View Full Version : Alignment bordeline situations

2018-11-10, 07:58 AM
According to you the following situations would be possible for a good character and if they do would if they lean to the chaotic-lawful side of the alignment.
I would like to collect other borderline alignment behaviours in this topic, so feel free to add other questions regarding other alignments too

1) Having sex with a succubus (just sex)
1a) having a relation with a succubus (do hitler's wife has to be evil?)

2) casting flesh to stone on a evil foe and leaving the statue whole (which should trap the soul inside until the statue crumbles, if i'm not mistaken)
2a) using the mythic version of the spell , which animates the statue on your command, to defend a good shrine for eternity or until destroyed as atonement for the crimes committed during life
2b) as 2a), but limited to 1000 years
2c) Using the mythic version of the spell and using the statue to help you on your adventures, for the sake of a greater goodness

3) Trap the soul of an evil foe to prevent his resurrection (somewhat similar to 2, but this may be eternal, while statues eventually would crumble in hundreds years)

2018-11-10, 08:10 AM
1) If you can't seduce a Succubus to the side of Goodness and Light with the power of the +5 Holy Avenger in your pants, why are you even a Paladin? You've got a high Charisma and immunity to diseases because you're supposed to stick it in everything.

1a) What? Try re-phrasing.

2) Flesh to Stone isn't an [Evil] spell, so casting it isn't evil. Stopping an evil enemy isn't evil.

3) Trapping an evil enemy isn't necessarily evil, though many soul-trapping spells do have the [Evil] descriptor and are therefore evil.

2018-11-10, 08:14 AM
According to you the following situations would be possible for a good character and if they do would if they lean to the chaotic-lawful side of the alignment.
I would like to collect other borderline alignment behaviours in this topic, so feel free to add other questions regarding other alignments too

1) Having sex with a succubus (just sex)
1a) having a relation with a succubus (do hitler's wife has to be evil?)

2) casting flesh to stone on a evil foe and leaving the statue whole (which should trap the soul inside until the statue crumbles, if i'm not mistaken)
2a) using the mythic version of the spell , which animates the statue on your command, to defend a good shrine for eternity or until destroyed as atonement for the crimes committed during life
2b) as 2a), but limited to 1000 years
2c) Using the mythic version of the spell and using the statue to help you on your adventures, for the sake of a greater goodness

3) Trap the soul of an evil foe to prevent his resurrection (somewhat similar to 2, but this may be eternal, while statues eventually would crumble in hundreds years)

1) Depends on your world's metaphysics. If sleeping with a succubus somehow empowers Evil as a whole, it's not a good act, and would be an evil act if done knowingly and willingly.
1a) Just being in a relationship probably wouldn't be problematic, but since you're probably expected to protect and help your girlfriend, you'd probably end up committing evil acts by protecting an evil creature.

2) I'ts probably not a good act, but it's not evil either.
2a) same as above.
2b) third verse, same as the first
2c) fourth verse, same as the first

3) Probably pretty Neutral, depending on the metaphysics of trapping (If it's a fate far, far , far worse than death, it might be evil)

Any of the above acts could be lawful or chaotic depending on the motivations and reasoning for doing them, though all of 2 and 1a probably trend towards lawful more than chaotic.

2018-11-10, 08:34 AM
1) If you can't seduce a Succubus to the side of Goodness and Light with the power of the +5 Holy Avenger in your pants, why are you even a Paladin? You've got a high Charisma and immunity to diseases because you're supposed to stick it in everything.


1a) What? Try re-phrasing.

Being in a relationship with a succubus*

2018-11-10, 09:09 AM
1. Should be okay. Use Protection(from Evil) though.

1a. Strictly speaking it shouldn’t matter, but divine casters of some faiths may feel their god is against such a union.

2. Against an evil foe? Sure. No mercy for the wicked.

2a. Atonement is holy as hell. Eternal punishment... That’s basically most afterlives anyway. Better than the Wall at least.

2b. That’s a bit merciful, isn’t it?

2c. Ah, keep your friends close, keep your enemies bound to serve you for eternity, now that’s Good: nobody said you have to be nice.

3. Honestly a good idea. Deny them the afterlife! An eternity in a cupboard will do them good.

2018-11-10, 09:48 AM
Being in a relationship with a succubus*


Having a relationship with an Evil NPC isn't an evil act.

Paladins can't have a relationship with an Evil NPC, though -- that's explicitly forbidden.

It is a separate thing that Paladins are prohibited from doing, but I think there's an exception if the Evil NPC is trying to repent.


While she may adventure with characters of any good or neutral alignment, a paladin will never knowingly associate with evil characters, nor will she continue an association with someone who consistently offends her moral code. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good.

So if you're not a Paladin, you can be Good yet also have a relationship with someone Evil... UNTIL they continue the actions which make them Evil, and you are forced to decide whether you want to perform actions which will keep you Good, or if you decide to support your lover and become Neutral or even Evil. The relationship can continue but one of you will end up supporting the other, and that will change one of your alignments (or both if you decide to just retire from Good & Evil into nice domestic Neutrality).

Darth Ultron
2018-11-10, 11:27 AM
1) Having sex with a succubus (just sex)
1a) having a relation with a succubus (do hitler's wife has to be evil?)

Sex and personal relationships have nothing to do with alignment, so your free to do whatever you want. Though a good person and bad person relationship is not likely to work out.

2) casting flesh to stone on a evil foe and leaving the statue whole (which should trap the soul inside until the statue crumbles, if i'm not mistaken)
2a) using the mythic version of the spell , which animates the statue on your command, to defend a good shrine for eternity or until destroyed as atonement for the crimes committed during life
2b) as 2a), but limited to 1000 years
2c) Using the mythic version of the spell and using the statue to help you on your adventures, for the sake of a greater goodness

Not borderline at all. Imprisonment and forced labor are both good things, so no worries here.

3) Trap the soul of an evil foe to prevent his resurrection (somewhat similar to 2, but this may be eternal, while statues eventually would crumble in hundreds years)

Not borderline at all. Imprisonment is good thing, so no worries here.