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Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-13, 10:15 PM

Its November, Cold and Wet in New York City. While the city is still contemplating the effects of the recent election, the hum of power beneath the great city reverberates for those who can tap into it. Winter is on our doorstep, the Winter Court is coming into full power, And all the dangers of a cold winter in the big apple are coming to bear upon those who do not have a safe place to go to.

Bills for this month have been paid, and you dont have much left over this month, its time to get some more work to get funds for food and next months bills. But you dont have to go far. A knock comes to the door of your office. You answer the door to find a Large specticled woman of short stature holding a clip board of papers. She brushes her brunette hair with highlights from her eyes and behind her ear in an almost flustered manner.

"Oh... yes. Sorry... are you the private Eye... Mr.....?"

Upon request of the churhc youve come back into town, St. Mary's Church has arranged for you to come speak to Father McArther about some urgent buisness that has come up, and the church feels they should rely on you. As th uber drops you off a young man in robes waits in the misting weather, looking cold and shivering as he looks up to see you.

"Pastor! So good of you to come thank you!"

As you are beginning to close up the days work, your commander comes to your desk and drops a file on your desk.

"Aye, McCarthy, Got another looney for you, Sister here has... an odd complaint, we want you to look into it, make sure you do everything you can, and document everything, all the usual paperwork. You got me?"

He seems to be laying down thick the idea that you should help her as best you can, but the commander doesnt think there is much that can be done... as is common to the cases the special occult divison gets. Accounts of ghosts, demons, and other "phoney" calls come in, its your job to make sure. Across the Room a Nun enters the room. She looks as if she has been crying, and approaches.

"Dectective? are you the detective?"

Its another afternoon a the store, this time a coven has come in to do their monthly shopping, mostly sage to burn, candles to buy, some are looking hard at some of the crystals, but you doubt theyll buy any... they rarely do. Its their conversation that piques your interest. They mention to each other that some children have gone missing in the city, someone mentions that the krampus has come early this year, they chuckle in amusement.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-13, 10:44 PM
Private Investigator Morgan Thomas scans the woman as he answers the door, searching for first impressions. Who is this woman? Bureaucrat? Victim? Someone in disguise? Armed with only papers...or something more? In any case, he smiles and answers pleasantly, "Thomas. Morgan Thomas." Morgan is always pleasant when it comes to a potential new client. "Please, have a seat." Morgan gestures towards the seat facing his desk.

Insight check: [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 08:07 AM
The woman looks up when the name is said.

"Oh yes, right, Mr. Thomas. Thank you"

She seems to scramble in and take her seat, as she passes she smells of fresh baked bread and fruits. She exhales in rest as she sits, her eyes closing for a moment.

"Ive come to ask you to help in an investigation... Some children have gone missing from a local orphanage, St. Jerome's. I think I might know whose been doing it... but The police wouldn't listen... they laughed."

She pauses, seeming to wait for a moment.

"Boss Maw..."

2018-11-14, 10:02 AM
"Kids missing?" Raymond asked, "Sorry, couldn't help but overhear. What else have you heard? Besides the Krampus theory that is," he smiled at the coven.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 10:43 AM
A male with a long beard, and shaven head turns to hear your question.

"oh, yea? I heard there were some kids from a local Orphanage got swiped off the street, probably into a van or something, I heard about it, good luck to them finding the kids, Hopefully no one gets the idea to use them for Yule."

One of the woman hisses at the man.

"Thats way too morbid and Dark Man"

The man scratches his head and lowers it.

"Sorry... was ... supposed to be a joke."

She elbows him.

"Yea, but these are kids... and we are out in public, they wont get that you arnt serious and are just morbid."

He looks back to you.

"Sorry about that. I just do dark humor... tends to help me get through some stuff, wasnt legit about that."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-14, 11:15 AM
Morgan closed the door behind the woman and strutted over to his desk, reclining in his leather office chair. He watched her talk, listening attentively, until she muttered a name under her breath. Upon hearing it, Morgan rubbed the sides of his face and heaved a stressed sigh. He leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling, as he ran his fingers through his black hair. Then the PI leaned forward, sitting up straight and opening a notebook on the desk. "All right, let's talk details. What are you to this investigation? What makes you think Boss Maw's responsible? Give me whatever you know."

2018-11-14, 11:33 AM
Maria stands as the Commander comes in and give the same speech he always does when a new "case" comes across her desk. As she sees the Nun come in behind the commander she sighs internally 'Another religious one...' she thinks before putting on a smile. "Please sister... uhh... sorry didn't catch your name. Yes I'm the detective, Maria McCarthy..." she started before quickly adding "...no relation" she let out a small giggle before offering the Nun a chair, sitting in her's, opening her desk drawer, taking out a flip notebook and a pen, taking the pen in her left hand and flipping the notebook to a blank page, finally opening the file before looking up at the Nun. "Okay, let's get facts of this case, start with your name, then go into details. What can I do for you?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 11:47 AM
She watched as the private eye reacted to the name. She nodded solemnly when he seemed to recognize the name.

"I am Mrs. Dolorosa, I am here on behalf of Dolorosa's Delicatessens, A bakery down the road from St. Jeromes. I know some of Boss Maw's Men because they have a taste for... sweets. They comes in almost daily for the baklava, or the honey buns... the Sweet Rolls... the... well that really doesn't matter. About a week ago I heard a loud squealing of tires and an acceleration from down the street, I took a few steps forward, and saw one of the boys vehicles, a Black Cadillac with Teeth for the Front Grill speed by the shop and out around the distance. Now... you see, I often donate to the children at St. Jeromes, giving them the pastries that didnt sell that day so they can have something nice to eat. Well, that evening when I went to give them my donation.. I over heard that their were some children that had gone missing that day... and I think Boss Maw had something to do with it... Im willing to pay... $150 a day for the successful determination of who took those children... If you can prove Boss Maw did it... $200 Bonus if you can get those kids back to safety."

The sister nods as she takes her seat. The commander nods and walks off.

"McCarthy? would your family attend mass? I think I recall that name."
She smiles, trying to form a connection between the two of them.
"My name is Sister Francesca, Im from St. Jeromes Orphanage... a few days ago, 3 Children went missing from our courtyard while the children were enjoying the outside... a Vehicle pulled up... lured the children in and sped off... While normally... the police would take me a little more seriously... but... the children... gave an account ofa Big Black Car pulling up... and... large green claws coming out of the door to snatch up their friends. Now normally... I wouldnt give any credit to such a story from a child. But... it was the same from several children... Green Claws... Large Black Car."

2018-11-14, 02:59 PM
A tall and board middle-aged man stepped out of the car. He looked around the church campus before settling his blue eyes on a young man, welcoming him.

"Good... morning, is it? Hello! Thank you for coming out to greet me in this weather." He paused for a moment. "Ah, Reverend will be fine. I have no church of my own, I'm afraid."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 03:07 PM
The young man nodded and welcomes the reverend into the church, out of the weather.

"Its no trouble at all, Father McArthur has been waiting for your arrival. Please follow me. "

The young man leads you through the church to one of the offices, ushering you into the office you see a man in semi casual attire, black slacks, black button up shirt, but he is wearing black sneakers. The Stole(Roman Collar) around his neck visible. Father McArther is a older gentleman, but looks to be still physically active, he smiles when you enter.

"Reverend, thank you for coming... we have... had an incident in the city that I believe someone of your talents may be able to help us with. Some Children have gone missing from St. Jeromes Orphanage."

2018-11-14, 03:31 PM
Reverend Blackthorn gave Father McArthur a nod of acknowledge as they made eye contact. Reverend Blackthorn wore a black clerical shirt under a tan overcoat with a pair of black slacks and black boots. Around his neck in the collar of his shirt, was a white linen collar. He smiled pleasantly at the clergyman, but frowned upon hearing the reason for his summoning.

"I see." Reverend Blackthorn replied. "A child snatcher of some sort. We must act quickly." He said as he pulled out of a new looking tome. "I need to prepare myself first. You can brief me while I prepare my spells for the day."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 03:40 PM
Father McArther nodded, his chair wheeled back a touch before he stood up.

"From our accounts, the children were enjoying their free yard time, the front gates were open as they usually are, to allow people to come and go from the orphanage for donations, adoptions, deliveries and the like, there usually isnt an issue with anything nefarious... its an orphanage after all. But a few days ago, three children went missing. No adult saw what happened, but the children that were there... have said a few things. "

"One. That the car that pulled up was large and black. Could be a Town Car, a Limo, maybe even a Cadillac."

He begins pacing behind his desk.

"Two. The children Say a Pair of Large Green Claws came out of the Vehicle and snatched up the Children. "

His eyes snap to the Reverend as he says this.

"Were it just one or two children saying this, it would have been passed off as imagination, or shock, maybe even a child trying to cope, but that many children saying the exact same thing. The church is willing to believe something took the children. its taken us time to get to this point, but going forward we want to find the children. "

Andrew Markham
2018-11-14, 03:49 PM
Morgan Thomas picks up the notepad, removing its contents from the woman's sight, and scribbles as she speaks.

"sweets"- what are the men and what do they eat from the bakery?
boys vehicle- black Cadillac with teeth for the front grill- drove past the shop FAST

The private investigator stops and looks up, eyes narrowing slightly as she finishes speaking. "You say you're willing to pay for proof that Boss Maw is responsible..." Morgan taps his pen against the pad, creating a slight audible thunk, as he speaks. He chooses his words with care. "Right now, I can't know for sure that's true. If my task is to find these children, then I'll do that, regardless of who's responsible. Will you accept the results even if it isn't Boss Maw?"

2018-11-14, 03:51 PM
Reverend Blackthorn listened closely while studying his spellbook. He thought about the large green claws, capturing the children, and wondered if that sounded familiar.




"Does anyone remember seeing that vehicle before the kidnapping? They could have be casing the orphanage." Blackthorn wondered.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 04:49 PM
The woman nods as she listens to Mr. Thomas.

"I Merely meant that I think he is responsible... of course if you find that someone else is the kidnapper or responsible for the theft of the children, my position would not change. I didnt mean it any other way."

She takes a breath, holding it in.

"Does that mean you'll take the case?"

The father shakes his head.
" We have no word on the car being seen before hand, or any casing the orphanage. The car sped out of there quickly, loudly enough the sisters at the nunnery heard it screech away. Thats what alerted them to the event. "

Andrew Markham
2018-11-14, 06:22 PM
Morgan nods understandingly. "Just so we're clear. I've had clients before who were...less open. Yes, I intend to take the case. I need a few more details, please. Tell me, Boss Maw's men...are they men or...men?" Morgan puts up quotation fingers around the last word, filling it with implied meaning.

2018-11-14, 06:23 PM
Maria began jotting down notes. Green claw (?), black car. She looked up at Sister Francesca, "My family does, I'm sure, but sadly I don't go. Work keeps me busy so..." Her voice trails off as she turns to her computer and begins typing a search for cars that are black. "Normally people who do things like this, tends to stake out the place before they do their dirty deeds. Have you seen a black car around? Does the children know the make, model, year, of this vehicle? Have you received any letters or phone calls, before or after the kidnapping... maybe like a ransom?"

2018-11-14, 06:25 PM
Reverend Blackthorn nodded his head. "So how long ago did the incident happen and what time of day?" He asked.

"Are the NYPD investigating?" He asked next.

2018-11-14, 07:45 PM
Raymond looks back at the pair and nods in understanding, "You've seen some crap I take it," he said to the bald man with the beard, "Believe me I can understand that. We all have our coping mechanisms. I guess mine is I'm a bit nosy. I like to keep an ear out for trouble, just in case. Do you happen to know which orphanage?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 08:36 PM
The Woman pauses as you explain that your clients sometimes withhold information. She nods with understanding.

"They are... usually half men. Changlings... Shifters... Those who have a parent on either side of the mortal, immortal line... so he can use their mortal parent as leverage against them... should they think about turning on him. He also occationally has mortal goons who really dont understand everything going on."

The Sister shakes her head.

"No such luck, We havent taken notice of any vehicles as such, and we received no note, and no word. The Children only described it as a Large Black Vehicle... so something probably on the luxury side... maybe a Limo?"

"Two Days ago... it was still in the morning... around 10 am."

Father sighed.

"I dont know... If they are... I am fearful if they find anything with... Large Green Claws... hopefully you can help put our minds and hearts at ease, and rescue the children without anyone getting hurt. If the NYPD get involved... they may end up bringing in... larger law enforcement... and we know how the world as a whole doesnt openly accept... the world they cant see."

The Man nods with a Somber grim expression.

"Friend a few years back... lost him... yea... I can get that... I think it was St. Jeromes Orphanage..."

One of the Coven speaks up.

"Oh... yea... thats the place down the road from that bakery... oh.. now thats worth some of our time... hey... guys... you gonna buy that sage? Id like to go grab something to eat sometime before Yule ya know?"

The other roll their eyes, but not in agreement, beginning to pull out money to pay for their goods.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-14, 09:39 PM
Morgan leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. "You're awfully well-informed about the nature of these men. Have they put you through a hard time?" Morgan lets the question hang before he continues, "Are there any identifying features for these men, so I know who they are?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 09:47 PM
The woman lowered her eyes.

"I know it was him.. hes the type to do that sort... the sort that extorts money from buisnesses.. the sort you know would do anything to get what they want. "

She grows quiet for a second.

"The ones they send... they usually have slightly filed teeth... so they look sharp when they smile or when they bite... they are always snacking..."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-14, 09:58 PM
Morgan takes more notes.

Boss Maw's men are changelings- part man part something else
Extorting money from baker
Filed/Sharpened teeth, always snacking

Morgan taps his pen against the pad a few times, then looks at the client. "I think I have what I need to get started, except for your address and contact information. I'll be in touch."

2018-11-14, 10:02 PM
"Two days ago." The Reverend sighed, closing his tome. "I need to go to St. Jerome's and look around for myself. It's probably nothing, but there could be something there. Unless you have any other ideas, Father McArthur."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 10:04 PM
The woman pulls out a Card

Dolorosa's Delicatessens
So Sweet You'll Smile

the Card contains a Number and an Address, She hands the Card to Mr. Thomas, along with an envelope.
You find $150

"thank you Mr. Thomas. Good Hunting"

the Woman stands to leave

Father McArthur shakes his head.
"That will be a good place to start, I can have an Uber called for you to take you there, is there anything I can provide for you? Have you eaten today?"

2018-11-14, 10:08 PM
Maria nodded speaking up as she started typing on her computer once more, "Yea a Limo would make the most sense. The dark colored windows would make concealment easier and if the children are to be believed, and I don't believe them, allow some green clawed monster to snatch up the kids." Maria paused while moving her mouse around clicking it and typing a bit more before hitting her desk slightly. "Damn, why did I think that was going to work... Oh well... Looks like I'm going to have to go and investigate in person."

Maria looked up to the other three in the office, "Any objections to letting me take the cruiser, and the good sister here back, to the Orphanage?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 10:17 PM
The sister seemed to frown when the detective said she didnt believe the children.

"Its less a leap of faith... if many children saw the same thing... which is more unlikely... that half a dozen children hallucinated as their friends were kidnapped... or... that a pair of large green claws snatched up their friends..."

She closed her eyes... returning to a look of frustration from earlier.

your fellow detectives nod in approval of you taking the cruiser. Detective Rosario gives you a bit of a stern look.
"Take it easy on her McCarthy... Sometimes... a little belief goes a long way"

Andrew Markham
2018-11-14, 10:29 PM
Morgan escorts her to the door, then closes it behind her.

Morgan goes to his mini-fridge and pulls out a Cherry Vanilla Pepsi. He opens it and moves back to the desk, then leans back in his leather chair. The private investigator sighs, enjoying the feeling of the leather on his back. He takes a sip of the beverage, then opens up his laptop. Morgan opens up Google, entering the name of the bakery. He clicks on the map and expands the shown area, examining the area within a few blocks of the shop. He searches for the orphanage, St. Jerome's, and takes note of any other interesting landmarks in the area.

His general examination done, he begins diving into information on St. Jerome's itself. Morgan Thomas searches their website for information about who runs the place, and tries to dig down deeper to find out who funds them. He scribbles on the notes made earlier:

Possible: Boss Maw abducts children to extort orphanage- but who? Why?
Possible: Abduction to extort relatives- how would they know who to extort?
Higher Probable: Unknown abductor, search of area required, investigate police reports

After making that note, Morgan opens another tab and goes to the local police department. He begins searching for like crimes within a few blocks of that area, then slowly expands outward to within a few miles.


Some time later, Morgan sits back, sipping at his half-empty drink. He has learned some things, but they only lead to new questions. The orphanage is funded and sponsored by the Catholic Church, and is indeed down the street from the bakery. The PI looks at his mental map of the area for distinctive features, but can think of nothing. It's time for an on the ground look, Morgan decides. He downs his soda, grabs his keys and his black trenchcoat, and locks the door on his way out. Morgan Thomas gets into his 1972 Ford F-150 and drives to the target area, jerking his head back and forth at the sudden starts and stops.

Finally, Morgan parks his car around the block from the orphanage and the bakery. He locks up behind him, then starts walking down the block, keeping a sharp eye out for details.

2018-11-14, 10:42 PM
Maria stood up and grabbed her stuff, locking her computer down. "Come on Sister, time is of the utmost importance. Right now I'm more worried bout finding the kidnapped children, then the green monster that kidnapped them." She said with more then a worried tone to her voice. As she walked out of the office she looked over to Detective Rosario and gave him the look that indicates that she's faking insincerity.

Once Maria got the Cruiser she let the Sister in the passenger side, then she walked around to the other side and started the car. After punching in the address to the Orphanage into the GPS, and started driving, she glanced sidelong over to Sister Francesca. "Okay, now that we're away from everybody, and this is strictly off the record, I believe the children. I humbly apologize for the 'Dog and Pony' show back at the office. a LOT of the force don't even believe in Paranormal Occult stuff, and will send anybody who swears to it to the looney bin. So while I came off as harsh, it was just an act to protect my job, and my sanity... as it were." Maria said with sincerity in her voice.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-14, 11:10 PM
When finally in the car, a wave of relief comes over the sisters face as a smile comes forth.

"Thank you, Thank you for believing! yes, please, let us go."

2018-11-14, 11:27 PM
Maria nodded, "I hope this don't inconvenience you in anyway, but when we get there I'm going to have to talk to each child who witnessed the kidnapping. Hopefully I can get some information, anything at this point that could be useful in narrowing down the vehicle. The one thing I WAS being truthful about at the office was that time is of the essence."

After that Maria drove the rest of the way, wondering exactly what she was in store for if she finds out any information. After a short time she pulled the Squad car up to the front of the building. She put it in park, and got out looking around before walking over to the other side to assist the Nun out of the car. Once the Nun was out, Maria grabbed her stuff and locked up the car.

2018-11-15, 07:34 AM
"I haven't had breakfast yet. I can leave my things in a room before we head out." Reverend Blackthorn replied.

He ate while chatting with Father McArthur and afterwards, left his luggage and spellbook in a very plain and basic room with a single light bulb and several candles on a desk.

Once he was settled, he headed outside to meet with the Uber. He directed the driver to go to St Jerome's. He quietly looked out the window. The city was awake as it always was. He was not native to the city, but he knew it.

Once there he stepped out of the car and thanked the driver. He took a careful look around the street.



Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 09:02 AM
Mr. Thomas finds himself a space to park around the corner, as he is rounding the corner he sees a Police cruiser pulling up to the orphanage, the cruiser finds a spot across the road from the orphanage and parks, From a distance it looks like there was a nun with the officer driving. As they are in the process of getting out a Blue mini van pulls up and drops a man off in black clothes at the entrance to the orphanage. as he looks around you may see that he has the white roman collar under his black collar, indicating he is in the priesthood.

What all of you may notice is that the orphanage has a Iron fence around its perimeter, with an open Iron gate at its entrance. Along its entrance feels a little out of place, as it transitions from the concrete jungle, to a small area of greenery, stepping stones, and shrubbery for a play area outside. The weather has cleared and the sun shines on this chilly November day. In front of the iron gate on the street are a pair of black tire marks that extend a good 30 feet going in one direction. In the distance, you could swear you smell sweets, wafting in on the air. There are no children in site at the moment.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-15, 09:48 AM
Morgan Thomas, private investigator, continues strolling down the street without breaking stride. He approaches the reverend and says in a friendly tone, "Morning, Reverend. You thinking about adopting?"

2018-11-15, 11:21 AM
Reverend Blackthorn smiled as Mr. Thomas walked up to him. "Actually, the thought has crossed my mind. Agatha is 13 years old now and I think Iris wants another child. But not today, I'm afraid." He grimaced. "Given your presence, I suspect we are here for the same purpose."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-15, 12:14 PM
Morgan nods slowly. "Client down the street hired me. There's a racketeering group around here led by...well, let's just say not your typical sinner, if you get my drift. But my gut says there's something else going on here." The private investigator tilts his head across the street. "Judging by the nun and the lady over there, I'd say the church finally managed to convince the cops to take a look. Hope they're not in over their heads, eh?" Morgan turns to look up at the orphanage, taking in the sight of it.

2018-11-15, 12:21 PM
Raymond nods back at the man, "Thanks for letting me know." He smiled as the coven approached his counter to pay for their goods, "Was there anything you guys were looking for that wasn't on the shelves? If so, I'm more than willing to try and procure it for you at a later date."

2018-11-15, 12:27 PM
Reverend Blackthorn's mouth was slightly a gape. "Rackettering?" He closed his mouth and looked around to see if anyone was around.


He moved closer to Thomas and spoke in hushed tones. "Two mornings ago, three children were snatched up by what many children called giant green claws reaching out from a black car, maybe a Cadillac. It happened right here in the yard at St. Jerome's."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 12:33 PM
The two girls that had not yet spoke come up with a list of about 30 herbs that were fairly uncommon that you usually dont keep around. You are able to show them you have 1 or 2 of them behind the counter, but the rest you will have to special order. They nod and fill out paperwork for you to have it special ordered, and they pay half up front, with the rest to be paid upon pick of the herbs. Most of it is mundane herbs that can be used in different salves, or recipes, herbal remedies, and none of it could ever be used as too harmful even if done right. As they are settling up another man walks in. He is wearing a pinstripe suit and a fedora, a proper fedora from the 1920's. His eyes are dark as he goes around looking, he spots what he is looking for, and pulls all the herbs from a single bin to the counter.

Valerian Root. He has pulled all your Valerian Root. When he comes up he smiles, and you can see all his teeth have been filed down to points.

"How much"

2018-11-15, 01:38 PM
"Come back in about a week, I should have what you need by then," Raymond smiled at the girls who placed their order. His eyes widened when he sees his entire supply of Valerian root on his counter that the stranger wants to purchase. "You do know what this herb is used for correct? Most people wouldn't need so much at one time. If you want that much, I must insist on asking what you plan on using it for."

2018-11-15, 02:43 PM
Maria escorted the Nun across the street when she spotted the tire tracks on the road. "That could be important." She said to herself but out loud. "Sister Francesca, you go on ahead, and gather all the children who was present when the kidnapping happened. I wanna get these tracks photographed and sent to the boys back at the station for analysis."

Maria took out her phone, and began take pictures of the tire tracks from every angle she thought would be vital. After she finished with the pictures and sent them off to the office did she straighten up, and looked over where the two men were standing, after getting good look at them "Ah, ello, Reverend Blackthorn, and P.I. Thomas," she said with a nod. "Reverend I figured you'd be here, but..." she shifted her gaze over to Morgan, "But you Mr. Thomas, I didn't expect to see here. What bring you down here today?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 02:59 PM
The Man smiles, his sharpened teeth very evident. He speaks slowly with measured cadence, there is a slight accent that is reminiscent of an Italian, but its not over bearing.

"Yea. Helps me sleep, Got some pals who need some help sleeping too. We work late Nights... sun comes up, makes it hard to sleep with the sun up. Chew some of these down, or put em in a Tea, nice and relaxing, little soft jazz in the background... off to slumberland you go. You ever have insomnia man? Its the worst... like time goes on forever. But then its gone... and you are still so tired. And you have to get back to work. So I reckon These are a bit more natural to help with sleeping than any of that chemical nonsense. Much better for the body. We have alot of late shifts coming up over this season, so well need to make sure we can get to sleep in the mornings."

The nun thanks Detective McCarthy and begins to head to the Orphanage, passing the PI and the reverend. She stops and turns seeing the Reverend.

"Oh! its you! Thank you for coming!... I'm getting the children right now, please come in, you are more than welcome!" She turns and heads into the Orphanage to retrieve children.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-15, 03:33 PM
Morgan tugs on the sides of his trenchcoat, straightening it, as he finally turns and acknowledges the police officer. "Officer...McCarthy, was it? A case, of course. Missing children, terrible thing. I take it you're on the case?"

2018-11-15, 04:03 PM
Reverend Blackthorn smiled to Sister Francesca. "Of course, Sister, and thank you!"

He turned to the Officer and Detective. "Officer McCarthy, I thought if the NYPD were on the case, they'd assign you. Nice to see you again." He cleared his throat. "Since we all three appear to be working on the same case. What do you say we work together or at least share information?"

2018-11-15, 04:24 PM
Maria sighed "On the record, I'm treating this as a kidnapping... nothing more... as usual" she said scratching the back of her head before grabbing her ponytail and pulling it tight again. "Off the record, I had a feeling that I'd be running into you again. So this time it's a matter of the church, NYPD, and a private ****..." She giggled a little bit at the last bit. "As for any information I have... it isn't a lot at the moment, too many black cars to narrow it down at this point. That's why I'm going to question each child and see if I can get a make or model to go along with those tire tracks." she said pointing to the street. "As for working together... sure... considering that I'm, most likely, the only help this case is going to get from the NYPD, until something more concrete is found."

2018-11-15, 04:35 PM
"Ah, only you, huh? The current politic climate has... shifted priorities, I've noticed." The Reverend sighed. "But yes, good idea to start with the children."

2018-11-15, 06:16 PM
"I see...that will be $250. Since you're taking my whole supply, if you need more it will take me time to procure it," Raymond replied as he started to bag the herbs, "I'll be happy to help you carry these to your car."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 06:25 PM
The man pulls out $300 and lays it on the counter.

" Go ahead and order more, here's a down payment on the next bit. "

He waits for you to bag the herbs before holding his hand out.

"I got it, appreciate the offer, but I'm no priss. "

2018-11-15, 07:37 PM
"Very well then," Raymond replied, placing the bag on the ground next to him before putting the money in his register. I'll see you next time then," he added. He bent down to pick up the customer's bag, but dropped his cell phone into it before picking the bag up and handing it to him, "Have a good day," he said with a smile.


Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 07:45 PM
The mans eyebrows raise as he takes the bag, he opens it and pulls out your cellphone.

"Whoops. Butterfingers."

He smiles as he sets the phone on the counter.

"Gotta me more careful. A less upstanding citizen might have taken that. "

He grins as he leaves the door. The image of his toothy grin stuck in your mind.

Iblis's smooth voice enters your mind
why do you care

2018-11-15, 07:52 PM
After the stranger leaves, Raymond let out a breath before fingering the coin in his pocket, That could've gone better, but could have gone worse...Iblis, you heard the convent. There are children missing, it's almost Yule, and soon after this changeling shows up wanting a crap ton of an herb used to make you sleep. I'm not a detective but I don't need to be Sherlock to see how suspicious this is. Also it doesn't hurt to get cool points with local law enforcement.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 07:59 PM
the voice goes silent for a few moments, you hear a large car start up down the block.

what will you do. Many creatures of the cold and dark are coming out to gobble up the children of the world. You are one. They are many

Andrew Markham
2018-11-15, 08:08 PM
Morgan waggles his eyebrows suggestively at Maria's giggles. After the Reverend speaks, Morgan shrugs and decides to be helpful. "Well, since we're all here for the kids...according to my client, you're looking for a black Cadillac with a front grill in the shape of teeth. Sped off real fast down the street and into the distance. Belongs to some boys- special folks, if you get me- who work for a 'Boss Maw', who's another special sort. Extorts money from the local businesses. What bothers me is, who is there to extort with these kids? Rumor is Boss Maw's got an appetite, or he could be workin for someone else. I aim to find out which, and fast."

2018-11-15, 08:28 PM
The Reverend processed the information briefly. "The grill? Boss Maw? I am seeing a motif."

2018-11-15, 09:05 PM
Maria looked over to Reverend Blackthorn, "Don't look at the NYPD so harshly Reverend, they don't believe in the paranormal. Most of this stuff is all smoke and mirror's or some trick that's induced by controlled substances or the like. And if anybody begins swearing they've seen little green men, or fairies, or the like. They quickly find themselves in the looney bin." Maria said with a somber tone in her voice. "Although they did make the S.O.D., or Special Occult Division. Or as I like to call it... the S.V.U. or Surprising Vague Unit, to handle the 'odd' cases." Maria finished with slight contempt in her voice.

After Maria heard Morgan's description, she quickly took out her notepad and began taking notes. "That information is EXACTLY what I need to narrow this search down..." she said with enthusiasm, "...We just need to get some of the kids to confirm what you just told me and we'll be able to narrow this search down even farther."

Her enthusiasm died down as quickly as it rose, "'Special Sort' part however... I have to keep off the record..." she said finished writing down the information. "...the whole 'green claw grabbing them' bit is what took the NYPD so long to even get this to my desk... and what got the Nun called a 'looney' by the higher-ups, in the first place."

Maria paused for a moment thinking, she then shuddered. "Human Trafficking, Child Porn, Cannibalism, Satanic Rituals, Ransom... no I've ruled that out already, Abuse... I could think of some more if I tried but the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. But Detective Thomas, the one thing we're all in agreement here is, we need to hurry. The longer we wait, the less likely we're going to find these children..." her voice trailed off. Maria shook her head as if trying to get out some bad thoughts, "First Confirmation of the car, next I know of somebody we could talk to bout the 'green claw'... off the record of course..." with that Maria began walking to the Orphanage.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-15, 09:24 PM
As the police officer walks away towards the orphanage, Morgan looks to the Reverend and raises an eyebrow. "Well then." He shrugs, shifts his shoulders, puts his hands in his pockets, and follows after Maria.

2018-11-15, 10:30 PM
Evil triumphs when good does nothing. What is the point of this power you gave me if I don't use it? He pulls out his phone and tries to snap a picture of the back of the car, hoping to get its license plate as it gets ready to leave.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 10:38 PM
You are able to get a picture as the car goes by, you click a little too fast and end up getting a side view of the car, Its certainly a Cadillac, black, and you even have a side profile of the man who bought the herbs.

That may be. But the man who stands before the storm shall be swallowed up in its waves.

2018-11-15, 10:45 PM
The Reverend walked over the threshold. "So they finally pushed that special unit through. I heard Chicago has something like that."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-15, 11:09 PM
As you three come into the area, it seems almost serene to the surrounding area. Sister Francesca brings out three children, two girls and a boy.

"Gentlemen, these are the three that saw the most. Ask them your questions, Children, do your best to answer the questions as best as you can"

2018-11-15, 11:12 PM
I don't necessarily have to stand alone. Raymond replied as he set up a text message along with the picture.

To: Maria, Blackthorne

Attached is a picture of a vehicle and gentleman who just left my store. He purchased an alarming amount of sleep aid and I recently heard of orphans being abducted. I don't know if the two are related, but I wanted to inform you of my suspicions.

2018-11-16, 09:30 AM
Reverend Blackthorn smiled at the children and squated down to look at them at their eye level. "Hi there. I'm Reverend Jonathan Blackthorn and I'm here to help find the other children who were taken. Do you think you can help me find them?" He asked.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-16, 09:40 AM
The three children approach a little closer as the Reverend Kneels down, his attire setting them at ease.

The Taller Girl speaks up first.

"It happened 2 days ago... we were all out here playing. We've got this ball, and we've come up with this game we call mud ball, We don't actually use mud though... the sisters wouldn't like that. How we play is if you get hit with the ball you are covered in Mud, and you have to run three times around the sacred bush before you are clean. If the person who threw the ball can say all the books of the bible before you can get around the sacred bush three times, then you are "it" and now you have to chase everyone else and try to hit them with the mud ball. "

The boy interrupts.

"He doesnt want to know about that."

The tall girl scowls,

"I know but its important!"

The boy scowls back at her before speaking.

"We were playing Mud Ball, and our Friends. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Mary were hanging around the gate to keep away from the Mudball holder. When a black car pulled up. I dont know what got said, but they went out in the street to the car. "

The Tall girl interrupts.

"I saw the Green Claws come out."

the Boy pipes up.

"I saw them too! thats why I screamed out! But it was too late... the Monster in the Car got them!"

The tall girl nods in agreement.

"They sped away, leaving alot of smelly smoke... and those marks in front of the Gate. "

2018-11-16, 10:33 AM
The Reverend looked over at the street and the threshold. "I see. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Mary went over the threshold, off the grounds, right?" He asked to confirm.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-16, 10:51 AM
The Taller Girl, and the Boy nod as the boy responds.

"Yea, they went out into the street, and they looked like they were talking to someone, then the claws came out and grabbed them. The Car made a loud noise and smoke as it left."

The smaller girl pulls out a piece of paper, with a crayon drawing of a Black car, Green Claws coming out of the Passenger rear door. Grabbing her three Friends. There looks like a very rough drawing of the yard, With even a sketch of where all the kids were in the yard when it happens, it looks like all the kids would have had a decent chance to see the car as it sped off.

2018-11-16, 11:47 AM
Maria downloads the picture of the car to her phone, forwarding a copy to her e-mail for records. she quickly types back "thanks for the information i'll see if there is a connection MM"

Maria fiddles with her phone for a moment before kneeling behind the Reverend. "I'd like you three to look at this picture please. Can you tell me, is this the car you saw?" Maria said showing the picture to the three kids. "Also did you three happen to see the plate on the back as it drove off? the letters and numbers, it's alright if you can't remember all of them. They normally go with three letters, followed by a dash followed by four numbers. Like AAA dash 1111." Maria finished noting the fin's on the back of the car the girl drew, making note of it for her future search.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-16, 05:44 PM
The three children looked at the picture, there was some uncertainty in there eyes as they look at the car. The Oldest looked at the car.

"Maybe... It feels right... I cant be sure"

The boy speaks up.

"No... it doesnt, look at it, the shapes wrong. Or... I dunno... do you have another picture?"

The smaller girl looks at the picture the longest.

"the color is wrong..."

The three shake their head, none of them knew about the licence plate.

2018-11-16, 08:34 PM
Raymond keys in a quick reply, "The gentleman also indicated he'll purchase more in the near future if that helps."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-16, 08:53 PM
Morgan Thomas crosses his arms and watches the conversation intently. He looks at the Reverend as he asks a pointed and clearly meaningful question. The investigator gestures at the Sister to speak with her slightly away from the children. He whispers to her, "Has the orphanage been harassed in any way by a guy named Boss Maw and his cronies?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-16, 09:13 PM
The sister steps aside with the detective.

" oh, no. I've heard of him, but him and his kind don't come here. At least not that I've known. "

Andrew Markham
2018-11-16, 09:28 PM
Morgan nods. "I'm betting you have protections of some sort. Did the kids step outside them?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-16, 09:31 PM
The sister tilts her head slightly.

" I'm not sure what you mean, until now the lord has been our guardian against all evil."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-16, 09:42 PM
Morgan nods slowly, saying, "I see.", then turns his attention back to the conversation with the kids.

2018-11-16, 10:27 PM
Reverend Blackthorn looked at the crayon drawing and then stood back up with a grunt. "Very nice drawing, by the way. It could help us a lot. Mind if we keep it?" He asked.

The Reverend turned back to the Officer and Detective. "The car and claws were waiting just for the situation of the kids to leave the grounds."

He turned to the nun. "Have you see any strange cars in the neighborhood lately?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-17, 01:12 AM
The little girl offered up the picture.

"I have others too"

Sister Francesca steps forward.

"We really havent noticed anything out of the ordinary really."

2018-11-17, 07:02 PM
Maria stood up, 'Damn I was hoping that would be it... why can't one of these cases ever be as easy as a 'normal' one.' She looked at each of the kids and put on a smile. "Thank you for the assistance, your information was helpful." Her gaze shifted to the adults, "I'm going to run out to the car, and run a search with the new information we've acquired and see if we get any hits back for possible leads. While I'm doing that I'm also going to give the men as the S.O.D. a call and see bout the grill. As silly as it might sound there can't be THAT many places that do custom grills."

Maria dialed up her office at the occult unit, as she walked out to her car she started talking. "Detective Rosario, Detective McCarthy here, I need a list pulled up. On car body shop's that deal's with custom grills for Cadillac's and the like." Once Maria got into her car she used the computer in there to do a search for Black Cadillac's first, then narrowed the search down by older model versions, and then those with custom grills.

Investigation roll (Special Occult Division) [roll0]
Investigation roll (computer search for car) [roll1]

2018-11-17, 07:53 PM
The Reverend nodded to Officer McCarthy.

Reverend Blackthorn turned aside to Thomas. "I have a hunch. We should study the skid marks."

"One moment, Sister Francesca. We need to study the skid marks left by the car." He announced to the nun.

He walked towards the street, over the threshold and stopped over the skid marks. He studied them the best they could. "I wonder if this is a real tire skid mark."


Reverend Blackthorn sighed. "It is indeed a real skid mark." He cleared his throat and looked to the threshold. "Well, the threshold seem to have some magic to it. Probably cast by Vatican Clerics. I could try to Detect the magic. The spell could tell me it was designed to protect against."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-17, 09:08 PM
Morgan watches Maria walk off to her car before he can get a word in, then turns to the Reverend's examination of the car. "Reverend, my client recognized the car. They saw it drive off, presumably after snatching the kids. We're looking for a troll- the size of the claws in the drawing means it was Boss Maw himself- and if we don't hurry, my bet is he's gonna eat those kids. I can't handle this alone. We need a way to find where he hides, and fast. Now this cop seems to respect you more than me- can you get her to listen?"

2018-11-17, 10:33 PM
Reverend Blackthorn turned towards the police cruiser. "Troll? Oh boy."

He rushed over to the car. "What do you got, Officer McCarthy? Thomas says we're dealing with a troll. We need to move."

2018-11-18, 12:10 PM
Maria looked up at the Reverend when he spoke, she nodded holding up a piece of paper, "I have a POSSIBLE address... HOW-EV-ER... we can NOT go rushing to the address and bust down the door, guns ablazing." Maria said looking, and sounding, serious, "There are step's we, or I more importantly, need to take before we even go to the location like for example... You say this is a troll, and I can safely assume you're not referring to an internet troll, but the type that lives under a bridge. Exactly how do you plan on taking this 'thing' down. How many men does this 'Boss Maw' have under him... You see my point here, we need more information. Most importantly of all... I need to get a warrant to go to this address, which shouldn't be a problem once I confirm that the car used to kidnap the children, is the same car that was modified at the body shop." Maria sighed briefly knowing, from a paperwork side, this is going to be a nightmare to report. She looked over to Morgan, then back to the Reverend, "Go get Morgan, I know somebody who has knowledge we seek, I'll take you two there. then while you three are gathering the knowledge, I'll do what I need to on my end to get the warrant necessary."

Maria picked up the phone and began typing a message to somebody.

Rey, this is Maria, I'm heading over with two others. We need to know everything bout trolls.

2018-11-18, 01:27 PM
Trolls? Okay then, I'll gather the necessary materials and close shop early. Just text me when you arrive so I can open the door for you."

looks like we'll be dealing with Trolls in the near future he told Iblis. Ray then walked to the front of the shop and locked the door, turned off the "open" sign and brought down the window shutters. He hanged a sign on the door he used for these occasions. "Closed due to unexpected circumstances. Please visit tomorrow." He also made sure the back of the store was locked and secure.

2018-11-18, 02:23 PM
The Reverend took a deep breath. "Yes yes, you're right. Due process."

He walked back over to the tire skid. "Officer McCarthy, think we should get a sample of skid mark, just in case?" He asked her.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-18, 03:23 PM
The warm voice in your mind speaks.

Trolls... Very hearty... very Strong... Almost unkillable, unless you are using Fire. Considered part of the Winter Court... Liable under the Winter Queens Command. Like Most Fae... they hate Iron.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-18, 03:30 PM
Morgan hears the conversation between the cop and the reverend and tisks. He puts his hands in his pockets and saunters down the street, then steps into a bakery.

Morgan steps into the bakery and approaches his client. "Can I have a dozen doughnuts please? We've got a cop on the case now, and we're making progress. I just had some more specific questions I wanted to ask. Do you know how many boys Boss Maw employs, and where the group spends their time? Anything you can tell me about them will be helpful for getting the children back."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-18, 03:38 PM
The Short woman from your office looks up from behind the counter, large glasses almost hiding her face.

"oh! Hello Mr. Thomas! I see you waste no time. "

She calmly listens to his questions before she begins to gather what he requested.

"Is there a type of donuts you would like? or a dozen special glazed be fine?"

She hums in though to his question, a bit solemn in tone.

" I would take a guess... of about a 12 or so changelings... and maybe another 2 dozen men. But they are spread out between where ever he is at, and out in the city running errands etc. I honestly couldn't tell you where their hide out is... I would guess near a place to get Italian food? Boss Maw has a love for it... something about the flavor... Nightshade maybe. Im sorry I cant be more helpful."

She pulls up a Dozen donuts to the counter.

"First Dozen, free of Charge Mr. Thomas, if you like them... the second box I'll have to charge you. "

2018-11-18, 03:47 PM
Maria got out of car, popping the trunk and getting an evidence kit out. closing the trunk she walked over to the skid marks. She put some gloves on, grabs the tools necessary to gather some rubber from the skid marks, and looks for the best part to collect the sample from.

Investigation roll [roll0]

After Maria gathered what she could, she looked up at Jonathan. "That was a good idea Reverend, when we do get to the spot, I can gather some rubber from the tires in question and have them compared." she said standing up, and putting the sample in the evidence bag and closed up the case.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-18, 03:48 PM
Morgan scribbles down some notes and says, "That's really helpful, thank you. Hopefully a dozen should be enough. I'll be in touch."

Morgan emerges from the bakery with a warm box of doughnuts. He strolls back over to the area where Maria and the Reverend are working.

2018-11-18, 04:00 PM
Maria see's Morgan walk back down from a shop carrying a box. "I have a possible address on where the car in question could be. However what we really need is more information. I know somebody who's knowledgeable in this sort of matter. I say we go there and learn more about what we are possibly dealing with. While you all are doing that, I wanna go and get some more evidence so that I can get a warrant for a search. If I'm going to be a part of this we're doing this by the book... the law book." she said, looking at Morgan. "I feel we've gathered as much information from this place as we can right now. However if you two feel the need to ask more questions, I can wait."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-18, 04:40 PM
Morgan hands over the box. "Here, have some doughnuts," he says. Then he responds, "Sure. I'll give your way a try...unless we learn those kids are in danger and the police aren't able to help. If it comes down to the law or their lives, there's no question for me." Morgan pauses, then, face serious, puts a finger up and says, "Oh, and while you're at it, maybe you could help get justice for the businesses that Boss Maw and his dozen or so changelings and two dozen regular men have been extorting money from. I'd appreciate it if you added that to the list of charges against them."

The private investigator crosses his arms. "I tell you that both because I want justice for these victims, but also because your police contacts aren't the only source of information around here. If you want ME involved in this, you should keep that in mind."

2018-11-18, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the recap Iblis. Ray replied. He went through the books in his back area and brought anything appropriate to the front and sat them on his counter then waited for his guests to arrive.

2018-11-19, 10:48 AM
Reverend Blackthorn took an offered donut. "Thanks!"

He thought for a moment. "Okay, I could probably stand to use more information. There will most likely be a fight. I really shouldn't be wasting my spells on a whim."

He turned to Thomas. "What do you say we meet up with this contact of Officer McCarthy's and maybe contact our own while we at it?"

He smiled and winked at Thomas.

2018-11-19, 03:30 PM
While waiting for his guests, Ray opened a mini fridge he keeps in back and pulled out some leftover Chinese food from the night before and reheated it in the microwave he keeps above the mini fridge. When it was done and he tasted it, he sighed, "It's never as good the second time around. Oh well."

2018-11-19, 04:06 PM
"Thank ya" Maria said taking a donut and taking a bite out of it. "Let's be honest with ourselves here, Morgan. The moment those kids was kidnapped they were in danger. The level of danger however depends on what we do. If we go rushing recklessly at best we catch the criminals off-guard and manage to get them back unharmed, at worst they go from simple kidnapped children to hostages and shields for the criminals, if not killed outright. Trust me when I say, I want them back safely and those responsible locked up under the jail." Maria said shaking her head sadly, "But the laws are in place for a reason, if..." Maria stopped herself knowing this isn't going to help.

"As for the extortion charges you want me to bring up as well. I can't just add something like that just because you call it to my attention, however..." Maria said her voice trailing off at the end, almost as if she's connecting the dots on something... "Damn! I'm an idiot sometimes, you two please give me a moment. I might NOT be done with the Orphanage." She walked, hastily, back to her car popped the trunk and put the case in it quickly closing it and pull her phone out making a call as she walked back. "...Sorry bout that, I just called the body shop who worked on a car possibly matching the one who left those tracks." She said pointing to the tire tracks on the road, "They did take a picture and are in the process of sending me that picture. Once they do, I'm going to show it to the kids and if they can ID the vehicle, then that will be enough to get me a warrant for a search on the address that I got." Maria said hopefully, a moment later her phone dinged and she looked at it frowning slightly. "Not much to go on but it should be enough," she said turning the phone so that Morgan and Jonathan could see the picture, which was of the front grill, which has been designed to look like a pair of Jaws and a plate with the word "Boss" on it. "I'm going in to see if any of the three kids can ID the car from this photo, you're more then welcomed to join me if you wish." Maria said turning and heading back into the Orphanage.

Maria walks back to the Nun's office, "Sister, I hate to bother the three children again, but I have a new photo to show them. It's not much but if they can ID the car in question, we'll made a HUGE leap in the case."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-19, 04:44 PM
As you enter the orphanage, the sister is there with the three children, she is handing each of them a cookie from a pastry box, the box has the same logo as the donuts Morgan brought .
" oh detective, let's see."

The photo was shown to each of the children as they ate their cookies. They each shook their heads, not being able to recognize the grill.

" I'm sorry detective. "

Andrew Markham
2018-11-19, 06:05 PM
Morgan tries to speak, but Maria rushes off. Morgan throws up a hand, sighs, and takes a doughnut. He looks at the Reverend while Maria moves back into the orphanage. "Yep, that's definitely a cop," he comments. Morgan shakes his head, then looks at the Reverend. "So what's your angle on this case, Reverend?"

2018-11-19, 08:56 PM
The Reverend really enjoyed the donut. "Ah yes. The Catholic Church has commissioned me to take on this case in their behalf. I get 'exorcist' cases from them, the NYPD, and others. Anything outside of the demons realm, the Church has a hard time dealing with. Despite being Protestant but being one of the few arcane men of the cloth, they are willing to work with me." He explained.

2018-11-20, 08:52 PM
Maria got up and again thanked the nun and children for their assistance, and then walked out of the Orphanage.

Once Maria got outside she shook her head and took another bite of the donut. 'Damn, why can't I catch a break on this case. Damn this donut is good though.' she thought walking back to the group.

"No dice..." she started taking another bite of the donut, "Damn this donut is good, sorry got sidetracked there. There was simply not enough of the car in the picture to get a positive ID. If there was only someway to tie the car at was at the body shop to the car that was here. I could get a warrant in bout an hour tops... no half an hour tops." Maria said angrily jamming her cell phone in her pocket. "I might be able to get a search warrant with the information we've gotten so far, but that depends on if the magistrate is in a good mood..." Maria said chuckling dryly. "Shall we get going?"

Andrew Markham
2018-11-20, 09:52 PM
Morgan shakes his uneaten doughnut at the Reverend, then turns as the irate police officer strides back up. He tries to suppress a smile, so takes a bite of the doughnut. Morgan's eyes go wide at the taste. "Holy ****in' ****, these are AMAZING!" Morgan proclaims. "Wish I were a cop so I could come back and question people on this street about what they may or may not have seen and get doughnuts while doing so! So are we driving convoy? Cause I've got my own car."

Morgan heads to his own car and follows Maria to the new contact.

2018-11-21, 04:04 PM
"I've been riding Ubers all around. Perhaps, I may ride with either of you?" The Reverend asked. "Otherwise, I'm ready."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-21, 05:48 PM
The Reverend rides with detective McCarty while Morgan drives himself, following the detective. They all pull up to a shop they recognize, owned by a shop owner they all know. The stores lights have been turned off, the window shutters closed and there is a sign on the door.

[Closed due to unexpected circumstances. Please visit tomorrow]

Andrew Markham
2018-11-21, 05:57 PM
Morgan steps out of his truck and smiles. "Well son of a bitch...what are the odds?" Despite his familiarity with the place, Morgan holds back to let Maria take the lead.

2018-11-21, 06:19 PM
Maria pulls our her phone, and send the following "Omw, have two other's with me, MM" and hits send.

Maria, punches in a number and pulls out a headset setting it on her head with the headphone on her left ear and the mic pulled down. She looks over to Reverend Blackthorn, "I just hope what we have collected is enough for a search warrant. It should be but you never know." She then turned her focus on driving until she got an answer on her phone. "Heya Commander, it's Detective McCarthy. I have a lead on the Kidnapping, I need a Search Warrant for the following address." She read out the address gave to her by the body shop. "I have reason to suspect the kidnappers are at this address..." She then told the commander everything except the parts that contained the supernatural or the paranormal. After that she pushed a button on the side of her headset and pull the mic up and out of her face. "I know I left parts of that out." she said glancing over to the Reverend briefly before looking back at the road. "But if I told them we could be dealing with trolls and changlings, they'd had me come back to the waiting arms of the looney bin..." She said sadly, "NYPD hasn't fully accepted that which they can't explain away as 'smoke and mirrors' or 'sustenance inducing visions'. But steps are being taken, that's why there's a small group of us who handles the 'can't explain away' cases. However I still need to keep the details vague... well... I'm sure I don't to explain that." She said driving the rest of way in silence.

Once they arrived the shop. Maria got out, locking the car up after the Reverend got out, and walked up to the door. She knocked and spoke with mock authority "Mr. Schultz, this is Detective McCarthy, NYPD, I have a Warrant to search the place..." she said smiling as she always does, pulling a piece of paper out of her breast pocket.

2018-11-21, 09:32 PM
At receiving the text, Raymond finished his food quickly, throwing away part of an egg roll that got too hard in the microwave and washed his hands just as Maria arrived. He opened the door slowly to show himself and her that all was safe. "Please come in officer," he said.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-22, 08:44 AM
Morgan squeezes past the officer and says, "Hey Ray," as he enters the building.

2018-11-22, 11:53 AM
The Reverend recognized the store proprietor. "Oh, hey Ray!" He greeted.

2018-11-22, 07:57 PM
Ray stepped aside allowing all three into his shop before closing the door behind them, taking the "warrant" offered by Maria as he did. He let out a small chuckle as he saw what it really was, "your grocery list? That never gets old does it? Okay you mentioned Trolls so anyone want to let me know what the whole story is?"

Andrew Markham
2018-11-22, 08:43 PM
Morgan looks around the room as he explains, "Three kids got abducted from a Catholic orphanage. We each got called in for the case by different means. The likely suspect is Boss Maw, a troll who extorts money from the local businesses, and his changeling henchmen. We need to find those kids and get them back before something happens to them; Boss Maw is known for having an appetite. " Morgan nods a head towards Maria. "We're doing this her way for now, so we need evidence and a location, and then we need to know how you fight the supernatural stuff involved. Can you help us out?"

2018-11-22, 09:14 PM
"Of course I'm willing to help," Ray replied opening the books he pulled earlier to show the information Iblis gave him earlier and closed his eyes briefly before responding,"Okay if you're going up against a Troll, they are exceptionally strong and very hard to kill, however they have two major weaknesses. One: they hate fire. Two: iron. It is like kryptonite to them and most other creatures of the Fae. Acid might also hurt them, but I'm not 100% sure on that one. We should all be worried for those kids. When you were warned about Boss Maw having an 'appetite,' that wasn't meaning that he was a pedophile, as horrible as that is, he will literally eat them for his Yuletime dinner. It's not quite Yule yet so that hopefully gives us a window of time to act. Also, Maria, that picture I sent you of the gentleman and his car I was suspicous of, I'm pretty sure he was a Changeling. I tried to 'accidently' slip him my phone to use as a tracker, but he found it and returned it to me immediately. Whether he saw through my ruse or really thought it was an accident I'm not sure."

2018-11-22, 09:59 PM
Maria came into the building chuckling, "Nope, it's almost as funny as the time the 'Warrant' was the newspaper..." she let out a giggle at that one. She took back the 'warrant' from Ray, and took out a pen. "two... boxes... donuts... Dolorosa's... Delicatessens..." she spoke as she wrote it down on the list, before putting it back into her pocket along with the pen.

When Morgan finished, Maria spoke up. "We have a location already," she said pulling out another paper. "Evidence, we hope to get at the scene. What I NEED is a search warrant to look for said evidence and the missing kids..." She paused briefly, putting the paper on the table, before continuing, "and hopefully on the extortions."

When Ray finished, Maria looked at him, "Okay we know bout the troll, what about the changlings? do they have any weaknesses? And how can we tell they are one? I'd rather not accidentally have friendly fire if it can be helped."

2018-11-23, 09:47 PM
"Problem with Changlings is you'd have to get real close in order to tell them apart from your average human. The most noticeable feature is their teeth. Their teeth look like they're all incisors rather than the variety we have," Ray replied.

2018-11-23, 09:48 PM
"Weak to fire? I got that covered. Have we any iron?" The Reverend asked.

2018-11-25, 11:02 AM
Ray went to one display in his shop showing beautifully decorated daggers, "These are ceremonial tanto I got from a friend on their last trip to Japan. They're about as dangerous as a letter opener, but they are made of iron and may help in a pinch if you stab something directly."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-25, 11:56 AM
Morgan shakes his head. "I'm covered, thanks. So that's straight-forward enough. Let's work on Maria's police procedure. What's our next step?"

2018-11-25, 06:30 PM
Maria shook her head, "Sorry I'm issued standard bullet for her," she said patting the pistol at her hip. "As I said, more times then I care to count, the NYPD doesn't believe in the paranormal or the supernatural enough to issue the few of us, and by 'few' I mean four of us, the equipment needed to handle them." She simply shook her head.

"As for our next step we have to..., one moment..." Maria started before she got interrupted by her phone, which she took out and looked at smiling slyly. "...is come up with a plan just in case the search go south. I'll print the warrant out as we travel to the location. I have an idea on how to get you three in. IF asked you three are investigators assisting me... and before you ask 'Isn't impersonating a cop a crime? I thought we was doing this by the book?'" Maria said smiling just as slyly as before, "As long as the words 'cop', 'officer', etc. isn't used unless addressing me... no law is being broken as at least two of you ARE investigators. Ray's the hard one to fib into this story... unless you don't want to come along."

2018-11-25, 07:43 PM
"If things go wrong, we need to escape. Anyone got a smokescreen spell or actual smokescreen? Maybe an Illusion?" The Reverend suggested as he eyed the tanto.

2018-11-25, 07:50 PM
"Well...since I already closed shop for the day, had dinner, and I've got nothing better to do," Ray replied slyly, "Might as well tag along."

Andrew Markham
2018-11-25, 11:38 PM
Morgan raises an eyebrow. "Just so I understand fully- we are going, what, to the suspected location of the black Cadillac? And searching for further evidence related to the kidnapping and extortions?"

2018-11-25, 11:46 PM
"Simply put, we're to go and search the grounds for any evidence of the kidnapping. If there is any, we'll take them down... by force if necessary." Maria said grimly, "As for the extortion... IF there is enough evidence to arrest the group on the kidnapping. Then we can search for any possible evidence to extortion, but that's only AFTER we resolve the kidnapping first."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-26, 04:17 PM
With all the arrangements prepared, the Reverend riding with Maria, and the shop owner riding with Morgan, the four drive, each going over the brooklyn bridge, watching over the water you can see the days light has hit the afternoon, it wont be a few more hours until the night comes. You pay the bridge toll to get into brooklyn and drive around to get to the peirs underneath the brooklyn Bridge. One such Pier has a storage facility just off Water St. The side of the building has a big toothy grin of teeth. There are a pair of Bay doors that are shut, and a single door to the side that has an awning. There is a small parking area in front of the single door, it almost seems out of place with how professionally maintained the area is. There is a plaque next to the door that reads, "Boss Maw's Repair Men. If We can't Fix it. Shoot it"

Andrew Markham
2018-11-26, 05:58 PM
Before getting out of the car, Morgan peers around the area, looking for guards or watchers posted that might ambush them.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-11-26, 09:42 PM
The Reverend exited the car and looked around the area. "So does Boss Maw have a legal identity?" He asked aloud.


Andrew Markham
2018-11-26, 11:44 PM
Morgan stays seated and peers out the window, eyes narrowing. "I don't see anything, but something feels wrong here," he says to Ray. "Are you feeling this? Just feels...dangerous."

2018-11-27, 04:32 PM
Maria got out of the car and looked around for any signs of trouble. "According to the information i have on the warrant his name is 'Denti Maw' and his current age is... Bloody hell..." Maria said pausing at the end, her Irish accent kicking in. "According to this, he's a hundred and ten years old... man... the NYPD is going to expect an old fart in a wheelchair... this is going to get complex quickly..." Maria finished sighing.

Perception roll

2018-11-27, 07:36 PM
"So we have security cameras in various places. This gives me an idea. Leave your sensitive electronics with the cars, because we're going to hex those cameras." Reverend Blackthorn explained.

2018-11-27, 07:37 PM
"Yeah Trolls have serious longevity..." Ray replied, "That sign alone gives me the willies. 'If we can't fix it, shoot it'? Trolls and freaking rednecks both...wait, don't get any closer. There's five security cameras around here and I don't see any blind spots, plus there's actually a magical shield against bullets protecting the outside of the building. Guns would work once we're inside, but getting inside with five perfectly positioned cameras is going to be the hard part."

2018-11-28, 02:14 PM
Maria just nodded "Good to know bout the barrier protecting the building, which means no back-up I don't want the NYPD hurting themselves." spoke with a worried tone in her voice. "As for getting inside... well I... WE... have a perfect way to get inside." She continued tapping the warrant, "Let's go in together, also I don't like the idea of frying the electronic's. Unless you want the bill for replacing them plus the added risk of possible criminal charges brought up if we're wrong bout this whole thing." Maria finished going back to being vague, in case somebodies listening in.

Maria begins to walk to the door only pausing if nobodies walks with her.

2018-11-28, 03:59 PM
"A moment Maria, if you're planning on knocking on the front door, at least let me help with a little something," Raymond said before placing his hand on the officer's shoulder, "Powers from Above, grant your protection through your servant..."

Conc. Up to 10 minutes; One willing creature you touch is protected against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If the target already has such an effect by one of them, the target has advantage on any new saving throw against it.

2018-11-28, 04:06 PM
"I mean, they'd have a hard time proving that magic fried their electronics, but I will save my spells, but if this is the place..." The Reverend trailed off. "Well Officer, need company for introducing yourself or should we hang back?" He asked.

Andrew Markham
2018-11-28, 08:06 PM
Morgan grunts, shoving his hands in his trenchcoat pockets, and follows silently, allowing Maria to do things her way.

2018-11-28, 09:00 PM
"I'm coming too," Ray added, not saying out loud that he would need to in order to keep the protection spell on Maria active.

2018-11-28, 09:35 PM
Seeing the others close by made Maria feel some comfort. "Don't worry Morgan, if **** goes south like I hope it don't, but have a feeling it will... Laws be damned, it's self-defense at that point, I'll figure out a way to explain it... I always do." she whispered looking back at Morgan before shifting her gaze to the Reverend. "The main reason I don't want you to fry them, is because of the other 'issue' that was brought to my attention," she continued whispering shifting her gaze quickly back to Morgan before shifting her gaze back, "...I don't want to risk the loss of any evidence that might be on them." Maria finished taking a deep breath, "Alright let's be careful, but let's get things done."

Maria walked up to the door and pounded hard to make sure they knew somebody was there. "Denti Maw, Open up! It's Officer Maria McCarthy NYPD! I have a warrant!" She bellowed, as she does she undoes the snap holding her pistol but doesn't draw it.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-28, 09:43 PM
Their is a moment of waiting after Maria knocked on the door. Then the sound of locks unlatching comes from behind the door. The door opens about 3 inches and then is stopped by a chain. A person looks through the opening, his dark eyes look at Detective Maria.

"Boss Maw is a bit busy. If you've got a warrent, let me see it."

There is a touch of an Italian accent to their voice, as they speak you can see their teeth have been sharpened down to points.

"If you actually have a warrent officer, Ill seat you, and your....?"

2018-11-28, 10:13 PM
"Party." The Reverend smiled.

2018-11-28, 10:19 PM
Maria simply holds up the warrant, "Here is the warrant allowing me and my aids to search the premises."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-11-29, 07:46 AM
The eyes narrow and the lips press together hard, turning into a blue thin smile.

"Ah, a search warrant, not an arrest warrant. very clear distinction. "

The door closes for a moment, muffled talking can be heard but not clearly, before the door opens again, a gaunt man with dark eyes and dark hair stands before you.

"Boss Maw welcomes each of you into his home and would like a word with your... party before you begin your search. Is that amicable Officer McCarthy?"

Behind him stretches a hard wood paneled hallway, its been stained to give the appearance of a hunting lodge, outfitted with a few mounted animal heads, horns, a very Wintery Huntsman Motif. In the distance, Italian Opera music can be heard playing.

2018-11-30, 02:53 PM
Maria lead the group inside the door before speaking. "If Denti wishes to speak let him talk to them." She said point over to Morgan and the Reverend. "You're with me." she pointed to Ray.

2018-11-30, 08:16 PM
Raymond just nodded in affirmation, not saying a word to the person that greeted them at the door.

2018-12-01, 03:26 PM
Reverend Blackthorn gave Maria a nod.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-02, 05:26 AM
You two are led to the first door on the right.

"Basement is down there, look all ya like, ay tommy, come escort our guests downstairs. "

Another man with dark eyes, and sharpened teeth appears from around the corner, his dark hair cropped short.

" alright Louie, you take dees other two to see boss maw. "

You are led downstairs to the basement where you see about half a dozen teenagers working on various projects. One is whittling a splendid wolf carving. Two are hard at work cleaning disassembled guns, another pair are working at sewing machines making adjustments to pinstripe suits, and the last child looks to be chopping veggies for a stew.

Tommy speaks up.

"Did here is our teenage reach out program to teach dees kids life skills, ya know?

As Dave and mike are lead away, there is a discussion at the first door.
"Basement is down there, look all ya like, ay tommy, come escort our guests downstairs. "

Another man with dark eyes, and sharpened teeth appears from around the corner, his dark hair cropped short.

" alright Louie, you take dees other two to see boss maw. ".

You are led down the hall, to the right, two lefts and and a right before getting close the music, and smell of Italian food. As you enter the room. The size of the man, eating at the moment, draws your eye as something unusual. He's the size of a horse, eating spaghetti and garlic bread.

2018-12-02, 05:52 PM
Once Maria came down to the stairs to the basement and saw the scene before her, something just didn't feel right bout the scene before her. She looked back at Tommy and spoke, "I'm going to keep this civil, so I'm going to request that you go back to the top of the stairs and wait for us outside the room." She said with authority, but respectful. She knew that as long as Tommy was there she wouldn't be able to get any information out of the children here.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-02, 07:20 PM
Tommy regarded Maria with a moment of concern, he glanced back down to the teenagers, and then around the room.

"Yea, thats fine, you'll see everything is in order. "

He walks up the stairs and closes the door until there is an inch left, but he doesnt seem to be waiting there peeking or listening intently.

2018-12-02, 08:11 PM
Reverend Blackthorn quickly scanned the room.


The Reverend looked the giant of a man in the eyes and gave him a curt nod. "Good day, Mister Maw. I am Reverend Jonathan Blackthorn of the Nondenominational Christian Church. How are you today?" He smiled.

Insight vs. Boss Maw

Andrew Markham
2018-12-02, 08:13 PM
Morgan Thomas takes a few meandering steps into the room, looking left and right out of the corners of his eyes to assess the room. Surely there would be hidden defenses and spaces for henchmen to watch the Boss during such an encounter, no matter how confident. Then the private investigator looks at the boss himself. Clearly inhuman, Morgan tilts his head, trying to clear his mortal mind of the fog that insists on translating the boss into a human form. Then he nods respectfully. "Morgan Thomas. This is my associate, Mister Blackthorn." Morgan looks over his shoulder at the Reverend as he speaks and nods slightly, trying nonverbally to emphasize the deliberate absence of his title. "We're here in association with the police department as they conduct their search of the premises. Anything you wish to say to us will be a matter of record and conveyed to the office in charge." Morgan lays his hands together on top of his abdomen, keeping them clearly in view, and continues, "So, Mister Maw. I understand you wished to speak to us. We're listening."

Perception: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]
Investigation if applicable: [roll2]

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-02, 08:35 PM
As you look in and look around a bit more you notice there are about 10 armed men in the room with you aside from Boss Maw. As the man watches you enter he puts down his fork and takes another slice of garlic bread, mopping up red sauce with it.

"Welcome to my home... Reverend. And...Morgan Thomas... Morgan Thomas... Ive heard that name before... where have I heard that name before... Louie? you heard of this guy before?

"No Boss, I never seen his mug before, though the name is familiar."

"Hrm... Arny? you heard of him?"

"I think's I seent him. He looks a bit like a guy who been around, big nose fella, ya know"

Boss Maw puts the garlic bread in his mouth as it crunches in his teeth.

"Hrm... You gotta Big Nose Morgan Thomas? I hope not... People with Big Noses end up getting hurt. And I would hate for a guest in my own home to end up injured. Id be devistated. "

He reaches over and pours a large amount of parmisan cheese on his spagetti and uses a fork to take another large bite.

"But pleasantries aside. I know of you revrend... a Fixer... you brought... the mortal authorities.... A big Nose, no offense intended Morgan Thomas, and... a shop owner... I ask respectfully, why you two have come to my home on this day. "

The question seems more pointed at the reverend, but as he is talking he grabs another piece of garlic bread and gestures at Morgan as well

Andrew Markham
2018-12-02, 09:08 PM
Morgan marks the locations the henchmen are using for future reference. He taps his hand against the other twice. "We have come on behalf of the local police to investigate a crime. You are not being charged with that crime at this time, so I have no legal requirement to tell you why we're here." Morgan shifts slightly to his left. "But if you're volunteering yourself for questioning, we can discuss the matter. Or if you care to make a statement, which is why I had assumed you asked us down here, I will be glad to hear what you have to say." Morgan stops as if considering, then adds, "It may even be possible that you are a victim of this crime...that would be interesting."

2018-12-02, 09:20 PM
Once Tommy left the room, Ray let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was also still holding the protection spell on Maria, "I'll take a look around the room for anything unusual if you'd like to talk to the kids?" he suggested. As he looked around at the kids at work he smiled, "Don't mind me, I'm just looking around. My friend might want a few words with you. She's cool. You can speak freely to her."


While searching the room...

2018-12-02, 09:58 PM
Maria, nodding to Ray, walked to the center most point of the room. She spoke loud enough that every person in the room could hear, but not loud enough for anybody upstairs to hear. "I'm Officer McCarthy, NYPD, or Maria if your prefer that. We're looking for three kidnapped children, I'll bring around the pictures to each one of you. If you have any information that could be of use to us. I beg you please let me know." She said sincerely, taking the photo's of the three missing children out of her pocket. As she approached each child she showed them the pictures, but also in a whisper spoke. "Are you here of you own freewill? Have you also been kidnapped? If you have, you can let me know and I'll get you out of here."

Persuasion [roll0]

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-03, 06:48 PM
The various teenagers reguard the two of you with caution. half of them stop, setting their activites down to listen to you, with exception to the boy and girl cleaning guns, and the girl cooking. The three paying attention look at the picture and shake their head, saying they havent seen any kids or children around here. The two cleaning guns matter of factly say that Boss Maw doesnt keep children.

There are ample supplies down here for each of the activies the teenagers are doing, a small kitchen for the cook, a several sets of tools and wood for the carver, Fabric and sewing materials for the sewers.

The pair sewing clothes seem to have lost interest. They return to work on their projects.

"No one here is kidnapped. As Tommy said, this is a youth program."

A deep throaty laugh comes from Boss Maw, food bits spewing from his mouth.

"oh.. thats funny. You do this act often? Id pay to see the show. "

He wipes his mouth with his lap napkin. He stands up and you see the full pinstipe suit. He begins to walk around the room, Predating.

"Now, my boys here tell me you have a search warrent. That means you are looking for something. You say you have no arrest warrent, that means you think I did something... But cant prove it, so your looking for clues. Hoping Ill slip up, and give something away. "

He growls for a moment, the vibrations pass through your body, giving a moment of panic that passes through you, but dissapates just as quickly as it came.

"Now... Unca Capa, he was a real man... they only got him on taxes. I play my taxes gentlemen. But... if you want something, you have to give something."

He makes a full circle back to his table and sits down again.

"So... you wanna wheel and deal... offer me things to get what you want? I can offer answers. What can you offer?

2018-12-03, 07:25 PM
The Reverend looked to Thomas and then to Boss Maw. "I see. Perhaps, we could exchange information. Question for question." He looked back to Thomas. "What do you say?"

Andrew Markham
2018-12-04, 08:25 PM
Morgan rocks back on his heels, shaken by the troll's presence. He manages to keep from stumbling, and is relieved when the massive man sits back down. The private investigator senses his control of the situation slipping away, and frustration rising. So he decides to roll with it. He rubs his temple and mutters, "Stupid (f-ing) ****ing cop," under his breath, hoping somebody will catch it. Then he straightens up and breathes a heavy sigh. "You wanna know what we got for you? The god damned cop upstairs sent US to talk to you instead of doing it her (f-ing) ****ing self. She's dead set on finding these three missing kids, roped us in through our connections in the neighborhood. She's swaggering around, acting like her (D) ****'s bigger than everybody else's, being the boss cause she can't be at home. You point us to the kids, we're off your ass. Your car's at the scene. Maybe...one of your boys was driving, or it got stolen." Morgan puts his hands up, as if surrendering. "Whatever you want. I don't give two (s-s) ****s about nailing you. I just wanna get out from under this (B's) bitch's thumb."

Morgan puts his hands in his pockets, letting some of his genuine frustration show through. "So we got us a deal or what?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-04, 09:05 PM
The man's smile creeps out at the inspectors outburst, like a hunter watching the prey flush out. He motions to one of the armed guards and he brings him a big thick cigar, but in boss maw's hand it seems so small. He lights it after biting off the end and inhales deep, letting his eyes roll back. Blowing smoke across the room.

"That was a very enticing gift you offer up. Good information. And... in exchange... you want me to... take the bitch out?

He chuckles a little.

"Im sorry Morgan Thomas, I dont do mortal hits... not for decades. too many... complications. But I enjoyed hearing the offer. No, Im sorry, I wont be killing this cop."

He breathes again as a cloud of smoke billows from his mouth.

"Three kids missing huh... with my car at the scene? Now... I know I didnt steal no kids, and I know where my cars have been. So we are at an impasse, Im sure your bitch will find that out once shes done searching my establishment."

he inhales again and lets the flavor flow out of his mouth as he pulls out a cigar.

"What can I offer you for that tidbit you offered up? What else would you like? a Cigar? a Meal? a small boon?"

2018-12-04, 09:28 PM
The Reverend patted Thomas on the shoulder and then looked to Boss Maw. "I see... So either you are lying to us and risking a lot of trouble from the NYPD, Vatican, and even the White Council... or... someone is trying to make it look like you kidnapped the children." He cleared his throat. "You've been very open with us and I believe you have been telling the truth. So now the question is, Mister Maw, who might want to pin such a crime on you?" He paused for a moment. "What kind of boon?" He asked.

Andrew Markham
2018-12-04, 09:40 PM
Morgan goes straight-faced as the troll completely misunderstands his intentions. Morgan says with thick cynicism, "Me? I would NEVER contemplate doing harm to an officer of the mortal law. Thought never crossed my mind." Let the boss make of that what he will, Morgan thinks to himself.

Morgan nods and smiles, acknowledging the Reverend. He nods towards the Reverend and says to Boss Maw, "Man's got a good point. Somebody might be throwing shade, doing damage to your rep. Sounds like what you need...is somebody to look into that for ya." Morgan shakes his left forearm, and a business card falls into his left hand. "Here, my card. You might consider me for the job."

Then he gets an idea. "I got a good, uh, boon or whatever for ya," he says. "Why don't you and your boys lay off the baker for a while? Name's Dolorosa, makes...one AMAZING doughnut. Nice lady. It's like magic, I swear. Would call us even, whaddya say?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-04, 09:57 PM
Boss Maw watching the two interact and respond seems amusing as a thin smile stays on his lips.

"Yes. A pinning. trying to use me as a scapegoat. A set up. That seems to be the case. The mortal cops, I dont mess with due to complication, but Im not afraid of them, those.... vatican types are just as annoying. Though the White Council. That almost sounds like a threat. "

His gaze focuses intently on Morgan.

"Here's your boon. Dont trust Dolorosa. Shes not what you think she is. And neither are those donuts. They were not meant for mortal tongues. "

He leans back and puts his cigar out, setting it to the side. He motions to another guard who comes and pours an amber liquid into a cup, where Boss Maw drinks his eyes closing for a moment.

"Do you have something else to offer up? Any new information for me, anything to... intice my tastes?"

2018-12-04, 09:57 PM
"I, for one, have never seen gun maintenance used in any kind of youth program. Also where exactly are you kids from? What school do you attend?" Ray asked while still looking about the room.

Andrew Markham
2018-12-04, 10:20 PM
Upon hearing the boon, Morgan kicks the ground and goes, "Ahhh shiiiit."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-04, 10:33 PM
Boss Maw motions to another armed guard who comes and picks up the card from Morgan.

"So. do you have a retainer option?"

He looks to the reverend.

"Are you offering services rendered as well?"

2018-12-05, 10:19 AM
Maria stood up and put the pictures back in her pocket. "I thank you for your assistance, I'm sorry for interrupting your work." She said to the group, walking back to the base of the stairs. she rested her back again the wall nearest the stairs and gave the whole room a sweeping glance. 'something about this picture does not feel right, but I can't seem to put my finger on what.' she thought to herself.

after a moment she looked up at Ray, "When you're finished let me know." she said simply.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-05, 03:30 PM
One of the two children look up to the shop keep with a matter of fact tone.
"They dont let us have any ammunition. We chose this project so we can be better with tool maintenance when we get into the army.I want to be an Army Ranger like my Grandpa. And he wants to be a Marine Sniper when he grows up"

The two of them nod as if physically acknowledging what they were saying to each other. The cook sets what she has been chopping aside and adds some pre mixed fluids to a container before setting it in the oven.

2018-12-05, 08:05 PM
The Reverend laughed nervously. "Not exactly. It's more of a calling that a job. I am quite particular with assignments and happily accept donations for my mission. If you have, no offensive, less morally objectionable tasks that need tending, I will help if I can. I know a little thing or two about being unfairly judged and I strive to do better." The Reverend explained.

2018-12-06, 08:23 PM
Something's still off, that response seemed...rehearsed, Ray thought to himself as he nodded to Maria.


Then again...seems they've been through this before... He turned to Maria, "Okay I think we're ready to move on."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-06, 08:33 PM
Morgan blinks for a moment, confused by the way Boss Maw used the term. Finally he says, "Iiiiiii might charge a retainer fee, if I feel the job is going to require a large amount of time, or if somebody wants me to work on only their case for a while, or if I need specialized equipment. My rates are very flexible."

2018-12-07, 01:41 PM
The Reverend aside to Thomas. "Be very careful when making deals with magical beings. They are crafty and even the good ones might take advantage of you. Get all the terms on paper, read it at least seven times, and then check for magical fine print." He whispered.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-07, 04:46 PM
A couple of the armed guards laugh at Morgan's response. Boss Maw does not laugh, but he does smile watching Morgan carefully, judging and weighing him with his eyes. He watches as the priest whispers to him.

"Extended time.... Exclusivity to your services, use of additional tools. Sounds like a retainer to me. Would you like for me to be your Patron? and you my... retainer? because that can be arranged... I can put a big nose to work certainly. "

Andrew Markham
2018-12-07, 05:29 PM
Morgan nods slowly to Blackthorn, then stares intently at Boss Maw. Silence lingers as he assesses and considers. Finally the PI breaks his silence and says carefully, "An interesting offer, but I think not. I hope this does not give you offense. The world of...trolls and changelings and magic is, for the most part, not the one I live in. But should you ever need a- heh- 'big nose', where your men won't do, drop me a line."

2018-12-07, 06:01 PM
Maria nodded when Ray walked over, she turned and headed up the stairs. She looked around until she saw Tommy. "Thank you for cooperating Tommy," she said sincerely. "You'd be surprised how many people would have made a scene there... Anyways please take us to the garage." She finished.

2018-12-07, 06:29 PM
"Do you know of anyone who is..." The Reverend sighed. "In the market for human children." He grimaced. "As well as having a reason to want to frame you."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-07, 06:47 PM
tommy shrugged.
" not hiding nuthin, were legitimate. "

You are led to the garage where you find a 1957 black caddilac coup deville. And a large black windowless van. Both have teeth for grills.

boss maw looks to Morgan.

"I'll remember that, Morgan Thomas." As says your name you realize that he been repeating it. Almost like a voice recorder with the exact same inflection that you used when you said it.

Boss maw taps his chin for a moment.

" I might have that kind of information. What are you offering?"

2018-12-07, 07:39 PM
"Info for info. The White Council is setting up in the north side. How's that?" The Reverend said.

Arcane Knowledge

2018-12-07, 07:47 PM
Maria entered the Garage and her heart sank as soon as she saw the car. 'The more of this place I investigate the less I think he did it.' she thought. Maria pulled her cell phone out and began to compare picture. Then she took several picture of the car and van from various angles. Lastly she took out 2 small bags and a file from her pocket and kneel down beside the cars rear tires. She began to lightly scrape the tread of the tire to get some rubber off each one into a bag.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-07, 07:56 PM
Boss maw shakes his head.
" you'll have to do better than that, Reverend."

He smiles looking between the two.
"How about... A minor favor. From either of you. Nothing major. A favor of action or inaction? "

Tommy begins to shout as maria takes scrappings from the tire.

"Hey!! You gonna buy replacements after slicing the bosses tires?!"

2018-12-07, 08:03 PM
"Calm your tits Tommy, it a nail file." she said putting the bags in her pocket and then proceeding to file one of her own nails to prove the point.

2018-12-07, 09:24 PM
Raymond looks around at the vehicles as well, he bends down to whisper in Maria's ear, "The Cadillac, it's the one I sent you in that text earlier. Think we can get a look on the inside of that van, or would that be overreaching for that warrant?"

Andrew Markham
2018-12-07, 09:43 PM
Morgan looked to the Reverend. "Well now," he said, "I wouldn't want to put the Reverend in an awkward spot. I'll do you that favor, I got no qualms." He looks around the room. "By action or inaction, huh? I get how that could make sense."

2018-12-07, 10:08 PM
Maria looked over at Ray and smiled... almost evilly so... "Nope it don't overstretch the rules of the warrant. If there's any reason to make these people nervous I'm willing to bet it's in either the van or this car. Go ahead and search the van I'm going to have them pop the trunk on the car." Maria whispered slyly to Ray. She then stood up and looked over to Tommy, "Tommy would you either pop the trunk of this car or get me the keys to pop it myself." Maria said with authority in her tone, as she did she took her flashlight off her belt and used it to look inside the car.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-09, 06:49 PM
Boss Maw smiles a big grin, and snaps his fingers. He shrugs to Morgan.
You can hear a cage door slam in your mind.You owe Boss Maw one minor favor.
"Deal accepted."

He reaches up and adjusts his tie, closing his eyes a moment.

"So... those who would want children. Any fae really. But here in New York? thats not a super short list. Trolls, Nightmares in the night, Hags, to be broad rather than specific could all want children. Though... I would take a look at Delarosa again. "

Tommy scowls at Maria before popping the trunk and unlocking the door. The trunk is sparse, having only a spare tire and a few automotive tools and fluids. Inside the car it is immaculate, clean, and smells pleasant of vanilla.

2018-12-09, 08:08 PM
"Open this van for me too while you're at it," Raymond added.

2018-12-09, 08:28 PM
The Reverend's eyes widened. "Oh boy... you said something about those donuts. They weren't for mortal tongues you said." He sighed and looked a little nervous. "Do we need a deal for you to tell us what was in those donuts?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-09, 09:48 PM
Boss Maw smiles to the reverend.

"That depends... do you have anymore?"

Andrew Markham
2018-12-10, 08:05 PM
Morgan turns to the Reverend and raises an eyebrow, saying, "Yeah, I think so. We each had one, so we should have eight left. They're in the car."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-10, 10:24 PM
Boss Maw grins.

"I will take them as payment. Bring them to me and I will answer your question."

With Louie as an escort, Morgan goes out to his car and retrieves the donuts, reentering the boss maw hall, you can almost feel a pressure change as you can hear Boss Maw inhale through his nose. He licks his lips as he holds out his hands.

Handing off the donuts Morgan can see how much Boss Maw wanted the donuts. Boss Maw lightly pulls out a donut and devours it in a single bite. Smiling his eyes close in bliss for a moment.

"So, you desire an answer to a question... let us say. Mortals eating these donuts are more suseptable to fae magic... Fae magic is special... if it is willingly accepted into the body once... for a time after, theres no resistance and no going back. A little bit like if you sign a contract.... with jelly filling. "

He lets another donut slip in his mouth, enjoying the flavor.

2018-12-12, 03:33 PM
Raymond gets inside the van and peers around and lets out a low whistle, "Nice ride. Looks like you guys take good care of her," he commented as he exited, "Sorry Maria, nothing special here."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-12, 04:04 PM
Morgan sighs and says, "Wonderful. So if we DO confront Delarosa and she DOES end up bring involved, she'll be able to use that kind of magic against us and we have no power to resist. Wonderful." Morgan scratches the back of his head. "I already dislike the idea that she might be involved, nonetheless having a distinct disadvantage in doing so. Juuuuust great. I really hope the cop came up with an actual lead, cause we're comin up cold. Come on Rev, let's get out of here. Thanks for ya time, Maw." Morgan turns towards the exit.

2018-12-12, 04:33 PM
Investigation rolls
Garage [roll0]
Bedrooms [roll1]
great hall [roll3]

(note this will be edited later)
Maria finished looking in the car and sighed, gently closing the trunk. She began looking around the Garage. After investigating the Garage, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Maria finds nothing of interest. She looks over at Ray and speaks "I see nothing suspicious. I'm going to say let's go." Maria says half relieved, half annoyed. Making her way to the Grand Hall.

Maria walks into the Grand Hall, and see a big man sitting at the table. She looks over at him and speaks, "On behalf of myself, and the NYPD, I humbly apologize for causing any disruptions this search has caused. Personally I'd like to thank you for allowing us to search the premises."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-12, 05:23 PM
As maria and Ray enter the great hall, Tommy and the young girl that was cooking follow in behind. She is carrying what smells like amazing soup, it tugs upon your nose, luring you in.
As you were about to leave, the four people enter, your keen senses put you on alert as your heart races. Delarosa is with them. But as your eyes take stock, it's not her. But a striking resemblance.

Boss Maw looks like he is about to address Maria when he sees the food.

"Ah! Foods finally here! Thank you child!!"

He is served a bowl of the intoxicating soup and a loaf of bread.

"No problem officer. Good luck to you."

Boss Maw gives Morgan a wink before starting to eat.

Andrew Markham
2018-12-12, 05:51 PM
Morgan looks back and forth from the young girl to the massive troll. He clenches his jaw, frustrated by the depths of what he does not know. Then he turns back to Boss Maw. "That soup...it's made in a similar manner to the doughnuts? And that doesn't have an effect on your mind like it does ours?" Morgan asks, expressing confusion, skepticism, and vague concern for the troll.

2018-12-12, 10:45 PM
'Well that went smoothly, I was expecting... I dunno any different reaction then that.' Maria thought. Then right as she was about to turn she heard Morgan's question and was intrigued to learn the answer. But at the same time something else began to creep into her mind and she chose to take a shot in the dark and speak her thought. "Mr. Maw, I have a question for you. Do you happen to keep tabs on trolls by chance? And I don't mean the internet kind, I mean the ones with big green claws." Maria asked.

2018-12-13, 01:36 PM
The Reverend grimaced and sighed when he heard the donuts' effects. As the others entered the hall, he nodded to them.

2018-12-14, 11:52 AM
Raymond kept an eye on his comrades when he learned their donuts were spiked. He kept his eyes and ears open for trouble...


Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-14, 01:08 PM
Boss Maw listens to Morgan Thomas for a moment and his eyes regard him before he lets out a belly aching chuckle. Many of the armed guards laugh along with him and even the young lady puts her hand up to cover her mouth as she laughs.

"Oh, your concern is appreciated, I'll reward that with an answer to a question, you seem inquisitive, and you look like you might have a burning question on your mind."

Boss Maw turns his attention to Maria with a grin, his toothy maw fully visible. He looks her over for a moment, as if for the first time. Standing up he begins to walk about the room... predating. His size... his... presence is palpable. A wave of fear passes through Maria and Ray as they realize they are currently in the den of a true predator. The fear passes as he completes his circling predating and sits back at his desk, Morgan and the Reverend were far less affected as they had already come to know exactly where they are.

"Officer... I know a great many things. Ive complied with your search as best I am able. But if you want information. That sort of thing will cost you. What have you to offer?"

2018-12-14, 01:51 PM
Suddenly, Raymond leaned over to Maria and whispered,"Boss Maw...I think he's just been drugged...if it's what I think, he'll be taking a nap soon..."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-14, 11:02 PM
Morgan looks over his shoulder at the Reverend and the other two, who are whispering. Morgan hisses quietly to Blackthorn, "Did that answer make any sense to you? I feel like I'm missing something magic here."

2018-12-14, 11:42 PM
As Boss Maw circled the room, Maria felt his presence. It still shook her a bit, but it was nothing she hadn't felt before when dealing with those who thought that they was above the law. She put her hands on her hips, as her eyes followed him around the room. After he finished talking and Ray whispered to her. She looked over at Boss Maw. "Information is only good IF it's accurate. I may have been born at night, but I wasn't born last night." she said a sly smile creeping along her face, before getting serious again. "I've seen others pay for bogus information and even seen others who was lead into an ambush after getting the information they asked for." Maria paused for a moment thinking before continuing, "You want me to make an offer, why don't you give a price first and if it's reasonable I'll accept, if not then I'll make the offer."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-14, 11:48 PM
Boss maw was no longer smiling as he looked at the officer.

"I'll chop that slight to being a common mortal, unaware of your surroundings, officer. You can take it to the bank, that if I give you information, it will be accurate. I am bound by the laws of the cosmos, unable to lie. Now you can offer me something, or we can consider our dealings done, and my role of host complete."

2018-12-15, 12:13 AM
Maria simply shook her head, "I can't make an offer if I don't know what you want me to offer, so I guess dealing done. I'll go ahead and take my leave then." She said regrettably then turns and started toward the door.

2018-12-15, 06:48 AM
Realizing that things were about to take a turn for the worse, knowing the hidden meaning behind Maw's words Raymond finally spoke up, "If it's information you want, I have some that may be of interest to you. I believe there is a traitor in your midst."

2018-12-15, 07:59 PM
Reverend Blackthorn watched Boss Maw carefully as he circled the room. He tilted his head over to Thomas. "He didn't do anything besides the obvious, but watch the room carefully." He whispered. "I see, Officer McCarthy is not in the mood for fae games. We need to keep an eye on her and see she doesn't get herself killed."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-15, 09:01 PM
Morgan jolts as Raymond speaks up. He turns to look at the researcher and says, "You're sure about that? Of course you are, you'd never say so otherwise."

Morgan turns sharply to look Boss Maw in the eye intensely. "You're bound by laws, magic ones. And you straight up told us you didn't take those kids and that the car wasn't there. If that's magic, you can't have been lying. Well Delarosa says you were involved. Gave us some clues in that direction. You've got this girl here, who looks just like her," Morgan gestures towards the girl who delivered the soup. He watches her intently as he continues, "She's bringing you magic soup that can mess with mortal heads, you think she don't know how to do that to a troll? And my buddy back here, I take his word that there's somebody here who's turned on you, and we're sittin' here thinkin maybe an enemy of yours has set you up. Now I'm thinking maybe they want you to take a bit of a fall. So here's a question you can answer- if we shouldn't trust Delarosa cause she ain't what she seems, can you trust this girl and her soup? I don't think she's one of your changeling boys cause I can't see her teeth, so what is she to you?" Morgan takes a deep breath, conscious of the strong emotion fueling his rant.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-15, 09:41 PM
Boss maw's ear flickers as officer McCarthy sets to leave, but his attention is redirected to ray. A smile on his lips.

"Do you now? I could be quite interested in that. I quite sure you are wrong, but I'm interested."

He is once again redirected to Morgan Thomas as he makes a dramatic speech and lead up to a question. Both boss maw and the girl smile. He turns to her.

"Rosita, give these guests a smile for me?"

With a nod she smiles as you see she has very sharp teeth, alarming to see with the softness of her face.

"To answer your question, this is Rosita, my... Squeeze, and daughter to delarosa, she is a permanent guest here with me and boys, she has a knack for making delicious food, a craving that I am most vulnerable to. I trust her, because she's had more chances to escape or cause harm than I can count. She prefers my company to her mothers, despite what her mother thinks. "

He muses as he reaches up and caresses the young girls cheek, she in turn takes a hand and holds the trolls hand to her face and leans into it affectionately. He turns back to the group, seeing that the officer had stopped her exit to listen, his eyes focus on her for a moment.

"Are we done here? Morgan Thomas? ... I believe. You are Raymond... The shop owner that carries some.of the more exotically flavored ingredients, that don't effect me like a mortal would be. Keep the shop running. Oh... Reverend, was there anything else?"

2018-12-15, 09:55 PM
The Reverend looked up at the troll and grinned. "Thank you for your time, sir. Thank you for talking to us as much as you did."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-15, 10:06 PM
Morgan tilts his head up, considering, then nods slowly. "I see. Good. Just, be careful for a few days, will ya? Until we clear this whole matter up. We're gonna find the truth about these missing children, wherever that leads us." Morgan puts his hands in his pockets, chagrined, and gets ready to follow everyone else out.

2018-12-15, 10:18 PM
Maria paused as the outburst happened, as she waited for the outcome to finish she waited only looking behind her without really turning around. Once it did she nodded turning back to the door. "I'll be outside waiting for the rest of you all." she said and proceeded to leave the building. She got to the cop car turned and faced the building and waited for the others to arrive.

2018-12-17, 04:06 PM
After he listened to Boss Maw's reply and how he enjoys the "exotic ingredients" to his soup Ray looked a little puzzled but shrugged, "Then perhaps I was mistaken. I was proceeding from a false assumption. Thank you for your time and patronage. I'm definitely keeping the store running, so don't worry about that. Until next time then," he walked out to join Maria, "Well that went unexpectedly, but at least it didn't go south on us."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-17, 04:32 PM
Watching as the cop and shop owner run out, Boss maw puts a hand up to hold the reverend and private investigator.

"Allow me to repay ms. Delarosa, for her.... information she gave to you. Yule is approaching. It is a time of changes. if someone wanted to... change their status within the winter court. They might do it then. And they might do it... in central park. "

he grunts with a chuckle before returning to his soup. Everyone is politely esorted outside to their cars. it is beginning to snow gently.

2018-12-17, 05:57 PM
"Thank you for your time, sir!" Reverend Blackthorn said as he left the room.

Once he was as far as the cars, he let out a sigh of relief. "Talking to fae can be... trying sometimes. However, that info he gave us as we were leaving. That was interesting. Was he suggesting the Winter Court was involved somehow?" He wondered.

2018-12-17, 06:02 PM
Maria nodded to Ray, "Yea, when you mentioned that he might be drugged. I got worried that his people thought we may had something to do with it."

Once everybody was outside Maria Looked to the rest of them. "We should meet back up at the shop and discuss what we learned." Looking up at the snow that started falling, "I don't think this is the time nor the place... Just in case." Her eye's shifted over to the camera's before looking back. She took her keys out of her pocket and unlocked both doors of the cruiser.

2018-12-17, 06:05 PM
The Reverend looked back at the surveillance cameras. "Indeed."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-17, 06:41 PM
everyone crowds into their prospective cars that they rode here in and then proceeds to return to Raymonds shop for more private discussions

Andrew Markham
2018-12-17, 08:57 PM
Morgan Thomas gets out of his car, shakes his shoulders, and strolls into the shop. Once everyone is assembled, he asks Maria, "So, what did you find on the car? Anything?"

2018-12-18, 11:09 AM
Maria drove back to the shop, focusing on everything that's happened so far... however wasn't able to make the connections. Once she got back to the shop, she got out popped the trunk and put the stuff she had collected with the rest. After closing the trunk and locking the car she entered the shop with the rest.

After getting settled down and hearing Morgan's question she simply shook her head. "Sorry the car that the children saw isn't the same as the one in the garage. I compared the tire with the tracks made at the scene. I'm no expert but even I can tell you they're not a match. Also the back fins are not the same."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-18, 05:17 PM
Morgan nods. "That squares with what we learned. My current working theory is that a rival fae kidnapped the children and attempted to shift the blame onto Boss Maw. The baker I bought the doughnuts from was a witness I interviewed in trying to find the children. Her name is Delarosa. She's the one who claimed that Boss Maw's car was the one who drove away from the scene, and that Maw's men were extorting her. Obviously I can't trust everything she said now. We found out that Delarosa's daughter is in a relationship with Maw, and Delarosa disapproves. We can trust this because apparently Maw was under some sort of magical contract when he allowed us into his home. He also claimed, as we were leaving, that another fae might want to use the children during Yule to increase their standing in the...'Winter Court'. I've heard of that in relation to fae, but have no details." The private investigator turns his attention towards the two magic users, Reverend Blackthorn and Raymond. "Can you verify these details? Do they make sense to you, as magic stuff goes?"

2018-12-18, 08:44 PM
"Well I didn't have the opportunity to meet Delarosa like the rest of you so I can't form a definite opinion of her. But from the facts we gathered, you have a decent working theory. Hospitality is a VERY big deal to the Fae so when it looked like our visit was nearing its end, I got extremely nervous because that meant we were no longer under the protection of that part of the Fae honor code. Things could have gone south quickly. The fact that it didn't is also points in Maw's favor in my opinion. The Winter Court is usually considered the more dangerous of the two and this is the right time of year for them to be more active." Ray replied.

Andrew Markham
2018-12-18, 08:49 PM
"What would the connection be between kidnapping children and the Winter Court?" Morgan asks pointedly. "I mean, when I thought Maw was responsible, that made sense because he has a reputation for having an appetite. But if it's not him, then what are the kids for? And why would you need to go to Central Park to increase your standing there? Some kinda magic thing?"

2018-12-19, 03:25 PM
"Well..." The Reverend started. "Fae can use childrenn for all kinds of rituals. They can end up okay afterwards... or not. Some fae will use children for... trade." He cleared his throat. "As for Central Park, it's the center of natural energy in the New York City and as Officer McCarthy could confirm, there are lots of hiding places. If anyone wanted to do a powerful ritual. That would be the place to do it."

2018-12-19, 04:08 PM
"problem is, central park is HUGE. I think we'd need a more specific location where this is going to go down," Ray pointed out, " if we could figure it out, staking out the area shouldn't be a problem."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-19, 04:37 PM
Morgan looks around, vaguely confused. "Well, we've got a couple days until Yule, so that gives us time. We can research the Boss's reputation, try to find out who might want to throw shade at him, and search for areas in Central Park that could hide three children for a few days. Maybe we could alert the cops that there might be missing children in Central Park, have them on the lookout? The only thing I know for sure is that I probably need to have a second interview with Mrs. Delarosa."

2018-12-20, 08:53 AM
"My Detect Magic ritual's range can't cover the whole park either, so I guess detective work will have to do. I can call on my connections, but I agree we have a new suspect. Though, one suspect literally give us the name and motive of our next suspect is much too easy." Blackthorn explained.

2018-12-20, 11:24 AM
"Not sure how much help this will be, but we're due for a full moon this Yule, plus a meteor shower and Mercury and Jupiter will be in close formation," Raymond pointed out, "That too could be of significance."

2018-12-20, 12:41 PM
Maria sat there listening to conversation attempting to understand everything. "With everything you all have said, I can confirm that I don't think Maw's behind the kidnappings... The windowless Van in the garage confirms this. I mean why use an easily trackable car when White Vans with no windows makes much more sense, and are harder to track down." Maria said once her thoughts was in order. "As for Central Park, I can also confirm that place is big and full of places that can hide people. I can ask the NYPD to ramp up the number of people patrolling the park for the next three days..." Maria paused for a moment before continuing, "...Hopefully they don't ask TOO many questions, being in the Occult Division and all." she finished with a chuckle.

Andrew Markham
2018-12-21, 11:13 AM
Morgan hums thoughtfully. "Well if they're gonna be using the moon or celestial bodies somehow, they're gonna need a space where you can see those things, right? So we can narrow down our search by looking at areas large enough to contain whatever ritual they might wanna do which have good views of the sky."

"So from here we divide and conquer for a bit, yes? Seems like we each have avenues we can pursue. But we should all keep a close eye out. If the people behind this had the werewithal to deflect us to Boss Maw, they may have other distractions or traps ready for us," Morgan warns.

2018-12-21, 12:47 PM
Maria just sat there pondering something, when an idea hit her. "Just a thought but something we shouldn't rule out. Maybe Delarosa is behind this whole thing..." Maria started but quickly put her hands up in a defensive manner, "...now hear me out. Her daughter is in with Maw and she don't like that. That would give her a motive to have somebody else carry out the kidnappings. Another reason I'm suspecting Delarosa is that I noticed that the orphanage was eating her food." Maria paused stroking her chin putting the final pieces of her thoughts together. "And while this seems unlikely, I can't rule out that the head nun might just be in on this as well. Does anybody know exactly what Delarosa's food does to normal humans?" Maria finished.

As an afterthought Maria looked over at Morgan and quickly added. "That's a good idea, I'll take a stroll though the park tomorrow and see what area's can be eliminated as well as possible places that people could be kept hidden away."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-21, 01:14 PM
Morgan raises an eyebrow at Maria's theory. "Delarosa's advice was just a distraction. She lied and sent us off on the wrong path, checking into Boss Maw while the kids were moved. I'm gonna look into that when I re-interview her, see what shakes loose about the real culprit. The doughnuts, according to Maw, make a human unable to resist fae magic. That might have made the kids vulnerable to suggestion when the car pulled up, but we still need to track the car and find out who was inside. Delarosa couldn't have done all that herself." Morgan nods and says, "Good thought though. We definitely need to be wary of her, one way or the other."

2018-12-21, 08:35 PM
"Since I'm the only one who hasn't met this Delarosa, would you like to try to snoop on her for a while? She won't recognize me. Or maybe I can scope out the park for a while if you'd rather have someone familiar with her deal with her," Raymond asked.

2018-12-21, 10:34 PM
"I haven't met her yet, so I could. Perhaps, you should take a look around the park, Raymond." The Reverend Looked around the room for a moment.

Andrew Markham
2018-12-26, 02:04 PM
Morgan puts his hands in his pockets and grimaces slightly. "Frankly, I was intending to reinterview Delarosa by myself. If you insist on coming along, Reverend, I suppose you can. See if you can see what kind of being she is. Otherwise I'm going alone."

2018-12-26, 07:17 PM
"Well in that case, I'll definitely join Maria in investigating the park. Hopefully we can get a lot of ground covered," Ray replied.

2018-12-27, 01:32 PM
Maria nods at Ray, "If you wanna go survey the park tonight that's fine..." Maria started before trying to stifle a yawn, and not succeeding. "...With me. Oh pardon me, this case was put on my desk right before I was bout to go home today. Ray if you want to meet me at the park, that'd be great, I just need to turn in the cruiser and get what I've collected to the boys at the office. Then swing by the store and get a few things." Maria continued patting the pocket with the list in it. "Also I need to go by the house and pick up my baby, she get's worried when I'm not home on time." Maria finished standing up and put the chair back under the table. She take the keys out of her pocket and turns to the door. "Ray I'll meet you at the 110 St. Cathedral Parkway entrance in bout an hour and a half. Is that alright with you?" She asked.

2018-12-27, 07:06 PM
The Reverend nodded. "I'll keep Thomas company and call on some of my sagely connections."

2018-12-27, 09:26 PM
Ray frowned when Maria yawned, "Are you sure you're up for this? Sounds like you've got a full night already. Having an extra set of eyes won't do any good if they're exhausted. We can pick this up tomorrow with clearer heads," he suggested.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-28, 11:22 AM
With plans to go on seperate investigations underway, Maria and Ray agree to meet up at central park, leaving Thomas and the Reverend to lock up on their way out.

You are able to drop off the cruiser at the station along with evidence, get home, get something to eat, and get your baby before heading out on public transport and arrive at central park.

As you are riding the subway you get hungry, popping out to the surfce you make a b-line for some cheap food on the way, ((-$2 from you CS)) you get a burger and fries with a free cup of water as you arrive at central park.

Maria and Ray arrive, snow is beginning to stick to the ground as the snow flitters down. It has not increased in severity, but its still coming down. It is certainly below freezing and you have both dressed for the occassion. beside Maria is a german shepard, couldnt be more than a year old, still in that awkward phase between puppy and full grown. Ray appears just finishing up a cheeseburger, and starting into his fries. The german shepards attention is focused on the shop owner as he approaches.

Thomas and The Reverend lock up the shop and head out, driving in Thomas's car they do a slow drive by of Delarosa's shop. What stands out is that the front window has been boarded up with plywood, and spray-painted with the word -closed- There is broken glass on the sidewalk beneath the plywood. The lights have been turned off.

2018-12-28, 12:36 PM
Maria noticed the Airam's attention shifted and let out a couple barks. Maria looked where her dog was looking and saw Ray approach. "Airam, ciúin!" Maria said standing up from the bench she was sitting at. The dog stopped barking, "Good girl Airam." Maria said reaching into her jacket pocket getting out a treat and gave it to the dog. Airam was about one and a half feet at the shoulder, she was wearing a jacket with 'NYPD Service Dog' on the side. Maria and Airam walked up to Ray, "Heya Ray, you ready to give the park a once over?" Maria asked.

2018-12-28, 12:49 PM
"Well this looks bad." The Reverend said. "Maybe, we should ask around the neighborhood."

Andrew Markham
2018-12-28, 06:21 PM
Morgan pulls out his handgun, checks to see that it is loaded, and preps it for firing. "You can do that if you want," he says as he inspects the weapon. "I'm checking it out. There's a couple of possibilities of what happened here, and I need to see which one this is. You can cover me, or not." The private investigator gets out of the car and moves quickly across the street to the broken window. He looks over his shoulder to see if Blackthorn is following, then inspects the broken glass. Did the glass break from within or without? Which came first- the wood planks or the broken glass?
How long have they been there?

Investigation: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]

"Look at this," Morgan whispers. "The glass on the ground isn't from the window...it's from these broken bottles. No sign it was a molotov cocktail...looks more like someone smashed some bottles against the window on purpose. And the plywood is deliberately set to hide the window, which is still intact. Theory- Delarosa set this up so she could go into hiding. I could try calling her on the number she gave me, see if she can still be reached. Otherwise I could probably get us in to check out the inside, but I don't want to startle her. Do you have any tricks to sense if people are inside?"

2018-12-28, 09:45 PM
Ray let out a chuckle as he approached Maria and Airam, "Guess you noticed the cheeseburger I just finished pup?" he said as he petted the dog, "next time I'll bring an extra." Turning to Maria he nodded, "Sure let's get started."

2018-12-29, 10:57 PM
The Reverend followed Thomas. "All this seems very suspicious to me. Hm."



After a short scan of the scene, he nodded. "I agree. This is just for show. The glass leads into the alley. Shall we?"

Andrew Markham
2018-12-30, 02:24 PM
Morgan holds up his handgun and whispers, "Watch my back." Morgan crouches and moves into the shadow of the building, attempting to hide. He moves slowly, following the trail and keeping a sharp eye out for anything lurking.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2018-12-30, 02:35 PM
Maria let out a laugh, "Please don't corrupt Airam. She's being good... for once." Maria said laughing again. "I kid, I kid..." she started, leaning down, giving Airam a good pet and a scratch behind the ears. Receiving a puppy kiss in return. Maria straightened up reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out a couple of papers. "...Here is a map of Central Park. I figure we could go though and mark off any spots that would be bad for whomever to do this ritual." She finished offering one of the paper maps and a pen to Ray. "We can also keep our eyes open for any spots that they might be able to keep the children at... You never know."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-12-30, 10:18 PM
You spend about 90 minutes seperating the mouth northern area of Central park into sections and looking through the sections. With Marias wit, and Ray's guidence you are able to spot a couple places that would work for such rituals, but no sign of the children. The snow is beginning to come down harder, so you decide to stop for the night, get some rest and come back in the morning. You each head out to your respective homes to sleep the night.

As you come round the corner you can hear the sounds of someone eating. Shoving something in their mouth, and their open mouth chewing what ever it is. As your eyes adjust you are able to make out a transient, a drifter, sprawled out and leaning against a dumpster. He has several boxes of Delores Delicatesents tossed to the side, he seems to be focused on eating another box of deserts. He stops and looks up to spot the figure coming out of the light into the dark with him.

"Oy... you hungry man? Ive got plenty to share on this cold night."

Andrew Markham
2019-01-01, 09:24 PM
Morgan narrows his eyes, mostly faking distrust and suspicion. "Maybe," he hisses into the night. "Where'd you get 'em? Don't want nothing that'll bring cops down on me."

Darius Vibrtrar
2019-01-01, 09:29 PM
The man smiles.

"No no! nothing like that, I did some work for that Delarosa lady, and she gave me a couple dozen of her treats."

He holds up a donut for Morgan.

2019-01-02, 10:15 AM
The Reverend's eyes stared at the donut. "No thanks. Say, what happened here anyway? We came to speak with Delarosa, but she appears to have closed shop in a hurry" he asked in concern.


Andrew Markham
2019-01-02, 05:35 PM
"She's got work? Work is good- what kinda work??"

Darius Vibrtrar
2019-01-02, 05:40 PM
The man looked between the two of them and decided to take a swig from a nearby bottle of Wild Irish Rose, He burpped before responding.

"Just odd jobs, help her with errands, picking up her kids from daycare, dropping off her car, helping board up her window, she says a storm is coming so gotta protect it. She even had me test out my work by throwing some glass bottles at the window. She pays in food, which is alright cause her food is... the best."

He stretches.

"Im not sure where she is now, she said she wouldnt be around here for a few days."

Andrew Markham
2019-01-02, 08:13 PM
Morgan raises an eyebrow. "Kids? Didn't realize she had kids. How many?"

2019-01-02, 11:37 PM
"I see..." The Reverend said. "How long ago did she leave?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2019-01-03, 12:07 AM
The man shrugs.

"I dunno. They were getting into the back seat with her, 2 at least, maybe 3 kids, I drove like she said"

The man eats another donut, the look of extasy on his face.

"She only left a couple hours ago"

2019-01-03, 04:22 PM
The Reverend's eyes widened. "I see..."

He walked over to Thomas and turned his back to the man. "Do you have photos of the kids?" He asked in a whisper.

Andrew Markham
2019-01-03, 08:53 PM
Morgan shook his head subtly at the reverend's question, then continued, "You can drive, huh? Neat. How was the traffic? Sometimes driving in this town can be crazy." Morgan licks his lips, realizing his eyes are lingering on the doughnuts.

Darius Vibrtrar
2019-01-03, 10:01 PM
The man shook his head.

"Naw, Its not so bad, I used to drive for a company that went belly up a few years back, I know the city, Got her to central park with the kids, and parked her car in a parking deck off 77th."

He ate another donut with a glazed look on his face of pleasure.

Andrew Markham
2019-01-03, 10:48 PM
Morgan looks over his shoulder at Blackthorn significantly, then asks, "Did she tell you when to come back for them? I'd sure love to know when she's gonna be back around."