View Full Version : Simulacrum Healing Question

2018-11-09, 02:07 PM
I am trying to use SIMS to build a psionic army.

If I am using a SIM of say a Vitalist, would that Vitalists healing effects HEAL another SIM?

I know a human healers powers wouldn't heal a SIM but would a SIM's healing affect another SIM?

Seems logical...especially if the healing isnt derived from magic/divine powers.

2018-11-09, 02:10 PM
The correct reply is to ask your game master.

That said, the healing detailed in the Simulacrum spell is addictive, not exclusitory. Meaning it's a listed additional method of healing them but it does not say it is the only method.
Normal healing would function on a Simulacrum by RAW standards.

Again though, every GM, every table interprets Simulacrum differently from giving them the Construct type to not letting them form or have memories.

So discussing the spell with your GM becomes mandatory as you will get many differing opinions and very little rules out of such a poorly worded spell.

2018-11-09, 02:18 PM
I am trying to use SIMS to build a psionic army.

If I am using a SIM of say a Vitalist, would that Vitalists healing effects HEAL another SIM?

I know a human healers powers wouldn't heal a SIM but would a SIM's healing affect another SIM?

Seems logical...especially if the healing isnt derived from magic/divine powers.

Yes. Compare the text of Simulacrum with Ice Assassin. Ice Assassin has clear language that says the only way you can heal it is in a lab, but Simulacrum has no such language. In fact Simulacrum's language is identical to Craft Construct where like Unseenmage said the healing via laboratory is additive not exclusive.

Simulacrums heal naturally like any other creature and is affected by healing magic.

2018-11-09, 02:24 PM
So for SIMS, it appears healing is fine.

Ice Assassin it would NOT work? Again, same approach, would the healing effects of an IA Vitalist heal/repair an IA Aegis? Like for like, IA heals healing IA vs magical/divine healing?

2018-11-09, 02:31 PM
So for SIMS, it appears healing is fine.

Ice Assassin it would NOT work? Again, same approach, would the healing effects of an IA Vitalist heal/repair an IA Aegis? Like for like, IA heals healing IA vs magical/divine healing?

Damage caused to the ice assassin can be repaired only via a complex process requiring 1 day, 100 gp per hit point, and a fully equipped laboratory.

A complex process requiring at least 24 hours, 100 gp per hit point, and a fully equipped magical laboratory can repair damage to a simulacrum.

Nope, you cannot heal an Ice Assassin without spending a fortune in a fully equipped laboratory.