View Full Version : Character progression question

2018-11-10, 04:26 AM
Hey guys, typing this on my phone, so excuse any errors.

I'm playing an oath of conquest paladin and have recently hit level 8. So the whole oath revoles around fear effects ect

So my question is, oath of conquest has a class feature that gets stronger at level 18. It doesn't specify paladin level 18 just level 18 which I assume means character level. So if I were to dip into warlock for 12 levels would the class feature upgrade automatically, similar to how cantrips work for casters?

2018-11-10, 04:55 AM
No. Check the rules on multiclassing. There are no special exceptions made for Oath features, so they only go up when you gain Paladin levels.

2018-11-10, 05:43 AM
Removed, reference material was incomplete. Thank you.