View Full Version : Ascetic Stalker and dodge bonus

2018-11-15, 01:16 AM
So yeah, Ninja is mostly just a worse Rogue, and Monks are famously bad. So you'd not expect their multiclass synergy feat to be that great, and indeed it isn't. Some such feats that allow certain class abilities to stack even also add a unique synergy (higher stun DC, dazing smite, etc.). And so then why don't the two classes with a (lvl/5) dodge bonus to AC allow this to stack with their feat? Heck, even Ascetic Mage allows this, and that's combining Monk with Sorcerer/Bard/etc., i.e. classes that don't normally have a dodge bonus like this. Sure, this is an easy house-rule fix, but why not design the feat that way?

tl; dr, the Ascetic Stalker feat should allow your Ninja and Monk levels to stack for dodge bonus to AC. Especially since the idea of a martial arts ninja is just iconic in cinema and other media.