View Full Version : Type Specific Anti-Magic and Dead Magic areas.

2018-11-16, 01:26 AM
Are there any rules for type specific Anti-Magic, or Dead Magic areas.

For example say I have a group of Incarnum Users who are up against some Arcane or Divine Magic users, is there a location, magic item, or other ability that I can use to basically stop the Arcane/Divine/Other form of magic from working, but not every form of magic from working?


This article lists Incarnum as "heavy magic" Is there any more info on "Heavy Magic" I figure Faerun stuff is probably my best bet for this kind of effect.

2018-11-16, 01:48 AM
Sure there is, like Null Psionics Field, with no Magic-Psionic transparency.

2018-11-16, 10:41 AM
The first thing that comes to mind is the Quell (LM p116), a low-HD ghost which cuts divine casters off from their source of power.
I think there are monsters that do similar things for arcane magic; I'm just not remembering right now.
I don't know that I'd lean on Anti-Magic or Dead Magic areas unless you know about your Soulmeld-Magic Transparency (MoI p52) status.