View Full Version : A Non-Cheesed Foe for Batman (yes, another versus thread)

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-09-19, 08:06 PM
I've been trying to think of a match that would be innately so far against Batman that he'd have little chance of winning, but without doing the usual super cheesey stuff (like giving Wolverine a GL ring and the Power Cosmic). So here's my match up-

Batman versus Bionic Sherlock Holmes

The scenario-
After Sherlock Holmes died, his remains were frozen and locked away for generations. Thanks to modern comicbook technology, the greatest detective and analytical mind of all time has been ressurected in a new bionic body. Shortly after his revival, he caught up on current events and learned of the OMAC disaster and quickly pieced together that it was Batman's paranoia that led to this.

Holmes considers a man calling himself the greatest living detective would make a worthy adversary, but wishes that he might be brought to justice for his hubris. While he feels confident in the world's heroes to bring in villains, what would they do against one of their own? Clearly the game is afoot!

Can Batman match wits with the legendary Sherlock Holmes? Will his martial arts be a match for Holmes' high tech body? We'll assume for this exercise that Sherlock exhibits no weaknesses not present in the original Bionic Man TV series, and that he's taken a few months after his ressurection to familiarize himself with the modern world and, perhaps more importantly, modern science and technology.

Well, fans? Does the great Batman stand a chance?

2007-09-19, 08:12 PM
How would this be different from Ra's al Ghul?

2007-09-19, 08:47 PM
Just keep it simple:

Squirrel Girl.

Both characters have the "underdog" attack bonus. But in a fight between a really buff martial arts expert and Squirrel Girl, SG gets the underdog status and thus wins. Problem solved, let's let these topics die.

2007-09-19, 10:29 PM
Take one of the members of the JL (Superman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Wonder Women, Captain Marvel, Plastic Man, Geo-Force, Red Tornado, Black Lightning) and remove their obvious weakness' and they'll beat Batman with 100% certainty.

IMHO if you take Xaviar, remove all shreads of morality and set him against Batman...:evilbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

Green Bean
2007-09-20, 06:41 AM
Just keep it simple:

Squirrel Girl.

Both characters have the "underdog" attack bonus. But in a fight between a really buff martial arts expert and Squirrel Girl, SG gets the underdog status and thus wins. Problem solved, let's let these topics die.

Dude, how on Earth would you think that's even a fair fight? The entire DCU would probably lose to Squirrel Girl.

2007-09-20, 07:01 AM

Bionic Sherlock Holmes...

We have rebuild him Gentlemen... Now he is faster, stronger and better then any other man...

Bats against Sherlock

Sherlock wins.
Even if most people say that Superman is the first Superhero... in fact it was Sherlock. He practically also invented most of the stuff used by Bats for deduction

Holmes: Can you see this footprint Mr. Watson. Clearly the man was clad in a full body armor suit, shaped like a human bat, 1.89 tall, and has eaten a banana and cereal flakes for breakfast
Watson (looking like Oscar Goldman): How do you know?
Holmes: one plus one equals two Mr. Watson.

Now... but Watson against Robin...

Finn Solomon
2007-09-20, 07:17 AM
Holmes is a living god. So is Batman, but Holmes did it first.

Watson would whip Boy Wonder's sorry little butt too. I wanna see tag-team action!

2007-09-20, 07:22 AM
The thing about Sherlock Holmes is that his abilities are difficult to measure, since he clearly has the Powers of Plot on his side. Why? Because all of his conclusions always turn out right, in spite of rarely being the only possible (or even simpliest) solution. A.C. Doyle presents it as if Holmes' deductions were the only possible way to explain all of the details he notices, but that's only because that's the only solution which comprises all of the details that is offered, and hardly the only one imaginable.
Other than that, though, I'd bet on Sherlock Holmes, for I think he would outwit even Batman.

2007-09-20, 12:12 PM
Dude, how on Earth would you think that's even a fair fight? The entire DCU would probably lose to Squirrel Girl.

I don't. But when the topic creator is looking for an unfair fight that is not in Batman's favor, she comes to mind.

2007-09-20, 12:25 PM
Joker VS Metal Moriarty

2007-09-20, 01:04 PM
Well... It's not Arthur Conan Doyle, but if you took the Holmes from The Last Sherlock Holmes Story, then I can see this fight actually happening.

I can also see Batman completely winning. Holmes is a genius, sure. So are many of Bat's villains. Completely insane, sure, but Joker? Freakin' Bright. The Riddler? (The new version, specifically) He completely trashed all three Green Arrows with his plots. A lot of Batman's villains are genius scientists in one fashion or another. Egghead, the Mad Hatter, Bane, Ra's Al Ghul - sure, Batman has a few enemies who are pretty darn dumb, or who are crazy enough that their thought processes make no sense (heck, some of these guys are on the 'smart' list and the 'dumb' list) but you can't say that he's unused to facing his mental equal.

Then you just have Batman against a guy with some minor superpowers. Bionic Holmes may be, but Batman is a ninja. Holmes may be a master of disguise, but so is Batman, and Batman is also a master of stealth. He just has a whole host of physical training I don't think Holmes could overcome with brute mechanical force.

2007-09-20, 07:10 PM
Holmes wins because he has the superpower of Meta-Knowledge.

2007-09-21, 01:23 AM
The Riddler? (The new version, specifically) He completely trashed all three Green Arrows with his plots.

Do you mean the 2 Green Arrows and Arsenal (now Red Arrow) or am I forgetting someone?

2007-09-25, 03:45 PM
The thing about Sherlock Holmes is that his abilities are difficult to measure, since he clearly has the Powers of Plot on his side. Why? Because all of his conclusions always turn out right, in spite of rarely being the only possible (or even simpliest) solution. A.C. Doyle presents it as if Holmes' deductions were the only possible way to explain all of the details he notices, but that's only because that's the only solution which comprises all of the details that is offered, and hardly the only one imaginable.
Other than that, though, I'd bet on Sherlock Holmes, for I think he would outwit even Batman.

So, when A.C. Doyle did it, then it is the power of plot on his side, but when the writers for Batman do it, it is because he is just that skilled?

2007-09-25, 04:04 PM
So, when A.C. Doyle did it, then it is the power of plot on his side, but when the writers for Batman do it, it is because he is just that skilled?

It's a little known fact that the original script for every Batman story ends up with him losing, but he manages to turn every story around by sheer force of will.

Moff Chumley
2007-09-25, 06:42 PM
Gentlemen: Grand Admiral Thrawn vs. Batman. Plot aside, Thrawn pulls out one of his 'They obviously will attack Bilbringi's. Thrawn's leaps of logic are even bigger than Holmses'. Pluss, It'd be awsome to see Paellon take on Robin...

Green Bean
2007-09-25, 07:01 PM
Gentlemen: Grand Admiral Thrawn vs. Batman. Plot aside, Thrawn pulls out one of his 'They obviously will attack Bilbringi's. Thrawn's leaps of logic are even bigger than Holmses'. Pluss, It'd be awsome to see Paellon take on Robin...

Now that would be a battle worth watching.

Well, it would if Thrawn didn't have a massive resource advantage. I figure it would start with both sides taking their 'prep-time', then eighteen Star Destroyers showing up and converting Earth to a barren wasteland in about an hour.

Moff Chumley
2007-09-25, 08:29 PM
Now that would be a battle worth watching.

Well, it would if Thrawn didn't have a massive resource advantage. I figure it would start with both sides taking their 'prep-time', then eighteen Star Destroyers showing up and converting Earth to a barren wasteland in about an hour.

Well, Thrawn has absolutely no form of one on one skill at all... He could still win with a stripped down Interdictor Cruiser, a squad of TIE Interceptors, and a used copy of The Color of Magic...

2007-09-25, 08:52 PM
Holmes vs batman.

Bats pwns up. Holmes has very little martial arts or fighting skill. Batman is a good enough detective to find holmes wherever he may be plus he has a competent sidekick, super car, and ace the bat hound (who is seldom mentioned). If they ever actually come to physical combat...holmes is getting his ass whooped.