View Full Version : Roleplaying Characterisation over Optimisation

2018-11-14, 09:38 PM
Regarding ability scores how much characterisation will affect the actual game.
So i have a Half Elf Scholar who suffered a tragedy, spent a little time in the army but ultimately fell to his desire for revenge and made a deal to become a warlock.
So his background (scholar) doesnt gel well with his class and i just dont see him as less than a 14 in intelligence based on a few ideas around of how intelligence translates to things we no in the real world. At 12 he is high school graduate but at 14 he could be the traveling researcher visiting libraries that i imagine he was.
So i am currently thinking 10/12/13/14/10/14 with racials to chr(+2), dex and cons (+1)

Will this impact game play to the extent it isnt worth it?

As a secondary question: Are there any things at higher levels that REQUIRE certain ability scores to be able to use?


2018-11-14, 09:40 PM
Will this impact game play to the extent it isnt worth it?

Absolutely not. You're trading +1 to some attacks and saves for a far more developed and interesting character. It reminds me of my Int 14 High Elf barbarian.

2018-11-14, 10:03 PM
You could just play an INT based Warlock. Just have all the warlock abilities key off of INT instead of CHA Your backstory summary doesn't provide a great justification for CHA anyway (though that stat admittedly needs little justification ever).

2018-11-14, 11:17 PM
Will this impact game play to the extent it isnt worth it?

Copout answer: That depends on how YOU value the characterization versus optimization.

I've heard it's perfectly fine to have a +2 mod for your main ability. What are you trading? Charisma (social) skills, spell attack, damage and saves for Intelligence (lore/investigation) skills and save. <-- Note that Intelligence saves are the rarest (only Intellect Devourers IIRC). You can make it work, lots of people really like playing well-rounded characters.

As a secondary question: Are there any things at higher levels that REQUIRE certain ability scores to be able to use?

Multiclassing (at least 13), feats, heavy armor (STR 13,15), ...

You could just play an INT based Warlock. Just have all the warlock abilities key off of INT instead of CHA Your backstory summary doesn't provide a great justification for CHA anyway (though that stat admittedly needs little justification ever).

This is a popular adjustment for GOO Warlocks. Be careful, I remember concerns that Wizard multiclassing then becomes very powerful or something along those lines.

2018-11-14, 11:53 PM
Will this impact game play to the extent it isnt worth it?

Part 1: I've always thought Warlocks ought to be INT based anyway. "The guy who started studying magic and then sold his soul for quick power instead of ten more years in the library" makes more sense than "He was a charming guy, everybody liked him, then he sweet talked a GOO into giving him power".
Part 2: How much it will impact game play depends on
a) whether everyone else at the table optimizes their build for whatever they want to shine at
b) whether they employ good tactics to that end
c) whether you care about shining in that same situation.

If your answer to all of those is "very much so" then you have a problem. If nobody else optimizes, or if they don't operate their mechanics well, or if they're all focused on combat but you shine as the party Face, then "merely adequate in combat" is fine.

2018-11-15, 01:43 AM
If your answer to all of those is "very much so" then you have a problem. If nobody else optimizes, or if they don't operate their mechanics well, or if they're all focused on combat but you shine as the party Face, then "merely adequate in combat" is fine.

I certainly dont see him as the face, he is single minded in his pursuit. He will be doing everything to further his goal and tagging along with the party is just a means to an end. lol. If anything him as the face could get them all in a lot of poo. lol