View Full Version : Mediocre Strength, High Wisdom Zen Archery

2018-11-21, 01:30 AM
What is the best way for a mediocre strength (14ish) High Wisdom Zen Archery build to do decent damage as a mostly single classed ranger? Is there a way?

2018-11-21, 04:15 AM
Yes. Bow enchantments are like, really really dumb.

Splitting is a +3 enchantment that doubles your arrows. It literally turns each arrow you shoot into two arrows. That's double damage for a +3 enchant on any bow.
Force is a +2 enchantment that makes your arrows ignore obstacles up to 5ft and ignores ALL DR, even DR/-. That's amazing for any character that relies on many hits per turn.

You can also enchant your arrows separatedly. The +X bonuses don't stack, but having elemental arrows or XXbane arrows for certain occasions(Magebane are a MUST-HAVE) is a specially effective tactic.

2018-11-21, 04:46 AM
I know, you asked for "mostly single classed ranger", but 1-level dip into Shiba Protector (Oriental Adventures) adds Wis bonus to both attack and damage rolls

2018-11-21, 05:24 AM
You could consider the Swift Hunter feat which combines Ranger and Scout levels for skirmish damage and favored enemy progression. Most Swift Hunters go heavy on the Ranger side (16/4 or 15/5 splits are fairly common), which should be fine if you can afford to take a few levels in Scout. Also, Swift Hunter allows precision damage from skirmish to apply to favored enemies, even if they would normally be immune. Improved Multishot is pretty much mandatory so you can move enough to trigger skirmish but also get skirmish damage on every attack.

Another option is the Arcane Hunter ACF from Complete Mage. This gives the Ranger Favored Enemy: Arcanist. Gaining favored enemy bonus against a large variety number of enemies is pretty nice (everything with arcane spells or invocations is covered by Arcanist.)

Other Ranger specific options include the Hunter weapon enhancement (+1 bonus for +4 damage vs favored enemies, MIC) and Enemy Spirit Pouch (2100 gp, has to be keyed to a specific creature type; gives a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and either increases favored enemy bonus by 2 or grants the lowest favored enemy bonus [+2] if the creature type is not one of your favored enemies, MIC.)

The Knowledge Devotion feat from Complete Champion is a nice way to get more damage, though that will depend on your skill choices.

2018-11-21, 07:30 AM
Ranger on its own is really bad at damage. Just how mostly single-classed are we talking here?

2018-11-21, 08:09 AM
Scout 4/Ranger 15/Shiba Protector 1 w/Swift Hunter and Greater Manyshot.

2018-11-21, 10:37 AM
Scout 4/Ranger 15/Shiba Protector 1 w/Swift Hunter and Greater Manyshot.This is probably the way to go. Take the Urban Companion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) ACF to save a feat on Shiba Protector's Alertness prereq.

2018-11-21, 10:42 AM
This is probably the way to go. Take the Urban Companion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) ACF to save a feat on Shiba Protector's Alertness prereq.

You can also skip the Iron Will prereq by exploiting Otyugh Hole, but check with your GM first.