View Full Version : Adapting prestige classes for PsyWar

2018-11-06, 05:07 PM
Greetings, soulknives and metaminds.

I'm looking for gish prestige classes that are easy to adapt to use psionics rather than arcane/divine casting. Psionics is sorely lacking in the PrC support department, and the gish PrCs aren't incredibly interesting to me (sanctified mind, (illithid) slayer, war mind). The first class most probably think about when they hear "gish" is abjurant champion, but it doesn't lend itself overly well to conversion since abjuration doesn't have a clear psionic analogue (inertial armor uses psychokinesis, so I guess it would boost that?). Mostly looking for something with full BAB + some power progression. Power progression isn't actually a huge deal for my use, but most martial PrCs require 6+ BAB which takes forever to get with PsyWar. Similarly, most caster-type PrCs require 3rd level spells/powers, which PsyWars don't get until level 7.

Of course, if there's any good martial psionic PrCs I've missed that don't require adaption, I'd be happy to hear about them.

2018-11-06, 05:40 PM
Here's an obscure three-level Psychic Warrior PrC (https://www.realmshelps.net/charbuild/classes/prestige/psionic/sardor.shtml) from 3.0; it would require some slight tweaks to the [Sardior] powers to be more useful, and is also available on Wizards corporate.

2018-11-06, 07:51 PM
Assuming this is 3.5, you might consider backporting some of the Dreamscarred Press psionic prestige classes (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/) from PF. There is a decent amount of overlap with the 3.5 versions, but some new options are there (mostly Adaptive Warrior and Dark Tempest.)

As for re-purposing arcane/divine PrCs:

Swiftblade should be relatively easy, except there isn't a first party psionic haste (it should be fairly easy to mock one up, though DSP made a third party version for both 3.5 (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/physical-acceleration) and PF (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/p/physical-acceleration/).)
Jade Phoenix Mage and Ruby Knight Vindicator should be doable, in theory, but it might be difficult to change their abilities to be psionic (you could also look at DSPs psionic initiating gish, the Awakened Blade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/prestige-classes/awakened-blade/), though that will take a bit more work to backport, mostly due to the different disciplines between ToB and Path of War.)
Spellsword from CW could work, though the arcane spell failure reduction is obviously worthless on a psionic character.
Eldritch Knight is boring but easily converted.
Bone Knight (Five Nations) is interesting, but might take too much work.
Ordained Champion from CC would take some work, but might worth looking into.
Other than that, most of the better gish PrC are full casting advancement with metamagic cheese on top (like Incantatrix/Spelldancer), grant casting on their own (Suel Arcanamach/Chameleon), or are used to advance another prestige class (Uncanny Trickster/Legacy Champion). On top of that, almost every arcane gish build uses Abjurant Champion, which has the problems you noted.

2018-11-06, 10:48 PM
Here's an obscure three-level Psychic Warrior PrC from 3.0; it would require some slight tweaks to the [Sardior] powers to be more useful, and is also available on Wizards corporate.

Here's a link to the source material: Defender of Sardior (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030926a)

2018-11-07, 03:29 AM
Here's an obscure three-level Psychic Warrior PrC (https://www.realmshelps.net/charbuild/classes/prestige/psionic/sardor.shtml) from 3.0; it would require some slight tweaks to the [Sardior] powers to be more useful, and is also available on Wizards corporate.

...Pretty weird class and some unimpressive class features (+1 to damage rolls??) but it does have easy entry and full BAB/manifesting. I also like how obsidian dragons try to kill you constantly "due to hatred".

Assuming this is 3.5, you might consider backporting some of the Dreamscarred Press psionic prestige classes (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/) from PF. There is a decent amount of overlap with the 3.5 versions, but some new options are there (mostly Adaptive Warrior and Dark Tempest.)

Yeah, oops. Didn't consider the fact that PF has some 3rd party psionic stuff so I figured psionics = 3.5

As for re-purposing arcane/divine PrCs:

Swiftblade should be relatively easy, except there isn't a first party psionic haste (it should be fairly easy to mock one up, though DSP made a third party version for both 3.5 (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/physical-acceleration) and PF (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/p/physical-acceleration/).)
Jade Phoenix Mage and Ruby Knight Vindicator should be doable, in theory, but it might be difficult to change their abilities to be psionic (you could also look at DSPs psionic initiating gish, the Awakened Blade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/prestige-classes/awakened-blade/), though that will take a bit more work to backport, mostly due to the different disciplines between ToB and Path of War.)
Spellsword from CW could work, though the arcane spell failure reduction is obviously worthless on a psionic character.
Eldritch Knight is boring but easily converted.
Bone Knight (Five Nations) is interesting, but might take too much work.
Ordained Champion from CC would take some work, but might worth looking into.
Other than that, most of the better gish PrC are full casting advancement with metamagic cheese on top (like Incantatrix/Spelldancer), grant casting on their own (Suel Arcanamach/Chameleon), or are used to advance another prestige class (Uncanny Trickster/Legacy Champion). On top of that, almost every arcane gish build uses Abjurant Champion, which has the problems you noted.

I have considered UT/LC but haven't really looked at them much. Eldritch Knight would be pointless; a 1:1 conversion would make it require 3rd level powers to enter, which comes pretty late for PsyWars. It also doesn't offer much other than full BAB and 9/10 casting, which Slayer already gives + class features on top. Most other things I've looked at are too firmly rooted in one arcane/divine paradigm or other.
ToB is not in play at the moment, so I can't use RKV or JPM, sadly.
Ordained Champion is so deeply rooted in cleric mechanics that converting it would basically be homebrewing a new class.