View Full Version : DM Help Looking for inspiration for planar adventures

2018-11-09, 12:02 PM
A short campaign background: There are two factions in my setting. By decree of the overgods, the leaders of each faction have to kill each other, but they can't just fight themselves directly. Instead they are supposed to send out champions, who have to succeed at some challenge or challenges. Once they have succeeded, they are to return to their faction leader and provide them with an artifact or something else, which would tip the scales to their factions benefit. Once this happens, there is then a big fight, where the loser of the race dies. The PCs are the champions of one faction. So far the only part which is fixed, is that the challenge(s) are set in a different plane(s) than the material one and that the group will likely be level 14 and upwards, when they manage to get to the other planes. While I've been thinking on and off about what could happen on the planar adventure, I wasn't so far struck with any good ideas what could actually happen. So I'm asking you: What could the gods have possibly in mind to test the worth of the champions?