View Full Version : Turning Cleric and Damage questions

2018-11-13, 02:37 PM
Ok after pooring over this for a day or so I think i have this sorted out but i just need some clearification on this and if i am missing anything.

First build at level 3 Cleric1 marshal 1 X1 char is lv10 but just trying to figur stuff out at lowest level to maximis my numbers.

Stats just charisma number is needed for calculations
Char 22 Base 18 levels4/8 and cloack of cha 2 for +6
Aura motivate cha + 6
Glory Domain+2
Sigil+3 level2 plus improved sigil
Knowledge religion +2
Circlet of persasion +3
Total 22+1D20

This gives me the max to cleric levels is the math correct?

Cleric levels
1+4 checks +1 ephoct of authority +4 phylacary of undead turning +4 sacred armour and shield +4 rod of defiance yes it lowers the undeads HD by 4 which is basicaly a+4.
Total 14 with-4 to undeads HD for a 18

Would like to get to 20HD if possible without adding cleric levels is it possible?

With th glory domain the damage is 3D6+cleric level+cha

The question here is it 3D6+1+7 or 3D6+18+7?
By adding exaulted turning to this it turns to 6D6+cl+cha

Race Illumian sigil vaul
Feats lv1 exalted turning
. lv 3 improved sigil

2018-11-13, 05:17 PM
Really 16 views and not a single response someone has to know something

2018-11-13, 05:33 PM
Turn Undead rules are fidgety at best, and most people that ever care about their TU attempts do so for DMM and other feats. The rules are not very well-known because of that, and there's a Turn Undead optimization handbook around here somewhere.

Usually, bonuses for TU are divided into "Turning Check" and "Turning Damage/HD of Undead Turned". The first check has no Level included. It's a straight Charisma check and your numbers seem right. The "turning bonus" affects the base level against which you compare Undead HD(the level that recieves -4 to +4) and SOMETIMES the turning damage, depending on the wording. Sacred Armor and Weapon give a bonus only to the Turning Check level(as cited), while the Phylactery of Undead Turning adds to both the max undead HD and the damage because it states "you turn as a cleric 4 levels higher". The wording matters a lot here.

EDIT:There's not much point to optimizing your CHA check into the low 20s. A check of 22 or higher is fixed at +4 effective level, so a 35 is the same as a 23. You're right about that too, but you only need +21 to do it with a nat 1. Consider this when prioritizing your budget.

2018-11-13, 06:10 PM
Turn Undead rules are fidgety at best, and most people that ever care about their TU attempts do so for DMM and other feats. The rules are not very well-known because of that, and there's a Turn Undead optimization handbook around here somewhere.

Usually, bonuses for TU are divided into "Turning Check" and "Turning Damage/HD of Undead Turned". The first check has no Level included. It's a straight Charisma check and your numbers seem right. The "turning bonus" affects the base level against which you compare Undead HD(the level that recieves -4 to +4) and SOMETIMES the turning damage, depending on the wording. Sacred Armor and Weapon give a bonus only to the Turning Check level(as cited), while the Phylactery of Undead Turning adds to both the max undead HD and the damage because it states "you turn as a cleric 4 levels higher". The wording matters a lot here.

EDIT:There's not much point to optimizing your CHA check into the low 20s. A check of 22 or higher is fixed at +4 effective level, so a 35 is the same as a 23. You're right about that too, but you only need +21 to do it with a nat 1. Consider this when prioritizing your budget.

Thanks, I know only need 21 but cou,d not figure out how to get the 21 kept getting 20-22 plus. If sacred does not apply to cleric levels than they are pointless to have. I need t to take one can cleric levels up without having to put more into the class. If you can think of anything that would be great.

2018-11-13, 08:25 PM
I'm not familiar with TU items and boosters, but Sacred Armor and Weapons are good because they add to your effective Cleric level when rolling the Turning Check. That means that, if you're a Cleric 4, you roll for a max HD of 4 +/-4(0 to 8, or 8 in your case). If your Cleric 4 has a Sacred Armor and a Sacred Weapon, it rolls with max HD of 8 +/-4(4 to 12, or 12 in your case). The Sacred bonus is not added in the "2d6+Cleric Level+Charisma" part, but it's added in the Turning Check.

2018-11-13, 10:00 PM
I'm not familiar with TU items and boosters, but Sacred Armor and Weapons are good because they add to your effective Cleric level when rolling the Turning Check. That means that, if you're a Cleric 4, you roll for a max HD of 4 +/-4(0 to 8, or 8 in your case). If your Cleric 4 has a Sacred Armor and a Sacred Weapon, it rolls with max HD of 8 +/-4(4 to 12, or 12 in your case). The Sacred bonus is not added in the "2d6+Cleric Level+Charisma" part, but it's added in the Turning Check.

Ok there are three parts to TU
Part one: see what you get to add to cleric level to see how many HD you can turn, this has a max of +4 with a score off 22 or higher.
The results: are your cleric level+4 in this case. Does sacred add to your cleric level ? Because the way I read it it does not
Than Damage: wich is D6s+CL+Cha