View Full Version : Help with Tiefling Bard Support Build

2018-11-17, 05:35 AM
Hi there, I'm working on a character build for a future 5e game and hoping to get some advice. I'm trying to build a mainly support based character, and I figured bard would be a good starting off point. I've only ever played melee builds before, and am pretty new to spellcasting mechanics and got pretty overwhelmed with the sheer number of options out there. Story wise, my character is searching for some magical artifacts stolen from his village, so aside from the buffing spells, I'd like to have a good mix of utility spells for gathering information. Any recommendations you can give about things like stat allocation, feats, proficiencies, possible multi-classing, what spells to take, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

2018-11-19, 12:39 PM
Hello there and welcome to forums. I'm by no means expert on 5e, but I will try to give at least some advice.

First, bard is great choice if you want to play support and battlefield control character. Unless you pick college of valor or swords, you will be very light on at-will damage, so if you used to play melee characters be prepared for that. I played a lore bard for few levels and I only shot my crossbow once (at 1st level). Bard cantrips are good for many things, but damage ain't one of them.

If you really want to embrace support side, I would recommend either college of lore (in PHB) or college of glamour (in XGtE). As for stats, charisma is your god stat if you want to cast spells. Constitution is good for not dying and keeping concentration on spells and best bard spells are usually concentration. Dexterity is good for keeping good AC and for archery/finesse weapons if you chose to use them. As for feats, I would recommend either War Caster or Resilient (CON) for keeping concentration and Inspiring Leader for THP each short rest (unless someone else in party has this feat).

As for multi-classing and spells I'm going to point out Evil Anagram's guide to bards and add just one note. Bards don't get to change their spells every day, but only when they gain another level. Be careful when picking spells to not pick something unusable or only occasionally usable in your campaign. You can pick few spells that are not usable every adventuring day (divination for example) but don't make your spell-list only from such spells. If you think you might want to change spells often, maybe other class can fulfill your needs. Bard guide link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?427508-Player-s-Gonna-Play-A-Bard-s-Guide)

2018-11-19, 12:47 PM
Are the variant Tieflings from the Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes allowed?

2018-11-19, 12:58 PM
You'll find that Glamour works better in a team with a lot of melee combatants, where Lore will work better with a smaller team. Valor and Swords are good for a team that lacks melee combatants, but Valor is better if your team needs more healing, and Swords is better for a team that needs damage. Lastly, Whispers is probably the most RP-focused option, and is best if your team needs a ranged damage dealer.

All-in-all, Glamour and Lore are going to be the best support options.

For actual support, your Song of Rest and other bard-specific features will do most of the work. You will definitely want Healing Word, as it's probably the best healing spell in the game, and available at level 1. It's versatility can't be understated.

Lastly, as soon as you can, get the Inspiring Leader feat. The value it'll provide for your team at low levels is incredible, and it'll work well for the bardic method of "taking only flesh wounds" style of healing.

As long as you have Healing Word, you can invest in multiple options for RP effects. Bards CAN cast spells as rituals (can only work for specific ritual spells, takes 10 more minutes, doesn't take a spell slot), so a few that'll work out in your favor are:

Identify, Comprehend Languages, Speak with Animals, Detect Magic, Illusory Script, Animal Messenger and Magic Mouth.

You'll want 1-2 spells to use consistently in combat per each spell slot level. Notably, Bards have the best options for control-type spells, but generally deal low damage. My recommendation would be to use Healing Word and Sleep (both very powerful at low levels), and two RP-based spells (based on what you want) at level 1.

Once you have access to some higher level spells, Shatter and Heat Metal have some great combat value, and Invisibility is universally good.

2018-11-19, 01:10 PM
Man_over_game covered the subclass options nicely, and I'll second his recommendation of inspiring leader.

If you go lore, do spend some time thinking about what magical secrets you want. Magical secrets let you become the very best at one type of thing. For the role of 'support' here are some major winners:

Exploration: pass without trace.(assuming no one in the party has this.)
Healing: healing spirit. (assuming no one in the party has this.)
Damage buff: crusader's mantle.
Movement/mobility: Find steed, find greater steed.
exploration: Find Familiar (assuming no on in the party has this)
control: counterspell. (Others can do this, but thanks to jack of all trades you can do this better.)