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2018-11-15, 12:09 PM

The air tastes of copper and death on the chilly plains of Hestil that morning. Soldiers lay dead, warriors rattled their last breaths, and spellslingers, singed and bloody, staggered forwards into the onslaught on broken limbs. The battle had raged all night, and it was far from over. Their men were battered, their forces weakened with exhaustion, but they press on, and all for one reason.

I love you with My every breath,
I make you songs like thunderbirds.

That voice… the Voice of the Goddess. It echoed above the battlefield, over the din of chaos, inspiring them onwards.

Give you My life, you give Me death,

It’s why they were all here. Why they were all fighting this war to end all wars, to restore peace to the world.

And stab Me with your dreadful words.

Queen Tiana raises her bow and spear, lets out a battlecry, and leads the charge into the shambles of Riasom’s army. They would not give up, not when they had come so far in this seemingly endless war. Soon, it would be over, and the small girl singing behind the ranks of soldiers to inspire them onwards would have nothing to fear any longer.

I saw the sun at midnight, rising red.
Deep hued, yet glowing…

It wasn’t only the soldiers this time. Tiana was used to leading the common rank and file, with Sundance and Daegal alongside her. But this battle was different. This time, they had the Dawn Brigade. This time, they were going all the way to Riasom’s throne room, and they wouldn’t stop until his head was mounted on a pike.

…heavy with the stain.

Though united in purpose, the four champions all had different reasons to be there.

I saw the sun at midnight, swift in size and growing,
The heavens bowed their head, bowed their head…

The embers of the sacred forest had barely cooled when Valien Carsomyr arose to the ranks of the Brigade. The knight had merely taken one look at Cordelia before swearing himself in allegiance to the Maiden. With the shame of running behind him, the griffon-knight swore he would never flee battle again, and has become a bastion of courage and power on the battlefield.

From its heart slow dripped crimson rain…

Only a couple months into the war, and the strange, fox-like woman appeared in Queen Tiana’s court. With her strange origins – and the fact that another nine-tail was known to be on Riasom’s side – it was hard for Queen Tiana to trust Saetiri Velu, but the woman had shown herself to be pure of intentions, and her gentle heart and healing touch won her a place at Cordelia’s side. But since joining the group, she has added into their mix something that none of them could face this war without – a smile, and hope for the future.

A great tremor shook it as of pain…

Magnus Bjornson is not someone Tiana ever would have expected to see in Cordelia’s service – not with how he had served under Riasom in the past. Everyone knew of Magnus’ father, Bjorn, the paladin who had ascended to godhood by the blessing of La. But when the war began, Magnus fought for the wrong side. He was a bastion in the army of Hestil. Until, as Tiana believes, one day, he had seen the error of his ways, and he appeared in the camp of the Army of Dawn, bowed on one knee before Cordelia and asking for repentance and a place at her side. Now, he fights for the light – and carves down any who would stand in his way.

I see the blood upon the rocks,
And on the stones, the sorrow of My eyes.

And then, there was the woman who had appeared out of the wilderness to become the last member of the Brigade. Queen Tiana had known of Acacia’s exploits well before then. As a scout, she was invaluable. As a trapper and poisoner, her potential for slaying their foes was even greater than that. At Cordelia’s side, the Brenin has become a potent force for good.

My burning heart weeps amid eternal snows,

The four fight with the army, now, breaking Riasom’s defenses. Morning is dawning, but none of them have slept a wink that night. How could they have? They are so close. They press ever onwards, closer to the keep, until, until…

My tears fall from the skies.

"Rout! We are routed! Fall into the keep!"

Hestil’s army broke, fleeing into the walls of the final stronghold. Queen Tiana roared in triumph, but she did not press the charge. Not for now. No. They needed to take a moment. Catch their breath, and rest. But it would end tonight. It would end tonight.

"Form up!" she called over the fray. "Fire at their flanks, drop whomever you can!" was her final order for the battle. And when Hestil’s last soldiers had either fallen in retreat, or in death, she called the soldiers to a cease fire.

"See to the wounded! Sort out the living and the dead! And ready yourselves for an assault – tonight, we become Kingslayers!"

There was a resounding shout from the soldiers, who, though weary from the fight, were invigorated by the victory. They started combing the field, finishing off downed enemies and healing their own. It was only then that Cordelia went onto the field, putting her healing powers to use to save as many as she could.

As for the rest of the Brigade, Tiana found them.

"I see you all still live – that’s a relief. Prepare yourselves. We have only a few hours before we will fight again. I must meet with Sundance and Daegal and get a report on our remaining numbers. It should only take an hour. We will meet then in my tent and discuss our final strategy," she decided. "Sort yourselves out - keep an eye on Cordelia. And meet me in the tent in an hour. We will need you all to lead the way to Riasom's throne room."

The plan in place, the Queen rode off, and the Brigade was left to catch their breath and see how they themselves had fared in the fight, until it was time to meet Tiana around the war table, hopefully, just for one last time.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?573784-OOC-Dawnbringers&p=23507329)

El'the Ellie
2018-11-15, 04:16 PM
"Drop whomever you can!"

Saetiri turned away from the battlefield. The fight was necessary, but she had little to no stomach for it. Attacking a fleeing foe was a small step above massacring, but since there was a likely chance they were going to fight the survivors of this shortly, there seemed to be no better choice. As painful as it was to see the dead strewn about the battlefield, she would rather see ten of Riasom's soldier's than one of their own. So she strayed back to their encampment, allowing her mind to wander away from the atrocities of the day.

One more push. Tonight. Then this will all be over, and things will return to normal, to peace.

She flipped of her hat and turned it upside down. "Come out Roust, the fighting is done. For now, at least." At her cajoling, a pair of furry black and white ears poke out of the top, followed by a pink nose sniffing the air cautiously. Eventually the whole rabbit hops out of the hat, landing on the grass below. Saetiri pulls her red hair back, tying it at the bottom with a blue ribbon that had fallen out during the fighting to keep it out of her face. She sits against her green and brown broom as it hovers a few feet in the air, petting Roust who had hopped into her arms. She turns to the others, doing her best to keep her tone optimistic, not the somber feeling in her gut at the moment.

"Seven years and I still never know what to say at times like this. Well done?" She shakes her head. "Hopefully it won't matter. How are you all feeling, friends? Ready for one more charge?" Looking at the faces in front of her, Saetiri thinks already knows the answers. But she still wants to hear them say it.

2018-11-15, 04:58 PM

"Fire at their flanks, drop whomever you can!"

Something moves in a tree beside the battlefield. A flurry of arrows flies out like a flock of birds, striking a fleeing soldier and cutting his escape short. Silently, Acacia grabs arrow after another, firing a full barrage into the ranks of the fleeing soldiers. She stops firing only when they're out of range. Shouldn't waste too many arrows. I'll need them for the assault.
She climbs down from the tree to join the others of the Dawn Brigade.

The Dawn Brigade. It's still weird to think how I ended up here.

She spots Magnus first. The man is very hard to miss on the battlefield. You just follow the trail of carnage, really. She waves at him, then points at his shoulder. "Well fought. There's uh... something... It's a chunk of... brain on your shoulder, I think."

The rest of the group gathers as queen Tiana finds them.

"I see you all still live – that’s a relief. Prepare yourselves. We have only a few hours before we will fight again. I must meet with Sundance and Daegal and get a report on our remaining numbers. It should only take an hour. We will meet then in my tent and discuss our final strategy," she decided. "Sort yourselves out - keep an eye on Cordelia. And meet me in the tent in an hour. We will need you all to lead the way to Riasom's throne room."

Sundance... Acacia shakes her head. No time for that. She'd practically begged the queen not to reveal her identity to the commander of Gavelmith's cavalry. That'd only be a distraction. We can talk once this is all over. The brenin suppresses a sigh, and turns her attention to the kitsune. "Well fought." She replies curtly. Being the last to join the Dawn Brigade - and often ahead of the group to scout - means she hasn't had much time to make friends with the others. "I've enough arrows for another charge."

Acacia looks around. "I'm going to do a quick sweep of the perimeter. The army may have fled but there may still be assassins on the loose. Keep an eye on the Sister." She turns away from the group to have a good look around, to make sure there are no snipers in the trees or hidden traps on the battlefield.

Perception roll: [roll0]
Stealth roll: [roll1]

2018-11-16, 12:46 AM
Valien Carsomyr was next to arrive, having pursued the fleeing enemy a short distance to cut down a few more before he returned to the line. Despite being in the thick of the fighting, his armor covered in its share of nicks, dents, and blood, both he and his griffon steed had escaped injury. "Well-fought indeed! By the grace of Heaven and the blood of martyrs, we have them on the run." His voice was hoarse from shouting commands and battle-cries over the din of combat, but was certainly undiminished in volume. "Touring the perimeter? Perhaps I shall do the same, keeping the enemy's eyes away from the ground. One circuit only, though; we all need a reprieve before the final assault."

2018-11-17, 11:00 PM
Magnus swept forward repeatedly, surging forward and killing all around him, then backing off to reassess. He didn't call upon his brutal rage, but merely his innate and hard won skill at arms. His arms were covered to the elbow in bloodand gore. As the enemy routed, he backed off once more, allowing the normal soldiers to follow up the advance. He gathered with the rest of the Dawn Brigade in a quiet spot on the battlefield. They were near Cordelia. He was part of her bodyguard, but he was more of an offensive weapon than the others, so he tended to stray farther from her than they did, lashing out at anyone who seemed likely to get near her.

At Acacia's words, he brushed the brains off his shoulder. His blue and gold shirt and cloak were sodden with gore, and the underlying colours were barely visible. He looked every bit the darker version of his deific father, the god of righteous battle. But where his father shone brilliantly, he was more a force of nature, powerful and full of rage.

"I am always ready for one more advance," Magnus said to Saetiri's question. There was a weariness to his voice which was not matched by the powerful stance he took up. He never looked downbeaten, but there was a familiarity to his voice which was well known to his comrades, who knew how much he disliked killing ordinary soldiers. They were, after all, merely men who were forced to do battle by their betters, people whom Magnus had no problem in killing, even if they were people who had previously been his own friends.

El'the Ellie
2018-11-18, 11:25 AM
Saetiri nods. "I'll keep an eye on Cordelia then. Be safe." she says with a smile, as she always does when separating from the group. Sitting sideways on her broom, she gets off to find the Sister.

2018-11-18, 01:07 PM
Saetiri finds Cordelia shortly after beginning her search. Since the girl wasn't in the heat of the battle, her white dress stands out among all the red on the battlefield - though the knees and hem of her gown have become stained red, now, as she wades through the wounded and kneels next to the fallen. Each time she stops, another soldier is miraculously pulled back from the brink of death, and is able to get up on his own power and return to the army's encampment. After, of course, thanking the girl for her aid. Such powerful healing can only be another sign of the divine blessing on Cordelia.

The girl welcomes Saetiri at her side, when the kitsune appears, and together they continue across the battlefield. The longer they're out there, the less wounded there are to save, as the dead begin to pile up before Cordelia can reach them. Her expression is troubled, but resolute, as she continues to work on saving who she can for the next hour.

Together, Valien and Acacia take a circuit around the battlefield. There is plenty to see - fallen soldiers, fallen giants, even a young dragon, here and there, who had fallen in the thick of battle, their black and blue hides stained with blood. (Magnus, of course, would note, that none of the fallen were his own former friend, Theris.) The two are not attacked, however. Riasom's men have holed themselves up in the keep for a final defense against the Army of Dawn. Archers watch your movements warily from the parapets of the keep's walls.

The hour passes, and then it is time to meet Tiana in the war tent to discuss final strategy. Upon arriving, the Dawn Brigade finds the Queen of Eshen leaned over a rough map of the keep - information supplied earlier by Magnus himself - and trying to discern the best angle of attack. She looks up as each member of the vanguard arrives, and offers them a tense smile. "Well met," she says with a nod. "I assume all of you are ready?" At their confirmation, she returns her attention to the map once again, outlining the plan she has concocted with Daegal and Sundance. "Breaking these walls isn't going to be easy. A direct assault with the infantry through the front gates would be suicide. I'm having Daegal bring up the catapults so we can begin siege," she says, but there is a frown on her lips. A drawn out siege was not what she wanted. All of them wanted this to end tonight. "There's no way we can get the army in to storm the keep as long as those walls hold. But a smaller group..." she looks up, pointedly, to the Dawn Brigade, gathered before her. "May be able to break in under Riasom's nose and deliver a final blow against him that he won't see coming."

2018-11-18, 05:55 PM

"Field's clear. They've all fled into the keep, it seems." Acacia reports as she enters the war tent. She lets out a slight sigh of relief, noticing that the queen's commanders are not part of this meeting. No time for distractions, definitely not tonight.

She stands at attention when Tiana addresses them. "I'm ready." She listens to the queen in silence, nodding occasionally. "That sounds like a suicide mission. Which is just the thing we're good at. All we need is a good plan." She looks at the group. "What do we know about the keep? Secret entrances, people on the inside, structural weaknesses we could exploit?"

Can I roll some sort of knowledge check to see if Acacia knows anything about the keep?

2018-11-19, 03:37 AM
"If we have some stratagem to conceal us en route, Greytalon could fly us all in," Valien suggested. "With his enchanted harness, the weight is nothing to him—though it may take some improvisation to actually hold us all."

El'the Ellie
2018-11-19, 10:44 AM
Saetiri roams the battlefield that she once avoided focusing on, empathizing with Cordelia through the field of corpses. "For every man and woman that gave their lives today, another village in Eshen and beyond will know peace besides this war. I find it helps to think of them when we see those we cannot save," she says, noticing the troubled expression of the Sister. "Our job, after this, is to seal those sacrifices in the permanency of victory, so that they will never be forgotten."


Back at the tent, Saetiri busies herself sweeping the doors of the meeting area. What appears as menial, almost silly, labor is in actuality a powerful abjuration. Perhaps unnecessary here, but just one more layer of security to ward off any potential prying eyes. Besides, Sae always found that the methodical work helps her think. As she works, tiny green flame-like creatures appear around herself and the others, cleaning their wounds, restitching their clothes, and removing at least the visual atrocities of their battle, if not the scars it leaves.

Using Sae's broom to protect up to 6 entrances to the tent with protection from evil for two hours. Also using Housewifery to clean off the muck of battle from folks (unless they want to keep it)

From her work around the tent Saetiri chimes in. "I can fly myself along side Greytalon to save space. Perhaps one other as well, though it will be slower. Proficient as we might be at 'suicide missions', its hardly my first preference. Have we considered a middle ground for our vanguard? I imagine dealing with the guards at the gate will be significantly easier, and would allow the army to pour in. With luck it might also draw the attention of Riasom's lieutenants away from the Spider King, making our job of killing him much easier. My fear is that we may get all the way to Riasom under cover of night, and discover him surrounded by his champions: he will be paranoid after today's defeat. I would imagine he might pull all his resources to ensure his own safety above all else. La forbid our assassination mission turns into a trap, it may change our victory today into a great loss."
Saetiri shrugs and sits back on her broom hovering slightly a few feet in the air, her tails twitching a bit in nervous anticipation. "I will follow to the end either way my Queen. But there are my thoughts."

2018-11-19, 01:34 PM
Tiana listens to Saetiri's concerns, giving a nod after the kitsune has voiced them. "Valid point," she concedes. "We know that not all of his champions are here - that kobold nuisance is down harassing Abeern, and the merfolk and her navy are up at the islands. We have intelligence that the vampire is down towards Gavelmith - but from what I've heard, teleporting himself here might not be out of the question," she says. "I've heard rumors that the black nine-tail was seen on the battlefield here today. He will likely be with the Spider now," she hums. She looks to the others. "What do you all think?" she questions. "Would you prefer an attempt at the walls, rather than a stealthier mission into the keep itself? Either way, we will need your strength to ensure our success."

2018-11-19, 05:22 PM

"That's not a bad idea, actually. Cause chaos in the keep by letting our army in, then make for the spider king. I agree that we don't want to turn today's victory into a defeat." Acacia looks at the others. "We'd still need to get in stealthily, though. We can't let them raise the alarm too quickly; we don't want them to mount any sort of capable defense."

The Brenin taps her chin, in thought. "What do we think, could we fly in quickly enough to prevent them from raising an alarm? Because if not, I suggest Magnus and myself scale the walls quietly so that we can get the element of surprise."

"Then, once the gates are opened, we head into the keep to seek out the spider king."

2018-11-20, 01:33 PM
"When the Spider—I shall not call him king—first came into his power," Valien added with a sudden shift in tone, "the Grand Master of my order, together with his honor guard, attempted to assassinate him. Perhaps we surpass their might. But since then, the Spider's might has surely increased as well, and the Knights chose a moment of vulnerability to strike whereas the Spider will be on guard now and surrounded by retainers. And I confess I am not made for clandestine war. Thus I favor capturing the gate before we press further into the Spider's burrow," he concluded.

2018-11-21, 03:58 AM

"I overheard some soldiers calling him Itsy Bitsy." She adds as a throwaway comment. "So, that's three votes for an assault on the gate to cause a distraction. What do you think, Magnus?"

"So, if we decide to do this, how will we approach? Through the air, or do we try to get Magnus and myself in position for a surprise attack?"

2018-11-23, 06:11 AM
Magnus studied the map of the keep. He remembered his days walking the very halls whose layout was miniaturised in the drawing before him. He tried to think of something more tactically useful and effective than either charging the walls en masse, or two people climbing over guarded walls. It was not cowardice which prevented him from approving of this avenue, but the likelihood that they would die with their mission a failure. He tried to think back on whether there was another option. He tried to remember whether he had ever heard of there being a secret passage into the castle. In his experience, all castles seemed to have one, just in case of a siege, so that the inhabitants could escape.

He leaned forward over the map and studied it closer, stretching his memory to try to recall any mention he may have heard of such a secret passage.

Hannahbbug, feel free to roll whatever check you require to see if this works.

2018-11-25, 07:04 AM
Magnus dragged his finger down across the map, indicating a couple of positions. "There is a sewer system beneath the Keep. There are a number of entrances, but they are all out in the open, and the guards on the walls will see us. We could organise an attack in one of the point, shift some soldiers around and block their sightlines of us entering the sewers," he suggested. He then moved his attention to another point on the map, and pointed out an area to the rear of the Keep. "Another option, which I personally prefer, is to enter the sewers from behind. There is an entrance beneath this guard tower, but from what I can recall, you can't see the entrance from the tower. There is dead ground on the approach, so we can get there unobserved, then get into the Keep from beneath. It should be very sparsely guarded. After all, who sets guards on a sewer when there is an army at the gates? With luck, we will be able to penetrate straight to the heart of the Keep, and get to Riasom with only minimal opposition. Only problem is that we can't take a large force with us. I know that sewers aren't really in the style of the Dawn Brigade, but I think we will have to go alone, as an elite strike force."

He looked up and around at all of the Dawn Brigade and the army leadership. "Either way, it is much safer than the options we have had presented so far. What does everyone think?" he asked. He knew that he wasn't entirely trusted, and not at all by some, but this seemed the best way for him to attain some measure of atonement for his past actions, by killing Riasom himself, or at least, by using his ill gained knowledge of the Keep to gain entrance for the force which would kill him, even if he did not strike the killing blow personally.

2018-11-25, 04:52 PM

Acacia rubs her chin. "Hmm... I like that idea. But it does again open up the possibility of Itsy Bitsy's retinue of elite guards to defeat us and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat." The Brenin turns to Saetiri and Valien, then back to the queen and Magnus. "And it means we're definitely not getting to use Valien's air superiority. But it does mean we've got a shot at getting in without being spotted."

She sighs. "Both plans work for me. I'll be useful either way."

2018-11-25, 09:47 PM
"Any chaos you make on the inside could give us an opening out here," Tiana says. "Though if you all could somehow get the gate open from the inside, more the better. If the sewer's the best way to get in, then it's the route you should take. But once you're inside... what you do is up to you all."

2018-11-26, 02:50 AM
"I am not above going through the sewer, if it be the sound option. Likewise, Greytalon is formidable in melee even if he cannot fly, provided only that he can get inside. If we can reach it undetected, I believe entry through the sewer, followed by a swift action to take the gate will serve us best."

El'the Ellie
2018-11-26, 10:07 AM
Saetiri considers, then shrugs. There was some part of her that liked the image of Magnus crawling through the sewers. She pushed that thought away: on the eve of their victory it wouldn't help to be petty. "If travel through the sewers helps us get in the citadel safer and more quietly, then it's a good plan to me. I vote with Tiana: I think we should use Magnus's sewer entrance to get in the keep, open the gate from the inside, then slip away from the ensuing chaos to deal with Riasom. A clean three step plan. 'Good things come in threes.'" She says, echoing an old hedge witch adage.

2018-11-26, 01:17 PM

Acacia nods. "Sounds like we have a plan, then. Sneak in, pop the gate, and in the confusion, smash the spider. I vote in favor."

2018-11-26, 02:16 PM
Tiana nods, looking over the group. "I trust you will take good care of Cordelia. While I am loathe to part with her... I know she will be safest with you, and she will need to be there to reclaim the medallion," the queen says, offering each member of the Brigade a small smile. "Is there anything further you need from me?" she asks.

2018-11-27, 07:17 AM
Magnus listened to the others approve of his suggestion with a measure of guarded satisfaction. If things went well, he would be more likely to be accepted by his new comrades. If the entrance was heavily guarded or, worse, led to a trap, he might even be attacked by his companions as an apparent spy. But there was little that he could do about it at this stage. It was definitely the best option available to them, and they had to take the risk in order to better ensure success for the battle as a whole.

"I agree. Attacking the gates from inside is the best option. Then we should head back into the sewers while the rest of the army attacks through the gates. Once back in the sewers, we should be able to sneak inside the main part of the Keep, and will hopefully get closer to Riasom's throne room before anyone can stop us, and while they are distracted by the main attack," he suggested.

El'the Ellie
2018-11-28, 12:38 AM
Saetiri shakes her head and takes off her pointed hat, flipping it upside down for Roust to hop into, which he dutifully does. "The good will and spirit of our army is the only thing I need now. Lead on Magnus."

2018-11-28, 05:12 PM

Acacia eyes Magnus suspiciously. Sure, he's been part of the Dawn Brigade longer than her, but he did fight for the enemy in the war. She considers this for a moment before pushing the thought away. If it is a trap they'll make their way out of it. Wouldn't be the first time. "Alright. You probably know your way around the place Magnus, and I'm sure you want to lead the charge, but if I were the spider I'd have that entrance trapped to hell and back. I'll be right up there with you to do what I do best: handling traps. Let's go."

"Oh, and your majesty, I'd suggest not sending anyone in after us. I may leave a nasty surprise or two behind in case some of Itsy Bitsy's forces follow our trail."

2018-11-29, 10:52 AM
Magnus nodded his acceptance of Acacia's words. He could not expect trust, he knew, but acceptance of his plan was sufficient for his needs at present. He considered what was said, then replied, "Traps are possible, I suppose. But Riasom tends to be a big picture sort of person. He will watch for armies, not small scale strike teams. And sewers are literally beneath his attention. He will probably not even consider them, though it is possible that one of his lieutenants might. So we must still be careful. Besides, we are sure to encounter trouble at some point, so earlier or later makes little difference. To be honest, I am less worried about guards down there, or at the entrance to the sewers, than I am about monsters just being left to live down there. I think that is more likely. So be ready to fight just about anything," he said.

2018-11-29, 12:50 PM
The lot of you, with Cordelia following beside Saetiri, head towards the clandestine entrance. Magnus, attempting to lead the way to the sewer entrance, shows his presence to the walls a bit more than he probably should, but then Acacia takes the lead and Magnus is able to keep his head down just enough to avoid being spotted. The approach to the sewer along the walls goes well enough, and soon the group arrives at the gated entrance. Acacia makes quick work of the locked grate, and then the group steps inside. The way is darker as the group gets farther from the entrance, and the smell certainly isn't pleasant, but everything thus far has gone without a hitch.

Again, Acacia takes the lead, looking for traps and any other obstacles in the way, but it is eerily quiet. Soon enough, the group reaches a way up within the keep. Above, there are footsteps passing at regular intervals, with about a minute's space in between.

El'the Ellie
2018-11-29, 01:15 PM
Saetiri wrinkles her nose at the smell, but ultimately the fact that they got this far successfully was an excellent start. In a voice barely above a whisper she says to Cordelia and the others. "When the bards sings songs of this day let's leave this part out, yes?"

She follows closely behind the brenin, confident in her ally's trapfinding skills.

2018-11-29, 05:12 PM

The Brenin looks at Saetiri and shrugs. She whispers in response. "I honestly don't care what they sing, as long as we get rid of the spider." She turns to Magnus. "Magnus, do you know where we are exactly? How far is it from here to the gate? Ideally we should be avoiding detection until we've opened it. I could probably sneak myself in, but I'd prefer it if we stick together for safety's sake."

2018-11-30, 08:46 AM
Magnus considered exactly where he thought the sewers had taken them, based on how far and in what direction they had come so far. It was definitely within the Keep, but it was hard to be precise. "We will come out in the main square if we continue for about two hundred feet. I think we are near either the armoury or the barracks. That would explain why there are troops wandering around above us, when they should be on the wall. If we go up here, we come out in the Keep and can get onto the wall and run about three hundred feet to the gate, perhaps a little more. Only problem is that we will be visible to archers when we are on the wall. A small problem, but I thought it would be something worth mentioning. Coming out in the courtyard will be more obvious, but will get us closer," he said, laying out the two options which had occurred to him. He didn't advocate for either one in particular. He was willing to go either way, and the danger didn't frighten him especially. Or rather, it did, but he knew that when he entered his battle rage it wouldn't any more. And it was, after all, his actions in combat which would matter.

2018-12-01, 12:45 AM
Valien frowned has he pondered the options. "If we come out in the courtyard, how easy is it to get up to the wall?"

2018-12-01, 10:28 AM
Magnus considered the question, then thoughtfully replied, "It is a little hard to say. I never paid that much attention to the sewer system when I was fighting for the other side. So I can't recall exactly where we would come out. But it shouldn't be hard to find stairs leading up, or a door leading straight onto, the wall, depending on exactly where it comes out."

2018-12-02, 04:00 PM

Acacia thinks for a second. "So, opening the gate without being spotted is not going to happen. I'm going to take a quick peek, see if I can get a sense of how many guards we're dealing with here." She sneaks really close to the grate about half a minute after the footsteps disappear, trying to get as good a view as possible without having to move the thing.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2018-12-02, 07:42 PM
From her vantage point, Acacia is able to see that, other than the patrol, the hallway is empty. If they all manage to make it out between rounds, the group could get into the keep undetected.

2018-12-03, 05:11 PM

Acacia rejoins the group. "Alright. If we time this correctly we can slip out one by one in between their rounds and get into the keep unseen. That's probably our best bet to keep us hidden for as long as possible. If we do do it like that, I'll bring up the rear, leave the grate open and set a trap to cause some confusion here while we sneak up to the gate. How's that sound?"

2018-12-04, 12:07 AM
"Do we want to push our luck by splitting up?" Valien whispered. "What if it's the third one through who alerts them? Fortune has favored us thus far but not all of us are cut out for sneaking in plain sight."

2018-12-05, 04:22 PM

"Well, we should find a hiding spot inside the keep not far from where we come up, obviously. We could try the next grate, but if it's as Magnus says and it bring us up into the courtyard we'll get spotted immediately." Acacia pauses, rubbing her chin in thought. "And I'd rather not start a fight before we've opened the gates."

El'the Ellie
2018-12-05, 04:47 PM
Saetiri nods, saying nothing for fear of giving their position away. She's ready to jump up and find a hiding place as soon as Acacia gives the go ahead. Turning to Cordelia, she gives an inquisitive thumbs up, asking if she's ready to go as well.

2018-12-05, 05:13 PM
Cordelia, still quiet, offers Saetiri a small smile when the kitsune turns to her. She offers a thumbs-up of her own in return.

2018-12-07, 05:49 AM
Magnus slipped through into the corridor like a shadow, more silent than he had perhaps ever been called upon for in his entire life. There was no way anyone could possibly hear him. Unfortunately, the rest of the Dawn Brigade was much noisier, clanking along like the merchants of death they all were. He stifled a curse, as he heard the sound of approaching guards. He drew his sword and prepared to fight, moving to the front of the group in order to protect the weaker members of the party. He drew his blade back, the easier to swing at the moment the first enemy came into range. He just hoped they would not think of yelling for help, or they would have to retreat and find another way in. They couldn't fight the entire garrison on their own, as good as they all were.

2018-12-07, 04:26 PM

Acacia is impressed by the stealthiness of Magnus. You wouldn't expect someone that heavily armed to be that sneaky. Unfortunately for her, the others are all about as quiet as an elephant stampede in a kitchen utensil warehouse. Being the last out of the grate, she takes the time to set up a snare trap in the middle of the hallway between her own position and the direction of the footsteps of approaching guards.

Snare trap (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo-ranger-archetypes/trapper/ranger-traps) (DC 16 reflex save):
The trap constricts around a limb or other part of the triggering creature’s body (Reflex avoids). The creature cannot move from the location of the trap, unless the ranger included a “leash” when setting the trap, in which case the creature is limited to the length of the leash. The trapped creature can escape with an Escape Artist check (DC equal to the trap’s DC) as a full-round action. The trap or its leash has a number of hit points equal to 1/2 the ranger’s level, or can be burst as a full-round action with a DC 25 Strength check. The trap can hold up to a Medium creature; each extra daily use of the ranger’s trap ability spent when the trap is set increases the maximum size of creature the trap can hold. At the ranger’s option, if there is a tall object or structure nearby, she can have the trap lift the creature.

2018-12-07, 07:50 PM
Valien winced as his armor plates clattered against each other, and against the hole on the way out. Wielding his lance like a spear, he took up a position between the more vulnerable party members and the presumed approaching guards.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-07, 11:27 PM
Saetiri whacks her knee on the grate as they emerge, causing a great crashing noise. So much for being quiet...

She stands defensively, waiting to put to sleep the people that walk through the door

2018-12-08, 09:55 AM
A group of five - an orc, three humans, and a robed elf - rounds the corner, weapons drawn - but they immediately become stuck behind the first of their fellows, who is snagged in Acacia's trap. "Out of the way!" bellows the orc as he shoves past the three humans and takes the lead.

Cordelia steps back against Saetiri's side, hand on her holy symbol.

Block initiative - everyone acts before the enemies, so feel free to post in any order! Once everyone has committed their actions, I'll post the results and go to the enemies' turn. Exception is if one of you kills an enemy - then I'll post asap to let all of you know how many are still standing. But don't feel obligated to wait on this! We all know how combat drags in PbP.

2018-12-08, 05:45 PM

Acacia, standing beside Magnus, grins when the first guard gets himself stuck in her trap. She pulls out her bow and takes aim at the group. "Surrender," is her sole command.

Move action to draw bow.
Standard action to ready a ranged attack against the robed elf if (s)he starts casting a spell.

Attack (w/ deadly aim): [roll0]
Damage (w/ deadly aim): [roll1]

2018-12-09, 07:57 AM
Magnus paused to see if the command to surrender would work. He didn't stop his attack completely, just hesitated on his swing for long enough to see whether the sight of them would be more terrifying than their fear of Riasom.

Should they not stop advancing, Magnus swung his blade with lethal effect at the orc, who seemed the physically strongest of the enemy group.

Attack 1[roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
damage [roll3]

El'the Ellie
2018-12-09, 11:20 AM
Seeing the other step forward to press the assault, Saetiri wastes no time in casting a spell, causing waves of exhaustion to roll over the enemy guards. "Inda a byahara!" Her voice is almost singsongy, as it coaxes them to sleep.

Knowing that the elf will naturally be immune, she sends the spell as close to the three humans as possible.

Casting Deep Slumber, ideally avoiding the elf from the burst if possible. (in the event he has fewer HD than others, I don't want to target someone that's going to be immune and waste affected HD).

DC 19 will save or fall asleep for 6 minutes.

2018-12-09, 01:58 PM
Valien moved up alongside Magnus, and likewise readied himself to attack any of the guards who might stop for neither his allies' words nor their spells.

Move up to within reach of the enemies and ready an action to Power Attack any who remain hostile and aren't incapacitated by his allies' spells.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-12-09, 02:56 PM
The group continues to advance, and so Magnus is quick to dispatch the orc sergeant with a spray of blood. The three humans make as though to strike at Magnus, but each of them slumps towards the ground, put into a magical sleep by Saetiri's spell. The elf raises his hand - and his shot in the shoulder by Acacia, then rent across the chest by Valien. Within ten seconds of the group coming through the doorway, they are all downed.

Don't worry, it'll get more difficult. Just gathering data... :smalltongue:

2018-12-09, 07:35 PM
"Good fortune for us," Valien whispered breathlessly. "Now onwards, before more arrive!"

El'the Ellie
2018-12-10, 12:03 AM
Saetiri nods. "Agreed. It will be only a few minutes until they wake up. We need to raise hell before then."

2018-12-10, 05:06 PM

The Brenin nods. "Alright. Let's move. And let's hope we haven't alerted the entire keep yet."

2018-12-10, 09:27 PM
You all advance down the hallways towards the courtyard and the front gate. Soon enough, the group reaches a door with a grated window - outside you can see, about twenty feet away, is the main entry to the keep. There are plenty of soldiers in the courtyard and on the walls. Some are rushing here and there, giving orders and shouting directions as things outside the wall seem to be picking up - Tiana is getting the army in place for the assault when the doors open.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-11, 12:13 AM
Whispering to the others, Saetiri watches the guards go back and forth.

"How do we want to play this? I could slip into the gatehouse invisible and... influence the guards there to open the gates. I could potentially bring one other with me invisibly, but that's it."

2018-12-11, 01:52 AM
"Try it. But once the gates are open and the attack begins, we'll have to rush in anyways to stop them from retaking the gatehouse."

2018-12-11, 04:57 AM
Although a powerful warrior, Magnus was under no illusions about his ability to kill all the guards. He considered the options, and decided that there was no good alternative. "Do it. Who do you want to go with you?" he asked. He was happy to go along, but in spite of his stealth before, he could not guarantee that he would remain silent. Taking a warrior would likely be a good idea, though, just in case.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-11, 10:21 AM
Many of Saetiri's tails twitch as she thinks, a noticeable sign of her indecision. Eventually the answer is clear.

"Magnus. It's likely we will have to carve our way out; I want you at my side if that's the case."

She looks towards the gate, planning out a route. "Let me know when you're ready to go. I can maintain the invisibility for only about six minutes, but any aggressive action will end it. And of course, we won't be able to see each other, so we need to coordinate where we're going now."

What does the path to the gate look like, and can we see the gatehouse, or how to open the gate if there isn't one?

2018-12-11, 10:47 AM
The building you are standing in is about 10 feet away from the gatehouse. You'd have to go out this door and in through another - which may look strange if you're invisible. You can't see the inside of the gatehouse, so you have no idea how to open the gate or how many guards are inside.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-11, 11:58 AM
Sae peers at the window above the street. "On second thought, that window might be our best bet. It has to be less conspicuous than a door suddenly opening. I can fly the two of us on my broom."

She mounts the broomstick and slides back, leaving room for the man.

2018-12-11, 01:14 PM
Magnus unhesitatingly climbed aboard the broomstick, then held Sae around the waist, to ensure he stayed on. "When we dismount, I will hold you by the arm, so we don't get separated. I will not strike unless we are in immediate danger," he said, as he prepared to go.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-11, 03:07 PM
Saetiri bristles at the sudden closeness. At the same time, she pulls a series of potions from her hat and hands them to the other three. "We shouldn't be separated for long, but just in case."

6 Maximized potions of Cure Light Wounds (Restore 9 HP)
1 Potion of Saving Grace
24 Goodberries
1 Maximized potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Restores 19 HP)

At her command, the broom hovers a few feet in the air, and she settles back more comfortably against Magnus. Two of her tails swish and tap herself and Magnus: spreading from where they contact the colors of their body and clothes and the broom quickly fade away until they are invisible.

"Be safe."

She flies the two of them out among the enemy, aiming for the shuttered window.

2018-12-11, 05:09 PM
The two members of the Brigade glide silently forward and into the gatehouse. There are people occupying the second floor, several of whom look up as the shutters open - but you all are silent enough that one remarks "Strange wind," before moving over to close the shutters once again.

2018-12-11, 05:20 PM

Acacia accepts the potions and berries and hands them out equally to Valien and Cordelia. The two remaining potions she hands to Valien. "Here. You'll need them more than I will."

As decisive as she is on the matter of the potions, on the matter of who'll go with Saetiri, Acacia is torn. On the one hand, Magnus is definitely the best choice to go with her in case things go south. On the other hand, this would be the perfect opportunity to spring a trap. The Brenin decides to voice her misgivings about Magnus joining Saetiri, but the pair are already invisible. Acacia shrugs.

"Alright, I suppose we're doing this. Valien, I trust you're guarding Cordelia closely?" she asks as she sets up a snare trap behind them, in case guards show up from that direction. She keeps a close eye on her surroudings all the while doing that.

Snare trap (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo-ranger-archetypes/trapper/ranger-traps) (DC 16 reflex save)
Perception check: [roll0]

2018-12-11, 06:12 PM
Valien just nodded as he accepted the potions, and waited tensely.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-12, 03:40 PM
Hmm... Pulling on Magnus's arm to help him keep track of where she is moving, Saetiri steps quietly to the staircase to see what the situation looks like down there.

Another move silently if needed: [roll0]

2018-12-13, 10:02 AM
Magnus felt the tug at his arm, and followed very carefully. He considered moving at a relative crawling speed, to ensure he remained silent. But he also knew the spell would only last a few minutes, so he couldn't tarry. He walked along as silently as he knew how, allowing Sae to lead the way. He held his blade in his other hand, so he could strike first if they were rumbled.

Stealth roll for moving silently. I assume the +20 for invisibility doesn't count for this, but if it does, add that to the result. [roll0]

2018-12-13, 11:18 AM
The clank of Magnus' armor echoes through the room, and the guards immediately go on alert. "Who's there?" one calls, drawing a falchion and looking about the room as the others arm themselves, as well.

2018-12-14, 04:14 AM
Magnus bit back a curse as his armour clanked. He froze completely, weapon raised so that if they started to search the room he would be able to strike first. He had hoped they would make it farther into the gatehouse before getting caught. He wondered if another of the Dawn Brigade would have been a more silent choice to accompany Sae, but then decided that such thoughts were pointless right now. He prepared to fight.

2018-12-15, 05:06 PM

Acacia looks around nervously, then turns to Valien and Cordelia. "The guards are antsy. That's not good. Keep your eyes peeled." She breathes out. "I hope Magnus and Sae stay out of sight."

El'the Ellie
2018-12-18, 11:22 AM
Saetiri curses silently and freezes in place, ready to put these guards to sleep as well. For the time being, however, she stays still. Perhaps they will write it off as sounds from downstairs...

I'm going to wait and see what the guards do next. Did Sae get a good look at the downstairs area by any chance?

2018-12-18, 01:12 PM
From the glance Sae got downstairs, there are about six guards down there. They went on alert when they heard the other guards upstairs do so, but they didn't seem to hear what caused the alarm in the first place.
One of the guards immediately starts to sweep the room, spear outstretched before him and swinging blindly, trying to make contact with any unseen intruders. He soon enough steps into Magnus' reach.

2018-12-19, 11:50 AM
Magnus closed his eyes for a moment in silent prayer, wishing that he had been able to remain undetected and not have to slaughter poor embattled soldiers. But he felt he had no choice. There was little chance he would be able to avoid the swinging polearm, so he should take advantage of the element of surprise, and to attack as quickly as possible. Besides, he realised, even if they had made it downstairs and opened the gate, he would have ended up having to fight these men anyway, since they would try to force the gate closed again. So he had no choice at all, other than now or later. He took note of where Sae stood, then he released her arm and took the sword in both hands. He then took a couple of lightning fast swings, noticing after the first that he had become visible, but he continued to swing anyway.

Full attack, one on each man present if both can be hit, or focused on the nearest if the other is out of range.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2018-12-19, 12:20 PM
Magnus' sword cleaves into the soldier right along where his shoulder meets his neck - the first hit causes blood to gush everyone, and the second dispatches his head entirely. It lands on the floor with a thunk, followed quickly by the dropping of its previous owner's corpse.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-19, 12:27 PM
"Damn." Saetiri curses as soon as she sees Magnus appear swinging. Still, she could hardly blame the man: there was little chance of them not being found out anyway. She wastes no time in helping to dispatch the guards. Raising a glowing blue hand, she intones the same spell as before to put those that still stood to sleep.

"Tae e Undara!" It's sung like a brief chord of a song. If any astute listeners had heard the spell before this, the two invocations would sound like natural chord progressions.

Casting Deep slumber on as many of the conscious guards that I can.

Will save DC 19, as before.

2018-12-19, 01:21 PM
Four of the soldiers immediately drop towards the floor after the spell is cast - including one wearing the same sort of higher-rank markings as the Orc from before, slumping to unconsciousness halfway up the stairs. Two of the soldiers on the second floor are still up, and three are pushing their way up the stairs. With little hesitation, the two that were already on the second floor swing at Magnus, and while one from the lower floor doesn't quite make it upstairs, the other two enter the fray as well - one with a charge towards Sae, and the other leveling a bow at Magnus.





EDIT: Oops, that attack on Sae should definitely be dealing damage to Sae and not Magnus.

11 damage on Magnus and 5 on Sae. Crit did not confirm.

2018-12-19, 01:41 PM
Magnus moved forward, in between the two men who had attacked him, both of whom were the easiest for him to strike at. He lunged forward, striking out at both men, his blade shimmering with frost and noticeably lowering the temperature even as he carried it. He hoped that Sae would be able to take care of herself while he fought, since he was not yet in a position to help her. If he could kill these two quickly, he might be able to take a position at the top of the stairs and then fight the approaching enemies one at a time.

Full attack on the two men who attacked him. Uses the Lunge feat to increase his range by five feet, at a cost of -2 to his AC for the round.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Move five feet tot he other guard, should that still be necessary.

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2018-12-19, 01:53 PM
Neither of the guards suffering the brunt of Magnus' attack drop, but both are now heavily wounded.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-19, 02:47 PM
Saetiri winces seeing the bloodshed start in earnest, and cries out briefly in pain as the guard's blade cuts into her arm. She backs away and continues singing her spell of deep slumber, trying to focus first on those that Magnus didn't strike.

"Sah taeir ha!"

Casting deep slumber again on as many of the guards as I can. Same DC of 19 as always.

2018-12-19, 02:52 PM
Another four of the guards fall to the ground - leaving only the most heavily damaged staring down Magnus and Saetiri. He looks at the two warriors, takes a step back and throws down his weapon. "Don't kill me!" he pleads. "I swear, I'll keep quiet!" He looks abortively towards the window, still closed, then back to his opponents.

2018-12-19, 02:57 PM
Magnus checks his final strike, allowing the man to live, just as his father would have preferred him to do, in his role of god of soldiers. He hated to see people killed for no reason, in spite of his skill at doing so. He ignored the wounded man, other than growling at him to lay on the floor, and immediately headed for the ropes for the gate. He started to slash at them with his razor edged blade, knowing that the sleep enchantment couldn't last for too much longer, and wanting to get the gates opened before the enemies woke up.

2018-12-19, 03:02 PM
The solider holds still, eyes wide and mouth closed as Magnus opens the gate. With a great creaking sound, the steel and stone doors begin to slowly swing open, and there is a roar from the other side as the Army of Dawn begins their charge into the keep.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-19, 03:17 PM
Sae gives the soldier a bit of a sad look and shrugs. "I am sorry you have to go through this. This war will be over soon, and you are on the losing side. Flee: find as many as you can and tell them that defeat is inevitable, and that running or forfeiting is your only hope."

As she speaks, one of her tails twitch and her eyes glow an icy blue. Let him spread the word of defeat, and make the army's job that much easier. With luck the Army of Dawn will be able to take a few more hostages and save a few more lives.

She hops on her broomstick and waits for Magnus. "Well done. Let's return to the others and finish this."

Suggestion, from Magical Tail. I'm not sure if this counts as a second or third level spell, but most non-specialized spell lists seem to have it on 3rd level. Will save DC 20, and if this is a 'reasonable' or 'very reasonable' suggestion, he gets a -2 on his save.

2018-12-19, 03:23 PM
The man gives the kitsune a shaky nod, before stumbling down the stairs and fleeing the building. He runs through the courtyard, dodging around fights here and there before you all loose sight of him in the crowd.

"It seems we've done our part in getting the attack on its way," Cordelia says. Her voice is neutral - while pleased about the advance, she grimaces a little at the sight of blood starting to flow freely in the courtyard, now. The attention of all of Riasom's soldiers is on the advancing army, and as of yet, the Dawn Brigade's presence has still not been pinpointed.

2018-12-19, 04:05 PM
"Let us return to the sewers, my friends. Then we can enter the Keep itself, while the army holds the troops on the walls," Magnus said as he and Sae returned to the Brigade. He then started to lead them back down beneath the ground, where they could strike with surprise. He felt pleased that the attack was progressing so well so far, and with a grand total of only a couple of men dead so far, at their hands.

2018-12-19, 04:15 PM
"All right," Valien whispered. It was plain that he wanted to join the fight at the gates but he knew where he was needed. "Where is our next destination? I don't suppose the sewer tunnels are climbable right up into the throne room."

2018-12-19, 04:29 PM
"The throne room is unlikely to lead into sewers directly, but we should be able to find our way close to that area, and we can fight our way in from there. Most of the troops should be on the walls by now," Magnus said to Valien. He was trying to recall the layout of the sewers, which was made harder by the fact that he had never actually been in them before, but only heard tales of them. He had seen the sewer entrances from inside the Keep, but didn't know exactly how those related to the sewer itself. In spite of his uncertainty, he tried to find the best way in, listening carefully at the entrances they encountered in hopes of hearing commanding voices, or even hopefully Riasom.

2018-12-19, 05:22 PM

"Very well. Let's move quickly, before the spider has a chance to get away. Which way to get into the keep?" Acacia looks at Magnus questioningly before turning around and getting ready to join Magnus at the front to keep an eye out for traps.

Checking for traps all the way; perception: [roll0]
Stealth roll for good measure: [roll1]

2018-12-19, 06:31 PM
The group makes its way easily enough back into the sewers, Magnus leading the way. There aren't any traps down here, and the going is fairly easy, if you knew exactly where you were going. But it is when Magnus pauses at one of the sewer entrances when the group hears a loud shriek from the battlefield above. There is a bellowing roar, an unnatural hiss, and ungodly screaming - which Magnus recognizes as the very distinctive sound of a breath attack from a black dragon.

2018-12-19, 06:38 PM
Magnus went pale at the sound of the shriek. "That is a black dragon," he exclaimed, his voice distraught. He knew just how much damage such a dragon could do in battle. "It is almost certainly a black named Theris. He used to be my mount when I served Riasom. I should have known he would be here somewhere. It would not be like him to miss a battle so crucial to the war."

He paused for a moment, thinking. Then he said reluctantly, "We must continue onward. There is little we can do against Theris from down here, and by the time we get back to the courtyard it will be too late to help the poor wretches. They will have to fight him on their own. We have a singular ability to win this war, if we can defeat Riasom now. Let us continue." He increased his speed to try to get to Riasom more quickly.

El'the Ellie
2018-12-20, 10:45 AM
Saetiri breaths a sigh of relief as they rejoin the group and continue moving. As they head onward, she places a white and blue glowing hand on Magnus's injured shoulder. With a slight tickling sensation her magic begins to close their wounds.

"That was well done."

To the rest of the group, she says quietly. "As we reach Riasom's more formidable underlings, I think I'm going to get much less mileage out of my enchantments on them. I'll probably be focusing on keeping you all healthy in the fights to come."

Saetiri pales in trepidation as well when they hear Theris, wreaking havoc outside. But she nods and agrees with Magnus. "Agreed. The fact that he's here and not with the Spider means our plan is working. Now is no time to second guess."

2018-12-26, 12:03 PM
Cordelia closes her eyes and sticks close to Saetiri's side as she hears the dragon and the screams it causes. But she shakes herself from her thoughts and nods to the others. "We must press on," she says with determination. The sooner the Spider was dead, the sooner this would end. They all know that. Magnus once again takes the lead along the sewer system, and a few minutes later - according to his knowledge - they have reached the point in the castle where the sewers are closest to the throne room.

2018-12-27, 05:20 PM

The group stops, and Acacia moves to the front. "Alright, let me go and see what we have to deal with here," she whispers. "let's hope our plan has paid off." She sneaks up to the nearest grate, and carefully listens for any sign of guards nearby.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

El'the Ellie
2018-12-27, 07:43 PM
Saetiri grabs Cordelia's hand in a bit of instinctual care as they pass by the dragon. Thankfully it was dark.

She waits with baited breath as Acacia explores the room above: their plan had gone off better than could be expected, but as they say, the third time pays for all.

2018-12-28, 11:56 AM
Acacia creeps forwards, senses on high alert as she moves forward. She slips past a few guard patrols unnoticed - but now, they're less patrols and more men simply running frantically towards the courtyard. It isn't long before most of the guards have streamed out of the keep and into the fight outside, leaving the corridors seemingly abandoned and a clear shot to the throne room.

2018-12-29, 06:54 PM

The brenin, satisfied with what she's found, sneakily makes her way to the others. She takes out her bow and grabs an arrow in the other hand. "Alright. The way to the throne room is clear, or at least as clear as it's going to get. Let's not waste time, do our final preparations and get to the final showdown."

2018-12-29, 08:05 PM
"As soon as all are ready, and we emerge, I will call Greytalon."

Forgot to specify prepared spells, such as he has. Hero's Defiance and Protection from Evil sound good?

El'the Ellie
2018-12-30, 11:24 AM
Saetiri nods, standing close to the others before intoning a series of spells, woven seamelessly into a song in an old sylvan tounge.

"Smeòrach mis’ air ùrlar Phaibil
Crùbadh ann an dùsal cadail,
Gun deòrachd a thèid na ’s fhaide,
Truimid mo bhròn, thòirleum m’ aigne.

Smeòrach mis’ air mullach beinne
’G amharc grèin’ is speuran soilleir;
Thig mi stòlda chòir na coille -
Bidh mi beò air treòdas eile."

Blue and green wisps fly from her closed hands around the others, protecting them all with shimmering energy. When she's finished, she looks up from her spell with determination. "Ready. Cordelia, stand near me as we enter. I have one more protection, but it will only last a short time so I need to cast it at the last moment."


Spells cast:
Resist Energy (Acid) on Myself, Magnus, Acacia, Cordelia, and Valien.
Shield on myself.
(Just before entering) Misplacement on myself, then Cordelia.

2019-01-01, 11:49 PM
Coredelia gives Saetiri a nod at the instruction, but she catches everyone's hands before they're able to leave. It seems she has a blessing of her own to place on the party, as well. "I want you all to take these," she says, taking from her pocket a collection of golden bands, each inscribed with delicate runes and having the faint hum of magic upon them. "These will place a sacred bond between us, so that I may cast healing spells upon you at a distance. Just... in case," she says, offering the group a small smile.

These are homebrewed wondrous items - basically the same as Sacred Bond (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sacred-bond) spell, but with permanency upon them. These link all of you guys - so any conjuration (healing) spell that's normally touch-range that your character can cast will be able to be used through these at close range, instead!

EDIT: Also, utilizing my power to make rules as DM, I will allow Lay on Hands to be used through these, as well.

El'the Ellie
2019-01-02, 10:46 AM
Saetiri accepts and puts on the bracelet, immediately understanding it's power and significance. That would be a huge help, allowing her to preserve the safety of the others without getting too close to Riasom or his underlings.

Do the bracelets work in any direction (such as Sae > Acacia), or just Cordelia > Us?

2019-01-02, 12:21 PM
They work in any direction. :smallsmile:

2019-01-02, 04:58 PM

Acacia nods and puts on the bracelet. "Thank you, Cordelia. I assume you'll be staying out of sight as much as possible?"

2019-01-02, 06:21 PM
"Until I'm needed to take back the medallion. Please, be very careful. It is said the Medallion corrupts whoever touches it... unless they are of the bloodline of Mithian," Cordelia says. "It will have to be me to take the amulet back."

2019-01-02, 06:28 PM

The brenin nods again. "I'm not going near that medallion. You just make sure you're safe, because I'm not sure we'll be in any position to protect you during the upcoming fight."

2019-01-03, 01:33 AM
Valien nodded as he put on the bracelet. He didn't like the idea of leaving Cordelia to hide, but they couldn't spare anyone to guard her, and it'd be more dangerous for her if she accompanied them.

2019-01-03, 05:14 AM
Magnus offered Cordelia a worried look. He didn't like the idea of leaving her undefended, but he knew that they would be outnumbered. Besides, his place, no matter what, had to be at the front of the battle. His blade would be needed most of all, since he could inflict probably the most damage of any of the Brigade. He put on the bracelet with a nod of thanks, then lifted his weapon to show that he was ready to fight.

2019-01-05, 01:17 AM
Cordelia knew she would be needed at least close to the fight, enough to see what was going on. But it would be safer if she wasn't engaged. "Magnus," she said. "Do you know of anywhere close to the throne room I could hide?"

There are servant's corridors around the throne room which Cordelia could hide in.

2019-01-05, 04:58 AM
Magnus considered Cordelia's question. After a moment, he said, "There are servants corridors around the main throne room. Be wary, though, because they could be used as passageways for soldiers as well. I doubt they will be part of a trap, but they could run into you by sheer chance. Be careful, should you choose to hide there. Maybe one of us should stay with you, just in case. Though we will likely need every blade and spell we can manage in order to take down Riasom," he said.

2019-01-05, 05:12 PM
"Perhaps the best course would be for you to follow us at a safe distance, and stay in hiding, but not so far that we can't come to your aid. In any case, we must get moving quickly."

2019-01-06, 01:05 PM
"Yes, yes," Cordelia nods in response to everyone's words, knowing that they had little time to waste. The anxiety on her face is replaced by determination. If they hesitated now, everything they had worked for could be for naught. "Let's go," she says. Cordelia follows at a distance, trying to stay hidden, as they begin to move towards the throne room. While it seems that many of the ordinary soldiers are out in the courtyard, however, the throne room hasn't been left defenseless. Stationed outside the door, blade in hand and looking down the hallway in the direction of the Dawn Brigade's approach is a dark furred, nine-tailed kitsune, an expectant smile on his face and a clear crystal in one hand. Holding it up, he looks directly at Acacia.

"Found you," he growls.


EDIT: Because Viiroku has a higher dex than Saetiri, he goes first! Posting his actions in a second!

2019-01-06, 01:20 PM
A sinister grin on his face, the nine-tailed kitsune suddenly seems to take several actions at once, moving impossibly fast. One of his tails glow, and he seems to blur in and out of focus, making it difficult to get a sense on where he is actually standing. Then, he charges forward. He seems to take a swing towards Saetiri - but aborts it halfway, naginata slicing towards Magnus at the last moment.

RED ALERT: All damage from this attack bypasses DR!

Feint does not work, but both attacks still hit!

Smiling as his weapon bites deep, Viiroku laughs. "How does that feel, traitor?"

El'the Ellie
2019-01-06, 04:00 PM
Saetiri glares daggers at Viiroku. So it was going to be this way. Sae was hoping they would meet after this was over and she could talk him away from Riasom's side. But so be it.

In Sylvan she nearly growls at the Kitsune: it's rare to see her this angry. "Traitor, Viiroku? And how many of our kind have you slaughtered? And for what reason, your own gain?"

Tapping her new bracelet quickly, she sends healing magic across the bond to Magnus. Viiroku was an idiot if he thought to fight the five of them by his own.

Backing out of melee range from Viiroku using a 5 foot step to get behind Magnus probably, and casting cure light wounds. Trying to save some of the big healing for the fight ahead.


2019-01-06, 04:38 PM
Valien held his hands up as he chanted a brief prayer. At its conclusion his trusted griffon appeared next to him, eyeing Viiroku angrily.

Full Round Action for Valien to call Greytalon using his Divine Bond. If a 5' step would put him closer to Cordelia, or between her and Viiroku, he will do so.

If Greytalon gets his actions on this turn, he will Pounce at Viiroku:

(using Power Attack; negates Charge bonus, Greytalon has -2 AC until his next turn)
Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Talon: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Talon: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Rake: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2019-01-07, 04:15 AM
Magnus restrained his rage, figuring that the group could take down the kitsune without it, and knowing that his limited ability to enrage himself would be better used in battle with Riasom himself. Since the enemy was within close range, he decided to strike as hard as he could as often as he could. He immediately started swinging his greatsword at the kitsune.

Full Attack
Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]

2019-01-07, 12:23 PM
Magnus' first attack cuts deep into the kitsune's side, and Viiroku seems surprised by the bite of the steel. A snarl appears on his lips, and he sidesteps the second swing.

2019-01-07, 02:20 PM

Acacia steps back and nocks two arrows to her bow and lets fly. And then another. And another.

5-ft step away from the enemy
Full attack (w/ rapid shot & manyshot: -2 atk):

Attack 1 (manyshot): [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

Attack 1 (manyshot): [roll6]
Damage 1: [roll7]

Attack 2: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll10]
Damage 3: [roll11]

2019-01-07, 02:36 PM
Two arrows find their way into Viiroku's sternum, but despite the blood now pouring from his chest, he is wearing a smile. Before he can line up another attack, Cordelia begins to whisper a prayer. Lifting her hands skyward, a bright burst of light fires in two rays from her palms, and aims towards Viiroku's eyes.



2019-01-07, 02:41 PM
Though both beams find their mark, Viiroku merely blinks a few times before shaking off the effects of the spell. Again, he lashes out with his Naginata - and after taking his attacks, steps back. His form wavers, then disappears entirely.

Another attack against Magnus, with a cleave towards Valien. Cleave will go off even if it doesn't beat Magnus' AC.

This time, DR applies.

EDIT: So that's only minimal damage on Valien, then! :smallbiggrin:

El'the Ellie
2019-01-07, 03:00 PM
"Nothing to say in your defense? And we have the same gifts you idiot, did you really think that would outsmart us?"

With a gesture from her hands, a pair of blue green flames appear and fly towards Magnus' eyes. Rather than obscure his vision it helps to reveal the world around him and, hopefully, their assailant.

Casting See Invisibility on Magnus, then backing away ten feet to get well out of the kitsune's melee range.

2019-01-07, 05:32 PM

With the enemy now invisible Acacia tumbles away, taking up a position between Cordelia and where the kitsune was standing when he disappeared. She nocks another arrow and prepares for him to appear again.

I forgot to include point blank shot last round. oh well...

Move action to a position between the enemy's most recent position and Cordelia. Tumbling to avoid AoOs. Acrobatics: [roll0]
Ready an attack for when the enemy appears again (w/ deadly aim and point blank shot (-1 atk, +5 dmg)

Readied attack:

Attack 1: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]

2019-01-08, 10:18 AM
Magnus's face split into an evil grin as the invisible kitsune became suddenly visible to him. With a snarl, he launched another series of attacks on the creature, once an ally but now a hated and dangerous foe. His blade flashed once, twice, darting out in sweeping slashes.

Full Attack
Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]

2019-01-08, 12:24 PM
Magnus' two attacks catch nothing but air.

2019-01-10, 02:48 AM
Valien cursed inwardly as the fox dodged a flurry of talons and disappeared. He slipped a little as he climbed into the saddle, and urged his mount towards where Magnus was swinging, hoping to run into their invisible assailant.

Fast Mount check failed so Valien mounts up as a Move Action. He will get Greytalon to move up to where Magnus was swinging and if he physically runs into Viiroku, attempt to grab him:

Greytalon's CMB: [roll0]
Miss Chance? Not sure how combat maneuvers against Concealed opponents work. [roll1] (high succeeds)

As a Standard Action, Valien will Ready an action to attack if Viiroku reveals himself or if he gets some clue (e.g. hearing a footfall, seeing someone else hit, etc) to the enemy's location.

Perception in case it might work: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3] (Power Attack)
Damage: [roll4]
Intimidate: [roll5] via Cornugon Smash
Miss Chance: [roll6] (high succeeds)

2019-01-12, 03:57 PM
With his current ability to see invisibility, Magnus is able to watch as the kitsune disengages and takes off down the hallway, turning down the corridor with a taunting laugh.

Valien and Greytalon do not hit.

2019-01-13, 05:47 AM
"Damnation," Valien growled as their enemy slipped away. "Now they know we're here. We might be able to track him down but he'd surely lead us into a trap. Perhaps a different direction of approach would serve, but the longer they take the better they'll prepare, surely."

El'the Ellie
2019-01-13, 09:29 AM
Saetiri curses under her breath as she hears the other Kitsune run away. Coward.

"I agree, but stopping to change plans could take far too long. I think we should continue on. Magnus, you may want to drink some healing potions: I want to conserve my spells."

2019-01-13, 06:05 PM

The brenin lowers her bow, putting back her arrow with a grumble. "There goes our element of surprise. No matter. I say we stick to the plan, but speed it up a notch." She looks at the others. "We may be able to interrupt them in their preparations for a fight."

2019-01-14, 07:28 AM
Magnus saw the kitsune run off, but it was too quick for him to manage to keep up. He decided that they should be able to hit the throne room together quickly enough that the kitsune's warning wouldn't give much time to prepare. "I don't have any healing potions. But don't worry about me at this stage. I am okay to fight still. But we had better move on fast, or we will never be able to overwhelm them," he said to the others. He then prepared to head on in the direction that the Kitsune had headed.

2019-01-14, 12:13 PM
Cordelia once again slips in among the group, this time walking alongside Greytalon with her fingers twined into the feathery fur of his flank. Beasts of all manner seemed to be naturally calmed by her presence, and the griffon was no exception, letting out a low trill and accepting the Sister's presence at his side. The group pressed on through the castle, Magnus leading the way with his see invisibility still active for a few moments more. Even so, he does not see Viiroku - where exactly the kitsune has gone is something of a mystery, until you reach the throne room. The door is quite obviously barred, and there are guards on the door, weapons at the ready. The kitsune stands among them, a smile on his face. With a gesture from their commander, the guards charge recklessly towards the Dawn Brigade.

For simplicity's sake, same initiative as before. Viiroku is holding his actions, the guards (seven of them) advance on the kitsune's turn. They have closed the gap - everyone else can go now!

2019-01-14, 01:43 PM
Magnus wanted to strike out at the kitsune, who had once been an ally, though not friend. But the creature was hiding at the back. SO he decided that the best course of action at the moment would be to simply carve his way through the enemies between them, so they could get back to finishing their fight as fast as possible. His sword swung. Since he did not have to move, with the enemies coming straight at him, he simply started to swing his blade, frost gathering on the leading edge of the blade and making the very air colder.

Full Attack
Attack roll 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack roll 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

El'the Ellie
2019-01-14, 02:06 PM
Saetiri narrows her eyes at the large group of guards, and twitches one of her auburn tails. "Dance", she commands, with an unearthly amount of influence, and focuses on a point farther back, among Viiroku and the other guards.

Casting Confusion, centering the 15' radius burst in an area that avoids Magnus and other allies, and is most central to the guards and Viiroku as possible.

Confusion is save DC 20, or act confused for the next 6 rounds.

2019-01-14, 05:19 PM

While Magnus has to carve his way through a group of guards to get to their main enemy, Acacia doesn't need to be close by to do damage. She takes a small step back and narrows her eyes, focusing all her attention on the kitsune. You're going down. That line of bodies is not going to protect you. She unleashes four arrows almost simultaneously.

5-ft step backward
Swift action to use ranger's focus (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo-ranger-archetypes/guide/) on Viiroku, gaining +4 atk and dmg against him
(I'm going to assume he's not within point blank shot range (30 ft), please tell me if I assume incorrectly)

Full attack against Viiroku (w/ rapid shot, manyshot, deadly aim, ranger's focus: +8 dmg, 1 extra arrow & 1 extra attack):

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

Attack 1: [roll6]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll7]

Attack 2: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll10]
Damage 3: [roll11]

2019-01-15, 01:29 AM
Greytalon tore into the guards before falling back to give Valien room to bring his lance to bear. "To me! Sweep this rabble aside!"

Valien and Greytalon will focus on one guard at a time, starting with those who seem unaffected by Saetiri's spell.

Greytalon will Full Attack and take a 5' step back.

Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Claw: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Claw: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Valien full attacks as well.
If he hits, he will use Cornugon Smash to attempt to Intimidate as a Free Action.

To-Hit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Intimidate: [roll8]

To-Hit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Intimidate: [roll11]

If an ally gets attacked before his next turn, both Greytalon and Valien have Combat Reflexes + Bodyguard and can attempt to Aid Another to improve allies' AC (Valien improves it by +4 with his trait). They will both succeed these attempts on any roll other than Nat 1.

2019-01-15, 12:27 PM
Together, Magnus and Greytalon manage to take down one of the guards. Another is struck by Valien's first attack, and while it doesn't kill him, he looks shaken from the devastating blow and the roar that Valien lets out along with it.

Meanwhile, only two of Acacia's arrows find their mark. The first manages to hit despite the displacement, and the second one gets dangerously close to his neck - but glances off his armor instead. Then, the third finds home, striking the black-furred creature in the stomach. He hisses and doubles over, eyes bloodshot and expression angry. For a moment, he seems affected by Saetiri's spell, just as his soldiers are... but through sheer force of will and mythical strength, he shakes off the effects. Looking drained and near dead, he lifts one hand and directs it to Magnus. "Dance!" he commands, mocking Saetiri's tone.

All at once, Magnus feels an overwhelming urge to turn and level his weapon at Cordelia. He winds up and gets halfway through his swing - before shaking off the dominate.

You barely passed!
The guards continue to advance, and take their swings between Magnus, Greytalon, and Valien. Or, at least, that seems like the intended plan before Saetiri's spell strikes.

Of the two attacking Magnus, one attacks himself, longsword slashing across his own arms. The second adds insult to injury by turning his own weapon on his ally.

The one Valien has intimidated seems scared beyond words, and stands there whispering to himself, seemingly trying to work up his courage but unable to move. The second also lashes out at himself, sword striking himself in the stomach.

The two attacking Greytalon are equally ineffective, one doing nothing but stand there and babble while the other, again, strikes himself.

Attacks vs. Magnus (AC improved by +4 from Valien)


Attacks vs. Valien
[roll7] - (this one is shaken)


Attacks vs. Greytalon


2019-01-15, 04:23 PM

The brenin arches a brow. He's still standing? After that? Well then...

"Impressive. Let's see you survive a few more," she says, unleashing another barrage of arrows at Viiroku.

Full attack against Viiroku (w/ improved precise shot, rapid shot, manyshot, deadly aim, ranger's focus: +8 dmg, 1 extra arrow & 1 extra attack):

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2] Edit: There's a typo here. Should be 1d20+7, which means 19
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

Attack 1: [roll6]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll7]

Attack 2: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll10]
Damage 3: [roll11]

2019-01-15, 05:00 PM
Acacia launches another volley at the kitsune, and this time, her first two arrows launch themselves soundly into Viiroku's neck. With a wet gurgle, the black-furred creature slumps lifelessly to the ground.

That last round, because of the IPS, you had him down to 2 HP after I put that second hit in.

El'the Ellie
2019-01-16, 09:25 AM
Saetiri looks on in surprise as Viiroku crumples, her eyes wide. She's surprised to find herself tearing up. Why? The answer arrived after a second. As despicable as Virroku might have been, Saetiri felt a bit of kinship to him. Not just because they were of the same race, and not just because they were oddity legends among their kind. But they had both gotten wrapped up in this chaos: perhaps in another world their roles could have been reversed, or they could even be on the same side.

Despite the chaos of the battle, Saetiri raises a hand and illuminates the fallen kitsune in a soft teal glow. Maybe, just maybe, he could live through this. And then... what? Saetiri didn't know, but she would figure it out later.

Casting Stabilize on Viiroku. I'm not sure if he's dying or dead dead.

2019-01-16, 12:44 PM
Seeing Saetiri make the attempt at saving Viiroku, Cordelia lifts her hands. She whispers a soft prayer, and then there is a burst of bright light, radiant as the sun that surrounds her. The wave of healing energy washes over the Dawn Brigade, as well as Viiroku.

With selective channel, she doesn't heal the soldiers attacking you all.
Impossibly, though Viiroku had appeared completely dead, he begins breathing again after Cordelia's healing. There had been rumors, of course - that Cordelia's healing could bring people back from the dead. Viiroku stays down, unconscious, but alive.

El'the Ellie
2019-01-16, 10:20 PM
Saetiri is stunned, as she watches life return to the kitsune. She blinks to clear teared up eyes. "Cordelia, did you... Thank you."

2019-01-17, 08:22 AM
Magnus was not entirely pleased to see the kitsune come back to life at Cordelia's touch, but he decided that she was more wise than he, and that her decision should not be questioned. His role was to guard her and to kill Riasom, the two reasons he had changed sides in the first place. He felt a momentary tinge of regret that his former ally had fallen in support of Riasom, a man who he should not have supported, and one who could have been fighting at his side if he had not seen the light himself. He felt the healing power come through with gratitude. He still had a minor wound, but it wasn't as bad as it had been, and wasn't enough to hinder him. He then renewed his attack, after his first strikes had proven so utterly useless against these troops. He started to swing his sword once again, trying to cleanly decapitate the men, rather than cutting them slowly to pieces.

Full Attack
Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]

2019-01-17, 07:55 PM
Valien didn't know what to make of the proceedings, and there was no time to ponder it now. Until Acacia put down the Viiroku, he'd considered charging past the confused guards to end the kitsune himself. For now he continued to stab down at the remaining guards.

Greytalon's Bite/Claw/Claw:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Valien's full attack:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Intimidate: [roll8]

Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Intimidate: [roll11]

2019-01-17, 11:25 PM
Magnus's weapon hacks into the spinal column of one of the guards with his first strike, and his second is swiftly followed up by the snapping beak and sharp claws of Greytalon, who puts him down for good. The two guards fall, and Valien takes his own swing. The power of his first blow is so staggering that it causes his target to stumble back and unintentionally avoid the second blow. Fright enters his eyes, and it is clear that after such a devastating attack, he fears for his life. The man quickly throws down his weapon and puts his arms up in surrender, feeling more like saving his own skin than fighting for Riasom. The remaining three, however, do not seem so inclined, and advance again - or at least attempt to, the confusion spell still holding its sway over them.



The first fighter takes a swing and misses, but that opens up the chance for the second to actually get a hit in on Magnus, scraping along the barbarian's arm. The third babbles incoherently.

2019-01-18, 04:50 PM

Acacia frowns when Saetiri and Cordelia cast spells on the kitsune she'd just slain. They'd better be making sure he stays dead. We have no time for prisoners.
She doesn't let that thought linger, as the fight is still on. She picks out one guard from the crowd, and launches three arrows at him in a short barrage before moving closer to Cordelia's position.

Full attack on the nearest guard followed (going to assume this one is within 30 ft if that's okay)
5-ft step closer towards Cordelia

Full attack (w/ point blank shot, manyshotdeadly aim: -1 atk, +5 dmg):

Attack 1(manyshot): [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 1(manyshot): [roll4]
Damage 1: [roll5]

Attack 2: [roll6]
Damage 2: [roll7]

2019-01-19, 07:06 AM
Magnus bit back a curse as the blade cut him. Fortunately, he could tell that it wasn't bad, and it didn't hurt a great deal. But if the battle continued, he could be weakened over time by it. He was satisfied by having cut down two men, and he continued at the last men standing, his blade flickering and darting, in spite of its large size.

Full Attack
Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]

2019-01-20, 01:12 AM
The knight and his griffon pressed the attack, trying to end the fight quickly to give them time to regroup before entering the throne room.

Greytalon's Bite/Claw/Claw:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Valien's full attack:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Intimidate: [roll8]

Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Intimidate: [roll11]

El'the Ellie
2019-01-23, 11:10 AM
With her shock from the resurrection wearing off, Saetiri snaps back too. Noticing that some of the guards are starting to overcome the affects of the confusion, she offers them an olive branch.

"If you can still walk, the flee! This is not a brave final stand: this is the cleaning house before a new change in order. The time for heroic sacrifices was days ago, now it is only a foolish waste: nothing will stop us from passing through those doors. Flee with your lives and surrender to the Army of Dawn, and we will do our best to let you see your families and loved ones again. You owe it to them to come back home. Do not throw away your lives for nothing."

Diplomacy, if relevant: [roll0]

Now starting to wonder why I didn't put some cross class ranks in it...

2019-01-23, 07:24 PM
Saetiri - by the time she begins to speak - is only speaking to one soldier. The others have been felled by her allies' blows, and he looks near death, himself. He takes a few deep breaths and firms his grip on his axe, before darting away from the group in full retreat.

Last soldier standing withdraws. How is everyone looking HP wise?

2019-01-24, 01:34 AM
"Fleeing or gathering reinforcements, I wonder? Let us be gone before we find out. The fox grazed me at our first encounter, but I am in no great need if you must conserve your power," Valien admitted. "Speaking of whom," he spurred his mount closer and leveled his lance at the felled kitsune. "A mage and a trickster. If we let him live, and he repays our mercy with a knife in the back, it could be our undoing."

47/58 HP

El'the Ellie
2019-01-24, 09:31 AM
Saetiri rushes over between Valen and Viiroku, standing with her hands up in front of the knight's lance, her tails splayed out forming something of a reddish wall, or perhaps a shroud given the kitsune's state. "Wait wait! Look, I realize he doesn't deserve to live after what he's done. But... maybe we can figure this out later. Valen, he's... people like he and I are... It's complicated. Let's just take his weapons for now: he's pretty harmless without them." She looks up as she makes her case a bit pleadingly, giving her best sad puppy eyes.

2019-01-24, 04:45 PM

The brenin just shakes her head at Saetiri's antics. "We've no time for prisoners. But we also have no time for arguing over what wretches we allow to live. Take his weapons and tie him up. If he gets free and stabs us in the back it's on your head, Sae." She moves over to the door as she grumbles to herself. "Giving the commander a second chance while the common soldier lays down his life. Good one, that. Inspiring, too."

As she gets closer to the throne room door, Acacia keeps an eye out for any traps she might find.

Perception check: [roll0] and in case she finds a trap, Disable Device: [roll1]

Once she's sure there are no more traps in their way, she moves up to the door and puts the palms of her gloved hands against it. The brenin closes her eyes and quietly whispers the command word...

Acacia will use her gloves of reconnaissance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/e-g/gloves-of-reconnaissance/) to try and see through the door what's behind.

On command, the wearer can use the gloves to see and hear through solid material no more than 5 feet thick by placing both hands on that material. The wearer can use the gloves once per day for up to 1 minute. The wearer must wear the gloves continuously for 24 hours before activating this ability.

2019-01-25, 06:29 PM
With her gloves activated, Acacia is able to see into the throne room. There are several figures inside the dimly lit space, two bowing in front of the throne and one, on the throne itself. It doesn't take much effort to recognize the man with the crown on his head as Riasom, but the other two figures are unknown to you.

2019-01-26, 03:25 AM
Magnus moved over to stand before the door, ready to hit anything which might come out at them, and prepared to charge into the room at Cordelia's command. As always, he was determined to be the first to fight the enemy, and the first to take hits, since he was more resilient than the others. He watched as the others got ready to enter the throne room. He reflected for a moment on times past, when he had entered this room as a trusted servant of Riasom, whereas now he was about to charge in with sword swinging. Overall, he decided, now was the better time for him, since he ha d chosen the correct side.

2019-01-26, 05:45 PM

Acacia carefully studies what goes on inside the throne room before focusing most of her attention on the Spider. When Magnus nearly shoves her out of the way to be the first into the battle, she holds up a hand. Speaking in a low whisper, she says: "There are three people in there. The spider and two others. Not sure who."

"Before we barge in I need to do a few preparations. I'll tell you when I'm ready to burst in." With that, she turns around and begins setting up a hidden trap a few steps away from the throne room, hiding it under a cloak from one of the guards. Then, she picks up the helmet one of the guards lost and gingerly places it a few steps to the left of the trap. Again, she whispers: "Whatever you do, don't touch that." She points towards the cloak. "The poison in that trap can kill a man in mere minutes. So, if we're forced to retreat, try to do a fighting retreat. Get one of our enemies to step on that trap."

Then, she plucks a cold iron arrow from her quiver, and slashes it across her left arm. As the blood seeps out of the wound, Acacia hold the arrow against it, letting her blood coagulate on the tip. Then, she gets in position in front of the door and nocks the arrow to her bow. "I'm ready."

A few actions:
- Using ranger's focus on Riasom (+4 at/dmg) (Swift)

- Placing a trap about 10 ft away from the throne room door and pointing it out to the others. (Full round)

Trap: Poison (DC 16 Fort, 1d2 Con damage, 6 rounds)

-Damaging herself using a cold iron arrow: Dmg according to GM's discretion (Standard?)

-Envenoming said arrow. (Standard)

Poison: DC 17 Fort, 1d4 Wis & Fascinated

-Readying an attack on Riasom the moment he moves a muscle.

2019-01-28, 10:54 PM
"I am ready when you are. Keep the way clear and I will run the Spider through," Valien whispered with barely-restrained intensity. He readied himself in line with the door and the throne, ready to spur his mount on.

2019-01-29, 11:38 AM
The doors swing open.

Cordelia grips tight to the hem of Saetiri's cloak when she lays eyes on the Spider for the first time. This is the man that killed her people - though he didn't do it alone, it was his doing. The girl draws in a sharp breath as Riasom looks up with a smile that seems to say 'I was expecting you.'

Before he can speak, however, Acacia's arrows fly free.

2019-01-29, 05:42 PM

Acacia doesn't respond immediately as the door flies open, but at the first movement of the spider she lets her arrow fly, hoping to catch him in the act of casting a spell and interrupting him.
Attack (w/ ranger's focus and improved precise shot: +4 atk, +4 dmg, and Brenin poison: DC 17 Fort save, 1d4 Wis damage & fascinated)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-01-29, 06:37 PM
Riasom's eyes widen minutely as the arrow sails towards him, and he twists in his throne - Acacia's attack bounces harmlessly off of his armor as he begins to stand.

Beside Saetiri, Cordelia begins to whisper under her breath. "Dies irae, dies illa," she chants, lifting her hand towards the other two creatures in the room. By their gaunt pallor - and especially their reaction to the spell that Cordelia is casting - it's quite obvious that they are a pair of vampires. Bright light illuminates them both, making their features clearly visible. The Dawn Brigade will recognize one of them immediately as Abraxas, Riasom's Vampire Knight, while the other seems to be a lieutenant of some degree under the Master Vampire. Abraxas is left shaking his head quickly and blinking with grit teeth against the divine magic, while his lieutenant races forward to engage the party, fangs bared despite the column of light from Cordelia's spell following him.

As the vampire races forward, Riasom stands from his throne. "Fools," he says, drawing an ominous Black Blade from his scabbard. "Your armies may be pressing close outside, but you are already too late," he hisses, and with a quick gesture - he comes flying towards the group, Blade leveled at Acacia's chest. Seems he wants retribution for that arrow.

As Riasom sails into the fray, the lieutenant reaches Valien, and lashes out with two quick punches at the paladin.

Cordelia uses Divine Illumination (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/divine-illumination). Unfortunately, Abraxas passed the save, but he's still got that -20 on stealth checks.

Riasom uses Force Hook Charge (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/force-hook-charge) to close the distance with the party.

She takes 7 damage from the hook, and then Riasom also makes an attack against her.

[roll4]EDIT: That is, indeed, a critical hit.

And finally, vampire mook.
Drain = 2 negative levels if that hits.
Drain = 2 negative levels if that hits.


2019-01-29, 09:44 PM
Valien turned aside the vampire thrall's blows and thrust savagely at Riasom with his lance. He'd spent every day for years thinking about this moment. Everything he'd done since his flight from the Order's keep had led up to this battle. "FOR VENGEANCE!" he roared as he struck. "HOLY JUSTICE!"

Swift Action: Smite Evil on Riasom. Full Power Attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Intimidate: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Intimidate: [roll5]

Greytalon will also join in.

Bite: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Claw: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Claw: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

El'the Ellie
2019-01-30, 09:10 AM
Pushed forward by the confidence of her allies, Saetiri faces down the Spider, the creature that killed her mentor, and yet another undead soldier: truer forces of evil there have never been. She touches her golden braclet, as Acacia's hums with a blue-green energy. The kitsune intones a brief healing spell. "Satai dra Iyla."

As Acacia's wounds heal over, she calls out to Riasom. "Too late for what? What have you done?"

Cure Moderate Wounds on Acacia for [roll0] hp., then moving back a few paces from the brawl.

Edit: exactly the amount of damage dealt. :smallcool:

2019-01-30, 12:26 PM
Saetiri is clearly able to channel the healing over the bracelet, but there seems to be a problem. Though Acacia feels the warm healing energy, her wounds do not close.

There are certain curses that prevent magical healing, something witches typically use called hexes. Riasom seems to also have this ability. (As a Hex Magus.)

2019-01-30, 05:12 PM

Acacia yelps in pain when the blade pierces her skin. Still, she ignores the pain and takes a step back, denying the spider the possibility of a quick counter-attack. She's very careful to step right beside the cloak she placed down earlier, hoping to lure the spider closer to her trap. Then, she unleashes a barrage of arrows at him.

5-ft step back, stepping up next to the trap she set earlier.
Full attack (w/ rapid shot, manyshot, ranger's focus, improved precise shot, point blank shot: 1 extra attack, +1 atk, +9 dmg):

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

Attack 1: [roll6]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll7]

Attack 2: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll10]
Damage 3: [roll11]

2019-01-31, 12:40 AM
Magnus saw his nemesis, his former master Riasom. He immediately felt the blood pounding in his head, and he flew instantly into an intense rage, his vision narrowing into a sort of tunnel effect, so that he could momentarily only see Riasom himself. He recognised the two vampires present, and the danger they presented. But he wanted their lord dead. As Riasom charged in at the intruders, Magnus joined the fight himself. He moved in to Riasom's side, and swung his sword as hard as he could.

Move then Attack as Standard Action.
Power Attack with Furious Focus to negate attack penalty.
Using Reckless Abandon Rage Power, to add to attack roll in return for -2 to AC. Also using Witch Hunter Rage Power for bonus damage.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Plus an extra 2 points damage for rage, which I forgot to add. Also, see the OOC thread for the rolls to confirm the crit. Add a further +2 to damage if the crit confirms, since I forgot to add it on there too.

2019-01-31, 12:51 PM
Riasom's armor protects him from the arrows Acacia fires, and Valien's attacks go wide. He ears Saetiri's question and a wicked sort of smile appears on his face as he reaches up towards his neck-

And it's right about then when Magnus' axe buries itself next to the Spider's spine. Riasom's expression changes entirely, and then a howl of pain leaves his lips. "Bastard! Traitor!" he shouts at Magnus. "I'll kill you!"

It's at that moment, Abraxas, still shaking his head to clear it, allows his body to shimmer and shift shape. A large wolf now stands among the enemies, and the vampire charges with teeth bared at Magnus.

Cordelia, meanwhile, sees what Riasom was reaching for. Around his neck, he is wearing the amulet, and the girl's heart leaps into her throat when she sees it. The artifact seems to be burning with a heatless, black flame. "The seal!" she cries. "It's close to breaking! We have to get the medallion, get it to me!" she says urgently.

Riasom turns his blade on Magnus, ignoring Cordelia's yelling as the blade shimmers with necromatic energy.


The unnamed vampire mook continues his assault on Valien, hissing at the paladin as he swings at him wildly.

Drain=1 negative level if that hits.
Drain=1 negative level if that hits.

2019-01-31, 03:15 PM
"Speak not of treachery, vermin!" Valien roared in frustration as he continued to batter aside the vampire's strikes as he focused on Riasom. He didn't think much of his odds of retrieving the Seal without first putting down the unholy king. Despite his fury, he also retained the presence of mind to use the bracelet to help Magnus, who seemed to be bearing the brunt of their foes' attacks.

Let's try this again. Also it seems like every hit the enemies land on us is outside Valien's ability to prevent with Bodyguard, even at a +4. Oh well.

Swift Action: Lay on Hands on Magnus through the bracelet link. [roll0] healing.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Intimidate: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Intimidate: [roll6]

Greytalon's attacks:
Bite: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Claw: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Claw: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

2019-01-31, 08:53 PM
Magnus snarled in triumph as his blade bit deeply into Riasom's back. He didn't bother to exchange words, being too deeply into his enraged state to be lucid. But he certainly, if distantly, felt the attacks strike home against him in return. He ignored the vampire attacks, and after being knocked down, he simply stood and once again attacked Riasom, launching yet another attack, in an attempt to kill the enemy leader before he could do more damage. It was also possible that Abraxas might surrender if Riasom was killed, though he doubted it.

Move: Rise to his feet after the trip.
Standard Action: Attack on Riasom
Power Attack with Furious Focus to negate attack penalty.
Using Reckless Abandon Rage Power, to add to attack roll in return for -2 to AC. Also using Witch Hunter Rage Power for bonus damage.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

El'the Ellie
2019-02-01, 08:44 AM
Cordelia's urgency caused Saetiri to panic: clearly this fight had to end, now. She locks eyes with the spider, her's taking on an unearthly green fire. "Riasom, obey. Give us the medallion." Her many tails wave as one, creating a powerful sense of confusion and almost irresistible allure. An urge to do nothing more than heed the witch's command with every bit of his being.

Casting Dominate Person: DC 21. A long shot that he's not immune, but what the heck.

2019-02-01, 06:02 PM

Acacia takes another step back, putting her trap right between herself an the spider. She unleashes another barrage of arrows at him.

5-ft step back, stepping up behind the trap she set earlier.
Full attack (w/ rapid shot, manyshot, ranger's focus, improved precise shot, point blank shot: 1 extra attack, +1 atk, +9 dmg):

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

Attack 1: [roll6]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll7]

Attack 2: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll10]
Damage 3: [roll11]

2019-02-01, 10:53 PM
Riasom sees the attacks incoming, and for a moment, his form seems to phase in and out of focus. Though the Brigade is certain their attacks should have hit, they all miss, as Riasom's form seems to splinter and shift around the weapons and arrows. He transports himself via this strange movement about 30 feet away from the party, lifting his hand to cast. Then, Saetiri's spell comes, and the man freezes. His eyes glaze over, and he reaches for the medallion- only to shake his head quickly with a growl.

Well, it might look like you guys are ineffective this turn, but you just made him burn a third of his mythic surges. :smallredface:
As Magnus stands back up, the vampire in wolf's form above him gets off an attack of opportunity. Once it's taken, Abraxas continues his assault on Magnus.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe standing up (unless you take a full round to do it) does provoke an attack of opportunity.

The other vampire ducks past Valien's attacks, lunging for Acacia as her bow now presents the most prominent threat to Riasom.

[roll6] If he fails this, Valien and Greytalon get AoO.

[roll7] to try and avoid the trap.

Drain=1 negative level if that hits

Drain=1 negative level if that hits
Riasom focuses his attention on Saetiri, a snarl on his lips. The audacity! That she would try to dominate him! He levels his hand at her, a spell launching from his fingers.


Spellcraft DC 14: Spell is Acid Arrow. At this CL, Saetiri will take the acid damage again for another 2 rounds.

Cordelia withdraws behind Acacia as the vampire lieutenant lunges forward towards the center of the group.

2019-02-02, 03:41 PM
Valien quickly weighed his options, and spurred his mount forward to charge Riasom with leveled lance. The others would have to hold the line for now; he could sense the urgency in Cordelia's voice and with the distance opened, he could see the unholy black flame burning around the usurper's neck.

Swift Action to Lay on Hands Magnus again: [roll0]

Valien's Charge: [roll1] (not using Power Attack)
Damage: [roll2]

Greytalon's Pounce:
Bite: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Claw: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Claw: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Rake: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Rake: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

2019-02-03, 04:25 PM

The Brenin takes a step away from the vampire and yells to her companions. "Little help here!"

"Stay behind me, Cordelia!" Then, she launches another volley of arrows at the spider.

5-ft step away from the vampire mook.
Full attack (w/ rapid shot, manyshot, ranger's focus, improved precise shot, point blank shot: 1 extra attack, +1 atk, +9 dmg):

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]
Attack 1: [roll6]
Damage 1 (manyshot): [roll7]

Attack 2: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]

Attack 3 (rapid shot): [roll10]
Damage 3: [roll11]

2019-02-04, 03:49 AM
Magnus watched as his attack phased through Riasom. He growled, but in his enraged state he couldn't really comprehend what was happening. He considered attacking the vampire that still stood beside him, but decided that it was more important to take down the King himself. So he moved forward towards Riasom, and tried to attack him once again. He was sure they would wear him down eventually, unless he had some magical way to teleport out of the battle before he could be killed. As he got in close, he attacked once again, his irresistible attack coming once again, as he tried once more to strike at Riasom.

Move to Riasom (I know I will take an AoO), then strike with his sword.
Standard Action: Attack on Riasom
Power Attack with Furious Focus to negate attack penalty.
Using Reckless Abandon Rage Power, to add to attack roll in return for -2 to AC. Also using Witch Hunter Rage Power for bonus damage.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

El'the Ellie
2019-02-04, 02:14 PM
Saetiri ignores the acid as it washes over her: her earlier spell forms a small barrier between the acid and her skin, so that it never actually touches her. Instead she rushes forward, out of the reach of Riasom and his vampires, to Acacia's side. She taps a tail against the Brennin's side: immediately, she turns various shades of green and blue, with mimicked images shifting in place wildly, making it nearly impossible to tell exactly where she is.

Moving to Acacia, then casting Displacement, which should last 6 rounds.

2019-02-04, 04:39 PM
Again, some of the attacks get dangerously close to Riasom, but yet again, Greytalon's beak and two of Acacia's arrows phase through him. The black flames around his neck begin to grow out and fan around his body, and a low growl is heard from the medallion.

"No!" Cordelia calls, looking as though she's on the brink of running into the conflict - and after a moment, she does, darting forward and aiming to grab the amulet from around Riasom's throat. As she runs, the vampire beside Acacia slams his fist into the cleric's spine, making her stumble, and Abraxas snags Cordelia's heel in his maw, bringing the girl to the ground. Resilient, the maiden shoves herself back to her feet, ignoring the scrape of Riasom's blade against her side as she grabs for the medallion. Her hands meet naught but air.

"Back off, foolish girl!" Riasom snarls, aiming to plunge his blade into her chest.


The blade pierces into Cordelia's side.

Whirling around after taking a bite at Magnus, as well, Abraxas pursues the barbarian, lunging for his neck.



The last vampire takes a step back, and transforms into a cloud of mist - which obscures Acacia and Saetiri's line of sight to the rest of the fight.

2019-02-04, 05:09 PM
Valien continued to press the attack on Riasom, trying to buy Cordelia the chance—and time—she needed.

Using Bodyguard to raise Magnus' AC against the attack vs AC 18.

Lay on Hands on Cordelia: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Intimidate: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Intimidate: [roll6]

Greytalon's attacks:
Bite: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Claw: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Claw: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

El'the Ellie
2019-02-05, 09:34 AM
"Cordelia, no!"

Saetiri reaches out to grab the girl, but is too slow as she runs past. If she died everything was lost, and she just ran into the thick of the battle! Worse, the vampire had cut of her view of the cleric. Against her better judgement, she ducks into the vile mist after Cordelia.

She searches around for her, protecting her with a powerful healing spell if she can: a green sheen around the cleric that seems to lie in wait for something.

Casting Saving Grace on Cordelia if I can. If I can't, then casting it on anyone that I can see preferably (in this order) Magnus, Acacia, Valien

2019-02-05, 05:37 PM

"No!" the Brenin growls. This was not how things were supposed to go. And now she can't see, which makes shooting things impossible. Grumbling, she tries to move around the mist, hoping to get a bead on the spider without having to get into melee range.

Move action to move around the mist (she moves 30 ft per round)
If she gets line of sight of Riasom with one move action she'll attack, if not, another move action to try and get line of sight

Attack (w/ deadly aim, point blank shot & ranger's focus: +2 atk, +8 dmg):

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack (w/ deadly aim, point blank shot & ranger's focus: +2 atk, +8 dmg): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-02-12, 03:54 AM
Magnus bit back a curse as Riasom remained outside of his reach. Although he was in a rage, he still retained enough awareness to realise that he would probably need to kill the vampires before Riasom would be able to be reached. Leaving his companions to try to continue to reach Riasom, he turned and attacked Abraxas, swinging hard to try to quickly kill the wolf-formed vampire who kept trying to trip him up.

Full Attack on Abraxas
Power Attack with Furious Focus to negate attack penalty.
Using Reckless Abandon Rage Power, to add to attack roll in return for -2 to AC. Also using Witch Hunter Rage Power for bonus damage.
Attack roll 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack Roll 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2019-02-12, 03:05 PM
Magnus' axe rends into Abraxas' body, and the vampire lets out a shriek. His body goes from wolf form back to humanoid, long enough for him to glare at his attacker, before his eyes rolled back and he dissipated into mist. The aura seemed to mingle for a moment with the other vampire's - accidentally, or maybe giving orders - before Abraxas' mist form sank through the floor and vanished entirely.

that was savage!
The green light surrounded Cordelia, and she seemed to take a breath of relief, recognizing the spell for what it was. Again, she lunged for the medallion - but Riasom teleported out of her reach, transporting himself a good fifty feet back from the group and managing to dodge all the other incoming attacks while he did it. Then, the Spider King lifted his hand, incanting a spell that fell over the party. A fireball detonated in the middle of the group.

DC 21 or [roll0] damage.


2019-02-12, 05:09 PM

Acacia struggles to stay upright when the fire washes over her. With the last of her strength, she draws a potion out of her backpack, plops open the cork and downs it in one gulp.

Move action to retrieve maximized potion of cure light wounds
Standard action to drink it
CLW: 9 hp

Edit: replaced my roll with the maximized potion.

2019-02-12, 05:15 PM
Valien raged with frustration as Riasom once again evaded his lance, and with his adrenaline up he raised his shield against the fireball. His mount was not so protected, and Greytalon roared with pain as the fireball hit. Knight and steed were of the same mind, as they took advantage of the opened distance and charged once more.

Swift Action: Lay on Hands Cordelia. [roll0]

Valien's Charge: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Greytalon's Pounce:
Bite: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Claw: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Claw: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Rake: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Rake: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

2019-02-13, 07:52 AM
Magnus felt a surge of pleasure as he finally finished off his old comrade and enemy Abraxas. But there was no time to lose, so he turned and, free of trip attacks now, he charged straight at Riasom, hoping to take him down before he could do any more damage to the party. He bit his tongue as the flames overwhelmed him along with the others, but he was less injured by them than many, since he had some resistance to fire. Then he finished his charge and started an attack routine. He knew that Riasom might teleport away again, but he would soon run out of his uses of that particular ability, and he would then have to face them. And Magnus was determined to be the one to finish him off. And if he managed to actually hit with an attack, there was a good chance that this would come to occur.

Full Round Action: Charge attack on Riasom
Power Attack with Furious Focus to negate attack penalty.
Using Reckless Abandon Rage Power, to add to attack roll in return for -2 to AC. Also using Witch Hunter Rage Power for bonus damage.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

El'the Ellie
2019-02-13, 05:12 PM
Saetiri winces as fire roars over her skin and clothes, burning patches of her robe, hair, skin and ears. She had certainly been in better shape. Still, with Abraxas fleeing and the other vampire gone, they had never been closer and now was the time to press forward, even if it cost them. Saetiri runs forward after Magnus, intoning a powerful incantation that causes him to glow with the same green fire as Cordelia.

"Don't back down! I'm right behind you all."

Saving Grace on Magnus. At this point I'm down to 4 1st level spells and a handful of spell like abilities. Just so you guys know.

2019-02-15, 04:32 PM
The amulet around Riasom's neck suddenly glows brightly, and the room goes cold. All around the party, the room begins to shake as if shivering from the temperature drop as well, and then there is a roar.


"No!" Cordelia screams, just as the thought passes your mind as to what sort of creature is about to be unleashed. The maiden throws out both of her hands, and a blinding white light surrounds all of you, throwing you all back towards the door of the throne room.

Time freezes. Before you, you can see Riasom's body, hunched over and in the process of some abysmal transformation. Cordelia, still frozen, her hands extended and a soft glow wrapped around her body. Getting to your feet, you find you cannot approach the two of them, some sort of invisible barrier between you, Cordelia and the Spider.

2019-02-15, 10:21 PM
Magnus immediately upon seeing the barrier, ends his rage. Since it is a finite resource, and one upon which he has been drawing heavily in this fight, he needs to reserve what he can for when it will actually be useful. He stands useless, as he watches a fight that he cannot be a part of. He considers swinging his sword at the barrier, but decides it is there for their protection. Even if he could damage it, that would probably prove detrimental to them rather than of benefit.

El'the Ellie
2019-02-18, 12:18 PM
Saetiri is thrown back on her tails, her mind reeling trying figure out what had happened. She shakily stands and considers attempting to push past the barrier as well, but stops herself. This is powerful magic, beyond even my understanding. Whatever's happening, it's likely beyond our influence. And likely to kill us if we interfere.

Anxious, she paces, watching Cordelia and the Spider.

2019-02-18, 12:45 PM
Valien stared in horror, though like the others he willed himself not to test the barrier. Have we come all this way just to fail? Did my failure to land a single blow lead to this? It was too awful to contemplate.

2019-02-18, 04:02 PM

Acacia is about to launch another barrage of arrows when the barrier goes up. She's seen enough magic to know that an attack at this point would be fruitless, and the brenin lowers her bow. As adrenalin (or the brenin equivalent) is still coursing through her body she does not yet feel the pain of the myriad wounds she sustained during the fight. Instead, she looks at the others. "Uh... Now what?"

2019-02-18, 05:05 PM
Just as the group begins to pace in anxiety and unease, Cordelia's voice somehow reaches all of you. "I am sorry, my friends," she says. "I didn't mean for this to happen. This was supposed to end here - but the seal was about to break. I had to stop him somehow.

"I have managed to contain Riasom and the Cataclysm... for now. But... I cannot hold them forever. The seeds of war have spread too far in this land. Even though it should have ended here, today, Riasom's other generals are still out there, pressing the fight on other fronts. Unless they are stopped, the spirit of discord will spread farther and farther and Cataclysm will be too much for even me to contain.

"So, my heroes. My Dawn Brigade. I must ask you to fight for me once again. I am sorry that I couldn't end it here. But by stretching his armies so far, spreading the chaos and strife across the continent... I fear that this might be what Riasom had planned all along, to break the Medallion's Seal. My friends - if this was his plan, then his generals will not stop. They will continue to lead this war from wherever they are, until Cataclysm is unleashed and destroys the world.

"Therefore - you must destroy them all.

"My heart is heavy in recommending this course, but I fear it is the only way. You must dismantle Riasom's forces entirely. Take down through whatever means you can his generals, and make them stop this violence. And... I am sorry to say that I cannot go with you. But still... I will not leave you alone to struggle against these evil forces."

Suddenly, the golden bracelets each of you wear on your wrists begin to burn, so searingly hot that, before you can react, the gold seems to melt directly into your skin. And with them, you can feel a fragment of Cordelia's power manifest in each of you.

"Take all the power I can spare. I must use the rest to hold him. And when the chaos is contained... return to me. Tell me when it is the time to end this."

With that, you are all surrounded by white light, and transported from the throne room. When you land, you all find yourselves in the command tent where you began your day, much more tired and without Cordelia at your side - but each with the Sigil of the Sisters of White emblazoned on the inside of the wrist which once held the bracelet.

Congratulations! Everyone, take your first mythic tier!

2019-02-19, 02:45 AM
Valien was too numbed by what he'd just witnessed, and with the enormity of their task sinking in, to speak just yet. But he had enough presence of mind to look outside the command tent to see what he could of the situation outside.

Applied all his Mythic stuff and good to go.

2019-02-19, 05:47 PM

It takes Acacia a moment to register what just happened. With her bow raised she eyes her surroundings for a few seconds. But when she realizes that they're safe, the brenin sinks to the floor, resting her arms on her knees and her head on her arms. She stays like that for minutes.

When she finally looks up again, she speaks in a weak voice. "I need a healer. Damn spider nearly spilled my guts all over the floor." She grumbles. "This was a disaster. Now what do we do? A wild goose chase all over the land after his generals?" She looks up at Saetiri. "How long do we have before that monster breaks loose, Sae?"

"And also, maybe even more importantly, did our forces at least win the battle? We should find out how the army fared." In the back of her mind, there's a tinge of worry about her old friend Sundance. "I really want to know who made it out there."

El'the Ellie
2019-02-20, 12:23 PM
Saetiri is quiet, for a long time after Cordelia's magic brings them back to the army's camp. Not silent exactly. In the quietness of the tent, she can be heard crying, although she's turned away from the group, trying to hide it. Her ears swivel when she hears her name. The witch turns around, her face red and still teary eyed despite her best efforts.

"What? Oh... I have no idea... Could be hours, days, months..."

But despite her answer, she still seems totally checked out of the moment at hand, only hearing every other sentence.

2019-02-21, 06:00 AM
Magnus stands stunned, his emotions at being deprived of his kill, as well as the apparent loss of Cordelia, combined with feeling drained from the depths of his rage, left him feeling sick to his stomach. He stood in the command tent and looked at the others silently, before noticing the golden mark left by the bracelet on his wrist. He studied it, not really understanding what it was or what it did, but recognising it for its deep power. "If we have to kill the generals, should we start with Abraxas? Or do you think that he will be in hiding where we won't be able to get to him right now? If we can't get him now, maybe we should move on before the battle ends, since that will provide cover and hide where we have gone from unfriendly eyes."

2019-02-21, 05:42 PM

"I don't think we should chase after Abraxas in a wild goose chase. We should..." She shakes her head. "We should confirm whether we've captured the castle or not. Don't want to give our enemies access to Cordelia if we can prevent it. We can start hunting down generals afterward."

After just sitting there for what feels like forever, Acacia gets to her feet with a sigh. She stumbles towards the exit of the tent, taking a peek outside without actually sticking her head out of the tent.

2019-02-21, 07:20 PM
Outside, it seems the assualt has largely been successful. The majority of the army has pressed inside the keep, and on the field outside is something most would probably be relieved to see - a downed, likely dead, black dragon. The creature that had been terrorizing the courtyard seems to have fallen.

2019-02-22, 12:30 AM
Magnus leaves the tent, and walks over to stand before the head of the fallen dragon. He crouches down beside it, and reaches out to place a hand gently upon it's face. He just stays that way for quite a while, and the only words anyone can hear are him saying, "My poor friend. You should have turned when I did." After a while, he finally sighs, then rises and returns to the others. "If we are not going after Abraxas now, we might as well finish stamping out this part of Riasom's army before we leave to look for the generals. Shall we finish this?" he asks, readying his sword once more.

2019-02-22, 01:38 PM

Acacia draws a hood over her head and moves out of the tent, spotting Magnus near the dragon. She looks at the man, then the dragon, then the man again. She keeps her distance, but there is an obvious look of compassion in her eyes. She addresses him when he returns. "I'm sorry Magnus. This can't be easy for you."

To his suggestion to return to the fight, she shakes her head. "The soldiers can handle this. We should report to the queen. If our might is needed somewhere, she'll point us in the right direction. Plus, I really need someone to stitch me back together. Itsy Bitsy's sword and magic did a number on my skin. And my insides. Ouch."

2019-02-25, 02:59 AM
"Abraxas could be anywhere," Valien said as he ducked back into the tent. "The castle alone probably has all kinds of secret rooms and such. Let the army look for it while they occupy the castle. And remember what Cordelia said—war itself fuels the Archenemy, thus we must bring as many of our enemies as possible to surrender peaceably."

Valien can heal Acacia using his Wand of Cure Light Wounds. Gonna roll a bunch, just say how many you would have needed.


El'the Ellie
2019-02-26, 10:01 AM
Saetiri follows the others, uncharacteristically downtrodden, her tails and ears hanging low.

Please Valien, let me. If need be I can use the circle's powers to use the wand more effectively...

She goes about with her anathame drawing a hedge circle in the tent, in preparation for healing Acacia and the others if need be. The steady work seems to drag her back to reality somewhat. Although if she's heartened by hearing the dragon's defeat, she doesn't show it.

After all this time, we were too slow. I'm sorry Grenn. I thought we would finish it today. It looks like this war will drag on longer yet.

After she's healed the others as much as she can, she nods in agreement with Acacia. "Agreed, let's report back to the Queen. Even if she doesn't have any insight about our current situation with Cordelia, she will know the status of the battle and where we can be most helpful."

Casting Cure Light Wounds 4 more times from the circle on whoever needs the healing. Each one restores 13 HP, since the circle maximizes it.

If Valien is ok with her borrowing the wand, Saetiri will use that from inside the circle to heal after her spells are exhausted to restore 9 HP per charge, since these are maximized as well.

2019-02-26, 12:04 PM
It isn't too much longer before the battle seems to be drawing to a close. Surprisingly, however, it is not Queen Tiana that the Dawn Brigade ends up running into, first. The cavalry, which had stayed mostly outside the walls, is the first unit the Brigade meets. Therefore, the first commander you all see to get a report of the battle from is the Aasimar, Sundance. The woman straightens up as she sees you all approach, golden eyes surprised. "Brigade - I thought you all were storming the throne. Does this mean you have succeeded? Where- where is the Maiden?"

2019-02-26, 05:27 PM

Acacia is overjoyed to see that her old friend survived the assault. At the same time, this is not at all how she planned for them to meet again. It was supposed to be a tearful reunion during a quiet moment, not a practical relaying of battlefield information that'd leave no room for any one-on-one conversation. She hadn't specifically requested the queen keep her involvement in the Dawn Brigade a secret just to see her plans strand now. The brenin sighs. Not what I planned, but I might as well get it over with.

Anxiously, Acacia removes her hood, the expression on her face as serious as she can muster. She clears her throat before speaking. "No time for long explanations. We failed. The spider turned into some sort of monster. The Maiden created a barrier, or something, to keep it at bay. We need to secure the castle so that she can be protected while we hunt down the spider's generals. That's the short version." She pauses for a moment, trying to avoid looking at Sundance for too long. She's afraid of what she'll see in the aasimar's eyes. "Where's the queen?"

2019-02-26, 06:48 PM
"Acacia?" Sundance says, startled as she recognizes the face before her. Her lips hang loose for a moment, a thousand questions bubbling up and resting on the tip of her tongue, but the most present one is visible in her gaze as she looks down at the Brenin. An unspoken 'how long have you been here? why have you avoided me?' is in the Aasimar's golden gaze, before she closes her mouth again. Acacia is right. If there was little time - then they couldn't mince words, here. Sundance would respect that for now. "Queen Tiana went with the main assault - she should be in the courtyard ahead," the cavalier informs the group.

2019-02-27, 04:39 PM

It takes Acacia quite a while to respond. She thought she was at least somewhat prepared for this.

She was not at all prepared for this. Her first instinct is to rush forward and hug her old friend, but there's no time for a long reunion. And there's a fight going on. And it'd probably create a very awkward situation. And maybe Sundance doesn't even want anything to do with her anymore. And... Well, there's a thousand and one reasons not to do the rushing forward and hugging thing.

And so, all Acacia can do is nod. "Thank you, commander." She looks at the other members of the brigade. "Let's move."

However, before rushing off with the others, Acacia goes up to the aasimar and looks up at the mounted warrior. When she speaks, her voice is barely a whisper, and she has to fight to keep it from cracking. "I'm sorry Sunny. I didn't want you to find out like this. When the castle is secure we'll talk; if you want to, of course. Stay safe." Without looking back, she rushes off to report to queen Tiana.

2019-02-28, 02:29 AM
Valien lent Saeriri the wand without a word, and he didn't stick around to ask questions about the awkwardness between Sundance and Acacia. He simply accompanied the others in joining Queen Tiana, seemingly lost in thought.

2019-02-28, 04:32 AM
Magnus joins the others in heading towards Queen Tiana's tent. He is very withdrawn, though, not saying anything and remaining deep in thought. His eyes keep flickering over towards the body of the dead dragon, his old friend and mount. When they enter the tent, he bows, but still refrains from speaking, even in greeting. He feels like they failed, since Riasom is not yet dead, and since Cordelia is now trapped in a frozen battle with him. What should have been a straightforward fight has now become very complicated, since the generals they must kill are spread out all over the world.

2019-02-28, 04:18 PM
The sight in the courtyard isn't... beautiful. There are fallen soldiers everywhere, some burned by acid and others bleeding, but the healers are starting to sort through who can be saved and who cannot be, who is dead and who is dying and who requires immediate aid and who can wait... a good portion of the courtyard of the keep has been converted into a medical ward, medics running here and there, while those able to assist them are doing their best. A pile of the dead is being stacked up near one of the walls, set off to the side until something can be done with them later. The other half of the courtyard is in more controlled chaos, Daegal commanding the motions of the army as they clear and secure the area and the keep itself, taking prisoners and deciding where to put them, relaying orders all up and down the line. In the midst of all this is the Queen's tent, sitting smack-dab in the middle of it all, with the flap open to keep an eye on the proceedings outside. The queen herself is inside the tent, reviewing things here and there and meeting with commanders as she can, though many of them she directs in Daegal's direction. She keeps glancing towards the castle itself, and you all can tell without much insight that she is waiting anxiously for the Dawn Brigade's return.

El'the Ellie
2019-03-01, 10:29 AM
As Saetiri passes though the courtyard, she bends down to stabilize from death those she can, friend and foe alike. But when she sees the Queen in the center clearly awaiting their arrival, her sorrow is replaced with anxiety. She had never really reported failure before. They had had mixed successes before, sure, but never a failure on this scale. How would they explain the battle now? The fact that this would finally be finished has been Saetiri's justification for the death of so many for so long. Now without that she just felt... hollow.

Well, no sense in delaying the inevitable. Sae steps forward into the tent a bit ahead of the others, and bows to the Queen. It's clear from her expression and body language that she doesn't have good news to report. "My Queen... The fight is... We faced down Riasom and--" She takes a deep breath, emotions clearly high, and starts again, more slowly. "We fought our way to the throne room, as planned. We took down Viiroku, who should be alive but unconscious outside the room. If you can dispatch someone there, he should be brought into custody before he wakes up. We forced Abraxas and another vampiric lieutenant to flee, and we were so close to finishing Riasom. Tiana, we were so close."

She sighs. "He was about to summon Cataclysm. Or is. The situation is complicated. I don't know quiet how to describe it: Cordelia did something to suspend the both of them in a kind of stasis. She said that he's grown too strong. That the seeds of war and hate have been sown too much for the Spider to be stopped now. She tasked us with hunting down Riasom's underlings: she believes that will weaken him, and that we can come back to break the stasis, and truly end this. We've talked some amongst ourselves: we'd like this place to be held and protected, so that no one tampers with Cordelia's stasis. We have no idea how long it might last, or how hard it might be to break.

I'm sorry... Today of all days, we finally failed."

2019-03-01, 02:18 PM

For a good thirty seconds, that word is the only thing spoken in the tent. The silence hangs there between the Queen and the Brigade, stiff and oppressive. A conflicting battle of emotion takes place on Tiana's face. In the span of a few seconds, there is shock, then anger, then grief, then anger once more - but finally, resignation. Collecting her poise, the Queen straightens to her full height, squaring her shoulders. "What is done is done. Cordelia has tasked you with a mission to save the world - if she trusts you all not to fail her again, then certainly I will not be the one to stand in your way," she says. She has questions, that is obvious. But the stress of the day, coupled with the distress she feels and can see on the faces of each member of the Dawn Brigade, keeps the Queen's tongue in check. Were she not so tired and the circumstances not so grim, she may have said more. But, just as she behaved before the battle, Tiana's mentality immediately shifts towards what must be done next.

"Where do we begin with this new and most crucial of missions, Dawn Brigade?"

2019-03-01, 05:47 PM

For most of Saetiri's explanation Acacia just stands there, arms folded over her chest. She speaks up only when the queen asks what their next course of action should be.

"First, we make sure that the castle is secure. We don't want to give any of them access to Cordelia or Itsy Bitsy himself. Then, we hunt down the generals and dismantle the spider's army. Logically, his generals should be with the army, so tracking them down should not be too hard." The brenin lets out a sigh and looks at the queen."I'm sorry, my queen. We should've done better." She shakes her head. "But it's as you said, what's done is done.

Once we recapture Viiroku and take care of all the stragglers we should be able to get a good night's rest to prepare ourselves for a hunt."

2019-03-03, 01:50 AM
"It is as Acacia told it," Valien said with a resigned sigh. "The war, all of this, was purely for bloodshed's sake—the Archenemy feeds upon strife itself and has nearly grown powerful enough to claim total victory. Thus we must bring Riasom's remaining forces to heel with as little violence as possible—another reason to keep the army garrisoned here."

2019-03-04, 12:03 PM
Magnus listened in carefully, though his mind kept running to the other things he had seen and done that day. When the discussion turned to what they should do next, he spoke up. "I don't think the main generals will be here with the army. I think they will be out ruling Riasom's domains for him. His more junior military commanders would have been here in charge, otherwise we would have encountered or heard of the main leaders being here. So we pick one now, and start the hunt. It doesn't matter much which one, since we have to collect them all eventually. But either we try for the farthest away or the nearest, then we work our way along. That will save us a little time," he said firmly. "How about we start with that kobold wretch Tharka?" he suggested.

El'the Ellie
2019-03-04, 12:33 PM
Saetiri shrugs as she listens to the other's suggestions. Slowly she was starting to feel imbued with purpose again, but that meant acknowledging the huge task in front of them.

"Viiroku probably spent a lot of time in Riasom's powerful circles. It's possible he will know something about them to help us get started."

2019-03-04, 12:46 PM
The Queen gave a nod at Saetiri's suggestion, and she briefly left the tent. The group could see her go over to Daegal and take a moment to pull him aside, speaking with him. When she had said the few words she wanted to, the dwarf gave a quick nod and headed in the direction of the castle himself. Then, Tiana returned to the tent. "Viiroku will be brought to us shortly," she told the others.

2019-03-04, 03:49 PM

Acacia thinks for a moments before speaking. "While we wait for Viiroku to get here, is there anything we can do to secure the castle? Are there any enemy stragglers left?"

El'the Ellie
2019-03-05, 01:07 PM
Saetiri nods in agreement with Acacia's request. "At the very least I can stabilize those wounded or dying until we get Viiroku. I'll be in the area, please come find me. I'm particularly interested in speaking to the kitsune beyond our current situation."

2019-03-08, 12:37 PM
The group stays nearby - tending to the wounded, rounding up stragglers of Riasom's army, or otherwise hovering nearby - for the next fifteen minutes. When that time has passed, Daegal is returning with the muscular kitsune which you all encountered and defeated earlier, pulling him along in chains to Tiana's tent. The black-furred kitsune has his teeth bared and his ears pressed flat against his skull, eyes darting around in search of escape.

2019-03-08, 03:47 PM
Magnus puts his sword away, knowing that it will not be needed, in spite of the kitsune's display of rage. "Hello, old friend. Good to see you again, without the need for further bloodshed. We have some questions to ask you. The people around here have lost their champion, so they are not likely to be in the mood for mercy. I beg of you, for your own sake, answer the questions truthfully, and you may yet live to return to your cubs."

2019-03-08, 04:50 PM

Acacia spends the 15 minutes waiting patrolling the walls. It's a good position to see enemy stragglers, but it's also a good position to keep an eye on the cavalry outside the keep, especially their commander. With a bit of luck, I'll get a chance to explain everything tonight, she thinks to herself.

A little before Viiroku appears at the tent in chains, Acacia is there again with the others. "You guys do the talking. I'll be ready to put a few arrows in him should he try anything funny."

And so, unlike Magnus, she keeps her bow in her hand. There's no arrow nocked to the string, but she's very ready to shoot should the kitsune try anything funny.

2019-03-11, 11:49 PM
Valien opened the interrogation. He didn't relish this sort of thing, and under other circumstances he'd wonder if he could restrain himself from violence against such a hated foe. But right now he was too weary for that. With a sigh, he turned to address the kitsune.

"Peace, Viiroku, you are going nowhere for now. My companions and I spared you in the midst of battle, after all. Now first, the question on everyone's minds: Why? Why serve a master deserving of no one's loyalty?"

Let's start nicely. Diplomacy: [roll0]

El'the Ellie
2019-03-12, 08:19 AM
Saetiri returns to the tent when she sees Viiroku dragged in, her passion in this war reignited momentarily. For her, and for the kitsune that had gotten wrapped up in this war at large, this was huge. Although neither of them officially held head positions of leadership, this was undoubtedly a meeting that would have shaking repercussions for their respective communities.

And that made Saetiri nervous. She was good with people, but her charisma came from a sense of empathy and clearheaded view of conflict. She was not a negotiator, or an interrogator, or whatever else this situation was going to call for unless she could somehow talk Viiroku to a position of neutrality.

She arrives in the tent a bit later than the others having been tending to some of the wounded. Her look to the man was a mix of hate and pity. She sits floating on her broomstick a few feet above the ground, petting Roust who poked his head out of her hat, then immediately ducked back in after seeing Viiroku. She had her own questions, but for now she was fine letting Valien do the talking.

2019-03-12, 09:03 AM
Viiroku's gaze darted around the tent, holding each member of the Dawn Brigade in his gaze for a few moments before passing over to another. He bared his teeth at Magnus when the man spoke to him, but his attention was swiftly pulled away to Valien when the paladin began to speak. Then, his snarl became something closer to a smirk. "Loyalty?" he questioned. "There are scant few things that can be done to win the loyalty of someone as powerful as I am. Ambition, charisma, leadership, power... Riasom has all of these," he pointed out. "No one is more deserving of loyalty, when taken from this view."

2019-03-12, 10:37 PM
Valien returned the smirk with a cold stare. "All those fine assets, all bent to the service of his master in turn, who holds him in utter thrall—and would destroy the world if he succeeds. Yes, I think the two of you do have much in common. Did you believe you'd be spared when the day came? Or did Riasom's sheer hubris convince him that he was the master and Cataclysm the servant?"

2019-03-13, 10:25 AM
Viiroku's tails twitched. It seemed as though Valien had hit on a sore spot - or at least, a spot of doubt in the kitsune's mind. "No one understood the artifact more than the King," he insisted all the same. "I would not expect a Paladin of La to even begin to comprehend our goals."

2019-03-13, 03:42 PM

The brenin keeps her distance from Viiroku, with her hood pulled over her head. She's not there to be intimidating or to ask questions. She's simply there to put an arrow in the enemy should he try to escape. As the kitsune refers to the spider as 'the King' she frowns, but it's nearly impossible to see due to the hood over her head. Keep your mouth shut, she tells herself, let the others handle this. The queen'll make sure this monster is punished for his crimes.

2019-03-14, 12:56 AM
Valien leaned back and spread his hands wide, in an almost conciliatory gesture. "You never know—I just might."

2019-03-17, 12:22 PM
"Bah," the kitsune hisses all the same. Finally, though, he relents. "This world had grown far too stagnant. It was about time that something happen to wake its people to the grand design of men who are above mortals," he hums.

2019-03-20, 12:30 AM
"What grand design was that?" Valien pressed. "Even if the world had grown stagnant, Riasom's alternative—warmongering on a massive scale, actively working to bring about the end of the world—could surely not be called 'progress'. Though, I will grant, it would certainly 'wake' the people who are left."

2019-03-20, 01:09 PM
Viiroku gave a tiny nod to Valien. "So you get it, at least a little," he responded. "What greater motivator to move is there, than violence?"

El'the Ellie
2019-03-20, 01:45 PM
Saetiri stands up, having been listening carefully to the fellow Kitsune. At first her response was disgust, but that has mostly broken away to sadness. More gently, to him she says, "Have you found... Nothing in this world that fulfills you more than bloodshed? I'm not sure I believe that, Viiroku. Not friends or family? Not learning or building or teaching? Not love?"

2019-03-21, 02:28 AM
"Again, though—move to what end? Surely this was not all just a display of power for its own sake."

2019-03-21, 10:27 AM
Viiroku's tails twitch, especially when Saetiri begins to question him. "The world would be safer, united all under one banner," he says. "Divided, we are weak. We cannot agree on anything. With one push for power, Riasom has united the world, has he not? Even if it is against him, and not for him, as we planned." He gives a small shrug. "Either way... the end result is the same. A world united."

2019-03-21, 11:09 AM

As the conversation goes on Acacia's anger grows. How can they have a friendly chat about motives with this monstrous accomplice to genocide? She snorts loudly. "No really. That's impressive. Well done in uniting the world. Kudos."

"I'd tell my family about it, but that's going to be hard since you KILLED THEM ALL AND LEFT THEM IN AN UNMARKED MASS GRAVE!"

The brenin nocks an arrow to her bow, the fury is clearly visible on her face.

"Enough chatter about motivations. Tell us where the spider's generals are holed up, and who protects them. Then, if you're lucky, my companions will prevent your slow and excruciatingly painful death."

2019-03-21, 11:30 AM
Acacia captures Viiroku's attention immediately, but perhaps not in the way she wishes to. The kitsune looks decidedly unamused by the turn in conversation, and goes quiet. "Now, now," he says. "You think that's any way to get what you want from me?"

2019-03-21, 11:38 AM

Acacia growls. She's quite aware that's this isn't increasing their chances, but she's too furious to care.

Her voice drops as low as it'll go. "I want your skull on a pike and your skin in a tanner's shop." She's visibly shaking with anger, but she stays her hand. For now.

El'the Ellie
2019-03-21, 11:45 AM
"United? Viiroku, look around! The chasms created by this war have never been deeper. Perhaps on the battlefield each side is united in belief, but certainly not with those on the other side. From your perspective I'm sure it looks like the Army of Dawn is the whole world coming down on you. But travel the world and talk to common folk! Riasom's army and the Dawn both leave a wake of division everywhere we go: we can't help it. Sons and daughters, parents, siblings leave families to fight with one side or another. You think their parents, husbands, wives, and children share their devotion? No, they just want their loved ones back.

"They don't curse Riasom. Sure, they may use his name, but they don't really care about him: some man they've never met. Their anger and frustration gets aimed at those that left for 'higher purpose' of fighting. Loving families are suddenly torn apart by not only having to pick a side in something they'd rather be neutral in, but now they have to carry on this life with a vacuum the soldier left, knowing in their hearts there's a good chance he won't come home.

"Those that do make it back, the lucky ones, still carry the scars. And I'm not talking about physical. Their children grew up without a father or mother. Their spouses learned to live alone, with years of stress with no word of their wellbeing. Or they've coped by seeking solace in the arms of another, and now they have to deal with that when this war ends. Those that gave their life are even worse. Their loved ones are left adrift with no idea how to cope with the loss: emotionally, mentally, financially, their lives will never be the same. Today alone, there are dozens, no, hundreds of people who lost a child, parent, sibling, and spouse. They don't care that the world was saved. They will forever hate whichever army killed their loved one, and you really can't blame them. Those cracks of division will last for years after this war ends.

"So no. The world can only possibly seem united in the shallowest, most self-centered way when you looks at the people as 'an army' against you, or blind vessels of devotion for you. But look at the people, I mean really look. Their loss, division, and stress is written all over them."

Saetiri realizes she had been pacing, and finishes chastising the kitsune. She realizes that a large portion of that was her own stress she had been feeling, but she meant every word. Somehow, she had forgotten what a superficial view others had of this war. And unfortunately, it was usually common with the commanders, who could map out battles with figures on a map and read about the battle instead of see it.

She settles herself and sits back down, fixing Viiroku with a piercing gaze. Her even tone and command is more intimidating than her rambling.

"Acacia is right though. We need to know things to finish the war. You can tell us, and start the long hard road to redemption and healing the division that you helped to sew into the world. You have that choice, today, right now.

Ultimately though, we need what you know. And I can make you tell me. You know this because you have the same powers. How long do you think you can resist me?" Her smile, while charming, is a touch horrifying given the implication. "A day? Two days? Eventually you would succumb. I'm giving you the option because it is how and why you do things that matter, even if the end result would be the same. You have the choice to forge a new path for yourself. Or you can choose to continue being a puppet, albeit for a different master. Because honestly, we don't have that much time."

2019-03-22, 11:29 AM
Saetiri speaks, and her words silence everyone in the tent. Even Queen Tiana, who had honestly been inclined to (begrudgingly) agree with Viiroku's point. But she, like him, was a commander. She saw the pieces of the grand strategy like pawns on a board. Outside of Cordelia and the Dawn Brigade, she didn't see individuals. To her - it had seemed exactly as Viiroku described. The entire world moving against Riasom, the Spider.

But Saetiri's words shake that thought to its core. In response, Tiana holds herself a little bit higher, shoulders squared.

And Viiroku's ears flatten back against his skull. He bares his teeth at Saetiri, something... at least close to regret, but closer to realization in his eyes. "Your intelligence likely knows about as much as I do about the location of the other generals," he relents slowly. "Tharka is south of here, on the border with Abeern. Circe is commanding the navy in the seas by Fate's Islands. Altmar and his lieutenant are still in the ruins of the spire, making sure that the forests stay in our control. Abraxas... hell if I know. But he has a lover hiding in the mountains of Eshen."

2019-03-23, 03:53 AM
"Somehow I still think there was more to it than that. Deceit was Riasom's trade. Who can say he didn't hide his true motives from his servants as well? Even from his top lieutenants? Or especially from them, if he feared usurpation himself, or in case they might turn out to disagree with his plans for them. Valien mused out loud. "No matter. Whatever his plans might have been, he played his hand and lost. His generals' locations are known to us, but details about their disposition, the troops they command, personal abilities and motivations, any and all may help put a swifter end to this. And I would prefer to do it with a minimum of further violence. So, because it's the right thing to do, or simply because we are the victors and you our captive—you've good reasons from both our viewpoints, so take your pick—tell us all you can recall."

2019-03-24, 06:16 PM

Acacia has calmed down a little. She still has an arrow nocked to her bow but at least she's not visibly shaking anymore. Saetiri's speech was impressive, and it seemed to have more of an effect, at least. She looks at queen Tiana and mouths silently: "Now what?"

2019-03-26, 01:13 AM
Magnus stood silently. He didn't feel it was his place to interrogate a former ally, and he was uncomfortable in the knowledge that it could easily have been him who was being questioned right now by his current allies. He and the kitsune had never been close, but he felt a touch of pity for the creature, knowing how badly it must feel to be defeated, though he had never experienced defeat himself. His decision to change sides had been taken at a time when victory for the Queen's army was by no means assured, and much of the success had been at his own hands, since he was a capable commander in his own right. He could see that the others were tightly strung right now, since they had lost more than he had through this war. So he decided to remain there waiting just in case the kitsune tried to escape. But he was sure that what he had to say would likely not be welcome right now, and could even be used by the kitsune as a means of weakening the Dawn Brigade's resolve.

2019-03-26, 03:49 PM
Viiroku groaned as though he was in great, laborious pain. "Everything?" he questioned, echoing Valien's words. "That would take too much time, and I doubt much of it would be useful to you, regardless. The most I know is about Abraxas - and the most I know to tell you that's useful is that Narcissus is his weak point. Find that whore, use him as bait, and the vampire will come running to help him." He shook his head. "Tharka is completely mad. Leads through fear and anger. If given the chance and ample cause to think that their general would fall, I would think their troops might desert. I have never met Circe, and Altmar thinks himself too clever to speak with the rest of us. But it's his lieutenant that you really must watch out for. Though..." he cut his gaze over to Acacia, "I would suppose you might already know that, hm?" He shook his head. "What more do you want to know?"

"Give us numbers," Tiana spoke up. "Exact as you can. How many does Tharka command? Circe and Altmar, as well? I know Abraxas usually works from the shadows, but I am certain he has men to call to his aid. Who are they, and more importantly, where?"

The kitsune gave another beleaguered sigh. "Last I heard, Tharka had around nine thousand. Circe, I'm again unsure. She keeps her forces concealed under the waves, after all. And Altmar is always summoning new bodies to his banner. The more that die in that forest, the stronger he becomes. As for Abraxas... it is as I have already said. Find Narcissus, and you will find him."

2019-03-26, 05:47 PM

Acacia glares at Viiroku when he mentions Altmar. She decides against responding though, as she's sure that her reply wouldn't be very coherent. It's time to let the cooler heads do the talking for now.

2019-03-28, 12:15 AM
"Where, or how, are we likely to find Narcissus?" Valien ventured.

2019-03-28, 11:17 AM
"The boy lives somewhere in the mountains, but I know he frequents the small towns nearby - Cal'ad, Drakkeni, maybe one other. Check the taverns for him. Little whore is a dancer," Viiroku answered.

2019-03-30, 03:39 PM
"Well. If no one has any further questions, we'd best get going. We have our work cut out for us, after all.

2019-03-30, 04:11 PM

"Before we go: what do we do about him?" She points at Viiroku. "I want to be sure he does not cause any more trouble."

"Secondly, I suggest that we discuss our next steps where he can't hear us. And third: we should leave in the morning. We all need a rest, and there's something I need to do before we go."

2019-03-30, 04:28 PM
"Lock him up. I thought that had gone without saying," Valien said with a shrug. "A trial will suss out his role in all this and determine a fit punishment, and surely others may want to question him in detail."

2019-03-31, 01:57 PM
Again, Viiroku bares his teeth when the group begins to talk about him as though he isn't even there. Daegal grips the kitsune's arm and leads him from the tent. Viiroku is clever enough to know he's been beaten, so only provides minimal resistance when he is taken from the tent.

"What do you all need from me, to ensure your success? You shall have anything," Tiana promises when the kitsune is gone.

2019-03-31, 02:29 PM

Acacia stares daggers at Viiroku as he's taken from the tent. She turns to Tiana."A good night's rest before we leave would be welcome. Also, some supplies so I can replenish my supply of arrows. Besides that, I don't know. I doubt there's any more magical equipment to spare, and we have all the information we need." She pauses for a moment.

"There's one thing though... I sort of revealed my presence to commander Yggor. With your leave, I'd like some time to speak with her. I think I owe her an explanation. I'd also ask to still keep my name and presence here as much of a secret as possible. The less people know about me, the better."

2019-04-01, 06:41 AM
Magnus watched in silence as the kitsune former ally was led away. He held mixed opinions on all of this, since it could so easily have been him who had been the one led away in chains and disgrace. Once he was gone, he turned back to Tiana and said, "Since we cannot be healed by magic, there is little that I need that can't be found along the way. Maybe some basic provisions, food and water. That is all I need."

El'the Ellie
2019-04-02, 04:07 PM
Saetiri watches with some pity as the fellow Kitsune is dragged off. Then she turns to Tiana and shakes her head. "Perhaps some trail rations. But not beyond that. I agree with Acacia, a night of rest will be good, and we can start fresh in the morning. Besides that... If I could talk to Viiroku tonight, I would be grateful. Not about Riasom's forces, I think we found as much as we could for now. I think... He's at the end of a long, painful road. Talking might do some good. I don't know, it's hard to explain. "

2019-04-03, 03:26 AM
"I got the impression that he had at least some doubt in what he was doing, which I'm sure is why I was able to stop myself from executing him on the spot. Maybe his doubts really were pure self-preservation; one simply does not serve a monster like Riasom without fear. Maybe he really can be reformed, but I was serious when I mentioned a trial and sentence. Repentant or not he has to pay for his part in all this."

2019-04-07, 10:54 AM
Tiana gives Valien a firm nod of agreement. "I will ensure that his trial is both fair and just. Have no worries about that - much bigger problems have already fallen to you lot," she says. She turns her gaze to the other kitsune. "I will also ensure that Daegal knows you are allowed to visit Viiroku. Though, I do not believe he would try to stop a member of the Dawn Brigade." A weak smile is offered to Saetiri, before the same expression turns to Acacia. "Sundance should be securing the perimeter of the city. I instructed her and the cavalry to be on the lookout for stragglers attempting to sneak out of the keep and escape," she says. "But I trust that she can allow her soldiers to keep an eye out without her, if you were to go speak with her. I am quite certain she would not mind the distraction."