View Full Version : Unique Uses #3 - Bell

2018-11-13, 08:53 AM
So a bell, it's a pretty common item. So common that the PHB didn't even give it a description. What odd things would you do with it?

A few things I can think of
-Tie it to your invisible servant so you don't trip over him (it?)
-Grapple and attach it to someone with invisibility at will so you can find them
-Tie it to a rope for a makeshift warning trap

Any other off book usage you can think of?

2018-11-13, 10:16 AM
Attach to caught pests (cats, rats, foxes, raccoons, et cetera) and let loose in a secure area to cause distractions

Attach to arrows to create "noise arrows" for ranged distractions

Medium distance Signaling

Butter Storage

2018-11-13, 10:27 AM
It's a musical instrument, and campanology is a whole thing, so...

If the bell is big enough (or the passenger small enough), it can serve as a diving bell.
Make a dog drool. So animal training.
Use it for an interview for a management training course when all the vacancies have been filled weeks ago.

2018-11-13, 11:46 AM
Ring it as loud as you can and scream Wildcard Bitches! when you get board of repeatedly rolling Dexterity(Stealth) checks.

2018-11-13, 12:11 PM
Take it to sporting events to annoy the people around you.

Put them on a fishing pole for when you go scavenging.

Sprinkle them around a floor to screw with intruders.

2018-11-13, 01:35 PM
Hang it on the top of a door, to let you know when people enter or exit.

Tie it to a long string that runs through the walls of a building, so that you can make a signal in one room of a building without making an obvious noise or motion in the room that you're in.

Bard focus

The "horn" or "siren" of a cart, to get people to move out of the way.

To loudly announce the time of day to people nearby.

To signal for silence at a fancy party.

2018-11-14, 07:22 AM
Accompaniment for your yodeling and bagpipe band (that for some reason keeps getting run out of town).

Be an illusionist pretend to be a bard. Use minor illusion to replicate the sound of the bell.