View Full Version : [3.5] Tips for a High-Level Warblade (Staying Relevant)

2018-11-15, 10:29 AM
One of the players in my current campaign is playing a straight warblade (with two levels of monk) in a grappler/mage-killer build. Now, the player in question is not actually having trouble staying relevant. The party just hit 15th level, and he contributes fully to social and combat situations. Knowing that even higher levels are coming, the player asked me what he can do to keep on top of his game (since, as we all know, higher levels are an increasingly different ball game). I advised him to pay special attention to his gear, since he'll need immunities and flight in the coming adventures. I want to ask the Playground what other tips I can give this player!

It's a fairly low-op campaign by Playground standards; the players aren't forum-crawlers and we've soft-banned well-known shenanigans involving polymorph, gate, etc.

2018-11-15, 10:51 AM
Smart itemization is key. You want a balance of items that enhance your existing capabilities (like magic weapons and armor) and items that grant you new capabilities (like crystal balls and flying carpets).

Build-wise, it sounds like the character is doing what it's supposed to do. That's not too surprising; initiators tend to scale fairly well. In fact, if a non-initiator wanted tips on staying relevant at high levels, the go-to advice is often to multiclass as a warblade. I might recommend getting the Patience domain ability via Touchstone (Catalogues of Enlightenment) to stave off enemy spells that get past the warblade's other defenses, and I'm guessing the player already knows about the Mage Slayer feat line.

2018-11-15, 11:20 AM
Let's see...a Legacy item could be very useful if statted properly. It's your one-stop point for Mind Blank, Contingency, the useful part of Foresight (always able to act - Cunning ability), teleportation and even level-appropriate healing if desired. A custom Legacy is the only way to make it worth your while, and one that doesn't serve as your primary weapon (e.g. Gauntlet is a good option). Grappler needs some kind of access to Antimagic Field with everyone having an easy access to Freedom of Movement, probably Antimagic Torc.

I wouldn't neglect your ranged attack options: with a reasonable bow (say, +1 Seeking Force) and special arrows (e.g. Brilliant Energy, Bane, Phasing, Blood-Seeking) you can often contribute in some extreme range engagements you could do nothing in otherwise. With this high a level, it shouldn't be too big a part of your WBL.

Could add a level or two of Ranger for Favored Enemy: Arcanists (Complete Mage), Bow proficiencies and Rapid Shot + a boatload of skillpoints and Ranger Wands if desired. This would set the stage for the feat Nemesis (Book of Exalted Deeds) to enable autodetection of arcanists within 60' and some other minor bonuses. Also, he'd be able to invest in stealth skills and Darkstalker to have another angle of attack against casters; sneaking works quite well in certain circumstances and is one of the few things mundanes can have a leg up on casters in.

Just some generic ideas.

2018-11-15, 11:36 AM
Next level of warblade gives him 8th level maneuvers, for example White Raven Hammer is a very good maneuver to have.
It would also be nice to get a 8th level stance, but with no feats or extra stance until level 18, he could consider taking a level of fighter to get Martial Stance on level 16, two levels earlier.

Another option to Multi-class is a level of Crusader for several 4th level maneuvers.