View Full Version : Gestalt druid/cleric of groetus going evangelist/exalted of groetus

2018-11-18, 05:57 PM
Thats a lot of overlapping codes, and the only alignment allowed by all the codes is chaotic neutral. What would a ban on good, evil, and lawful acts look like in a character and how would this interact with the druid code?

2018-11-19, 03:56 PM
Thats a lot of overlapping codes, and the only alignment allowed by all the codes is chaotic neutral. What would a ban on good, evil, and lawful acts look like in a character and how would this interact with the druid code?

Is this the hero that plan the apocalypse but otherwise seeks to minimize suffering? (for example, avocating birth control while not caing much about freeing slaves so long as the masters aren't too cruel?)

2018-11-19, 06:22 PM
So long as you are not veering too hard towards good or evil, you can cast these spells. Another thing is that since you worship a particular deity, serving the interest of said deity might override the alignment now and again-sometimes an evil or good spell might be just what the doctor ordered.

Protection from evil and good are good and evil spells, respectively. Take for example, the classic plot of the BBEG trying to end the world. Well, the big G is the only one that is ending the world, and they are doing it when they want, how they want. It is the duty of their followers to stop BBEG's bent on ending the world, hence using pro evil against them and their forces would be allowed.

Take another example-the big G is setting into motion the final countdown. A bunch of good aligned knuckleheads are trying to stop him. In this case, using protection from good to stop them is going to get the stamp of approval.

A big thing with deities is to not just take into account alignment, but intention. Doing things that are aligned with your deity are not necessarily things they want you to do. In rare cases, these might actually piss your deity off to the point they strip you of power.

Groteus is hardcore nihilsm, and with druid it is knowing that even the natural cycle is headed for the inevitable heat death of the universe. Opposition to law is more opposing the cosmic L, the idea that things can be structured and made permanent. As a druid, you know nature is full of chaotic events, and these cycles of creation and destruction will end with one big bang. You learned that entropy can only increase, and the laws of man and beast cannot stop that.

To prevent from just being an amoral nihilist, you can still want to fight the BBEG, or whoever else your campaign is against, because they are messing with the grand scheme. You don't have to plan the apocalypse, just make sure the scheming and planning of mortals is dashed against cosmic indifference. You don't have to be sad about it either-knowing everything is finite is freeing, and maybe you can show your friends in the party these same truths.

It's the end of the world as you know it, and you feel just fine.

2018-11-20, 12:21 PM
So long as you are not veering too hard towards good or evil, you can cast these spells. Another thing is that since you worship a particular deity, serving the interest of said deity might override the alignment now and again-sometimes an evil or good spell might be just what the doctor ordered.

Protection from evil and good are good and evil spells, respectively. Take for example, the classic plot of the BBEG trying to end the world. Well, the big G is the only one that is ending the world, and they are doing it when they want, how they want. It is the duty of their followers to stop BBEG's bent on ending the world, hence using pro evil against them and their forces would be allowed.

Take another example-the big G is setting into motion the final countdown. A bunch of good aligned knuckleheads are trying to stop him. In this case, using protection from good to stop them is going to get the stamp of approval.

A big thing with deities is to not just take into account alignment, but intention. Doing things that are aligned with your deity are not necessarily things they want you to do. In rare cases, these might actually piss your deity off to the point they strip you of power.

Groteus is hardcore nihilsm, and with druid it is knowing that even the natural cycle is headed for the inevitable heat death of the universe. Opposition to law is more opposing the cosmic L, the idea that things can be structured and made permanent. As a druid, you know nature is full of chaotic events, and these cycles of creation and destruction will end with one big bang. You learned that entropy can only increase, and the laws of man and beast cannot stop that.

To prevent from just being an amoral nihilist, you can still want to fight the BBEG, or whoever else your campaign is against, because they are messing with the grand scheme. You don't have to plan the apocalypse, just make sure the scheming and planning of mortals is dashed against cosmic indifference. You don't have to be sad about it either-knowing everything is finite is freeing, and maybe you can show your friends in the party these same truths.

It's the end of the world as you know it, and you feel just fine.

Just as there are dozens of world-ending prophecies, and the exact definition of "the end of all things" varies among religions and destructive races, there are many interpretations of Groetus's role in armageddon. Most of his cultists follow one of these ideologies (called "dooms"), and each doom can be considered a splinter cult of the god's vague faith. However, their identification with these dooms is not because of any reasoned preference Madness Most of Groetus's priests bear some kind of insanity. They are still able to function in society, but their broken minds hear whispers of the god's will, and they hold beliefs that no sane being would embrace. The Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide has rules for insanities such as amnesia, mania, and paranoia. Note that Groetus's priests are insane even though none of their mental ability scores have been reduced to 0. Note also that followers of the god do not see this insanity as an affliction; rather they see this connection to Groetus as a gift worth celebrating. A priest's insanity can be cured, but unless she immediately rejects Groetus as a patron deity, she relapses in a matter of hours or days. The best-known dooms of Groetus are as follows.

Mouth of Apocalypse When the end times come, Groetus will consume the shattered pieces of the planes, all the judged souls, and the remnants of every once-living creature, until he is the last thing in the multiverse, floating alone in an endless dark void. Stories differ as to whether the god will literally consume all with his mouth, or whether he will indirectly devour everything through unspecified fanged servants that he will then absorb, or even if all physical and spiritual matter will fly through the void to embed itself within his core. Fanatics of this doom are called the Teeth of Oblivion, and live recklessly, as they expect the world to end at any moment. They often ally with the cult of Urgathoa because of a common interest in indulgence, though the nihilists scoff at the idea of living forever as undead.

Portal of Incarnation As the last soul is judged and creation erodes, Groetus collects the greatest essences of heroes, villains, dragons, earth, fire, and other fundamental concepts. While the multiverse collapses and is reformed into something greater than its current state, he shelters these essences from destruction and distills them into purer forms so they may become the first gods and the raw materials for the next reality. He will then wait countless ages for the cycle to end again. The members of this cult are the Heralds of the Incarnate Moon, and they believe the current world is an impure predecessor to the next, clarified world. They wish to hasten the cycle so the next world comes sooner, and believe that their souls will be part of the next cycle's gods.

Sign of the Destroyer Groetus is merely a sign that the end times are nigh, not actually an agent of destruction. He is part of the natural order. Just as ants, humans, and even gods are born and die, so too must all of creation. When his moon approaches the Boneyard and turns red, Golarion's own moon will bear the shadow of a skull to let all mortals know that the end of the world is but days away. Members of this cult call themselves the Followers of the Gray Sign, and they are the most benign members of Groetus's doomsday cult. They are mostly content to preach warnings and observe omens rather than trying to accelerate the end of the world, but they are still prone to unexpected mercy killings and other creepy habits. They do not know whether the end will be gentle or violent, sudden or drawn out, but—like the death of any mortal—it is inevitable.]

I found these three prophesies related to Groetus. Which one should I focus on?

2018-11-22, 02:46 PM
That's really up to you. For a druid, the sign of the destroyer fits best. The Mouth of the Apoc is good for a bon vivant style character, "live each day as if it was your last". I could see the portal of incarnation as a good hook to stay engaged in the adventure-every adversary you kill is just one more soul for the collection. Your ultimate goal is the BBEG, but you will harvest any other good finds along the way. If a member of your party dies, or you die, then a great warrior is added to the till.

2018-11-27, 09:33 PM
To add another layer to this, I’ve decided to go with the reincarnated druid archetype and a runaway samsaran princess. She has a mythic past life with the spells disguise self, permanency, restoration, plane shift, resurrection, and miracle. Her memories of her previous life are vague, but she remembers being a lawful male samsaran cleric who dealt in the magic and trickery domains and that he was a king. She correctly chose the right items when the Tian Xia monks came to find the reincarnated king, but she did not want to continue her former past life as the male cleric and king/queen of the realm. Samsaran reincarnations, while closely related, are “like the relationship between a parent and child” according to the lore, so her former life as a lawful male cleric is like a “father figure” in a way to her, and she is in rebellion. Since samsarans age as slowly as elves, she has made her way over the past century to Korvosa, where she lives disguised as a human. Her first feat is Noble Scion of Arts, and she has background skills in K:Nobility and P:Oratory.

Groetus’s ideals of impermance combined with a chaotic alignment and the rebirth of a samsaran reincarnated druid are making this character take on a buddhist flavor. Do you see it too?


2018-12-03, 01:11 PM
I see what you are getting at, but Groteus is pretty nihilistic and the idea of eternal existence is generally not well received. EVen though you are a reincarnated race and magical class that will be born again, it has to end with a capital E and one day, the death will be the final one your character experiences.

I could see this as the portal of incarnation cult-that you and other beings/creatures reincarnated or reborn are versions of his grand design on the small scale. Perhaps to usher in the apocalypse one must ready the pieces over countless mortal lifetimes, as nature dies and is reborn stronger anew. Even though it will end one day, that day will not come until apex is reached. I can see that as being reincarnated into better and better states, until the true end of days.

2018-12-04, 10:37 AM
I see what you are getting at, but Groteus is pretty nihilistic and the idea of eternal existence is generally not well received. EVen though you are a reincarnated race and magical class that will be born again, it has to end with a capital E and one day, the death will be the final one your character experiences.

I could see this as the portal of incarnation cult-that you and other beings/creatures reincarnated or reborn are versions of his grand design on the small scale. Perhaps to usher in the apocalypse one must ready the pieces over countless mortal lifetimes, as nature dies and is reborn stronger anew. Even though it will end one day, that day will not come until apex is reached. I can see that as being reincarnated into better and better states, until the true end of days.

I like that spin on it.