View Full Version : Ulimate Charlatan

2018-11-10, 01:49 PM
So other campaign fell through due to scheduling reasons and going to be having a more social/exploration style game instead. need a new character and I was thinking about playing up being being whoever, and having whatever people are willing to trade gold and favors for. Phantasmal force, illusions, charms, disguises and forgeries all around.

my initial thoughts are to go Bard or sorcerer with a splash of something else, but I can't seem to find a long term build that I like. thoughts

Bard (can be primary) expertise makes deceptions harder to read and is useful all around.
•Lore can use cutting words on NPCs attempts to see through illusions and insight checks.
•Glamour can have several people singing your praises to the noble/lord/tyrant/richguy/officer making getting an audience way easier.

Sorcerer (can be primary) one cannot overemphasize the power of Subtle spell in a social setting when the DM cares about verbal components (mine will) twin spell can work on the noble *and* his adviser
•probably shadow or celestial sorcerer not seeing much subclass synergy (hound of ill omen would not be helpful if we are trying to be friends with the people we are swindling.)

Cleric (dip) knowledge domain lets one have expertise in two skills that would be useful for maintaining a disguise and proficiency in any tool for 10 minutes can let you blend in with craftsmen of any sort. (not too keen on this one TBH)

Rogue (dip) expertise right of the bat with a 1 level dip, thieves cant to help connect with the city's underground information sources and thieves tools to let you get into where your disguise can't.

Warlock (dip unless someone can make a good argument for it to be primary.) EB spam can make a social focused character viable in combat at most stages, Mask of many faces can work wonders for shifting blame and avoiding capture when someone catches on. telepathy from GOO, combat from Hexblade, or healing from Celestial for if you pretend to be a cleric.

I am currently leaning towards Sorlock, but I am having a bit of trouble really pinning the build down.

2018-11-10, 02:23 PM
Why not take some of both bard and sorcerer, I’d go sorc 3 for subtle bard (lore) 17 for every other spell your heart desires, this lets you cast subtle in a pinch, but also everything good about bard and social interaction.

2018-11-11, 12:31 AM
I believe the Charlatan/Secret Identity background may be worth considering.

I think the 9th level Assassin Infiltration Expertise is too much of a “dip” for your build, but the 3rd level Mastermind Master Of Intrigue ability may be worth the dip.

...I’ve been working on the idea of one BBEG pretending to be three other people (two personas include being a dictator and the rebellion leader).

2018-11-11, 03:59 AM
never forget the nice synergy between the Friends cantrip and disguising yourself as someone else; you get what you want right now, and the guy you duped now hates one of your rivals.

2018-11-11, 12:32 PM
never forget the nice synergy between the Friends cantrip and disguising yourself as someone else; you get what you want right now, and the guy you duped now hates one of your rivals.

Oh I've never thought of that combo before. That sounds awesome.

Also, I guess I didn't say it, but charlatan background is definitely the plan.

2018-11-11, 03:18 PM
The best solution I've seen in any scenario was grabbing Actor and 2 levels into Warlock for Mask of Many Faces. One more level, for a super Familiar or a book of all rituals (which can include spells like Illusory Script) and it's pretty damn hard to beat.

You can either start with one level into Rogue, for the skills, or finish the class into Bard for the magical utility, but Warlock 3 needs to be your first major goal in any scenario.

2018-11-12, 08:49 AM
I would also second warlock. But always be aware that subtle spell is a thing. I have a divine soul sorcerer charlatan who sells fake healing potions by using subtle spell to cast healing word when letting people test them.

2018-11-12, 11:43 AM
I'm currently running a Sorcerer charlatan. In one instance, I dragged the party back into a social situation they had already failed and managed to turn a bitter enemy into a trading partner. Subtle Suggestion is incredibly potent.

Granted, you could trace that character's actions to the decimation or destruction of three separate island civilizations, the wanton destruction of one having jeopardized the entire mission that has been the basis of the campaign. Being an amoral charlatan is not without its risks.

I'm going Lawful Good next campaign, I swear!

2018-11-12, 12:18 PM
I just started a game, and it's been so long since I was on the player side of the screen...I drew a blank on what I wanted to play. I let my other players pick their classes first, and I ended up having to be the tank.

Now, I don't like to play the numbers, I'm a DM who get the privilege of playing once every generation or so. I like a good story, so I ended up trying to make a tank fun...and not the "I have axe, you die, leave friend alone" type.

I'm playing a Charlatan background Fighter/Battle master. His weapon is a sword hidden in his lute. His go to game is the long con, he'll play you like a fool, 16 str/14Cha. He'll play the hapless warrior, while using his superiority dice to manipulate the battlefield. When he's on the town he's looking for his next mark to fleece of whatever goods he can.

Sometimes the story can make up for not having the most optimized cross-class.

2018-11-12, 02:32 PM
The best solution I've seen in any scenario was grabbing Actor and 2 levels into Warlock for Mask of Many Faces. One more level, for a super Familiar or a book of all rituals (which can include spells like Illusory Script) and it's pretty damn hard to beat.

You can either start with one level into Rogue, for the skills, or finish the class into Bard for the magical utility, but Warlock 3 needs to be your first major goal in any scenario.

Tomelocks w/ Ancient Secrets can add Ritual Spells to their book if it's 1/2 their Warlock level rounded down and can ritual cast Warlock spells they know (there are 4 on the Base list wooo...). It's hardly a Book of All Rituals if you are just taking 3 levels. I suggest Chain.