his manners and points at a chair with a slight bow and a slightly oily smile.
"Please. Sit. A pleasure to see you as always."

Jaleh Prospero [1]
Prospero's silk pavilion is crowded by a dozen servants and initiates and half as many noble Ladies, all lounging around a low table on chaises longues, eating colourful sugary... somethings. There is shrill laughter and a lot of giggling going on.
As Prospero sees the Apothecary arriving, her eyes go cold for a minute, then the smile reappears again, as if nothing happened, then she raises a well-manicured hand.
"Lady Eithne! Why of course! Have you brought the balm for my hurting feet?"

2018-11-07, 12:21 PM
House Sempiterne Aranea
Even Death serves the sky

Within the arid chambers of the endless dead, members of the house move in silence. each priest hides his face in full vestments and a mask of iron. They move with careful consideration and tend to the much younger dead of this colony. How they wish they could have the fae on these walls to whisper too. When they are not speaking to the spirits and bodies within the priests chant in almost perfect union, a perpetual tune of terrifying ambiance.


Behind each of these priests stood a silent being wrapped in robes and armor, his vinear terrifying and his smell unnatural, a mix of herbs and fragrances trying to cover up embalming fluid and bone dust.


Despite everything appearing to be going as it normally would, that the place of the dead remained unmoved something very special was taking place.

Elections were beginning and choosing a leader to undergo the ritual Sempiterne Aranea to lead their house in this region was a very important and time honored act. He would be the voice of their faction until the main house could send a decree. This was the will of the dead and those who maintained vigilance beneath the earth. The elder council also needed to keep everything running in the meantime.

Two bodies needed to be collected, two merchant agents were now property of the house and the yearly collection of donations needed to go out to all the factions, they needed to be reminded of who cared for their dead and what gifts could be granted for the patronage of their ancient family.

Security 7

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Colossus to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We remind Legio XII Pegasus that few will demand their services more than the legion and a single (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your bravest soldiers for a second chance to fight, and of course should you require to speak to any of your men once more that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Keening to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We remind The living that while they are indeed mighty even their kind eventually die and should any of their number seek to walk a second time for their kind they will need the house and (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your magnificent kind for a second chance to fight, and of course should you require to speak to any of your own kind once they pass that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Pearlmother district to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We know clan Malki live a simple life but the care for the dead is universal and great knowledge can be lost when someone of such a wise clan perishes. Just (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your men for a second chance to serve, and of course should you require to speak to any of your clan once more that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Drydocks to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We know Thousand Sails Trade Company live a simple life focused on coin and trade but the care for the dead is universal and great knowledge can be lost when someone of such a wise clan perishes. Just (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your men for a second chance to serve, and of course should you require to speak to any of your company once more that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Victorium to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with a bow.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We know The Imperial Administration is incredibly busy but we come to renew our contract, we presume we remain tax exempt and in turn the governing body is not expected to provide alms for our noble house. The care for the dead is universal, and we maintain the dead with no aid from government and of course should any officials pass away we will ensure you can access their final whispers and memories to help make the transition easier."

A single priest and his walker make their way to Hunters Gate to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We know Eithne's Apothecary live a simple life focused on coin, and care for the living but the care for the dead is universal and great knowledge can be lost when someone from such a fine company passes. Just (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your men for a second chance to serve, and of course should you require to speak to any of your company once more that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to Craterside to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We know House Umbrina feel alone but we in house Sempiterne Aranea are not motivated by past crimes, the care for the dead is universal and great knowledge can be lost when someone from such a fine family passes. Just (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your men for a second chance to serve or fight, and of course should you require to speak to any of your house once more that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to Palatial Estates to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with a bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We know House Brightmyre live a complex life focused on so many aspects of our colony, but the care for the dead is universal and great knowledge can be lost when someone from such a fine house passes. Just (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your men for a second chance to serve, and of course should you require to speak to any of your company once more that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Guild Streets to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with a bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We remind The Rialta Guard that few will demand their services more than the troops and a single (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your bravest soldiers for a second chance to fight, and of course should you require to speak to any of your men once more that we provide the answers you need."


A single priest and his walker make their way to the overlook to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with a bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We remind The Auspex that despite their vast knowledge and power all inevitably perish. Death is universal and the loss of such minds especially if they cannot provide final thoughts or finish some grand therum could be devestating to one of their number. (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your men for a second chance to serve, and of course should you require to speak to any of your organization once more that we provide the answers you need. "

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Public Library to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with a bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We remind The August House of Wisdom that despite their vast knowledge and power all inevitably perish. Death is universal and the loss of such minds especially if they cannot provide final thoughts or finish some grand therum could be devestating to one of their number. (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your men for a second chance to serve, and of course should you require to speak to any of your organization once more that we provide the answers you need. "

A single priest and his walker make their way to the flats to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We remind The Fademen that few will demand their services more than the mercenaries and a single (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your bravest soldiers for a second chance to fight, and of course should you require to speak to any of your men once more that we provide the answers you need."

A single priest and his walker make their way to the Scattershot to collect their yearly alms. Whoever answers their door is greeted with bow and a bowl outstretched.

"The House Sempiterne Aranea is engaging in their yearly supplication. We remind Hornblende’s Phalanx that few will demand their services more than the mercenaries and a single (1 temp economy) assures us our sacrifices and duties are respected and that we can provide for you the return of your bravest soldiers for a second chance to fight, and of course should you require to speak to any of your men once more that we provide the answers you need."

2018-11-08, 02:52 AM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Eithne's Apothecary

Mssm. Eithne,

The health and well-being of Rialta's citizenry is, of course, a matter of interest to everyone who lives within the city, as well as being one of our more prominent markets (with medicines from the mainland and such). If you would like to set up an appointment with our Business Development Office, I'm sure we would be delighted to hear your proposal.

Marnus Wailing
Director, Rialta Office

Dammer's Freehold
The Rialta Office of the Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce is busy, busy, busy. The sand-carpeted courtyard outside the stone walls of the admin building is a hive of laborers moving goods to and from warehouses, brokers consulting their books and shouting arcane shorthand at each other, and grey-clad House Regulars squinting suspiciously at anyone who looks like they might even know a thief. Vast wealth moves through this place unseen, in the form of numbers called out across the courtyard and recorded in a different set of books. Goods from a dozen cities and as many cultures sit in crates stamped with simple identifying icons--a bundle of grapes, a flag, a metal ingot.

The broker that the Freeholders have chosen to address looks at them over the top of a book almost the size of his torso.

"Might be difficult to get a meeting with the Board in Iossau," he says, "but I think we might be able to get a moment of the Director's time."

2018-11-08, 04:36 AM
Dammer's Freehold

The August House of Wisdom [9]
The answer returns on the same day, in fine blue calligraphy on excellent white paper.

"Most noble and wise Master Ughul,

Of course a scholar of your accomplishments merely has to request access and will be granted it at any time. Nevertheless, we would like to thank you most profusely for your generous gift.

-Philospher Archytas

The Forester's Guild [6]
The reply is curt, but polite, Bluebell will agree to see you.


Bluebell is a middle-aged woman, lean and sinewy. Everything about her is practical: her short haircut, her thin-soiled leather climbing shoes, worn inside wooden sandals, her oilskin cloak against the weather. Her belt is made of the knobbly hide of some swamp reptile and several pouches and a broad-bladed knife have been strapped to it.

"Master Ughul", she nods, standing ramrod straight. "You wished to talk."

The River God[3]
Only the River God's head rises above the water, green eyes the size of barrel lids, long, seaweed-hair, a nose the size of a cart horse. He sighs, deeply, and ripples flow out over the water around him, as he grabs a barrel of beer and empties it in two gulps.
"It is appreciated, but you find me on a bad day."

Decimus Flavius Marinus [3]
"Lord Dammer! Why yes, I would be delighted." The Lord Flavius has a steady hand, and he uses excellent stationary.

Lord Flavius arrives in a closed sedan chair, carried by two muscular young carriers, who are going topless, despite the rain. He is wearing an excellently tailored blue suit and is carrying a moderately expensive bottle of wine as a gift. He seems to have shaved and sorted out his hair reasonably well with oil, but there are still bags under his eyes and his face is pale.
"Lord Dammer", he says. "A pleasure."

The Fire Reader [2]
Danasar is a middle-aged man with spotted skin, wearing a curious, wide-brimmed hat and a floor-length oilskin cloak. The wand of his order is very visibly displayed at his belt, a stout stick a good cubit long, carved with a spiral of tiny runes from one tip to the other.

"So", he says, with an impish grin.
"You have some ashes you want me to talk to, Lady Delilah?"

The Dreamseekers [1]
A young woman is sitting on the lowest steps of the tower, as Ughul approaches. Her hair is matted, her skin tight over her bones, heir nails grown long, but splintered a few times. She looks up with a feverish expression as Ughul approaches, though her voice is clear: "Are you the Av..."
Then her voice breaks, as Ughul's magic hits her, and in a hoarse whisper she says:

The Rialta Mercantile Union [4]
A nervous-looking slight, young man opens the door and flinches back as he sees the band before him.
"Yes? I am-m secretary H-hadi Tarquinius.", he stammers.
"M-may I h-h-h-help you."

The Deepest [5]
A mining party meets Daghir's tunnel fighters. They are not directly hostile either, but they are tall, muscular men, conveniently holding sledgehammers, pickaxes, augers, crowbars and other heavy mining tools.
"Our leader is quite a bit farther down. The question is, why would he want to speak to you?"

The Mudlarks [3]
A young girl dashes out of the water unto the boat's deck in one fluid motion. It is difficult to tell her age, she might be a very cynical looking ten-year old, or a malnourished fourteen year old. She wears minimal clothing, but a liberal coating of river mud, and a knife belt. A few more mudlarks seem to be hanging out at a safe distance, though several are clearly holding slings and projectiles.
"Alright then, guv, whatt's dis about?", she says.

Grey Harland [3]
The man's hands are quite grey, though not much else of him can be seen beneath his clothes, except an occasional glimpse of a yellow eye, as he poles his barge closer. A shawl is quickly pulled aside and a glob of something slimy spat in the water.
"Not good, not good at all, this season, nossir. Tides are up, tides go down, ey, and so does fortunes. But the highest tides also go the lowest, innit. No neap tides for me, are there, mhmhm. Rip and fall, all of it, all the time. Ayup".

2018-11-08, 12:21 PM
The All Seeing Eye The Informants
Security 10

Chemosh sleeps at his desk snoring loudly entirely unaware of all the paper work piling up in around him as informants drop messages off and leave. An aid comes in and seeing the leader asleep sighs and starts sorting the notes while his leader sleeps. He also writes few messages to some of the people for Chemosh's approval after he awakes.

All messages come completely unlabelled with no signature on it. The suggested means of returning the messages is to put them into a white envelope and just leaving them out someplace public.

We will keep an eye out. You seem to already have a meeting but if we find out their base we will sell the information. Are you interested in purchasing any conversations that occur about or with the ratking? It would just be one [temp economy] payable upon us finding the first instance of it.

Do you wish to come to an agreement on how we should do our dealings together. As the only factions that can read each others messages, it would be in our interests if we figure something out to avoid any chance of either of us stepping on the others toes/

We are wondering if you are looking to keep track of any discussion that your own spies miss? We can act as outside contractors to keep an eye on the more difficult to watch elements for the proper price.

Is there any knowledge you wish to collect from others' discussions or particular discussions you wish to hear? We will report it to you for the cost of one [temp economy] upon an occurrence happening.

What do you think will bring doom to the city? Also if you don't mind us asking, do you sometimes walk through the Overlook district?

2018-11-08, 01:24 PM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10


The apprentice apothecary who happened to be manning the counter at the time quailed at the barrage of profanities that the pale man launched at him, what vestiges of his courage not helped by the hulking escort beside him. Even so, he seemed reluctant to abandon his post for some reason, not even to call for his ostensible mentor.

"I-I-I'm sorry, but lady Eithne really is preoccupied at the moment, and I cannot possibly..."

"...and after washing, you must apply the ointment and dress the wound once every day."

The reason for the master Apothecary's tardiness soon became clear, as Eithne emerged from an alcove with her latest patient; a stout woodsman who was almost as pale as the latest guest to the Apothecary, though from loss of blood from the wound he had apparently taken to his leg. She was propping him up by the shoulder, up until she could hand her patient off to his fellow woodsmen to take the rest of the way home.

"Be sure to take plenty of fluids and rest, and I'll come check on you in a couple of days!"

The injured woodsman and his mate proffered a last round of thanks before taking their leave, and the hapless apprentice at the counter could finally stammer out, "Lady Eithne, you have g-guests..."


Eithne whipped around, clearly flustered. And little wonder; she was looking disheveled from her impromptu treatment, and indeed still had fresh red blood staining her apron and fingers. Not hers, that was for certain, but still an unsettling look for the otherwise unassuming young woman, that's for sure.

"A-a word? Over... o-oh yes, of course. Pardon me, I haven't had time to freshen up. But yes, give me a second and I'll put on the tea, and we can talk about what you're here for. Right this way please, tea room's right this way..."


Eithne, who had been the one to answer the door, looked a little nonplussed at the supplication. She glanced momentarily at the Ruin Walker, but quickly turned her attention back to the priest.

"Well... not that I am averse to a spot of charity, because that's certainly not the case. But I've always been meaning to ask; the whole point of my Apothecary is to reduce the people's need for your services, in a sense. How do you reconcile this fact with your ethos, never mind seeking alms? But where are my manners! Come on in and warm yourself, I'll put the tea on for us!"

I would like to make an appointment indeed, Mister Wailing. I look forward to speaking with you.


On the appointed date, Eithne shows up at the House of Commerce, the rattan basket that is the implement of her trade at her elbow.


"Oh of course, Philosopher Archytas! Here it is."

Eithne replied, digging into her rattan basket and pulling out several paper-wrapped packages, setting them in a neat row on the Philosopher's desk.

"The elixirs of the week, as agreed. While we're at it, may I ask what your opinion would be on the prospect of an alteration to our present deal? Such would offer conveniences for both you and me, of course. And I do believe it would present additional benefits to your colleagues in the Librarium, on top of it."

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Marinus."

Eithne curtsied with a warm smile as she always did. Or not quite; as an Apothecary by trade, and not a wholly political creature besides, Eithne could not hide the look of concern that crept into her expression. Still, she took her seat without another word, placing her basket on the table. For good reason, as Eithne immediately began picking out vials of the tonics and extracts without prompting, specifically those that she could tell the Lord Marinus would definitely be needing for the next while.

"Have you been feeling under the weather in any way recently, Lord?"

Eithne enquired, observing him carefully. After all, whatever he said would be an indication of what else he might need to make a return to tip-top physical condition.

Even if she wasn't a political type, Eithne was quick enough on the uptake to adjust accordingly.

"Yes indeed, Lady Prospero. A single application of this balm here, and the weariness will be lifted from your feet soon enough!"

Eithne proclaimed, bringing out the genuine article for display from her basket.

"You will find this most satisfactory, I guarantee. That said, I confess that I'm here for another reason today, my Lady. I am concerned for the general well-being of this fine City's populace in these trying times, and it is said that if anyone would know anything about Rialta at all, that Lady Prospero would be the one to ask."

2018-11-08, 03:01 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

The sound of metal clanging against each other, the ruffling of feathers, the stamping of hooves. Above, the rushing of the air, around, the other sounds of exercise. Wood banging against one another or against the sacks surrounding the dummies. Puffing of heavy breaths as muscles are taxed to keep strength.

The soldiers of the Legion are training outside next to the barracks of the Colossus district. Seated on the winged pegasi, performing mock battles on the ground or in the air. Training against dummies or doing solo excercises to train their physique. Amongst them is Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus, training amongst the others of the legion he commands, doing the same drills as the others, his pegasus moving back and forth as he is busy with a mock battle with one of his soldiers.

A daily excercise, to keep up strength, joined by all with discipline and vigour. For the time, the mood of the city is unnoticed here, as the strong discipline of the Legion demands utter concentration on the training regime. Shouting as a group stomps on the ground, moving on to the next excercise. The rush of pegasi moving aloft in the air, circling the barracks as they train as well. With vigil, they watch over the city, protecting it from danger from outside or within.

Security 10

Governor Manius Lartia,

Tension increases in Rialta. We have reports of drunken fights, increased tension, unhappy spirits and a riot at the Forum. What would you have me do to keep the peace?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

State your proposal. Ensure you also inform the Imperial Administration.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
At the gates of the barrack walls the priest and his walker are recieved by the door guards. The guards look at the priest with a strict and imposing look. One of them replies. "Understood. Do you wish to speak to the Legatus or shall I pass on the message?"

2018-11-08, 03:17 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6

Eithne's Apothacary
Dear Madame Eithne,
I would of course be willing to hear what you have to say. The health and will being of Rialta is of great importance to my company. Please come by the Trimast at your convenience and we will talk further.

Mordred Hirgan

Dammer's Freehold
The clerk looks flustered at the sudden appeal and asks the Freeholder to wait a moment before bustling waving at another employee in the crowd reception area. A serving boy brings water and pastries, but before they can be offered a man in a captain's coat enters the office and interrupts.

“Mistress Alhar? Group Captain Karnum, a pleasure.” He puts his hand forward to shake. “Please, let us move to my office. I will have someone fetch a wheel dolly for those crates. Simon! Bring those snacks to my office and run and tell Hirgan of our guest when his meeting is over.”

To House Aranea
To the illustrious house Aranea,
Our budget meetings for this month and the winter season will be conducted shortly, therefore I cannot say with absolute certainty whether our yearly donation can continue. Barring unforeseen circumstances we should still be donating this year.

Your Servant,
Mordred Hirgan

The Informants
It does appear that we have a lead, assuming things go well more information may be unnecessary, and I do not wish to waste your agents time. That said if things go poorly you may hear from us soon.
Mordred Hirgan


The Auspex
Dear Mister Fulminius,
A small price to pay for the safety of those brave sailors. Thank you for this information, I would gladly donate to your institute for the charts you mentioned. Would [1 cash] suffice?

Mordred Hirgan

The Syndicate of Rats
Captain Redgrave wears plain clothes for such clandestine activities, and a wide brimmed hat to conceal his identity to the casual observer. As the woman approaches, the two Anchormen cease their chatter and stand to attention. Though bearing no obvious weaponry, they are both clearly on edge.

“No army, and I aim to keep it that way if at all possible. I’m Group Captain Redgrave, Sergeant Manus and Private Caun are here to keep an eye out for eavesdroppers.”
Redgrave looks the woman up and down, hoping to find memorable features, but continues speaking.
“Some harsh rumors going around the harbor there's days. Harsh words too. There is a few that call out an organization called the Syndicate of Rats. I am hoping that I am speaking with one of their members. First though, call me old fashion, but names are important to me. What can I call you miss…?”

The Bull of the Bog
Dear Mr. Leras,
I am glad to have your interest. Could we hold an interview at your earliest convenience? Where would suit you best? My offices are of course open, though I can come to Bog Hole if that suits better. And do pass on this message to your friends, they are welcome to show up.

Mordred Hirgan

The Mercantile Union
Dear Mr. Lucio
I would be delighted to attend. Please expect me at the next meeting.

Mordred Hirgan

At the meeting:

Hirgan arrives in his usual dour suit, pressed fresh and tailored well. He chats amiably for the early small talk, though it is clear he is impatient to get to business. That said, he cedes the first word to those more established within the Union.

2018-11-08, 04:12 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
The first ship the house barge comes across is a simple rowboat, idly bobbing in the wretched waters. Standing calmly upon it, a Bogsmen stares at the approaching ship.

Voice muffled and distorted from their respirator, they address the interlopers.

"We are in charge here."

Turning their head slightly to face Ughul, they continue.

"Why have you come?"

The Informants (10)
A mutual nondisclosure agreement feels a necessary foundation to our relationship: Neither of us provide information we know of each other, our communications, or our actions to third parties, without explicit permission from the other.


2018-11-08, 04:56 PM
The Informants
Security 10

That sounds fair to us, until we come into direct conflict at least. Good luck with what ever you are doing.

2018-11-08, 05:26 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

The Informants (10)
Curious you would say "until".

Regardless, a separate offer: If a third party contacts one of us for information or services, the other shouldn't try to poach the opportunity. Let us avoid a bidding war to others' benefit.

2018-11-08, 06:31 PM
The Informants
Security 10

Let's be honest, we both don't know what the other does in their free time. Putting an until in there is prudent. It is entirely possible we will go against each other eventually.

Are you planning to get into the information market? If not, we would go one step further. We only take information jobs, you only take the other services with people approaching us getting passed on to the other. If we reject the offer to sell information or you reject a job the other can then take it. If either of us form alliances with others or what not we can fix it for specific exceptions.

If that doesn't work, we are ok with the first deal to just not poach each others offers.

Speaking of offers, we hear you have drugs to make people forget after a short time. Would we be able to hire you purely for the memory erase at the end?

2018-11-08, 11:39 PM
Dammer's Freehold



If Dammer was in anyway troubled by the blood, it didn't show, he quickly followed behind her, with just a look behind to bark a quick order at his bodyguard "play nice with the other apprentice" to a low grumble from her.

He spoke apologetically, and his words played the part as well, as he took a seat wherever it was available. "no! Pardon me, I come here disturbing your routine to the point of keeping you from a well deserved rest, I really should have sent a word in advance so I wouldn't deprive you of a bath and rest... Not that you need it, I saw you walk through the door and suddenly wished I was more sickly." A wink was added at the end.

He let her prepare the tea, chit chatting at most until she sat down with him, smelling the tea before taking a sip followed by a few words "I understand you couldn't be convinced of taking a permanent position as a private doctor, am I correct?"

Back in the shop's counter Daghir sat down near the entrance passing a whetstone through the spears edges with surgical precision, until she dropped the stone on a fit of sneezes, leading to her speaking with the other apprentice "... Anything for that?"

The woman nods and shakes the man hand with a firm shake "it is my pleasure, captain" she made a few hand waves to the guards to stay there after they were done with the crates she accompanied him with a gorgeous smile and a "lead the way"

Ughul responds with a voice wizened by age, and a bit on the humble side at least as he appeared to be apolozing for Dammer's behavior "we have a problem, of the hidden kind, and one that is especially within your area of expertise..."

Dammer looked into his hand one more time, seemingly mumbling to himself for a moment before he interrupted Ughul "oh, can it!" And turned to the bogsmen "we know you did it! hand them over or know that war is upon you! And you ain't winning, the army and the guard will be all over this if I happen to slip a clue, and they won't be so kind!"

Ughul stared at Dammer with an intensity, or at least that's what it seemed like, can't realm see it through the hood... Dammer responded to the seemingly unspoken talk by the kabal master.

-they are expert mind whammers! Who else could it be?
-it could be a dust, or poison you don't know.
-WAGGHH! Listen to yourself.

The discussion kept going for a bit until finally Dammer stepped back grumbling "you'll see, they are gonna just go more hidden and the who has to hunt them?..."

Ughul turned back to the bogmen, "look, I think your known extract wasn't the culprit, but there have been fading memories, minds violated and worst, when words gets out there'll be a witchhunt, as the masses are will to do and your organization is prime target for it, can you help us dig it out? On the interest of self-preservation at least"

the guard looks back puzzled, prompting the lady to sigh exasperatedly and step up herself "that'll do, thank you." She said the with a courteous smile that the man likely missed in the interest of his book patiently until she was led to the director or the other way around, standing straight in wait for as long as she had to and forcing the guards to do the same


"Thank you, I'll be sure to pay a visit to your facilities as soon as my duties allow me to. And it is my pleasure to add my findings to the collection, knowledge is better when shared with others of an scholarly bent* after all.

- Kabal Master Ughul.

OOC:* as in path, or inclination but I'm pretty sure I've seen bent used to that effect, and it sounds better.

the hut is pretty easily recognizable as a mage's study or several, by the amount of chairs around table by the center. with little luxury but rare ingredients and ancient tablets and papers, the place looked impressively clean and tidy nevertheless with only runes and glyphs along the walls ruining the sense of simmetry and order the place carried.

Ughul addressed her from across the table placing some scrolls and ink to the side when she arrived, "yes, miss bluebell, thank you for coming, I applaud your punctuality, take a seat if you want" he waited for her to get comfortable, and continued "I wish to speak of two, topics that I hoped could be handled separately but, circumstances have forced my hand. In your place at the jungle's entrance you are of course aware of some of the dangers faced by the inhabitants, in the form of marauding beastman in your case. Yet an insidious threat seems to be affecting the mages, you wouldn't happen to notice anything strange amongst your apprentices, would you?

"oh, I've noticed. Every magical being in the city is kicking up a fuss, and villagers either double on the sacrifices or withhold them out of self-righteous spite, I figured I'll be the odd one out out and ask what has you down, if you are willing to talk about it?

the small water craft house is littered with classical ingredients and papers, and generally marked by the subjects of the man expertise across every wall in different parts, and a couple of shining bottle stacked in a corner, she stepped out to greet the man, extending her hand out for a shake "Thank you for coming"

The heavy Goggles on her face hid a widening of eyes as she looked at the marks of an order upon the man's wand well crap, he's taken she sighed and thought of how she'd convince him to join the freehold.

When she noticed that the man was still waiting for a response she quickly ushered him along "ermm... Yes yes, yes, I burned down a sort of important stack of papers, and was hoping you could tell me what they said so I can copy it down" she showed him a pile of ash on the thankfully water-proof floor, with bits of what looked like pieces of cheap wood that may have one day made a table strewn about, she sat down at a nearby desk of the same wood and looked back, eager to see the men in action

Ughul stared at the woman inquisitively, and floated some food and water from the barge to her, she looked quite hungry and he needed her as sane as she could be "I would have gone for how? Or whom? but I guess I can't blame you for a lack of acumen, what do you remember child?"

Dammer smiles at the man, and nods as he blunts his way through the door, Daghir close behind but leaving the entourage their entourage at the door "why thank you boy, I need to speak to the ones in charge, here is a little something for your trouble" he tosses an imperial silver coin with the face of some emperor on it at the boy, he strode in to the room, and stood either expecting the secretary to lead him to them or sizing those in the room as the case may be

Daghir stood confident at the sight of the receiving party the look said she didn't actually need her entourage the stance not to test it "to speak of business mostly,rough times ahead, is better to not be completely alone when disaster strikes."

Dammer smiled and took off his hat when he spoke "the chance of a lifetime my child, I know quite enough of you kids and you remind me of myself at a young age. There is just something in you kids besides parasites, something useful. What would you say about working for me? earn a full belly, my protection and safe couple of barges to call your own. Do help yourselves to some food while you think about it..."

the man nodded empathically "tell me about it, things are all going to the nearest crapbucket and yet I can't seem to find any of them disaster treasures, old boy is been threatening to go sell his brother if I can't get them a good meal every couple days. I know the kid bluffs but is still painful."

He sighed, man trailing off for but a moment before he started gossiping as most sailors ought to do "I heard of some spooky stuff going on upstream, know anything 'bout it? ?"

2018-11-09, 12:03 AM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

The Informants (10)
We have no interest in selling information, but desire to learn more from others. Your counter-proposal seems acceptable, but for now, let's only agree to no poaching.

And we would not be against sharing our gift. For the proper price, of course.

Dammer Freehold (10)
The Bogsmen crooks their head quizzically.

"We certainly can help. Tell us what you know, and we'll judge if it truly in our interest."

2018-11-09, 05:06 AM
House Sempiterne Aranea

The Auspex [3]
"Of course. As with any year, we are only too happy to pay for your services, valuable as they are."

[Auspex pledges 1 cash]

The August House of Wisdom [9]
"Every year you ask us, and every year we decline. We respect you and your institution, but a wise man's knowledge must be his own, and what he chooses to take with him to his grave should be burried with him."

The Fademen [7]
"Sadly, the Grey Company finds itself short on liquid cash at the moment, due to some substantial long-term investments we made. We must therefore decline and will have to take care of our own dead."

Hornblende's Phalanx [4]
"Yes, of course. We should be only too glad. After all, death is always on a soldiers mind, and anythign that makes the inevitable transition easier to bear is most welcome."

The Informants
The August House of Wisdom [9]
"Could we perhaps give you a list of key subjects to keep an eye out for? Inform us if you hear anything on these and we can negotiate a price. You will find the list attached."

Important subjects:
Wards: especially protection circles, breaking thereof, ancient wards, reactivation of ancient wards, large-scale warding of areas
Writings: unusual or old writing, writing found on city ruins, ghostwise script, ghostwise language
Ruins: any new structures unearthed from the ghostwise era, exploration therefore, archaeology in general
The Earth, things deep underground, dreams, sleeping
The Sky, blood of the sky, lightning, images or mirages

Epiphanius [2]
"Doom? Oh, so many. They are all scrabbling, grabbing for it. Grasping. Restoring the old pacts, they don't know what will happen. Did you ever ask why so many old and vengeful gods came to one city? I have walked the entire city. It knows me."

Eithne's Apothecary
The August House of Wisdom [9]
Archytas frowns a bit, then strokes his chin.
"What kind of alteration would we be talking about?"

Decimus Flavius Marinus [3]
Lord Flavius looks a bit flustered.
"Under the weather? Oh, no, no. Thank you. Just haven't slept much today. Haha. I was entertaining guests late."
It is difficult to judge, but you think you can make out two things, as he sits down: he is not as tired as he makes himself look, but it appears he has at least some very sore muscles, perhaps a sprain in his leg and if you can judge by the very-well disguised wince, a torn muscle or some major contusion in his shoulder.

Jaleh Prospero [1]
"Why, yes. It is of course a great concern of all ordained Imperial priests to easy the suffering of the poor and the... suffering."
She points out over the lagoon below, the clear, sky blue water and white sand, except where a tributary of the river empties into it, carrying mud, and the wide, swampy river behind it.
"You see how it is. Winter should be for resting, yet here we are, thinking about war. As a priest, I must of course lay some of the responsbility at the feet of the impious. The gods are not being paid enough respect, and so they become unrestful, passing that unrest on to the citizenry.
In other times, I would suggest some kind of public diversion, but we just had the Feast of Vulpa, for five days, and it did not help".

2018-11-09, 07:25 AM
The informants
Security 10

Interesting how close our interests line up. We will contact you if we find any of those.

We do know a bit of the red sky and lightning, if you wish to purchase that. Mostly our observations including what causes it and when it started.

Also funnily enough, we were going to ask you about wards. We happen to know of one that is leaking. Trying to hold something that was not meant to be held you see. We were wondering how to fix it or break it. You know the one we are talking about? Keep in mind for all our security that people are reading this other than us. We kept as vague as possible on the location for a reason. We have a non-disclosure with one but there is at least one other is reading this.

Interesting, have you walked even the depths the miners work on? Do you feel anything particular anywhere? We keep track of the worse things coming but if you know more we would like to learn about it. Or is these one of those scenarios where you can't speak of the dangers too closely? Seeing it is so easy to keep an eye on you?

How old are the pacts? If you can't say because they are listening say pre if before the fae got hit, say blood if it is before the day of blood, say city if before the city was founded.

The Deepest

Hello, we were wondering if you were having any strange dreams from your extended periods down there? Perhaps you feel a call that draws you deeper?

The Dreamseekers

An Informant goes directly to the dreamtooth rather than bothering with mail. They aren't even going to try to talk to the dreamers. Instead they investigate the tooth to try to determine if it is made from something special or feel anything from being near to it.

2018-11-09, 08:53 AM
Thousand Sails Trade Company
The Auspex [3]
Dear Captain Hirgan,

Of course such a sum is more than sufficient. A full reading will take several days of observation, of course, and time to collate and calculate meanings, but please expect a full report in a week, two at the latest.

Yours sincerely,

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
There is not much to be noticed about the young woman, dressed up as she is. Her eyes and the few visible strands of hair are quite dark, but her skin is light. Most of her clothing is undyed, wool and linen, cheap stuff, but sturdy. Her gloves, however, look to be of excellent quality, climbing gloves made of several thicknesses of leather and cloth, expertly stitched to be both sturdy and flexible. The attention makes her visible uncomfortable.
"I... speak for the Syndicate, yes. You may call me Arora" From her high-pitched voice, she sounds younger than she at first appears.

The Bull of the Bogs [2]
"I won't call my friends to the city before I've heard your offer. We don't take long travels in the jungle lightly. I will come."
Leras does not make any effort to disguise what he is, though he draws a lot of stares. Not that he really could, he must be the tallest man in the city by half a foot at least, and wider than a doorway, even if he could cover up the spikes and ridges on his head. He has the dark, greyish-brown skin of many of the continent's natives, and piercing, black eyes in a bearded face.
"You had an offer", is all he says, after minimal pleasantries.

The Mercantile Union [4]
The Union is clearly very used to long dinners, chatting, tea and drinks at their business meetings, and this is more of a social call for many of them than strictly business. Still, eventually things settle down as the group of perhaps 20 older merchants settles in smaller groups. Hirgan finds himself at a smaller table in a corner, with secretary Lucio and three other men, introduced as Kamed Felis, the owner of three lumber mills, Erfan Narses, a miller, and the moneylender Opilio, a fat young man with too much ostentatious jewelry and very keen eyes.
Lucio nods once at everyone around the table.
"Very well. Business, then, Captain Hirgan?"

2018-11-09, 11:35 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

My proposal is as follows.

As a Legion responsible for the peace and prosperity of fair Rialta, it is imperative that the forces of the Legio XII remain in peak fighting condition. And with the departure of the XVI leaving the XII as the sole remaining Legion in the city, it is ever more imperative that the men and feathered steeds under your command remain in good health and condition; for any indisposition suffered by your people is a blow to the people's safety and security that Rialta can ill afford.

Being but a humble apothecary, I wish to offer what little contribution I can to this end. To that effect, I seek your blessing and permission to establish an [Apothecary] in the territory of Colossus, which I am given to understand is currently under the administration of your Legio XII. Such would give your men easy access to the remedies I plan to stock in the Colossus Apothecary, and by this I can best assist in keeping your men battleworthy and ready to face any trials that should show itself in the days ahead.

Should this prove an agreeable prospect to you, my next step will be to inform the Imperial Administration of my proposal accordingly, as you have stated.


At the appointed date, Eithne shows up at the Trimast Hall, with a rattan basket hanging from her elbow. She glanced around at any Company men she could see, wondering who could help her.

"Erm, excuse me. I have an appointment with Mordred Hirgan, where may I find him?"

"Oh! Mighty kind of you to say that, but really I'm not decent as I am right now."

Eithne paused, a slight pink hue on her cheeks. Still a little flustered, she hurriedly guided the pale man to a seat at a round dining table.

"Just give me a second, and I'll be right back with you."

With that, Eithne disappeared into an alcove, leaving her guest to his own devices. But not for long; in under a minute she reemerged, soiled apron discarded, hair fixed to a reasonable extent, and a tea service in her clean hands. Placing the service on the table, Eithne poured what appeared to be a herbal tea brewed from some sort of yellow flower (presumable native to the continent); the dark brown brew both smelt and tasted sweet.

"Well, I'm afraid it is as you say. There is work here that only I can carry out, and which I can accomplish nowhere else. If I may enquire as to why you're asking, sir...?"

The apprentice apothecary, who had gathered his wits about him by that point, perked up at the warrior's enquiry.

"Oh, yes! Lady Eithne has something just for that, I make much use of it myself. Let's see, here we go..."

He ducked under the counter, emerging with a vial of green oil and a clean handkerchief. Uncorking the vial, the apprentice dabbed some of the oil onto the handkerchief, and held it out to her.

"Keep this under your nose for a couple of minutes or so, and it'll clear your nostrils in no time! Oh, and fair warning; the scent is exceptionally strong, that's why it's so effective. You might want to brace yourself."


"Oh, not really that much of one, to be honest."

Eithne said guilelessly, setting down the last of the packages that she had brought.

"Simply this; that I would have the August House's blessing to establish an [Apothecary] here in the Librarium. This way, instead of making the trip up here every week, I can simply arrange for a stock of my elixirs to be made available here at all times. As I said, it would prove convenient for your colleagues and yourself as well, Philosopher; a Librarium Apothecary would greatly ease access to the... meditative aids that are useful for your contemplations."


Eithne uttered, mouth open in sudden understanding. Without another word, she picked out an additional two items from her basket; a soothing balm, and a topical analgesic.

"In that case, here's a balm for charley horses and other assorted ailments; for best effect, I'll recommend a trained masseuse for rubbing it in deeply into the affected areas. And the other one here is an ointment for pain relief, good for gentle applications to particularly affected areas."

"While we're at it, Lord Marinus. Would you perhaps care to hear a suggestion from myself, regarding something that should prove convenient for the both of us?"

"Most vexing indeed, Lady Prospero. I do not envy your calling."

Eithne murmured, all the while glancing covertly at their audience, wondering how to complete the delivery she had originally came here to carry out without them noticing. For that was something she assumed the Pontifex would want in any case.

"Since matters have come to such a pass, I wonder what would be best as a next course of action for this city as a whole?"

2018-11-09, 12:50 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

The Chaoticians (10)
Cato hated this stop. Nestled deep in the windings way of Boghole, in the middle of a decrepit block... There was always signs of people living here, but he had never seen a soul. Quickly dropping the parcel into the pristine letterbox, the Chaotician hastily made his retreat. It shouldn't even have been him this week, Gaius was supposed to deliver the newsletter. Bloody fool claimed he had been struck by his muse, and was locked away working on some treatise or poem or whatever was his fad this week...

Omunsul’s Teahouse (10)
It was an odd sight, certainly. A Bogsman, clad in the respirator and alchemist's suit, sitting in a tea shop. A fresh pot of Silver Needle tea untouched in front of them. After a time, they simply up and left. Walked straight to the back.

Grey Harland (10)
Waiting along the river man's route, Hatter stood, idly twiddling a coin between his fingers. Once the old man got close enough, the muffled voice of the Bogsman called out,

"Your obol, Harland. Found anything interesting this week?"

2018-11-09, 02:21 PM
House Umbrina

Umbrina manor was in complete disarray. They had four different gods they would ask for divinations and predictions, and luckily they all converged and said the same thing. The bad news was thing wasn't a good sign. That alone wouldn't be cause for worry, but the fact none were offering ways of bypassing or surviving the coming hardships was distressing everyone that had come to rely on Umbrina's protection.

In one of the central rooms, with no windows and only 2 hidden doors, two of the leaders of the house were discussing the omens and much in the same way the manor was in disarray, so was their meeting.

Cassian, the smaller but older and deathly looking one, was leading the conversation
"The Eight is accurate, we should use that to devise our plans moving forward."

The other, a larger man in height and girth was wearing a large wool robe and had dozens of talismans and charms all over. If you didn't know them as icons of different gods, he would look more like a jester than a priest.
"The Black Ball may have good readings, but they are simple and short answers. We won't be able to get enough advise to lead us around the coming problems. We have to get outside help."

"The Great Nostra then, I've heard his predictions are always correct"

"He doesn't give advice on command. He says what he will then waits for history to agree. He would never give us the advice we are looking for. Plus he hates The Eight."

"What about having another offering for ...

For hours they went back and forth until Cassian finally agreed to seek contacts on the outside of the Manor.

Security 8

To House Sempiterne Aranea

What appears to be a metal construct opens the door. As the request for alms is given it just stands there and glistens in the sun, before opening its visor to reveal a young man with long blond hair. He signals to wait for a moment while reading something on the inside of the door.

"Ah, here you are. ahem. 'House Umbrina will graciously gift you with our token alms, but we care for the dead using our own practices. We will keep your god in mind should the need arise." He hands you a small box with a little gold and incense, then nods to you with a wide grin on his face like a dog that brought in the paper.

To the Imperial Administration

A messenger arrives with a letter from House Umbrina

Our Great Governor

You have been a great leader for our fine city, but I believe the city is starting to harm itself after news of our glorious emperors death. Should you need any aid in the coming months with keeping this city together know that House Umbrina will be by your side.

~Cassian Umbrina

To The Auspex

a messenger arrives wearing House Umbrina's crest, a palmetto bug with an infinity symbol on the back.
"My Lords, Lord Umbrina would like to know if you have tried to divine which of the late emperor’s successors will take the throne? If not do you believe such a divination would be possible?"

House Brightmyre

You receive a message from the Umbrina family

Lord Brightmyre,

These are trying times for the aristocracy, and as some of the few great houses that survived the empire invasion, it would be good for us to work together in the future on securing the safety of this city. To help with this endeavor Cassian Umbrina would like a formal meeting with a delegate from the Brightmyre house. They are welcome at Umbrina Manor, or another meeting location will suffice.

~Cassian Umbrina

2018-11-09, 03:44 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Security: 4


the place is a longish fishing vessel turned into an under the deck bar, it is lavishly decorated either flirting with the line between luxury and excess or going far over the top depending on who you ask. A few similarly scant in their dress servants served the other tables.

Dammer was sitting in an expensive chair tended by some of the servants with fans, and received the man effusively "it is mine to have you her, garret brinks us some drinks!" The order was accompanied with a clap and he turned to his guest as the bartender got to work "you look great! How are you doing?"


The response is heard over the angry mumbling of Dammer atop the roof "excellent. As I said, the threat is one we haven't been able to find. Many minor mages and apprentices have disappeared, to what destiny I do not know, and everyone's memories seem to explicitly avoid the subject, affected by an outside force, forgetting in time the very existence of the mages. Notes of remembrance and contextual clues have been needed to remember the issue itself" Ughul then awaited for an answer to his plea for cooperation.

"Dammer, Dammer Estragoth, and please forget the sir, only those under me call me sir." He seemed a bit sad about the confirmation of the rumor "that's too bad, I was hoping you just refused their proposal. Although my freehold has been spared the worst of the recent chaos caused by the spirits of the city, a recent wave of sickness has been washing over it prompting me to look for help, yours in this case." He took another sip of the tea and a chance to complement her for it "magnificent drink, though I shouldn't be surprised.

Daghir placed a few coins on the counter at the word of "thank you", she chuckled at the notion that she may need to brace herself for a *strong smell* she placed the handkerchief through her nose, a frown and a sticking tongue to prove that she may have had to, in a few seconds she composed herself, still sort of wrinkling her face to the bad smell but holding it in place for the full few minutes. In the meantime she asked the man "how did you become an apprentice to the herbalist?"

2018-11-09, 04:08 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
"You certainly have our attention. What is your plan? Track down the missing mages?"

2018-11-10, 03:40 AM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Eithne's Apothecary
Director Marnus Wailing is a small, bald man with a face mostly comprised of sharp and off-putting angles, bundled expertly into enough brocade to stop a spear thrust and sat behind a desk big enough to serve as a makeshift barricade. His eyes move constantly, flickering from the apothecary to the basket at her side to the window to the papers at his desk, never still. His hand, when he offers it for an introductory handshake, bears more callouses than it should. He was not always a merchant.

"Mssm. Eithne, welcome," he says. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit here today?"

Dammer's Freehold
Director Marnus Wailing is a small, bald man with a face mostly comprised of sharp and off-putting angles, bundled expertly into enough brocade to stop a spear thrust. His eyes move constantly, flickering from the box that the Freeholders brought with them, to the guards, to the lady herself. His hand, when he offers it for an introductory handshake, bears more callouses than it should. He was not always a merchant.

"Mssm. Alhar, I presume?" he says. He glances again at the box that the Freeholders brought with them, then at the broker behind his book, then at the laborers moving crates in the courtyard, his gaze never settling anywhere for long, trying to see everything at once. "An unexpected pleasure. To what do I owe this visit from the Freehold fleet?"

House Sempiterne Aranea


A matter of some small concern has come across my desk recently that I thought I might consult your House on. Have your people noticed any sort of unusual deaths in the past few months? Odd, ritual-looking cuts on bodies, perhaps?

I would take it as a personal favor if you could let me know if you come across any such thing.

Marnus Wailing
Director, Rialta Office

2018-11-10, 02:30 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10


A worthwhile proposal. What is your benefit?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Honourable High Priest Sadic Valentius,

Rialta is struck with a foul mood, including its spirits. If Legio XII Pegasus can help with this turn of events, let me know.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-10, 04:15 PM
Dammer's Freehold

The Forester's Guild [6]
Bluebell takes a seat, sitting down as if the chair could bite her.
"Apprentices?" She frowns. "No, I don't take many. I have three at the moment, and I keep close track of them. Explain what you mean?"

The River God [3]
"You must have noticed. There's half a dozen dark spirits and mages, all spreading dark emotions. Fear, Rage, Lust for Vengeance. All around."
He grabs an entire barrel of beer and empties it.

The Fire Reader [2]
"Oh, right. Well, that is as specialty."
He opens a backpack, taking out a small brazier, filling it with coals. A small gesture with his wand makes them burst into flame with a loud "whoosh".
"It's just sympathy, but complicated sympathy, across time. I need more paper..."
He puts an empty stack of paper on one side, the ashes on the other, the brazier in between. Then, he concentrates, mumbling to himself. The fire flares up to white-hot, and a shimmering mirage forms above it, twisting runes formed by the flames themselves. Slowly, marks begin to appear on the empty paper, a weak impression of what the writing looked like on the burned papers.
"Better copy that. I can't do it for too long."

The Dreamseekers [1]
"I was asleep and then..."
She frowns, in deep concentration.
"I had a dream, of a city. A city all of gold, with towers high up, into the clouds. Like the Capital, in the stories. And there were firey spirits, flying around the towers, and a million soldiers marching... And then I dreamed of ice. So much ice, covering the land everywhere... it was so cold.
I had many dreams."

Rialta Mercantile Union [4]
"Uh, this building is just for meetings, Sir, and to store some things, and the accountants... the Members all have their own shops and places. But Kilva Nomina is here today, you're lucky. Shall I lead you to her?"

The Deepest [5]
The miners look at each other with frowns, for a few seconds, then their leader speaks up again.
"These are the conditions. No light. No weapons. You will sit down, then we will bring our leader. You may not see him, but you may speak to him."

The Mudlarks [3]
The suspicious look does not vanish from the girl's faces.
"Dere's gents offering protection already. Reaaal friendly gents. We protects ourselves. Say what kind of work dis is."

Grey Harland [3]
"Upriver, ey? Nah, nothing to be seen upriver, innit? Just trees and water and beasts, aye? Nothing upriver at all, nay."

2018-11-10, 08:03 PM
House Sempiterne Aranea
Even Death serves the sky

Elections were held in a large chamber through the endless labyrinth of the dead and only the elite knew the path to take. When those of the house who could vote made their way inside they found themselves looking at the large dome that had been cut from out of the stone. As were the chairs and the single table at the bottom. All of it was carved from this place.

They filed in and three men stood above all others and began to make their claims on why the should lead...

Security 7

The priest and his ruin walker stepped within the confines of the apothecary's HQ and he bowed following after him happy to answer any questions he had on the matter. Or at least so it seemed behind the mask.

“We don't seek an early end for anyone. We simply honor them in death for their achievements in life. The sky claims all that lives and we in turn take the dead and show them the ultimate respect. We make sure they remain pure, so family can speak to them and if the body is still young we make sure they can still fulfill their ultimate desire. The Desire to serve one more time for their family, their city or their empire. Really you're doing the same thing, you give them a greater chance of living so they can continue on their path. In fact we're very similar soldiers, nobles and even the common man comes to us hoping to give them another chance... Ours just happens to be after you can no longer act on their behalf.”

The priest bowed, and in turn so did the Ruin Walker behind him.

“If it is the will of Legatus I will gladly come to speak with him. If he is hoping to negotiate with our simple house I must inform you outside of collecting the alms and promising the usual offerings of a lost soul returned as a ruin walker or the promise of final whispers there's little I can do. I can certainly bring any requests of Legio XII Pegasus back.”

The letter placed in the bowl of the priest was acknowledged and he in turn retreated a few days later a letter was sent back.

We will continue to honor the ancient promises so long as the alm arrives. Should your company require the birth of a walker or should you crave the whispers of someone we will provide our eternal service.

House Sempiterne Aranea

It was stamped with a wax seal of the spider.

The priest and the walker bow.

“Your continued support is honored. Regardless of what you do with the dead of your own know so long as the alm arrives we will honor the ancient right and grant you the whispers of the dead or a ruin walker should you require it.”

We did not expect the IHIHC to come to us over such matters, especially since we live in such similar worlds... We will be bringing some fallen in to be cared for, and of course to hear their final whispers. If they share anything prevelant we will reach out to you. After all who would not want a favor from such an illustrious organization. If we are graced with any news beyond what we already have we will inform you.

House Sempiterne Aranea

It was stamped with a wax seal of the spider.


The priest and the walker bow.

“Your continued support is honored. Know so long as the alm arrives we will honor the ancient right and grant you the whispers of the dead or a ruin walker should you require it.”

The priest and the walker bow.

“Your continued support is honored. Know so long as the alm arrives we will honor the ancient right and grant you the whispers of the dead or a ruin walker should you require it.”

The priest nods and rises his head.

"Consider the service once more. Perhaps a single use of your services could replace alms. Seeing the fallen be buried without the whispers of our house are said to make the dead restless and even turn on those who did not pay the correct respects. We would hate to see such a fate befall your impressive organization."

A single priest arrives, with one of their ruin walkers.

"We come looking to make a deal. we have some idea of what you seek, and can point you in the direction you would like to dig if you consider new investors. Our house is very interested in expanding the endless depths."

2018-11-11, 11:05 AM
security: 4


"Yes, I'd enjoy saying that our current plan is more complicated but seeing the lack of facts we are currently suffering finding the mages could be a plan out of itself, can I count on you to help?"

"Yes, thank you for the time" she stayed focused on the man and didn't seem to show any aversion to his prancing eyes, her expression turned a lot less serious when asked of her reasons to come "pleasure is all mine, really. I came to assure previous commercial arrangements would remain in place as they have before, and to remind you the value of hiring a strong steady hand to ease commerical dealings with other partners" it was pretty clear she didn't really think the visit was actually necessary or at least didn't care for doing it even if it was.


well, she either did have 3 apprentices or whoever was the weakest was already culled away, a parchment marked itself with his words as he spoke "There seems to be something at odds with the mages of Rialta, it has been hunting those of minor magical talent and appears to be able to secede their memories from the minds of those that knew them, here." he levitated the rolled parchment towards her

"please keep this near your person, and try to see if any mages to small to be apprenticed to you in the guild have disappeared, huts that you don't remember inhabited, services that you have always enjoyed but don't remember how, there is many clues."

Ughul lowers his eyes, the shadow rendering it a cold mimickry of actual sadness "I have, just can't seem to actually find them and put an end to it." he thought for a moment of what to do "does your chosen priest have any better luck?"

specialy? she quickly patted her pouch looking for a comforting tingle of coins, she found very little of it, she stared amazed as the man worked his trade, quickly sprung to action as he muttered for to do so, "yeah, right. Right! " she picked up feather and ink and got to work copying everything down.

Ughul did as close to frowning as he could through the shadow, he muttered softly "can't believe I didn't bring even a phamphlet on Oeniric interpretation" he raised the tone of his voice, his speech clearly meant again for the woman. he waited between answers, giving her time to explain the other things "was this tower in the city you witnessed? have you seen anybody entering? would you stop dreaming if you could?"

Dammer gritted his teeth and
stomped on the floor in lieu of the object of his ire, but only thinking of it godamn dormidor told me there was a meeting today and I bought it he frowned, placing his fingers on his brown as he let the ire pass him by "I know, I know. Just got... some faulty info thats all just *ugh* please do take me to her."

Daghir smiles, a mischevious smile that seemed misplaced on the face of the warrior "Fair enough" she sent three of her men back with their weapons and lit torches, vivid threats made to the one that carried her spear as she sat down with the others "Bring it whenever you want"

Dammer suddenly got an expression of disgust as it fell on him what she must have meant "what? no, yikes. Now I really want you safe. Look I might act all high and mighty but aside from awesome magical power and being destined for greatness I was just like you, look:" he raised his shirt a bit showing a decently sized scar by his stomach "this is from when someone got pissed off by the gang and hunted us down... looked mighty impressive at the time now it just looks kind of lame. The job really was not important, getting as many kids as I'm able into the closest they are getting to a family is. Though frankly I wouldn't believe it if I was you."

*sigh* "thats what I feared, boss is putting up a pretty good price for that info" he lingers a bit, hopeful the promise of money would release lips before saying his goodbyes "see you around old man, hopefully neither of us is floating by then."

2018-11-11, 05:18 PM
The Informants

The August House of Wisdom [9]
"No, I think you are perfectly clear. Consider this, then, which mostly is very basic magical theory:
A being is bound in three ways: a sympathetic bond (a lure) binds by something of like nature, or something the spirit seeks. An antipathic bond (a circle), keeps the spirit out, or traps it inside a barrier it can not cross, by something that is against its nature, or that it fears. And finally, it can be immobilized by sheer power or authority, forced in place by a stronger spirit.
For a solid binding, one usually wants two of these, and breaking either would weaken the bond.
Therefore, if a creature that fears fire is bound in a circle of flames, extinguish them. If a creature of darkness is kept in a dark room, so that it feels complacent, bring light. And if a creature is bound by authority, bring that authority low. Humiliation, degradation, dishonour."

Epiphanius [2]
The old man shudders. "No, no. Only the city above. Never the hidden parts. Only below the sky.

As for the other, the first of what you said. And very much, so. A hundredfold."

The Deepest [5]

Internally [5]
There is a subtle call on the tower, that comes in two forms. During the day, it makes those who are here forget who they are. At night, it calls out to those who dream, tryng to find... weak minds, perhaps? Or those who dream certain dreams?
On the tower itself, there is another power at night. IT is difficult to nail down, but it seems to call the dreamers to the top.

Eithne's Apothecary
The August House of Wisdom [9]
The philosopher considers only for a few seconds.
"Oh, of course. That would be thoroughly useful for everyone involved. Would you need any aid in establishing it?"

D. Flavius M. [3]

Flavius nods to himself as he puts the vials away.
"You really are quite perceptive."
He leans forward just a bit.
"And what is your suggestion, then?"

Jaleh Prospero [2]
"Well. I suppose if the buildup of tension can not be calmed, perhaps it can be released? Katharsis. A bang. SOmething big and a bit violent for the people to do."

The Bogsmen
Grey Harland [3]
The coin vanishes in a flash, somewhere in the depths of Harland's shabby coat.
"Oh, not much, not much, mhm. Got a knife, pretty good still, one of those narrow ones for stabbing, don't I ever. And there's always old bones coming down the river, aye? Though some says more will come downriver soon enough, eh, though meself, I don't believe it much, nossir, not much up in there except land, ayup?"

House Umbrina
The Auspex [3]
"Oh, we might have tried, but to be honest, so far, we are still trying to find out who they are. Rostam we know, of course, the firstborn and his heroics in the Evernight Insurrection and so on. But we don't know enough about this Eskandar, except that he has to be one of the younger sons, and they never gained much publicity outside the palace. PErhaps if you give us another month, or two, we will have more."

(Answered to post 24)

2018-11-11, 05:35 PM
The Malki Clan

Security 6

To House Sempiterne Aranea
The priest is met by a grey haired elder so wizened that it can't be determined whether they are male or female. "Aye, we've heard of yer mainlander ways with the dead. But its hard enough to convince a Malki to do what the elders say when they're alive. A dead one would just take the seas and be forever free."

To Dammer's Freehold
A grizzled diver steps forward from the crowd of interested clan members congregating to see the new arrivals, "Our bosses would be more than happy to meet with your boss. We've got a big pot of stew going for midday, and the festival of the Shrouded Moon's tonight. You're all invited so why don't you lot all come down to my place, and we can dance the Pearl Wave while our bosses yammer."

To the Thousand Sails Trade Company
"Aw we're right pleased by your concerns. But don't ye worry about our little old clan. Mainlanders all talk the talk, but we reckon they'll change their tune when we demonstrate some of our fine traditions such as the Oyster Cracking* and the Dead Man's Haul**."

* When the Malki clan hauls up the biggest toughest oyster left alone for decades to take turns trying to open it with sledgehammers and ludicrously long knives.
** The Malki like to seed some of their oyster beds with pieces of dead bodies. They say the leftover bits of soul gives the pearls and added luster. And also its really hard to find a body when its been spread across miles of sea floor.

2018-11-11, 06:18 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
The Bogsmen pauses for a moment.

"Let's speak of payment.

We ask for the following:
1) Your raw reports on this information. We don't doubt you, but would rather conduct our own analysis in case something has been lost in communication. [OOC: Your starting lore entry on the missing mages.]
2) Another rumor you are aware of, that is unrelated to mind magicks. [OOC: Another starting lore entry.]
3) An honest answer on what you intend to do when you find the source of these missing mages.

If you accept these terms, then we will gladly assist."

Gray Harland (10)
Hatter eyes the assorted junk the raftman has gathered.

"You happen to have any of those old bones? Or are they not worth fishing out?"

Internal (GM)

(...) Rostam we know, of course, the firstborn and his heroics in the Evernight Insurrection and so on. (...)

Would the Bogsmen know anything about the Evernight Insurrection? Presumably just a revolt that was put down brutally?

2018-11-11, 08:07 PM
security: 4


"your first condition is of course understandable and accepted" he floated a couple of papers from the house itself, they were almost spotless but for the air of the boghole attempting to cling to them.

The minor league
The Freehold has a reputation for scooping up minor talents among the magical community and enjoys a certain rapport with them. Perhaps no one else would have become aware of a problem or phenomenon that has been taking place with them lately: they are disappearing. And no one seems to quite notice it.
The targets seem to be those with no families or too many close friends, but still, someone should have noticed. The Freehold’s people didn’t: the first few times a former contact or possible recruit was just gone, it was put off as not that important. People sometimes vanish. Nor was it noticed the second time, or the fifth, or the tenth. Only when the pattern became too obvious did anyone remark on it. And then promptly forgot to follow up on it again. It took happenstance, notes, frequent reminders.
There seems to be some insidious form of mind control at work here, covering up something sinister.

"third is just fair, no sense working with someone who can't answer that much: The freehold itself is a tight knit community, if any of our own mages were abducted they were so uniquely hermitical we didn't notice. And many of the ones we noticed were either reluctant to join or on the process of doing so if they are still alive the pull of saving them very well guarantees they do. But thats very unlikely, main drive is to punish whoever is doing this, I happen to like mages and despise those deliberately targetting them. knowing how they did it could be useful too"

"second point... I'm reluctant to share such info, since your people are aware of most happenings in the city how about adding a token of good will, lend me a bit of insight into the politics that this city loves so much, a single conversation for one of our secrets, and we can get to work" [OOC: what it says on the box, starting lore is pretty universally useful, I can blindly pick and get a conversation about good tea and better flu medicine (you may have seen that one)]

The girl claps happily "great!" she went back to the main group screaming to the group of arranged freeholders "There is a party tonight!" to resounding cheers as they picked up barrels of drink a started trickling along to the bonfire, unaware of where the diver's place was.

Dammer looked happily as if intoxicated by the crew, and asked the diver "point me to your boss? thanks. Meet you whem I'm done!" As Dammer went off to wherever he was pointer to the girl came back with a large sack strapped to her back "I'll keep you some drink!" she tapped the sack a few times with a smile "brought some fireworks"

2018-11-11, 11:12 PM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

"Thank you," Eithne favored Dammer with a slight smile.

"And I'm glad you came to me about this, s-Dammer. Although I will not be taking up your offer anytime soon, I do have an alternative suggestion. I can certainly drop by your Freehold and have a look at what's been ailing your people so, and once I have determined which remedies will be necessary to combat the illness, I can arrange for an [Apothecary] to be established in the Farmlands, with one of my apprentices on site to dispense the necessary medicines. This should help in the recovery of your people from this spate of illness."

"Of course, this would require some funding to get off the ground."

"By being alert to the way the wind is blowing, mostly," the apprentice replied, sheepishly rubbing his scalp. "Lady Eithne wasn't always the only Apothecary here in Hunter's Gate, you know? Used to be there were many quacksalvers plying their trade here, and I was one of them. When she first showed up, we thought she was just one of us."

"Then word starts going around that her stuff actually works, and works reliably. Of course most of us felt threatened and banded together against her. Not me though, I was sick from something my own wares couldn't do nothing about, but one sip of her draughts and I was cured. And a convert along with that, I'm actually one of the first to take her side, believe it or not. Anyhow, Lady Eithne wasted no time proving us all frauds, with the exception of herself."

"And long story short, I'm here today; I want to learn how to actually be effective at this whole healing business, and you wouldn't know it to look at her, but Lady Eithne is pretty knowledgeable about the local herbs. Not sure how she came by it, to be honest."

"Thank you for meeting with me, Director Wailing," Eithne said, taking Marnus' hand with a warm smile.

"I can see you're a busy man, so allow me to be brief. Director, would you be interested in an arrangement that would provide a measure of protection against injury and illness for the employees of your esteemed House of Commerce?"

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

Apart from the [5 Cash] I stand to earn from establishing an [Apothecary] in Colossus, or perhaps even [10 Cash] for a much better equipped [Valetudinarium]? I will admit that I hope that the proof of my remedies' worth and efficacy will put me and mine in the good graces of the Legio XII. In these turbulent times, it would be nice to have a strong friend indeed.


Guiding the priest to a table, Eithne ducked into an alcove, and was out soon enough with a tea service. She mulled over his words, while pouring tea.

"I see. I'm convinced, I would have to say. In that case, I have just one question left."

"Should a supplicant come to your doorstep at death's door, but not wholly beyond help... would you recommend that they take the option that could help them stay in the land of the living, or the one where they would pass into the embrace of your domain?"

Dear Jacobi Albini,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of your men at , along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?


To whom it may concern,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of your people, along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?



"That would be the case, unfortunately."

Eithne replied, nervously playing with her hair as if dithering on how to broach the subject.

"To establish an [Apothecary] will require some funding, of course; I've got to pay the piper same as anyone else, after all. Philosopher, do you think you can arrange for [5 Cash] to that effect?"

"Simply this, Lord Marinus."

Eithne said, favoring him with a warm smile.

"I am sure that you would prefer not to have to wait for my weekly deliveries, and in truth, it is a long way to trek for myself. With that in mind, would you consider giving me your... support, in establishing an [Apothecary] here in Palatial Hills? One such institution here would make it easier for me the supply the necessary medications in these parts, and make it much easier for you to acquire the remedies you need to boot.

"That sounds... destructive. And some in Rialta might not appreciate that, if it affects them unduly. Unless if it's all concentrated on an acceptable target... the Nackermen, perhaps? I've heard they're bandits, at least what little I have heard."

Dear Harald Hornblende,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of your men at arms, along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?


Dear Captain Brokenheart,

I write to you concerning the health and well-being of your men at arms, along with a proposal I would like to make to that effect. May I ask if you would be so kind as to indulge your attention on this very subject?


2018-11-12, 03:44 AM
Dammer's Freehold

D. Flavius M. [2]
Flavius has a powerful handshake, but then just sort of flops down in a chair, lounging.
"Ah, excellent, excellent. You have a beautiful boat, Sir."

Legio XII Pegasus
The Temple of the Sky [7]
"Honoured Legatus,

Indeed the mood is most foul. As sovereign liege of all spirits of the Empire and Rialta, the Sky must of course be concerned with the mood of his underlings. There is, most likely, little the Legion can do in such spirital matters, though if we should be accosted by any kind of rampaging rogue spirit, we will contact you. In fact, at the moment we can do little other than talk to the spirits about their concerns and remind them of their duties."

The Highest Sadic Valentius

House Sempiterne Aranea
The Fademen [7]
"Once again we must respectfully decline. We are otherwise enganged."

The Deepest [5]
A troupe of burly miners, bearing sledgehammers, pickaxes and other such heavy implements awaits the priest, after he descends deeper into their shafts. Behind them stands a man in a simple brown cloak with a hood, almost none of his face visible.
"Is that so, spider priest. Then tell us, what do you think it is we seek? But do not speak... too clearly. Even here, the walls have ears."

(Answered to end of page)

2018-11-12, 11:01 AM
The Bogsmen
Chaoticians [1]
It is perhaps a bit of hyperbole to say that the Chaoticians follow the same newsletter, though that is an oft-repeated adage. But they follow common cultural trends, and they communicate in shoddily pamphlets and magazines. There are adverts on philosophical debates and essays, some on current issues ("Are spirits responsible for human emotion or vice versa?" "What makes a good Emperor?"), some more general ("Pre-imperial history revisited", "The Ghostwise as a metaphor for the struggle between nomadic and agricultural societies"). There are art exhibitions and concerts. More than one could expect from artistic types, too, there are mathematics: lectures on algebra, geometry, statistics, practical engineering demonstrations. Magic, too, and it seems the more esoteric the better: spiritual alchemy. Group meditation. Sphere music. Magical dancing.

One can not, in the stack of paper, especially find the "proper" Chaotician activities, at least not easily. They are not advertised as "We'll smoke rare herbs and meditate on Klistram's Seventh Theorem while trying to paint all legion standards in the city hot pink". Those things are more subtle. But by word of mouth and by connecting the right advertisments, one can easily find one's way into certain smokey cellars or darkened theatres, where wildly-bearded, unhinged-looking fellows are frantically engraving staggeringly complex magical formulae on tiny clockwork gears while drinking experimental alchemy.

2018-11-12, 12:51 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
The Bogsmen nods.

"Agreed. As a gesture of goodwill, we offer you a promise of a single Dossier, now or at some point in the future. You may ask us the details of any conversation, up to a month long, that does not contain the Bogsmen or the Informants. We will provide a report on the details, and answer any questions you may have pertaining to it."

[OOC: Month long = 1 turn conversation.]

Turning to face Dammer, the agent haltingly proceeds,

"There are... Possibly some assets we could commit that would be of use, but we would rather not have known to others. If you would be willing to agree to operate under [Nondisclosure], we can provide more assistance...

We will remind you, this is not mind control. Your people will have full use of their mental faculties and full control over their actions, they will simply not remember the events that occurred.

Regardless of your answer, we will aid your investigation. But the both of us may have better results if you're willing to agree.

As a related aside, you know of The Pulse, yes?"

The Deepest (10)
Your tunnels go deep, but how far have they sprawled? Do you still use your earliest digs?

The Bogsmen would be willing to assist your efforts, in exchange for the areas you no longer require.

The Chaoticians (10)
Hatter makes his way to one of these darkened theatres, hoping to discuss the next event the club-cult has planned.

Omunsul's Teahouse (10)
Entering into one of the backrooms of the Teahouse, Hatter asks the seated liaison.

"What's the word on the street?"

Internal (GM PM)
Sponsoring Deepest project because I want to get at whatever is calling them. Getting storage/transportation/secure meeting locations in their tunnels is just a cover that might end up being useful in some way.

Hatter is just a nameless mook. Writing "A Bogsman" repeatedly annoyed me in messages, so I will just refer to the random Bogsmen that meet with people as Hatter.

2018-11-12, 11:03 PM
Damner's Freehold

Dammer returned the smile in kind "a few pleasant evenings where I can repay your hospitality? Splendid! I like the way you think. Now about the farmlands lets not get too ahead of ourselves I don't have anything about the district itself but they are unlikely to pay for it directly and I don't really want to stick around to see if they did... if your [apothecary] can be put into a ship then whoever runs it gets to become an honorary freeholder since they'll spend all the time there anyway.

(OOC: Freehold is kind of its own district so...)

The woman raises an eyebrow, incredulous "So she apprenticed you... Because you were awful at your trade? That's very kind of her." She notices in the upcoming silence that it may have not been too kind a comment from her and tries to amend it"Very good that you attempt to get better as well, is something we and the masters have in common, only gods achieve perfection"

"good, Dammer, care to share the incident you had been talking about as of late..."

The admiral suddenly stopped the soundmaking for the sake of itself that he was engaged with until now and stepped to the front, taking the lead for a god awful amount of time for comparatively small info, starting with "so, you know Jermalion? Masterful she is but troubled..."

[OOC: Kind of away from computers and thus from google docs right now (phone is an old windows using Nokia) but I'll edit it in or put it on the next post (your preference) as soon as I get back or can borrow from someone to quickly check discord]


"is an intelligence operation, man. Less we find the culprit right away your mind-whamming is just putting a doorstop between us an the info, not that is not a nice doorstop I dig your mask, if I wasn't sure you'll say no I'll ask you to borrow it. I get it if I see something jittery enough I can always book it before you use [not disclosure] but that's not really the problem, is that you could...

He paused for a moment before changing the subject to the last one at hand

"alright I'm curious, tell me of the pulse, I agree to not disclosure and you can tell me about the glorious vanquishing over our unspecified enemies as it looked through those goggles you won't let me borrow.

2018-11-13, 12:06 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
[OOC: New post, I think. For the sake of all the damned spies reading our conversation. No rush.]

"You may know it by a different name: The Tower and its call. We'd be curious to see if there were any minor mages among the Dreamers. It may be the culprit. At the least, our first lead."

2018-11-13, 04:39 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.


That's profit for you per month?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Honourable High Priest Sadic Valentius,

Thank you for your reply. Best of luck with the situation.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-13, 05:22 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6

Eithne's Apothacary
Mr. Hirgan wears the dour suit typical of his role as accountant and financial manager of the Thousands Sails company. Though his office is spartan for furniture and decoration, a small shrine occupies the corner behind him, though to what spirit or ancestor it is not clear.

The clerk who leads Eithne in leaves behind a tray with glasses and water, before retiring to a small reception office.

“Dr. Eithne, I hear you have a proposal for this company? Please, the floor is yours. “

Dammer’s Freehold
Cut to a modest office lined with pictures of various seabirds from all over the world. Most are anatomical in nature, and books on the shelves all around confirm an interest in avian sciences.

Captain Redgrave gestures to chairs around a large table, removing more a family dining room than an office in the Trimast.
“Please sit, Miss, Missus, Mistress? Which do you prefer? And what is in these crates you have brought?”

Malki Clan
To the Malki Clan Elders,
Glad to hear your folk are fierce as ever. Do not hesitate to call on us if the situation changes.

Mordred Hirgan


The Bull of the Bog
Hirgan and Captain Karnum are both present for the interview, though the Marine commander Witalius and an equipment quartermaster named Lavias are also present. After a round of introductions, Karnum leads the group to one of the interview offices usual reserved for crew reviews.

Hirgan will begin.
“Lavias, would you be stop kind as to take the minutes? Thank you. Now Mr. Leras, have a seat. I will begin by saying that there are three positions I would be hoping to hire for, given your size and strength in comparison to Humans from the old imperium myself and Witalius are of the mind that folk like yourself would find a natural advantage in the marines, and then lies the first offer, elsewise there is always room for sailors in our company. If the high seas hold any call for you there are few organizations that could answer it better. And lastly there is the role of warehouse and dockworkers, simple and honest. Where again you're seize and strength will likely give advantage. As with anyone who joins the company after a period of five hundred workdays you are entitled to a pay rise and option to apply to different roles in both the ships you served on or the offices on shore. With a starting wage at least equal to your current work at the slaughterhouse, though I should damn well hope the richest company in Rialta can outdo slaughterhouse wages.”

Lavias calls for a pause to replace a broken quill, and Hirgan nods, though continues.
“All that aside Mr. Leras, I am certain the walk here was beset by glares and gawkers. Working for Thousands Sails means working in the harbor. And humans take time to very used to new things. In time I hope that they will defend you as a fellow Rialtan, and you them, but that road must have a foundation. I hope to build one here with you and hopefully your friends. So sign on to our company, work with our folk, and perhaps we can make a better city for everyone.”
Lavias calls that she is ready, asking if that last part should go on record.
“Yes please quartermaster, take your time. Now Mr. Leras, how much do you earn at that Slaughterhouse?”

The Syndicate of Rats
“Well then Arora I’ve an offer. Though you could equally call it a proposal. Tensions have been high with news of the succession crisis, and people are getting feisty. If talk of rebellion starts again Legion is going to get itchy sword arms and look for ways to ‘Uphold the law’ and such, the Guard too. Now I think both those institutes have their noble place. Violent gangs, invading armies? Call in the boys in uniform.”
Caun, an ex-Legionnaire herself, offers a chuckle.
“But we ain’t got many of those right now, the violence isn’t from some gang or army, just people. Angry people who the Legion doesn’t want to make martyrs of. So who does that leave them to reinforce their authority on when the legitimacy of the Empire is in question? I gotta a couple in mind for sure, but a shadowy group of rumoured criminals called the Syndicate of Rats might seem a safe target.”
Redgrave’s frown deepens.
“Well I’ve been cursed with four and forty years on this world and I remember the legions idea of acceptable losses during an operation. The guard I have less information on, but any fighting in the Harbour is too much fighting for my company. So well hidden your Syndicate may be, but those rumours are dangerous, same with the name. Way I see it, you got two groups who want you gone for public image, probably half a dozen others who probably think your existence inconvenient and Thousand Sails, who want thievery in the Harbour to stop.”
A rueful and apologetic grin.
“So the Legion’ll offer you the crucifix, the Guard will offer the gallows, and Thousand Sails? We’ll offer you a job.”
Private Caun chokes down surprise and earns a glare from Manus. Redgrave continues without missing a beat.
“Go legit, throw in your lot with ours and we can avoid more blood in the gutter. I’m not askin’ you and your folk to change everything, though to be frank some of the rumours paint a pretty fantastical picture, just that you ditch the clandestine rumours and sinister name, work as spies and counterspies, if there’s a lot of you. You’ll earn enough to put a roof over your head and food in your belly, and fewer armed folk with no sense of humor searching the sewers for you. If it's just a few, then that kinda skill deserves a good salary. Hell, if the rumours about you controlling rats are true my warehouse boys would be thrilled to sacrifice one sack of grain and save themselves a dozen leaky ones.”
He offers a hand to shake, the leather on his gloves creaking at being unfurled from a fist.
“We carry enough problems without conflict against each other, so what do you say to coming to Trimast and seeing if we're can't work something out before angry folk with swords come and start making both our lives miserable?”

Rialta Mercantile Union
Hirgan nods. “Just Mr. Hirgan please, Captain Mov would cut off my thumbs if she heard me claiming a captain's coat again.”
Mordred lets his gaze wander the table, surprised to see so many faces.
“So what draws the Mercantile Union to session? I dare say that cards and company aren't the only attraction?”

2018-11-14, 12:10 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

"Setting up an [Apothecary] on a ship? Now that's an intriguing thought..."

Eithne breathed, putting her fingers to her lips in thought.

"I would have to think about how to organize the supply of stock to a shipborne Apothecary, but it certainly should be doable! Honestly, the funding to get one set up in the first place would be the trickier issue. That's a one-time [5 Cash] payment for a permanent Freehold Apothecary, if you're wondering."

The woman warrior's bluntness simply made the apprentice erupt in laughter, from which he needed several second to recover.

"Awful at my trade, hahaha, yes indeed! As was the rest of us, you should have seen what it was like around these parts before she came. All of us, just trying to make a living hawking random concoctions to dupes who didn't know any better, heh."

He chuckled for a while more, rubbing tears from his eyes.

"Honestly, I think Lady Eithne only agreed to giving some of us this apprentice gig because people have been calling for her to set up more of her Apothecaries around Rialta, and she'd need people for that. And since she drove us out of business, we still need to eat somehow. This gig is as good as any, and it doesn't hurt that I've actually learned a few things from it since then."

"Oh, you can remove that rag from your nose now, I think. Pretty sure the stuff has worked by now."

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

Not at all, sir; what I've quoted is simply the one-time cost for having an [Apothecary] or [Valetudinarium] established in your District in perpetuity. I do strive to make my remedies as affordable as possible, but there's no getting around the fact that the piper must be paid in my case.


"I will get right into it then, Mr. Hirgan."

Eithne said, steeling herself for the pitch.

"What recourse does your sailors have from illness and injury, sir? I imagine their daily labor is a gruelling experience, and it takes a toll on them. The certified physicians from the Imperial mainland are doubtlessly effective at what they do, but I imagine they're not exactly... affordable. What is affordable for your people are the concoctions hawked by the quacksalvers all over Rialta, to be sure; but I'm sure you've heard all too often how seldom those bogus 'cures' are of any help at all."

As she spoke, Eithne began picking out and placing vials of her salves on Hirgan's desk, obviously samples of her work.

"What is effective and affordable for the common people of Rialta - including your sailors - are the remedies I stock in my Apothecary. Don't take my word for it, ask your own people, and the residents of Hunter's Gate for good measure. You'll see what I mean. And in the interests of making my remedies more easily available for your sailors, I'll like to set up shop here in the Harbour with the Company's blessing and sponsorship."

"It would be a one-time cost of [5 Cash] for a basic [Apothecary], equipped with a ready stock of remedies for your sailors. Alternatively, for a [Valetunidarium] with surgical facilities, that would be [10 Cash]."

2018-11-14, 05:47 AM
Dammer's Freehold

Forester's Guild [6]
"Very well, we will keep an eye out and inform you if anything comes up."

The River God [3]
"Finding them? No, of course not. The old gods of this city are crafty, they did not get ancient and powerful by being foolish. And with the Empire and the Sky, they have bent too much of their resources on hiding."

The Dreamseekers [1]
The woman seems a bit more lucid now.
"This... tower? No, it was different. There was farmland all around, and merchant carts, bringing a thousand goods. The dreams are beautiful. We see a hundred thousands lands and peoples... they are all right there, for us to see. Only steps away."

The Rialta Mercantile Union [4]
Kilva Nomina is a busy looking matron with a modest stola covering her hair, though it is made from a pale lavender silk that must have been shockingly expensive. She is sweeping through a room full of clerks like a war galley through flock of ducks, talking all the while. She stops as she sees Dammer and the clerk.
"Ah. Business, then?"

The Deepest [5]
The Darkness is absolute, when the torches depart, but it is far from silent. The stones creak, almost imperceptibly, and even the floor is not still. It seems to shake, or hum, under the hands. Those slow pulses of the mountain, the life of this deep rock, withstanding aeons as humans stand days, in their slow power. Older than men, older than trees, or empires, or gods. Even they are not eternal, but dance the slow geological dance of the mountains as they rise and fall, sink down warm heart of the Earth, and melt and are reborn in the embrace of the ocean. But almost, almost one can feel it, join it, sink deep into that rock, be embraced by it, stay safe, just go a little deeper...
Daghir starts up suddenly, from that trance. How much time has passed? Minutes, hours? There is a new sound, now. Slow, measured breathing.
"You hear her too, don't you?"

Mudlarks [3¨]
The orphan grins, now that she has managed to make Dammer uncomfortable.
"Dat's all nice and dandy, mister Destined, but you really are dancin' a bit much around the issue of what you want us doing. Third time now. What job."

Grey Harland[3]
There seems to be amusement in Harland's voice.
"Do I look like anything is not worth fishing out to me, eh? Nono, I puts them in the bag over there, yah? Those that are not in my dinner, hah."
He points to a rough sack filled with vague, but pointy shapes.
"If you want them, two pennies, as much as you can carry, aye? Though I keep the fingerbones, ahaha. There's mages who pay well for drowned man's fingers, ayup."

Internal [PM]
A mid-sized revolution in the Northernmost territories. A god of the night from another land moved north and tried to use four months of polar night to take control of the local population. The legion went for a symbolic and quite brutal takedown on the day of the winter solstice, when the god was strongest, to show they could do it. The imperial heir was attached to the legion command as a junior officer, then. Reports are weird of what exactly happened, but there are claims that a a battlemage of Legio I Fulminis called down the Northern Lights in the shape of a gigantic bird made of translucent fire and burned the god away.

(Answered to post 35)

2018-11-14, 11:55 AM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


Eithne's Apothecary
Mr. Hirgan clocks an eyebrow at the sums put forward, but shows no signs of disinterest.
“Certainly a noble cause Doctor, but I cannot throw my company's assets around lightly. An apothecary that stocks remedies is all welll and good, but I would rather not finance a construction in our own backyard only to have it nickle and dime those that rely on us. How can I guarantee you will keep both prices and treatments fair in the long term? And what difference is there between Apothecary and Valetunidarium?”

2018-11-14, 12:01 PM
Dammer's Freehold


Dammer looks dissapointed at the comparatively mundane answer "that? I doubt it, the thing is been around for ages if it had an effect on memory that was easily counteracted by notes someone would have already written about it, still it is the place known for dissapearing people..."

[OOC: lore

Dead Pirates Tell no Tales
There had long been a dire threat, in the waters between Rialta and the Empire proper, up and down both coasts. Haskar, the Sea Wolf, the Grey Reaper, the Pirate King. Cursed things had followed in his wake: a mist that would not lift and blotted out the sun, dead and rotting sailors manning the oars, black, slithering things in the waters around his ships that sang with siren voices.
Jermalion could feel his ship, for miles around, on the tides, like a vile stench. At least it could be easily avoided, that way. And then, just this summer, the Imperial Navy had brought him down, the curse lifted, the waters cleared. He had been gone.
Except… now the stench is here again. Similar, but much weaker. Just a trace, a faint trace, coming down the river.]

The lady stares around the room at the avian decoration before sitting down replying dissmisively at the question of honorifics "truly I prefer my name, but for the sake of formality miss works. A type of rocknut from my homeland, seems to fetch a good price in imperial markets as a spice" she says the last part af if it was still news for her. "So, I see you like birds?"

"Worry not for funding lady Eithne! my pockets are deep for the safety of my own" he stood after taking his final sip of tea and gestured to the door "If your day is date free we can always continue this one on a ship..."

Daghir shared the chuckle for a time mostly because she didn't usually meet people who would speak so badly of themselves, when it was pointed out she could remove the rag she looked down as if she didn't even remember it was there and took it out afterwards breathing deeply with no trace of obstruction.

She smiled and patted the man's shoulder, perhaps a bit too strongly "Indeed you learned! Ha! worked like a charm!"

2018-11-14, 12:30 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


Dammers Freehold
“A hobby Miss Alhar, please forgive it's somewhat macabre nature. I find it fascinating both the similarities and differences between seabirds across the world. Did you know the Imperial Osprey and the Rauntis Hawk from our own Rialta are in fact the same bird? The difference in coloring is suspected to be dietary, since Prince Dioni’s pet showed signs of color shifting during his visit to Rialta back in 45’. I put forward that Imperial Explorers brought a nesting pair over by accident, and those few offspring…”
He trails off with an awkward chuckle.
“Mr. Hirgan would have me in thumbscrews if he caught me yammering so. Please, you came to Trimast for a reason, what was it?”

2018-11-14, 02:12 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
"Well, we both know the call in the Deeps is not bringing in mages. The Tower is the other pulse. Unless you have other suspects?"

Gray Harland (10)
"We hear there may be some other stuff coming down river. The Sea Wolf, or at least his ghost. People saying anything about that?"

Yaya Kir, Lighthouse Keeper (10)
Hatter soldiered up the seemingly endless stairs, careful to keep the platter steady. Some days, the respirator and rubber garb of the Bogsmen were useful. Today was not one of those days.

Setting down the platter of baked fish and fried potatoes next to Yaya, Hatter muttered.

"Your lunch, Mr. Kir.

We've got some questions for you, but first, anything interesting you've seen from your perch?"

2018-11-15, 12:29 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

"I understand your concerns, Mr. Hirgan. Allow me to address them," Eithne said with a smile.

"Firstly, a few of your sailors are already regulars at my Apothecary in Hunter's Gate. So if I were to set up an Apothecary here for their convenience only to 'nickle and dime' them, as you put it... they will know soon enough, and that means you will know soon enough, too. It would be short-sighted of me indeed to jeopardize what would otherwise be a good working relationship with your Company just for the sake of some short-term gains."

"And my Apothecary's continued existence is dependent on the reputation I have built as a purveyor of affordable and effective medications, as it is. Should I even think about anything of the sort, your Company has more than enough resources to utterly ruin my operations. I trust this will assuage any concerns you might have on that front."

Eithne smiled again, a genuine expression on her face.

"As for the differences... well, an [Apothecary] is exactly as it says on the tin, a shopfront stocked with my remedies. A [Valetudinarium] on the other hand, it's more of a field hospital not unlike that used by the Imperial Legions, equipped to treat more serious injuries. Which unfortunately, as I'm sure you can attest, is very much a thing in your people's line of work."

A [Valetudinarium] is basically an upgraded [Apothecary], might be useful if you're planning to make extensive use of Military or Espionage.

"Oh. If that's no issue, that's a relief to hear indeed!"

Eithne said, a bright smile on her face. She stood, following Dammer's lead.

"Sure, I'll like to see the Freehold for myself anyway, figure out how to make a waterborne Apothecary work. And Bob can hold the fort for me here."

"Aha, just a little bit perhaps, this is one of the simplest recipes of Lady Eithne really."

The apprentice chuckled along with her, wincing just a little at the impact.

2018-11-15, 04:19 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
The August House of Wisdom [9]
"Usually, the House concerns itself little with worldly goods. We have some reserves, but not what much."
He ponders for a while.
"We could perhaps offer 2 payments of [3 cash], this month and the next, or access to the archives for any research you might be planning?"

D. Flavius Marinus [3]
"Oh, of course."
He seems quite enamored with the idea and gives a radiant smile, leaning a bit closer.
"Since we are speaking of lucre anyway, Lady Eithne... I have a few rich friends, who might be interested in charity. What would you say if we arranged a fundraiser, to establish apothecaries in poorer districts that could not otherwise afford it?"

Jaleh Prospero [1]
"Hah. Bandits do make favoured targets, do they not? And from what I hear, they've murdered a few of those middle class business types that are so popular as pillars of the community."
She leans back, thoughtfully, steepling her hands under her chin.
"There's not enough of them for some kind of street warfare, really. But perhaps we could get the guard in on this, imprison them, arrange a public spectacle of an execution."
She sighs, dramatically.
"If only this city had an arena and some lions. The plebs love that kind of thing, it's good for morale."

Hornblende's Phalanx [4]
"Dear Lady Eithne.

Let me guess. You wish to establish another apothecary in our district? Be our guest. We can pay for it too, and medical care is always required.

-Harald Hornblende

Fademen [7]
Lady Eithne,

Under the usual circumstances, we would be only too glad to engage your services. However, we have already made other, substantial investments these past few months. As such, we must decline, for now.

Yours Sincerely
-Ashti Brokenheart

(Answered to post 42)

2018-11-15, 07:50 AM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.


Understood. I reject the offer on basis that the price is unaffordable.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-15, 08:23 AM
Thousand Sails
The Bull of the Bogs [2]
Leras sits and waits patiently, not doing much more than nodding, occasionally. Then, he looks at each of the men in turn.
"At the slaughterhouse? More than you might think. I'm well-liked, and for the job, it's me or a water-powered bandsaw. But I don't say no to more. However, I am not a fighter. That is a young man's game and my fighting days are behind me. Dockwork, I can do, but I will not wield an axe in combat."
He snorts through his nose, a gesture that makes him appear more bull-like than ever.
"Not that I don't know a half-dozen young bulls who would love to test their horns, but I'm sure my people need fighters too. Especially now. But I will see who responds.

Now, let's talk conditions. If more of my kind come here, there will be families at some point. Not only migrant workers. We can do dockwork. We can crew ships. We will need houses. At least a bit apart from the rest of the city, I know well how people here react. What can you offer?"

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
Arora's voice is pained as she speaks.
"You know, damn all sailors and their gossips. You think I... we! wanted something like this? All those tales, when we were looking for a decent score, nothing more."
She looks at the hand.
"NOt sure if I shake just yet. Way I see it, our best option right now might just be to disappear, stop this entire thing, if what you say is true. What, exactly, would you have us do?"

Rialta Mercantile Union [4]
Smiles, around the table.
"No, no. Those are the ammenities, not the purpose. This is just... a place to talk. How do we explain this... some of us got together and we decided that we saw each other as competitors for too long. Instead of working at cross-purposes, each for his own, we could run everything much better if we just sat together and talked things over. In this room is the heart of the city's economy. The people in here, and their friends and relatives, own a good part of the city's small shops, factories, workshops. And yet, since we all work on our own, we barely have a voice in city politics. Not that we plan any kind of takeover, of course, but just... talking could go a long way. Agreeing on what we want, what is best for Rialta."

The Bogsmen
Grey Harland [2]
"The Sea Wolf, aaah."
Harland makes a long, drawn out noise, then, sniffling, wipes an arm of his coat over his face.
"An infamous name, old Greycoat, aye. So many stories, oh. God-touched, favoured by Fortune mhm, or a demon himself, tsk. One wonders if such a man would leave a ghost, mhmhmhm. Perhaps there are too many stories there, for one man, to die, aye? Or perhaps that is why he is a ghost, yes?"

Yaya Kir [2]
Kir's in an unusually talkative mood, today, it seems. He's leaning back on the blankets and cushions he has piled up next to the fire as his seat, a mug in one hand and a pipe in his mouth as he pokes through the lighthouse fire with a stick.
"It's winter, my boy. Just a few boats. Fishermen, or going in and out to Mercy. Not even time for pleasure craft, anymore. Depends on what you are looking for, though. Whale pod, yesterday. Same grey back mother and her kids been coming through every year since I've been up here. Got the last storks coming down from the north now. Fishing's going to be good next month, the water's rich and cold past the west banks and the currents have died down. See the cross-waves there? Sure sign."
He spits a dark brown wad over the tower railing.
"But perhaps not the kind of thing you're looking for."

2018-11-15, 04:59 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


Eithne’s Apothecary
"It would be nice to see the nobles medicate with something other than alcohol, and see proper medicine brought to the inner city. However there remains several questions, first being how large are these facilities? The harbour is a crowded place, and Thousand Sails still needs room to expand.

Second, would my company be fully financing the project? Are your expertise to the finished product all you bring to the table?

Third, the harbor may be the home of my company, but we will always offer shelter to those who need it. Would your service be offered to any coming to the new facility? Or would it strictly be for the use of my company?

Fourth, do you have experience treating beastfolk? Thousand Sails are soon going to hire several of those folk to the company, and I would wish for their treatment to be equally fair.

Fifth and finally, who will handle the naming and branding of the new facility?"


The Bull of the Bogs
“Company Housing, most employees already use it. We have almost a dozen blocks here in the harbor devoted to keeping roofs over our heads. They will need a bit of modification of course, doorframes raised, furniture replaced. Rent is a portion of earnings, but small enough that a person can earn a home of their own in a few years. They are stocked with furniture, though it is pretty basic.”
Mr. Hirgan glances at Captain Karnum.
“Aeki, Mordred, that family from up north, with the fiddly instructions. Good furniture though.”
“Thank you Captain. Room enough to raise a family and coin enough to raise them well. I have plans to open a school for young children here in the harbor as well, come springtime, where little ones regardless of background can learn their letters and maths and better their lives.”

Mordred walks around to a desk helped with documents, choosing a few and marking some with an expensive looking ink pen.

“I have eight such houses available at a moments notice, and if more come I can authorize the purchase of several more. That does however, take us to the difficult part of this discussion: change. Captain?”
Captain Karnum steps forward.
“Thousand sails is one of the largest employers in Rialta, we have more public assets than any other company or organization in the city, and no single organization can claim a greater level of wealth. That money talks, this month alone we have been approached by half a dozen of the biggest players in Rialta asking for deals or favors. This gives us some significant political clout, and we can put that towards clearing tensions and leveling the field, but that alone will not be enough. Yourself and any friends who might follow you in will need to follow up these efforts with your own. Talk to neighbors, meet with the Imperial and the Rialtan humans, find reasons to like the other. I will encourage our people to do the same. This needs to be an effort we make together, or future generations will look back on us as fools for trying.”

The Syndicate of Rats
“Aye, it be that way sometimes. My sister said the same thirty years ago, didn't stop what happened. Spirits rest her soul. But this talk is rapidly moving past what should be said on a dark pier at midnight, Caun just spotted that loose lipped kid, think his name is Earnest, he'd sell our words for breadcrusts. Would you accompany us to the Private Docks? We will be able to talk with peace and breakfast there, see if we're can't work this out.”

The Mercantile Union
"Well that I can certainly get behind gentlemen. The governor had been markedly silent on where the tax will fall this month, cramping any hope of an efficient budget meeting, if the merchants had more clout we could guide where the tax falls. But that is just my own situation, where would the present company want its voice heard?"

2018-11-15, 07:25 PM
The Imperial Administration
Security: 5

To Thousand Sails Trade Company
Greetings, Mordred Hirgan
I am still considering that myself, but at the moment I am planning to relax the tax on business, but with the mood currently I will likely attempt to minimize the alcohol consumption to avoid emotions flaring up, but I am always willing to listen to advice from concert citizens.
Also, have you heard about any merchants getting killed recently?
His Lordship,
Manius Lartia
(OOC: bonus to ECON, debuff to ESP)

To Dammer's Freehold
Very well, Admiral Dammer Estragorth.
I will be there, so we can discuss this in person
His Lordship,
Manius Lartia
To House Sempiterne Aranea
That is a reasonable claim, I will instruct my men to remember your tax exemption.
To the Informants
Well, I would assume that most of my citizen to be true loyalist, but if you were to hear anything about the Sicarian, then I would surely reward such information.
To Legio XII Pegasus
Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus,
Well, the Sicarian is a problem we need to deal with as soon as possible, but else I would advise to calmness.
His Lordship,
Manius Lartia
To House Umbrina
I am grateful to hear about the loyalty of Umberina, I will inform you, if I have need of your service, though at the moment I would be willing to receive advice on how best to spend the Imperial Tax this month.

2018-11-15, 11:07 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4



I would like to inquire as to the price of your services in guarding certain premises in the coming season.


Dammer's Freehold
The Director's eyes stand still for a moment, focusing on the woman in front of him. "Of course all previous commercial arrangements still stand," he says, "but I don't recall offhand any that we have with the Freehold. We use Iossau ships to move Iossau goods, same as we always have."

Eithne's Apothecary
The Director winces very slightly at the sound of the apothecary's voice (OOC: Wow that green is hard to read against the spoiler tag color), but he still shakes her hand easily.

"Injury and illness?" he says. "the House of Commerce is already protected against such things, my friend. Chouvrian sees to the well-being of those who do his mortal work, after all, and though we are dedicated to trade rather than religion, most of us in the House do enough for a little bit of the Kindly One's divine favor." He smiles. "If you have something other than religion that we can sell to those outside of the House, however, that is a much more interesting matter. You're an apothecary--have you ever given thought to manufactory production and distribution of your medicines and treatments?"

The Imperial Administration


May I ask if the Imperial Governorship has any official or unofficial opinion on the current emperor? Specifically, which august personage is currently in that seat?

Marnus Wailing

2018-11-15, 11:36 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Security: 4


"Oh please! sir is for those below me, you can use Dammer" he said with unprecedented modesty a painfully unalcoholic bit of exotic tea from Daghir's land arrived with the freefolder taking a sip almost as soon as it did "you know, I thought of a million things to witness today, gladiatorial fighting, experimental magic, etc. At the end I figured a man of your stature hardly ever got invited for just tea anymore" he let the silence fall in for a moment enjoying the strong smell that attempted to fight the ubiquitous breeze of the sea "I heard as a charitable man you surround yourself with your own, I have recently attempted to become so... but it is quite expensive apparently."

The lord of the freehold prance about for a moment lips moving without making a sound as he seemingly counted in the air, until he suddenly stopped "Apparently I didn't actually mention the job per se, there was a lot of context clues but the river's lullaby does tend to stomp on anything resembling subtlety... I want you all to do the godamn thing you do everyday, that is, stealing and listening in on conversations but within the freehold economy, and sponsored by me, I know many of my people already buy shiny gubbins from mudlarks so there really is no reason but keeping autonomy that the freehold doesn't really steal from you to remain independent. If you really find mercantilism to be such a crappy concept that you can't do the same thing you already do but taking orders and gifts from time to time then I guess I'll come pick up the corpses for spells when a decently sized fish comes along and yours truly doesn't care for your side of the pond anymore"

Daghir almost jumps in attack at the darkness as she leaves the trance, but instead she just replies "I...I do, she who guides you deeper, does she have a purpose?"

"of course my lady, wouldn't bother you for anything else... If all this paperwork is any clue I believe you are quite aware of the expenses of your members, I work closely with many of your businesses, as a magician I foresee accidents for their shops and prevent them, as a soldier I safeguard them from the criminals that seem to plague this town, as a man of law I help them avoid the brunt of the tariffs that imperial joke places upon honest traders. Now that you have pooled your resources, a move which I heartily approve of, I'll like to help ease your bookeping by just charging upon the whole instead of the parts for my services. [2 cash/month] sounds good"

"do me a favour and help me round up the others will you?" Ughul went about trying to apply his temporary fix to all dreamseekers nearby and having them gather up the rest until he had all he could without over-exerting "are any of you mages?"

A sound of gritting teeth was heard for but a moment coming from the robe "Futile as it may be, I find that such a solution may be better than exarberating the problem. Surely you can feel them as I do, better most likely, help me solve the city's aches, or at least be a little less futile."

"about the second point... You know what? never mind, thank you, and do let me know about any undead you are aware of as well." He went back to scribbling, she was welcome to speak if she wanted but his own business was done.


The woman seemed curious about the hobby chuckling a bit less akwardly about the assertion of his punishment "I can see the appeal to it. Well you may be aware of the freehold's reputation as proactive problem solvers, charms and magic to avoid the same being used against you, letting local criminals know just why they shouldn't mess with you I was sent to make sure you were completely aware."

Ughul spoke over Dammer again "the river god speaks of the dark spirits that propagate rage and misery in their wake, but aside from that I'm not sure, we could also just attempt to counteract the mind-control and lookout known hermit mages but that may prove to be too big of an investment. I'll check the tower for clues just in case."

The governor and whatever entourage accompanies him are guided through the maze of ships, where gets to see a microcosmos of the city, albeit on the welthier said, at the end he is guided through the deck of the proud flagship of the freehold: Jermalion.

He enters a room that seems modest and well kept, aside from a few piles of scrolls around the side, a teapot rests upon a bottle with a flame within it, andd it happens to whistle as the governor comes along "Lord governor, thank you for coming, please enjoy my mother's tea. should you lay down what we both know or should I?" as he says that he moves his fingers around, the small teapot taking far too long to to float up and serve a black and porous excuse for tea in both of their pots.

2018-11-16, 08:41 AM
House Umbrina
(Security 8)

To the Imperial Administration

What to spend the taxes on, there are many ways that would benefit the city. They could be used to battle the bad mood, build reliance on the empire, patch some of the rifts that are pulling the city apart, or store supplies to give as tribute to whichever emperor eventually wins the succession. That last one is the one House Umbrina most fears, after all we remember the last time an emperor came to this city and things didn't go to well for us.

My visit actually servers a double purpose. The Forum has become a hot bed for a lot of the ails of the city. House Umbrina is willing to step in and work to improve the districts situation, but we would need some aid in the form of political support to keep it from looking like we are oppressing the area. If you have other ideas we are all ears.

To the Syndicate of Rats

The Umbrina family catches a rat and attaches a note before letting it free underneath the city.

Syndicate of Rats

We would like to meet to get a better understanding of what you are looking for in life. We see potential for our house and your group to work together in the near future, and we want to make sure you would be getting something out of a partnership. We will be on a walk around Craterside in 3 days and should be easy to find. If you are willing to talk flag us down.

~Rellious Umbrina

The Floating Carnival

Rellious Umbrina approaches the entrance to the floating barge, giving a happy wave to the priests and worshippers of Vulpa. Rellious attends every weekly carnival he can, and seems overjoyed he gets to come to the barge for another purpose.

"Why hello good fellows. Is one of the high priests available? I'm here on behalf of House Umbrina this time, and we have some ideas we'd like to talk to them about."

2018-11-17, 04:36 AM
House Brightmyre
Security: 10

"Nestor, the letters are beginning to pile up. Shall I just pen a response for you?"

"What? No, no, I'll get to them. No, Lianne, thank you. I just got back from - hold this, please - meeting with a group of concerned lumberjacks; I promised them some support, we'll need to revisit this month's ledger. I could spare a moment to sit down and write some responses now, but I'm soon heading back out to speak with-"

"Slow down, brother! Unless I missed an announcement that both Emperors have named you governor, you don't need to take this all onto yourself. Take a moment. Rest, and focus."

Nestor Brightmyre sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry, it's just... this has not been a quiet week for Rialta. There's so much to do, and a hundred voices with ideas on how it ought to be done."

"Well, here's one more. You're the lord of the house, Nestor. Put the house to use! Not all of us share your head for diplomacy, but surely we can help somehow. We're Brightmyres. We get it done. Always."

"With a spirit like that, perhaps you should take over the diplomatic duties, sister. It's true, though. Why don't we sup together tonight, all of us. We should make plans for the coming weeks... and it will be good to get everyone at the same table again. We'll talk. And whatever's coming, House Brightmyre will weather the storm. Always."

Of course. Amid all the current distractions, we must never forget to care for our health. What concerns do you have on the topic? And while I have your attention, I don't suppose your concerns are regarding a certain affliction besetting the Palatial Hills of late?

The door is answered by Lady Lianne Brightmyre, who considers the priest's request. "Thank you for making the walk up here, my friend. House Aranea's services have always been a much-appreciated tradition of the Empire. But even the most steadfast of traditions are filled with uncertainty these days. You must understand - what if our dearly departed were raised to fight for the treasonous false emperor instead of the rightful one? It would be a black mark on our house's name. Until we receive word from the mainland again, I'm not sure we can afford to pledge ourselves to the tradition, with so much unknown."

"We mean no offense to House Aranea, of course. Ideally, the coming winter won't see any noble funerals, and by the time it ends we'll be able to send a tithe in full confidence."

Lord Umbrina,

I would be honored to accept your invitation. Our houses have much in common, and ignoring the opportunity to work together would make fools of us both. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Nestor Brightmyre comes to Umbrina Manor to meet with Cassian.

2018-11-17, 07:55 AM
Legio XII Pegasus
Security 10.

The guard looks at the priest and ruin walker, waiting a moment before replying. "Alright, I'll pass on the message. Thank you for your visit. Anything else?"

2018-11-18, 04:54 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

(OOC: Changing faction colour from Lime to Green at GM's request.)

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

That is too bad, but I understand. If I may pose an additional question; would the Legio XII be amenable to calling in financial assistance for the sake of establishing an Apothecary in the Colossus, perhaps from the Governor? I believe there are plenty of people in Rialta for whom the health of the Legio is in their best interests, after all.


"For your first question, an [Apothecary] will not take up any more space than any other shopfront will. Of course, a [Valetudinarium] will require somewhat more space than that, but as a field hospital, I'm sure you will agree that would be space well used."

"For the second, I am afraid that would be so. I am but a simple apothecary, and have not the resources at my fingertips that your esteemed Company handles on a daily basis. But rest assured, my expertise will be well worth the money your Company would be paying for it."

"For the third, my home Apothecary serves all residents in Hunter's Gate. However, the Harbour Apothecary can be either exclusive to the Company or open to the public, depending entirely on your wishes."

"For the fourth, I do have the occasional Beastfolk coming by to purchase my remedies, but I have yet to go out of my way to tailor my recipes for their needs. That said, beastfolk are really not all that different from the typical human, so it should not be an issue. And if you're concerned about that, I can certainly put in some [Research] towards customizing my poultices specifically for their needs, at no additional charge."

"For the fifth and final question, I must confess I have not yet put thought to that. I am certainly agreeable to leave the naming and branding in your hands, if you'd prefer."

"A fascinating question."

Eithne murmured, the pitch of her voice lowering somewhat while she was deep in thought.

"I will have to admit that this has not crossed my mind... for what you would agree are understandable reasons, I hope. After all, I have never had a wealth of funding to even think about doing anything with, much less consider such an endeavour. Also, as far as I'm aware, I'm the only one in Rialta who knows exactly what goes into my remedies, and I'm not particularly inclined to share my recipes too widely. Is there something in particular you have in mind, Director?"

Dear Lord Brightmyre,

Oh! Well, if this illness going around the Palatial Hills hadn't been my concern before, it most certainly is now.

I can come take a look at what exactly is ailing the neighbourhood so, and arrange to establish an [Apothecary] there for the sake of distributing the necessary medicines accordingly. However, I will need some funding to the tune of [5 Cash] to make that happen. Is this something that can be arranged for?



"I see. I assume you'd want the Apothecary established and operating by the first month either way?"

Eithne said, frowning slightly.

"That would be tricky. It may be possible to make this work, but it's tricky nonetheless. I will accept this arrangement provided there's no other choice, but let's look at other possible options first."

"Philosopher, would the August House happen to have any favors or obligations it can call in to make up the rest of the funding? Just one or two more contributors should do the trick."

"Oh, that sounds like a most capital idea, Lord Marinus!"

Eithne exclaimed, leaning slightly closer herself in her excitement; if that put her slightly closer to the young noble than is strictly proper for a young lady such as herself, she didn't seem to realize it.

"I am certainly all for it. How should we get started?"

"Hmm. But where would we get an arena from, much less lions?"

Eithne tilted her head, not entirely sure where this was going.

"It would take funding and an appropriate spot for an arena, and space is at a premium as it is. And you'd have to get lions from the Imperial mainland, I presume; not exactly an easy task in the winter months. Unless Keening and its Living residents are substituted for both...?"

Dear Harald Hornblende,

I am glad to hear that. As the establishment of an [Apothecary] is a fairly involved undertaking, I would require funding to the tune of [5 Cash] to make it happen. Would that be acceptable for you?


Dear Ashti Brokenheart,

That's too bad, but I understand. Does this mean I am welcome to make the same pitch to you again, some time down the line?


2018-11-18, 08:12 AM
Dammer's freehold

security: 4

Daghir makes a small sigh "you know I told Dammer you were a bit too high up for the deals he has partaken in, feels good being right" she waves the issue aside and continues for a moment longer "anyway, I guess I'll just take the chance to advertise the freehold's service as problem solvers and warn you of one that's coming, are you familiar with the name Haskar, also known as the sea wolf?"

"after you" Dammer beckoned going side by side with the master apothecary, he made a handwave for Daghir to follow along and whispered something to her ear as he left.

the warrior woman spoke to the apprentice once more before leaving "see you around..." she lingered to hear the name.

The small barge ship would take them for a while before reaching the freehold, and if ever asked Dammer would answer extensively about the pathetic little ship by the name of carrion and its history.

As they finally reached a cluster of ships that may as well be a small island, the admiral spread his arms towards it teathrically "here lies the freehold! the moving town that keeps Rialta running! let your visit begin then" he grabbed her hand and moved along the ships like there was a solid road to his end. As they passed he made small talk with the owners of the ships, entering from time to time claiming to have brought a doctor and letting Eithne inspect the people to the thanks and offerings of their family.

2018-11-18, 10:33 AM
Security 7

The priest from behind his mask of his iron and moved it aside to sip at the tea provided revealing an aged face, touched by the age and suffering of the world. "Death always comes, we're not killers, thats what the ruin walkers are for. We have no need to rush it, and since you aid in paying alms ill make sure to send the business of life your way as a thank you for honoring the spider who weaves its web through all souls."

There was a visible look of disappointment on the priests face as he pulls the mask of iron away to reveal an young man with a bit of a dead look in his eyes. Signs of a life that had lost someone immensely close in their most important years. "My lady we walk away from alms, it is rare of course, most honor the cause without second thought but we would be deeply disappointed in your case. You are not some "exotic" born from ghosts or ignorant rebels seeking a new home from a sky that never ends. Its one thing for those still young or naive of the traditions of our world to walk away, but for a house, one of those who have a totem that directly serve the sky to push back this alm is VERY disconcerting. We understand your apprehension but as the 3rd house we have no interest in picking sides. We will care for the dead of both emperors and only when the sky god picks his true disciple will we in turn honor the chosen one."

He bows his head, "we hope you reconsider, we do not ask for these precious resources for free. Many mysteries have been solved due to our abilities to listen to the whispers and I know more than 1 member of your family has been tied to a Ruin Walker in the past, giving a fallen son, or daughter a chance to protect their parents. Or young father a second chance to serve the illustrious House Brightmyre, protecting wife or child one more time."


"unbroken chambers and hearts of stone. The house of the spider knows that inevitably we are partners in the dark we don't want to stop you, simply protect you. We will dedicate resources you can't fathom to your work. We will also stop what is above from ending your work and growth, and of course we're claiming the tunnels you're done with to expand the labyrinth. Work for us, belong to us and you can do as you wish without distraction."

2018-11-19, 04:57 AM
Thousand Sails
The Bull of the Bogs [2¨]
Leras nods gravely.
"That is acceptable. I will put out some messages. There is no message service, however, we will have to see how long it takes. As for change, I will do my best."

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
Arora seems extremely twitchy and seems to be pondering the idea for a good minute. Finally, she makes up her mind.
"Alright. Lead the way."

The Mercantile Union [4]
"Too much talk of war", one of the merchants speaks up. "Too much tension", says another.
"There are of course business opportunities in conflict, but we are not merchants, to sail to the home continent and sell weapons and food at inflated prices. We are manufacturers. All we ask for is a stable city, with steady growth. We've been doing well for the past few decades, but we don't want a return to bloody fighting, we've had enough of that."

(The council would vote for a penalty on either military or espionage, with an efficiency bonus on economy or politics)

The Fademen [7]

Depends on the scale of the operation we are talking about, and the risk, of course. If we are talking standard guard duties on a fixed position, patrols, door guards, identity checks, searches, emergency response forces, security consultation, that kind of thing, we can make you a good deal. List attached. Unless you have pissed off any major vengeful forces, of course, but we are not aware of any such thing.

Captain Brokenheart

For purely defensive purpose:
2 security [2 cash]/turn
4 security [3 cash]/turn

Dammer's Freehold
D. Flavius M. [3]
"Oh, tea is lovely, thank you."
The man smells his cup for a long time and smiles, then takes a sip.
"Exquisite. As for charity, well, spending money is sort of a requirement for it."
His smile becomes just a bit cockier at that.
"But tell me. How can I help you today?"

The Mudlarks [3]
The girl nods at that.
"Well, we can take orders from time to time, guv. Dat's no problem. We does that from time to time anyway. Just tells us what you want."

The Deepest [5]
The voice is silent for a good while, before answering.
"Love, we think. It is difficult, to listen to her. She calls us home, to make us safe."

The Rialtan Mercantile Union [4]
The woman laughs loudly.
"A shakedown? Really? We are barely a union and you come to me demanding money, a week after we get into business? Ease our bookkeeping, you call it? Isn't the usual threat to say that you'll "prevent accidents" and to remark upon how easily our warehouses might catch fire? I didn't take you people for thugs quite that lowly."

The Dreamseekers [1]
The woman just dazedly looks at Ughul for a few seconds, then stands up and stumbles a few steps away, before seemingly forgetting what she was ordered to do. After a while, she manages to get a few more of the dreamers to wander over. There is a lot of confusion, one man just openly breaks into tears as the veil of dreams on him is lifted.
"Mages?", another asks. "No, we... we weren't. But... are we now?"
You really are looking for this in the wrong place, Ughul.
The River God [3]
There is just a hint of crashing waves in the river god's voice now.
You are brave, little spirit, speaking to me like that in my domain. These waters are mine, and the City stands here at my sufferance."
But just as quickly, he calms down again.
"What is it you want, then? For me to play diviner for you?"

House Umbrina
The Syndicate of Rats [5]
The wide craterside grid streets are home to a pleasant bustle, that never quite becomes a crowd. Small shops line the streets, while tree-shadowed side streets house small yards or open workshops, housing anything from book binders to coopers.The first half hour of Rellious' stroll is uneventful, but then, a brown rat runs out of a side street, pauses for a few seconds in front of him, then runs back.
It leads to an abandoned crossing between an alley barely wider than a man's shoulders, mainly used as a gutter, and a wider back alley. The crossing has been widened into a small, cobbled square, where a woman in a wool coat is leaning against a wall. She's slender, but not much else can be told from her appearance, as most of her is hidden behidn gloves, a scarf, a hat. She nods a welcome.
"We certainly have become popular lately", she says, though her voice sounds more nervous than amused.

The Floating Carneval [6]

During the day, the carneval is considerably more prosaic than during the night. Certainly, workers seem to outnumber clergy ten to one and there is much cleaning, repairing and storing going on. Barrels are stacked, sand is being raked, trash thrown overboard in large quantities, bunting folded, poles and tents errected. Somewhere, a few musicians are practising a rather off-beat melody. An orange-robed priestess, the upper half of her face hidden behind a white half-mask showing a snarling fox, comes running out to meet Rellious.
"Lord Rellious! Why certainly, the mistress can see you immediately."

The office of the high priestess is a simple affair, simple a tent with thick walls, set up a bit away from the rest of the carneval to provide some privacy. The high priestess is a young woman with the truly black hair of the Imperial Nobility and very generous curves under a flame-orange robe that is certainly more daringly cut than anything worn by more sedate priests. Her mask covers the entire face and looks more human than fox, a mischievously smiling face with just a hint of fangs and pointed ears.

"Lord Umbrina. What a pleasure."
She pours two goblets of dark red wine, and there is a hint of exotic spices on the air, leaning forward to offer one to Rellious.
"You said you are here for business. Only business?"
There is a smile in her voice, though her face can't be seen.

(Answered to end of page 2)

2018-11-19, 02:01 PM
Thousand Sails Shipping Company

Security 6


To the Governer
Lord Liarta,
Thank you your lordship, I will use this tax relief to the best of my ability. As to the merchants killed this is the first I have heard, a group calling themselves the Mercantile Union has begun meeting, but they seem like good folk. I’m never sure of my counterpart in the Exchange but they have given Thousand Sails no rumors of killings.

I feel this rather directly relevant to my company, it's the anything further you would share on the matter?

Your Servant,
Mordred Hirgan

Dammer's Freehold
“Ah I see, it is good to have such services present in the city. Thousands Sails should be able to handle its own security. that said, how much does the freehold charge for this offer? With the Pirate King dead and gone nearly a year now it strikes me that there are few forces substantial enough to warrant a threat worthy of the Freehold fleet.”

Eithne's Apothecary
“Good, good, thank you for your openness. You were wise to come here with your offer, sailors suffer from many ailments and any steps that may be taken to ease the aches od or company are steps I will take. I will gather the necessary approval to have a Valetunidarium built here in the harbor for next month. Assuming you agree to the following terms:

First, initial branding and opening ceremonies be orchestrated by our company, though plans will be subject to your final approval. Since you will be running the facility we're will be control of branding after a period of one month, with veto power on marketing for the harbor branch remaining in our hands to protect our image.

Second, I ask you to inform my company if your research turns towards [ district storage capacity ], so we may offer assistance and share in the benefits. I hardly think either of us are keen to expand through military might into other districts.

Thirdly, my company is looking to build a school for young children in the spring, and as a woman of substantial education yourself I ask that you advise on teaching methods and curriculum so we may pull families out of the poverty they find themselves trapped in.

Assuming those terms are agreeable we will begin construction [ turn 2 ].”


The Bull of the Bog
“Excellent, I wish your friends a safe journey. You will start in two weeks, and if you so wish it, a company house will be made available immediately. Before you go there is a question I would ask, though I am unsure how much contact you and your friends have with the more far flung beastfolk, have you ever heard of the turtle tribe?”

The Syndicate of Rats [Private Docks: Security 8]
The Anchormen lead the way to the more heavily patrolled section of the harbour, passing through several checkpoints controlled by their fellows. Eventually the party comes to a small cafe, The Dolphin House, obviously closed for the late hour. Caun fetches a few laterns while Manus grabs a loaf of bread and some preserves from the larder.

Redgrave is the first to grab a chunk of bread and heap it with butter, indicating that Arora is welcome to the same.
“Well I’ve had the walk to ponder your question, and my offer and recommendation remain the same, but both of those are made with little knowledge of what the Syndicate is. We are fairly certain you are akin to a thieves guild of sorts, probably only a few months old since the Informants haven’t been trying to sell us a dossier on you. You chose a name in the common tongue so I doubt Arora is the only Syndicate member, and you haunt the harbor, a place where Thousand Sails is best informed, so I would bet on either an old ghostwise ruin or one of our abandoned warehouses for a hideout.”
Redgrave takes a moment to eat, waving over Manus who has brings out water and milk.
“Most folk have reefed the sails and lashed the crates down. Our security is one of the smaller in the city and we have spent a fortune building it to its current level. So the risk for thieves is higher than ever, ‘specially with the folk looking for scapegoats. You are in a tight spot to be sure, but not without merit, you've a skill set we consider both dangerous and valuable, and probably some plans we would be keen to hear. Our company doesn't hire fools though, we don't trust you or your organization off hand. Hell Karnum had to argue for days just for us to lead with diplomacy rather than violence with a band of accused thieves. So I will ask a question of my own, and know you walk free of these docks regardless of the answer. Do we have a hope of peace after this encounter? Or working together for that matter?”

Mercantile Union
“Too much tension I agree. I would also vote for economic incentives, and I have been sending letters back and forth with the Governor. As a token of good faith, at least until a more permanent solution is found, I will see if I can guide the mayor towards such a tax set-up. That said, for those of you who do trade in weaponry, there is a bloody business brewing in the Empire, and weaponry will fetch a high price. I can transport goods over the winter with our new ships, and I would be open to new business partners.”

2018-11-19, 04:04 PM
The Malki Clan
Security: 6

The Malki are well versed in the art of spontaneous festivities and quickly have things in swing as the freeholders join them. There is food for everyone and rum flows freely as clan members start sing joyful sea chanties.

Meanwhile Danmer finds the nearest elder, aa white haired man carving bit of oyster shell into scrimshaw on a nearby dock. The man looks up as Danmer approaches, "Aye, I heard you were looking for me."

"Ye have our attention. Now what do ye propose."

2018-11-20, 03:31 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

"Bob, I'll be making a visit to the Freehold with mister Dammer for a while. Hold the fort for me while I'm gone, alright?"

"You've got it, Lady Eithne."

The apprentice at the counter said, as he saw Eithne leaving the Apothecary in Dammer's company. He grinned at the woman warrior.

"Well, I guess that answers that. Maybe I'll see you around again, lady...?

Taking a rattan basket full of her remedies and tools of her trade with her, Eithne followed Dammer's lead as he led her around the Freehold, not objecting even when he grabbed her hand to lead her around the many ships that made up the floating 'town'; probably just glad for the support due to her less-than-sure footing than anything else. In the course of the tour, Eithne looked over the residents of the Freehold and dispensed some soothing medications on occasion, although it was clear she didn't nearly have enough resources on hand to tackle the health issues of everyone on the ships. Not as yet, anyway.

"So, mister Dammer," Eithne spoke up after some time, "should we pick up where we left off, about what it will take to establish an [Apothecary] on the Freehold itself as per your request?"

I mean, I already told you what it'd take. Not very sure where you're going with this...

"Hmm. I see."

Eithne murmured, apparently in deep thought. She stirred her own cup of tea, and raised it to her own lips, sipping slowly while still ruminating. At length, she piped up again.

"When you said you'd send the business of life my way... how do you intend to do that? Would you be telling your supplicants to make the trek all the way here, or would you perhaps intend to point them to a hypothetical [Apothecary] to be established in the Burrows?"

To that, Eithne graced Mr. Hirgan with a wide, bright smile.

"Excellent! I wholeheartedly agree to the first two terms, Mr. Hirgan."

"As for the third, I would like to seek some clarification. After all, my area of expertise involves some fairly esoteric knowledge, which would more likely than not to be far beyond the capabilities of such young children. May I know whether you wish for me to make an attempt to educate them thus nonetheless, or rather that I advise on the teaching of some basic skills that will stand the average citizen of Rialta in good stead later in life, regardless of the circumstances?"

Basically, what do you have in mind from a mechanical standpoint? An investment in Research?

Thank you for hearing me out.

I would like to propose the establishment of an [Apothecary], fully stocked with remedies brewed from my own recipes, in your home district of Pearlmother. This will serve as an affordable avenue of healthcare for your people and any other residents in your district; especially compared to the exorbitant fees of the Imperial physicians, or the equally expensive services of the Cult residing in Mercy.

However, for a one-time cost of [5 Cash] for the sake of establishing an [Apothecary] here, your people will enjoy an effective means of mitigating injury and illness indefinitely.


2018-11-20, 04:08 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
The August House of Wisdom [9]
The philosopher smiles.
"Sadly, the House here in Rialta is not as well funded as we might wish, as we would be if we were in Amalda, or Samur, or Kinsul. This is really the most I can offer you. But of course, we would not expect you to build the apothecary for us before it is paid. Next month would be fine."

D. Flavius M. [3]
"Just Marinus, please."
The young man's smile is very charming, and he leans a bit closer in turn.
"Well. These things have a certain way of being organized. What we'll have to do is organize some festivities. Invite everyone with money in the city. Old money. And some of the administration, a few priests, maybe one or two people of the guard or the legion. But probably not, the senatorial class may find them distasteful. We serve them the best food and wine the city can produce and when they are well-lubricated, we make them some proposals. They like having their names on something charitable. Especially when priests are listening."

Jaleh Prospero [1]
"Yes, a pity, isn't it? Maybe we could find alligators, instead. I hear they are quite fearsome."

Hornblende's Phalanx [4]
"Yes, that is acceptable, funding can be provided."

The Fademen
Lady Eithne

Of course you may, but I am not sure our situation will substantially improve in that regard in the near future.

Ashti Brokenheart

Sempiterne Aranea
The Deepest [5]
"We could not belong to the Spider. We already belong to another. You know, we think, of whom we speak. But we could work together."

2018-11-20, 03:38 PM
House Umbrina

Security 8

To House Brightmyre

Nestor is greeted at the Umbina Manor, a large building with little to no windows. As he is expected, is he lead by candlelight into the building down a few winding corridors. They stop at a small room with one small round table and four chairs. The walls are very bare, with a couple of bookcases filled with trinkets and a sparse few books. Standing in the room is a small gaunt man. You can't tell if his pale skin is from the candles or his natural near translucent tone.

"It is nice to meet you, I am Cassian Umbrina. Would you like a drink? We have wine and tea on standby."

taking a wine glass the man sits at the table. "I've asked you to visit to talk about bringing our houses closer together in the near future. I'm sure we are both aware of the troubles that are currently affecting our city, and the possible disasters that we could be heading for. That said, our families are survivors. I'm sure if we work together we can not only keep our families safe, but this city along with us."

To the Syndicate of Rats

The big man gives a chuckle "Ha, I won’t keep you too long then. our main question is what does the syndicate hope to get from this city? Is it Fame? Fortune? Safety?

We don't mean you any harm, but we can see a partnership between the Syndicate and House Umbrina. And we do understand what the true power of the Syndicate is; all of the training that goes into it. We value that kind of power."

To the Floating Carneval

"Hehe, business first at least." Rellious chuckles. "My brother has become very worried after the riots in the forum. You see our house could easily be seen as an aristocrat and we do not want to be on that side of any class warfare. Normally, we'd go to the imperial administration for assistance, but with the recent tragedy with the emperor I doubt they have the time to seriously look at and solve the problem. Which is where you come in.

The thought is that someone moves into the Forum and creates some semblance of control in the area. House Umbrina has the power to do that, but without any political help we'd be seen escalating the problem. Would you be willing to help with the political side of the operation?"

2018-11-21, 07:12 AM
Thousand Sails Shipping Company

The Bull of the Bog [2]
"The turtle? Coastal folk, we don't have much contact with them. Once or twice a year, when they come far up the rivers. Mostly, we leave each other alone, rarely we trade."

The Syndicate of Rats, Private Docks [7]
Arora sighs.
"Okay, all cards on table? You are wrong. So entirely, utterly wrong."
She tears the scarf off her face. The face underneath is young, very young. Eighteen, perhaps? There is an ugly, puckered scar across one cheek and up into the hairline that pulls her mouth a bit to one side.
"We didn't choose the name. It's silly. We're not a syndicate. You're right, it's not just me. There's two of us, in fact. Just two. Me and a friend. We found a novel trick for stealing things, got a bit too successful, and suddenly, the entire city is talking about us. That's all there is to it."

Rialta Mercantile Union [4]
"Ahead of you there, in fact, do we do miss transportation. We've mostly stocked up on food and raw materials from the Empire that might be difficult to get over here, at least as far as the last few ships of the season allowed. But, well, between us we have more than a few warehouses, and there's now a few of them filled with solid quality weapons. But, well... the thing to consider is that Rialta has never produced weapons in any amount. We don't have ore. We have food, we have salt, we have magic, or at least as much of it remains after the Empire plundered it. But mostly, in wartime, we have timber. The best timber in the world for warships.

If your winter keels actually work, well, they'd kiss our feet in the Empire if we managed to get a few holds full of Ironwood and Teak to the shipyards early enough to get new ships built by mid-spring."

2018-11-21, 10:28 AM
The Informants
Security 10

Ah, so the leaking is probably more noticeable because the authority that holds it weakened when the legions left and the thing that strengthens is increased notably with their departure. Is a circle possible for a conceptual spirit? With them being more abstract, is it possible to encircle them?

If we were to assume escape is inevitable, would releasing be the best option?

Private docks are not so private, at least five entities are listening in to your conversation right now not including your host. One of them is the Imperial Administration. So you and your friend figured out how to get rats to steal things for you? Can you get information from the rodents? Even if not, if you want a more...secure place to hide out there is always the Informants. Your skills seem useful to us. Do not give context, just start your reply to us with "yes" with no context if you do want to.

2018-11-21, 02:30 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.


That's for the Governor and the plenty people of Rialta to decide. At this time it is not my place to ask.

Should your services become affordable to Legio XII Pegasus in the future, will your offer stand?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-21, 06:40 PM
Thousand Sails Shipping Company

Security 6


Eithne's Apothecary
“A mere advisory position on curriculum and teaching method, though if you wish to contribute more I would hardly refuse you. This would not be a mission for profit however. I aim to keep enrollment and supply costs as low as possible, this will be a school not a storefront.”

OOC: Just support publicly, though if you would like to contribute a point of research or two I wouldn't refuse.


The Bull of the Bog
"Very well, we have met them in our various outposts along the coast. One of the only tribes willing to talk."

The Syndicate of Rats [Private Docks, Security 8]
“Just two? Sky's Piss who did you rob to garner that reputation?”
Redgrave is impressed, and lets it show on his face.
“Well that's a rough scar Arora, I have a few of my own but I think you win the competition. The fact that there is just two if anything makes it more dangerous, guard and legion will be looking for more than two. Still we have some options. Thousands Sails has a card not yet on the table that could secure harbor safety and yours, the Aurora Seal. Somewhat fitting name no? It doesn't put us above the law, but the Empire owes us a few rights with regards to inspection and commandeering. We can turn that into a safe ticket for you and your partner, but not for free.”
Redgrave pauses for a drink, smiling at the first trickle of sunrise on the harbor.
“Sounds to me like you are finding the thieves life a bit stressful, maybe even you want out entirely. Even if that's not the case I came here to stop thieves in the harbor, so that's the cornerstone of any deal made here this morning. The other reason I came here was to make a hire, Thousand Sails needs a bit of espionage here and there, you and your partner could help with that. We’ll pay, of course, and depending on your skill sets we will send you on missions to better the company and Rialta. You and your partner will have a safety net in Thousand Sails, our better standing, and reward for talent and initiative. Most importantly, we will take off the heat you currently face through our legal protections. Please understand that you will face a… probation period, given your recent activities. Rest assured we can learn to trust eachother, given time.”
The first signs of morning activity on the private docks was beginning, a lamp lighter flitting about, Sailors changing shifts.
“You showed up on Pier 13 at midnight, so I reckon you are at least interested. What were you hoping to find here?”

The Mercantile Union
“Excellent I will send the information along to the Captains. Hopefully the governor will offer a swift reply about the taxes. This gathering has been most interesting so far, I hope I may continue to attend these meetings.”

2018-11-22, 04:16 AM
House Umbrina

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
"Fortune, I suppose?"
She sighs, uncertainly.
"I mean, it's what we did hope for. A few good scores, launder the money, retire to a good life. Now, it looks much more like what we need is safety. We seem to have attracted entirely too much attention."

The Floating Carneval [6]
"Interesting, for sure."
She pauses for a few seconds, then she speaks with a suggestion of a smile in her tone.
"Why you, though? That's what people will be asking. Your house is very... quiet. A political non-entity. People barely have an idea of what you do. Why this sudden interest in public order? Why really? Why not the guard, the legion, the temple, any of the official institutions?"
She takes out two silver goblets and fills them with a pale wine, offering one.
"Of course, that alone makes it interesting for us. We only exist to be a thorn in the side of those same political institutions."

The Informants
The August House of Wisdom [9]
"Certainly possible, if a bit more complicated. You need more conceptual limits, too. Symbols often work quite well. Things with a lot of spiritual energy attached to them. Great historical artefacts, famous art, the bones of great ancestors. And I've heard of living circles, wise men who meditate themselves into a state of feeling pure emotions that are anathema to a contained spirit. But such a thing is necessarily rare, and not very safe.

As for release, well, there can be negative effects from breaking a circle by itself. But mostly, well, circle-bound spirits tend to be angry. There release tends to coincide with the kind of phenomenon that deserves the name "divine wrath"."

Syndicate of Rats [5]

Thousand Sails

Syndicate of Rats [5]
"We weren't stupid about our targets. Or at least I think so. None of the really big houses, or the temples, or the administration. We didn't want that kind of enemy. But... well, I suppose we went a bit flashy. You know, stealing from absolutely tight, locked rooms? We stole the Chalice of Amalthea while a guard was standing one foot in front of it, with his back to it, and he didn't notice a thing. We just didn't count on how quickly people would make up legends about that kind of thing."

2018-11-22, 11:19 AM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


The Syndicate of Rats [Private Docks: Security 8]
“Things can get out of hand fast can't they? Let's get to the bottom of our conversation though. Thousands Sails offer is on the table, I even heard we have a fancy doctor setting up shop here in the harbor under our company, maybe we can do something about that scar assuming you don't hold it like a trophy. If you need to discuss with your partner I fully understand, but the time for talk is closing (December 1st approaches), and I will need an answer soon. Every day our lawyers have to sort out this situation is critical. I'll offer the handshake again now, I've said my piece. Maybe I'll be meeting your partner soon?”
Redgrave offers the handshake again, doing his best to look relaxed but professional.

2018-11-22, 01:10 PM
Security 10

The question is who will it be angry at? Did you make the wards and if so do you think it knows that? Might just hit the place that kept it. Particularly if we release it rather than betting on it not breaking out now that it has a buffet of what it needs to strengthen it.

Very good, we will set up a place for you. You made the right choice, there isn't many who can equal our security and job opportunities. We ask that you do not ask questions about other jobs we do that don't relate to you. Gives plausible deniability.

So housekeeping time, do you want to be a member or independent? Independent you have less support to do your jobs, it is harder to keep you secure as we can't share certain secrets and we will take a cut but it is easier for you to cut ties when you want out.

As a member you will be introduced to more secrets so cutting ties is harder but is still possible and may become easier depending on bogsman prices and effectiveness, you will be more secure as we can do proper security and you will be given more profitable tasks working with team mates. We also offer certain services like free money laundering and escape route design for members. We understand that you are in it for the money and wish to retire so we will keep you from the more important secrets that would make us reluctant to let you go.

Though please understand we will check up on you after leaving no matter what you choose to insure nothing gets spread.

Start the next letter with "Dead." for member or "20 days." for Independent or neither if you are still thinking. We need an answer somewhat soon but we understand you have multiple offers which may influence whether you want to stay more independent or not. Though, we would like to note that all who have offered have worse security than we do and a weaker spy network. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them just remember others are watching.

2018-11-22, 02:56 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

House Aranea (10)
You seek to aid your neighbors, the Deepest. We know of their quest as well. May we ask what it is you hope they find?

House Umbrina (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. Would you be interested in a trade?

IHIHC (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. Would you be interested in a trade?

Auspex (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. Would you be interested in a trade?

Deepest (10)
You've dug deep into the depths. Have you yet found anything aside from rock, coal, and gems?

Floating Carneval (10)
Hatter boards the barge, exchanging a nod with the priests on duty.

"Now that the days of carneval are done, and with no emperor, what will you acolytes of Vulpa do?"

Gray Harland (10)
[OOC: That knife that Harland found, it sounds like a stiletto. Does it match what I've heard of the merchant murders?]

Nackerman (10)
The murdered merchants. Your doing?

Omunsul's Teahouse (10)
Has anything been heard of the Syndicate of Rats or their score, the Chalice of Amalthea?

Any other news in the underworld since the Emperor's death? Leads on potential scores? Rumors that might be worth investigating?

River God (10)
The moment Ughul leaves his conversation with the River God, Hatter steps out from hiding.

"Half a dozen dark spirits or mages... Are these new? Or have they simply been emboldened by the Imperial crisis?

We know of at least one, but thought it sealed away."

Syndicate of Rats (10)
Due to our non-competition agreement with the Informants, we will not be making our own job offer, so do not worry.

Your previous score. How did you find out about it? And do you have any other leads you did not or will not pursue?

Yaya Kir (10)
"We've heard Haskar is back, or some part of him at least. You know anything about the Sea Wolf, old or new?

And anything else notable in the realm of us mortals?"

Internal (GM)
Bit of a gamble acknowledging Imperial starting Lore, but I feel it will lose value as soon as the NPCs gain info on it in a turn or two. Going to use it now to buy additional info. Hopefully Informants aren't Imperial Intelligence. Or I can bluff some other reason I'd know this.

Anything interesting about the Chalice of Amalthea that the Syndicate of Rats stole? Like who they stole it from, or what it does?

2018-11-22, 03:08 PM
House Brightmyre
Security: 10

[5 Cash?] That's... quite a sum. Few in the city could afford what you're asking for.

That said, it's a small price to pay for the good health of my family and the others here in the Hills. The only problem is that I do not think that those afflicted by the ailment I mentioned would seek help from your clinic. The families here can be proud and private, and the deaths caused by this illness are often kept quiet. I have heard that some suspect it more than a sickness, but a curse.

If you think you could offer assistance in treating this outbreak, House Brightmyre could allocate some funds to cover the costs of one of your apothecaries. Here in the Palatial Hills, or anywhere you'd like. But for such an investment, we'd like to see some results first. We can offer more details on the disease if you are interested.

"My apologies. We will certainly reconsider - in due time. Believe me, I recognize the value of your rites, and I don't mean to make light of them. If all runs its course, we will revisit our coffers and reward you for your patience."

Nestor Brightmyre arrives dressed in the sort of finery one would expect of nobility, but with a decidedly practical styling, replacing the flowing robes that are commonly seen in the Palatial Hills with pants hemmed to sturdy boots. The one concession to vanity is a jade clasp in the shape of a turtle, the Brightmyre sigil.

"I will accept some wine, thank you. If I may say, your manor is quite impressive. Less natural light than most on the Hills, perhaps, but you know where a home's real value lies. This is a veritable fortress. You are, indeed, survivors."

"Which brings us to the reason for this visit. It is a turbulent time. And in such times, we need to stand together. So what would you have us do? I admit I haven't exactly kept abreast of everything happening outside the city itself; is there anything you think I should know? For my part, there have been a few noteworthy events concerning our family. A disease befalling some of the noble families, Eithne seeking to establish a quite expensive apothecary with our blessing, strange jewelry with a strange message arriving in the night... but I'm not sure how much of that concerns us both."

2018-11-22, 03:24 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

House Brightmyre (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. While we're uncertain your desire to involve yourself in their conflict, being informed of the choices may assist your House. Would you be interested in a trade?

Dammer's Freehold (10)
"We will check our own sources. Anything to narrow down the scope of the search."

2018-11-22, 05:09 PM
Dammer's Freehold


"Daghir" she replied with a smile as she went on to follow Dammer.

I guess I should have made it clearer, that was just sort of a "all agreed post". Issue resolved, I may have to pay over two turns, depending on how some business looks but I am buying the apothecary and we can finish this thread of talk :smallsmile:

"well if is of course dependent upon the nature of the threat, but our prices are very reasonable" she got more serious perhaps even grim when the other wolf was mentioned "Oh, how I wish that was for certain, I assume you have no news after its death?"

Dammer nods with a smile "Just looking to speak about the recent newcomers, this Nackermen don't seem friendly and I figured I'll show some good faith amongst merchant folk and see if we could help you deal with them."


Dammer smirks at the pointed comment on the nautre of charity and then proceeds just as proud as always, even though he is essentially doing beggar's work "well, as you are quite more versed in the fine points of giving money I wanted to see if you could help me in my own charitable undertaking, I plan to open one of those herbalist shops that are all the rage now, for the poor and downthrotten of my hold you know..."

Dammer makes that expression when you have no idea what's going through the speaker's mind, before he speaks, taking a seat somewhere in the ship "You know what? nothing for now, more to the point, if you have any problems call me up, for now if you wanna eat, do so."

If any come up to eat he waits until they are done, if they don't he leaves in about 5 minutes.

Daghie looks the closer she is ever been to awed by the constant sound of the earth "I can hear her, but I can't see a path, where is home?"

Dammer shakes off the insult with practiced ease "You either under- or over- but you clearly estimate us wrong... I do actually protect those under me, unlike some others. And right now you are not, and quite haughtyly it seems. Things are taking a turn for the worst, every day at all times, and while you may think there is a bright future my life has seen so may turns to worst its trail forms a circle; you can either have me as a baluarte taking the eavy hits for you or suffer it alone."

"yes, I have been inef..." the thought is stopped by the river god's burst, with Ughul experimenting little more than confusion.
"I... I have been called the flame of freedom, pretty I say. Pretty as an ember, and like it I flew upon the wind I turned a page to ash and it is what history will remember of me, for I made mark that will not be erased, and yet I did nothing the sky was above me, above history. That is from Rashamia, prince of the Cairn holds, who resisted the empire far after his nation was defeated, he was as I, futile."
then he nods.
"yes, for me and your waters. For the city as well. So you shall not suffer the malevolent gods anymore."

2018-11-22, 05:38 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Ardashir, Master Jeweller (10)
Given your previous role as a guild master, we were curious if the Rialta Mercantile Union had made an offer for you to join them? Or if you had any opinion on the organization?

The Beggar Priest (10)
A merchant was found murdered in the Exchange. Do you know anything about that?

The Fademen (10)
Do you happen to know anything of the Saltshade that lurks your territory? Since you have not put it to the sword, we imagine it mostly keeps to itself?

2018-11-23, 04:21 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

Of course it will. Consider this a standing offer in perpetuity; should the time come when the Legio XII can use the services of an Apothecary, you need only but to ask.

May I take it that now would be the right time for me - or us - to petition the Governor for the additional funding needed to provide your Legio with my services?


"Oh, I see! I understand, and I'll be perfectly happy to do so. So, I assume you'll be making an announcement to that effect soon enough?"

Dear Lord Brightmyre,

It is a fairly hefty sum to be sure, and unfortunately necessary for the massive undertaking that establishing a fully functional Apothecary entails. Believe me, I don't make much, if any profit from this whatsoever.

If privacy is a concern for those affected in Palatial Hills, I am sure we can accommodate for that. My apprentices and I can make house calls if requested, but it would be much easier and more effective if we had a local Apothecary in the Hills we could operate from, which is just one of many reasons why I am offering this proposal.

As for results, I am not sure what you meant by 'results', save that you may seek testimony from the residents of Hunter's Gate - where my first Apothecary is located - as to the efficacy of my remedies. However, I would indeed like to hear any more details you may have on the disease, and perhaps have it arranged for myself to personally make a house call to any willing individual so afflicted, such that I can make an accurate diagnosis and subsequently prove the efficacy of any cures I would dispense to that effect.


Okay, good to know.:smallsmile:


"I see. Thank you for letting me know, and I agree to your proposal."

Eithne lowered her head, looking slightly embarrassed for putting the Philosopher in a spot.

"For my part, I will see if there are any sources of funding that can supplement your House's funds, so that the Librarium Apothecary can be established this month. But should that not be possible, I will commit to having it built by next month at the latest."

"Oh, wow. I had an idea that these social events are not easy to organize, but I didn't realize just how complicated it would get."

Eithne said softly, reaching up to tuck a loose lock of hair back in place. In that gesture, she looked less like a learned apothecary, and more like a young maiden unsure - even vulnerable - in the face of a daunting prospect.

"Not to mention expensive, and I have little in the way of wealth to begin with. Marinus, would... would you help me with this?"

"Oh... in that case, we might have to ask the River God about that. I'm not sure now is a good time to ask him though, he seems to be in the same foul mood as everyone else around here these days."

Dear Harald Hornblende,

I am glad to hear it! I will begin the process of establishing an [Apothecary] in the Scattershot district at once.


Dear Ashti Brokenheart,

I am sorry to hear that. Nevertheless, I will explore other possible options to get your men the care I can provide for now. Do keep me posted if and when you've figured out things on your end.


2018-11-23, 06:21 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

The Living (10)
The Dreamtooth calls out to the minds of mortals. Have you noticed any mystical effects of the Keening?

August House of Wisdom (10)
We have a request for some scholarly works. What would that cost us?

The Chaoticians (10)
A letter is delivered to all recipients of the Chaotician's newsletter.

"To whom it may concern,

We wish to inquire as to the rate of growth of this society. Have you found success in your recruiting efforts? Hit any notable benchmarks?

-The Bogsmen"

Foresters' Guild (10)
We have heard whispers of some manner of demon or ghost haunting up river. Anything new in this past year?

Hornblende's Phalanx (10)
Your sentinels. Are they only for use by the Phalanx, or would you be willing to build some on commission?

2018-11-24, 02:02 AM
Security 7

The priest shook his head, "We know how busy the legion is but we hope a yes or no can arrive soon as possible. Also, remind your master how important it is our organizations remain in perfect symmetry."

The priest nods, "so long as what is above does not interfere with what is below. You maintain impressive security, and having such a prestigious organization present to some minor degree is helpful. Support in the burrows is positive for all sides."

The priest eyed the digger, and the ruin walker jostled slightly. "we understand very well what you serve so we speak to her there in the blackest dark. Make sure she is aware of our offer, after all I am sure having her cravings interrupted or crushed under the weight of outsiders would not serve her purposes. Furthermore we want to wrap our webs around threats to her, and by extension her followers but that can't happen if we're competing here in the depths and we both know its a matter of time so lets make sure the understanding is... Complete."

2018-11-25, 08:35 AM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.


Why the rush? Are you expecting something to happen?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
"I'll pass it on. Good day." The guard notes, returning to his post.

A while later, a letter arrives at House Sempiterne Aranea, delivered by legion pegasus courier.

To House Sempiterne Aranea,

Legio XII Pegasus's yearly supplication is underway.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-25, 09:12 AM
Thousand Sails
The Syndicate of Rats [7]
The woman looks hesitant as she takes Redgrave's hand, but then shakes it rather firmly.
"Very well. We do need somewhere to go."

The Informants
The August House of Wisdom [9]
"Oh, definitely those who imprisoned it. Which, no, is not us. At first. The darker spirits, especially, are often not reasonable. Not in the way humans understand it. Why would it stop, if destruction feeds it?"

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
"20 days at least. Usually we need more than that, if we prepare carefully."

The Bogsmen
The Auspex [3]
"Oh please, do tell. It pays well to know our future emperor early."

The Deepest [5]

The Floating Carneval [6]
"What Vulpa always does. We find an authority figure and get terribly on their nerves in a showy way."

Grey Harland's Knife would almost perfectly match the murders.

Omunsul's Teahouse [5]
There are plenty of weird rumours about the syndicate of Rats. With your knowledge, you can firmly place 99% of them in the rubbish pile and the last few don't tell you much new.
The Goblet of Amalthea is the crowning glory of an art style that went out of fashion two centuries ago and is now pretty widely panned as overly elaborate, with too many gemstones to even make out the basic shape of the goblet.
It ended up in Rialta only recently, when a young nobleman, accused of fornication with a priestess, fled to the city, bringing some of his treasures with him. By all accounts, they were excellently guarded, with guards in shifts, standing only inches away from the goblet at all times.
And yet, someone took it.
If found, well, it would be enormously valuable. Even just some of the larger gems in it would make a small fortune.

The River God [3]
I really do not appreciate being spied upon.
But the god says it with a grin.
"I suppose it is what you do, though. And yes, you heard me. Half a dozen or more. I used to be almost alone here, and then the first Rialtans came, and they brought all their own gods with them."

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
"It's not as if they made a secret of it. We just took all the biggest, most valuable things that don't belong to any major players."

Yaya Kir [2]
"Oh, what isn't there to tell about the Sea Wolf. He killed his own mother when he was six, they say. He dove down into the ocean and strangled one of the old gods of the seafloors, the Leviathans, and raised him from the dead, to steer the currents for his ship. He married the goddess of fortune and carried her away to his island, to live in a palace of black pearls. He made a deal with Death, to sacrifice the blood of a hundred men every day, so that he would not die.
Everyone who's been at sea has heard of the Sea Wolf.
But then, I suppose you are more practical people and don't want fairy tales. Most of these stories are centuries old and get retold for every new Pirate King. This one had twenty-seven ships and made a name for himself with cruelty."

2018-11-26, 04:00 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

"Hmm, I see. I'm glad to hear that."

Eithne nodded in acknowledgement, seeming to retreat to herself once again in thought. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for what she had to say next.

"As you've said, that would truly be a beneficial arrangement for the both of us. The issue here is, establishing an [Apothecary] in the Burrows is... not going to be free for me. In fact, I have to find some way to put together [5 Cash] just to make it happen."

"So if you're wondering why I seem hesitant to commit to the tithe for your House... that is why. I am trying to figure out how to marshal what few resources I have to both ends."

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

I was proposing this course of action simply because that is what you yourself have proposed, sir; that I inform the Governor of any such arrangement. In addition, I was thinking that the Governor himself may be willing to foot the bill necessary to give your Legio the medical care it deserves.

It is not that I am expecting any adverse development to occur at this time, at least with regards to the well-being of Rialta's people. That said, I would have to note that I am aware of illness plaguing at least two Districts in the city at present, and there is no telling where similar cases may crop up next.


2018-11-26, 05:54 AM
Dammer's Freehold
D Flavius M
"Oh, excellent!"
Flavius smiles brightly.
"I was already taking with Lady Eithne about just such a thing. We are giving a fundraiser, to gather money to open apothecaries in the poorest districts. You must come to the party next month."

The Mudlarks [3¨]
The food is gone amazingly quickly, as a dozen waifish children spring out of the water to throw themselves on the food.

The Deepest [5]
"Don't you know your scripture? Dust to Dust, yes? The Sky breathed life into the Earth to make humans. Bodies of Earth, Spirits of Air. In the end, we exhale our spirit and our bodies return to the Earth. That is home, and it is all around us."

The Mercantile Union [4]
((What Insult? I have no idea what you are talking about, or what you are responding to.))

The Bogsmen
Ardashir, Master Jeweller [3]
"Oh, they have. But I am too old for politics. I don't think this is anything that wasn't seen before. They may make some money from this, but in the end, I don't think anyone will profit."

The Beggar Priest [4]
"Oh, merchants are usually quite outside my usual portfolio. A good thing too, I get stab wounds enough from domestic disputes. But I can tell you that some guards were also stabbed, only a few nights ago, in a home invasion. I felt that one. Old Arman, the pearl merchant. He paid his guards hunger wages, and three of them died for him anyway."

The Fademen [7]
"We wouldn't know about that."

Eithne's Apothecary
D. Flavius M. [3]
"Oh, please"
He smiles radiantly.
"Leave that to me. After all, there's little I'm good for except organizing parties. It would be a shame to waste such talent. I'll take care of it. Everyone who's anyone will be there in the city."

The Bogsmen
The August House of Wisdom [9]
"We do not like giving access simply for money. Sufficient learning to appreciate the contents is a requirement. In whose name would the application be?"

The Chaoticians [1]

A letter returns, seemingly from the newsletter's printer.
"An interesting question! Currently, we distribute about 500 copies of the newsletter, but we estimate that several people read each copy. And there are many more that the readers then talk to about what they read. You must understand that we are quite a loose society. But if we were to organize something big... we might well have several hundred volunteers."

The Forester's Guild [6]
"All the news we are getting from upriver is about Beastman politics. Nothing that I'm aware of about any kind of magical phenomenon, no."

Hornblende's Phalanx [4]
"I could be convinced to make some for general use. THe problem is that they take a very long time to make, especially if you want a proper perimeter. Still, if you are willing to wait, we can certainly talk."

House Sempiterne Aranea
The Deepest [5]

"A noble offer, and one we would gladly take. But perhaps you misunderstand her nature. Her love is deep as the mountains, and she yearns for all to return to her. If anything, not enough are following her call for her tastes."

2018-11-26, 11:50 AM
House Umbrina

Security 8

To the Syndicate of Rats

Rellious grows a small grin on his face. "Don't get to down, I don't think there is a safe place in the empire at the moment. Even if you were able to leave this island chances are the heir's to the throne would make anywhere unsafe. And on the plus side, all the attention should get you plenty of work to further secure your future.

As long as you keep your anonymity and the ability to cut loose should things go south I'd say you are in a pretty good position for those goals. But should you ever need protection or a little cash feel free to come to us, no strings attached. We have a good security and a respectable contingent of soldiers in the city that few others can compete with. "

To the Floating Carnival

That is a very good point I brought to my brother, and he had a very good way of putting it. When the riots broke out, they weren't chanting 'Down with the empire' or 'Down with the temple', they were chanting 'down with the nobility', as if we have some large political sway in the city.

The imperials and the temple don't care much for that problem when people of the city are starting to talk of leaving the empire again. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they would let it continue and instigate it to draw attention away from themselves.

As some of the nobility we do not want to become some scape goats the empire can lead out to the chopping block, and so we believe someone must step in. Why specifically us? The only real reason is it needs to be done and no one else is willing."

To the Bogsmen

We are willing, but what is the cost? We were more interested in knowing the future about who will be the next to sit on the throne, but if the price is right we would be willing to deal.

To the Brightmyre's

"Truthfully it is the willingness to work together and lookout for each other that matters the most, but I believe the Forum Riot could also be a threat to our standing. Currently the imperials have their hands full with the people trying to through off the empire, and the church is busy with the spirit displeasures. But that riot had nothing to do with imperials or spirits, it was the poor rioting against the rich. And that is what worries us.

Normally the imperials could be worked with to help stop that problem, but with their other problems they will put it on the back burner. In fact, I would not be surprised they try to use us as scape goats at one point to get eyes away from the other problems plaguing the city. We need to nip that kind of violence in the bud, and the best way to do that is to move in and provide some form of administration to the Forum.

House Umbrina may have the men for the task, but without political support we will be seen more like invaders and probably worsen the problem than help. We are currently talking with the Imperial administration and the Floating Carnival, but having a more like minded allies would be beneficial.

2018-11-26, 01:12 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


Dammer's Freehold
“Haskar? He is dead, couldn't have survived what happened to him, Mov took a couple rounds against him herself, got a hell of a scar for it. His ship went down to a ram from The Hammrrhead, a fine piece of sailing by Admiral Pithus, sky rest his soul. Between the sharks and the storm, no one could have survived those waters, and the Imperials burned his little lair to the foundation.”
A look of concern crosses the Captains face.
“I'm aware that the battle wasn't exactly a public affair, but surely a maritime faction like the Freehold was at least somewhat aware of the Pirate King's fate?”

Eithne's Apothecary
“Last month of winter unless things in the city change dramatically. With opening being the second month of spring.”

To the Bogsmen
Greetings Alchemists,
It has come to my attention that your group has a keen ear for the goings on in our fair city, and that happens to be a skill I am quite keen on at the moment. I have an… interesting contact, I would be willing to trade for information regarding the Syndicate of Rats. My company is interested in securing their help or at least an end to their activities in the harbour and while progress is being made to that end, rumour has that there are several other groups interested as well. What is your take on the situation?
Group Captain Karnum

To the Informants
Greetings once more Brokers,
There is rumour that your organization has taken an interest in the group known as The Syndicate of Rats. Given said groups proximity to my company’s operations, I would ask after your intentions on the matter?
Mordred Hirgan

To House Umbrina
Greetings your Lordship,
Though it pains me to write on rumour alone it has passed my desk that you may be in contact with a group calling themselves The Syndicate of Rats? Given that groups proximity to my company’s operations, I would ask after your intentions on the matter?
Your Servant,
Mordred Hirgan


The Syndicate of Rats [Private docks: Security 8]
“Good, now comes the fun bit. Manus? Run to Trimast and fetch Karnum, tell him that the Cat's out of the bag.”
Manus nods and saunters out, evidently in no hurry.
“Now then, Miss Arora, how do you like boats? My fellow Group Captain has a ticket out of the city and space enough in the holds for any luggage not suited for ahh, local markets. Gets you and your partner out of the city for a month while we sort out the situation here in Rialta, let's you cash in your ill gotten gains. I won't lie and say that the sea air is lovely this time of year, but this’ll be the safest we can get you while things settle down and shift focus here at home.”

The Fademen
Greetings Salt Traders,
I would like to inquire after your various services and rates, both regarding mercenary work and the salt market.
Group Captain Mov

2018-11-26, 02:41 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.


I understand your reasoning. Please inform the Governor.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Governor Manius Lartia,


Eithne will contact you. She wishes to raise an Apothecary in the Colossus to the benefit of health. Costs are [5 gold]. The supplement to House Sempiterne Aranea not withstanding, this cost is currently unaffordable. Should it be your wish to help fund an apothecary in the Colossus, let me know. Otherwise I will wait until it does become affordable.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-26, 02:49 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

House Aranea (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. Would you be interested in a trade?

Dammer's Freehold (10)
"You mentioned a 'wave of sickness' affecting the Freehold. What exactly did you mean by that?"

House Umbrina (10)
Unfortunately, prophecy is not one of our talents.

We would accept a payment of 2 Cash or information [OOC: A starting lore entry] in exchange for the details on the heirs. You seem to know more of the recent riot than the public does, so the raw reports would be a suitable price, but you may know of other things that we'd have more interest in.

Thousand Sails (10)
Yes, the Syndicate has attracted a great deal of attention. What exactly do you want from us and what are you willing to offer in exchange?

Generally, we'll exchange information for information. Something we don't already know, of course. [OOC: i.e. Starting lore of some sort for now.]

The August House of Wisdom (10)

We're curious about the writings of a scholar named Eskander, based in a provincial temple. Anything and everything you have written by him.

In the future, we're likely to have other requests. There is no knowledge that is not power.

The Auspex (10)
We'll trade you information for information. Anything pertaining to the Ghostwise or underworld of our city would be in our interest. Otherwise, any of the following would also be useful:

Wards: especially protection circles, breaking thereof, ancient wards, reactivation of ancient wards, large-scale warding of areas

Writings: unusual or old writing, writing found on city ruins, ghostwise script, ghostwise language

Ruins: any new structures unearthed from the ghostwise era, exploration therefore, archaeology in general

The Earth, things deep underground, dreams, sleeping

The Sky, blood of the sky, lightning, images or mirages

The Deepest (10)
Specifically, have your excavations run across anything of the Ghostwise? Buried ruins, writings, relics...

Oh. And have your tunnels found their way into any more modern constructions? Maybe the depths of the Librarium? We heard some things.

The Foresters' Guild (10)
Anything relating to the Turtle Tribe in these politics? Or anything else that should concern us Rialtans?

Gray Harland (10)
"That knife you picked up. Happen to remember where it was? We'd guess the Exchange?"

Hornblende's Phalanx (10)
We are in no hurry. What would you ask for in exchange for a perimeter of your sentinels around the Boghole?

Nackerman (10)
Fine, let us be blunt. You murdered Arman and another merchant. The murder weapon has been found. Jalah Prospero knows you're the culprits. The Maiki and Thousand Sails are plotting to wipe you out for that, and other reasons.

We can help you survive. We will, if you pledge us your service. How much are your lives worth to you?

The River God (10)
"Are all these dark spirits from the Rialtans? Or are some from before?"

Hatter pauses for a moment, mulling on a thought.

"Were you here before the meteor? Did you live with the Ghostwise?"

Syndicate of Rats (10)
Do you have need of a fence for the goods, or has that already been dealt with?

2018-11-26, 09:45 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Eithne's Apothecary
Director Wailing leans forward across his desk.

"Mass production," he said succinctly, "of the sort that we have mastered in our manufactories. No one but you will know your recipes, because each worker we hire will know only a small part of the whole. Cures for common ailments can be produced, packaged, and sold in this way without the secret of their creation getting out." His eyes gleamed. "Some might say we are profiting tremendously from the misery of others, but in this way we have taken the Iossau swamp fevers that used to carry off hundreds in a day when they swept through the villages, and reduced them to a nightmare from a bygone age."

Dammer's Freehold
"Mm." Director Wailing's fingers drum against his side, checking and rechecking the weight of the pouches at his belt. "Can't say that I have, at that. From the name, I'd assume some sort of pirate?" His smile is pale and transparent, pasted across his face like an unconvincing mask. "We know how to deal with pirates."

2018-11-26, 10:41 PM
The Malki Clan
Security: 6

The old man snorts, "The Nackermen. Jumped up merchants is what they are and it's all anyone wants to talk about. As if we can't take of ourselves like we have for generations."

"Sure we'll take a helping hand, but what do you think they're going to do that's so threatening."

Mr. Hirgan,

People keep asking about the Nackermen. We have to ask do you know something that we don't?"

You write of exorbitant fees and then mention such sums as [5 cash]. I think you dearly overestimate the wealth of our poor clan. Our own remedies work well enough that we are hesitant to commit such wealth to your venture. Perhaps instead [1 cash] for [5 turns].

Elder Mateo

2018-11-27, 04:08 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

"Understood. I will be sure to make myself available at that time."

Eithne said, brushing herself off.

"So if I'm not mistaken, our business is concluded for the day. I will be counting on the [10 Cash] that will go towards the construction of the Harbour [Valetudinarium]. Or is there anything else we have yet to discuss, Mr. Hirgan?"

Approximately what Turn would the announcement for the school be?

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

I will do that. Thank you for hearing me out.


Dear Governor Lartia,

I write to you today regarding a certain proposal I had recently raised to the Legio XII Pegasus. To ensure that the brave men of the Legio are free from disease and maintain their fighting-fit condition, I had suggested that an [Apothecary] be established in their home base of the Colossus, such that the Legio will have quick and easy access to my remedies.

Legatus Harenacus had rejected my proposal on the grounds that the Legio did not have the funding for it, as I would require [5 Cash] to make it happen. However, he also mentioned that I should keep the Administration informed of this proposal. As such, this letter has been addressed to you for that purpose, and I would also like to take this opportunity to enquire if you, in your capacity as the Governor of Rialta, would be interested in putting up the funds necessary to keep the city's own protectors in the robust health they need to carry out their duties to the best of their ability.


"And the profit motive aside, you would seek to repeat a similar feat here in Rialta with my assistance. That is something I can certainly get behind."

Eithne nodded, digesting the Director's spiel in depth. She took several seconds to consider the matter.

"This would also ensure that any Apothecaries I establish in the city would never be short of supplies, and every worker hired by your House of Commerce would be in effect another apprentice of mine; thus greatly spreading my lifesaving knowledge within Rialta while letting me retain control of the full extent of said knowledge," she nodded. "Consider me convinced, Director. What would I need to contribute to this joint endeavour?"

Dear Elder Mateo,

I am truly sorry about the admittedly high sum that I quoted, but trust me when I say that this is not something I do by choice. [5 Cash] is the minimum sum I need to get the process of establishing an [Apothecary] started, and I am not able to do anything at all with any sum less than that.

If funding is an issue for your Clan, I am happy to say that Lord Decimus Flavius Marinus is planning to organize a fundraiser on my behalf, for the benefit of the less fortunate in Rialta. Perhaps, you might make a case to Lord Marinus or any of the potential donors that your Clan should be one of the chosen beneficiaries?



"You will do that for me? Oh, thank you so much, Marinus!"

Eithne exclaimed, taking the noble's hands in her own in gratitude.

"Please, if there is anything I can do to assist you in this regard, you have but to mention it!"

I'm mostly wondering if this is something I can/should spend Politics on.

2018-11-27, 12:30 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Epiphanius (10)
In your visions, have you seen something similar to the following transcript?

"I had a dream, of a city. A city all of gold, with towers high up, into the clouds. Like the Capital, in the stories. And there were firey spirits, flying around the towers, and a million soldiers marching... And then I dreamed of ice. So much ice, covering the land everywhere... it was so cold."

-"This... tower? No, it was different. There was farmland all around, and merchant carts, bringing a thousand goods. The dreams are beautiful. We see a hundred thousands lands and peoples... they are all right there, for us to see. Only steps away."

2018-11-27, 02:18 PM
The Informants
Security 10

Do you not know what feeds it or do you equate what feeds it to destruction? We know what feeds it if you are interested. It will get out, it is impossible to stop now really unless things that will happen don't. Just make sure your tower does not attract it.

Also, here is the info on the blood of the sky. It was initially caused by the large amounts of anger after the night of blood. Everyones anger slowly builds up each month into a massive cloud. Once a month all this rage refines itself further into a single crimson bolt of lightning that hits someone causing them to suffer extreme rage. We have not seen who it targets or the reason it builds up like that. It is believed the majority of the rage comes from lower class individuals against upper class individuals.

The exact arrangement doesn't matter, they are protected by the Informants but not a member. Just continue negotiating with them as you have done so previously. Just be aware, trying to attack them is an attack on the Informants.

2018-11-27, 07:23 PM
The Imperial Administration
Security: 5
To Thousand Sails Trade Company
Mordred Hirgan

Well, shortly said, it seems that someone does not like merchants trading with the Empire. The someone being the Sicarians. They have claimed the life of four merchants, but who knows how many lives will end under their knives.

His Lordship,
Manius Lartia
To Dammer's Freehold
“You may well start the conversation, as you wish” Manius simply said.
To Legio XII Pegasus
Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus,

I will help found this for you, as a sign of the combined service to the empire and as a sign of a growing friendship in this uncertain times.

His Lordship,
Manius Lartia
To House Umbrina
I would definitely like some help in improving the security of this city, in this troubling time. I will ensure that my people aid you in your task.
(OOC: I could spend [4 POL] to help you out)
Marnus Wailing

We are currently looking through the extensive legal works about the succession rules for the empire. Until our investigation is over, I will stay neutral on the matter.

His Lordship,
Manius Lartia
To Eithne's Apothecary
Dear Eithne

I would most certainly be willing to help the legion to stay in fighting shape through those trying times we will most certainly go through.
I will make sure that the money is made available, so you can establish your apothecary.

His Lordship,
Manius Lartia

2018-11-27, 09:09 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Perhaps. What did you have in mind?

-Vindicus Lyle, Secretary to Director Wailing

Eithne's Apothecary
Director Wailing beamed, an expression that didn't look completely natural on his face. "Only your expertise, madam," he said.

The Imperial Administration
Completely understandable, sir. Please do let us know if you come to any firm legal conclusion.

Director Wailing

2018-11-27, 09:42 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Security: 4


"oh we heard, but..." she frowned for a moment, putting a hand to her chin in progress "Care to trade tongues? I'm sure you know something I care about as well"

((OOC: lore trade?))

"well, gods don't exactly care for the freehold, and albeit I stablish some of the fines wards in Rialta some spirits have slipped in and caused mayhem, spreading some diseases being a particularly troublesome part of it. You are the info people, figured out where to take my men already?"

((OOC: just fluff to get in on the apothecary business, no lore over here, pinky swear :smallsmile:))

Dammer smiled at the old man's response "Nothing at all, just really felt like beating them up and figured I may as well earn some good will while I'm there. If ever there is a real threat do call up, I feel we can get along" with that he excuses himself to go to the party, the noise of some triggerhappy fireworks showing him the way.

"Correct, in both accounts I hope" she allowed herself a smirk before standing up "if you'll excuse me, I promise to send a herald a week before if I come again" she stood and made a corteous reverence, eaving if allowed.

Dammer was tried to match the seriousness of the governor at the beginning but quickly took on a smile quite improper for someone discussing city wide threats. "Very well, I of course speak from my perspective as a civilian so you'll have to forgive my inability to name 5 generations of my ancestors without weeping... That made clear, The freehold with me as their leader are of course trying to solve some of the local problems, with a slight allowance of self-preservation meaning we are attempting to solve the problems that affect us first unlike your steemed person. Still we wanted to make sure you were aware of some of this and if you could contribute in anyway to our ongoing effort, perhaps by lending your credibility to some of our projects "this" being: dissapearence of novice mages, the heretics and dissidents across the city, and the rise of the local spirits. And our local project a work of charity as would be expected." Dammer awaited an answer patiently for about ten seconds before adding:
"I encourage you to share any more problems in detail, I'll do what I can."


((I'm responding to this:
The Rialtan Mercantile Union [4]
The woman laughs loudly.
"A shakedown? Really? We are barely a union and you come to me demanding money, a week after we get into business? Ease our bookkeeping, you call it? Isn't the usual threat to say that you'll "prevent accidents" and to remark upon how easily our warehouses might catch fire? I didn't take you people for thugs quite that lowly."

the insult is calling them thugs and lowly their actions, the message itself is adding that besides not kicking them they'll provide protection, so they'll do well to pay up. Btw: I think you forgot to reply with the river god))

"I don't think so my child... anything you want to share before I leave?"

"Oh, if you are organizing it I wouldn't miss it" The admiral said with a polite smile.

Daghir looks confused safe in the knowledge that nobody could see the weakness of ignorance, she really had no idea about the scriptures. "Impressive, but does... love ever stop calling you deeper?"

2018-11-28, 04:46 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

Dear Governor Lartia,

Thank you very much for your generosity! I will inform the Legio XII about this, and make the necessary preparations to get an Apothecary established in the Colossus immediately.


Dear Legatus Harenacus,

I have been in touch with Governor Lartia, and he has generously agreed to cover the cost of an [Apothecary] in Colossus for the Legio XII's benefit. At this point, the only thing I need is your blessing to commence with the work of establishing one such facility in your home district.


Eithne reciprocated the Director's grin with a smile of her own, although the slight twist at the corner of her lips and subtle fidgeting betrayed the subtle sense of unease she was feeling.

"My expertise? I can do that, certainly. Would [5 Research]'s worth be sufficient for this venture?"

2018-11-28, 09:27 AM
House Umbrina

Syndicate of Rats [5]
"We'll keep it in mind, thank you. If things really do go bad, we'll be glad to have a few friends."

The Floating Carneval [6]
"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. Yes, the Nobility present themselves as a target for the mob, because the mob does not dare attack the legion. But don't underestimate the Legion or the Guard. They will be eager to keep the peace, I don't think they are that cynical towards their mission."

Thousand Sails Trade Company
Syndicate of Rats [5]
There is a lot of surprise in the voice, and eyebrows shooting up.
"We... yes! I mean, if we could have, we would have tried getting out of the city a while ago. We had resigned ourselves to hiding out in a cellar for three months until spring. "

The Fademen [7]
"Dear Captain Mov,

For salt, we have bulk contracts with a few smaller shipping companies already, but given that this is winter, our warehouses are already getting full. And we would of course be eager to make a contract with Rialta's foremost fleet. We have heard of your winter keels, I assume that this is in relation to a shipment to be made mid-winter? There could be considerable profit in that, and we would be willing to talk about reduced up-front payments in exchange for a share of possible revenue.

As for our military operations, this depends on the scale of the operation we are talking about, and the risk, of course. I have attached a list. Be aware that Iossau is also inquiring about the same services, and in case of competing offers, we will have to consider the risk involved and additional payments.

Sincerely yours,
Ashti Brokenheart

For purely defensive purpose:
2 security [2 cash]/turn
4 security [3 cash]/turn

Offensive operations:
3 [cash] per 2 military for one turn. To a maximum of 8.

2018-11-28, 10:12 AM
The Bogsmen
The August House of Wisdom [9]
"Eskander. A scholar, but not a wise man. A firebrand, who thinks that by tearing down existing schools of thought, he has created his own. There is not much that we have here. We focus on classics, and important works, in such provincial houses. But we can give you access to what we have, and we will inquire about more when the shipping lanes are clear again come spring.

Now, what would you exchange for this?"

OOC note: I will need a bit of time to write this, but I'll put something in your EOT response.

The Auspex [3]
"Neither of those topics are really our specialty. WE have made a study of ghostwise artefacts, but most of those have been shipped to the capital, to be used in some project or another. Of the enchantments on the city itself, not much is left. As for what the Ghostwise were, and how they became it, we not not much more than everyone else. They were stupendously magically powerful, they projected avatars of themselves across the continent and they were, as far as we can tell, thoroughly insane and dangerous. But then, you know that much already.

As for your other topics, well.
We study the Sky Magic, most of us. If we have to break wards and circles, we call upon the Divine Voice. Focused, pure, overwhelming power and authority. There are of course more efficient and less destructive ways to get around wards, but then, the House of Wisdom is a better source on those. And since our magic is from the Sky, we rarely engage in ventures underground.

Now, as far the Blood of the Sky goes, that is quite clear. Baradur Khan, the first Emperor, made many pacts with the Sky. His blood is the Blood of the Sky, the divine power passed down in line to all his descendants. It manifests differently in different heirs, but they all share it. And they could not take Imperium without it.

The Deepest [5]
"No. We dig down, not along."

The Forester's Guild [6]
"The Turtle Tribe is a coastal one. You probably won't find them too near the city, and we don't have much dealings with them. If any tribes should be of concern at the moment, it's the Tigers. They are the most militaristic among the inland tribes and from what we can observe, they seem to have enslaved several other tribes over the past year."

Grey Harland [3]
"Oh, out in the Lagoon certainly, yes. Might have been swept out from the Exchange, mhm, spot seems about right, aye?"

Hornblende's Phalanx [4]
"An entire district? That would be massive, if you want proper coverage. Maybe [5 cash] if you want some coverage. Double that if you want me to do it properly, but that would take a lot of time."

The Nackermen [4]
"Yes, suppose we did. To move up, one has to make room at the top, after all.

I don't like the term "pledge". Or "service". We can talk of alliance, maybe. But we are not as weak as all that, that we have to throw ourselves at the nearest big boy's feet when someone dangerous looks at us."$

The River God [3]
"Oh, I am old. Old as the River. Old as the world."
The River God sighs.
But in those days, the River did not flow through the city. I only saw it from afar, before fire rained down, shook the Earth, diverted my course. And even then, yes, I mostly alone for centuries. Some locals, to nurture me, but they stayed well away from the ruins. They knew why to fear them, they had met the masters. But then, your kind came, and you brought so many of your gods with you."

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
"We are currently taking care of that. I suppose you have heard what we are discussing with the Thousand Sails.

2018-11-28, 12:21 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
It may be prudent to send some soldiers to protect our investigation. That is not our expertise, so do you have any to spare?

House Aranea (10)
2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] in exchange for details on the heirs. Secrets of mystical phenomena or criminal elements in our city are preferred. We already know of the Deepest, so that is not something we'd be interested in.

House Brightmyre (10)
2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] in exchange for details on the heirs. We heard mention of strange jewelry and messages that sounded notable.

IHIHC (10)
2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] in exchange for details on the heirs. We heard mention of ritualistic killings that piqued our interest.

Imperial Administration (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. Would you be interested in a trade? 2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] as a price.

Legio XII Pegasus (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. Would you be interested in a trade? 2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] as a price.

Rialta Guard (10)
We know some things of the Imperial Heirs. Would you be interested in a trade? 2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] as a price.

Thousand Sails (10)
Unrelated to the Syndicate, what do you know of the Tiger Tribe of Beastmen?

And we know some things of Haskar. Admittedly from the Freehold, but if they don't tell you, we'd be willing to.

Do you care about the Imperial Heirs? We know some things of that as well.

2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] for any specific lore of the above.

August House of Wisdom (10)
We have information regarding the Imperial heirs. If that is an acceptable payment, we will exchange the info.

[OOC: You don't need to put too much work into it. A summary of his views that may be relevant is good enough. Following is sent upon acceptance and delivery of the above.]

There have been succession crises before and solutions were tried. Killing all sons of the Emperor but one had the unfortunate side-effect of sometimes leaving the throne empty, though in that case, a bastard with enough imperial blood could be found to take the throne. The succession laws were later amended: only the oldest son could be trained in weapons and warfare, while later sons, kept around as backup in case of accident or disease, were given to the temple to train.

Rostam the Brave, whose message arrived second, is the firstborn. Not especially educated, but a very direct, brave, honourable man with an excellent track record as general of the Legio I Fulminis. There is some indication that he may also be ruthless and very conservative even for an emperor, but for much of the legions and the administrations, those aren’t especially bad traits.

Eskandar, the younger son, grew up in a provincial temple with an extensive library. He has made his name as a scholar, and an unconventional, even unpopular one, very willing to debate philosophy and ethics with older, respected authorities that should be beyond his reproach. Without the divine blood, some say, he would have been thrown from the temple a long time ago. It remains to be seen where he thinks he can get an army to contest the throne.

The Auspex (10)
For the most part, what we already know.

We'll exchange the heir info for what you have already said and a full chart/weather report of this following month. [OOC: Whatever they offered to Thousand Sails that helps travel to the continent.]

[OOC: Upon acceptance and delivery of the above.]

There have been succession crises before and solutions were tried. Killing all sons of the Emperor but one had the unfortunate side-effect of sometimes leaving the throne empty, though in that case, a bastard with enough imperial blood could be found to take the throne. The succession laws were later amended: only the oldest son could be trained in weapons and warfare, while later sons, kept around as backup in case of accident or disease, were given to the temple to train.

Rostam the Brave, whose message arrived second, is the firstborn. Not especially educated, but a very direct, brave, honourable man with an excellent track record as general of the Legio I Fulminis. There is some indication that he may also be ruthless and very conservative even for an emperor, but for much of the legions and the administrations, those aren’t especially bad traits.

Eskandar, the younger son, grew up in a provincial temple with an extensive library. He has made his name as a scholar, and an unconventional, even unpopular one, very willing to debate philosophy and ethics with older, respected authorities that should be beyond his reproach. Without the divine blood, some say, he would have been thrown from the temple a long time ago. It remains to be seen where he thinks he can get an army to contest the throne.

Hornblende's Phalanx (10)
We are in no rush. Assuming we wanted full coverage, how long would it take you to build them? And would you be willing to be paid in installments?

Nackerman (10)
That is acceptable. Assuming you survive, we aim to assist you in expanding your enterprises. Tell us, are you solely interested in the Pearl trade? Or have you considered diversifying?

The River God (10)
"What are you most worried about right now? There seems to be a lot of trouble under the surface, and your priorities likely align closely with Rialta as a whole."

The Syndicate of Rats (10)
You should know that we hear everything.

2018-11-28, 02:17 PM
House Umbrina

Security 8

To the Bogsmen

If you choose to drop the price to 1 Cash we will accept, but we do not have any knowledge we think would be useful to you at this time.

To the Thousand Sails Trade Company

What are our intentions? We are not talking about dating your daughter or anything like that, it is business. We are willing to open up about it, but we would want a token of faith that you care about Rialta and its future. Lets say, 2 Cash to go toward improving the situation in the Forum?

To the Floating Carneval

OOC: got the imperial response after I started this up, so my aguement has been chopped in half mid conversation.

Perhaps you are right. If you wish to aid us feel more then welcome.

2018-11-28, 02:53 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.

Governor Manius Lartia,

Thank you. Legio XII Pegasus is able to cover [2 Cash] of the costs, a further [3 Cash] is required.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Commence activities.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Send the offer to the Governor.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-28, 06:38 PM
The Imperial Administration
Security: 5
To The Bogsmen
Well, I would be willing to provide you with some information of my own, since I have already allocated the monthly budget. Would you prefer to hear about the Sicarian or about a tall regarding the imperial family?
To Dammer's Freehold
“Well, the rise of local spirits and disappearances of novice mages do sound most worrying, but those of dissidents and heretics? Well, I do not have anything to do with it, but when you mention it, I already got an idea of whom it might be, though I would not speak about them.

In these times though, assassinations are becoming the norm rather than the exception, even on both sides, when you remember the Sicarian.

If you want my aid for you to do charity, do tell me more about how it would help calm the city down.”

2018-11-28, 09:14 PM
Dammer's Freehold

security: 4


"well... if you are not deliberately getting yourself into danger I can provide [3 Sec], if you think you'll have to I can always send [2 Mil] but thats about it."

A sheepish smile that didn't seem to fit him followed when the governor suddenly distanced himself from the talk of heresy "I wouldn't imply as such, of course, and don't worry, walls have ears... albeit Jermalion isn't really one for sharing secrets.

is how the big conflicts start, some people just can't seem to understand that they shouldn't smoke near a powder keg... I'm sure the right card players can stop this before it begins, I know you are good, filling coffers and keeping peace, taking no risks with your duties, and I'm sure they love you for it, I... Well, I won this ship with the worst hand lady fate has ever dealed."

he fidgeted with the empty cup as he explained his charity "there is a merchant god, with most of his priests following suit, whenever he lends magic to his priest they can increase the power with a monetary offer paid within a week, how do they give it when far away? by giving it to the poor, who'll spend it happily, praising that benevolent god whose priest helped them and boosting the local economy... I seek to deal with the problems that keep the citizens at edge, stressed and thus prone to fury... helping me not only indirectly helps you, by aiding the city but it strengthens ties, and I don't need to remind you how important that is.

Not even asking for money. Just some of your orators, who can help me convince the poor orphans swimming amidst the cities filth to let me put a roof over their heads and let us focus on more pressing issues."

2018-11-28, 09:42 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Dammer's Freehold
"Always a pleasure, madam," says the Director, ushering the lady and her party through the perpetually-busy courtyard. "Next time I do hope I will be better able to receive you."

2018-11-28, 11:04 PM
House Brightmyre
Security: 10

I didn't mean to imply that you were in this for profit. However, any professional must choose the right tool for a given task. I'm not sure setting up a permanent shop on their doorstep will help convince the nobles here to seek treatment, especially at the expense of their pride.

When I talk about results, I mean that I'd like to see how well you could tackle this problem right now - not later in the season. If you could visit some of the afflicted - a house call - perhaps you could help identify what exactly is called for. If that ends up being an apothecary, so be it, but we know too little now to invest in such an establishment. We could assist your diagnosis by opening the right doors for you ([Politics]), since that may be an obstacle. And as said, if you help us with this, you would be well compensated.

The disease - or curse, depending on who you ask - has been befalling heirs of the nobility, specifically. Every month, around the full moon, it takes effect in one of the families. Two weeks later, a previously healthy young noble is dead. I'm unsure of the connection - the vector, you might say - but as of yet, my own family has been blessedly ignored by the curse. In truth, "disease" seems one of the less likely causes - magic, or poison, cannot be ruled out. I assume you would be capable of identifying those sorts of substances, if we could get you to one of the victims?

I'm interested in these details. House Brightmyre will be investigating the messages you "heard mention of" on our own, for now - though we may seek your services, if they are available, to learn more in the future.

No, I'd prefer a simple exchange - gold for information. Unfortunately it's become clear that other investments demand our immediate attention this month - I'd like to revisit this bargain next month. Unless you'd be willing to accept a piece of knowledge ([starting lore entry]) regarding one of my neighbors, one D. Flavius M. He is quite more than he appears.

I'll consider the pieces of knowledge that you are no doubt "hearing mention of" elsewhere, regarding the curse of the Palatial Hills, a free bonus.

"The events in the Forum are indeed troubling. Making peace for the people of the city is certainly a plan that none could argue with - House Brightmyre is willing to lend support. If your men intend to quell the violence and establish security for the good of the public, I can pull some strings to sanction it - maybe not by Imperial decree, but I know many of the merchants there and can secure their cooperation, if you wish.

"On another note, I've been contacted by the Bogsmen - they say they have information on the pretender emperors. That sort of knowledge would be a helpful beacon to guide Rialta through these days of confusion - if I can obtain it, I'll share what I learn. If you'd like to contribute to that exchange, I would appreciate the favor, but I intend to seek out that information either way."

2018-11-29, 12:01 AM
The Malki Clan
Security: 6

We can but try. Though the Imperials have never shown much concern for our clan, and we doubt they will start now. Your proposal is good and we can understand your material needs. We will set aside our savings to prepare for the day when we can afford your price.

The party is in full swing by the time Dammer arrives. Word of his offer of assistance has spread and he is greeted with cheers, well wishes, and full tankards of rum.

2018-11-29, 12:57 AM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
"We have no desire to get ourselves into danger, but whatever this thing is, it's taking people and erasing them. Now, maybe, this is some mindless enchantment that's just killing them, but that doesn't seem likely. These mages are getting put to use somewhere, for some purpose. The intention is just to discover information, but if we stumble onto some dead god, then we're going to need to protect ourselves."

House Brightmyre (10)
Were we to receive unexpected jewelry, we would inquire with Ardashir the Master Jeweller. He might be able to source it.

House Brightmyre, House Umbrina (10)
If both of you contribute what you have offered us, we will accept the deal.

Imperial Administration (10)
Details on the Sicarians. We will deliver the information as soon as we receive yours.

2 Cash or information from your own accounts [OOC: A starting lore entry] in exchange for details on the heirs. We heard mention of ritualistic killings that piqued our interest.

The Chaoticians (10)
How is an event planned? We have some ideas that may prove interesting.

2018-11-29, 07:11 AM
Eithne's Apothecary

D. Flavius M. [3]
"Well, we need to advertise it, of course. Telling the right sort of people can only help. And we have to make the event sound enticing. The social event of the season."

I was thinking of making this a big ingame event, with the player factions invited and NPCs showing up. Politics invested, by you, or others, including NPCs, would influence how much money there is to be had out of it.

The Bogsmen

Epiphanius [1]
"No. I see the future, and only vaguely. This sounds more vivid than anything I've seen. Perhaps it is the present, or the past?"

The Informants
August House of Wisdom [9]
"Interesting. You seem to have a lot of theories. May we hear them? This channel is quite secure. What exactly do you think it is, and why is it about to break?

As to what feeds it, we are reasonably sure it is fear. Fear and uncertainty. You'd see why that is on the rise."

2018-11-29, 07:19 AM
Dammer's Freehold
Rialtan Mercantile Union [4]
"Just because you claim to actually deliver does not make your threats any less of a threat. We do not respond to extortion. Leave our premises, you are not welcome.

The Dreamseekers [1]
"No... I... what were you asking about?"

The Deepest [5]
"Love as deep as the mountains, love to embrace us and keep us safe. Ever deeper, ever safer."

Messages from the Rialtan Mercantile Union to: [5]
The Legio XII Pegasus:
"Dear Sir. We find ourselves in more than a bit of a problem. People from Dammer's Freehold have visited our meeting and are in the bluntest terms trying to exhort protection money from us. We do not, of course, respond kindly to threats and told them to leave the premises. However, this leaves us in the situation where we fear that we need protection. Could the Legion help us out here? We would of course show our thanks in other, appropriate ways.

The Rialta Guard:
The Legio XII Pegasus:
"Dear Sir. We find ourselves in more than a bit of a problem. People from Dammer's Freehold have visited our meeting and are in the bluntest terms trying to exhort protection money from us. We do not, of course, respond kindly to threats and told them to leave the premises. However, this leaves us in the situation where we fear that we need protection. Could the Guard help us out here? We would of course show our thanks in other, appropriate ways.

2018-11-29, 09:30 AM
House Umbrina

Security 8

To the Boggsmen and House Brightmyre

The offer sounds good to us. We will provide 1 Cash.

To House Brightmyre

Of course any aid would be appreciated. We can provide some money for the imperial information. They had made a similar offer to us but we were unable to give them the full asking price.

2018-11-29, 11:18 AM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Epiphanius (10)
The past, almost certainly. The Ghostwise city before the comet.

You walk the Forum. Did you see the riot firsthand?

2018-11-29, 12:55 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


The Bogsmen
Primarily I seek your take on the matter, what the others are, who seems to have their favor. Other plots that may be moving around them. Your group has also been talking to these people, and the Syndicates chosen locale is rather relevant to us. I am led to understand you have a network large enough to even be keeping tabs on the most secure conversations.

Of course if you be willing to help with Thousand Sails acquisition, I can offer cash, I also have contact with a rather distant beastfolk tribe who have been willing to talk.

Further, with regards to the Tiger tribe I have not heard. The contact if can offer is with another Beastfolk group known as the Turtle tribe. They are far flung and ply the rivers of the Ghost Coast, seldom making landfall. I could convey a few messages for you, if you would tell me of the situation surrounding the Syndicate.

As to the heirs, I hope to find out myself at least some of the situation over the next month, as our ships will be returning with fresh news. Perhaps we can trade for information then.

Group Captain Karnum

OOC: My starting lore was jsut a little snippet about the turtles, plus the ability to contact them. I can deliver some messages if you would like.

Eithne's Apothacary
“So it seems. I imagine we will need to meet more next month when we begin planning the construction of the new Hospital. I look forward to speaking further doctor.”
Ooc: turn 3, maybe 4 depending on how the city is looking

The Informants
Your protection? I see. Do you then hold yourself accountable for their actions, and willing to pay reparations for their crimes?
Mordred Hirgan

Dammer's Freehold
“It seems necessary, given that we are talking past each other at this point. At the end of last winter a storm blew one of our ships off course, and she stumbled on an island that was marked on no map. Resting on that rock was a wretched squatting of pirates and their ilk, led by Haskar himself. Thanks to the storm keel they made away safely, and we alerted the Imperial Navy. Helped with the assault too, Captain Mov led our contingent, took an arrow to the chest for it. Miracle it missed anything vital, now she just jokes that her back up career is a wash. But together with the Imps we sank every pirate ship and put their shanty town to the torch, first month of spring.”

“From his charts we figured out a couple of secret wind lanes, which I'll not share here for obvious reasons, company secrets and all. Now what comes after the but in your words?”

Malki Clan
Nothing beyond what is publically available, though recently we learned that someone is attacking pearl merchants. As of yet we are unsure if there is a connection, but given their rather belligerent stance the Nackermen could be the culprit. We lack proof thus far.

Mordred Hirgan

The Governor
To Lord Liarta,
This is grim news indeed, I will inform my merchants immediately, and the Malki as well. Are the Nackermen under investigation for this crime? They are the only group i can think of who would stand to gain from this, unless Issou is truly desperate.

Mordred Hirgan

To House Umbrina
Your Lordship,
I certainly do not jest on the matter of criminals, as the Syndicate do appear to be. While I am certainly trying to ease the situation as best I can without dragging the guard or legion into the matter, I must prioritize the security of my company. This here I am, asking you what the Noble house of Umbrina wants with a group who named themselves the Syndicate of Rats.

With regards to the forum I am unaware of what you speak. What situation would require so much funding? I do care deeply for the people of Rialta, but Thousand Sails is being pulled in many directions away once financially, and I will need more information than what was provided.

Mordred Hirgan


The Syndicate of Rats
“Excellent, you'll be on the Espario, Captain Karnum will be leading the convoy, with half a dozen stops before you return to Rialta, eight if the weather lets you through Dominus Sound. When you return there will be a fancy new hospital up and running, and they can take a look at that scar if it please you.”
A young man comes in from the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes, Manus takes him to a corner, speaking quietly.
“The convoy leaves last day of the month, though you can move your luggage over as soon as you like. I'm off to catch some sleep, Caun’ll take you out of the private docks. Anything else you want to say here Miss Arora?”

To the Fademen
To The Fademen
The holds this month are filled with wood for warships, next month though, if reports come back of salt fetching good price in the Empire right now, then I’m sure we can do good business. It is good to know your prices, thank you. In particular the security is appealing to me. I will keep you informed on both accounts.

Group Captain Mov

2018-11-29, 01:26 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Thousand Sails (10)
Yes, we hear everything. We will admit, however, that there are prior arrangements that restrict our ability to fully inform you on the Syndicate.

The Syndicate sought a big score and then retirement.

House Umbrina has offered protection or small cash loans, no strings attached. Has made vague mentions of future partnership, but nothing specific.

The Informants have told you what they will tell you.

You may find it useful to know of the heirs prior to your expedition. Otherwise, you may end up taking a side without knowing it. After all, you are bringing war materials.

Regarding the Tigers, we had inquired to the Forester's Guild about the beastmen tribes. They provided a warning:

" ... If any tribes should be of concern at the moment, it's the Tigers. They are the most militaristic among the inland tribes and from what we can observe, they seem to have enslaved several other tribes over the past year."

We'd be curious about the Turtle's opinion on them.

The Bull of the Bog (10)

Do you know anything of the Turtle or Tiger tribes?

2018-11-30, 05:09 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

Dear Legatus Harenacus,

Yes, sir! Order received!


Dear Lord Brightmyre,

Having mulled over your description of the malady that has been plaguing your neighbours, I must say I find myself in agreement with your initial assessment - this resembles either a magical hex or the doings of assassins, more than it does a plague. Out of curiosity, may I ask if you have found any specialists in identifying and dispelling curses, should this turn out to be the case?

Nevertheless, I am confident that I can identify and come up with a curative if it turns out to be a disease... and if it's poison, I'm sure I can identify and concoct an antidote for such as well. So yes, I would be happy to assist in the diagnosis and identification of the cause, to the tune of [5 Research]. If that is satisfactory for your purposes, please make the arrangements necessary for me and mine to carry out the work accordingly.


Dear Elder Mateo,

I am glad to hear of it. Please keep me apprised of any good news that your Clan may come to enjoy in the near future.


"Likewise. Thank you for meeting with me today, Mister Hirgan."


"In that case, my people and I will do everything we can to help out in that regard."

Eithne gushed, taking Marinus' hands in hers.

"Once again, thank you so much for doing this for my sake, Lord Marinus."

2018-11-30, 01:16 PM
House Umbrina

Security 8

To thousand Sails Trading company

Well, since you appealed to my ego I'll tell you, we currently want nothing. It's a bit hard to explain, but they are a very capable group and we see the situation in the city getting worse, not better with the succession crisis. In the past our house has gotten through tough times with the help of capable people such as the syndicate. We were giving them the knowledge that if they need something they can come to us for help.

If I may, how are you easing the situation?

The forum lacks leadership and the people there are starting up riots. It wont be long before the true schemers and criminals will move into the area to take advantage of the vaccum, so we are working to nip it in the bud. We have the govners aid at the moment, which should be enough.

2018-11-30, 03:15 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.

Rialta Guard,

The Rialtan Mercentile Union reported Dammer's Freehold is extorting them. Assist them in this matter.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Rialtan Mercantile Union,

The Rialtan Guard has been informed of your plight. Turn to them for assistance now. Report to me should the problem persist.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-11-30, 06:57 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Security: 4


"Not that I would imply otherwise" he sighs and walks around a bit as if he may stroll into an answer "most I can give you is the [2 mil], it does seem I give my word out a bit too quickly... but Ughul will be inspecting the mind control, so I suspect we are likely to get answers one way or another... you know what, I'll come with myself, just in case..."

A letter written in the clear caligraphy of a man who has spent his entire life writing and decent paper arrives bearing no marks but a tell of the sender "from the freehold"

Esteemed Legatus legionus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus.
Bless the sky!

it alarms me that a recent conversation with Miss Kilva nomina, has caused her to slander against my name and that of my fleet. She was offended when I tried to offer her and her organization the varied services of the freehold and while I had hoped to ease tensions I'm currently not allowed in the union and it seemed like explaining my case to you law-folk would be a rigthful and needed step towards that goal, so here is the whole of the relevant meeting starting with her greeting as I entered:

Smiles, around the table.
"No, no. Those are the ammenities, not the purpose. This is just... a place to talk. How do we explain this... some of us got together and we decided that we saw each other as competitors for too long. Instead of working at cross-purposes, each for his own, we could run everything much better if we just sat together and talked things over. In this room is the heart of the city's economy. The people in here, and their friends and relatives, own a good part of the city's small shops, factories, workshops. And yet, since we all work on our own, we barely have a voice in city politics. Not that we plan any kind of takeover, of course, but just... talking could go a long way. Agreeing on what we want, what is best for Rialta."

"of course my lady, wouldn't bother you for anything else... If all this paperwork is any clue I believe you are quite aware of the expenses of your members, I work closely with many of your businesses, as a magician I foresee accidents for their shops and prevent them, as a soldier I safeguard them from the criminals that seem to plague this town, as a man of law I help them avoid the brunt of the tariffs that imperium places upon honest traders. Now that you have pooled your resources, a move which I heartily approve of, I'll like to help ease your bookeping by just charging upon the whole instead of the parts for my services. [2 cash/month] sounds good"

The woman laughs loudly.
"A shakedown? Really? We are barely a union and you come to me demanding money, a week after we get into business? Ease our bookkeeping, you call it? Isn't the usual threat to say that you'll "prevent accidents" and to remark upon how easily our warehouses might catch fire? I didn't take you people for thugs quite that lowly."

Dammer shakes off the insult with practiced ease "You either under- or over- but you clearly estimate us wrong... I do actually protect those under me, unlike some others. And right now you are not, and quite haughtyly it seems. Things are taking a turn for the worst, every day at all times, and while you may think there is a bright future my life has seen so may turns to worst its trail forms a circle; you can either have me as a baluarte taking the eavy hits for you or suffer it alone."

"Just because you claim to actually deliver does not make your threats any less of a threat. We do not respond to extortion. Leave our premises, you are not welcome."

"the line between threat and proposal isn't too thin, I expected you to know the side I stood on" still, he left with Daghir in tow.

Now I must apologize for my ignorance, as the lady made a few remarks that I didn't quite understand and in my effort to appear confident and all-knowing I ignored, chalking up her weird behaviour to some sort of grudge against mercenaries or businemen outside her union.

My scribe Ughul, who writes this as I dictate, as I couldn't possibly write with such exquisite finery and may make a lot of mistakes in the process of trying was apalled when I retelled the events of the evening and accurately predicted Miss Kiva Nomina's reaction. I'll like to excuse my lack of knowledge of words with my humble upbringing and lack of schooling, but in her short time with me, my mother did school some manners into me, my failure is my own only and I shall double my tutelage to prevent any further misunderstandings.

With respect

A letter written in the clear caligraphy of a man who has spent his entire life writing and decent paper arrives bearing no marks but a tell of the sender "from the freehold"

Esteemed, Albini, protector of law.

it alarms me that a recent conversation with Miss Kilva nomina, has caused her to slander against my name and that of my fleet. She was offended when I tried to offer her and her organization the varied services of the freehold and while I had hoped to ease tensions I'm currently not allowed in the union and it seemed like explaining my case to you law-folk would be a rigthful and needed step towards that goal, so here is the whole of the relevant meeting starting with her greeting as I entered:

Smiles, around the table.
"No, no. Those are the ammenities, not the purpose. This is just... a place to talk. How do we explain this... some of us got together and we decided that we saw each other as competitors for too long. Instead of working at cross-purposes, each for his own, we could run everything much better if we just sat together and talked things over. In this room is the heart of the city's economy. The people in here, and their friends and relatives, own a good part of the city's small shops, factories, workshops. And yet, since we all work on our own, we barely have a voice in city politics. Not that we plan any kind of takeover, of course, but just... talking could go a long way. Agreeing on what we want, what is best for Rialta."

"of course my lady, wouldn't bother you for anything else... If all this paperwork is any clue I believe you are quite aware of the expenses of your members, I work closely with many of your businesses, as a magician I foresee accidents for their shops and prevent them, as a soldier I safeguard them from the criminals that seem to plague this town, as a man of law I help them avoid the brunt of the tariffs that imperium places upon honest traders. Now that you have pooled your resources, a move which I heartily approve of, I'll like to help ease your bookeping by just charging upon the whole instead of the parts for my services. [2 cash/month] sounds good"

The woman laughs loudly.
"A shakedown? Really? We are barely a union and you come to me demanding money, a week after we get into business? Ease our bookkeeping, you call it? Isn't the usual threat to say that you'll "prevent accidents" and to remark upon how easily our warehouses might catch fire? I didn't take you people for thugs quite that lowly."

Dammer shakes off the insult with practiced ease "You either under- or over- but you clearly estimate us wrong... I do actually protect those under me, unlike some others. And right now you are not, and quite haughtyly it seems. Things are taking a turn for the worst, every day at all times, and while you may think there is a bright future my life has seen so may turns to worst its trail forms a circle; you can either have me as a baluarte taking the eavy hits for you or suffer it alone."

"Just because you claim to actually deliver does not make your threats any less of a threat. We do not respond to extortion. Leave our premises, you are not welcome."

"the line between threat and proposal isn't too thin, I expected you to know the side I stood on" still, he left with Daghir in tow.

Now I must apologize for my ignorance, as the lady made a few remarks that I didn't quite understand and in my effort to appear confident and all-knowing I ignored, chalking up her weird behaviour to some sort of grudge against mercenaries or businemen outside her union.

My scribe Ughul, who writes this as I dictate, as I couldn't possibly write with such exquisite finery and may make a lot of mistakes in the process of trying was apalled when I retelled the events of the evening and accurately predicted Miss Kiva Nomina's reaction. I'll like to excuse my lack of knowledge of words with my humble upbringing and lack of schooling, but in her short time with me, my mother did school some manners into me, my failure is my own only and I shall double my tutelage to prevent any further misunderstandings.

With respect

Daghir nods with respect "Impressive, I'm ashamed we couldn't throw our lot into that fight... Anyway, my master has many mages and peculiar folk in his service, and a keen eye for liars... When the king sailed in his damned misty ships he had someone who sensed it, the stench it carried from miles upon miles away. After he proved his informant was right I urged Dammer to set up an ambush and earn himself the titles the man had, he refused, and used this ability to avoid the pirate king until the navy destroyed him. And now the stench is felt again by his advisor, weaker but still there..."

She placed a finger in her chin, seemingly thinking before she smiled "...now, I obviously can't share where there is, company secrets and all but I'll ask Dammer, your people will be the first one to know if I get clearance."


"the line between threat and proposal isn't too thin, I expected you to know the side I stood on" still, he left with Daghir in tow.

"nothing, sweet dreams" he lifted the help and left, more than a bit strained by the fruitless effort.

"and so you are..." she stayed sitting for a half hour more, just listening before standing up "I'll like to leave if I can light my way already, love is a great thing it just isn't mine."

2018-11-30, 09:21 PM
Security 10

As secure as possible I guess. Two other factions can read these messages.

We are pretty sure it is going to break for many reasons. The rise of what feeds it is part of the problem. The ward is leaking. It is acting outside of the ward now. Chemosh can feel it now a district away, its tendrils worming its way into people's minds. They don't even realize what is happening.

We believe it to be a relic of the past. A spirit that used to be a power house that lost much when the fey fell. It is unclear why they are keeping it around.

We will hold for now but if more gets out we may have to deal with it. Would you be willing to assist? If you directly aid with its escape that might help stop its wrath.

2018-11-30, 09:24 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


The Bogsmen
I'll send the question along, I was hoping to ask the living for advice but they have given us nothing but silence. The message may not return promptly, the distance is considerable, especially in winter.

Do you have a strong opinion on whom the Syndicate favors among its apparently many suitors?
Group Captain Karnum

To House Umbrina
Your Lordship,
We are endeavoring to offer them opportunity that does not involve thievery, in hopes that the harbor can then be safer for both of us, so far things seem to be going well.

With regards to the Forum I am glad top gear that things in the city are being well handled. My resources this month have already been committed, and I hope you can forgive our lack of presence in the situation. If the problem persists, feel free to contact my company next month and I'll see about arranging proper aid.

Mordred Hirgan

Dammer's Freehold
Redgrave smirks at the Freehold being called a company, but remains over all serious.
“Perhaps it is a coincidence, but given that Haskar was a ghost caller in addition to his many other crimes, it seems possible that something is amiss. If you learn more of the situation, please keep us informed. We will do the same for the Freehold. Now what is in those boxes, I think you've dodged the question long enough.”


To the Turtle Tribe
A river skiff staffed by a few marines and frontiersman sets out along the southern rivers, seeking the floating villages of the Turtle Tribe. They carry trade goods, cooking coal, iron pots, metal tools, Rialtan crossbows, things difficult for a river community to acquire.

They land as little as possible, hoping to avoid other beastfolk.

2018-11-30, 10:20 PM
The Imperial Administration
Security: 5
To The Bogsmen
Well, the truth is that we have been only recording those attacks of the Sicarian, who were too public to be overlooked. The extent of the Sicarian operation is one attack a month, not a half year. So far we have had four dozen dead officials, all in all. They have at least a dozen assassins. We have killed five of them, so far, but new ones are always coming.

Their targets seems to fit two profiles. Most of them are part of my administration, clerks, judges, tax-gatherers of the middle levels and so on. After looking into those killed, it has been showed that several of them were either corrupt and had perpetrated some kind of cruelty against the populace, or they had been some of the very oldest members of the service around, in Rialta since the conquest and the Night of Blood.

The second type of targets are Rialtans, more specific merchants, who had profited from trade with the empire. Those assassins had been much quieter, more hidden. Only four of them, so far.
I assume this secret satisfy your thirst for knowledge?
To Thousand Sails Trade Company
To Mordred Hirgan

I do not yet know of the Sicarian Brotherhood’s contracts, but they seem like a dedicated and secretive sort, not the type to be payed to do others bidding. I am planning to look more into the brotherhood, but consider this a warning to keep up your guard, since even if the brotherhood mostly strike members of the Imperial Administration, then they might come after any Imperial trader.

His lordship,
Manius Lartia

To Dammer's Freehold
“Well, I could spare some of my people to help your case, say about [2 pol]. I will be looking forward to seeing the results of your actions.”

2018-11-30, 10:24 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Security: 4

"something definitely is, but I wouldn't put it pass the likes of that for it to be exactly what it seems like." She nodded at the assurance of mutual information before she stood with a vow, stopping with her own smirk as he cuestioned the content of her crates "it may very well be my mistake, making you fail the swing by pairing my answer with a question about your... hobby. They are rocknuts, useful as a spice. And this meeting was my pleasure." She offered her hand and then left, her men trailing in a line behind as she passed them.

"Thank you very much my lord, I'll strive to not disappoint." unless The governor adding anything of note the evening was spent with nothing but chitchat and tea, until such a time when he wished to leave.

2018-11-30, 10:51 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Those ritualistic deaths are not something that we have solid knowledge of. We have not seen the bodies. But we have seen the signs, and we know that it is coming.

We can share what we know of it, I suppose. But I am obliged to warn you, the knowledge will not sit easy in your head. You cannot un-ring the bell.

2018-12-01, 12:25 AM
House Brightmyre

I am grateful for your time and energy, Miss Eithne. I'll start calling in favors to ensure your work is unimpeded.

I'm not sure who would be best to turn to if it does turn out to be a hex of some kind. Magic has never been a forte of our House. If you find their bodies to be in good health, then we can turn to arcane experts, if whatever ails them is beyond the power of your alchemy. But with the more mundane possibilities still yet to be ruled out, and a physician as talented as yourself, that may not be necessary.

And we will provide the information discussed. Cassian, you may also be interested in knowing that there is more to one of my neighbors than meets the eye:

The Layabout
D. Flavius M. is the black sheep of the palatial hills. There doesn’t seem to be a single vice he hasn’t at least attempted, and few he hasn’t overindulged in. And his behaviour has scared off anyone with even an ounce of taste, leaving only the most discussing kind of lickspittle and moneygrabber.

Yet, there is something more about the man. For one thing, he is quite intelligent. That much is obvious from his fine wit, when he slips in his slobby persona and can not help himself, but make a barbed comment. And for one who seems to spend his days sleeping until noon and lounging about, consuming copious amounts of alcohol, food and hasheesh, he is quite well-built and muscular.

I'll make no comment on this rumor myself - I do try to avoid trading in gossip, despite present circumstances. But perhaps this lead will serve as the answer to a yet unknown question.

If that will suffice, I am quite curious to hear more about our prospective new emperors.

2018-12-01, 03:40 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

Dammer's Freehold (10)
"Thank you. Good hunting to us all."

House Brightmyre, House Umbrina (10)
[OOC: Technically delivered once I get the 1Cash, but for the sake of y'all getting to act on this for EoT.

There have been succession crises before and solutions were tried. Killing all sons of the Emperor but one had the unfortunate side-effect of sometimes leaving the throne empty, though in that case, a bastard with enough imperial blood could be found to take the throne. The succession laws were later amended: only the oldest son could be trained in weapons and warfare, while later sons, kept around as backup in case of accident or disease, were given to the temple to train.

Rostam the Brave, whose message arrived second, is the firstborn. Not especially educated, but a very direct, brave, honourable man with an excellent track record as general of the Legio I Fulminis. There is some indication that he may also be ruthless and very conservative even for an emperor, but for much of the legions and the administrations, those aren’t especially bad traits.

Eskandar, the younger son, grew up in a provincial temple with an extensive library. He has made his name as a scholar, and an unconventional, even unpopular one, very willing to debate philosophy and ethics with older, respected authorities that should be beyond his reproach. Without the divine blood, some say, he would have been thrown from the temple a long time ago. It remains to be seen where he thinks he can get an army to contest the throne

Imperial Administration (10)
Indeed. Would you like us to send a copy to the Legion so it remains more secure?

There have been succession crises before and solutions were tried. Killing all sons of the Emperor but one had the unfortunate side-effect of sometimes leaving the throne empty, though in that case, a bastard with enough imperial blood could be found to take the throne. The succession laws were later amended: only the oldest son could be trained in weapons and warfare, while later sons, kept around as backup in case of accident or disease, were given to the temple to train.

Rostam the Brave, whose message arrived second, is the firstborn. Not especially educated, but a very direct, brave, honourable man with an excellent track record as general of the Legio I Fulminis. There is some indication that he may also be ruthless and very conservative even for an emperor, but for much of the legions and the administrations, those aren’t especially bad traits.

Eskandar, the younger son, grew up in a provincial temple with an extensive library. He has made his name as a scholar, and an unconventional, even unpopular one, very willing to debate philosophy and ethics with older, respected authorities that should be beyond his reproach. Without the divine blood, some say, he would have been thrown from the temple a long time ago. It remains to be seen where he thinks he can get an army to contest the throne

IHIHC (10)
That is enough. And our bell has already been rung.

[OOC: Delivered once you send the info.
There have been succession crises before and solutions were tried. Killing all sons of the Emperor but one had the unfortunate side-effect of sometimes leaving the throne empty, though in that case, a bastard with enough imperial blood could be found to take the throne. The succession laws were later amended: only the oldest son could be trained in weapons and warfare, while later sons, kept around as backup in case of accident or disease, were given to the temple to train.

Rostam the Brave, whose message arrived second, is the firstborn. Not especially educated, but a very direct, brave, honourable man with an excellent track record as general of the Legio I Fulminis. There is some indication that he may also be ruthless and very conservative even for an emperor, but for much of the legions and the administrations, those aren’t especially bad traits.

Eskandar, the younger son, grew up in a provincial temple with an extensive library. He has made his name as a scholar, and an unconventional, even unpopular one, very willing to debate philosophy and ethics with older, respected authorities that should be beyond his reproach. Without the divine blood, some say, he would have been thrown from the temple a long time ago. It remains to be seen where he thinks he can get an army to contest the throne

Thousand Sails (10)
We would evaluate them to be undecided and keeping their options open. Given you can offer them a way out of Rialta, possibly slightly preferring you?

2018-12-02, 02:32 PM
Legio XII Pegasus

Security 10.

Rialta Guard,

Find alongside this letter a letter from Dammer's Freehold. It contains an admission of avoiding tarrifs, as well as a suspicious explanation regarding their stated communication with the Rialtan Mercentile Union who reported Dammer's Freehold is extorting them. Investigate further and be on the watch for unlawful behaviour of Dammer's Freehold.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

A letter written in the clear caligraphy of a man who has spent his entire life writing and decent paper arrives bearing no marks but a tell of the sender "from the freehold"

Esteemed Legatus legionus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus.
Bless the sky!

it alarms me that a recent conversation with Miss Kilva nomina, has caused her to slander against my name and that of my fleet. She was offended when I tried to offer her and her organization the varied services of the freehold and while I had hoped to ease tensions I'm currently not allowed in the union and it seemed like explaining my case to you law-folk would be a rigthful and needed step towards that goal, so here is the whole of the relevant meeting starting with her greeting as I entered:

Smiles, around the table.
"No, no. Those are the ammenities, not the purpose. This is just... a place to talk. How do we explain this... some of us got together and we decided that we saw each other as competitors for too long. Instead of working at cross-purposes, each for his own, we could run everything much better if we just sat together and talked things over. In this room is the heart of the city's economy. The people in here, and their friends and relatives, own a good part of the city's small shops, factories, workshops. And yet, since we all work on our own, we barely have a voice in city politics. Not that we plan any kind of takeover, of course, but just... talking could go a long way. Agreeing on what we want, what is best for Rialta."

"of course my lady, wouldn't bother you for anything else... If all this paperwork is any clue I believe you are quite aware of the expenses of your members, I work closely with many of your businesses, as a magician I foresee accidents for their shops and prevent them, as a soldier I safeguard them from the criminals that seem to plague this town, as a man of law I help them avoid the brunt of the tariffs that imperium places upon honest traders. Now that you have pooled your resources, a move which I heartily approve of, I'll like to help ease your bookeping by just charging upon the whole instead of the parts for my services. [2 cash/month] sounds good"

The woman laughs loudly.
"A shakedown? Really? We are barely a union and you come to me demanding money, a week after we get into business? Ease our bookkeeping, you call it? Isn't the usual threat to say that you'll "prevent accidents" and to remark upon how easily our warehouses might catch fire? I didn't take you people for thugs quite that lowly."

Dammer shakes off the insult with practiced ease "You either under- or over- but you clearly estimate us wrong... I do actually protect those under me, unlike some others. And right now you are not, and quite haughtyly it seems. Things are taking a turn for the worst, every day at all times, and while you may think there is a bright future my life has seen so may turns to worst its trail forms a circle; you can either have me as a baluarte taking the eavy hits for you or suffer it alone."

"Just because you claim to actually deliver does not make your threats any less of a threat. We do not respond to extortion. Leave our premises, you are not welcome."

"the line between threat and proposal isn't too thin, I expected you to know the side I stood on" still, he left with Daghir in tow.

Now I must apologize for my ignorance, as the lady made a few remarks that I didn't quite understand and in my effort to appear confident and all-knowing I ignored, chalking up her weird behaviour to some sort of grudge against mercenaries or businemen outside her union.

My scribe Ughul, who writes this as I dictate, as I couldn't possibly write with such exquisite finery and may make a lot of mistakes in the process of trying was apalled when I retelled the events of the evening and accurately predicted Miss Kiva Nomina's reaction. I'll like to excuse my lack of knowledge of words with my humble upbringing and lack of schooling, but in her short time with me, my mother did school some manners into me, my failure is my own only and I shall double my tutelage to prevent any further misunderstandings.

With respect
Governor Manius Lartia,

Be informed Dammer has admitted to me in letter that Dammer's Freehold has been offering services to avoid tarrifs. The Rialtan Mercentaile Union has also complained about an attempt of extortian. I have instructed the Rialtan Guard to investigate.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Refrain from further contact with the Rialtan Mercentaile Union. Do not extort others. Cease offering services to avoid tarrifs.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-12-02, 02:38 PM
The Informants
Security 10

Do you want to buy information on what Pegasus has said to the Governor or the Rialta Guard? Just 1 cash and we will give you logs of everything they have said to each other this month.

2018-12-02, 03:02 PM
Dammer's freehold

Security: 4

"mmm... tell you what, throw in a couple of people mentioning they are looking for mercenary work that I'm unaware of [above 6 sec] and we have a deal, I don't know whats wrong this season but Hornblende and Brokenheart are kicking my ass in that respect."

Steemed Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

That is exactly what I'm doing, on both the first and second order (As I pointed out I just recently learned the meaning of extort and I'm pretty sure I haven't done such a thing since I'm financially independent). As of the tariffs, there is no law against working within the law to your benefit I just happen to have some pretty excellent lawyers on my employ.

Good day to you.
- Dammer Estragoth.

2018-12-02, 04:44 PM
The Informants
Security 10
Dammer's Freehold

Deal, send the money and we will send it to you.

Let's start from the beginning,

To the Governor from Pegasus
The gave a report about unhappy spirits and generally increased tension to the Governor. Of note a riot broke out in the Forum. They asked how to keep the peace.

The Governor to Pegasus
They wish to deal with the Sicarians but otherwise have no advice.

Pegasus to Governor
They mention the Apothecary made them an offer and they wanted 5 gold to set up an apothecary in Colossus. They mention not being able to afford it and ask the Governor to help fund it. They play down the importance as they say they will just wait if it is not an option. They also mention a supplement to House Sempiterne Aranea but otherwise give no details to it in this letter.

The Governor To Pegasus
They offer to help fund it. They state it is a sign of friendship and service in these trying times.

Pegasus to Governor
They offer 2 of their own money and say 3 more is required. (no more messages about this come up but construction started so it was paid)

Pegasus to Rialta Guard
The mention the Merchant Union has reported that Dammer's Freehold is exorting them. They order the guard to assist the Union in this matter.

Pegasus to Rialta Guard
They attach the letter you sent to them with no alterations. They state it contains an admission of you avoiding tariffs and said the explanation was suspicious. The Rialta Guard's orders have been shifted to investigate you further and to keep a close eye on you for unlawful behavior.

Pegasus to Governor
They mention you have admitted that you are offering services to avoid Tariffs, that the Union has reported that you are extorting them and that the guard was instructed to investigate. They did not give a copy of the letter.

If anymore come up, we will inform you.

As for the mercenary mentions. House Sempiterne Aranea attempted to get the Fademen to work for free for their services. They of course declined. They also appear to have made quite a lot from donations. They are the only people who have attempted to order mercenary work that have not contacted you.

2018-12-07, 08:37 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

The Bogsmen
I think we really shouldn't write of such things here, actually. Who knows who else is reading this letter, after all?

No. How about instead we tell you who is behind the recent upsurge in pricing of weapons, armor, and other war material, and in exchange you keep a lookout for any ritually-tortured bodies turning up? We'd really like to know if something like that starts happening.

2018-12-08, 09:16 PM
The Bogsmen
Security: 10

We will keep our eyes out.

We presume "ritually-tortured" would be obvious?

2018-12-09, 09:50 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4


Here is something else you may wish to know, then.

Follow the Money
Commodity prices are surging, for a few select goods. Timber, tar, hemp, for ship building. Iron and bronze, leather, for weapons and armor. Foods for long-term storage. And yet, no one merchant is buying them in bulk. There are just dozens, and dozens of small-time shopkeepers, all buying what they can of these goods. They don’t obviously act together, but then, it seems most of those who do are members of that new Mercantile Union. The same Mercantile Union who have just purchased new warehouses, where a lot of them are renting space, and storing those goods.
Together, they are bulk-ordering war supplies.

2018-12-12, 11:39 AM

An Omen from the Auspex
This month’s omen is the Wolf, in the Hidden Aspect. This is the sign of lurking danger, an unseen threat just outside of the firelight. It signifies uneasiness, a wary fear of hidden enemies waiting to strike from unexpected directions.

The rains have intensified to storms. Five days every week, it beats down not in drops, but in sheets, so that one may not see the other side of the street. Every flat surface turns to a pond, and every incline to a stream. At least that will put the fires out.

Craterside Chaos
All the fear and uncertainty has finally found a place to unload itself. A terrifying wave of crime sweeps over Craterside.

Reports are confused, even when the dust and ashes have settled. Barbarian beastmen, some say. Screaming savages, armed with great axes, armed in tattered furs and bone armour, raping and pillaging through the streets . Raiders, others say, coming in from the sea to carry away anything valuable. Others insist they saw iron-masked Sicarians, murdering businessmen by the dozens in their house and drinking their blood. The revenants were seen to stalk the streets, clad in the unearthed armour of dead legion. Even an accounting of only the most credible reports says that three or four different groups have attacked the district over a span of three days, expertly avoiding the forces of both House Umbrina and the Rialta Guard, butchering civilians and merchants in the area, looting their possessions and torching several streets.
Panic spread, as armed raiders and barbarians slaughtered their way across the district. Frenzied mobs trampling dozens alive. Some say they saw fey creatures, lithe-bodied, long-limbed, dancing above the crowds, with fire in their eyes, laughing cruelly.
The mercantile Union of Rialta has gone silent.

A short note is posted in many public places, and read by the town criers:
“50 gold imperials for the name of those who did this. 100 for their head.”

((5 cash and 10 cash))

Order Prevails
At least in other places more reasonable forces prevail to enforce some order. The Rialta Guard distinguishes itself a hundred times every day, as they are in every place at once, breaking up fights, preventing crimes, putting out fires and calming people down with their presence. Most of the city is considerably quieter than it would be otherwise.
The situation in the forum, too, is calmed down. Several factions are working together to bring order to the entire area, and soldiers of House Umbrina take up patrol duties, while the Imperial Administration, the Temple of Vulpa and Houses Brightmyre and Malki do their best to calm the frayed nerves of the public with entertainment and free food.

Lightning Justice
The Legion marches out in full force to do battle on the enemies of the Empire. Lines of troops and airborne patrols converge in Flotsam, the lair of the Sicarians. The neighborhood is evacuated, and few see in detail what happens next Sounds of battle can be heard across the district, as lighting flashes down from the sky, officers scream orders and soldiers rush back and forth. Then, a black shape, perhaps a cloud of smoke, rises up into the sky and the very Earth rumbles, as if a heavy weight was settling, followed by the victorious cheer of the Legion.

Winter seas Braved
History’s first successful attempt to brave the oceans between the Ghostwise Coast and the Imperial Heartland has been made by the Thousand Sails and their new winterkeel ships. Just before the turning of the month, a tired-looking but cheerful crew on a ragged ship has sailed back into Rialta’s port, only hours before another major storm front. An unexpected deluge of exotic Northern goods has flooded Rialta’s markets from their holds.
The Thousand Sails have also drawn some attention to themselves by beginning to settling families of beastmen in the city as dock workers, creating fears in some segments of the population that they will be putting hardworking proper humans out of their jobs with their savage strength. However, Leras the Bull and the Thousand Sails leadership have done much to calm those fears and overall, the settlement, only a few dozen so far, has happened without major incident.

An Invitation
A scroll of finest parchment, scraped so fine as to be translucent, is delivered to all faction leaders. The letters are in excellent calligraphy:
“You are cordially invited on the first Sunday of Midwinter to attend the
At the house of
for the discussion and gathering of funds for the establishment of public healthcare in the city’s poorest districts, provided by

Entertainment, food and drinks will be amply provided
Formal clothing is preferred.”

A Dream for Dammer Estragoth [8]

In his dream, the Magister finds himself in a grey void, floating. It is icy cold, the light diffuse, distances impossible. A voice speaks.
“You have been wronged. Your troops have been taken. Would you have vengeance?”

2018-12-12, 02:57 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6

Excerpts from the minutes of Council Budget meeting for second month od winter, year 61 of the Thousand Sails Shipping Company.

… Mr. Leras did not have anything to say on the matter, though Captain Karnum's second, Mrs. Quipo added that no results had come from the archives as of yet, though the search would continue.

Mr. Hirgan then brought the meeting to further voyages. Stating that company resources were largely committed for the second month of winter. Recommend an outreach to others looking to trade with the homeland.

Captain Mov puts forward that Issou may be worth contacting, rivals perhaps, but hardly enemies. And they have a talent for predicting the best markets.

Redgrave puts forward a jest that perhaps the Legion would seek transport given what was learned of the Imperial situation, but several board members are struck silent by the idea.

Hirgan puts forward that both the noble houses, and the Fademen could have interest as well, and all should be contacted for negotiation.

The matter is put aside until offers can be made, and conversation moves on to the Barbarian Attacks in Craterside.

The table is silent for a moment.

Mr. Hirgan will begin, saying that the company's first goal should be to find out what happened to the Mercantile Union and protect their families. Then he brings up that Guildstreets have the Guard, Craterside in theory has Umbrina, but another sect of merchants stand alone. The company will petition the Governor for administrative control over the Rivermarket, expanding company operations over the region would deter barbarians at the gates, and defend other merchants from attack.

Commander Witalius interrupts, claiming that the marines are not well enough equipped to deal with such an incursion, and may provoke further violence if force was met with force.

While several at the table nod in agreement, Captain Mov brings up the many mercenary factions in the city, who might be hired or petitioned to aid Company marines, and the Sailors could be called up to fight. Captain Redgrave protests at this, but Mr. Hirgan calls for a vote, inviting Mr. Leras and his second to join, marking the first time Beastfolk have voted on Company affairs…


Dammer’s Freehold
You said you offered protection. What’s the price these days?
Group Captain Mov

Eithne’s Apothecary
To Miss Eithne,
Despite the chaos in the street so close to our company operations, I would like to move forward with the construction of the Hospital as soon as possible. Are your architects willing to work despite the nearby chaos?
Mordred Hirgan

The Rialtan Guard
Greetings Sir Albini,
Given the recent chaos in Craterside, and your people being on the scene, have these barbarians made any demands? Surely this is not violence for violences sake. My company wishes to help in any investigations into the disappearance of the Mercantile Union, as several of their members recently helped my company in our Winter Voyage. Are there any efforts we could contribute to towards this goal?
Group Captain Redgrave

To The Governor
Lord Liarta,
I saw your words as a small problem, a few murders in a tense city, worrying to be sure, but not out of the ordinary.
Rest assured I will not make that mistake again.

My company cannot afford to truly go on the offensive, though perhaps we can assist other efforts to rid us of these invaders. Defense. Craterside and the Guildstreets have powerful military groups with a vested interest in keeping them safe, but Rivermarket has no such luxury. I ask your blessing to take its defense and upkeep into the hands of my Company, we will hire mercenaries to ensure we have enough to deter and delay an attack. And our position will tighten the noose around these marauders. With Rivermarket Secure, their only escape will be through the towers, unless they have a deal with The Living.

Your Servant,
Mordred Hirgan


The Mercantile Union
Vanished perhaps, but Mordred met many of those people, and got many names. Look up the families, the store fronts, the homes. Try to find any trace of these people and offer them shelter in the harbor. This will be a joint operation of marines and anchormen, travelling in decent sized groups to stay safe.

The Syndicate of Rats
Redgrave will meet the Syndicate as they leave the convoy.
“Welcome back to Rialta, hope you enjoyed the voyage. You’ll note the tang of smoke in the air? Some big things have been happening. If you need some time please take it, but please come by the Trimast as soon as you are able, both of you. There are a some things we need to discuss.”

The Bull of the Bogs
After the meeting Mov will approach Mr. Leras.
“Things seem to be going well enough so far with your folk eh’? Shows me for doubting. We gotta keep working on it though. I was thinking of bringing up a couple new council positions at the next meeting, ‘specially if your folk are the breeding sort, pardon my crass. Way I see, there is gonna always be a difference between Imperial humans and Beastfolk, no matter the politics. So I’m thinkin’ we need a position for Beastfolk affairs and human affairs. Instead of the single beastfolk rep’ you are now. Now I’ve heard from my sailors that your crew are pretty quiet, reserved even. That's fine, we all get it, most cases that is why we’re sailors not landsmen, sea don’t care about your past. But if they’re all quiet there will be those who take advantage of you. So I want to make an official position, a preventive measure I suppose. Would you back me?”

To The Floating Carnival
Greetings Priests of Vulpa,
The Rivermarket neighbors on a violent crisis this month, and the rain no doubt breeds further instability. I understand that your floating home is usually in this district, but you hold your festivals throughout the city. I have no illusions that the area is as poor as it is sometimes made out to be, and I fear that the merchants who make their living on the barges may be in grave danger from these barbarians in Craterside. If an attack were to come, would you defend them?

I do not ask to insult of course. I ask because my company wishes to extend our protection over the district, since it is already where a significant portion of our goods are sold, and any sort of instability there would be hard on us as well. Especially given the nearby threat, we are hoping to hire on some mercenaries to ensure that we can defend against these madmen. Would you be welcome to the idea? The last thing I want is for my company to impede your rituals and festivals.

Mordred Hirgan

2018-12-12, 04:53 PM
The Informants
Security 10

Chemosh sighs as he pushes the pile of papers away. They were so boring but couldn't really sleep though he wanted to. It was vital that he attended the Fundraiser and to do so his subordinates insisted that he keep proper hours. Apparently tiredness didn't look good. Work was so much easier when asleep though, then the little gremlins wrote messages and controlled the guild for him. An aid tried to take credit for the previous letters but he knew the truth. Gremlins, hiding just out of sight waiting to write letters for him. Maybe if he left they would do his work for him? They are just shy after all. With a new sense of resolve, Chemosh left to go to the casino for a bit. A few minutes later an aid peaks his head in and sighs going back to work writing responses and writing messages for Chemosh's approval.

Recently, Dammer has received a message from a mysterious source. Would you be interested in purchasing the message they received and any communication they may have with this sources? Just 1 money.

Message received. We wish we had it before allocating security for that month but at least nothing exceptional happened to your previous base. Did you make a good profit?

2018-12-13, 01:10 AM
House Sempiterne Aranea
Even Death serves the sky

webbing filled the chamber a ghost-like thread subsumed the entirety of the room and in its center sat a cocoon of massive size the stone floors had turned black from the dried blood within. It had been weeks and many feared their ritual had failed. However on the eve of Aranaes despair the cocoon cracked and emerging from it was their new leader. The avatar of their god who would lead this strain of their house to greatness.


Mephis cracked free and the elder made to watch and maintain the safety of the chamber took off and soon their elder priests gathered and all bowed to the chosen of Aranea. "What is your command." Their voices act in unison from beneath the mask and the zealotry of the house becomes immediate and all consuming.

"We have a bride to claim, a totem to weave our web around and our beloved lost to collect. It is time to begin our hard work in earnest." His voice was an alien twisted thing now but all understood and as he closed his eyes the eight legs of his god vanished snapping and cracking back into his frame so he could at least appear human for now.

"get me my robes."

Security 7

House Sempiterne Aranea wished to congratulate you on your victory and ask you let us come collect the dead both honored and not. If you wish you can also call in your boon and we can provide for you whatever these beings whisper to us. If you feel that you have wiped out the entirety of their nests than of course we would be willing to "engage" in what we do best and perhaps provide better answers on what you were facing so as to avoid more of their kind appearing in the future. We will do this for free since we want you to be able to defend us at your very best and consider you an ally as old as the 40 houses.

Regardless we come to collect our charges and hope that your men will step out of the way as we do so. I have noticed some "foreign" death cults and I do not want these poor souls to suffer the heresy of these unproven and quite frankly pedantitic rituals.

If you need us for anything please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mephis Hath
Archbishop of House Sempiterne Aranea

The priest nodded, "do not worry about payment, we will let you build your apothecary you do not need to pay we will also owe you the one favor we mentioned earlier, the whispers or perhaps a Ruin Walker protector. In exchange perhaps if we have need of your research capabilities in the future we can call in that favor and work together on some magical or non magical project that benefits your work and ours, would that be suitable?"

House Aranea has heard of recent issues in Craterside, we demand our sky given rights to the bodies of the fallen we will be able to provide answers while also laying the suffering to rest. Know our agents will be arriving as soon as possible, please do all you can to keep the chaos to a minimum and if you require some of our Ruin Walkers to aid in stability do not hesitate to ask we want everything to transition as easily as possible.

Mephis Hath
Archbishop of House Sempiterne Aranea

A priest of House Sempiterne Aranea approaches the begger priest and he bows his head. "We wish for a moment of your time," the mask hides any smile and the ruin walker hangs ominously over the shoulder of the priest as a terrifying reminder of their power. "Our house has sent a representative because we respect your good work and we were hoping to act as a patron to what you're trying to achieve. Many of your gods followers end up in our hands and if we can slow that descent knowing they lived happily before the end would bring us much comfort."

2018-12-13, 02:19 AM
The Informants
security 10

We should talk. We are interested in finding out about you. We may not be able to help you much but we want to know what you truly stand for and what happened this previous month. Even if your brotherhood is wiped out, maybe your goals can still happen. Particularly seeing last months reports don't seem to fit your modus operandi. Much louder than normal. Way too messy for businessmen given how quiet you usually are for them. Either your motives changed suddenly when the eyes of oppression moved away, we are missing something or someone decided to frame you. Any option interests us.

We have our theories of what happened. Keep in mind anything you say will be listened on as your security is absolutely destroyed. Give the version you are ok with the public knowing. If there is additional details you want us to know but can't say include a random date that will happen with in the next month. We can attempt to guess, though there is at least 2 factions listening to what we say.

2018-12-13, 03:49 AM
Thousand Sails

The Rialta Mercantile Union [2]
The devastation is thorough. A good half of the outspoken business leaders who made up the Union are dead, or vanished. The rest seems wracked by grief, and barely able to talk. Only a few are different. Soon, you compile a list. Five, or six names. Younger members, mostly. Staring into the ashes of their houses and businesses, not with grief, but with cold, quiet rage. They nod, as the marines and anchormen pass, slowly, significantly.

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
Arora seems to have upgraded her wardrobe a bit, her civilian wear now consisting of elegant dark silks, cut for easy movement. Her grin is cocky, as she strolls into the trimast.
"Well, well", she says. "That was a successful undertaking, was it not."

Leras [2]
"I'm still not one for much speaking. But I have been a leader before. Yes, we will eventually need an official voice. Your offer is a good one."

The Floating Carneval [6]
From the desk of the High Priestess

"It goes further than that. In the Craterside attack, the city has lost several vital industries. The owner of our two largest sawmills was killed. We lost several smokehouses, to preserve the fish that will be plentiful in the winter months. And we lost, by our count, six carters. Transportation of goods will be in an absolute shambles for a good while.

Therefore, yes. It is vital that the markets remain open, and the river shipping lanes, or the city's economy will starve. You are cordially invited to take whatever measures you deem necessary."

The Syndicate of Rats [5]
Can't complain. Absolutely can't complain. We will have some investments to make.

House Sempiterne Aranea
The beggar priest has, in these wet months, developed an impressive, rattling cough from deep in his chest. Every few words, he needs to pause, and spit bloody gobs into the gutter.
"Yes. You do good work also.... I admire a sense of duty.... what would a patronage entail?"

The Informants
The Sicarian Brotherhood [3]
No reply comes back from the usual channels that should lead to the brotherhood.

A dream for a certain someone [10]
She wakes up in a cold void, grey extending in all directions forever, no up or down, just an icy wind. The voice is thin, insidious, a hissing whisper.
"I am stronger than ever. Covenant are bound."

2018-12-13, 08:30 AM
House Umbrina

Security 8

To Temple of Vulpa, House Brightmyre, and the Imperial Administration

House Umbrina would like to thank everyone involved for the work in the forum. If any of you would like our aid feel free to reach out to us.

To the Malki

We were surprised to see you working in the Forum this past month, but we none the less would like to offer our thanks. If you would like to work together again let us know.

To the Informants

Do you have any information on who attacked Craterside this month? I imagine if you did you would be taking the bounty.

To the Rialta Guard

Will you be looking into who attacked us this past month? If so we would like to assist. Perhaps if we shared stories we could make some headway?

2018-12-13, 01:08 PM
Security 10

Funny isn't it, how the brotherhood supposedly targeted the union despite them seeming to want imperials to have less power. All younger members too. Funny how no one seems to agree exactly how many people there were or how everything seems to have targeted the people running the economic infrastructure.

The entire situation is odd isn't? What motives are there for those listed as being there? Why such a wide variety?

We don't have the evidence to guess who did it but we have theories. Why don't you say your theories and we can share.

2018-12-13, 04:17 PM
Security 10

Chemosh grins. Good. We do not know who you are but it may be for the best. Dreams aren't secret after all. Were we close to you this last month? He turns to a random direction and waves as if someone is there. He turns back still smiling still facing a random direction.
It is spreading, do you feel it?

2018-12-15, 01:54 PM
Dammer's Freehold

inside his quarters in Jermalion Dammer grumbled, the tickity soud of rain on wood keeping him from staring at the presumably gorgeous winter stars, or even going out without getting soaking wet, and he was already running short on clothes. Daghir remained idle by a corner, polishing her armor to stale boredom from the lack of action that seemed to hang in the air.

time kept going, as it does, until a knock on the door lead to a waifish boy entering the quarters, soaking wet as predicted and bringing some paper that miracolously looked like such. After the boy was invited to dry near the massive bottle of flame that served as a fireplace and given a generous tip Dammer got to reading the room's stillness once again undisturbed by anything but Jermalion's rocking, until a word from Dammer broke the spell "crap..."

Security: 4


Greetings my lord, congratulations on your victory against the sicarians! did you manage to wipe out the dissenters fully?

-Dammer Estragoth

Ughul and Dammer once again move around The Boghole, searching for the same bogsmen they dealed, until they settle for one who looks to be around the same height. "Hey! how did we do in our little escapade, and you know... what happened to my men?"

Esteemed Group Captain Mov.

First of all, congratulations on your successful vogage through the winter waters! any news on the empire, especially on the emperor business? some of my crew can't wait to hear about it. As for our services, that'll be [1 cash] per [2 mil], with special prices if the situation is too dangerous or too interesting. made some enemies?-Lord admiral Dammer Estragoth


Dammer spins around, managing to mutter a "hell looks weird" before the voice is heard, then he grined "Always" and waited, trusting his answer was enough to prompt the voice to give him the information he needed for that.

2018-12-15, 02:44 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6

The Bogsmen
Well I have plenty of information on the Imperial situation now, and hopefully will soon retrieve word on the Turtle Tribe’s connection to the Tiger. Would you be interested in sharing what we have learned far from Rialta?
Mordred Hirgan

To Issou High Imperial House of Commerce
To the Quarter Masters of the Exchange,
Greetings, it has been some time since we communicated in an official manner, but given the opportunity of a midwinter voyage and a need to fill our holds I thought your company might be interested. The coming month sees most of Thousands Sails resources committed to other projects, therefore our holds for the midwinter voyage are light. In exchange for a small cut of profits or other favors we can offer that space to your company. Are you interested?
Mordred Hirgan

To the Legion
Or winter voyage was profitable, but even more than that, we learned much of what was happening in the Empire. I feel it a civic duty to give the legion here in Rialta information particularly critical. Things are getting dire, in particular, a Legion has… gone rogue. Do you know of the Legio Minotaurus?
Group Captain Karnum

Dammer’s Freehold
Admiral Estragoth,
Hardly, just this madness in Craterside provoking action. The mob is still rolling, and more may be tempted to join in given the success of the current riot. Since they seem to be targeting merchants we are lashing the crates down, and moving into Rivermarket so they cannot target the businesses there either. In essence we need a larger crew so this mob doesn’t try anything, a protection force. Hence I thought of you. Right now safe to say we’ll hire at least [2 mil] from your folk, depending on what the Fademen and Horneblend have to say it might be more. That is of course IF you can keep your crew’s belts closed and fingers unsticky. We are moving in, not pillaging.

As to the Imperial situation, well… There is plenty brewing. I should keep tight lips for now, my ‘esteemed’ Group Captain peers are trying to turn information to coin. A hearty thanks for the thanks though, I did not have the pleasure, but Karnum claims it was a hell of a voyage, says he danced dirty with a Storm Elemental, the braggart.
Group Captain Mov


The Fademen
Lady Brokenheart, //OOC: Or dame or sir, depending on which would be most appropriate to her position//
Our first winter voyage has proven quite bountiful, however our finances this month are tied with building a hospital in the harbor. Last month your company expressed interest in winter trade, and this month our holds are light with room to spare. Are you still interested?

In addition Thousand sails would like to hire mercenaries this month, the chaos so close to our home district and the need to expand our protection to the Rivermarket necessitates additional forces. Is your [3 cash for 4 security] still available?
Group Captain Mov

Horneblends Phalanx
To Horneblend,
I am led to believe your people occasionally offer mercenary work. If that is indeed the case, what are your rates?
Group Captain Mov

“Good good, I'll sort the proposal out this afternoon, I'll send it along to you tomorrow. Anything to report from your folk? They happy with the housing and such?”

The Syndicate of Rats
“Hah, I see you are enjoying your bounty. At least you kept it practical. Come this way, I'll get a meeting sorted.” Redgrave waves to a clerk to set up a room, then leads the duo through the Trimast. “I'll get to the guts of the meeting in a few minutes, Mr. Hirgan will be there, so brace yourselves for a withering look or two, he's not keen on your clandestine career. He'll come round eventually, and he is far too polite to say, anything to your face. He is a good man at heart, I promise. Oh and Arora, care to introduce your partner?”

The Auspex
Mr. Fulminius,
I wanted to send a personal thank you from myself and all my convoy for the charts provided last month, with how fearsome the storms were its likely enough that you saved a good dozen lives on the high sea. If you have projects in future that Thousand Sails might assist in I'll do my level best to make sure it deserves proper attention on the council. Once again, from myself and my crew, the deepest thanks.

Best Regards,
Group Captain Karnum

The Floating Carnival
High Priestess,
Thank you Priestess, we will do everything we can to ensure this change goes smoothly, I have our Captain Mov looking into mercenary options as I write, and a letter has been sent to the Governor requesting official support for the move. Your support in this second motion would be highly appreciated and tip the scales in our favor.
Mordred Hirgan

2018-12-15, 03:34 PM
Legio XII Pegasus
Security: 10.

Archbishop Mephis Hath,

The dead are at the barracks, House Sempiterne Aranea may come and collect them. Please eloborate on the mentioned boon.

The Sicarian Brotherhood is not beaten yet. Coffins were carried to their base. Within was an altar with skulls and rising corpses. A vengeful spirit fled. Help against this spirit and whoever is supporting it is greatly appreciated.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Governor Manius Lartia,

Thank you for the Imperial Administration's aid. The battle against the Sicarian Brotherhood and the fled vengeful spirit is not yet over.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Rialta Guard,

Report on what happened at Craterside.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Dammer Estragoth,

Why the interest?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Group Captain Karnum,

The title is Legatus, not Centurion. Remember it well.

Congratulations on your winter voyage. I have heard of Legio Minotaurus only in word. Elaborate on the situation.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Honourable High Priest Sadic Valentius,

Be warned that a vengeful spirit is and has been busy in Rialta.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2018-12-16, 09:11 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


The Legion

I hope you will forgive my Traders cant, it is rare that I speak with officials of the Legion.

In the north of the Empire we found a Legion, Minotarus as I mentioned in my previous letter. They did not fly the Imperial Flag, and the Legatus had set himself up as the tyrant of one of the northern towns as well as some of the surrounding villages. Likely just taking advantage of the succession situation, but as stated, I thought it my civic duty to inform our local branch of the legion.

Mordred Hirgan


Flavious Marnious

I would be delighted to attend, Lord Marnious, may I bring a plus one?

Mordred Hirgan

2018-12-17, 05:03 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

Talking about establishing multiple Apothecaries all over Rialta for the sake of making her medicines more accessible to the general public was one thing. Actually getting things started, and managing the supplies for the first few of many Apothecaries to come was a whole other story altogether for Eithne. Yet for someone who only had experience managing one up to this point, she was tackling the challenge of overseeing a threefold expansion in her operations and attending logistics with unusual aplomb.

Not that it was easy, far from it; Eithne had to ensure that the inventory of one of her new Apothecaries carried more liniments and dressings than the usual, in expectation for the higher rate of traumatic injuries that would likely be seen in the District where that one was situated. Another one of her new Apothecaries had similar requirements to the first, but supplies destined for it had to be extra padded in order to survive the rough journey thanks to all the rubble lying about in that area. And the third was altogether different, with a higher proportion of stimulants in its inventory to cater to the specific needs of the denizens there. It was all really a lot of work.

And in the midst of it, Eithne still had to handle the daily business of her current Apothecary, and keeping the necessary communications going with the rest of the City. Finally getting a lull in between managing logistics, handling the storefront, and all the other activities that kept her Apothecary running, Eithne set down to the task of sending out missives with a sigh. This was quite a bit busier than she had expected to be.


Dear Mr. Hirgan,

I am sure they would be ready and willing, and the same can be said of myself. May I assume that we are ready to go ahead with the establishment of the Harbour hospital?


"Oh! Okay, so if I have this correct..."

Eithne demurred, slightly uncertain of what exactly the House priest was proposing.

"...your House is giving me your blessing to establish an [Apothecary] in the Burrows, and will even finance the [5 Econ] necessary to make it happen, on top of the favor you're offering to me. In exchange, I will pledge my assistance in a mutually beneficial project House Aranea may have in mind at an indeterminate point in the future. To the tune of [5 Research] on my part, I am assuming?"

Dear Dammer,

I hereby receive your contribution of [1 Cash] with thanks. May I assume that an additional [4 Cash], as well as your blessing to establish an [Apothecary] in the Freehold itself, will be forthcoming?


Dear Lord Brightmyre,

Regarding the results of our joint venture, it appears to be neither of the two possibilities I can feasibly handle, nor is it wholly the third one which I have no power to do anything about. Astonishingly, it seems to me as though it's a fourth possibility entirely; I wonder if you are of like mind?

Either way, I am afraid my skills seem to be ill-suited for our continued cooperation, unless you have something else in mind I may yet be able to assist with.


Dear Director Wailing,

I'd like to thank you for your assistance in our joint venture, which has indeed paid dividends as you have promised. Unfortunately, as I have feared, the bottleneck appears to be on my end; specifically the collection of raw materials. I was just wondering if you have any plans to advance the venture still further?


Dear Marinus,

I must confess, I harbor some nerves at the prospect of the upcoming fundraiser; which I suppose is to be expected, given that this is your field of expertise more than it is mine. Is there anything I should know about, or anything I should prepare in advance, prior to the event?


I guess you'll make the opening post of the event?

2018-12-18, 11:46 AM
The Informants

Dream [10]
"It spreads, and it feeds itself. And it feeds me. I suppose we are kin, of a kind."

Dammer's Freehold
Dreams [8]

There is a certain... hunger, in the voice. And almost a triumph.
"Would you strike a covenant?"

Thousand Sails
D. Flavius Marinus [3]
But of course, bring plus two, if you wish!

The Fademen [7]
Captain Mov,

First of all, we must congratulate you on your voyage. You are the talk of the town. And probably some other towns, over the ocean.

Now. Salt production is usually low over the winter. We produce by evaporating seawater, and the rains spoil that. But we have stockpiles from the late autumn that we haven't shipped yet. We would be very interested to ship them earlier. We could arrange payment in a share of profits, or a reduction on mercenary fees. Which, yes, are still very much available.

lady Brokenheart

Hornblende's Phalanx [4]
What do you need us for? I calculate prices based on that. Anywhere from 1/2 to 3 [cash/military].


leras [2]
"Good enough. The city takes some getting used to, but the work is fine and we can not complain."

Syndicate of Rats [5]
Arora nods.
"Of course. This is Liera."

The Floating Carneval [6]
Be assured of whatever political support you need.

Legio Pegasus

Temple of the Sky [7]

Most Honoured Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Can you elaborate? We had vague reports of at least one such spirit, perhaps even several, but we only have few trained inquisitors. What have you found and how can we help you?

High Priest Sadic Valentius,"

Eithne's Apothecary
D. Flavius M.

"Just be yourself, Lady Eithne. I am sure you will bedazzle half the city just by yourself. Just know that half the people at that party are well-versed in that kind of thing. They expect this kind of thing and know how to go through al the steps of giving you money already.

OOC Yes, I will get a post up later.

Imperial Psycho
2018-12-20, 04:38 PM
The Rialta Guard Security: 7

To Legio XII Pegasus

Honorable Legatus,

Before we proceed, I would like to both thank you for your correspondance, and remind you that while we both live in the Empire, the Guard is a civilian organisation, and you cannot give us orders. I am, as always, prepared to listen to your requests, but I feel I should make this point clear. I would hate for any confusion to result in ill feelings.

As for the matter of Craterside, it is hard to say exactly what occurred. The first attackers were wearing legion armour, albeit outdated and rusted versions of it. I wonder if you know where they may have acquired such equipment?

I suspect an outside force co-ordinated or at least tipped off the other forces involved. I have reports of looters, of what witnesses claim are Sicarians committing horrid murders, and of... elementals or magical beings. Of light, or of fire. Warriors from outside the city, too, were seen raiding and killing.

House Umbrina is to be commended for assisting in keeping the peace after the attack, but the neighbourhood is severely damaged. With so many disparate forces seemingly involved, it is hard to know where to begin. For now, I suggest that your troops see to the Walls. If any of these raiders came from outside the city, it must not happen again.

I will do what I can to investigate, but my men are guards, not spies.

Your friend,

Jacobi Albini

House Sempiterne Aranea
Thank you for your offer, Bishop. I appreciate it. I will allow your men onto the sites to tend to the dead. However, I ask that you respect the wishes of the relatives of the deceased whereever possible.

Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Rest assured that those who spill the blood of Rialtans in their homes will be made to regret their actions.

To House Umbrina

To the Good Sir Cassian,

My blood boils when I see what has been done in my city under my watch. I will do all I can to see that the perpetrators pay in blood. I am afraid that my men were spread across the city, only gathering in force to restore order after the attacks occurred, so what I have is limited. I would be happy to meet and discuss what I know in more detail, however.

I would also appreciate the co-operation of your House in these trying times.

Jacobi Albini

To the Rialta Mercantile Union
Brothers, Sisters.

I am sorry for what has occurred. I am sorry for what you have suffered. I am sorry my men did not stop it. I promise you, I will find who did this crime. They shall know that to attack a single Rialtan is to attack every one of us.

Anything you can provide to assist with our investigations would be greatly appreciated, and I hope our co-operation will continue as before. In exchange, if there is anything I can offer you, you simply have to ask.

Jacobi Albini

2018-12-21, 01:09 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


Eithne’s Apothecary
Indeed, my company’s contribution will be [10 cash] for the purchase of supplies, land, and labour. Your Apothecary must provide the architects and expertise for the construction and operations.

Mordred Hirgan


Flavius Marinus
Lord Marinus,
Excellent, myself and my daughter, Marcia will attend, as well as Captain Karnum, fresh from his winter voyage. I look forward to the festivities.

Mordred Hirgan

The Fademen
Lady Brokenheart,
Thank you, I'll be sure to pass it along to Karnum. Though if to many more people stroke that ego of his he might float away with all the hot air in his head.

Well as said we are looking for mercenaries. There's a bit of chaos in Craterside, as you probably heard. They're targeting moneyed folks, and as a merchant who relies on other merchants we take that as a serious threat. We might be large enough to deter a direct assault like Craterside took, but that's a stiff maybe and doesn't account for the folk left vulnerable in Rivermarket. So we are intending to move in and set up shop, let the barbarians know we stand together, but we need more security to handle the new logistics and make good on our promise.

How much do your folk think you could make off a winter voyage like our company will be making?

Group Captain Mov

Horneblends Phalanx
Sir Horneblend,
Chaos in Craterside has prompted a response from my company. Our trade relies on middlemen like the merchants in Rivermarket, and while Thousand Sails may be large enough to deter such an attack, the independent businesses in Rivermarket have no such luxury. We do not have the forces to cover the entire area ourselves against the barbarians, so we are hiring mercenaries to cover until we can entrench the position. Perhaps more in the coming months if we need to help push the dogs out of Craterside.

What's your price for such an operation. We are looking for somewhere between [2 and 4 mil].
Group Captain Mov

The Syndicate of Rats
The meeting takes place in one of the more private offices in the Trimast, the window looks down into a small courtyard where a shrine has been nearly constructed in hopes of calming the frustrated spirits. The office is occupied by half a dozen figures, two of whom appear to be tailors locked in conversation about materials for undershirts. Mr. Hirgan is in between the two looking impatient, while Captain Karnum, Commander Witalius, and a young girl who bears passing resemblance to Mordred are idly chatting about the upcoming fundraiser. With the new arrivals Hirgan waves away the tailors, promising them a resumption of the fitting later, and asks the young woman to take the minutes of the meeting.
Redgrave introduces everyone, then Karnum will begin.
“Well I see you ladies have also been clothes shopping. I hope you aren't planning to uh… work the fundraiser. As you've probably already heard, thieves of a far more violent method than yours have crashed through Craterside. Dodged both Umbrina and the Guard like some kind of ghosts, targeting merchants. Any guesses on who might be responsible? I know you worked fairly independently, but any lead is something.”

Witalius will also chime in.
“We are moving into Rivermarket as well soon, anything you can share on the Carnival and the Mudlarks?”

Mr. Hirgan remains silent, a slight grimace on his face. The young woman takes notes with impressive speed, not even needing to look at her hand while writing.

The Floating Carnival
High Priestess,
An appeal from your group directly to the governor would be most appreciated, else simply respond in favor of my company when he contacts you.

Mordred Hirgan

2018-12-21, 10:07 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Security: 4


Group captain Mov,

I understand, such information can be quite valuable to the right person, do let me know if you get clearance tough.

Your concerns do seem to be unfounded captain, let not our humble background fool you, the freehold's soldiers are a model of discipline, we do not "pillage" when hired to protect Captain. With that out of the way I wish to condone your actions, someone oughta protect the people, and it'll be my pleasure to help, cost still withstanding of course.

Since your aim is to protect river market I can offer you a different deal, the core of the freehold is right now in rivermarket, for [3 cash] we stay there for the season and take the district under our protection and if any troublemakers come for the merchants there they have to go through me...

On other matters, thanks to a couple of good dealings with some traders from Daghir's land I've gotten a hold of a couple of exotic goods, and I was wondering if you'll have any space in your holds to send them on the next voyage?

Admiral Dammer Estragoth (lord seemed kind of pretentious).

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus,

I intend to help the governor through the current tension (don't worry, it isn't just out of the kindness of my hearth, I know you don't believe in that) and helping get rid of the sicarian threat seems to be as good a start as any. I also like to be informed, and not that I doubt your prowess but large organizations like that don't just crumble in one combat, no matter how brutal their opposition.

-Dammer Estragoth.

Miss Eithne,

My, I didn't know we were on dear terms yet, not complaining. My blessing is already yours, and I encourage you to go about picking a suitable ship, and I request patience with the money I may be able to provide the full [4 cash] within the month, depending on some business ventures but I expect it to be slower.

-Admiral Dammer Estragoth


Dammer shuddered, how the hell did a voice sound like a victory parade? How the hell did he even know what a triumph sounded like? He answered with tentative optimism.

"sure, what covenant? And how are they related to the loss of my men? I know you know a lot, so don't worry I'm up for anything that lets me recover or at least avenge them, but I need to be on the loop. Being less cryptic would help, as long as it doesn't ruin your vibe."

2018-12-22, 12:37 PM
House Sempiterne Aranea
Even Death serves the sky

Security 7

The priest watches from behind his mask. "We would like to help sponsor you through coin and protection if necessary. We don't have much in the way of income as, like you, we work with donations or the inheritance of the passing but we are established and want to reach out to the living, so they in turn come to us and realize our importance in death. So in exchange for this patronage we would ask you aid us in sheparding those soon to depart to our doors, that you keep your ear to the ground and provide us with important information on the goings on in this place so we can aid the citizens. We know so many ignore the beggers, the orphans and those who clean and maintain their city but we do not and we want these people to help us build a better tomorrow."

Thanks to your donation we in turn can provide your esteemed legion the right to a ruin walker (OOC: Will provide a minor bonus to combat for a VIP as it fights next to it and aid in protection against assassination attempts as you have an undead bodyguard next to you. This is common in the empire and nobles and merchants have all paid a great deal to have such protectors) We can also listen to the deads final whispers if you so choose to do that instead. (OOC: A ritual that lets the house hear the final whispers and thoughts of the dead revealing critical information)

We will investigate this spirit for you and provide information as we come across it so we can better tie ourselves together and aid you in the protection of our future here.

The priest chuckled and shook his head, "I am afraid we could never afford such a sum, to dedicate so much to the living when we care for the dead is against the house BUT we do want your presence here so what we will do is the donation we came for (1 wealth) we will dismiss and we will donate (1 wealth ourself) to its construction, we will still grant you 1 of our services (Creation of a Ruin walker or speak with the dead) and in exchange you bring your strong security abilities (by establishing your apothecary) to the burrows and aid in the regions well being, and you promise us you aid us (Via 5 research) on a joint project where we promise to share equally in the results."

Our house is the official house of the empire, when it comes to care for the dead all others are heretical and inhumane... That being said if this is the demand of the Rialtan guard, if it is brought to our attention that one worships false paths to the afterlife we will abandon the soul to their care and pray for their souls as they lead it toward oblivion.

We will aid you in anyway we can.

2018-12-22, 03:02 PM
Legio XII Pegasus
Security: 10.

Archbishop Mephis Hath,

Please use the ruin walker to your own best effort and share with us what information the dead may have on the Sicarian Brotherhood and the vengeful spirit. Attached with this spirit is information regarding the threat.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Sicarian Brotherhood Headquarter.
Location: Flotsam

Activities: Funeral rites.
Once a month flat barges discreetly travelled to the headquarter with groups of people looking wealthy despite keeping to anonymous clothing. The barges have contents covered with tarps, underneath which are flowers and funerary gifts.

Appearance: Hovel built into a cliff, a front for the tunnel beyond it.

Interior: A single tunnel dug into bare earth leads deep to a large central chamber with niches in the walls. Black marble on the ceiling, walls and floor. In the middle an altar made from a boulder. Skulls surround it, including small skulls.

Encountered forces:
- A corpse on the alter which rose and fought before being downed.
- Sicarians in the niches, all downed.
- An angry spirit, screaming about fire, blood and us slewing their children, crucifying their sons. Vengeance is the source of its strength and is used to stir vengeance in those around it. The Sky Shamans were unable to bind the spirit as it escaped.
Governor Manius Lartia,

I am reporting about information from the Thousand Sails Trady Company. They reached the continent at the north of the Empire and encountered Legio Minotaurus. There they saw the legion did not fly the Imperial Flag and has taken control of a town and surrounding villages.

Please confirm whether Dammer's Freehold is assisting you or not.

Find attached the Legion's report on the Sicarian Brother threat.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Sicarian Brotherhood Headquarter.
Location: Flotsam

Activities: Funeral rites.
Once a month flat barges discreetly travelled to the headquarter with groups of people looking wealthy despite keeping to anonymous clothing. The barges have contents covered with tarps, underneath which are flowers and funerary gifts.

Appearance: Hovel built into a cliff, a front for the tunnel beyond it.

Interior: A single tunnel dug into bare earth leads deep to a large central chamber with niches in the walls. Black marble on the ceiling, walls and floor. In the middle an altar made from a boulder. Skulls surround it, including small skulls.

Encountered forces:
- A corpse on the alter which rose and fought before being downed.
- Sicarians in the niches, all downed.
- An angry spirit, screaming about fire, blood and us slewing their children, crucifying their sons. Vengeance is the source of its strength and is used to stir vengeance in those around it. The Sky Shamans were unable to bind the spirit as it escaped.
Jacobi Albini,

Thank you for the information. Regarding your question about outdated and rusted versions of the legion armour, I suspect that they have been obtained from the time the Empire brought its flag to this settlement. In the skirmishes, legionnaires fell and their armour, despite the efforts of the Empire, may have been obtained at the time, to only now see use.

From what I make of your report, a chaotic situation has developed in Craterside. Could you name each force involved by your records and report to the Governor as well?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Dammer Estragoth,

To answer your earlier question: The Sicarian Brotherhood is not wiped out fully, just as you suspected. Aid in finding out where their remaining forces are hiding out now would be appreciated.

Considering your intention to aid through this tension, what do you think of the tension in Craterside?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Group Captain Karnum,

Thank you for reporting the information and upholding your civic duty. A certainly dire situation to hear of with Legio Minotaurus foresaking the Imperial Flag and taking to such practises. Do you have information on the closest settlement from the harbour you docked at where the Imperial Flag does fly?

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Honourable High Priest Sadic Valentius,

The help the legion requires is to find the spirit and defeat it. Attached with this letter is information regarding the threat.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

Sicarian Brotherhood Headquarter.
Location: Flotsam

Activities: Funeral rites.
Once a month flat barges discreetly travelled to the headquarter with groups of people looking wealthy despite keeping to anonymous clothing. The barges have contents covered with tarps, underneath which are flowers and funerary gifts.

Appearance: Hovel built into a cliff, a front for the tunnel beyond it.

Interior: A single tunnel dug into bare earth leads deep to a large central chamber with niches in the walls. Black marble on the ceiling, walls and floor. In the middle an altar made from a boulder. Skulls surround it, including small skulls.

Encountered forces:
- A corpse on the alter which rose and fought before being downed.
- Sicarians in the niches, all downed.
- An angry spirit, screaming about fire, blood and us slewing their children, crucifying their sons. Vengeance is the source of its strength and is used to stir vengeance in those around it. The Sky Shamans were unable to bind the spirit as it escaped.

2018-12-24, 12:26 AM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Director Marnus Wailing's office looked out over the harbor, so that he could see the ships as they came in and watch the workers and traders in the sandy courtyard below, where goods were brought from those ships before being tallied and sold. It was usually a pleasant view, full of crystal-blue water, tropical weather, and the deeply satisfying signs of productivity.

Today, it was full of soldiers.

The breeze off the bay meant that the smoke from Craterside hadn't infiltrated the Exchange, but Wailing fancied he could smell it anyway. Burnt wood and broiled flesh, the signature cologne of wealth and lives destroyed. It was a familiar scent.

The Director was a master of logistics, which is what had gotten him this position in Rialta, but it was a mastery that came from organizing supplies for a struggling village, and orchestrating bandit raids when those supplies proved inadequate for Iossau's hard blackwater winters, rather than buying and selling goods at market. He often let his underlings handle the actual business of the House, with him watching hawklike over their shoulders to instill the proper sense of nervousness that prevented embezzlement. But this? This was his game, this was something he could get his hands into. Raiders and slaughtered merchants and fire in the streets, oh yes indeed, Marnus Wailing knew these things of old. Knew them like the back of his hand, like the stretch of Iossau swampland they called the Liar's Pit, where many an unsuspecting traveler had vanished when Wailing's village had needed the food they were carrying and the coins in their pockets.

That village was now a small, prosperous town, well-fed and comfortable, with a stone wall to keep out anyone who might be too much like Wailing and his boys used to be. The Liar's Pit had been dredged, and Wailing's old lieutenant had built herself a rather nice boardwalk manor above it. And Wailing himself was now a Director of the House, a cunning merchant in charge of trade and charter, moving far greater wealth but with far less stakes--no one would starve if the Rialta Office had a bad month of trading, after all.

But some things never really change.

"Barbarians, they say," he muttered to himself. His hand lay heavy on the hilt of his old hunting knife.

"Hm?" his secretary said.

"Barbarians," Wailing repeated. "That's what they called us, back in the day. Now I'm here, listening to reports that barbarian raiders are hunting merchants in Craterside. Funny how perspective changes things." He stroked the hilt of his knife, feeling the spot where the metal of the handle was scored underneath the leather, the mark of a blade that had almost taken his fingers from him ten years earlier. "Don't imagine these *******s are going to be as lucky as we were, though."

He nodded to the captain of his House Regulars. "You've got your orders. Move out. Make sure this **** doesn't flow downhill."

Thousand Sails Trade Company
From the desk of Marnus Wailing
Director, Rialta Office


We might very well have an excellent opportunity for us both here. We have been working with the apothecary Eithne to mass produce certain of her medicinal cures recently. With civil war breaking out on the mainland, the threat of disease is no doubt increasing dramatically, and I have no doubt that these medicines would be greatly in demand in all parts of the Empire. We should definitely discuss putting together a shipment.

Director Wailing

Eithne's Apothecary

I have an opportunity for us to send a midwinter shipment of your medicines to the Imperial mainland, to help fight the diseases that are sure to spring up in the wake of the civil war. TO provide those medicines, however, we will need to improve our resource gathering capabilities. If you have any suggestions in that direction I would greatly appreciate hearing them.

Director Wailing

Rialta Mercantile Union
An armed secretary surrounded by a squad of House Regulars ventures forth into Craterside to try and get information from the Union about who attacked them, and why.

2018-12-27, 05:00 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6


Dammer's Freehold

Admiral Estragoth,
Good to hear you can keep your folk in line. Puts you a cut above others who have claimed the title of Freehold. We are in talks with both the Fademen and Horneblend. Most likely have Fademen handle security and either yourselves or Hornblend cover more direct military action, if needed.

As to our winter voyage what goods are you referring to? We are in talks with several parties interested in the trip, and will certainly consider your offer.

Group Captain Mov

P.S. Captain Redgrave insists I put in something about more rock nuts. Won't say anything else, I hope this is some in joke and not a grave insult.

Legio XII Pegasus

I will have the logs consulted and send a report on the port and anything else we may have learned. I am pleased to be of service.

With regards to the events in Craterside, I hope you will consider my company when planning to deal with the situation. The barbarians targeted the wealthy folks of the Rialta Mercantile Union, some of whom were friends and business partners. I can speak for my entire company when saying we are upset that this could have happened at all, but more than that, moving assist the situation. With the approval of the Priests of Lupa we will be moving into Rivermarket, thereby cutting off escape to the river for the aggressors and protecting the independent merchants there.

Mordred Hirgan

Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce

Director Wailing,
I am glad to hear you are working with Dr. Eithne, I will of course be happy to discuss a shipment of medicines to the mainland. Though I am at present discussing the winter voyage with several other interested parties, how much does the House think it can profit from the voyage?

Mordred Hirgan


The Rialta Mercantile Union

Well at least we found some. Let them know they have safe haven in the harbor, we’ll put them up in the Saltbreath if we have to. I figure we have at least somewhat decent relations after the meeting and voyage last turn.

The Turtle Tribe

Bump for my last post on turn one, went looking for the tribe.


Two questions!
Do the Auspex maps and charts cover the whole winter? Or just the first month?
There are still people fighting in Craterside right? It's certainly been implied, but never directly confirmed.

2018-12-29, 07:33 AM
A Night to Remember
D. Flavius Marinus has pulled all the registers, that much is clear. Several acres of jungle have been cleared at the western edge of the city, then covered with endless yards of waxed cloth against the ever-present damp of Rialta's climate. The pavilions errected on it are of excellent make, waterproof and tall enough that for a while, one might think themselves back in the capital, warm, rich and most importantly dry.
Flavius is taking on the role of host himself, standing at the main entrance in a blue and silver suit that very cleverly displays his impressive physique, greeting each group of guests in turn with a radiant smile. Above him hangs the evening's so far only reminder of the purpose of this meeting a banner reminding everyone that this is the "Health of Rialta - Charity Event".
Inside, all the luxuries of Rialta and further afield are freely available. There is a dance floor made of exquisitely joined local black wood, with flute and lyre players playing festive tunes. Next to it, in separate pavilion, an impressive banquet, featuring both a wide variety of local fruit, fish and jungle fowl, with imported delicacies from all over the empire: hundreds of dishes, total, though a discerning eye might notice that the Imperial dishes are heavy on cured meats and pickled vegetables, the transport situation being what it is. And in the third large tent, a good hundred low couches, arranged in the typical arrangement for eating or chatting, with dozens of white-clad servers bringing the guests everything they desire.
There are passages leading to an astonishing variety of smaller tent rooms, containing more unusual fare: there are cages of exotic animals for the guests to marvel at, featuring a white bear from the northern ice and a gigantic crocodile from further upriver, and, far back, a serpentine, coiled black shape covered in slimy-looking dark feathers that the handler claims is a real basilisk. There is a chamber of birds, trained to sing tunes in a chorus. There are private discussion rooms, card games, various drugs to be eaten or smoked, there are beds for those guests currently too weary to remain at the main party, even a small, heated bath.

Flavius, it seems, has thought of everything.

The party is mainly thought as a roleplaying opportunity, to get characters talking to each other a bit. Everyone is invited, it would be nice if people let one of their VIPs show up at the party and perhaps chat a bit.

2018-12-29, 09:45 AM
The Rialta Guard
From the Mercantile Union [1]
There is not even a coordinated response anymore. The union, it seems, is all but wiped out as an organisation. Some disjointed pieces of information trickle in on short letters. They note little that wasn't in the original reports: several groups, hit and run tactics, various eqiupment. Several re-affirmations of bounties put out on the raiders.

Thousand Sails
The Fademen [7]
"With a hold full of salt? Up to a dozen [cash], if we can get through with it. The empire is voracious for salt. "

Hornblende's Phalanx [4]
"Uncertain danger levels,but mostly a guard job? We can do that for [1 cash]/[2 sec] for a month. Is that amenable?

The Syndicate of Rats [6]
Arora smiles, leaning against a wall with a certain insolence. "Ah, the fundraiser. The invitation said everyone important is invited, I thought we might go. But regarding the carneval and the mudlarks, well, not really our demographic, you know? The first are too powerful to steal from, the second too poor. My apologies."

The Floating Carneval
Mordred Hirgan,
If you wish. You have our endorsement.

Dammer's Dreamscape [10]
"The covenant is simple. You will sacrifice, for vengeance. And I will give you power. For vengeance. You will give me the blood of a few, and I will give you the power to spill the blood of many, many more. The cycle must continue."

2018-12-31, 09:39 AM
House Sempiterne Aranea
The Beggar Priest [4]
"Noble sentiments, and I more than most appreciate the good that the embrace of death can do for those who suffer. You need not give me anything, but perhaps give in our shared name to those who really need it. I will help you."

Legio Pegasus
Imperial Administration [5]
Honoured Legatus,

That is worrying information. Not unexpected of course, the Minotaurus would not be th first legion to try and carve out their own province. In time, they are usually put down. But it is a sign that neither heir fully has the trust of their armies.

As for this spirit of vengeance, please ask us for whatever resources you require. Such a thing can not be free in our city.

Governor Manius Lartia

The Temple of the Sky [7]

Honoured Legatus,

I can't say we didn't suspect that there were dark spirits abroad in this city. From the description of it, we likely will have to cooperate to get it bound. With your permission, we would like to attach binding-specialized priests to some of your squads for the coming month, to cooperate with your shamans.

High Priest Sadic Valentius

Iossau High Imperial House of Commerce
Rialta Mercantile Union [1]
The Mercantile Union is all but wiped out, and there seems no organized structure left to them. Any reports you can get are scattered, from grieving families or angry craftsmen trying to rebuild destroyed businesses. Most of them seem to disagree, too, on what exactly happened. The raiding parties described are all very distinct and different. And you get several repeated affirmations that they are more than willing to pay large bounties for any names.

2019-01-02, 10:42 AM
Thousand Sails
No active fighting, but a bit of small-scale looting and a lot of tension.
The maps are a short forecast for one month. If you want to use them again, you'll have to buy another set. They do help the roll a lot, though.
Also sorry about the turtle tribe, I must have missed that one.

Turtle Tribe [5]
The turtle tribe seems to have pulled back a bit from the coast during the winter storms and it takes a while to find a sizeable band. Though mostly taciturn, they are only too happy to trade for any metal goods, which seem to carry a lot of status with them, especially any kind of black iron, to which they say a lot of fey lore is attached. In the end, hands are shook, relations are cordial, and they guarantee you safe passage on all the rivers, saying no other tribe except the Serpent even comes to their rivers. What they can trade you without preparation is of little value directly, as they seem to deal mostly in woven goods and fish, though they are willing to act as guides to the interior instead, or make contacts withe other tribes on your behalf.

The Mercantile Union [1]
A lot of the families are quite happy to be evacuated to somewhere safer, but a lot of the young men are also talking about organizing some kind of militia and striking back, retaking their district, even if they dont' quite know who they are striking back against.

2019-01-04, 02:42 PM
Legio XII Pegasus
Security: 10.

Group Captain Karnum,

Looking forward to your report.

As for Craterside, please contact the Rialta Guard and plan accordingly as they have more information on the situation at hand.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Governor Manius Lartia,

I am in need of forces to track down the spirit or those who would fuel its power, as much as can be spared. (OOC: Espionage to track it down.)

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus
Honourable High Priest Sadic Valentius,

Permission granted. May the Sky reign surpreme.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2019-01-05, 04:44 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Bring in the spotlight

Bzzzzt, Bzzzzzt, Bzzzzzzt.

Sparks announced the Freehold's admiral as he approached, a blue barrier about him and his plus one with but a few wet marks to show that it wasn't as good as an umbrella (through no fault of his own, of course).

Dammer was dressed in a bedazzling suit of white and orange that was on the whole a bit... tacky, as if he had acquired it a few season, if not years past, an utterly useless ivory cane and flamboyant hat to match.

Daghir, by his side would contrast him as the model of modesty ... in her homeland, as it was her long flowing dress of bright red with details in purple that seemingly overlapped every few inches stood out, Her size, the stylized bronze spear by her back and odd long hair pinned in a foreign fashion didn't help the issue.

As he entered the complex the barrier above them flickered off, no longer of any use, with a smile he exchanged pleasantries with Favius before heading deeper inside, tasting anything a servant would offer before looking for the representative of the Cult of Vulpa amidst the crowd, leaning/sitting nearby and greeting her/him "how goes your evening, stranger?"

Daghir in the meantime stood to watch nearby, eating some of the imperial food out of curiosity before getting bored and going off to inspect the menagerie, Dammer had the ring after all...

Security: 4

Group Captain Mov,

thanks for the consideration, I'm usually a better negotiator than this, but seeing as I have a vested interest in safeguarding river market, and trust not the capabilities of Ashti's reformed thugs, I could go down to 2 cash for keeping the Freehold's 4 security there. Mil still available of course.

The Rock nuts that Captain Redgrave speaks about are actually the goods I'm talking about, so if they want more I think I like my odds.

-Admiral Dammer Estragoth

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus,

I don't have an impressive a network as The Informants or The Bogsmen but I'll keep my ears to the ground, seeing how "vibrant" the sicarian tend to be I don't think it should be too much of a problem.

A dreadful show of crowd induced madness. I've heard tales is tales of ancient, malefic gods, rousing the temperament of the people, to which the river god responded by rallying the minor spirits against them. I say the "fey" beings that laughed amongst the crowd may have just ditched the secrecy to see their magic pay off personally...

-Dammer Estragoth


Dammer holds laughter for a second before letting it out loudly "hahahaha! You know I thought you meant strike a "coven", so I asked you for a bunch of info. A covenant does sound pretty good, just need some clarifications on what the sacrifice entails and what the hell happened with my troops. Then we can do all the cycles you want."

Ughul arrived with a similar offering as last time, looking out for any signs of being poorly received "feeling better?"

so, is Jermalion still filling the pirate king? any changes there?

2019-01-06, 11:41 PM
Security 10
A night to remember
Chemosh's eyes went over the group and one twitches ever so slightly as he saw the large number of assassination opportunities. He had done background checks and made sure his guards remembered as many faces as possible but still seems high strung. The covering of the ground was suspicious, the flutist was suspicious, the heavy salt content of the food was suspicious. Everything was suspicious and he had to be here if he wanted Riverhome to have a chance to get an apothecary though he was sure they had some alternative motive for it.

So he was as far away from the crowds and noise as possible while still technically being at the party. As far away from the potentially dangerous animals as possible, away from the couches which might have hidden poison pins in the cushions and well out of the range of a blow dart shot from a flute. He talks to people around him while eating some of the food. Though anyone paying close attention would notice neither him nor his entourage ever approached the waiters to get this food.

Sleep Talking

"Ah good, you are who you are. You answered the right question and didn't answer the wrong one. Kin can work, even if it is not a close one." He nods and switches to looking in another direction.

"When it is time, will you be able to assist? Information on what changed is useful." He starts sniffing the air slightly.

"I smell opportunity as well. Do you know vengeance?"

Meanwhile in the normal world the aide watches a sleeping Chemosh while holding the latest reports. They weren't quite sure why they had been told to read the reports to a sleeping person but they weren't one to question orders.

2019-01-08, 03:59 AM
Legio XII Pegasus

The Imperial Administration [5]
"Honoured Legatus,

Consider our intelligence services at your disposal.

Governor Lartia

The Party
Dammer quickly locates a handful of vulpan priests among the crowd, their russet robes stand out remarkably well even in the peacockry of Rialta's high society. The more sedate members of the clergy are engaged much like any other socialite would be - drinking, laughing, chatting - though there comments are just a bit more barbed than is entirely polite. There's a few younger acolytes among the crowd, three of which seem currently engaged in trying to distract one of the beast handlers from their cages so they can release a group of parrots. The anonymous high priestess herself is bedecked in a splendid floor-length cloak of silver fox fur which seems entirely too warm for the weather. Her mask carries a mischievous smile, as usual, though this one also has delicate curved fangs of silver.
She spins around, which makes her ensemble spread out most elegantly, showing off a lining of crimson silk. "Oh, delightful", she says. Her full lips are painted a very dark red to match her clothes. "And all the more so for you being here, Lord Dammer. We hear you have been very busy, this last month, how good for you to take an evening off."

Dammer's Freehold

The Dream [8]
The voice changes, becoming stronger, as Dammer speaks positively of the contract. "Thou wouldst listen to the oath I speak. If thou wouldst swear it, a covenant is made. Once a month, when the moon is void, thou shalt sacrifice one of thy sworn men to me, in the manner I will tell you about. For this, I will give thee great power. If thou wouldst deny me, I will depart. I will not give thee knowledge without a covenant made. Hearken and speak after me:

I have been wronged, and for that, I will have vengeance.
My vengeance is everything.
My vengeance is a fire that consumes all, my enemy and myself.
I will give my blood to my vengeance.
I will not rest, I will not cease.
My vengeance is everything.
I will live only for vengeance. I will die only for vengeance.
Thus the covenant is made."

The River God [3]
There is a flash of red in the River God's eye, but his manner is more somber melancholy than angry, today.
"Too much blood is spilt there.

GM Question
Yes, he is still around.

The Dream [10]
"I do not... assist."
The voice drips with distaste.
"I strike bargains. We may strike one, perhaps, though you are not what I would normally invest in. And yes, I know vengeance. I am vengeance."

2019-01-10, 12:12 AM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

Security 6

A Night to Promise
Mordred Hirgan, his daughter Marcia Hirgan, and the recently returned Group Captain Karnum arrive at the party a little bit too early to be fashionably late, dressed in the black and burgundy of the TSTC carefully designed to show off the company’s wealth without showing up the Nobility.

The group start by greeting the host, waiting politely for a gap in conversation.
“Master Marinius, a fantastical spread you have arranged here. I would like to introduce my Daughter Marcia, though by her whithering look I assume you already know each other, and Group Captain Karnum, master of the recent visit to the Empire, despite winter's best efforts.”


Dammer’s Freehold
Well it looks like we will be hiring about [4 mil] at your previously offered prices. There is a good chance we will have another operation next month as well, though that depends heavily on the results of the Rivermarket operation and status of the barbarians in Craterside.

As to the shipment how much do you think your group would make from such a mission? We would be looking for a cut of the profits, or perhaps a deal on mercenary work in exchange for our services.

Group Captain Mov


The Fademen
A fine profit for midwinter, we would charge 25% fee on our service, or [3 cash]. Are those terms amicable?

Group Captain Mov

Hornblende’s Phalanx
A very reasonable price Mr. Hornblende, we will certainly be working with your firm. I’ll write again soon to confirm the numbers.


Group Captain Mov

The Syndicate of Rats
“No apologies needed, it was a long shot after all.” Mordred picks at the new cuffs on the jacket, and the young woman speaks up. “Well if you are coming to the party I look forward to seeing you there, I think it will be one to remember.”

Karnum speaks next. “Moving onto our next order of business there is a group called the Knackermen who have been stirring up trouble in Pearlmother recently. They seem to be merchants from the Empire, but with the amount of sabre rattling they are doing we have some concerns that they might have cards up their sleeve we don’t know about. If your furry friends aren’t already committed next month we would pay handsomely for information regarding the operations of these so called merchants, especially if anyone is backing them.”

“That said, do you know anything about them from your previous operations? They seem a little more like your clientele.”

The Turtle Tribe
The Traders are nervous, though stay professional. Fish are traded in only small quantities, just enough to keep the local outposts well fed. Woven goods are traded as well in some quantity, sold for novelty on Rialtan and Imperial Markets. Guides however, and visits with the other tribes are highly sought. As are any who would act as translators and mediators with the local raiders that plague the outposts.

The traders have been sent with three primary goals:

Guides and translators
An answer to the Bogsmen Question of relations and opinions with the Tiger Tribe
Knowledge of new resources that could be gathered from the local jungle. Potential pelt, ivory, and fur animals. Fruits, vegetables, and herbs that could be harvested for food, medicine, or spice. Minerals are alos to be asked about, though given that they are river folk I’m not expecting to much.
If they can make introductions with the other tribes I’ll take it in a heartbeat. Also, how big is the tribe? A few dozen? A few hundred? How many are we talkin’ here?

The Auspex
We would like to buy another weather chart this month. Last month they proved invaluable.

Group Captain Karnum

2019-01-12, 08:47 PM
Security 10

Dream Talking
Chemosh blinks a few times. "Awkward, thought you were Tyranny. Feeds them as well. Shame them being able to say what is going on around them would have been useful.

Well no point beating around the bush. Are you keeping up with what the priests are saying they are going to be doing in a months time? Specifically Legios went to the Sky Temple to get some binding specialized priests for hunting you down."

2019-01-16, 05:15 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

A Night To Remember

Despite taking more care than usual in her attire and general appearance on account of decorum, Eithne looked like she was still ill-at-ease at the crowd and the festivities. Glancing around nervously, the apothecary did her best to exchange pleasantries with any that deigned to speak to her, while instinctively seeking what safety from the social hubbub she could find from being in the vicinity of Lord Flavius.

Dear Mr Hirgan,

Oh, but of course! I'll make the arrangements at once. Once again, happy to work with you!


Dear Dammer,

I understand. Take all the time you need, and I hope we will be able to move forward with this in good time.


Eithne considered the proposal for several seconds, before nodding with a smile.

"Why, that does seem like an eminently reasonable proposal. I am happy to say that I accept."

Dear Director Wailing,

As you are no doubt aware, some of the experiments conducted in the feasibility of cultivating the native flora that provide the ingredients for my remedies in the City itself have yet to produce the desired results. Of course, this precludes the obvious suggestion.

For now, the only thing that comes to my mind is some serious effort put into finding a viable way to cultivate the necessary ingredients in the amounts that will be needed for this shipment. I will let you know if I believe there is some other way to approach the issue.


2019-01-17, 11:56 AM
House Umbrina

A Night to Forget

Rellious makes his way through the party in his usual boisterous way. Large ornate robes that somehow manage to cover his large form, the jingle of icons of as many Spirits and Gods as people keep track of, a full goblet of wine in one hand, and half eaten fruit in the other.

Making his way through the crowd Rellious approaches Lord Flavius. Making a bow without spilling a drop of wine. "Lord Flavius, this is a grand party you've pulled together. You know I was worried all the empire issues would leak over into the social life of the city. It's good to know a few of us still know how to celebrate."

Security 8

To the Informants

Alright, our theory for yours.

The act wasn't done by any of the groups people saw. The chances of all those acting together is near impossible. We suspect a spirit was led or directed to attack the location. It would be a powerful spirit of fear, appearing to those it is attacking as what they fear most.

Unfortunately we do not know who would target the Mercantile Union in such a way.

To the Rialta Guard

OOC: sorry, forgot about this completely

Jacobi is invited to the manor, and lead inside a dark parlor room with a few candles for lighting. Cassian is sitting opposite the single small table in the room.

"Good to meet you Mr Albini. I won't try to keep you from your duties too long, but we don't have very much to go on. We currently believe the act wasn't done by any of the groups people saw. The chances of all those acting together is near impossible. We suspect a spirit was led or directed to attack the location. It would be a powerful spirit of fear, appearing to those it is attacking as what they fear most. Does that fit with your knowledge of events?"

2019-01-17, 12:39 PM
Thousand Sails Trade Company

A Night to Promise

With introductions dealt with the TSTC party splits off into the festivities.

Karnum goes to greet the Freehold party. “Admiral Estragoth, I hear we will be working together next month, I do hope that Mov had not been to crass in her communications, I regret to say that her cant was born in taverns and never truly left. Where is Mistress Alhar? I would have expected a larger party from the Freehold.”

Marcia will drift over to the Chaotician gathering, idly chatting about the latest letters and gossip.

Mordred will welcome Eithne, standing beside without directly facing her, and watching the party develop. “I must say I did not have Master Marinius pegged for a… philanthropist. It seems you open people's hearts in more ways than one Doctor. I hope you do not object to me announcing the fruits of our negotiations at this auspicious event?”

2019-01-17, 10:50 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Thousand Sails Trade Company
Mordred Hirgan,

How much we profit depends on the conditions on the Continent when our shipment reaches it. That said, considering the wartime need for medicine, I have to imagine that the value-per-pound of our shipment would be far in excess of anything else that might be available for transport.

Marnus Wailing
Director, Rialta Office

Eithne's Apothecary

Is there any reason why the reagents could not be cultivated in farms in the jungle? With enough security to keep out the local wildlife I see no reason why we couldn't turn the plants' natural habitat into our farm.

Director Wailing

The Living
Sir or madam,

I am endeavoring to procure certain medicinal herbs from the jungles surrounding Rialta, for use in mass production of medicines that will see to the mitigation of diseases that have long plagued our society. I was wondering if you had any experience with running farms out there, seeing as the nature of your people seems to make you more well adapted to such an environment.

If such a presumption offends, I do beg pardon. Such is not my intention.

Marnus Wailing
Director, Rialta Office

The Party

Director Marnus Wailing wasn't really much for charity. Long winters in the swamps of Iossau had ground that empathetic proclivity out of him as surely as a whetstone wears down a burr in the metal of a blade. You had to help out your neighbors, of course, but only if doing so wouldn't condemn your own family to starvation. The Director's resources might be far greater than they were when he lived in Iossau, true, but he also had a lifetime of experience justifying to himself why he really needed each and every last coin that came through the House of Commerce.

No, Wailing wasn't anything close to a charitable man. He was, however, a man with a keen sense of business, and it was for business that he was attending the "Health of Rialta" event. He was near the dance floor, at a standing table, holding court with a variety of people ranging from smugly self-satisfied to quietly desperate as he discussed different trade deals with each of them. Some went away enriched, and some went away broken, and the business of the House for the next few months was sorted out over cocktails with strands of palm leaf sticking out from the tops of the glasses.

2019-01-19, 02:47 PM
Legio XII Pegasus
Security: 10.

A Night to Protect
The Legion's presence at Flavius' party is one of simplicity, for they act as protection to the notables representing the Empire. With the assassinations by the Sicarian Brotherhood in recent past, such is far from odd. Near the entrance is a pegasus rider stationed, its pegasus looking with as sharp a gaze as the rider. A female decurio is present, attending the event in the position of offering protection, not as regular guest.

Dammer Estragoth,

The account of Craterside is noted. Looking forward to hear of anything you may find regarding the Sicarian Brotherhood so any remaining forces may be discerned as if by the eagle's eye.

Legatus Gaius Voltinius Harenacus

2019-01-20, 06:48 PM
Dammer's Freehold

Security: 4

A night tonight

It didn't down on Dammer how outclassed he was in style by the vulpan priestess, aside from an idle thought about acquiring some snow creature's pelts for the next party he was invited to.

His eyes took the spin to appriciate the piece and its owner, before replying "I can see that..." in a lower volume that he actually intended to.

With a cough he recovered his usual volume, his confidence and dignity seemingly never lost (if it was there to begin with) "yeah, work is quite the pain when you actually have to do it. Just gotta be careful to not have too much fun, I think I'm getting a reputation" a wink and a winning smile that looked mighty out of place in his face if it wasn't the usual for it "So why did you and your brethren come here for? appareances? funding?... fun?" he let the last one linger as he took a sip of whatever drink he had been handed last, not giving a hint about which caused which.


Dammer greets the captain effusively, shaking his hand with vigour, if with a lack of physical strength per se "Captain Karnum! I've heard much about you, a wind elemental was it that blocked your path?" he waved off the comment about his earlier correspondence "I've frequented them enough that out talk was delightful, don't worry.

Ah! I see she made an impression! you know, she was just around here..." he looked around a bit, trying to find her amidst the crowd, then he starts making a coule of arcane gestures with his hands "I do have a neat party trick..."

After but a few movements of the hand Daghir materialises close, teeth bared and bronze spear held menacingly in a combat pose, she looked around until she saw Dammer smiling next to the captain, a glare filled with something akin to rage directed to the admiral but brushed off, if even noticed. A small sigh led to a smile from the woman as she swiftly strapped the spear to her back and made a corteous vow to the captain, offering her hand as she had seen the local ladies do "A pleasure seeing you Captain Karnum, I see the trip didn't scar." Dammer raised an eyebrow at the expression but said no more


Group Captain Mov,

Splendid, hopefully our efforts will be enough to deal with the attack upon Crater side before it escalates.

weeell, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to invest given a healthy interest in endorsing Miss Eithne's charitative efforts, but depending on the cut you'll be taking we can negotiate what other deals I may offer for it.

eager for a reply,
-Admiral Dammer Estragoth


Ughul's voice matches that of the river god in tone, if not in the sheer might behind it "Sadly, and I don't see it getting better. Still maybe it looked better from your side of the line." He let the wind of the river carry his voice away, quickly drowned in the noice of the city's blood. "Have you kept your ear to the ground?" the question could be considered funny when dissected with its context, too bad Ughul hadn't the head for humor lately.

And thus it'll be, the words came out almost dully, he feared not contracts or payment, it feared him, usually.

"I have been wronged and for that I will have
My vengeance is everything.
My vengeance is a fire that consumes all, my enemy and myself
I will give my blood to my vengeance..."

he stopped for a moment, it wasn't actually his blood he was giving, even if he gave it for the safety of their own...

"I will not rest, I will not cease..." he hardly did

"my vengeance is everything..." was it?

"I will only live for vengeance..." A flash of a sicarian mask went through his eyes, a drone in the cog all but mindless in his devotion, he failed to see the connection (even where there was one) or the appeal... And he had not consulted Ughul, then it hit him, the thing may ask for Ughul's blood! who would keep the place running? it was unacceptable! still, he tried to let the dream thing down easily, it was very polite after all, even after his blunder.

"On second thought, I think I'll find the men and vengeance on my own, you know, just don't think I'm as passionate as you about the old Vinagreta, if you would pardon my northern Sibrisk. Still, do appear in my dreams if you feel like chatting, or making a less marriagy deal, and you know, I guess I'll think really hard about you if I change my mind? not sure it would work, we are getting quite decent at mind defense... Current predicament not whitstanding"

he hanged around waiting for an answer for a moment "soo... Can we get back to the usual great magic, memories of the past or luxuries I'm just this close to buying? I'll let you play..."

2019-01-21, 04:39 AM
Eithne's Apothecary
Security: 10

A Night In The Spotlight

Doing her best not to show just how startled she was from Mordred ghosting up beside her (and not quite succeeding in that endeavour), Eithne turned to the latter with a warm, if still nervous smile.

"Oh no, not at all! I'd really appreciate it if you did so, actually!"

Dear Director Wailing,

Such could be a viable option, certainly. However, the local fauna is far from the only danger one could encounter in the wild; you should know that there are Beastmen tribes out there as well. My herb-gathering is not so much of a disturbance as to warrant their notice, but they might well take exception to the disruption that establishing a farm out there might cause.

Of course, it's not like I have the resources at hand to even begin considering the prospect of establishing and securing a farm against potential aggression from these tribes. Perhaps you might see things differently from your position.


Does Eithne have any particular 'insight' about why cultivation of herbs within Rialta has not worked out?

2019-01-24, 10:20 PM
Rialta Office

Security: 4

Eithne's Apothecary

Beastmen are easily dealt with. Such as they have never seen an arquebus before, and deploying a few guards with such weapons should serve to frighten them off.

Marnus Wailing