View Full Version : Pathfinder Synthesist Necrosummoner

2018-11-09, 05:58 PM
A friend of mine is wishing to run an evil campaign where we are sneaking into a Elysium to reach Nirvana (12th level starting with potential to reach 15th) and I've been thinking of a couple of different builds. One would have been awesome but he nixed the use of leadership feats. Another has a bluff score at about +39 when lieing at 12th level...not including Glibness to convince any celestial being I am their god. But the most recent build I got itching in my brain is the Necrosummoner prestige class from the Into The Breach book and the Synthesist Summoner archetype. I know that undead use their Cha mod when calculating their hit points instead of their Con mod, but would the Eidolon suit use the Summoner's Cha Mod instead while being worn? I can guess that the HD for the eidolon would drop to d8s as well.

But here is where the main thought comes in, the ghost and Vampire templates. The vampire gets fast healing so the super suit can heal itself and gets a boatload of awesome stuff like ability score increases and other abilities. A ghost gets incorporeal with other goodies but if this allows the Synth Summoner to become incorporeal as well then hello ghost touch weapons to wail on the heavenly host.

The main thought I had at this point was to have a melee class that can wreck shop for 4 levels (antipaladin), then slide into one level of Synthesis Summoner, go into the Necrosummoner prestige class, and play well enough to gain a level and truly wreck shop. Am I overthinking this prestige class or is there real potential to cause mayhem with this combo?

2018-11-09, 06:29 PM
Well.. i dont know the classes in particular.

But it sounds like you want to be an anti-paladin that wraps himself in the dead flesh of the dammed.
That sounds insanely badass. Is there really anything else to considder at this point? :smalltongue:

2018-11-10, 04:31 PM
I think it is a badass concept but I want it to be a functional one by RAW. Which brings about this new question. There is no section specifically saying that the Necrosummoner's class levels stack with any levels that advance the eidolon, does this mean that it is a trash prestige class or was the developer banking on the undead templates to power boost the eidolon.

I feel like that the section saying that the levels stack was accidentally left out because you can choose to not apply the undead templates to the eidolon. This prestige class feels like it can be so good thematically but is kinda trash now that I'm looking hard at it.

2018-11-10, 11:23 PM
The Synthesist is already pretty heavy on "ask your DM" stuff. And adding a 3rd party PrC won't help you any either.
You'll ultimately have to discuss a fair amount of things with your DM.