View Full Version : How Would You Handle This Situation?

2018-11-20, 08:41 PM
Ok let just say Two Male Orc Wizards is harassing a young female elf commoner at the tavern. Your Wizard and Cleric is resting at the inn to recover. It just you the Fighter and Rogue are here at the tavern having a good time until the Two Male Orc Wizard bothering the young female elf commoner. What do you do in this situation? Do you fight the Orc Wizards, mind your own business, or something else?

2018-11-20, 08:46 PM
Rape the orcs, obviously.

The Insanity
2018-11-20, 08:52 PM
Laugh at them for being orc wizards.

2018-11-20, 09:04 PM
What level? Low level, my warblade and swordsage tear them apart. High level, things get more interesting.

2018-11-20, 09:06 PM
What level? Low level, my warblade and swordsage tear them apart. High level, things get more interesting.

All of them are at level 5.

2018-11-20, 09:11 PM
Fetch the cleric and wizard in spite of their lack of spells and the delay it will cause in recovering spells. Tell the orcs to stop, they'll say no and probably attack, then attack including your hiding buddies. They'll say no cuz your DM probably thinks green skin = baddy, especially since they're orc wizards and not human wizards. Try to do some subdual damage in your attacks. Have the rogue sneak up before the fight if possible for sneak attack. Try to get 1 to surrender after the other goes unconscious. Once you take the easy win with overwhelming force then tell them to not do it again. The only reason you even ask them to stop is so that they'll be in the wrong when they attack and you won't look like criminals. Though again your DM might not view an unprovoked attack against green skins as criminal.

2018-11-20, 09:11 PM
Them are some dead orc wizards...

EDIT: Ok, on my computer now. So, here's the way it works. The warblade approaches first while the swordsage hides. Warblade tells them to stop, looking imposing. If they don't, he proceeds to attack, using Mountain Hammer on the first wizard (using stance of clarity to ensure a hit). Swordsage then shadow garrotes the second (5d6 damage, flat-footed). If that isn't enough to kill them, and the wizards try casting spells, the warblade can Moment-of-Perfect-Mind/Iron-Heart-Surge the saving throws, and the swordsage should be fine. Round two ends the fight. They both go back to their drinks.

2018-11-20, 10:02 PM
Ok let just say Two Male Orc Wizards is harassing a young female elf commoner at the tavern. Your Wizard and Cleric is resting at the inn to recover. It just you the Fighter and Rogue are here at the tavern having a good time until the Two Male Orc Wizard bothering the young female elf commoner. What do you do in this situation? Do you fight the Orc Wizards, mind your own business, or something else?

depends on the level of harassment.
My generic answer would be: taverns tend to have bouncers if they're sizeable enough. if not, inform the local city guard/sheriff/whatever as appropriate.

it'd also depend somewhat on the local laws and customs (and the result of my knowledge checks thereon)

2018-11-20, 10:11 PM
Expertly drop the chandelier on top of their heads.

EDIT: Yes, even on top of the elf. More XP that way.

2018-11-21, 12:00 AM
It just you, the Fighter and Rogue are here at the tavern

So, I added punctuation for the way I originally read that, because it's more fun to answer that way.

Me? I'd roll Wisdom. If I failed, I'd let the Fighter and Rogue determine if it needed taking care of, and let them take care of it if necessary.

Alternately, if I failed, I'd stand up to the orcs, and tell them to back off, hoping that the Fighter, Rogue, local laws, or God will have my back if things turn ugly.

Or, if I failed, I'd create a random commotion, like running in circles screaming, or starting a fire, hoping to draw attention to or from the situation.

What, do you think I ever make a Wisdom check?

2018-11-21, 06:39 AM
Hard to say. Would depend on my character. If my character were to reflect my IRL values, I'd probably shout at them to leave her alone and attempt to get in their face if they persisted. I'd ask them to leave. If it came to blows I wouldn't back down even if it were to result in my death. Men like that of any race or game class are disgusting and must be directly opposed at every turn, with force when necessary. (all IMO of course)

2018-11-21, 07:19 AM
Laugh at them for being orc wizards.

"Such an uncouth and ignorant response! I will have you know that we orcs have made great strides in the fields of science and the arcane. Hmph!"

2018-11-21, 07:28 AM
Continue to drink. Not my bar, not my problem. If they start ASSAULTING her, then I'd swiftly punch them in the face because I'm 100% playing the fighter in this scenario.

King of Nowhere
2018-11-21, 09:33 AM
Depends on the level of harrassment. Lethal force is not an appropriate answer there.
Also, if told to back off, the assailants are unlikely to use lethal force. Most harrasser, if confronted, won't pull a knife. They have no reason to take the risks. And orc wizards in a tavern make me think orcs may be civilized in that campaign world.
So, i'd try to solve it with words

2018-11-21, 05:03 PM
Ask the DM for more information. If neccesary, ask the bartender for more information. A bit of metagaming says that this is obviously something I'm supposed to pay attention to (conservation of detail applies). Depending on the layout of the bar, how tough (what level/con score info I can get) they look, what gear they're carrying, what the bartender says about their history, how the DM would run initiative, and what and/or when this hook escalates.

All of which are pretty standard responses to any situation.

2018-11-21, 05:20 PM
Down a potion of Fire, Electricity, and Acid resistance in that order (thinking they are mead) "I haven't had decent bar brawl this week... Put 'em up you Orc monks!"

2018-11-21, 05:35 PM
Men like that of any race or game class are disgusting and must be directly opposed at every turn, with force when necessary. (all IMO of course)

Why men specifically? Why would this kind of behavior not be met with the same level of disgust regardless of the race, creed, gender, etc. of the harasser or harassed?

You’re coming across as extremely bigoted. Of course, by bringing it up I may just be teaching you how to hide it and not actually causing you to reflect on (and change) your prejudice...

2018-11-21, 05:42 PM
Depending on character

Holly CG human female fighter. This is rough bar if she is in it. Would ask 1st drinking contest. 2nd does the bar have a dualing circle? I like my halbred. One on one.

Valmont NG human cleric /thief bacaab god of magic he was not an orc lover but liked NPC's that owed him favors. He go over and ask them to come to an event to get new spells.

Simoen cleric. NE hobgoblin she would ask them to bring the elf for proper sacrifice on her alter have the kitchen add it to her private menu. She liked kobold rump roast, pot pie you get the idea.

Nightshade CG blue 1/2 orc wizard. What color 1/2 orc? Would ask the elf to sit with her. Then ask the wizards what spells do you have I prefer Necromancy.

2018-11-21, 05:56 PM
Depending on character

Holly CG human female fighter. This is rough bar if she is in it. Would ask 1st drinking contest. 2nd does the bar have a dualing circle? I like my halbred. One on one.

Valmont NG human cleric /thief bacaab god of magic he was not an orc lover but liked NPC's that owed him favors. He go over and ask them to come to an event to get new spells.

Simoen cleric. NE hobgoblin she would ask them to bring the elf for proper sacrifice on her alter have the kitchen add it to her private menu. She liked kobold rump roast, pot pie you get the idea.

Nightshade CG blue 1/2 orc wizard. What color 1/2 orc? Would ask the elf to sit with her. Then ask the wizards what spells do you have I prefer Necromancy.

I just want to correct you. It's Boccob not Bacaab.

2018-11-21, 06:09 PM
You come to the victim's defense. It doesn't matter if it's two males [orcs or otherwise] and a female victim [elf or otherwise], two females and a male victim, two males and a male victim, or two females and a female victim. Chivalry demands that you stand up for those who cannot help themselves; common sense demands that you treat all harassers the same, regardless of their personal identities, and similarly all victims the same.

If the DM doesn't want me coming to the defense of victims, either I need to exit the game, or the DM must avoid including scenarios where I can clearly aid without doing greater harm as a result. If the party doesn't approve of my choices regarding my character's integrity and values, I probably need to exit the game.

(This is, in part, because I'd be playing a *Paladin* most likely. But even if I weren't, I can't play evil or disinterested-neutral types. Makes me feel wrong. So I'm gonna intervene; how exactly will depend on the personality of the character.)

2018-11-21, 06:19 PM
I would most likely be the sleeping wizard or rogue in this scenario.
If I was the latter, buy the two hitting on my party member drinks, carouse with them, and then when they are buttered up and toasted steal their component pouches and spell books.
If I was the sleeping wizard... How kindly do the town guards take to spells being cast in the city? Go grab somma them to lay down the law and go back to sleep.

2018-11-21, 06:29 PM
I'm playing a Hellknight and such behavior annoys me out of principle. I growl "Hey, orcs" and stare them down until they wet their pants.

2018-11-21, 07:48 PM
If we pretend that I'm some sort of martial class for a change (because I assume the intention with wizard and cleric sleeping is so we don't solve it with magic). Then I'll probably tell the orcs to stop, try intimidate and if that fails resort to violence of the sharp edged kind, because I'm not scared of a level 5 wizard with an int penalty and the locals are probably prejudiced enough against orcs not to mind. Assuming I win (since I probably don't get to do much if I don't) I quickly loot the bodies and offer to buy the elf a drink using my new found money.

2018-11-21, 08:24 PM
"Hey you two! Knock that off or the wizard upstairs will fry you!"

2018-11-22, 02:58 AM
As the fighter, I would tell them to stop bothering the elf and offer them to drink with me and as the rogue I would steal their spell component pouches and spellbooks and probably their belts, while preparing to sneak attack them when they inevitably punch the fighter in the face.

2018-11-22, 03:03 AM
Why men specifically? Why would this kind of behavior not be met with the same level of disgust regardless of the race, creed, gender, etc. of the harasser or harassed?

You’re coming across as extremely bigoted. Of course, by bringing it up I may just be teaching you how to hide it and not actually causing you to reflect on (and change) your prejudice...

I said men because the example was men harassing a woman. That's it. Nice troll attempt there though. (That last sentence was sarcasm)

2018-11-22, 09:42 PM
Stage Voice: “Hey, how many Orc Wizards does it take to cast burning hands?

—Five. Four to have enough Intelligence between them for the spell, and one to plunge his hands into a hot pan of bacon fat!”

* prestidigitation to create rimshot effect *

2018-11-22, 09:47 PM
Kill the orcs, the girl (in the name of equal and fair application of force), the bartender, the city guard, and the whole thorp while I'm at it. I needed to XP anyways.

2018-11-22, 10:45 PM
Kill the orcs, the girl (in the name of equal and fair application of force), the bartender, the city guard, and the whole thorp while I'm at it. I needed to XP anyways.

Sure, but when I do that it's suddenly problematic...

2018-11-22, 11:18 PM
Sure, but when I do that it's suddenly problematic...

Without bringing in too much external baggage, the OP does not explicitly have any sort of party members that would be object to it, except the party...
-Rogue would be mad that he can't steal purses for fun and instead has to loot bloody corpses (it's much more fun when they're breathing, he says)
-Fighter is mad because I just stole all of his kills (now he has to go murderhobo the surrounding forest in order to balance out the kill-count)
-Cleric is mad because he can't overprice his healing to the villagers and make an income (apparently breaking into monster's homes and robbing them of everything just isn't enough)
-Wizard is angry regardless because he still has to pay money to scribe spells into his spellbook, despite all of the materials now being free for his use.

2018-11-23, 12:50 AM
Sure, but when I do that it's suddenly problematic...

Did you forget to also take their stuff?

Killing without taking stuff is murder, and murder is evil.

Additionally, taking stuff without killing is theft, and theft is also evil.

It is only when you perform simultaneous killing and stuff-taking that you transcend evil and become an adventurer.

2018-11-23, 07:25 AM
If this is a moral question, I'd need to observe and see what "harassment" means as depending on who is using the word it could mean anything from catcalling to "assualt and quiet possibly rape will happen if you don't intervene".

The use of the races of Orc for the male harrassers and Elf for the female victim could suggest the DM wanting to highlight gender as the races have traits that mesh with those roles.

On the other hand the Orcs have been specifically identified as Wizards. While Wizards certainly have a lot of power the class has its own stereotypes which cut against those if race and gender. There is a potential for comedy in the juxtaposition of well-groomed erudite Orc Wizards and an elf with a farmers tan and callouses interacting. The Wizards could be mocking the Elf for not being a Wizard.

Most DMs have tendencies that would make jumping to one conclusion or the other a safe bet.

2018-11-23, 09:01 AM
Whole lot of White Knighting going on in here. Dude didn't specify anything particular about said harassing behavior. They could just be talking. They could be cat calling. They could be doing any number of things. As long as no one is getting violent, there isn't a need to step in. It's not like they can put her to sleep.

2018-11-23, 10:02 AM
Whole lot of White Knighting going on in here. Dude didn't specify anything particular about said harassing behavior. They could just be talking. They could be cat calling. They could be doing any number of things. As long as no one is getting violent, there isn't a need to step in. It's not like they can put her to sleep.

I mean, personally, I'd be all about killing verbal bullies IRL if it weren't for this whole "laws" thing. That kind of evil shouldn't be allowed to exist in my world.

Cooler blue to taste.

2018-11-23, 10:41 AM
Oh, don't get me wrong. Nothing besides the fact that it is effectively throwing my life away is stopping me from social-justicing a fair few people off the planet.


2018-11-23, 02:12 PM
Whole lot of White Knighting going on in here. Dude didn't specify anything particular about said harassing behavior. They could just be talking. They could be cat calling. They could be doing any number of things. As long as no one is getting violent, there isn't a need to step in. It's not like they can put her to sleep.

No one deserves to be harassed, even if its "just verbally". Its still harassment, its still bad, and should still be stopped. Its obviously not just normal conversation or the scenario wouldn't have described it as harassment.

2018-11-23, 03:44 PM
I get it, no one wants to be harassed. And that's fine to look at it that way. But there isn't an actual crime here, not by my eyes at least. Unless you are taking up residence in a place that has actually made it illegal to use certain parts of speech such as cat calling or what is generally considered sexual harassment, I'm not seeing an issue or a reason for anyone to step in beyond your standard white knightlings. And, sadly, those are usually the people with the worst intents.

2018-11-23, 04:15 PM
I get it, no one wants to be harassed. And that's fine to look at it that way. But there isn't an actual crime here, not by my eyes at least. Unless you are taking up residence in a place that has actually made it illegal to use certain parts of speech such as cat calling or what is generally considered sexual harassment, I'm not seeing an issue or a reason for anyone to step in beyond your standard white knightlings. And, sadly, those are usually the people with the worst intents.

Well, whether or not it's illegal is where it stands in the law/chaos axis. Regardless, harassment is harmful, so the act is clearly evil. There's only one thing an adventurer can do in that situation, where it encounters something evil: follow it back to its home, murder it, and take its stuff.

Color blue to taste.

2018-11-23, 04:31 PM
... or recognize that there are greater evils in the world, know what is and is not worth effort, and allocate time and resources more effectively.

2018-11-23, 04:44 PM
... or recognize that there are greater evils in the world, know what is and is not worth effort, and allocate time and resources more effectively.

Dude, this is D&D. Those greater evils are higher CR! Why do you think we're killing the lesser evils, if not to gain the loot and XP we'll need to take on greater and greater evils, until, eventually, we're TPKing the gods themselves. :smalltongue:

IRL, standing up to bullies early can prevent those "greater evils" from forming, at a much lower price than dealing with those greater evils.

I'm not seeing a winning argument on the "greater evils therefore ignore it" front.

2018-11-23, 05:58 PM
It's not a winning argument, nor is it a popular one. It is, however, the most likely thing to happen.

Jay R
2018-11-23, 09:00 PM
Ok let just say Two Male Orc Wizards is harassing a young female elf commoner at the tavern. Your Wizard and Cleric is resting at the inn to recover. It just you the Fighter and Rogue are here at the tavern having a good time until the Two Male Orc Wizard bothering the young female elf commoner. What do you do in this situation? Do you fight the Orc Wizards, mind your own business, or something else?

I play this game to be a hero, and to have adventures. This incident is either a minor encounter or the start of a plot hook. In either case, I do not walk away from the actual adventure.

OF COURSE I defend the lady, if that's her desire. I'm the hero. Specifically, I tell the DM I offer the lady my help, if she wants it. If she says yes, roll for initiative.

2018-11-23, 09:05 PM
lock the tavern door from the outside, light the building on fire, loot the corpses

2018-11-23, 11:41 PM
I get it, no one wants to be harassed. And that's fine to look at it that way. But there isn't an actual crime here, not by my eyes at least.

Well gosh, it’s not like any of us suggested reacting to “harrassment” by throwing some harrassment back at them (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23523449&postcount=27) to see how they’d handle it OH WAIT.

Law? Pfffft. Maybe I don’t like people being jerks apparently for no reason. Maybe I’m hoping to actually get some service myself from the harrassed waitress. Maybe I’m playing a heroic fantasy game where I don’t want my character to have to put up with bull that gets a pass in real life way too often.

(Maybe my character is even literally a white knight?)

There’s something ironic that “being a white knight” is the offense worth noting on this thread, but the “kill maim dismember” responses are business as usual?


Katie Boundary
2018-11-24, 12:42 AM
Wizards, you say?

Grab their spellbooks and run away at top speed.

2018-11-24, 01:08 AM
Obviously the solution is to burn down the entire village for allowing greenskins into the village in the first place.

2018-11-24, 01:20 AM
Obviously the solution is to burn down the entire village for allowing greenskins into the village in the first place.

I was gonna say, who let orcs into the town in the first place?! Kill on sight! What kind of koombaya-singing, hold-hands-around-the-campfire campaign setting are you running where orcs just casually walk into town and harass townsfolk? Also, what kind of self-respecting elf is a commoner. 100 years old, and all you have to show for it is 1d4-1 hp and 8 skill points? Good lord.

2018-11-24, 09:11 AM
And, sadly, those are usually the people with the worst intents.

Maybe I’m hoping to actually get some service myself from the harrassed waitress.

I'm not saying I called it, but I did.

2018-11-24, 11:06 AM
I have no idea what class I am, but it doesn't matter. I tell the rogue to find the orcs' spellbooks. Have him apply glue or some other sticky substance (if I'm my usual necromancer self then I give him some bloody intestines) to the spellbooks.
"Um, your guys' spellbooks are uh... leaking? Those things are expensive aren't they?"

What comes next is entirely up to them, however no wizard in their right mind will ever leave their spellbook to the slow destruction of sticky substance, and will probably leave immediately to try to fix it.

If they blame me I can easily tell them, "I didn't get your spellbooks sticky." without needing to roll a bluff check, the rogue did the actual act so I'm not bluffing.
If they decide to attack, they threw the first punch, but I'll try not to kill them. Albeit if they use lethal force (weaponry or magic) then it is an all out brawl for my life, at the point that it escalates to lethal force I will pull out every trick I have including straight up fleeing if necessary, however if its a fist fight with nonlethal damage then I'll respond in kind until I'm either low (where I'll flee) or if they used something and bested me as orc wizards in a fist fight I'd cheat.
If they ignore me and continue the harassment I'd ask the barkeep if this is normal and if they get in trouble ever, if it is a common occurrence and they never get in trouble, have the rogue throw something from stealth to get a barfight started (least desired outcome); if this is normal and they do get in trouble then I will report them to some authority, be it a bouncer, a guard, or the local vigilante (that's his shtick, not mine); if it is abnormal then I will let them know the consequences of their actions (probably pointing out that their master will be pissed when he learns they've let their spellbooks get damaged)

If all else fails then its time to get the magic users involved, whether it be wands, scrolls, or remnants of whatever they had prepared. Best idea is to buff the elf chick so she can stand up for herself, if she decides to try to kill them and fails, well that is on her.

2018-11-24, 11:34 AM
as someone who always plays bards, I seduce the orcs and the elf, we have a gang bang, then I have an ally down the road who can make magic items

2018-11-24, 11:46 AM
Probably the commoner didn't render services after payment, as anyone with a class level is always right.

Chop her in half.

2018-11-24, 12:01 PM
I'm not saying I called it, but I did.

Wow you sure showed that taking things out of context can certainly portray something in a false light!

White-Knighting is such a dumb concept. Its just projection. The only people who ever use it are always projecting their own feelings. They cant fathom that someone would ever possibly do something good for a woman without an ulterior motive.

2018-11-24, 12:09 PM
Wow you sure showed that taking things out of context can certainly portray something in a false light!

White-Knighting is such a dumb concept. Its just projection. The only people who ever use it are always projecting their own feelings. They cant fathom that someone would ever possibly do something good for a woman without an ulterior motive.

I'm entirely aware. Unfortunately, they seem to be in a far greater number in society than one might desire. Really anyone who expects any sort of quid pro quo for doing something nice without a prior discussion of such terms is an ass. I don't like those people. Plain and simple.

For anyone that can genuinely see this situation as a problem, resolve it, and expect nothing in return but knowing that they did "the right thing," I say kudos. However, I have worked in numerous bars while in school, and the amount of people who actually do that is a decimal of a percent. Meanwhile, there are those who step in expecting something, those who just go in swinging fists, those who get a manager and gets the person thrown out (which, consequently I think is the appropriate action; you are a patron, not a super hero), those who call cops, and about every other possibility in between.

Yea. I might be jaded. Yea, I think that in general, humans and their societies are a plague filled cesspool the could bless this world by disappearing. I'm just voicing an opinion, though, and defending it as is my right as a member of this page. I'm vaguely sorry if anyone has been offended or upset thus far, but not for the reasons that anyone would hope I am sorry.

2018-11-24, 02:04 PM
So, I forgot a few things: One, as the party is clearly the classic F/M/C/T, as the 5th man, I must be the Psion. Or I'm actually me, perhaps translated (based on number of programming languages known) as an epic level expert?

Or, as another poster put it,
I would most likely be the sleeping wizard... in this scenario.

Second, this is obviously part of the GM's plot, and, therefore, nothing we do will change the outcome. So, best not to earn the GM's wrath by accidentally disrupting their carefully laid tracks, so just sit back and watch the cut-scene.

Color blue to taste.

2018-11-24, 02:08 PM
or I'm actually me, perhaps translated (based on number of programming languages known) as an epic level expert?

lol you are level 2 at best

2018-11-24, 02:20 PM
lol you are level 2 at best

Level 2 expert? We've already got one.

But I must admit, I wonder if you aren't slightly overstating my Intelligence. :smallredface: At Level 2, I'd need over a +30 bonus from Int to know this many programming languages.

That would make me unbalanced. :smallamused:

2018-11-24, 02:26 PM
Level 2 expert? We've already got one.

But I must admit, I wonder if you aren't slightly overstating my Intelligence. :smallredface: At Level 2, I'd need over a +30 bonus from Int to know this many programming languages.

That would make me unbalanced. :smallamused:

Nah, you just have speak language as a class skill and dumped as many points as possible into it.

2018-11-24, 02:39 PM
Level 2 expert? We've already got one.

But I must admit, I wonder if you aren't slightly overstating my Intelligence. :smallredface: At Level 2, I'd need over a +30 bonus from Int to know this many programming languages.

That would make me unbalanced. :smallamused:

first of all, a human expert with 10 int canspeak up to 29 languages at level 1, secondly you dont speak programming languages, if someone were to read off a 256 kilobyte program, you wouldnt be able to follow it all, where as you could easily follow a half hour speech

2018-11-24, 03:39 PM
Tasha's hideous laughter


Did you forget to also take their stuff?

Killing without taking stuff is murder, and murder is evil.

Additionally, taking stuff without killing is theft, and theft is also evil.

It is only when you perform simultaneous killing and stuff-taking that you transcend evil and become an adventurer.


2018-11-24, 06:10 PM
first of all, a human expert with 10 int canspeak up to 29 languages at level 1,

Teach me how...

2018-11-24, 06:42 PM
Start a conversation with them on Arcane topics and embarase them in front of the Elf as they'll be ORC Wizards who know next to nothing about magic. Even if they do they'll leave the girl alone for long enough for her to leave as they try to prove themselves smarter than me.

Once i congratulate them on not being stereotypical orcs and treating them a beer i go find the girl to be properly thanked.

2018-11-24, 06:53 PM
Teach me how...

well you get common, thats number 1
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
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then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
and that makes 29 languages

2018-11-24, 06:59 PM
Ok let just say Two Male Orc Wizards is harassing a young female elf commoner at the tavern. Your Wizard and Cleric is resting at the inn to recover. It just you the Fighter and Rogue are here at the tavern having a good time until the Two Male Orc Wizard bothering the young female elf commoner. What do you do in this situation? Do you fight the Orc Wizards, mind your own business, or something else?

It depends on the locations of the bar and the patrons. Assuming this were in a fairly benign city like Warterdeep, I would probable either fetch my friends or guards and call them out to stop!

Were this a speakeasy in enemy-country I would keep to my self...

2018-11-24, 08:35 PM
well you get common, thats number 1
then you take speak language, and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
. . .
and that uses one skill point to speak an extra language.
and that makes 29 languages

You could also take Open Minded multiple times for 5 languages a pop. Human, Lvl 1, Flaw 1, Flaw 2.

2018-11-24, 08:59 PM
Teach me how...

also programming language is a bit of a misnomer, they are more akin to dialects, java lets say being English from the deep in the heart of Mississippi, and something like perl being closer to the English spoken in Scotland, once you learn one its going to make knowing the other and understanding it so much easier, but they are both english

2018-11-25, 11:59 AM
And, sadly, those are usually the people with the worst intents.

Maybe I’m hoping to actually get some service myself from the harrassed waitress.

I'm not saying I called it, but I did.

I’m not sure what you think you’re implying here, but I figured I’d offer a basic, non-evil, non-white-knight reasoning for why a character might intervene, but without violence.

Maybe my character has just gotten back from adventuring in the Endless Devilpits of Karnash and really just wants an ale and some roast boar, but when he tries to place an order, the serving girl is caught up by being harrassed by orc wizards. So he calls them out, hoping to at least disconcert them enough that she can slip away and even takes my character’s order.

If wanting to be able to actually place an order at the tavern represents “the worst intents” to you, in a thread full of “burn the inn/burn the village/slaughter everyone” responses, I have to ask how you’re imagining the original situation in a way I’m clearly not.

Unless you were interpreting my response as “hoping to get some service myself, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more,” which just seems like part of a maximally cynical way to read any possible Neutral or Good response to this situation while ignoring all the Evil ones.

2018-11-25, 01:37 PM
Wow you sure showed that taking things out of context can certainly portray something in a false light!

White-Knighting is such a dumb concept. Its just projection. The only people who ever use it are always projecting their own feelings. They cant fathom that someone would ever possibly do something good for a woman without an ulterior motive.

Typed as someone who has a sister.

2018-11-25, 02:06 PM
Teach me how...

I'm guessing he is trying to RAW the phrase "You can purchase Speak Language just like any other skill, but instead of buying a rank in it, you choose a new language that you can speak" into "spend all 28 starting skillpoints in Speak Language", because if you don't have ranks, you don't have to obey the L+3 rank limit.

Which is in the same bailiwick as drown-healing.

also programming language is a bit of a misnomer, they are more akin to dialects, java lets say being English from the deep in the heart of Mississippi, and something like perl being closer to the English spoken in Scotland, once you learn one its going to make knowing the other and understanding it so much easier, but they are both english

And with the literal-mindedness and willingness to betray you at any turn, all programming languages are obviously dialects of Infernal.

2018-11-25, 02:19 PM
Ok what does speaking language skills have something to do with this thread? :confused:

Katie Boundary
2018-11-25, 05:58 PM
Ok what does speaking language skills have something to do with this thread? :confused:

Quertus was trying to wave a big **** around about how many programming languages he knew and what kind of D&D character that would make him.

2018-11-25, 06:55 PM
Start a conversation with them on Arcane topics and embarase them in front of the Elf as they'll be ORC Wizards who know next to nothing about magic. Even if they do they'll leave the girl alone for long enough for her to leave as they try to prove themselves smarter than me.

This makes me genuinely want to play an orc wizard in D&D, just to humble the so-called "magically enlightened" ones a bit. xD

Heck I'm playing an orc mage already in WoW. Just gotta pick off from that.

2018-11-25, 07:11 PM
Ok what does speaking language skills have something to do with this thread? :confused:

What if they were speaking orc and just asking where the bathroom is? What if this is entirely a misunderstanding designed to point out how people see orcs as second class citizens?