View Full Version : Holiday Adventures

2018-11-20, 08:51 PM
D&D 3.5 is very good for making Holiday Adventures. I have a few ideas for it:

1. All the Clerics from a Good Deity join forces to celebrate Thanksgiving until Cleric from an Evil Deity steals the Thanksgiving food and it up to the heroes to give the food back to Good Clerics before the evil Cleric eat the food. This is definitely a low-level adventure probably Level one to three.

That all I have so far. Does anyone else have any good Holiday Adventure ideas?

2018-11-20, 10:54 PM
Were Turkey onslaught?

2018-11-21, 04:19 AM
Very nice list, gave me a lot to think about.

2018-11-21, 03:50 PM
Were Turkey onslaught?

Free adventure from Necromancer games: Feast of the Gobbler (http://dnd.rushland.eu/Telecharge/ScenarioA/DD35_3_feast_of_the_gobbler.pdf)

...also, here's some 3.0 stats for Santa Claus (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Santa.pdf).

2018-11-22, 02:16 AM
2. The Spirit of Christmass Never (Female Wizard named Elsa with spell thematics into present boxes on all his evocation spells) wreck havoc among peaceful frostfell towns.

Gotta stop her before she lets go more mayhem~

2018-11-22, 10:15 PM
...also, here's some 3.0 stats for Santa Claus (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Santa.pdf).

Holy unoptimized multiclassing, Batman! I mean, sure, WotC’s sample NPC syndrome, but wow. The real holiday giveaway here is a mid-level group of PCs ganking an alleged CR 20 encounter and finding out if Santa packs “quintuple standard” treasure :p

I guess I wasn’t sure what to expect, short of crafting feats....

But there are holiday encounters that go with this, it would seem:
