View Full Version : What is the most crapsacharine and bizarre character you can come up with?

2018-11-06, 02:28 AM
What is the most crapsacharine and bizarre character you can come up with that a GM would actually let you play?

I’m thinking a NG/CN gnome vigilante (cabalist) vmc rogue is my strangest idea, or at least an idea that allows the strangest rp based on wonky mechanics. Is there a more “creepy-cute” combo you can think of?

2018-11-06, 02:40 AM
Not mine, but I was once in the same game as a guy whose character was half the Staff-wielding Healer Girl from every JRPG ever... and half the main character from the videogame Prototype. (Party cohesion started to deteriorate around the time she turned (back) into a shoggoth and ate a hapless guard alive.)

A gamer I follow once suggested a Elder Gods-following Warlock whose horrible reality-shattering magic all had a Lisa Frank aesthetic - all unicorns and rainbows... and then realized they'd created the main character from Star vs. The Forces of Evil.

How about a Tooth Fairy? A pixie who carries around a pair of pliers.

2018-11-06, 02:46 AM
I heard from a friend that he played with a Commoner1. How did it outperform the entire party in every battle even at level 10+? He was possessed by 10 sentient items all fighting over each other for dominance and the one who was in charge for that round used his stats for combat.

King of Nowhere
2018-11-06, 09:02 AM
And here i though my monk wearing sandpaper underpants under the belief that suffering makes you strong, and rubbing his eyes with onions in an attempt to learn to not cry - thinking it will somehow rid him of other weaknesses - was bizzarre enough to be in this thread... You guys all have stuff that's far more wacky

2018-11-06, 10:09 AM
I once (still technically, campaign is on hiatus) played an eldritch horror in the shape of a little girl that went full on Shub-Niggurath the second combat started and had a fondness for drunken parties, cytoplasmic-based shoggoth FADE TO BLACK moments with consenting, but not mentally prepared in the slightest, people of all possible genders, races, etc., and trying to sway them to worshipping her instead of any gods they already were.

Additionally, I also played a naive, super saccharine(teeth-rottingly so), happy-go-lucky witch with a flying cuttlefish familiar who was obsessed with tentacles in an aesthetic way (only aesthetic, not in any other way) and couldn't understand how others didn't find them as cute as she did. She even creeped out a hag coven who was devoted to an aboleth AND the aboleth they were in service to.

2018-11-06, 11:00 AM
This was an idea I submitted to a community Pathfinder game, but never actually got to play.

She was a young, vain, rich girl who read too much vampire fiction/Twilight and really wanted to become a Mary Sue vampire heroine, so she started studying magic (Sphere of Power, Alteration Sphere) to try to become a vampire herself. She rides around on a flying coffin, wears cute dresses and accessories, and fights by biting opponents and draining their life essence. This looked horrifying, of course, so she had spellcrafted illusions to make desiccated corpses look pretty and sparkly (as long as you failed your will save).

She would occasionally stalk and nibble on townsfolk because that's what the vampire heroines in her novels did. Since she imagined herself the protagonist, whenever this (and her other eccentricities) gets her into trouble, she also had the mind sphere that she liberally used on town guards to make everything right again.

And, of course, anyone who she dislikes is a villain, and would rapidly become one from some combination of mind magic and rumor-mongering. In her world, you were either her friend, an NPC, or a villain, and if you were the latter, she would make sure you properly played the part.

I was tempted to name her Mirror Flag.

2018-11-07, 05:17 PM
Some while back, I read a character entry for a (yet to be played) online campaign. It was the stillborn ghost offspring of a godlike entity from the Far Realm (read: Cthulhu). I don't remember what the base race was, but it was a telepath/thrallherd, took the Illithid Grapple feat four times, and used its ghost savage progression abilities to possess its thralls, which then exploded into tentacles from Illithid Grapple (x4). From the blurb, it was meant to play as an innocent child (eternal genius toddlerhood) that had no idea just how insane and creepy it sounded, because it didn't truly understand why performing body horror experiments on friends (or on non-friends without permission) was "bad."

One Step Two
2018-11-07, 05:38 PM
One character I had conceptualized but did not play was Maid-001, a Warforged Scout from MM3 who was a little crazy and wanted to "Serve Organic kind" with ranks in Profession (Maid). Cosmetic changes to make Maid-001 appear like a young girl (albeit a magitech one), wearing a typical Maid uniform, and had ranks in Bard/Paladin/Warchanter. Their duty was to clean up after the party, cheer them on in combat, and make sure they were behaving themselves! (Using Vow of Non-violence, and Vow of Peace)