View Full Version : [ToA SPOILERS] The Yuan-ti Manifesto - please help!

2018-11-07, 04:25 AM
The Yuan-Ti lair (The Fane of the Night Serpent) in Tomb of Annihilation has made my campaign go in an unexpected direction. One of my players willingly entered the blood pool in the Cathedral of Blood, unprompted, and was transformed into a Yuan-ti pureblood. Since then, he has plotted and executed a coup, murdered Ras Nsi, won a bloody civil war between the Yuan-ti factions and made himself leader of the survivors. At the end of the civil war, most of the broodguards were dead and the slaves had all escaped after several other of the heroes killed the hydra, so the Yuan-ti were left resource-poor. The party finally decided to leave the Fane at the end of the last session and I asked my player to have a think about and let me know what orders he was leaving to his Yuan-ti subjects.

Below, please find the Reformed Yuan-ti Manifesto that he sent me. He has ordered the Yuan-ti to basically reform their society. When he returns to the Fane, what sort of society should he find? I’d appreciate your help creating a NEW nightmare society which follows the structure ordered in his manifesto.

The Yuan-ti manifesto:

1. Orders regarding the near future of the complex (tactical defense)

Attempt to camouflage the lair entrance against magical and mundane investigation, naturally I, Mas Rsi, must be able to find the lair again later!
Expect that, thanks to Nanth, the red wizards are aware of the change of leadership and that we have possession of the Ring of Winter, they could send further magic assaults, prepare for these as best as possible.

If possible harness the recent deaths of Yuan-ti and their enemies as a sacrifice in order to allow ritual promotion.
For at least the short term Alternative food sources must be found and blood restrictions are now in force. I don't want to catch someone bathing multiple times per day! While we're on the subject everyone is to bathe themselves, we're not hatchlings! We also can't be wastefully working potential food or sacrifice sources to death.

2. Orders regarding the long-term future of the yuan-ti community (resource management, strategic planning)

Promote organic population growth, blood sacrifice is extremely costly, Yuan-ti can reproduce! Support young families with time away from duties for the parents as well as support in terms of food and accommodation, procreation must be made an attractive proposition!

Modernise society, this is no longer the 13th Century DR! Former harem members are to be trained as nightmare speakers or into other active roles in society.

Find out if we can train an amphibious dinosaur (or better yet, giant waterborne snake!) to be new guard after the tragic loss of the hydra. Let not the lesson of Ras Nsi's death be forgotten, this guard must be friendly to Yuan-ti! If no suitable alternative can be found then a crack guard of water specialists must be formed, promoted from within the ranks.

If this King of Feathers must be "distracted" by us sacrificing members of our guard, then lets group together and kick his ass! I will try to convince my companions to undertake this task with me, but if that does not happen then we must either bring him to heel or get rid of him. His is not to be confronted in direct combat, Yuan-ti are smarter than that! We know the King of Feathers is as thick as two bricks and is about as charismatic as one to boot, use that to our advantage.
Support introduction of giant snakes into the local eco-system. Breed their food sources, make safe nesting spaces available, destroy any local predators. As well as being pleasing to Dendar these guys are our extended family and should reduce the numbers of any unwanted guests. I want snakes all the way down!

Long term I want potential subjects to willingly undertake the transformation to Yuan-ti. Our PR is currently terrible! We are really not highlighting the many benefits of the various Yuan-ti forms and the forward looking society that we are building together. The great Ras Nsi saw this in his wisdom and undertook such a transformation himself with his two loyal companions. Integration makes us stronger, remember, without you, there is no Yuan-ti!

3. Do you plan to return? If so, when and how?

I plan to return with the black opal crown in hand once the lich Acererak is finished, and the new God either destroyed or brought under sway of Dendar.

2018-11-07, 04:33 AM
Three questions:

1) is the player aware that this particular group of Yuan-ti are doomsday cultists who want the world destroyed by the Night Serpent?

2) why would the Yuan-tu follow this PC if they go into the Tomb and leave the way open for another takeover?

3) who among the named Yuan-ti of the module are still alive?

2018-11-07, 04:44 AM
Three questions:

1) is the player aware that this particular group of Yuan-ti are doomsday cultists who want the world destroyed by the Night Serpent?

2) why would the Yuan-tu follow this PC if they go into the Tomb and leave the way open for another takeover?

3) who among the named Yuan-ti of the module are still alive?

Good questions.

1. Yes, the pc has assumed the mantle of the 'scion of Dendar' and plans on bringing about the rise of Dendar himself.

2. The Yuan-ti believe (correctly) that Acererak has the black opal crown, and that it is required for Dendar to be reborn. The pc has pledged to acquire it and use it to do just that.

3. Ras Nsi, Sekelok, Nanth, Fenthaza and Xopal are all dead. I expanded the slavemaster into a character named Rathathan who, through plot events and two critical successes, has become fanatically loyal to the pc. Rathathan was left in control of the complex.

2018-11-07, 04:56 AM
1. Yes, the pc has assumed the mantle of the 'scion of Dendar' and plans on bringing about the rise of Dendar himself.

And the other PCs are ok with it?

2. The Yuan-ti believe (correctly) that Acererak has the black opal crown, and that it is required for Dendar to be reborn. The pc has pledged to acquire it and use it to do just that.

Any reason they wouldn't betray him once he give the crown?

3. Ras Nsi, Sekelok, Nanth, Fenthaza and Xopal are all dead. I expanded the slavemaster into a character named Rathathan who, through plot events and two critical successes, has become fanatically loyal to the pc. Rathathan was left in control of the complex.

Fair enough.

Honestly I wouldn't go with the "monkey paw" approach for the PC's instructions. Yuan-ti are evil, but not pointlessly so. They would do what advantages them and leave the rest in the "we didn't have the time to implement it, my Lord, reforms take time" corner. If Rathathan is fanatically loyal, he'll do his best to push for the reforms to be executed both to the letter and in spirit, but then it's a question of which new rivals will emerge from the ranks.

2018-11-07, 07:32 AM
And the other PCs are ok with it?

Any reason they wouldn't betray him once he give the crown?

Fair enough.

Honestly I wouldn't go with the "monkey paw" approach for the PC's instructions. Yuan-ti are evil, but not pointlessly so. They would do what advantages them and leave the rest in the "we didn't have the time to implement it, my Lord, reforms take time" corner. If Rathathan is fanatically loyal, he'll do his best to push for the reforms to be executed both to the letter and in spirit, but then it's a question of which new rivals will emerge from the ranks.

The player in question has done a hilarious and masterful job being extremely gung-ho on the subject of resurrecting Dendar to the other Yuan-ti while focusing on how he is going to change Yuan-ti society to the other pcs. The pcs have decided that destroying the soul monger takes priority and that their colleague is a problem that can be dealt with afterwards.

I've implied to the yuan-ti pc that the black opal crown may be used somehow with the soul monger to resurrect Dendar, so I expect a pvp fight at the end. (One other pc represents an efreet that also wants it, so there are three party factions atm).

I agree that a 'monkeys paw' solution would be unsatisfying, I was more thinking of a society taken to asimovian extremes almost for comedy value. Like at the end of fallout when they talk about the status of places in the wasteland. Like maybe the Yuan-ti have changed from being Slaving Despots to Decadent Hierarchy, to use Stellaris ethics.

2018-11-07, 10:24 AM
The manifesto contains inherent contradictions:

If possible harness the recent deaths of Yuan-ti and their enemies as a sacrifice in order to allow ritual promotion.

Alternative food sources must be found and blood restrictions are now in force.

We also can't be wastefully working potential food or sacrifice sources to death.

Long term I want potential subjects to willingly undertake the transformation to Yuan-ti.

The transformation into yuan-ti requires active blood sacrifices, consumption of temple drugs, bathing in the blood of the sacrifices and eating the sacrifices. It doesn't happen any other way unless you have changed it (check Volos and other sources for some descriptions of the horrific process involved). You can't create yuan-ti without it which is why most of them are evil .. most already willingly join the ceremony. In fact, if I recall, the temple has a number of human followers (not slaves) who are yuan-ti cult members who hope to one day be elevated to yuan-ti.

It isn't possible to "reform" the worst aspects of yuan-ti society without stopping the creation of yuan-ti.

Next, yuan-ti tend to look on the world dispassionately. (Volos again). I don't think the concept of "fanatic loyalty" is in their vocabulary. Rather they will look at what the strongest leader brings to the table and then choose to follow whichever is likely to achieve their desired goals. Whoever is left in charge, will take command for themselves. They will be quite pleased to allow the PC to leave ... if they return with the means to free Dendar, great! ... if they never return, perhaps even better! (depending on how much they like being in charge vs wanting to free Dendar). In either case, once the PC leaves, someone else will be in charge and they will pay lip service to any instructions left behind just in case they do return then they will have a basis to decide whether to fight or to relinquish the throne. Other remaining yuan-ti will likely be thinking the same way. Especially the various malisons and other high caste yuan-ti. To be honest, the only reason they are even listening to a lowly pure blood is because they currently hold the reins of power. After the PC pureblood leaves ... any remaining malisons and other high castes are going to take over.

Depending on which of them takes over they will probably implement a program to make the yuan-ti stronger. They will raid jungle tribes, capture as many humans as possible and start creating as many yuan-ti as possible. They will also try to advance as many as possible to higher yuan-ti forms.
1) It follows the manifesto in terms of making the yuan-ti stronger
2) The PCs have demonstrated that they yuan-ti most definitely DO need to be stronger
3) It opens the possibility that if and when the PCs return they will find a VERY strong core group of yuan-ti including spell casters ... who know the PCs well and are prepared for them. They will probably pretend to be friendly and then assassinate/ambush them at an appropriate time. If the PC has brought the opal crown all the better since then a true yuan-ti rather than a lowly pureblood can be the one to free Dendar.
4) This may require establishing a larger yuan-ti settlement elsewhere in the ruins of Omu.

How much of this can be accomplished depends on how long the PCs are gone. Also, keep in mind that Omu is likely not the only yuan-ti settlement in Chult. The Omu yuan-ti could potentially leave, conquer another yuan-ti settlement and vastly increase their numbers in a short time. However, this would be hidden from the PCs since the yuan-ti upper castes would want the upstart pureblood dead and the crown recovered so that the yuan-ti of an appropriate caste can be the one to release Dendar.

Anyway, given the structure of yuan-ti society and the description of typical yuan-ti world view from Volo's ... I can only expect this "manifesto" to go sideways after the PCs exit the scene leaving a massive power vacuum. (I'd suggest reading the Volo's section on yuan-ti if you haven't already since it should give you some good ideas of how the situation could develop).


However, your party sounds somewhat more powerful than that typical at the Fane of the Night Serpent part of ToA. The party I am with just finished this and we were mostly around level 8 (most will probably be 9 when we enter the tomb).

Several of the party in my case chose to become yuan-ti since it seemed like the path most likely to allow them to be successful at destroying the soul monger. The tomb has been created by a very powerful magic user and the characteristics of the yuan-ti form might enable success in the quest which might otherwise fail. Millions of lives likely rest on the success of the party in the quest ... so some of the party chose this as the lesser of two evils.

I would just mention that you can't just walk into the pool and become yuan-ti. There are temple drugs that must be consumed, rites that have to be administered by the yuan-ti high priest along with a number of other horrific acts that I won't get into. The character has a 1/6 chance of dying outright, ends up with several levels of exhaustion and an indefinite form of madness. So it is impressive that your player was able to take over the temple despite these issues.

Once every ten days, the yuan-ti gather in the fane for a depraved ritual. ... To undergo the change, slaves must bathe with snakes in the blood of sacrificial victims while under the influence of temple drugs ...."

No drugs ... no preparation ... no transformation ... just get eaten by Fenthaza :)

2018-11-09, 03:09 AM
The manifesto contains inherent contradictions:

If possible harness the recent deaths of Yuan-ti and their enemies as a sacrifice in order to allow ritual promotion.

Alternative food sources must be found and blood restrictions are now in force.

We also can't be wastefully working potential food or sacrifice sources to death.

Long term I want potential subjects to willingly undertake the transformation to Yuan-ti.

The transformation into yuan-ti requires active blood sacrifices, consumption of temple drugs, bathing in the blood of the sacrifices and eating the sacrifices. It doesn't happen any other way unless you have changed it (check Volos and other sources for some descriptions of the horrific process involved). You can't create yuan-ti without it which is why most of them are evil .. most already willingly join the ceremony. In fact, if I recall, the temple has a number of human followers (not slaves) who are yuan-ti cult members who hope to one day be elevated to yuan-ti.

It isn't possible to "reform" the worst aspects of yuan-ti society without stopping the creation of yuan-ti.

Next, yuan-ti tend to look on the world dispassionately. (Volos again). I don't think the concept of "fanatic loyalty" is in their vocabulary. Rather they will look at what the strongest leader brings to the table and then choose to follow whichever is likely to achieve their desired goals. Whoever is left in charge, will take command for themselves. They will be quite pleased to allow the PC to leave ... if they return with the means to free Dendar, great! ... if they never return, perhaps even better! (depending on how much they like being in charge vs wanting to free Dendar). In either case, once the PC leaves, someone else will be in charge and they will pay lip service to any instructions left behind just in case they do return then they will have a basis to decide whether to fight or to relinquish the throne. Other remaining yuan-ti will likely be thinking the same way. Especially the various malisons and other high caste yuan-ti. To be honest, the only reason they are even listening to a lowly pure blood is because they currently hold the reins of power. After the PC pureblood leaves ... any remaining malisons and other high castes are going to take over.

Depending on which of them takes over they will probably implement a program to make the yuan-ti stronger. They will raid jungle tribes, capture as many humans as possible and start creating as many yuan-ti as possible. They will also try to advance as many as possible to higher yuan-ti forms.
1) It follows the manifesto in terms of making the yuan-ti stronger
2) The PCs have demonstrated that they yuan-ti most definitely DO need to be stronger
3) It opens the possibility that if and when the PCs return they will find a VERY strong core group of yuan-ti including spell casters ... who know the PCs well and are prepared for them. They will probably pretend to be friendly and then assassinate/ambush them at an appropriate time. If the PC has brought the opal crown all the better since then a true yuan-ti rather than a lowly pureblood can be the one to free Dendar.
4) This may require establishing a larger yuan-ti settlement elsewhere in the ruins of Omu.

How much of this can be accomplished depends on how long the PCs are gone. Also, keep in mind that Omu is likely not the only yuan-ti settlement in Chult. The Omu yuan-ti could potentially leave, conquer another yuan-ti settlement and vastly increase their numbers in a short time. However, this would be hidden from the PCs since the yuan-ti upper castes would want the upstart pureblood dead and the crown recovered so that the yuan-ti of an appropriate caste can be the one to release Dendar.

Anyway, given the structure of yuan-ti society and the description of typical yuan-ti world view from Volo's ... I can only expect this "manifesto" to go sideways after the PCs exit the scene leaving a massive power vacuum. (I'd suggest reading the Volo's section on yuan-ti if you haven't already since it should give you some good ideas of how the situation could develop).


However, your party sounds somewhat more powerful than that typical at the Fane of the Night Serpent part of ToA. The party I am with just finished this and we were mostly around level 8 (most will probably be 9 when we enter the tomb).

Several of the party in my case chose to become yuan-ti since it seemed like the path most likely to allow them to be successful at destroying the soul monger. The tomb has been created by a very powerful magic user and the characteristics of the yuan-ti form might enable success in the quest which might otherwise fail. Millions of lives likely rest on the success of the party in the quest ... so some of the party chose this as the lesser of two evils.

I would just mention that you can't just walk into the pool and become yuan-ti. There are temple drugs that must be consumed, rites that have to be administered by the yuan-ti high priest along with a number of other horrific acts that I won't get into. The character has a 1/6 chance of dying outright, ends up with several levels of exhaustion and an indefinite form of madness. So it is impressive that your player was able to take over the temple despite these issues.

Once every ten days, the yuan-ti gather in the fane for a depraved ritual. ... To undergo the change, slaves must bathe with snakes in the blood of sacrificial victims while under the influence of temple drugs ...."

No drugs ... no preparation ... no transformation ... just get eaten by Fenthaza :)

I think your analysis is very good. Those contradictions should be the things to tear the future society apart. What do you think should be awaiting the pc when he returns?

My pcs spent four four-hour sessions and about a week of game time in the Fane. Since the initial entry we had had faction politics, midnight assassination of Ras Nsi with Hydra fight (hydra survived), more faction politics, the second ascension of the pc via sacrifice rituals into a malison, a slave revolt, another hydra fight, a civil war with the other side aided by the Red Wizards, and now as the dust settles the pc is in charge and most of the yuan-ti are dead, primarily due to the faction warfare. The group is level 6-7 but may be op on magic items. I'd say they put in a lot of time and RP here. They were playing it very risky at times but roll20 kept kicking out the 20s when they needed them most. They have been both foolhardy and lucky - a most dangerous combination.

I was actually surprised to read that the transformation wasn't RAW so I checked and you are absolutely right! The PC was alone in the Cathedral I had lovingly described, a black scabrous mass floating over snakes and semi-aqueous blood in the Font and the next thing you know is the damn fool is sticking his arm in. I guess I got carried away....but wouldn't you? ;-)

This is the first time I've ever seen this player play an evil character. All of a sudden he's duplicitous and shifty, playing both sides against the middle. Normally he's the guy who plays a rogue like a paladin. It's been great fun.