View Full Version : Rules Q&A Eberron and spells

2018-11-11, 07:30 AM
We're a currently a level 8 party adventuring in Xen'drik and a few questions came up.

1. Would the Travellers Curse (Secrets of Xendrik p25) affect spells? Specifically Conjuration(Teleportation), Conjuration(Summoning) and Conjuration(calling)?

2. Does Contact other plane work in Eberron? Would the Outer Plane options work?

2018-11-11, 08:12 AM
The Traveller's Curse is a general time effect that alters travel times. It's more of a setpiece than an actual effect. It doesn't affect spells, unless you're using "day/level" spells in which case they affect you in your perception of time the same way food lasts for the time you percieve(food and drinks don't rot away faster or slower due to the Traveller's Curse).

There's no clear interaction that lists Contact Other Plan as not working in Eberron.