View Full Version : Most iconic spells

2018-11-13, 10:34 AM
If we were to take the 4 big list of spells* - Cleric, Druid, Psion, and Wizard/Sorcerer - which spells would you say are the most iconic for each "landmark level"?

I consider "Landmark levels" to be 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 9th for the following reasons:

- 1st level spells are the, well, first spells they learn (cantrips not included, they aren't even called spells most of the time)
- 3rd level spells are what we get in E6;
- 6th level spells are the what legendary (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/legendLore.htm) casters can cast;
- 9th level are the game breakers.

Note that this isn't about most powerful spells, but about most iconic ones. I don't think anyone here is going to argue that Fireball is better than Shivering Touch, but Shivering Touch is far from being iconic. As a guideline, spells mentioned here should appear on the SRD. If it's a splatbook spell, chances are it's not really iconic.

If you can, explain why you think the spell is iconic.

*I'm using the term spell here very liberally.

Here's my list:

Lv 1: Cure Light Wounds - Curing wounds, nuff said. More iconic than the others in the series due to to its low level
Lv 3: Water Walk - Plenty of examples everywhere
Lv 6: Banishment - Sending demons back to their plane of existence is divine as hell (pun intended)
Lv 9: Miracle - Few things are more iconic than a priest asking his god for a literal miracle, and getting it

Lv 1: Charm Animal - A druid that can't make an animal his friend isn't a druid
Lv 3: Neutralize Poison - A nature priest that can cure any poison? Damn iconic.
Lv 6: Ironwood - Making wood that's as strong as steel. I'm surprised this isn't lower level
Lv 9: Storm of Vengeance - While Shapechange is pretty iconic and definitely more powerful, a nature caster that can summon a gigantic storm to destroy everything is more iconic than that

Lv 1: Energy Ray - Blasting 101 for psions
Lv 3: Telekinetic Force - Moving things with your mind is super iconic
Lv 6: Psionic Disintegrate - Turning things and creatures to dust with your mind is probably even more iconic than the spell version, which is pretty iconic
Lv 9: Microcosm - Sending creatures into a perpetual and inescapable prison of their own mind. This spell is exactly what I expect of a powerful "mind caster"

Lv 1: Magic Missile - Not super iconic outside of D&D, but probably the most iconic spell in the entire game
Lv 3: Fireball - Yeah, sending explosive balls of fire is pretty damn iconic. Even if the spell's not so good.
Lv 6: Antimagic Field - Many options for this level, but using magic to create a field that stops all other magic is so cool.
Lv 9: Timestop - Lots of iconic spells here as well but I feel like literally stopping time itself was the better one, even if the spell doesn't reeeeaally stop time

Feel free to discuss, agree, and disagree.

2018-11-13, 01:26 PM
Interesting idea — there’s obviously some subjectivity, depending on play experience and what books/movies/other games have defined as canonical examples of “magic” for a given person, but some spells or effects do stand out.

Lv 1: Cure Light Wounds - Curing wounds, nuff said. More iconic than the others in the series due to to its low level
Lv 3: Water Walk - Plenty of examples everywhere
Lv 6: Banishment - Sending demons back to their plane of existence is divine as hell (pun intended)
Lv 9: Miracle - Few things are more iconic than a priest asking his god for a literal miracle, and getting it
While it’s a real shame just how much Lesser Vigor steps all over the role of CLW, it’s hard to argue with the iconic image of “clerics heal.” (Personally, Lesser Vigor has always felt more like “druid healing” than “cleric healing” to me, but that’s just my subjective take.)

It is true that walking on water is a religious/spiritual staple... but a counterpoint from my point of view is that I don’t think I’ve personally ever seen Water Walk cast in an actual game. That is very much a YMMV phenomenon but counts for something, in my opinion, so I’d lean more toward Prayer.

The act of prayer/meditation itself is essentially a defining characteristic of religion/spirituality, and while Prayer is a vanilla example, “buffing” (and even straight debuffing) is certainly an iconic Cleric role.

(Honorable Mention: Perhaps nothing says eeeeeeeevil Cleric like Animate Dead does?)

Hard to argue with “BEGONE FOUL FIEND!” or “I beseech thee, O Lord/Lady.”

Lv 1: Charm Animal - A druid that can't make an animal his friend isn't a druid
Lv 3: Neutralize Poison - A nature priest that can cure any poison? Damn iconic.
Lv 6: Ironwood - Making wood that's as strong as steel. I'm surprised this isn't lower level
Lv 9: Storm of Vengeance - While Shapechange is pretty iconic and definitely more powerful, a nature caster that can summon a gigantic storm to destroy everything is more iconic than that

I’m not disagreeing with the ability to influence/befriend animals as iconic to nature magic, but D&D Druids already have an app for that (Wild Empathy) — so Charm Animal loses for me by the “haven’t seen it used” test.

I’d argue the “nature itself turns against my enemies” archetype is just as strong for Druids and Entangle waves hello as a result. Yes, power/frequent use isn’t iconic in and of itself, but Entangle does loom very large on the Druid 1 list AND is thematic.

By a similar logic, Call Lightning plays into the same archetype (forget throwing lightning from one’s hands and instead literally call down the fury of a storm!).

Additional note: I can’t help but feel that Summon Nature’s Ally (N) belongs somewhere on this list, i.e. calling animals (and fey, elementals) directly to one’s aid.

Druid 6 is a tricky spell level with few iconic standouts. I’m tempted to argue for Enveloping Cocoon (SpC) — less the specific spell itself, and more the idea of “the inexorable power of nature will slow and even halt you in your tracks and inevitably overtake you.”

Shapechange is, even with Wild Shape on the table, far more iconic to Druid/Shaman types than to Wizard/Sorcerer types in my opinion.

Lv 1: Energy Ray - Blasting 101 for psions
Lv 3: Telekinetic Force - Moving things with your mind is super iconic
Lv 6: Psionic Disintegrate - Turning things and creatures to dust with your mind is probably even more iconic than the spell version, which is pretty iconic
Lv 9: Microcosm - Sending creatures into a perpetual and inescapable prison of their own mind. This spell is exactly what I expect of a powerful "mind caster"

Psi is tricky for me because (1) I have less D&D experience with it than with D&D spells and (2) I tend to think of much “psychic power” fiction as much more tightly focused (i.e. fewer “psi generalists” and more telepaths, telekinetics, or precogs).

D&D psions may make arguably pretty good blasters but... throwing raw energy from one’s hands, to me, simply “feels” more Wizard than Psi. (See below.)

Thus I will break the rules and argue for Read Thoughts because possibly nothing is more iconic for a telepath (although Mindlink may be close).

Given that “telekinetic” is an iconic Psi role, it’s a little weird that D&D breaks it up into Telekinetic Maneuver, Telekinetic Thrust, and Telekinetic Force, but if we are to pick one as iconic it’s hard to argue against the latter.

Precognition (or its Greater version, serving the same role) seems like another iconic Psi role to me.

Lv 1: Magic Missile - Not super iconic outside of D&D, but probably the most iconic spell in the entire game
Lv 3: Fireball - Yeah, sending explosive balls of fire is pretty damn iconic. Even if the spell's not so good.
Lv 6: Antimagic Field - Many options for this level, but using magic to create a field that stops all other magic is so cool.
Lv 9: Timestop - Lots of iconic spells here as well but I feel like literally stopping time itself was the better one, even if the spell doesn't reeeeaally stop time.

For D&D, it is hard to argue against Magic Missile (although a case could be made for Silent Image as well, since Illusion is a powerful archetype), and curiously, Fireball may be both one of the most overrated and underrated spells in the game, but Wizards throwing Fireballs is iconic in D&D and outside it.

Wizard 6 is tricky but I feel like Planar Binding (summoning circles!) or True Seeing (let my magic show you things as they truly are!) are more iconic than, well, er, turning off my own power as a Wizard. (Yes, there are workarounds for that, but...)

How does one choose a Wizard 9 spell? Wish is ridiculously iconic, even if Miracle is arguably mechanically better for casting oneself; a spell like Disjunction captures the idea of a Wizard’s magic interacting directly with magic itself (see also: Dispel Magic line and related).

2018-11-13, 01:54 PM
Teleport should probably be on the list somewhere, and the Cleric should have something before Miracle that fixes the “dead” condition, whether Raise Dead or Resurrect or whatever.

2018-11-13, 02:48 PM
ya seconding entangle and call lighting, I don't think I have ever prepared much less used charm animal nor neutralize poison whereas I almost always have entangle and call lighting. Similarly ironwood is another one of those spells I have never touched that might be a good place to insert summon nature's ally or possibly add in awaken even though it isn't level 6 it is quite iconic.

2018-11-13, 03:43 PM
On its own it isn't quite as iconic as Wish or Time Stop, but Shapechange deserves a mention as the most powerful version of the Polymorph line, which is extremely iconic but happens to not fit any of the Spell Levels you picked (Polymorph is Sorc/Wiz 4, Baleful Polymorph is 5, PAO is 8). Polymorph has its roots all the way back in Chainmail and the idea of high level wizards performing that level of transmutation magic is definitely iconic.

2018-11-13, 03:54 PM
On its own it isn't quite as iconic as Wish or Time Stop, but Shapechange deserves a mention as the most powerful version of the Polymorph line, which is extremely iconic but happens to not fit any of the Spell Levels you picked (Polymorph is Sorc/Wiz 4, Baleful Polymorph is 5, PAO is 8). Polymorph has its roots all the way back in Chainmail and the idea of high level wizards performing that level of transmutation magic is definitely iconic.

Baleful Polymorph is perhaps the most iconic arcane spell, though you are right it doesn't hit the 'landmark' level...

2018-11-13, 05:06 PM
Planar Binding. Every setting/world/universe with wizards always involves extraplanar servants of the wizard.

2018-11-13, 05:19 PM
Other choices for Wizard 6th level

Geas/Quest: Geas has an extensive D&D pedigree, and the idea of compelling someone magically to do a quest is a classic trope of magic.

Flesh to Stone: Another spell that has been around the block and another shop-worn trope - petrification is a classic magical effect in lots of myth systems.

2018-11-13, 05:42 PM
You have a pretty solid list. I would have picked Dispel Magic or Remove Curse for Cleric 3 and Wish for Wizard 9 myself, but I can't quibble with your choices otherwise.

2018-11-13, 05:53 PM
@ people suggesting spells outside the "landmark levels"

What if the landmark was up to and including that?

For example, 6th level spells for Wizards could include Teleport, or Polymorph, or Baleful Polymorph, or any other 4th to 6th level spell.

This would maintain the discussion of "What's the most iconic thing a legendary wizard can do"

2018-11-13, 06:44 PM
Teleport should probably be on the list somewhere, and the Cleric should have something before Miracle that fixes the “dead” condition, whether Raise Dead or Resurrect or whatever.

Excellent points. Teleport in particular is a literal game-changer, more than most other single spells. And while different groups may have different attitudes/policy about PC (much less NPC) death and resurrection, being raised is a canonical official part of the game and NEED REZ PLS is certainly part of the iconic clerical persona.

If we take heavyfuel’s updated suggestion and aim for “this spell level or lower,” it’s arguable that Teleport is more iconic than any single 6th level Sor/Wiz spell. While Banishment does fit a role people think of for Clerics, Raise Dead arguably fits even better.

2018-11-13, 06:54 PM
Excellent points. Teleport in particular is a literal game-changer, more than most other single spells. And while different groups may have different attitudes/policy about PC (much less NPC) death and resurrection, being raised is a canonical official part of the game and NEED REZ PLS is certainly part of the iconic clerical persona.

If we take heavyfuel’s updated suggestion and aim for “this spell level or lower,” it’s arguable that Teleport is more iconic than any single 6th level Sor/Wiz spell. While Banishment does fit a role people think of for Clerics, Raise Dead arguably fits even better.You know, those are both more iconic fits. I wonder if 5th level just has more of the iconic flavor across the board - Druid 5 has Baleful Polymorph, Call Lightning Storm, Wall of Thorns, and Tree Stride. Psion 5 has Tower of Iron Will and True Seeing, both of which contend with Psionic Disintegrate in my mind.

2018-11-13, 08:53 PM
I feel like shapechange should replace storm of vengeance for druid IMHO

2018-11-13, 09:13 PM
I feel like shapechange should replace storm of vengeance for druid IMHO

If we could introduce splats, I would offer Fimbulwinter for Level 9-and-under. The Druid's most distinguishing niche in spellcasting is weather effects (to the point that I would say Control Winds should be the Druid's 6-and-under spell), and this one is a beast: you plunge the best part of a small kingdom into artificial winter, which lasts nearly an entire year. Although looking it up it's not as restricted as I remembered - it's actually available on all the major spell lists.

For SRD spells.. maybe Elemental Swarm? It's not great, but it is Druid unique (outside of the four elemental domain lists, which are kind of druidy-tinged cleric domains anyway) and it has that feel of the Druid striding forth at the head of the elemental forces of nature.

2018-11-13, 09:13 PM
Gate is iconic.

Haste idem.

Metaconcert is an iconic concept, though the power itself might not be.

Magic circle against X is iconic.

Guards and wards is a pretty standard trope, I think.

Magic jar is an old trope.

Bestow curse idem.

Control wind is an iconic druid ability.

Control weather idem.

Shadow landscape is an iconic trope. There's a nice Shadowcaster version of the same trope, too: black labyrinth (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070307a). Even more fun if you stack them, of course.

2018-11-14, 03:18 AM
Detect Evil is a pretty iconic spell. Though it’s rarely shown as a spell per se. It’s usually just the mystical character frowning and making a comment about “dark magicks.”

2018-11-14, 08:50 AM
Detect Evil is a pretty iconic spell. Though it’s rarely shown as a spell per se. It’s usually just the mystical character frowning and making a comment about “dark magicks.”

That seems more like Spellcraft, to be honest.

2018-11-14, 04:51 PM
That seems more like Spellcraft, to be honest.

Yeah but Spellcraft still requires that you detect the magical effect somehow first.

2018-11-14, 06:51 PM
Yeah but Spellcraft still requires that you detect the magical effect somehow first.

Detect Magic, then. Or, you know, simply looking at any visible spell effect, which most things referred to as “dark magics” tend to be.

Detect Evil is iconic for the Paladin, no question. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Cleric or another non-Pally even wish they had it, let alone prep/cast it.

2018-11-14, 07:01 PM
Detect Magic, then. Or, you know, simply looking at any visible spell effect, which most things referred to as “dark magics” tend to be.

Detect Evil is iconic for the Paladin, no question. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Cleric or another non-Pally even wish they had it, let alone prep/cast it.

Fair. Especially since Spellcraft can probably give you alignment type info once you’ve detected the magic.