View Full Version : Coming up with a Deity for a "Gish" character.

2018-11-18, 09:10 AM
So I've been looking through all the Deities in 3.5; and I can't find a Deity that matches that philosophy of a magic casting warrior who believes in carefully considered action who knows (ideally) that no warrior fights in isolation. My question is whether or not I'm just missing a splatbook or if I'm just going to have to come up with my own... And if so, what would you guys recommend?

(The character I'm playing is Neutral Good.)

2018-11-18, 12:30 PM
Hmm how about Red Knight from Forgotten Realms?
Her dogma is War is won by those with the best planning, strategy, and tactics, regardless of the apparent odds. Any fool can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with fortune's aid. Only a master strategist can ensure lasting victory. War is a series of battles. Losing a battle does not necessarily indicate the war is lost. Seek out your opponent's weaknesses and recognize your own; avoid an opponent's strengths and play to your own. Only by focusing one's own strengths on the opponent's vulnerabilities can triumph be ensured. In times of war prepare for peace; in times of peace prepare for war. Seek out your enemy's enemies as allies, and be prepared to compromise. Life is an endless series of skirmishes with occasional outbreaks of war. Be ready -- and have a contingency plan

2018-11-18, 01:19 PM
That sounds pretty good actually, I wasn't aware that The Red Lady supported magic in that regard...

However the main point I am looking for is for the acknowledgement of magic's potential to affect the battle first. I'm sorry if I'm in any way unclear.

2018-11-18, 01:26 PM
Vlaakith CLVII is really the only choice for a proper gish.

2018-11-18, 01:57 PM
Vlaakith CLVII is really the only choice for a proper gish.

I think that would be two - too many lich gods for me, no thank you. :wink:

2018-11-18, 02:05 PM
Boccob has both the Magic and Planning domains and seems to fit the bill well enough. Aureon could also work if you are in Eberron, as he is the god of magic as well as logic and wisdom. And Complete Warrior has Halmyr as another option, a martial god of planning and tactics who respects magic for its use in battle.

2018-11-18, 03:33 PM
I don't know your character's race, but Corellon Larethian would fit really well if the character is an elf or of elven ancestry (or, maybe, a bard). Corellon's portfolio include both war and magic and Deities and Demigods says that his influence leads elves to study magic and swordplay and that his clergy trains others in those arts.

2018-11-18, 03:44 PM
Zuoken would fit, perhaps. Ascended mortal martial artist, with the Knowledge, Mind, Strength, War domains. As a psionic monk-type deity, he's not much about grand strategy, but he's definitely about using magic to enhance your fighting ability.

2018-11-18, 03:55 PM
As with Corellon, this works best if you're an elf but see if you can dig anything up on Tethrin Veralde. At the very least, the race can be refluffed.

Maat Mons
2018-11-18, 08:49 PM
Corellon Larethian has already been mentioned. But he's not the only deity who offers both the Magic and War domains. There's also Laduguer, if you happen to be a duergar (or a very loyal slave of the duergar). And there's Tem-Et-Nu, if you like hippopotami.

2018-11-18, 09:09 PM
You could worship a pantheon and pick two domains. Asgardian pantheon, for example. Pick you favored weapon from a list. You can also say, "By Odin's beard!" a lot, which is definitely a plus.

2018-11-19, 12:55 AM
Hmm how about Red Knight from Forgotten Realms?
Her dogma is War is won by those with the best planning, strategy, and tactics, regardless of the apparent odds. Any fool can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with fortune's aid. Only a master strategist can ensure lasting victory. War is a series of battles. Losing a battle does not necessarily indicate the war is lost. Seek out your opponent's weaknesses and recognize your own; avoid an opponent's strengths and play to your own. Only by focusing one's own strengths on the opponent's vulnerabilities can triumph be ensured. In times of war prepare for peace; in times of peace prepare for war. Seek out your enemy's enemies as allies, and be prepared to compromise. Life is an endless series of skirmishes with occasional outbreaks of war. Be ready -- and have a contingency plan
I came in here to suggest the Red Knight and/or Tempus, but it looks like you've already done that for me (for the Red Knight, at least, but I think she's a better fit than Tempus anyway).

2018-11-19, 10:56 AM
Well magic is playing to your strength so........ Plus any god of war and planning would be bad at his job if she'he did not support magic to turn the tide of battle. Just my 2 coppers.

2018-11-19, 05:41 PM
Realistically, you could stretch any number of things to fit what you're looking for and, worst case scenario, just play the character as a heretic or off-shoot member of a church whose beliefs don't perfectly align with what you're going for.

If you're sticking to the standard 3.5 gods, Corellon, Odin, or The Red Knight are pretty much your absolute best choices. An argument could be made for Savras using his focus on divination as an aspect of battlefield planning and control.

2018-11-19, 06:01 PM
Well, the Undying Court (from the Eberron) is NG and got both Planning and Patience domains; and magic - even if not a domain - is highly-common for elves (especially those who're a Good Lich expy)

2018-11-20, 11:23 AM
Boccob has both the Magic and Planning domains and seems to fit the bill well enough. Aureon could also work if you are in Eberron, as he is the god of magic as well as logic and wisdom. And Complete Warrior has Halmyr as another option, a martial god of planning and tactics who respects magic for its use in battle.

Halmyr; right I forgot he even existed!

I don't know your character's race, but Corellon Larethian would fit really well if the character is an elf or of elven ancestry (or, maybe, a bard). Corellon's portfolio include both war and magic and Deities and Demigods says that his influence leads elves to study magic and swordplay and that his clergy trains others in those arts.

Corellon himself is more about personal glory, and supporting elves (which are kinda kingdomless right now afaik) but I guess I could make that work.

Corellon Larethian has already been mentioned. But he's not the only deity who offers both the Magic and War domains. There's also Laduguer, if you happen to be a duergar (or a very loyal slave of the duergar). And there's Tem-Et-Nu, if you like hippopotami.

Tem-Et-Nu is in Sandstorm, correct?

You could worship a pantheon and pick two domains. Asgardian pantheon, for example. Pick you favored weapon from a list. You can also say, "By Odin's beard!" a lot, which is definitely a plus.

Maybe a pantheon would work...

Well magic is playing to your strength so........ Plus any god of war and planning would be bad at his job if she'he did not support magic to turn the tide of battle. Just my 2 coppers.

Yeah, but no deity really puts it first I've noticed.

Realistically, you could stretch any number of things to fit what you're looking for and, worst case scenario, just play the character as a heretic or off-shoot member of a church whose beliefs don't perfectly align with what you're going for.

If you're sticking to the standard 3.5 gods, Corellon, Odin, or The Red Knight are pretty much your absolute best choices. An argument could be made for Savras using his focus on divination as an aspect of battlefield planning and control.
Yeah I think this'll work if I can flesh it out with my DM.

Well, the Undying Court (from the Eberron) is NG and got both Planning and Patience domains; and magic - even if not a domain - is highly-common for elves (especially those who're a Good Lich expy)

I don't think my DM would like me to use Eberron Deities.

Alright I think I have an idea for a pantheon consisting of...

Corellon Larethian

This would make sense regarding my character's Alignment, (Ironically, it would "balance out" to Neutral Good)

Now what should I refer to this hypothetical pantheon as?

2018-11-20, 08:13 PM
I dunno about the other things, but Bahamut could easily work for someone who fights and casts; he's practically the go-to for Sorcadins.

2018-11-21, 03:50 AM
I dunno about the other things, but Bahamut could easily work for someone who fights and casts; he's practically the go-to for Sorcadins.Wouldn't Chronepsis fit better?
He's, after all, got both Planning and Time domains...

2018-11-21, 11:32 PM
Wouldn't Chronepsis fit better?
He's, after all, got both Planning and Time domains...

I don't know well about him, but yeah I guess. Bahamut *is* a very fine deity for a Sorcadin, though - it really depends on the character.