View Full Version : Adventures In The Snow (5e IC)

2018-11-09, 12:58 AM
The three nobles* ride in a carriage through the snow in a roughly straight line as the wheels roll over uneven cobblestones underneath. The blowing wind and the many inches of snow foreshadow many clear days to come, or so the court mages say. "This will soon all have been worth it," the coachman mutters. "Soon we'll be inside, all warm and cozy, and I'll get paid. The luxuries of working for nobles..." He stops the carriage, gets off, goes to the back and picks up some warm furs. He opens the side door to the carriage, and offers the furs: "Madams, we've arrived at our destination. I'll see you inside? It is quite chilly out here. *(One is the changeling, disguised as the duchess)

The coachman is a short man, yet not short enough to be mistaken for a dwarf or gnome. His nose is red, the rest of his face pale blue as he clutches the bowler's hat on his head so it doesn't fly off into the distance in the snow, the other hand holding out the furs into the coach so the three can grab them. Behind him, large pane glass windows glow with a bright, warm, flickering orange, certainly warmer than this carriage.

(Illven, WhismurWanders, Tieren, and Jrpergande78: Post with where in the inn and what your characters would have been doing up until now)

2018-11-09, 01:53 AM
Ryden sits in the corner where he has the ability to see everything and everyone in the inn. He is eating what looks like roasted deer and vegetable soup and drinking mead. The Dwarf looks out of place, and doesn't look like any typical Dwarf, dressed in leather with little metal on him. He watches as the new people walks in.

2018-11-09, 05:40 AM
Arakos is currently busy with an inebriated man who has challenged him to arm wrestling. He had been hoping to a quiet night alone with some drink, a warm respite from searching for work in the biting cold outside. Despite the tiefling's best efforts, the man has so far been unwavering his his desire to challenge Arakos, and has taken the seat opposite him.

2018-11-14, 01:19 AM
Felicia is one of the tables, a large amount of paper all over as she combs the door.

Can someone shut the door?

2018-11-15, 04:28 PM
Snow, oh how Eira had missed it during her soft banishment to the sunny courts of Astora. They had to travel many leagues north to get where they were now and Eira had always known that their travels would take them here and what the climate would be. Saphira, the one person that had made her time in Astora worthwhile had been less prepared for that, as she had been less prepared many things. She looked at the other woman sitting besides her mumbled up in as many spare coats as they had yet still shivering.

"It is going to get even colder", Eira said to her, "you need to get used to it."

The carriage stopped with a sudden jerk and the coachmen comes to open them the door, offering them furs and groveling before them. Pathetic, Eira thought never very fond of courtly etiquette and even less fond of the reverence of the smallfolk. Still, she took the fur, not for herself, but for Saphira, she had a feeling that she could use it. Grabbing her spear, shield and pack, Eira left the coach ahead of the others heading for the tavern. Taking a quick look around the room, making a note of the people present. A dwarf sitting in the corner keeping an eye out, a small crowd that had assembled around an armwrestling tiefling and human and a studious woman, half-elven if Eira was not mistaken. So far none that looked like agents of Astora or Irithyll.

She turned her attention to the half-elf who had spoken and closed the door after everyone had entered, then went over to her table, "cold, half-blood?" she asks. The slight crystalline ring in her voice, the alabaster skin, the ashblonde hair told clearly that she was a noble elf of the Winter Court, only the amber of her eyes did not quite fit into the picture.

2018-11-16, 01:41 AM
Being cold sucked.

Like really really sucked.

It almost sucked as much as much as the place that they had been fleeing from. Ok maybe Saphira was being just a little overdramatic, but everyone needed to be overdramatic sometimes right? I mean Saphira was never dramatic at all, and never complained about anything.

Her body was shaking as it tried to keep warmth up in her body with the help of all the coats that Eira had to spare, as well as cuddling as close as she could to her. Hearing her words Saphira looked at her and pouted a little and frowned at her “Why can't it just be warmer? The cold sucks” she complained to Eira or to anyone who could hear her really. And granted there were only three of them inside the coach they had found themselves in.

She felt the wagon come to a stop and saw the coachman come around and presented some warm furs, which Saphira ended up happily taking and flashing him a thankful smile as she grabbed her stuff and followed up behind Eira. Saphira was a bit slower than the stronger woman partially due to the weight she was carrying as well as the mass of clothes on her person. She didn't like that she wasn't able to wear less clothes here, Saphira loved wearing pretty clothes and the coats weren't exactly the nicest thing to wear.

Saphira watched as a half elf told them to close the door, and Eira almost immediately walked over to her. And of course Saphira was close in tow with the pale woman, her black hair and topaz eyes sticking out from the mass of coats. She wasn't going to be taking them off till she finally got to a normal temperature, or Eira warmed her up; either way it would take some time. “Eira… I'm hungry… let's get something to eat” she whines to her, gently tugging on the back of the woman’s shirt to get her attention.

2018-11-16, 01:55 AM
Ryden watches from his corner as the new people walks in. The Elf caught his attention when she walked over to the half elf studying her scrolls and say something. It looked like trouble and he was ready. He chuckled when the other started complaining about it being cold.

Ryden continued to eat his dinner washing each breath with dwarven mead.

Barkeep, get that wee lass a mug o' Dwarven Meade on me. She needs some fire in her belly to get her warm, that one does.

2018-11-16, 09:45 AM
The tall purple-skinned duchess rose from her seat as the carriage stopped. Without a word, she let the other nobles leave before taking the last fur patch the driver held for them. Only a flicker of eyes acted as her thanks to the man.

The door already had time to close behind the rest when she reached the inn. She liked to make an entrance, yet she needed it to be delicate and shrouded in mystery when she could. Firmly she opened and closed the door as she entered. That small rotating movement she had to make was used as an excuse to scan the room. The duchess of Oversight decided against sitting straight away with her travel partners and went for an empty chair to the most empty table she laid eyes on that was at hear-range of the bar.

2018-11-17, 10:57 PM
Thank you, at least my pages won't blow in the wind. Felicia commented to the overlady.

2018-12-04, 06:20 PM
Jon Stonecloud sat at a table in the common room keeping to himself.

The presence of so many people in such a small place bristled at Jon's nerves. He much preferred the forests and wild places.

The trip here had fascinated Jon as the deciduous forests of the south gave way to the Pine forests of the north. The adaptations to the climate, evergreens, pinecones fascinated him and he wanted to spend more time with them.

But his duty lay in here, with these people. He was to represent his peoples to the Lord's Alliance. His tribe was nomadic but surrounding communities encroached further and further into the lands they ranged and it was becoming necessary to participate in the politics of the region to protect our sovereign rights.

Another please

Jon tried to catch the attention of the barmaid as she swept by near his seat, but she didn't hear him over the din of the entrance of the new arrivals in furs and finery.

Jon sat stoically and observed.

2018-12-21, 12:37 AM
The remarkably normal looking human bartender pours drinks of ale and mead and a cold gust carries them steadily to the tables that ordered them.

The coachman, after seeing the nobles to their seats, they rush off to another table off in the corner of the bar. A few humans, one male and two female in fancy dress sit there, drinking wine and watching the nobles closely.

After a few moments and the coachman whispering in the man's ear, he stands raising his glass. "Another log in the fire for our fine guests this night." He says as he approaches. "I see my coachman took you here safely? Not too cold, I pray?" He has a black top hat, black clothes, and a black goatee. His eyes are one as white as the snow outside and the other as dark as a polar bear's in such a blizzard.

You recognize him as Baron Goodberry, from the lords' alliance.

2018-12-22, 11:53 PM
At the look of magic at the glass passing, Felicia claps her hands. Brava. Brava! She called out happily.

2018-12-23, 12:04 AM
Ryden continues to watch the new group of people that seem to be of some sort of royalty, he chuckles to himself as he watches them.

He takes a drink of his mead then another bite of his food. The dwarf was amused with how amused they were with simple magics.

Barkeep, 'ow are ye with ye meats? D'you need more fresh food afore the snows move in?

2019-01-01, 04:18 PM
Jon looked closely at the speaker trying to recall the description of the Lords Alliance contact he was supposed to meet at this inn.

The barmaid continued to ignore his timid attempts to get her attention.

2019-01-06, 10:42 AM
Eira slowly turns to the nobleman with strange eyes when he approached her and Saphira, "Depends who you're asking, to me it feels like home...my friend", Eira says and nods towards Saphira, "is more accustomed to the sunny hills of Astora...but let's skip the useless pleasantries...what do you want, Baron Goodberry?"

Eira was not a big fan of small talk and she was getting slightly nervous. The grip around her spear tightened ever so slightly.

2019-01-07, 04:30 PM
Saphira frowned a little as Eira seemed to ignore her polite request for food and seemed focused on a man who had started speaking to them, raising a glass and addressing her and Eira directly. And for a moment she didn't really clue in who he was, only for it to click in her head and a smile spread across her face as she nodded slightly and allowed Eira to speak before her. "It... Is far too cold up here... I don't get how anyone could live up this far... How do people not freeze to death?" she asked, before answering his first question "But, thank you for your kindness Baron Goodberry. Eira was going to make me walk this far... I would have died walking that far"

Unlike her companion, Saphira was very much not suspicious of this man and had a smile on her face as she then asked "So, What brings you here Baron Goodberry? And why did you graciously allow us to make use of your Carriage?" she said, looking at him as she spoke.

2019-01-17, 12:18 PM
Unable to hear what is being discussed, Jon leans in a little to try to figure out what is going on.