View Full Version : Celestia's Finest: Meet the Parents

2018-11-19, 04:14 PM
Most parents meet their children’s special somepony at a restaurant or over dinner, a nice, casual setting where they can get to know each other without the pressures and formalities that society often puts upon someone. There’s always enough tension without adding differences in rank and social position into it.

Star’s parents meet Love in their office.

To their credit, it’s a nice office filled with awards and excellent-quality furniture, inside the Royal Canterlot Academy of Sciences no less, which takes up an entire off-building of the Royal Palace itself. Yet it is still, when you get down to it, an office. They even have their own secretary, a polite yet frosty mare that seats Love down ‘until her appointment actually begins’. Sun and Moon forbid she meet the parents a whole three minutes early!

And so, Love finds herself reading a magazine as the clock ticks away in the corner.

2018-11-19, 05:03 PM
Love really can't spend too much time in the Academy. The act of walking through the halls was enough to get her curiosity rolling around in her head. She paid attention to any writing or advertisement that she saw to try to gleam the latest in Academy news. She peeked into the current major happens around the school before she even arrived. It seemed like it wouldn't be amiss if she looked into what Star's parents were doing as of late. She heard things from Star of course. She wanted to get the official story and look into their work a little herself though, call it a professional interest.

Love looks over the awards and zooms in on them with her contacts. She doesn't mind waiting a few minutes. It's part of the office experience. She casually browses through the provided magazines. This place is pretty different from her fishbowl lab. She wonders if Star's parents would be comfortable in her lab.

2018-11-19, 11:48 PM
Star's parents are currently billed as 'The Department of Astro-Biological Research', which Love knows to mean that they research life in space. Not the alien kind, but how current life responds to time spent up there.

This can't be their lab. They probably have a lab somewhere, but this is where they meet ponies from around the world. It's their good hoof forward, so to speak.

At the appointed time, the door opens and a middle-aged mare with a stunning smile and perfectly pressed dress steps halfway through. "Lt. Charge?" she asks, warmth in her voice as she looks to Love.

2018-11-20, 03:08 AM
She mostly keeps her head burred in the magazines, but she does steal a glance toward the frosty secretary to watch her work. Upon the door opening, Love sets her reading material aside and looks up at the Mare. She answers with a, "Hello." Love returns the smile. She gets up and walks toward the door.

2018-11-21, 04:53 PM
The mare beams when Love identifies herself. "Oh good. It's fantastic to meet you, dear. I'm Gleaming Star, Star Chaser's mother." She holds the door open. "Do come in!"

The inside of their office is just as well-designed as the waiting room. More awards sit on the shelves alongside all sorts of books, mostly to do with science and space. Behind the desk sits Dream Chaser, a middle-aged stallion with a dashing mustache and Star's father. He rises with another smile. "Welcome, welcome. We're so glad to have you, right Gleaming?"

"That's right, Dream!" she respond brightly.

2018-11-21, 06:22 PM
Love gives her a welcoming nod. "It's wonderful to finally meet you, Gleaming Star. I've been looking forward to today." She motions and says, "Thank you," for holding the door and letting her inside.

She looks at one wall as she walks through the door and sees even more awards. They certainly have distinguished themselves in their careers. The awards are interesting by category and ceremony. Love tries to stay familiar with science journals and recognition for various people as they reach accomplishments. It's easy to spot the big name awards, but Love looked into Star's parents so she only familiarly recognizes some lessor known rewards by Dream's and Gleaming's specific accomplishments.

The stallion quickly draws her attention. That's some mustache. Love tires to avoid distraction by the dashinginess.. "It's good to be here. It's my pleasure to meet you, Dream Chaser, both of you. I'm glad you were able to schedule me within such a short time frame. I realize both of you must be very busy." Love moves to continue the greetings if cues suggest or settles into the room without getting in ponies way. She looks around in a more obvious way. "You're very well decorated. I'm an admirer of your work."

2018-11-21, 07:37 PM
Gleaming goes over to stand by her husband and they give each other a quick kiss. "Ah, a fan! That's just perfect," Dream says, eyes bright. Standing together like that, they look like they stepped right out of a magazine cover. They are exactly what people imagine when they think of respectable geniuses: charming, stylish, with a little flair for the dramatic.

"We can always make time for our daughter's special somepony," Gleaming says with warm sincerity.

"Though we do have to get back to work by two," Dream adds.

"So that leaves about an hour!" Gleaming finishes with a positive note.

2018-11-24, 12:22 AM
Love gets the picture perfectly. The old wasteland 'something is wrong' sense pings like she hasn't for a while in Equestria. The thought gets squashed down with the idea that the two are simply polite ponies. Love shouldn't get defensive because ponies are being good to her?

"I've had an interest in science since I was a little foal. My dreams were more based in science fiction and fantasy than they were reality. The world I know now might be stranger than what I used to imagine when I was younger. I enjoy reading the latest journals and keeping up with developing theories even in fields outside my knowledge. Astro-Biological is such an interesting topic. I've dreamed of living in space since I was a foal, and the lifestyle and technical aspects are marvelous."

Love smiles when Gleaming calls Love Star's special somepony.

An hour!? Her visit was short notice, and they are working... apparently. Love downplays the time limit to herself. "I'll keep the schedule in mind." Literally and figuratively on her mind. Love marks her internal clock to alert her fifteen minutes before two.

What are you doing Gleaming?
[roll0] vs 14 (Body Language)

What are you doing Dream?
[roll1] vs 14 (Body Language)

2018-11-24, 12:41 AM
Unfortunately, Love cannot read anything past their smiles and bright, happy eyes.

Gleaming chuckles. "I think we all start with a love for fiction." His voice grows distant, dreamy. "The idea of going place never seen before, of setting hoof on alien worlds, it's inspiring, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is, Gleaming," Dream says, nuzzling his neck. He kisses the top of her head in response. Quick, polite signs of affection, nothing scandalous or obscene.

"I grew up reading Spacemare Spiff," Gleaming says, a distant, happy look on his face, "Ah, now there was an adventurer! Everyone swore by Daring Do and, don't get me wrong, she's a classic. But Spacemare Spiff, those were good books."

Dream leans forward. "Personally, I preferred Star Trot."

"Nopony's perfect," Gleaming says with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

2018-11-25, 04:55 PM
They're simply 'perfect' ponies, right? It's not that there is something wrong happening. Things only felt a little off for Love, but that doesn't mean anything is wrong. Love shouldn't have any issues spending time with Equestrian ponies. She will make Queen Chrysalis proud.

"I certainly grew up with that love. My father, Iron Toil, always encouraged me to follow my dreams and aspirations. The idea of charting new fronts, wearing fantastical gadgets, and living aboard a spaceship has been inspiring. I imagine thoughts such as ours inspire a lot of ponies." Love agrees with Gleaming and Dream. "I take it you like spaceships?"

Love watches them be affectionate. She doesn't mind the pda.

She chuckles at 'nopony's perfect.' "I've never read Spacemare Spiff. I have seen some Star Trot with Star! The show brings up a lot of philosophical quandaries and is fun to watch. I like the captain and robot character."

2018-11-26, 10:48 AM
“Do we like spaceships?” Gleaming repeats with a chuckle, “You bet your tail we do, little missy!” His mouth turns into a full-blown smile once more. “Space is…”

“...The future,” Dream finishes, “Ponykind is going to expand throughout the universe and we intend to be at the forefront of it.”

Gleaming leans forward and beckons Love close. “Did you know,” he whispers, “That Celestia’s sun is one of five stars that make up our Local Cluster? And all of them have habitable planets around them?”

2018-11-26, 09:47 PM
Love chuckles. "I should have guessed that's what you'd say." She smiles. "There is a lot of space ahead of us. I'd be interested in seeing people expand throughout the universe. I imagine you would keep your place at the front. I've always dreamed of having my own spaceship - going to other worlds and wherever adventure leads me."

Love will move toward Gleaming and offer her ear while looking over his neck. She nods to her. "That is so amazing! Sol, Bellatrix, Sirius, Polaris, and Andromeda! I heard the planets nearby are super habitable. That's so exciting!"

2018-11-28, 01:00 AM
"It's not that far off that private individuals will be able to own their own spaceships," Dream says with shining eyes, "Oh, just think of the possibilities!" She sighs happily.

Gleaming pulls back with a grin on his face. "Rumors of life on them are, so far, unconfirmed, so don't get your hopes up about aliens."

2018-11-28, 08:40 PM
Love steps back.

She smiles real big. "I imagine we're not too far away from private ship ownership. Oh! I've thought about the possibilities countless times! Exploring icy moons. The feel of otherworldly soil beneath my boots. The view from the bridge looking out into the endless expanse of stars ahead of me. Me just thinking about it won't be enough. I need to experience space travel!"

Gleaming sparks her interest with other worlds, "Is there possibility water? Or, perhaps another liquid!?" Love chuckles. "It might take a while to get a probe out there."

She asks, "The stars pop up in the news every once in a while. Has there been a lot of interest in them? They've been specifically named."

2018-12-03, 10:48 PM
"Oh there's definitely water," Gleaming says, "All the planets are in the habitable zone, so they should have at least water. Atmosphere? We won't know until we get probes out there. it will depends on a lot of things, like the planet's magnetic field."

"Well, they are some of the non-moving stars," Dream says with a chuckle, "A lot of the ones you see at night are put there by Princess Luna, you know. They move all over the place! Buuuut, the ones that don't move, those are other suns. Oh, but you know that already."

"They're the future of space travel!" Dreaming declares.

2018-12-10, 06:33 PM
"Wow! Water. That's huge." Love puts her hoofs to her head. "Water is an amazing find! And, maybe, an atmosphere too! We wouldn't know yet, but the possibility hasn't been ruled out." She smiles real big.

She gives the duo some confident nods. "I did a speed run through Equestria's education system. I did know that."

Love smiles again and worms in a happy mood. "The future of space travel! That's so exciting. I want to visit them myself. I haven't even been to the moon. There is so much to do."

She needs to bring up the threats against the two, but she has over half an hour to talk.

2018-12-18, 01:04 AM
The two are perfectly willing to talk about their work for as long as Love will let them. And they do go on and on about it. However, though they do politely ask her what she does and make a few remarks on her answer, they soon steer the conversation back towards them and their discoveries and how exciting it is and how it will improve everypony's lives and how they are on the forefront of Equestrian Science and Knowledge!

2018-12-19, 11:53 PM
Love will say she serves in the military and is a hobby inventor. She is fine with any remarks, but her work is rather private. She can't be giving any secrets now. She'll laugh.

The topics are actually interesting to Love, but those aren't only topics today. At a segue, Love moves the conversation toward one of her bullet point topics. "Safety is always a concern. I heard the two of you had your own personal safety concern the other day." Love focuses in on the conversation. "How are you addressing that?"

2018-12-26, 12:14 AM
"Oh, ho ho," Gleaming says with a laugh, "It was hardly a 'concern'. It was..."

"...obvious," Dream interjects.

"...That they weren't there to really harm us," Gleaming says.

"So we offered them tea and sent them on their way after they delivered their message. No muss, no fuss."

2018-12-26, 09:40 PM
Love looks confused. "It was obvious they weren't going to harm you? Didn't they break into your home with a weapon?" Love looks almost emotionally moved when they say they offered the pony tea. Her surprise shifts to curiosity, "Did they drink the tea you offered them?"

2018-12-26, 10:06 PM
"Oh of course," Gleaming says with a tittering laugh, "Why, if somepony's going to shoot you, they don't let you know it."

"They sneak up and just do it," Dream says brightly, "So when they didn't shoot us the moment we spotted them, we knew they wanted something else."

"Turns out, it was only to deliver a..."

"...warning of sorts."

They nod in agreement with one another. "And no, they did not take my tea," Gleaming states, annoyed.

2018-12-27, 07:40 PM
Love is impressed by the twos thinking. She slowly nods an agreeing nod. They weren't wrong.

She pouts at the the blackmailers turning down the tea. "It's polite to accept tea when offered. Are you tea drinkers?"

She pauses for them to answer then asks, "What do you think the ponies were trying to accomplish?"

2018-12-27, 11:51 PM
"Oh yes," Dream says, tapping her head, "Stimulates the old mental processes, you know!"

"Well," Gleaming says evasively, "It seems obviously, does it not? They wanted to threaten our dear daughter. Throw her off her game. Disturb her. Have they, er, succeeded?"

Odd way of asking how she is, but they had to get around to it eventually, right?

2019-01-01, 08:42 PM
She wasn't expecting Star's parents to be so touchy with her. Love briefly smiles at them.

Love reassures them, "Star Chaser is an amazingly gifted pilot. She thrives in high stress environments and has an incredible amount of focus." She adds, "What pony wouldn't be worried about threats against their parents? She worries about you. You're very important to her." She asks in a supporting tone, "Are you worried for Star Chaser? Maybe, I could help?" She looks to Gleaming and readies herself for a supporting gestured pat if she needs that.

2019-01-02, 01:22 AM
"Oh no," Gleaming says with a laugh that doesn't quite ring true, "She's a big...strong mare now. She can take care of herself. She's made that...very clear."

"It'd be rude to accuse her of lying," Dream adds, a bit of a hollow note in his otherwise upbeat voice.

Their smiles do not falter, though they do strain.

2019-04-04, 04:05 PM
"Star is a strong mare." Love agrees, "She can take care of herself. She can handle a whole lot by herself. That doesn't mean she has to. The two of you being threatened is not a normal event. It's alright to rely on each other. I know you're trying to help her, and I think your communications with her show that. I think she'd like to support the two of you."

2019-04-04, 10:25 PM
Dream laughs hollowly. "No, no. She's made that quite clear. Quite clear. She wants to live her life."

"And we respect that," Gleaming finishes.

"We'll soldier on."

"Stiff upper lip!"


2019-04-09, 02:48 AM
Love relents a moment. "I'm glad you're respecting her boundaries. That's important."

There are two broken hearts. Love lightly smiles to reassure them and speaks in a soothing tone. "I'm partially here to check up on how the two of you are doing. Star wanted me here with you. She wanted me to make sure the both of you are alright." She pauses for a second. "I know Star isn't happy with the current way of things. And, I don't think either of you are happy with the current arrangement. Everypony is carrying hurt feelings, new and very old. Nopony is happy with the way things are so to me changing the status quo only makes sense." Love puts a hoof on her chest. "My heart hurts when I see Star unhappy and in pain. I know we can mend the divide between everypony. I want to work with the both of you and Star to allow that to happen. I want Star and everypony as happy as possible."