View Full Version : DM Help [Pathfinder] [3PP] Ultimate Charisma vs Ultimate Plug-Ins

2018-11-19, 10:48 AM
Is there anything compatible between Everyman Gaming's Ultimate Charisma and Legendary Games' Ultimate Plug-Ins (Battle, War, Rulership, Factions, Relationships)??

From what I've seen they dont seem to be that compatible, which brings us to what I really came here to ask about:

What are the pros and cons of either system? If you've played with at least one of them, what did you like about it? What DIDN'T you like about it? Would you recommend the system you played to others? If you played both, which would you recommend? What're the big differences? I dont expect one to be "best", but if any of yall have a personal favorite i'd love to know WHY it's your favorite.

2018-11-19, 06:38 PM
The Ultimate Plug-Ins do what's written in the tin: Expand and enhance already existing Paizo sub-systems, like Mass Combat and Kingdom Building from Ultimate Campaign, relationship tracking from Ultimate Intrigue and so on. That means they need the full main sub-system to work. Personally, I like them so far.