View Full Version : Gods of Invells (FAE) [IC]

2018-11-05, 07:02 PM
A play by post of Inverse World (Fate Accelerated edition).

Play threads:
Recruitment Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572857-Inverse-World-anyone-(Fate-Accelerated))
OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?573066-Gods-of-Invells-(FAE)-OOC)
Wiki (https://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Gods_of_Invells)

Frozen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?19404-Frozen) playing Yoki (https://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Gods_of_Invells#Yoki)
Merilan (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?29133-Merilan) playing Olivia (https://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Gods_of_Invells#Olivia)
MrSandman (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?170847-MrSandman) playing Dr. Fyllen Woodsam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Gods_of_Invells#Dr._Fyllen_Woodsam)
Pandorym (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?177031-Pandorym) playing Myst (https://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Gods_of_Invells#Myst)
roryb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?41503-roryb) GM

2018-11-05, 08:08 PM
No one had seen an out of breath golem before…

Selene returned to Sanja’s by way of the back entrance Olivia had shown her followed swiftly by the helmed Yoki. Olivia had stolen a glimpse of the back corridor and saw the dull silver outlander skulk in without the matron of the house noticing. Something was wrong.

Olivia had given Selene as cozy of a nook as she could find in the cellars of the House of Abundance behind the tuns of Zizoran Cider. The strange automaton needed no food nor sleep by all accounts, but was often wracked with emotional outbursts, even tears welling from within her silver metallic eyes. She had learned a few words of the trade tongue rather quickly, but when first discovered while being harassed by a handful of aggressive panhandlers near the lifts Selene shared no common tongue with anyone of Sootholm at all.

Now the poor thing sat among her nest of bedding and pillows, cradled into a tight ball, arms clasped around articulated knees and rocking back and forth.

“Olivia!” called Sanja from above. The door at the top of the stairs creaked as the venerable matron called again. “Olivia! I need vegetables washed and cut for a new batch of soup! We’ll have to water down the stock — expecting more tonight…”

Never a moment’s break. And things were getting worse in Sootholm with more folks in want and the Imperials virtually cutting off all trade to the dirty coal mining outpost.

“Olivia! Did you hear me?” The old matron took a few steps down toward the dimly lit cellar floor.

Yay! First post…

No need to hurry with responses. It always takes me time to get everything set up. Feel free to ask questions if you want more info. Usually, I’ll keep a running stock of all the aspects, points, and so forth in the spoiler block. Always check my work, because I can easily forget or overlook something important.

Begin your posts with your character’s name in bold at the top to help me keep track. When you update with your first posts, feel free to add to what we know so far with any details relevant to your characters individually. I’m sure MrSandman’s good doctor will have lots of fun stuff to add with his knowledge. I imagine he might have been summoned by some of you to “treat” Selene as some sort of resident expert on weird automatons. However, I’ll leave that all up to you.

Take a look on the wiki for details about the outpost of Gara’s Shaft (https://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Gods_of_Invells#Gara.27s_Shaft). There’s several persistent aspects you’ll be able to invoke or compel: Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous; An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up. While in Sanja’s, there’s a couple more relevant ones: A Last Refuge of Comfort for the Downtrodden; Matron Sanja Has Her Limits.

At this point, let’s assume you’ve all committed to helping Selene get to the Temple of the Lantern on Sola, and you know the basics of her nature. And here’s two relevant aspects for that: Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes. We also know at this point Captain Taurus is not due for two days and there’s not other known way off the outpost unless you perhaps steal a ship from the garrison. None of you are the sky sailing types, so you’d have to find someone to pilot one of those too.

Let’s also set that Yoki’s determined and brash defense of Selene was great, but got no good look or description at the assailants other than their cloaks and their fanatical tenaciousness. You also don’t know what Selene was doing by herself seeking out a nondescript little abandoned tunnel in one of the lesser populated areas of Gara’s Shaft. If you want more firm info, you’ll have to go back and investigate.

Let’s also assume you’re all here in the cellar of Sanja’s, or soon about to be. If Olivia wants to get Sanja to back off or not get suspicious, it'll take an overcome roll. That leads me to APPROACHES! Just make sure your descriptions give enough detail that one or two possible approaches are clear. I will at times give some weight to the approaches when they're not the most appropriate choices (like bashing down a door Forcefully when trying to sneak around). Even successes will sometimes have adverse side-effects.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
A Last Refuge of Comfort for the Downtrodden
Matron Sanja Has Her Limits

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - TBD
Myst - 4 (assuming suggested compel is accepted)
Olivia - 3 (includes additional for aspect story)
Yoki - 2 (includes additional for aspect story)
GM - 4

2018-11-05, 08:19 PM
Olivia had been frantically desperate to find any trace of Selene after her shift was over -- after realising that the golem had slipped out of the nook they were spending time in. It wasn't really out of choice more than necessity; far from some kind of splendorous socialite with access to the most lavish of hotels, Olivia was just a scraggly-looking girl who looked no less in need than Selene herself -- and that was why she took pity on the golem, wanting to shelter her and offer her a way out when she said she needed to head to the Temple of Sola.

"I--I'm glad you were there for her, Mister Yoki," Olivia spoke to Yoki, Selene's saviour. She was alarmed at his visage at first, but it was cleared up quickly that he had saved her from those cloaked figures that were after her... and there was only so much she could do. She wasn't exactly a premiere combatant of any sort.

Olivia is fairly small for a girl her seeming age -- perhaps 5'2", with pale blonde hair, though the softly glowing red eyes and dusk-coloured wings stand out a little, even amidst Cloud-blessed of her kind. She looks like she doesn't own anything but a muddied white dress in need of laundering, and no shoes -- she's been barefoot this whole time, not by choice either.

Sanja was calling.

"I--I'm coming, ma'am!" Olivia calls, then bites her lip. "Will you be okay down here? I'll-- be back soon. I'll bring dinner for you," she promises, before frantically hurrying up the stairs before she could find the other two.

I assume that'll be a Quick overcome? She's hurrying to meet her demands, but isn't making any kind of witty excuse or anything. I'll make the base 4dF roll:

Overcome - [roll0] +3 for Quick

2018-11-05, 09:16 PM

<Damn. Thought I'd slipped her. Going to have to be more quiet.>
Yoki nods to Olivia, then up at the stairs.
"Don't worry about that just now. Food isn't the problem. With the increased patrols things are tense. We'll go when things settle." Grabbing a pilfered cider and a couple of filthy discarded soot-cloaks and aprons, the armoured figure attempts to skewer them on the remnants of his bony wings, shuffling over to disused corner behind a rack near Selene's "Nest", awkardly attemping to be a clothing stand.
"Selene will be all right. She always cries more at night." he tips the tepid bottle against his mask and clips the top with a metal fingertip, drinking the cider streaming in through the small slit. Letting out a sigh he tucks the bottle into an open apron pocket as the girls footsteps recede.
"They all do." He murmurs, letting his head clank against the dusty wall.

Basking in the glory of one favoured by the dice gods. Automatic coatman. :smallcool:
Old ladies be scary.

2018-11-06, 05:06 AM
Fate Points: 4

The sentient elemental expression of Sola's holy rainwater tossed a number of grimy, soot-covered coins in its (his? Olivia seemed to think so) ephemeral palm, featureless facsimile of a face tilted in a combination of curiosity and mild annoyance before placing the currency within his liquid body.

To act as courier was only natural, an extension of his original purpose — divine proclamation. He had existed for time unmarked, obeying the visions and oracular auguries sent to him by the Highest of Holies, a vessel for the solar will.

It was he who had unleashed ruin and devastation on what was Yoki's home of origin: a holy message delivered even as a plague of horrid illusory madness via watery manipulation was bestowed on the arrogant populace. In the midst of the titanic storm that followed the expression of the divine will, an army gathered by his holy hands descended en masse to bring untold destruction as was foretold. Nothing had remained in the aftermath, not even the island.

Time passed, as it does, and the rain washed away everything that had occurred into the reservoirs of history. Only one had survived, and Myst's judgment deemed him innocent. So it was. But then... a vision, more clear and powerful than anything he'd received in eons. A golem. Selene. A prophecy to guide her to Sola's most sacred temple. He had of course answered the holy order, and the rain and storm brought him to them, the last of this eclectic little group.

Now he was a courier again, delivering messages and packages for fragments of compensation to purchase passage on an airship. It was a twisted inversion of his once holy duty, but needs must when the solar will is silent. The coins came to a slow rest within his body, safely encased in a bubble to prevent potential loss. As he passes, those who recognize his sacrosanct person ask for blessings, and he gives as best he can, even as dense fog and rainclouds follow in his footsteps.

He returns to the small hostel where they have taken refuge from the nearby Imperial forces, as ever ignoring the matron of the establishment even as he wards off potential lightning strikes on the building with a shooing motion of his fluid hands. He had no need to eat, drink, or sleep, and thus the shelter was only a courtesy to him at most. Sanja believed only in Sola, and barely at that thanks to the perpetually dark environs, so his presence meant nothing to her beyond what patrons and pilgrims he could attract.

"Such is the existence of a Rainlord," he murmurs softly in his bubbling, flowing approximation of a voice as he takes a seat near the entrance to the cellar.

2018-11-06, 02:08 PM
Dr. Woodsam

A newcomer enters the building. He is a middle-aged man with messy greying hair and spectacles. He wears a brown tweed jacket that distincly identifies him as a university professor. Under it, a white shirt and a bow tie show.

Obviously uncomfortable by the place, he stands on a corner for a short while, examining the walls and windows, and stealing glares to people every once in a while. Finally, he walks to someone who looks like a worker of the establishment.

Hi, um... I'm here to see a girl named Olivia. Apparently, she works here, he says.

2018-11-06, 02:29 PM
A wrinkled angel more charcoal than white and somewhat disheveled cast him a forced smile. She was feathering a black chicken. The professor watched in fascination as the feathers were removed by the fistful revealing black flesh underneath.

"Welcome to the House of Plenty," the woman cracked. "Olivia is in the back..."

The professor got a glimpse of a barefoot girl in white that looked positively distraught. Beyond the girl waited a most peculiar creature appearing as a bubbling glass figure full of fluid. She caught his eye momentarily before the lights went out...

Down below in the gloom, Yoki watched on helplessly as Selene's behavior continued. The graphite colored girl suddenly stiffened, her head lifting up from her arms long enough for the protector to read the expression of fear on her normally unexpressive features. The pure silver of her eyes dimmed and she slumped lifelessly into her bedding.

Then he heard the screams from above.

It was as if someone had doused a candle in a dark sealed room. There was no light whatsoever -- a very unnatural and almost tangible opaqueness dropped over the kitchen and top floor of the house. Sanja and one of her helpers screamed. Pans and pots clattered, and suddenly there was the taste of feathers in the air. None could see, but they heard the door open and soft footsteps of two or more figures hurriedly entering from without.

Apologies, but I'm going to push this along uncommonly forcefully.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
A Last Refuge of Comfort for the Downtrodden
Matron Sanja Has Her Limits

Boost: Topside (Olivia)
Impenetrable Blackness

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 3
Myst - 3 (Adjusted down one because Refresh is now 2)
Olivia - 3
Yoki - 2
GM - 4

2018-11-06, 02:58 PM
Olivia's heart skips a beat the moment she hears someone is looking for her. Ever skittish and terrified of anyone looking after her. She casts her gaze in the professor's direction. He wasn't wearing a plague doctor mask -- but that isn't to say they always do, out in public. As Sanja speaks to her, she tucks her head down and begins dicing carrots faster--

Then the lights go out.

"M-Miss Sanja??" Olivia cries, "What happened--"

She sucks in a faint breath.

A light emits from out of her chest. A light the colour of dusk, or perhaps more accurately a source of both light and darkness both. "D-Dusk, don't come out now--" she begs, but her little Light wasn't having any of it.

Then it shines, with that colour of sunset, to give illumination to what was happening.

Olivia (or rather Dusk) is Cleverly overcoming the darkness with her own light. [roll0]

2018-11-06, 03:09 PM
Not immediately, but with certainty, the blackness faded away from Olivia's light, revealing Sanja sprawled out among her cut potatoes and covered in black feathers. Beyond her toward the entry, three cloaked figures were frozen in place. Scaled and talon-like hands covered their sensitive eyes. These three figures turned tail and began to flee.

Olivia (or rather Dusk) is Cleverly overcoming the darkness with her own light. [roll0]
Nicely done! Because this is a very unnatural darkness, I would give it a difficulty of +3. Olivia makes it handily, though not quite enough to gain a boost (although use that Topside boost now or loose it...in which case you'll get a different boost!). Using the old boost to get the new one: Blinded.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
A Last Refuge of Comfort for the Downtrodden
Matron Sanja Has Her Limits
Boost: Topside (Olivia)
Impenetrable Blackness
Boost: Blinded

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 3
Myst - 3
Olivia - 3
Yoki - 2
GM - 4

2018-11-06, 04:36 PM
Dr. Woodsam quickly walks toward Sanja and takes her hand. Are you all right, madam? he asks as he checks her pulse.

2018-11-06, 05:51 PM
Yoki shrugs off the wall, tearing the soiled garments from his back. He grimaces inside his visor at the autmatons' thrashings, her features reminding him of a similar time.

~A storm tossed night.~
~Putrid bubbles of the remnants of a polluted lake orbiting outside the city walls.~
~A young scion tossing restlessly in the smoggy air.~
Yoki crouches and starts to a reach out with a consoling hand then shakes his head and shies back.
<These aren't built for that. Not anymore.>

As if in agreement to his thoughts the now-familiar lightning begins dancing off the protruding bits of steel on his arms. He rises and walks to the stairs as the scream sounds. He looks back at the prone figure.
"...It'll be alright."
The energy around him crackles as his body tenses, then rushes forward, smashing through the door in a hail of rotten splinters. Striding into the kitchen Yoki sends a lightning-charged kick at the bubbling old iron cookpot, sending it through the thin dividing wall and into the common room, aimed at the front entry.
"Something's wrong downstairs." He says flatly. "Selene fainted. Who are they?"

Using my stunt "Violence is Key" to Forcefully create an advantage. Trying to create the situation aspect "Bubble, Bubble, Hail of Rubble." to make the entryway rough terrain and hinder their escape.

Dice result is 6 (http://orokos.com/roll/675851)

2018-11-06, 06:41 PM
Olivia yelps and huddles her arms over her head as Yoki gives the pot a kick. Oh no, her not-terribly-delicious dinner of vegetable and chicken soup!

... though she can't worry about that right now, eyes widening. "M-Miss Sanja!" she cries, as she watches Dr. Woodsam kneel next to her; her hands are together at her heart, asking, "Is she going to be all right?"

She looks up at Yoki and hesitantly says, "Those cloaked guys attacked us before, I think they're after Selene... but I don't know who they are."

2018-11-06, 08:10 PM
Fate Points: 3

He gives a tiny sigh of exasperation. Really? Now, with the Imperials already causing them trouble on their holy mission? This will not stand.

Myst targets one of the fleeing cloaked figures and extends his hand in a sinuous motion, ending with a heavy snap of his wrist. A veritable waterfall's worth of rainwater bursts from his hand and arm towards the running silhouette in an attempt to blast it into the wall and prevent it from escaping.

Forcefully Attack the Black Feathered Folk (http://orokos.com/roll/675915): 4dF+2 6. If I succeed with style, I activate my stunt The Oncoming Storm.

2018-11-07, 03:06 AM
Dr. Woodsam quickly walks toward Sajen and takes her hand. Are you all right, madam? he asks as he checks her pulse.

M-Miss Sanja!" she cries, as she watches Dr. Woodsam kneel next to her; her hands are together at her heart, asking, "Is she going to be all right?"

“Oh dear me!” she said. When Yoki burst through the door, it gave the matron another shock. “Sola save me!”

Dr. Woodsam was fairly certain she had just had a shock, but he wouldn’t know until he had a better look.

The three darkly clad miscreants sped along the narrow corridor toward the exit in a dash before the flying shards of the door to the cellar caused them to start. Everything happened seemingly all at once. Then Myst’s deluge of rainwater sprayed. The three thugs flattened against the shadowed walls of the narrow corridor to escape the worst, but there was nowhere to hide.

Note that the reptilians are not feathered — those were black chicken feathers flying all around when Sanja fell during the blackout. :smallbiggrin:

Defense (http://orokos.com/roll/675960): 4dF 0. I was going to invoke some stuff, but it still wouldn’t meet the minimum to avoid that attack. You guys are too impressive! :smalleek:

They’re taken out...how does that go down, Pandorym?

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes

Outlander Minions
Furtive Reptilians from Beyond (two other aspects)
Good at (+2): ganging up, sneaking, setting traps, ambushing, creating darkness, doing things in the darkness
Bad at (-2): bravery alone, communicating with others
Stress: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] (a mook group of 3) — taken out

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
A Last Refuge of Comfort for the Downtrodden
Matron Sanja Has Her Limits
Boost: Blinded
Bubble, Bubble, Hail of Rubble [ 2 ]

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 3
Myst - 3
Olivia - 3
Yoki - 2
GM - 4

2018-11-07, 10:06 AM
Dr. Woodsam tries to calm down Sanja a bit with a soft voice, It's okay, it's over now. Here, why don't you sit for a while? He helps her to a chair. Then, he looks at Olivia and answers her question while looking over Miss Sanja to make sure that she hasn't got any wounds, that he pulse and breathing remain constant, and that she can hear and properly understand questions. She'll be all right, I think. It's probably just the sudden shock. Then he looks up and asks to those around, Can somebody bring her some water, please? Looking back at Miss Sanja, he tries to make sure that she's still got her wits about her, How are you feeling? Do you know what happened to you? he asks, softly.

Carefully examine Sanja (http://orokos.com/roll/676023): 4dF+2 3

2018-11-07, 12:20 PM
Helping Sanja into a seat, upon further examination, Dr. Woodsam found that the elderly angel was none the worse for wear — although her lungs rattled in a most alarming way. It was notable how she had achieved such a ripe age in such horribly toxic environment.

“Thank you, dearie,” she replied, patting the well-dressed man on the shoulder. “That darkness took me by surprise!”

While one of Sonja’s kitchen helpers ran to her with a cup of cloudy water, the professor’s keen observatory mind took note of a strange smooth black device that had fallen from the grip of one of the lizard attackers and rolled under the counter. None of the others seemed to have noticed. The thing immediately grabbed his attention, and his intuition told him there was something to learn here.

Going to suggest a compel on the Professor’s I Must Figure out How It Works! aspect. I won’t reveal the complication quite yet, but suffice it to say a strange artifact might have dangerous things attached to it. Knowing how his colleagues undermine his research at all times, he would probably keep this under wraps until he knows more. This is a decision-based compel, so I’ll not charge you a fate point if you decline this proposed compel (plus, all I’ve given you is that something bad will probably happen).

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes

Outlander Minions
Furtive Reptilians from Beyond (two other aspects)
Good at (+2): ganging up, sneaking, setting traps, ambushing, creating darkness, doing things in the darkness
Bad at (-2): bravery alone, communicating with others
Stress: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] (a mook group of 3) — taken out

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
A Last Refuge of Comfort for the Downtrodden
Matron Sanja Has Her Limits
Boost: Blinded
Bubble, Bubble, Hail of Rubble [ 2 ]

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 3
Myst - 3
Olivia - 3
Yoki - 2
GM - 4

2018-11-07, 03:28 PM
Olivia gets up and nods to Dr. Woodsam to begin fetching water, but realises it's been dealt with; there's a look of relief on her face as she expresses, "I'm glad..." She pauses, as she glances towards where the attackers had fallen. They weren't imperials, but it was not unlikely that the commotion might draw their attention. A bit of anxiety crept up to her heart again.

Sanja's cough gets her attention, though, as she expresses, "Please, take it easy, Miss Sanja..." She helps her quaff the water if needed, mostly tending to the matron of the House at present.

2018-11-07, 03:36 PM
Yoki steps over to to fallen cookpot, giving a small nod to Myst.
"Good shot."
Righting the cauldron with a grunt Yoki inspects how much remains. He drags it over to its rightful place in the kitchen and begins adding things, trying to salvage the meal. With a glance at the coughing Sanja he adds a couple of herbs that he remembers aid in respiratory health.
<We used to use these for the smog....Not sure it's the same but it can't hurt..>

Passingly by Olivia, he nods to her once.
"......Sorry. About the soup. It smelled good."
Finished with his ministrations he returns to the doorway of the Cellar.
"I need to check on her. Yell if there's trouble."

His footsteps recede into the gloomy doorway.

Carefully salvaging a meal (http://orokos.com/roll/676087), using a free invoke; 4df+3 = 4

2018-11-07, 03:54 PM
Yoki’s attempts saved much of the hearty ingredients of the soup. With some more water and thickener, it wouldn’t be completely unpalatable. However, once Sanja had taken a sip and collected a breath, she took better stock of her now waterlogged and debris strewn kitchen and entryway.

“My kitchen! My home!” she said, her voice strained with barely contained grief. “Where do you think YOU’RE going!?” she added as Yoki approached the cellar. “Noooo…! You’re not welcome!” she shot at him.

The now enraged matron turned next to Olivia. “These are your friends!” she screeched hoarsely. “Take them and just go! You’re not welcome here… none of you! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!”

By this time, a gathering of the hungry and curious folk of Sootholm had gathered near the screen door, peering in at the strange scene, summoned by the commotion, and now by Sanja’s outburst.

“Get OUT!” she repeated.

Then Olivia’s worst fears came to be. She heard the distinct sound of heavy boots ascending the platform on which Sanja’s was precariously perched, no doubt summoned by the sound.

Turning up the octane a bit. Keep in mind, I still need to reserve a little space for Pandorym to describe what happened to the outlander minions.

There are two aspects at play now: Matron Sanja Has Her Limits, and An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up. All aspect compels affect everyone, except the former one for Dr. Woodsam who hasn’t really laid any stake here at Sanja’s and has only shown help. However, the complications are that she wants you all out now, and the Imperials are coming and will likely arrest anyone involved in breaking the peace.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes

Outlander Minions — taken out
Furtive Reptilians from Beyond (two other aspects)

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
A Last Refuge of Comfort for the Downtrodden
Matron Sanja Has Her Limits
Boost: Blinded
Bubble, Bubble, Hail of Rubble [ 2 ]
Raging Thunderstorm [ 2 ] (allies) [ 1 ] (opponents)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 3 (1 point to add pending approval to aforementioned compel; 1 more due to the above compel)
Myst - 3 (+2 points pending; see above)
Olivia - 3 (+2 points pending; see above)
Yoki - 2 (+2 points pending; see above)
GM - 4

2018-11-07, 05:06 PM
Fate Points: 5

Those attempting to escape stand no chance versus the incoming river of holy water — the massive impact drives them bodily into the wall and the sheer force knocks them unconscious to the floor simultaneously, even as imprints of their forms are left in the weak wood from the contact.

He's silent for a moment. "Mayhap a bit too much righteous fury behind that one," he murmurs to himself as blasts of lightning interrupted only by roars of thunder resound around the building, howling wind and driving rain accompanying them soon afterwards.

Then the mewling wrath of the inept matron descends, followed by the sound of heavy boots barely heard over the raging storm. His facsimile of hands rub against the sides of what passes for his head as he sighs again for the second time in ten minutes. The others were rubbing on him it seems. "Well, you just made the 'get out' part harder on our end," he bubbles unpleasantly at Sanja before turning towards the others.

"Get Selene and perhaps one of those reptiles. I will be the herald of our escape," the Rainlord instructs the others before beginning to stride powerfully towards the front door, his body beginning to froth and churn even as miniature reflections of the lightning outdoors burst throughout him.

Don't forget that I have two invokes of my stunt-granted advantage Raging Storm. I'll accept the compels and take the points as well.

2018-11-08, 02:06 AM
Olivia flinches and huddles under her arms for a moment as Sanja barks her anger out. It isn't as if she can particularly disagree with her over what's happened. "I'm sorry, I--I'm sorry, I'll, stay out of your way..." She stares towards the gatherings of folk staring at all of them, shrinking into her wings a little. The sound of boots didn't help with the anxiety.

She winces softly at Myst, but concern for Selene overrides as she hurries towards the cellar as she looks to Yoki, nearly in tears. "Let's, let's move her somewhere safer. They'll know we're here anyway."

Olivia's a softie and a pushover... so she's accepting those two compels. :(

2018-11-08, 04:30 AM
<Well, this escalated quickly.>
Yoki stares at Sanja while she speaks, silent as the grave.He turns and nods at Olivia. "Agreed. Keep your little friend close. She seems to suffer less with more light around."

Ducking through the remnants of the door he jumps down the stairwell, landing in the Cellar with a clank. He steps more softly when approaching the Golem and announces himself in a dull voice.
"It's time to go, Sel. Going to have to be strong now. A few locks are in the way. It's not a problem."
He hefts her carefully, peering through his visor to examine any changes in expression.

Following compels, trying to establish 2 facts.
- Light is good for golemz. (By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes)
- Yoki is dimly aware of how Sola energy based things interact, in a vague and unreliable fashion.(You learn alot about Sola when you fall into it)

2018-11-08, 06:58 AM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

Dr. Woodsam moves slowly toward the counter, close to the black device. Then, he waits for his opportunity to discretely fetch it. He produces a handkerchief from his pocket, with which he wipes his forehead. When Miss Sanja's outburst breaks out, Dr. Woodsam drops the handkerchief surprised.

Oh, wow, what a temper, he comments casually to those around him. Look now, it startled me so much, that it made me drop my handkerchief. Such a pity, it was my last clean one... With that, he kneels down to the floor, simulating difficulty to reach it. Eventually, he has to put a hand on the floor, under the counter, to support his weight and be able to reach the handkerchief. Once its retrieved, he sits up and casually pockets both of his hands (one with a handkerchief, the other with the black device) in his jacket, and breathes in deeply to brace himself for the effort of getting up.

Dr. Woodsam has no desire whatsoever to give any explanations to the imperials. They are scary and not particularly gentle. So he decides to clear out before they show up. He casually leaves the establishment, pretending that he doesn't know the others, and waits outside for Selene to come out.

Dr. Woodsam accepts the compel and tries to retrieve the black device by using the old trick of diverting the attention to something superfluous so the important action goes unnoticed.
Flashily retrieve black device (http://orokos.com/roll/676187): 4dF+2 3
(If I understood correctly, this is enough to succeed. If it isn't, I'd like try and invoke something to make it succeed)

He also accepts the compel about the imperials and clears out as casually as possible.

2018-11-08, 03:23 PM
Olivia catches herself as she wipes her tears, nodding to Yoki as she hurries down towards the cellar and moves towards the Golem. "It--it's going to be okay, Selene, we'll just get you out of here. Here, Dusk'll help you out, okay...?"

She's by far the most diminuitive of the group, so she's not really sure how much she can carry her, but she'll get moving quickly. Hopefully Yoki'll be there too.

In truth, she wasn't certain if Dusk would soothe her. There was a connection to Sola, but Dusk was... worrying to her, with its more seemingly vicious impulses. It was as much a creature antithetical to light as it is light, as is befitting sunset.

Olivia is Quickly moving, and I'll evoke 'By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes' for a +2 with a fate point... though her light is a bit dodgy on that front. Total of +5. [roll0]

2018-11-08, 04:22 PM
A sussurrating murmur echoes from inside the runed and battered helmet as Yoki observes the small Lanterns' emergence.

"I see what you mean. But there's light in him....and it might be enough. Sometimes all we need is a little nudge. Though maybe a little more light couldn't hurt. This is such a gloomy place.....I never knew towns like this really existed."

Lowering Selene to a "weekend at Bernie's" position, Yoki carefully places a small glowing coin into her palm and closes the fingers around it.

<Let it be enough. These walls are closing in.>
"I'll do the heavy lifting, just lead the way."

uh...that's it.

2018-11-09, 10:28 AM
Fate Points: 5

The front door is blown open in front of Myst by a strong gust of wind, almost ripping it off its crude hinges as it slams into the wall. What few spectators that remain are quickly scattering, leaving only the oncoming Imperial squad. Seven of them, all clad in fine studded leather armor with sharp steel weapons at hand. Truly an inspiring sight... if they weren't so agitating.

As they skid uncertainly to a stop in the black mud formed from rainwater and congealed soot, they exchange uncertain glances with each other before looking back at the lone figure intercepting them. Their resolve falters for just a moment, stained with hesitation. Their weapons drop ever so slightly. It would prove to be their undoing.

"I am Myst," he begins cordially. "I am on a divine mission, and you may not interfere. Goodbye."

It is then that the wrath of the storm descends upon the group, lightning crashing at their heels, thunderclaps disorienting them, howling wind shoving them back inch by inch until they're forced to give ground even as pouring rain weighs them down and practically drowns them. At last the Imperial dogs can take no more after a particularly powerful blast of thunder sends them sprawling unmoving into the ever-thickening mud.

As a last act before withdrawing Myst moves among the stunned half-conscious soldiers and takes whatever coin purses they have to make acquiring skyship tickets easier. Then he goes back to the group, only acknowledging their questioning gazes with a satisfied nod.

Flashily Dispersing the Imperials (http://orokos.com/roll/676489): 4dF+3 6. That should be a success with style. I'll take the Boost Embodiment of Divine Will for the scene.

2018-11-10, 09:23 AM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

During the time that the others take to bring Selene out of the building, Dr. Woodsam produces a map of the outpost from his pocket and studies different possible routes to quickly leave the scene and go somewhere away from imperial's eyes. As soon as he sees Olivia and Selene coming out, he walks up to them and says to Selene, Hi, Selene. It's nice to see you again. Then, he turns to Olivia and introduces himself, Hello, my name is Fyllen. I met Selene a few days ago. I understand that you must be Olivia. I'd offer to shake your hand, but I think the quicker we leave, the better. If you'll follow me, I know where to go.

With that, he leads them (if they will follow), through the route that he has devised to avoid being seen by any imperials into a quiet place of the outpost. After a short while walking, they reach a small square in the outer area of the settlement.

Then, Dr. Woodsam sighs and finally explains himself, Well, that was an interesting turn of events. I did certainly not expect to meet you in such troubled circumstances, but it is a pleasure to finally see you. Selene told me about you. He extends his arm, waiting for Olivia to shake it. As I said earlier, my name is Fyllen. I'm not too completely sure about what your relationship with Selene is, he looks for a moment at Selene, wishing there was a way to better communicate with her, but if I understood correctly, you're travelling to Sola with her. Well, I came to say that I've found a ship that could take us there. It's a bit old, a relic, really, but it's extraordinarily interesting. I got it from a collector who happens to be doing business here. He's cleaned and repaired it, so it should be just fine.

Dr. Woodsam concludes his explanation not realising that he's got a ship but no pilot to offer.

Cleverly disappear in Gara's Shaft's streets (http://orokos.com/roll/676707): 4dF+3 2
I also use the stunt Just What I Needed to produce the ship to go to Sola, or at least somewhere closer to it, I'm not sure an old ship would get us all the way there. I'm also not sure if this is too strong a use of the stunt, in which case I'd be happy to pay a fate point for it.

2018-11-10, 12:04 PM
Olivia’s light was enough to rouse the unconscious construct. Selene’s metallic eyelids fluttered as the gentle angel brought Dusk over her. The two moved quickly and were out the door helping Selene as they could. Certainly Yoki’s glowing coin made a difference in her wakefulness; however, the golem still seemed distant and only dimly aware of what was happening.

The thunderstorm was a sight not seen in Sootholm for ages. Both townsfolk and imperial officers alike in the gloom were sent scurrying. Streaks of soot washed away from the platform atop which Sanja’s was built, and in moments the four intrepid escorts and Selene were drenched in cleansing rain. Myst scooped up enough coin to get them supplies for a journey, and perhaps some other clues or tokens of value in the soldiers’ purses.

The professor’s route up rickety stairs and across platforms that leaned out over the void took them on a roundabout trip. Conveniently, his way avoided most of the beacon lights. The rain abated as they left the immediate area, but the choking stench of burning stoves and furnaces quickly met them and the normal windy buffeting.

They crossed a narrow and dangerous span over a corner of the void to come to the edge of the community were newer dwellings were perched on the outer edge of the Worldcrust. Here, the open air flecked with debris and dust from Invells continually peppered them. The cleaner air was only of little comfort in light of the more severe elements. All about them nets stretched across dangerous areas provided little actual safety as their poorly constructed catwalks festooned to the stone led them to a cluster of alleys and buildings clinging to the underside of earth's ceiling.

Toward one among these Dr. Woodsam led. A building of tin and wood looking more like a heap of debris carried by Invells’ powerful winds stood before them. They entered by way of a large door into a dark area filled with refuse of all imaginable shapes and sizes. The bowsprit of some antiquated vessel protruded from several dirty tarps in the dark interior of the hangar.

From a pile of scrap came a toothless black streaked man in coveralls with tools adorning a wide girdle approached them, interrupting the group’s introductions.

“Professor!” he said approaching him. The collector wiped his hands on a rag. There were equal parts black on rag and hand. Nonetheless, the hand was offered to Dr. Woodsam. “You’re back, and none too late. I just finished patching up the last of the Pride of Salack. She’s not much to look at, and she won’t survive in the Cloud Layer, but she’ll take you just about anywhere else if you treat her gentle and avoid hitting islands. Did you get your pilot?”

The man then began to glance at all the members of the motley group, toothless mouth agape.

So, that overcome from Dr. Woodsam is the only one that doesn't hit or exceed the difficulty (+3). Fortunately, there are enough boosts generated from he other tests and even free invokes on the raging thunderstorm that he has more than enough to break the ceiling. As far as the boat, I’m okay with that. There’s enough interesting complications to that: (1) it’s a relic, so it’ll have Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve; (2) you need a pilot. I’ll also say that this ship would have been stolen or scrapped if it was in the open. Therefore the collector still has it in a packed hangar disguised as something else.

I’m also realizing the Dr’s stunt is worded in such a way that we don’t really know how it works. I’ll propose the following amendment for that one:

Just What I Needed: You are awesome at finding and producing supplies during a time of need. Once per session, produce any item, supply, or good as long as you can justify how you might have previously arranged it. The GM might impose a cost to items of extreme value or usefulness to the situation.

Also, I’m not seeing that anyone took one of the weird lizard men in your haste. I’ll stick with that. If you want to retcon bringing one along, we can discuss in the OOC thread.

This will be a new scene here.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
Bubble, Bubble, Hail of Rubble [ 2 ]
Raging Thunderstorm [ 2 ] (allies) [ 1 ] (opponents)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 5
Myst - 5
Olivia - 5 4 (1 spent in Merilan's post above)
Yoki - 4
GM - 4

2018-11-10, 01:14 PM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

Dr. Woodsam's face brightens up when he sees his acquaintance. Without hesitation, he takes his dirty hand and shakes it. Emory! he says, I'm glad to see you again! This here is Selene, I think you'd find her most interesting. And the little one is Olivia, Selene's friend. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a pilot yet. Well, unless one of Selene's friends can pilot a ship. When I went to tell Selene the good news about the ship there was an... altercation. Of which I was merely a stander-by. But it did complicate things nonetheless.

2018-11-10, 02:49 PM
Olivia bites her lip and nods towards the Doctor as she follows them; she's not particularly great at hiding herself, given all the commotion in poor Sanja's house, so all the better. The Doctor seems to more have it all together... though the trepidation of the Doctor possibly being related to the Imperials hasn't left her mind yet. She looks a bit uncomfortable walking, not possessing shoes or protective wear of the sort.

"Selene told you about me...? Um-- I'm just--" Olivia hesitates. "I'm just a street urchin who found her and tried to hide her, badly," she sags. She instinctively draws into herself and holds her upper arm, to hide the brand that reads 'XG-00' and her experiment label on it. "It's true that I want to visit the Temple of Sola... but, ah--"

Her eyes widen a little more. A ship? Well, that's all the better than nothing, really. She was just trying to make ends meet with charity work, she wasn't certain what Yoki or that Rainlord was going to do. She tentatively shakes Fyllen's hand. "We need a pilot, then...? I'm not certain of Yoki or Myst can do that myself..."

2018-11-10, 03:30 PM
Yoki follows along silently save for the clank of his armour and the low crackle of lightning around his helm, wordlessly bearing his burden without complaint.
When the professor introduces himself Yoki inclines his metal head.

"Glad you found us before things escalated. I am Yoki. Consider me Selene's shield. I cannot pilot this vessel. We had nothing like it in my home. We.....never needed such things." He wiggles the remnants of his wings forlornly.
"If someone can get us in the air, I can repel boarders. On the ground....The best I can offer is to safeguard this place until we're ready to leave....though if anyone knows where a pilot is I can probably get them to fly us someways. I can be very persuasive."

Turning to to Emory Yoki gestures at the golem in his hands.
"Is there somewhere I can set her down? She's weak and needs to rest."

2018-11-11, 03:45 PM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

After cleaning his hand with a handkerchief, Dr. Woodsam asks the collector, I suppose it would be okay if we go into the hangar and have a look at the beauty? There we can lay Selene to rest.

Once inside the hangar, the professor sits down on a wooden crate and produces the map again from his pocket. Well, now we need to find ourselves a pilot. Let me have a look at this map and see if I can figure out where to look for one. He looks up and smiles at Olivia, I guess on the way we should see if I can get you some shoes, eh sweetheart? With that, he buries his face into the map and examines it with a marker on his hand.

I'm trying to cleverly create the aspect Pilots Be Here on the map. I'll roll here 'cause I'm on the phone.
[roll0] +3 = 2
I'm not being very lucky with my dice rolls, am I?
Also, Dr. Woodsam will try to remain behind while others go to find a pilot in order to examine the black device.

2018-11-13, 02:30 AM
Yoki found a suitable pallet with a few folded tarps next to a keel block under the decrepit ship to lay Selene. The golem was again fading, her eyelids fighting to stay open. She seemed to surrender into the stained folds. Emory immediately took interest, producing a smudged magnifying lens fitted to a headband. He came up close to inspect her. Selene stiffened and drew herself protectively into a little ball in response.

“No need to worry, dear,” the collector said. “I won’t hurt you. Where did you find this one?” he asked absently. “Never seen one quite like her.”

I'm trying to cleverly create the aspect Pilots Be Here on the map. I'll roll here 'cause I'm on the phone.
[roll0] +3 = 2
I'm not being very lucky with my dice rolls, am I?
Also, Dr. Woodsam will try to remain behind while others go to find a pilot in order to examine the black device.

Fate centers around 0, so a +2 is not too shabby at all. I’d put a +1 difficulty on that, so that’s enough to get what you need. By way of discussion, if you all want to rename that to something even more usable like “The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole” or something that implies it’s not a nest of hornets, feel free.

It sounds like going forward, we’ll split the scene into Dr. Woodsam’s and the others.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up
Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
Pilots Be Here [ 1 ]

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 5
Myst - 5
Olivia - 5 4 (1 spent in Merilan's post above)
Yoki - 4
GM - 4

2018-11-13, 09:22 AM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

Dr. Woodsam scribbles something on the map and, without lifting his gaze from the map, answers Emory, I didn't find her, she found me. I was caught in the dessert by a sandstorm and she appeared out of the blue and took me to a cave. She's an exceptional being.

After a short while, Dr. Woodsam finishes with the map, gets up, and announces, I think I've figured out where we can find ourselves a pilot. This establishment here is relatively close to the imperial garrison, has reasonable quality alcohol for cheap prices, and seems unlikely to attract much attention from normal folks.

I'd rather stay here, I've had enough adventures for the day, and I want to have another look at this beauty. Besides, this is probably the best place to let Selene rest a bit. Emory and I will take good care of her. He says that last sentence looking at Yoki, with a look of "she'll be safe." Then, she turns to Olivia, produces some money from one of his pockets, and tells her, Here, have this and get yourself some nice shoes. I've also marked a couple of places where you should find a shoestore on the way.

None that requires a roll, but I'd like to rename the aspect to The Imperial Pilot's Favourite Watering Hole, as you suggested.

2018-11-13, 01:45 PM
Olivia followed and looked to Selene with a concerned expression. "It'll be all right, okay...? We'll get you off this island soon..." she tries to offer for the poor Golem. She blinks at the professor and nods slowly, scratching her cheek. "T-thank you. That's really kind of you..."

She looks nearly embarrassed as she accepts the money from Dr. Woodsam, then looks towards Yoki. "Should we look for a suitable pilot, then, Mister Yoki?"

2018-11-13, 04:16 PM
Yoki looks up from what he was doing, pressing rusted old rivets into a tarp to fashion a crude cloak. "Good plan. I think I stand out a bit though. One sec."

Reaching into a nearby bucket of pitch used for ship repairs Yoki smears the sticky substance up and down his limbs, coating the metal and the raw flesh to make a uniform greasy black. He then grabs some dirt and further occludes himself as best he can, finishing then ensemble with the torn tarpaulin wrapped about himself as a makeshift cloak to hide the bulk of his armour. He tucks the bony shards at his shoulders down under the tarp, giving him a slight hunched look.

"Ready. Probably won't hold up to close inspection but it might help at a distance. Yeah, I'm sure we'll find a guy."

Cleverly creating the advantage of a disguise. Dice roll = 2 (http://orokos.com/roll/677436)

2018-11-13, 06:12 PM
Fate Points: 5

Little gets past the Rainlord's perceptive eyes. Fortunately he doesn't terribly care enough to mind.

"Going to go shanghai a pilot, are we? That works. It isn't as though we'll be catching our original vessel anyway."

Myst gives what can only be some manner of approximation of a shrug and starts walking out the door. His divinely appointed task was only to ensure Selene arrived at Sola's temple, not to be concerned about her health or mental state.

Time to get to work. And Sola help anyone who gets in his way.

2018-11-13, 06:23 PM
Olivia looks up as she opens her mouth at Myst, but the Rainlord leaves before she can. Instead, she asks Yoki with a plain face: "What does shanghai-ing a pilot mean?" Oh dear, Olivia's in for a bit of a shock, isn't she...?

2018-11-14, 02:14 PM
Selene watched forlornly as Olivia, Myst, and Yoki left the scrapyard. They took the old dangerous catwalks hanging from the surface of the Worldcrust back to the gaping fissure around which most of Gara’s Shaft was built. Sola was masked behind a thick sea of clouds far below, dimming her golden life-granting light. Once they entered the billowing miasma of black soot, it was dark as night.

Following the marked map that Dr. Woodsam left them, it brought the three to Tanner’s Roost. This was a peculiar shack about halfway up the shaft that jutted out into the open space of the chasm at the end of a long, upward thrusting narrow span. A series of cabling and twine attached to the cabin from anchors in the rock faces far above kept it impossibly in place. Nonetheless, the shabby establishment wobbled and shook in the gusts that sometimes blew in from Invell’s island layer. A series of flimsy nets that spanned either side of the dangerous walkway gave only shallow reassurance that a deadly fall might be avoided.

Its ridiculous construction seemed positioned to place the crude tavern closer to the center of the shaft, where the many cranes and lifts attached at the top of the shaft would regularly pass. No doubt this gave the place a reduction in portage costs, since supplies could be lifted from the docks below directly to Tanner’s Roost.

A few grimy windows let out a yellow light. From the sounds of it, there was a number of patrons laughing and brawling within. The three knew immediately that it was teeming with Imperials and their ilk. This made any hopes of approach or egress by stealth a near impossibility. Even now, a massive lift platform laden with coal fell past the tavern from its hoist fastened to the inky blackness far above. The entire platform shook in the wake of its passing.

Back at the scrapyard, Emory was occupied looking at Selene. Dr. Woodsam had some time to himself. Finding a dark corner on the opposite of the ship he took out the strange device. It was like a piece of perfectly round polished onyx and it had some good heft to it. Peering into its depths, he saw it must have been filled with some sort of fluid because its perfect opaqueness sometimes changed to a lighter translucency in places when he turned it in his hand. He thought even he saw a brief light from within blink quickly on and off. It was without markings or seams that he could find and it was quite cold — colder than it should have been in his cozy woolen pocket.

The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole that Dr. Woodsam created is good for any of the group going there. So, we have a split scene here (but I’m still counting it as “Scene 2” for the purposes of session tracking).

Leaving some descriptive aspects for Tanner’s, giving you some potential access to acrobatic stuff with cables or leaping into an crane lift, and other fun moving parts. Not sure if you all will just enter the tavern. There’s no immediate danger for doing so. Assume a +2 difficulty for most risky or uncertain things.

For Dr. Woodsam, again a difficulty of +2 to discover something through careful observation or clever astuteness. Any shifts above that will give you a piece of information.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
Flimsy Wobbly Shack at the End of a Precarious Plank
Anchored by Cables and Nets
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Teeming with Inebriated Imperials
The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole [ 1 ]
A Greasy Misdirection [ 1 ] (Yoki)

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole [ 1 ]
A Greasy Misdirection [ 1 ] (Yoki)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 5
Myst - 5
Olivia - 4
Yoki - 4
GM - 1 (Dr. Fyllen) / 3 (others)

2018-11-14, 03:06 PM
Olivia lets out an uncomfortable cough as they emerge back towards the shaft, holding her hand out for a moment. Sanja was right -- the air here wasn't particularly conductive for living, yet people don't have a choice anyway.

She hesitates for a moment as they draw closer to Tanner's Roost, pulling up a long, muddied piece of cloth to tie over her experiment markings.

"Should we just-- go up and say hi...?" Olivia asks, though knowing well that the Imperials probably wouldn't react well to her.

2018-11-15, 06:44 AM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

Dr. Woodsam adjusts his glasses, sits as comfortably as he can against the wall, and has a closer look at the black device. Carefully turning it around, and trying to apply light pressure on different points, he tries to discern what the artefact is and what it can do. It is a strange device indeed, but fortunately his experience in dealing with all sorts of odd inventions gives him a good deal of ideas to try.

I use my stunt Let Me Have a Look to get an extra +2 to my roll. Since I want to find out as much as possible about it, I will also spend one Fate Point to invoke my aspect Collector of Artefacts Ancient and Modern to gain an extra +2. My justification is that being used to finding and studying odd artefacts he would have a better grasp and intuition as to how about it.
Carefully investigate black device (http://orokos.com/roll/677822): 4dF+4 3 +2 (aspect) = 5

2018-11-15, 12:57 PM
Yoki pauses for a moment at Olivia's questions.

["Er....I believe a Shanghai is a type of warrior. My people tell legends of one such warrior, Jack of Chan. He was so revered for his combat prowess they named the middle of the day after it, then later gave him a knighthood. We should endeavour to inspire loyalty with a similar kind of prowess.....though i admit I am no good with ladders as a weapon."

Gazing over at the rickety walkways Yoki grimaces at the number of Imperials.
"Yes. I think we should. No one will follow us if they do not respect our strength." He peers down into the seemingly bottomless chasm. "Worst case scenario they'll throw us off. Our watery associate looks pretty durable and I can take a fall. You'll be fine... you have wings."His tone is wry, the closest thing to mirth displayed so far.

<By the Nexus, l miss flying. Hm, where'd THAT come from?>

"Those wings....you're a cloud blessed!"

A gauntleted fist tightens on an ornate sword.
"We are the El-Fenn Praetorians, Honour guard of the Matriarch of El. How dare you compare us to to those half-evolved malcontents. You will be punished for your impudence."



2018-11-15, 01:09 PM
Partially by intuition as well as by careful deduction, Dr. Woodsam concluded that the device was clearly otherworldly. Only in the deepest levels of the Worldcrust did intrepid miners find such unusual minerals and stones. Judging by its purity and integrity, this one might have very well come from a level so high up, it might as well have been from the mythological but much theorized about world without -- the area that might lie beyond the Worldcrust. If so, the implications were staggering! Never in his life had he heard of any artifact that might actually be from the world without.

Second, the objet did in fact have properties of light. The Doctor surmised it was something of a scrying or communication device, since it had lens-like properties that could imitate optics. How it worked was still beyond his reasoning. And more excitingly, its optical properties most likely had the reverse ability. No doubt that accounted for the way the lights suddenly went out at Sanja's before the invasion of the lizard folk.

How exciting! Of course, how it worked was still beyond him. Perhaps it was sensitive to other types of light, or worked within proximity of some other transceiver, or perhaps it was a command word that unlocked its secrets. Either way, it would take some further study an examination.

"What do you got there, Doctor?" came a voice suddenly behind him. There was Emory, hovering over him. How long he had stood there gawking and what he had seen was beyond guess.

I'm going to answer Dr. Fyllen's post and still allow the rest of you to come to consensus. That's three things! We can assume that's all he finds out for now. However, in the future when there's a good stretch of time (like on a sky ship voyage), he can try to discover more. I'd probably raise the difficulty by 1 next time to make it +3, but still offer a number of discoveries per shift.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
Flimsy Wobbly Shack at the End of a Precarious Plank
Anchored by Cables and Nets
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Teeming with Inebriated Imperials
The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole [ 1 ]
A Greasy Misdirection [ 1 ] (Yoki)

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole [ 1 ]
A Greasy Misdirection [ 1 ] (Yoki)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 5 4 (1 spent in MrSandman's post, above)
Myst - 5
Olivia - 4
Yoki - 4
GM - 1 (Dr. Fyllen) / 3 (others)

2018-11-15, 07:55 PM
"Ohh... I see. Living on the Worldcrust would make a ladder a convenient weapon, wouldn't it?" Olivia answers with absolutely no amount of obliviousness. She nods at Yoki as she flexes her wings a little. "... I hope I don't get thrown. I'm not really a fighter, so I won't get in your way unless it gets really desperate, Mister Yoki."

Though even as she admits that, her little light is another story entirely. The power, as it were, wasn't with her.

2018-11-15, 08:39 PM
"In the hands of a skilled walker, yes. They excel in that style of fighting. Not going to pick a fight.... Too many, too precarious. if the situation goes crusty I will delay long enough to make possible our Exodus, though I'm not sure even that would be necessary, given the talents between us three."

Turning his helmet to their rippling rainlord companion Yoki says
"The professor said the one we need should be here. We need to announce ourselves somehow, try and get that persons attention. you have any ideas? "

2018-11-16, 12:01 PM
"What do you got there, Doctor?" came a voice suddenly behind him. There was Emory, hovering over him. How long he had stood there gawking and what he had seen was beyond guess.

Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

I'm not sure, the professor answers. Some sort of mineral, I think. I found it this morning. Dr. Woodsam is really not up to talk much about it yet, so he decides to quickly change the subject, So, what do you think about Selene? She is obviously a golem, but she's extremely unusual. She's very... human, for lack of a better term.

2018-11-17, 01:14 AM
Turning his helmet to their rippling rainlord companion Yoki says "The professor said the one we need should be here. We need to announce ourselves somehow, try and get that persons attention. you have any ideas? "

Fate Points: 5

Myst wobbles around in a circle as he loses himself in thought, attempting to come up with ideas for how to obtain the necessary pilot without just bursting through the door and making a scene until they revealed themselves.

"Mm... uncertain. We have a name - Bron. Do we have their apperance? Species? Any type of indicator? If not, I could go in and make a proclamation, gather attention while you two try to divine the one we seek. I see few alternate routes otherwise."

2018-11-17, 02:53 PM
"Um, maybe... I can send Dusk to try to peek around? She's not particularly stealthy, though, so some people might notice and come out," Olivia furrows her brow. "Otherwise, I like Mister Myst's plan..."

2018-11-18, 12:40 AM
Yoki considers for a moment, then makes up his mind.
"Do what you think is best. I will be close by."
Without further delay Yoki's hands vibrate with energy and with a dull squeal of metal on rock they sink into the cliff face beside them. Hand over hand he begins to claw his way up the pitted rock face, heading towards one of the cables attached to the top of the tavern. Upon reaching the cable he whips the greasy tarp from around his shoulders up over the steel cable, kicking off the wall to begin sliding across towards the tavern roof, obscured by the dimness of the chasm.

Sneakily climbing to zipline ontop of tanners roost. DR = 7. (http://orokos.com/roll/678456) Using free invoke on "a greasy misdirection"

2018-11-18, 02:26 AM
Fate Points: 5

"Well, you're not helpful in the least," Myst bubbles faintly in agitation as he moved towards the establishment, "no wonder your whole society was annihilated."

The Rainlord opens the door with a burst of pure rainwater, lightly soaking the threshold even as he announces his presence. In a moment all eyes are on him as he prepares to speak.

"I am Myst the proclaimer. I proclaim the will of the divine. Those among you who move through the sky like birds on the wing, sailing vessels of metal and light. Your presence is required, commanded by the holy will of Sola's agent. Reveal yourselves and submit your service or face judgment."

His form churns and froths, twisting and expanding even as he manipulates their blood, their minds, their bodies to bend unknowingly to his will.

Using my stunt You Are Up to 90% Water to Flashily create the advantage Chained By Divine Will.

4dF+5 = 8 (http://orokos.com/roll/678463). I'd say that's success with style, so I'll use my stunt to place the new aspect on the entire zone with a single invoke rather than getting two on one target.

2018-11-18, 02:38 AM
Olivia winces a little bit, and slowly floats up after Yoki as he climbs up. The way her wings move appear a bit unnatural, the way they arc upwards and lock into place as a small weave of what appears to be a Dusk-like substance simply gives her lift. Then she separates from him to give him some cover, as she sends Dusk out to scout, slipping straight through one of the windows carefully to start to observe. Perhaps they have jackets with name patches...

Carefully overcoming -- [roll0].

Aiee! That's a terrible roll (-4, I believe?), so I'll use a fate point to inverse it -- for a result of 6!

2018-11-19, 02:29 AM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

I'm not sure, the professor answers. Some sort of mineral, I think. I found it this morning. Dr. Woodsam is really not up to talk much about it yet, so he decides to quickly change the subject, So, what do you think about Selene? She is obviously a golem, but she's extremely unusual. She's very... human, for lack of a better term.

“That’s a fancy piece of golemtech you have there,” Emory said. “I suspect you could fetch a fair bit of scrap for that.” He froze suddenly, then whispered. “Shhh! Did you hear that?”

Inside, an astonished and even awe-stricken patronage all turned to gawk at the intruder. The Imperials, being the most agnostic among the island nations stared blankly at one another until a voice cut through the silence.

“A prognostic lookin’ for coin, this one!” came a voice. “Git outa here!” came another. “Can’t you see we’re drinking here?!”

The musty little public house was packed with irritable off-duty Imperial officials already deep within their cups. The few that spoke continued to fling zingers at the Rainlord that started to cut through the tone of righteous and divine awe.

Nonetheless, the distraction allowed Olivia to make out what Dusk was showing her. A thin bent man near the back coal burning stove had a uniform with a patch over the left breast pocket bearing the wings of the Imperial Fleet Command. He didn’t look like much, but he was a sight better than most.

Starting with Dr. Woodsam, Emory is trying to place the Look Over There aspect on him in preparation for some shenanigans. Sneaky Advantage (http://orokos.com/roll/678628): 4dF+2 2. Fyllen can roll active opposition, Clever being the most obvious choice, but Flashy might work too.

Over at the Roost, Merilan can also get a boost for her roll.

It’s sounding like a potential conflict brewing. Let’s use the following to help imagine positions:


You’ve been clear about where you all are. What’s not obvious from my rudimentary sketch is that you must go from rooftop to terrace before you can get inside (2 zones). That means they’re not adjacent for the purposes of movement. If you’d want to get Forcefully through the roof (by punching a hole), you’ll be looking at a Fantastic (+6) difficulty to do so.

I’ve given some stats for those Imperials. Consider there are three groups of 6 each, and they can provide teamwork bonuses to one another. Currently, one group is attempting to overcome Myst’s aspect. Sarcastic overcome (http://orokos.com/roll/678629): 4dF+2 2. I’ll add +2 for Getting Rowdy When They Drink to make it +4.

Myst can actively oppose that, plus that invoke is there to help.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Imperial Patrons (3 groups)
Off-Duty Imperials; Getting Rowdy When They Drink
Good at (+2): sarcasm, bar brawls, ganging up
Bad at (-2): reasonableness, agreeableness, lucid coordination
Stress: 3 boxes each (group of 6)

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
Flimsy Wobbly Shack at the End of a Precarious Plank
Anchored by Cables and Nets
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Teeming with Inebriated Imperials
The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole [ 1 ]
A Greasy Misdirection [ X ] (Yoki)
Boost: Loosey Noosey
Chained By Divine Will [ 1 ] (placed on inside zone)

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 5 4 (1 spent in MrSandman's post, above)
Myst - 5
Olivia - 4 3
Yoki - 4
GM - 1 (Dr. Fyllen) / 3 2 (others)

2018-11-19, 03:29 AM
Fate total: 4-->2

Landing lightly on the roof, Yoki looks down as if peering through to the room inside. He taps experimentally on the surface with a fingertip, turning his head to the side to listen to the echoes.
<Hm.... that'll take too long. New plan.>
Quickly knotting the shredded tarp into a loose rope Yoki wraps it around his forearm.
Grabbing the taut steel cable above him Yoki hauls backwards with all his might and waits, arms straining with the effort as he watches a nearby lift ascend. When it gets the the right height Yoki calls out with a hollow voice "Olivia! Myst has them distracted. If you see the one we need, Nab him! I'll make us an entrance and keep the way clear." With that he jumps forward over the chasm, the released tension of the cable snapping him forward like an armoured bolt from a ballistae. Yoki hurtles towards the lift, smashing into it with a voltaic flying tackle raiden-style, sending it swinging away from the tavern. Yoki scrabbles to grab at the side of the lift with one hand and whips the forearm of the other upward to lash the end of his greasy lifeline around the rail of the lift, the rusty nails and rivets that poke out of the tarp sink into the soot blackened wood like a lampreys teeth. Once secure Yoki holds his Fist out towards the tavern looking like a grotesque figurehead on the worlds dodgiest airship ever made. As the lift begins to hurtle back the way it came heading towards the tavern wall Yoki's armour flares with a white aura of lightning bathing the lift in arcs of energy and making the open barrels of iron filings, slag metal and coal inside glow cherry red. Small flakes and bits of metal magnetize and conglomerate on Yoki, adding to his armoured bulk and trailing off his back, leaving a reddish white comet trail of sparks describing the arc of his trajectory. Wind begins to rush past his helmet as the metal and the weight of the lift shift more and more towards the point of impact, his extended fist.

Forcefully Creating an advantage (http://orokos.com/roll/678633)using boost, a stunt (Violence is key) and spending 2 fate to invoke the occasional passing crane lift and Runic Storm-Plate of El Dice result = 11, advantage I'm trying to create is Raucous Rendezvous of Ruin

2018-11-19, 01:25 PM
Fate Points: 5 -> 4

"Enough. SILENCE!" The Rainlord bellows into the crowd, his voice is accompanied by the roar of thunder and the crackling threat of lightning.

That cows them into quiet, and he looks over them once more. "I am not here for coin. If I desired your coin I would simply flood this place to bursting and take it from your bloated corpses. I want a pilot, a skilled one, able to fly even the most ramshackle of vessels into the Cloud Layer below. Now, you will answer me. You will come forward. Because if you DON'T... I WILL. And my answer will be the thunderstorm, the tornado and hurricane."

I'll be using the Forceful approach, and also my single invoke of Chained By Divine Will.

Forcefully Overcome the Rowdy Drinkers (http://orokos.com/roll/678685): 4dF+4 4. That's a Tie, doesn't help me because I don't feel like succeeding with a cost. So I'll spend a Fate Point on The Fury of the Storm to make that a +6 instead.

2018-11-19, 02:57 PM
Olivia! Myst has them distracted. If you see the one we need, Nab him! I'll make us an entrance and keep the way clear.

"E-er, all right?" Olivia stammers as she sweeps in underneath the hole that Yoki's just freshly made. She's hoping the both of them would have distracted the pilots enough so that she can move to the one with the wings of the Imperial Fleet Command. She pauses and looks up to the man.

"Is your name Mister Bron? We need your help. Please, would you come with us?" she requests.

... I don't think this is what Mister Yoki had in mind...

Roll was 3 + 2 from the boost earlier + 2 for Olivia's Careful.

2018-11-20, 09:14 AM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

Dr. Woodsam remains silent and listens for a bit. Although he doesn't hear anything, that doesn't calm him down. In fact, he is a bit afraid that the strange device he was investigating has somehow summoned more reptilian beings. So he clutches it in his fist and hides it in one of his inner pockets. He also steals a glance at Selene to make sure she's okay.

Cleverly oppose Emory's roll (http://orokos.com/roll/678964): 4dF+3 1
That doesn't go very well, so Dr. Woodsam is looking over there.
His action will be to try and protect his stuff, though, so I'm trying to quickly create the aspect His belongings are well hidden.
Quickly hide his belongings (http://orokos.com/roll/678965): 4dF+1 1
(Will I ever get anything above 0 with the dice?)

2018-11-20, 07:51 PM
Fate Points: 4

Myst makes an effort to bend the ears (and fluids) of the crowd to his will to actually get them to shut up and listen as opposed to acting like drunken louts.

Flashily Overcoming an Established Aspect (http://orokos.com/roll/679039): 4dF+3 3.

2018-11-21, 01:45 PM
While Dr. Woodsam was scanning for signs of potential danger and pocketing his strange black objet, Emory used the distraction to do the poor doctor in. He produced a lead pipe and struck while the professor’s back was to him…

The thin pilot looked at Olivia with bewilderment and slowly nodded, being taken in by her gentleness. Myst, in the meantime, had caused the sarcastic rejoinders to cease and with his harsh and stern words, the Imperial imbibers sobered right up. Every eye in the establishment was on the watery preacher.

At that moment, Olivia thought everything might go well. Bron began to get up out of his chair. That’s when a raucous rendezvous of ruin turned the tavern upside down. Splinters sprayed through the air as Yoki’s makeshift lightning infused battering ram crashed into Tanner’s Roost with the force of a hurricane. The place exploded, shook and began cascading through the free fall of Gara’s Shaft.

The tavern literally turned upside down. A section of wall broke away, spilling out several imperials to fall towards Sola’s obscured golden cage. Many others clung to furnishings more permanently attached. The tavern came to a lurching halt. Apparently, it had broken free of its precarious perch. The scoop of the lift, with Yoki still attached to one side, stuck through the roof of the ruin. What remained of the drinking hall was tenuously lodged onto the base of the crane lift. A groan of wood let the survivors know that the delicate and momentary state could change at any moment.

Bron’s face was white as a ghost as he held dangerously to a beam not far from Olivia. "Help me!" he mouthed wordlessly. Myst found himself catapulted across the room into what was once the tavern's bar. The tavern ruin shifted again, cascading another few feet to stop on a jagged hook protruding from the barest corner of the coal lift.

Frozen, not that you’re stingy (at all) about using FPs, I’m assuming you’d prefer to keep the overkill you spent. I can retcon that if you insist. Yoki’s straight-up roll was enough for a success with style.

Over on Dr. Woodsam’s side of things, he gets distracted, but he succeeds in creating his aspect. I’ll add A Cramped Crowded Warehouse as a general aspect for the conditions. I’ll say there are three zones here: inside the warehouse; outside the warehouse; and aboard the ship. Emory is going to try and take out Dr. Woodsam by knocking him out.

Forceful Attack (http://orokos.com/roll/679165): 4dF+1 -1. He’ll invoke his Look Over There! aspect and spend one FP to bring that up to a +3. Roll a defense against that, plus take an action for yourself.

For all else…here’s a case where aspects are always true, and we always go with what makes sense. Once you get a giant pendulum going, you can’t just stop on a dime. That destruction is inevitable (fits well with Yoki’s concept, too!). Check the aspects below. A lot of this is changing. The remaining imperials aren’t really a problem, but I could set up obstacles because of them. The zone map doesn't make sense any more. But assume there is the lift as one zone and the ruin of the tavern dangling from it as another. Between them is an obstacle: Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down. That obstacle fills the whole tavern too, so movement within is difficult. The difficulty for getting from the tavern onto the crane is Good (+3). Yoki is considered on the crane still, so he can offer help to others as needed.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence
Imperial Patrons (3 groups)
Off-Duty Imperials; Getting Rowdy When They Drink
Good at (+2): sarcasm, bar brawls, ganging up
Bad at (-2): reasonableness, agreeableness, lucid coordination
Stress: 3 boxes each (group of 6)

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
Flimsy Wobbly Shack at the End of a Precarious Plank
Anchored by Cables and Nets
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Teeming with Inebriated Imperials
Imperials Tenuously Clinging To Salvation
The Imperial Pilots’ Favorite Watering Hole [ 1 ]
A Greasy Misdirection [ X ] (Yoki)
Boost: Loosey Noosey
Chained By Divine Will [ 1 ] (placed on inside zone)
Raucous Rendezvous of Ruin (got exploded to the one below)
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ] (transferring Yoki's two free invokes over here)

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse
Look Over There! [ X ] (Emory)
His Belongings Are Well Hidden [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4
Myst - 5
Olivia - 4 3
Yoki - 4
GM - 1 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 2 (others)

2018-11-21, 02:52 PM
Olivia shrieks for a moment as she covers her hands over her head when the tavern begins to burst and literally turns upside down! As if by instinct, her wings allow her to align automatically, floating in the air with Dusk by her side--

But her eyes widen as she looks towards Yoki and Myst, exclaiming, "Mister Myst! Mister Yoki--"

Help me!

"Just a moment!" Olivia sweeps down and quickly seizes the thin pilot, wrapping her arms around his torso, and lifting up with a groan as well as she tries to get them towards relative safety.

I'm Quickly overcoming to save Bron and get him to safety -- probably the crane? [roll0]

2018-11-21, 03:27 PM
Olivia rose up with the pilot in her protective grasp, if dangling a bit low. Suddenly, another endangered patron made a desperate lunge from his failing perch, grabbing onto Bron's leg and adding considerable weight. Olivia knew she would plummet unless she let go or summon some extra reserve of strength.

That's a +3 difficulty, probably one more actually with grabbing onto Bron. We'll make it +4, but I'm also invoking Imperials Tenuously Clinging To Salvation to up it to +6! What's it worth to you? :smallwink:

Some teamwork bonus could help or other advantage someone else can make.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence
Imperial Patrons
Off-Duty Imperials

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Imperials Tenuously Clinging To Salvation
Chained By Divine Will [ 1 ] (placed on inside zone)
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ]

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse
Look Over There! [ X ] (Emory)
His Belongings Are Well Hidden [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4
Myst - 5
Olivia - 3
Yoki - 4
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 2 1 (others)

2018-11-21, 04:23 PM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

By the time the professor realised what was going on, it was already too late. The pipe hit him on the shoulder and threw him off balance.

He quickly grabs a piece of wood lying on the floor and turns around as he shouts, What the...?

Then, he makes a big gesture with the piece of wood, as if attempting to intimidate Emory and threatening a blow from the top. Instead, he turns the piece of wood and strikes from the left.

Quickly dodge Emory's attack (http://orokos.com/roll/679195): 4dF+1 0
So that'll be my 3-point box crossed off.

I imagine that the idea of feigning can be expressed with Flashy?
Flashily attack Emory (http://orokos.com/roll/679196): 4dF+2 4

2018-11-21, 04:56 PM
The professor’s surprising maneuver put the scrapyard owner on his rump as he scrambled clumsily to avoid a nasty blow. Emory scrambled for something within reach, which was a box of rivets, and flung at the Doctor.

I’ll buy Flashy. Could also be a Sneaky, but Flashy will do. He’ll go with a Quick defense. Quick defense (http://orokos.com/roll/679199): 4dF+2 4. Lucky roll. Dr. Woodsam will still get a boost on that. Maybe, On the Ground.

He’ll go with a Sneaky advantage to make the Doctor Blinded. Sneaky advantage (http://orokos.com/roll/679201): 4dF+2 2.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence
Imperial Patrons
Off-Duty Imperials

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Imperials Tenuously Clinging To Salvation
Chained By Divine Will [ 1 ] (placed on inside zone)
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ]

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse
His Belongings Are Well Hidden [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)
Boost: On the Ground

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4 [ 1 2 X ]
Myst - 5
Olivia - 3
Yoki - 4
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 1 (others)

2018-11-21, 05:24 PM
FP: 2 -->1

Amidst the plume of dust & iron filings a rasping chuckle emerges from the twisted metallic wreckage at the front of the lift. Part of it breaks free and rises, brushing off jagged chunks of slag to reveal Yoki. Turning his gaze around the room he spots the beleaguered Olivia struggling with the weight of three people. A low growl escapes his throat and Yoki grasps one of the less important looking steel cables from the lift to yank it loose, fist shaking with the intensity of his grip. Lightning surges and crackles around the cable heating it white-hot, the end dripping like a candle.

"Let go." Yoki rumbles, cracking the semi-molten cable forward like a whip at the arm of the clutching imperial.

(Roryb, Just keep the FP as spent. A potion does no good in the inventory if you lose the battle, was intentional overkill to make it harder for foes to negate/resist and a fair price for the invokes.)

Forcefully attacking Imperial using free invokes
Dice result 7 (http://orokos.com/roll/679204) spending a FP to boost it to 9 by invoking These fists have seen more than you can imagine

IF it ends up enough to take him out I'll use my stunt to change the Imperials' aspect to Imperial Tenuously Hanging by a Wire

2018-11-22, 12:09 PM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

Since Emory is On the ground, the professor has no trouble calculating the general trajectory of the box of rivets and so parries it with his piece of wood without too much trouble.

Making the most of the opportunity that Emory's temporary situation gives him, Dr. Woodsam moves quickly behind a stack of wooden crates, which offer protection against further attacks.

Have you gone insane? he shouts. What's the matter with you?

Cleverly defend against Emory's advantage (http://orokos.com/roll/679330): 4dF+3 3

Then, he'll use the boost to create an advantage: Behind a stack of wooden crates
Quickly moving behind a stack of crates (http://orokos.com/roll/679331): 4dF+1 0 +2 = 2

2018-11-27, 07:22 PM
As soon as the Professor was up and behind cover, Emory likewise turned the opposite direction, disappearing with a soft curse into the deeper labyrinth of his confused and packed warehouse. He could be anywhere. Was he waiting for Dr. Woodsam in some dead end of crates? Or was he finding some way to flank the Professor’s current position?

The wire flicked against the clinging Imperial with the potency of a breaking storm. The imperial released his grasp and was flung away. However, the electrical current zapped the poor Olivia. She released the pilot, who fell into the darkness with a shriek. Olivia was stunned by the electrical discharge and found herself falling as well.

Sneaky advantage (http://orokos.com/roll/680482): 4dF+2 4. Emory creates two free invokes on A Cramped Crowded Warehouse.

For the others, Yoki’s attack certainly takes out the imperial (and then quite a bit!). You can change that aspect. That’s one of the awesome things about approaches. You can get what you want, and you can usually build a case for using your lead approach most of the time. However, I can always hit the button of unintended effects even in a success.

The pilot hasn’t yet plummeted out of sight or reach. Taking intervention to catch/slow, etc. him will require a +3 difficulty if it’s Quick, +5 for all else. I’m going to give Olivia a Stunned minor consequence. That will go away at the end of the scene. Olivia can catch herself or fly to safety on a Mediocre (+0) difficulty roll. She may have other things in mind. :smallwink:

And thanks, all for your abundant patience with me!

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence
Imperial Patrons
Off-Duty Imperials

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Imperials Tenuously Clinging To Salvation Imperials Tenuously Hanging by a Wire
Chained By Divine Will [ 1 ] (placed on inside zone)
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ]

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse [ 2 ] (Emory)
His Belongings Are Well Hidden [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)
Boost: On the Ground
Behind a Stack of Wooden Crates [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4 [ 1 2 X ]
Myst - 5
Olivia - 3 [Mild: Stunned]
Yoki - 4 1 (corrected)
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 1 (others)

2018-11-28, 12:43 PM
Fate Points: 4 -> 2

"NO!" Myst bellows as he witnesses their lone chance for transportation plummet into the cavernous darkness below. "This will not happen. I proclaim life - he shall live!"

And so it was, by the order of the divine's messenger. Clouds and fog swirled below, carried by streams of water mixed with lightning as they shot faster than sight into the blackness. After a tense moment of waiting, Bron comes back up once again, buoyed by holy mists reinforced with reverse waterfalls until he reaches safety on solid dry land.

Quickly Attempting to Save the Pilot from Certain Death (http://orokos.com/roll/680683): 4dF+1 0. Yikes. That's not going to help. I'll spend a Fate Point on Divine Messenger of Life and Death and I Am Justice, My Word Is Law to make that a +4 instead and save the man from dying.

2018-11-28, 03:18 PM
Olivia groggily shakes her head as she fumbles towards the side of the tavern, more using her wings to alight herself.

3 on the defence vs Mediocre.

2018-11-28, 11:36 PM

Yoki cringes inwardly as Olivia struggles to regain altitude and Myst labours to rescue their quarry amidst the wreckage of the tavern. Slightly chagrined Yoki surveys around the area near the lift, trying to find something that might help. He groans in frustration coming up blank, finding nothing but useless splinters and scraps of twisted supports

Carefully creating an advantage. FAIL! 4dF+ 1 = 0 (http://orokos.com/roll/680852)

2018-11-29, 12:33 PM
Nonetheless, Olivia was more than capable of saving herself, even if a bit singed. The effects of the electrical blast would wear off quickly. Bron seemed in shock, breathing quickly while trying to fathom the divinity that reversed his doom.

He stared wide-eyed at Myst deeper in the ruin. He tried to mouth some form of gratitude, but nothing came out.

Below them, the fallen imperials were gone. However, the one flicked away by Yoki happened to bring him directly onto the imperial compound. Even now, they could hear distant voices. Through the gloom, they saw more imperials coming to examine the falling body and look up. Shouts of alarm turned to shouts of accusation. The rest of the patrons inside the ruin would be no more trouble. Most clung to whatever remnants of the tavern's furnishings were within reach.

The alarm had been set off. To bring Bron back to the scrapyard, the three would have to find a way through the areas in the immediate vicinity of the imperial compound.

I went ahead and added the compel for An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up. The alarm has been sprung. I’m thinking of running this as a contest. You all may have other ideas. The opposition will have +2 in chasing.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift
Imperials Tenuously Hanging by a Wire
Chained By Divine Will [ 1 ] (placed on inside zone)
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ]

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse [ 2 ] (Emory)
His Belongings Are Well Hidden [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)
Behind a Stack of Wooden Crates [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4 [ 1 2 X ]
Myst - 4 2 3
Olivia - 3 4 [Mild: Stunned]
Yoki - 1 2
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 1 (others)

2018-11-29, 01:22 PM
Yoki peers over the edge of the lift, turning his head to hear the alarmed shouting. <Insects. See them swarm like ants on a hill. If only there was something in this lift to slow them down.....wait! The lift. Of course....>

Calling down to his comrades Yoki calls out "They're coming! We should leave. I will try to slow them."

Yoki steps off the lift into the ruin of the tavern, gathering its support cables in one hand and severing them with a sharp chop of the other. Gathering himself, Yoki rushes forward and unleashes a barrage of stomps, kicks and punches at the ruined lift shattering it and sending the jagged chunks careening into the chasm above the imperial compound.

Forcefully creating advantage on the aspect The occasional passing crane lift.
4dF+5 = 6 (http://orokos.com/roll/680952)

2018-11-29, 03:19 PM
Olivia winces again, but turns towards Myst and Bron as she expresses, "Let's go -- I'll lead the way." She focuses for a moment, and Dusk comes to her hand; a sword of twilight manifests, and she simply just cuts her way through the other side to grant them passage where there would just be walls.

Cleverly overcoming, using Twilight blade: [roll0]

2018-11-29, 08:15 PM
The others followed through Olivia’s miraculous portal cut with her twilight blade — and not a moment too soon! As soon as they stepped away, the remnants of Tanner’s Roost, having been suspended by the doomed lift, plummeted below along with the ruin of the lift platform. Imperials scrambled out of the way as it came crashing down, taking out a sizable portion of their compound near the docks. All chaos erupted.

The cogs and tackle fastened to the mounts above gave way. Rock and debris began raining on the whole of Gara’s Shaft. Everyone out and about on the many terraces and bridges on the rim were in danger. Spans broke neatly as falling rocks took them out. Still, the imperials scrambled up and along any direct avenue of approach towards the fleeing four.

Nice posts, all! Yoki’s difficulty on that would be a +3, so he gets two free invokes. You can use that to bump up Olivia’s result even further. As is my wont, I’m precipitating that into further outcome. Blowing things up is fun! That’ll be a new aspect in play: The Whole of Gara’s Shaft Is Coming Down!

Pursuit! (http://orokos.com/roll/681023): 4dF+2 2. I’ll spend my last GM Fate Point on that Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down aspect for their alert, raising their result to +4.

You — 0
Them — 1
[I]This will be amended, no doubt to change the score of exchange #1.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift [ 2 ]
Imperials Tenuously Hanging by a Wire
Chained By Divine Will [ 1 ] (placed on inside zone)
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ]
The Whole of Gara’s Shaft Is Coming Down!

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse [ 2 ] (Emory)
His Belongings Are Well Hidden [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)
Behind a Stack of Wooden Crates [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4 [ 1 2 X ]
Myst - 3
Olivia - 4 [Mild: Stunned]
Yoki - 2
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 1 0 (others)

2018-11-30, 05:49 AM
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam

Dr. Woodsam takes but a moment to decide his next course of action. As soon as Emory moves into the shadows, using the cover of crates and several piles of tools and materials, the professor sneaks his way to Selene and helps her up.

Come on, dear, we must leave, he says. Then, keeping an eye behind them, he helps Selene walk toward the door.

I'm not really sure what to roll here, maybe a Sneaky overcome?

2018-11-30, 01:00 PM
However, when the Professor came over to where Selene was resting, he found her with her strange languid silver eyes regarding him from where she crouched over Emory’s prone form.

“He — hurt you,” she said haltingly. She could have meant a question, or a statement. She hadn’t yet mastered the interrogative inflection of tone.

I’ll push it along a bit on Dr. Woodsam’s end of things…

You — 0
Them — 1
This will be amended, no doubt to change the score of exchange #1.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift [ 2 ]
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ]
The Whole of Gara’s Shaft Is Coming Down!

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse
His Belongings Are Well Hidden [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)
Behind a Stack of Wooden Crates [ 1 ] (Dr. Woodsam)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4 [ 1 2 X ]
Myst - 3
Olivia - 4 [Mild: Stunned]
Yoki - 2
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 0 (others)

2018-11-30, 02:32 PM
"E-everyone's in danger... this entire town could-- collapse and bring everyone down with it," Olivia murmurs. She wants to help, but... how? They have more urgent things to think of -- getting back to Selene, getting Bron to the ship, and evacuating. She turns to the rubble and continues, her twilight blade still carving a path through.

Olivia will continue cutting a path through that the Imperials won't have. I'll use the free invokes as well. [roll0]

2018-11-30, 02:44 PM
Any time amid the destruction a group of uniformed imperials threatened to overtake them or cut them off, Olivia’s blade opened new and impossible paths. In one instance, a platform teeming with armed and shouting soldiers were taken out by the associated falling destruction at the most fortunate moment.

Okay, that concludes exchange #1 (and no new roll needed, BTW. You’re just adding the two free invokes to your original total). That’s two points for team PC. One more turn can probably do it. You’ll have to beat: Pursuit! (http://orokos.com/roll/681137): 4dF+2 1.

You — 2
Them — 0

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Tanner’s Roost
The Occasional Passing Crane Lift [ X ]
Dangling Debris Strewn Ruin Turned Upside Down [ 2 ]
The Whole of Gara’s Shaft Is Coming Down!

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4 [ 1 2 X ]
Myst - 3
Olivia - 4 [Mild: Stunned]
Yoki - 2
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 0 (others)

2018-12-02, 02:00 AM
FP: 2 --->1 or 2

Yoki launches himself towards the hole Olivia cuts, pausing to kick off a wall to redirect and grabbing Bron by the waistband to haul alongside. Yoki hurtles through falling debris heedless of injury or the pilots protestations, accruing a multitude of impacts, scrapes and minor impalements as he scrambles desperately towards the way out before the holes Olivia cuts collapse whilst rying to shield Bron from the brunt of the hazards, a task made easier with the preternatural reactions happening almost by themselves, Solas light seeming to guide his hands.

"We'll make it. Do not stop!"

Forcefully overcoming to bring Bron along. Invoking You learn alot about Sola when you fall into it to add +2 making my roll 4 (http://orokos.com/roll/681597)
Also trying to invoke a self-compel on Yoki with the aspect Gara's shaft is coming down! To give him the minor consequence Shredded that imperials can invoke to track him easier by following his blood trail.

2018-12-02, 02:09 PM
Not a moment too soon when last the four leapt through one of Olivia’s slices through thick stone had most of the lift apparatus fell away, ejecting from the mouth of the rift into the island layer and colliding with passing smaller islands below. Choking dust and soot darkened everything within, concealing to breadth of destruction that enveloped the outpost.

The four had lost pursuit and came by hidden ways back to the catwalks that connected to Emory’s scrapyard. Bron was silent as the mangled Yoki ushered him forward. Once inside, the four found Selene and Dr. Woodsam with Emory tied and gagged next to the ship. Selene sunk her head like a guilty dog.

“We wondered when you might be returning,” the Professor said. Quickly, he related the tale of Emory’s deception, but withheld that the sight of the black object in his pocket was what had triggered the scrapyard owner’s sudden and impulsive turn to violence.

Bron was still in shock from the precipitous turn of events back at the Roost and their ensuing escape. The Empire would likely hear soon about the affair and initiate a full investigation. They would be on the hunt for the group. When Bron’s eyes fell on the decrepit vessel hidden under the tarps, his eyes widened further. “That thing?” he asked incredulously.

“I assume we should be off soon,” the Professor concluded. “What do you all propose we do with Emory here? I assume once we’re off he won’t be too much trouble, but he could reveal much to our inevitable stalkers.”

Emory mumbled something behind his gag and struggled against his restraints futilely.

Yoki’s proposed compel — I’ll have that consequence stick around another scene since his test was enough to end the contest with 2 more victory points. Moving forward to the next scene! Just to let you know, this will probably be the last scene of the session, so expect a refresh afterward.

You — 4
Them — 0

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes
Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler!
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4
Myst - 3
Olivia - 4 [Mild: Stunned] — recovered
Yoki - 3 [Mild: Shredded]
GM - 0 (Dr. Fyllen) / 0 (others)

2018-12-02, 06:03 PM
Yoki lets out a sigh of relief upon returning, his shoulders loosening slightly. "You're safe. That is well. It seems your time has been as...
interesting...as our has. We found a pilot."

As he listens to Dr. Woodsams description of events Yoki remains silent save for the drip-drip-drip of his blood spattering the filthy ground. Hearing about Emory attacking them his hands tighten into fists, small arcs of lightning dancing over the knuckles.
"I remember.....We of El have ways of dealing with the treacherous. We had alot of failings, but we never left loose ends."

Yoki stalks towards Emory with the measured steps of a predator readying to pounce. Blood begins to steam and boil his on his hands and arms as the lightning intensifies into a white aura surrounding his fists.

No actions, just being dramatic with my suggestion for the scrapyard guy.

2018-12-03, 04:25 PM
At that moment, Selene cowered, shaking her head and covering her ears as though a loud deafening blast afflicted her. However, no one could hear anything until a plank from the rafters fell with a loud clunk. Looking up, the group spied several cloaked figures balancing on a beam above. Several more shadows filtered in through many of the gaps in the shoddy warehouse siding. It seemed they were trapped!

Here’s the part where I reveal what that compel was all about at the beginning when the Professor snatched the black orb. Yes, it summons the lizard folk, but the real meat of the compel is that the good Dr. can’t reveal the source to the otheres (even if he figures it out) and can’t bring himself to get rid of the device.

A zone map description is below to help you visualize. If needed, I can sketch it up.

Selene — Mysterious Otherworldly Automaton; By Sola Her Spirit Wanes and Waxes

Emory — Owner of the Sootholm Scrapyard; That? That’s a Rare Selindar Doohickey Coupler! Bound and Gagged
Approaches: Careful +3; Quick, Sneaky +2; Clever, Forceful +1
Stress: 3 boxes + 1 mild consequence

Outlander Minions (4 groups of 4 each) — Furtive Reptilians from Beyond (two other aspects)
Good at (+2): ganging up, sneaking, setting traps, ambushing, creating darkness, doing things in the darkness
Bad at (-2): bravery alone, communicating with others
Stress: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] / [ 1 ] [ 2 ] / [ 1 ] [ 2 ] / [ 1 ] [ 2 ]

Perpetual Darkened Den of the Meek and Dangerous
An Imperial Plan of Clean-Up

Patched in So Many Places It Could Be a Sieve
A Cramped Crowded Warehouse
Trapped! [ 2 ] (free invokes for the enemy)

Zone Map
Tarp Covered Airship
Crowded Warehouse Floor
Rafters (a Narrow Ladder connects the roof areas with the floor)
Scrapyard (outside environs)

Points & Sundry
Dr. Fyllen Woodsam - 4
Myst - 3
Olivia - 4
Yoki - 3 [Mild: Shredded]
GM - 4 (I’ll adjust this down if MrSandman decides not to be with us)