View Full Version : How would you replace a missing appendage?

2018-11-21, 10:37 AM
So I have a character who had the majority of an arm removed after it entered an unstable portal. However the portal was to an elemental plane, and when the character extricated their arm...it was covered in a crystalline material that stopped healing spells from regrowing the arm. Now the group just hit level 7 after this last session, this character is a monk/warlock so the missing arm is a bit of a problem. There is an entire world to be explored, and the majority of it has not, so...

What ideas, magical, mundane, and odd, would you guys try to get the arm back?

2018-11-21, 10:42 AM
Some kind of artificer or a blacksmith could create one for him, like a prosthetic arm. Could be made of wood, stone, steel, or even some of that crystal that took over his arm. Since he is a warlock, if you go with the crystal arm he could use that as his arcane focus. Then maybe it acts as a +1 focus.

2018-11-21, 10:46 AM
Find someone who can cast Regenerate.

Why is missing arm a problem? He's still got the other one for casting, and unarmed attacks can be done with any body part.

2018-11-21, 10:51 AM
This could be an excuse for your patron to get more involved. They might expect something in return, though.

But yeah, the answers are basically: Regenerate spell, or do a quest about it.

2018-11-21, 10:57 AM
Cut off the arm at a point not covered by crystal, then Regenerate. Or magical/mechanical prostetic arm, if you want to quest for it.

Not sure why a crystal arm is a problem in term of mechanics, though. I get the character not liking it, but that shouldn't handicap you (unless you use quarterstaff two-handed for the higher damage, but even then...).

In fact, you could use the crystal part of the limb to hit people.

In any case, it's certainly a distinctive feature like adventurers often have.

2018-11-21, 11:00 AM

2018-11-21, 11:05 AM
I don't believe the simple act of casting Regenerate will work, the way the situation was presented makes me think the crystals are absorbing/blocking the magic. We haven't had a session since this happened, it'll be about a week til we get back together, so I'll be gathering ideas to use at that time :)

Cutting off the crystals and trying the regen spell
Contact/bargain with the Patron
Artificer/Blacksmith Prosthesis
Invent and attach chainsaw

These are the going ideas so far.

2018-11-21, 11:41 AM
I don't believe the simple act of casting Regenerate will work, the way the situation was presented makes me think the crystals are absorbing/blocking the magic. We haven't had a session since this happened, it'll be about a week til we get back together, so I'll be gathering ideas to use at that time :)

Cutting off the crystals and trying the regen spell
Contact/bargain with the Patron
Artificer/Blacksmith Prosthesis
Invent and attach chainsaw

These are the going ideas so far.

You could also seek people who know a lot about the Elemental Planes and portals, or miraculous healers beyond the typical PC scope.

On the "cut off the crystal" thing, note you'll have to remove some of the fleshy arm too. Hiring a surgeon is advised.

2018-11-21, 11:49 AM
I don't believe the simple act of casting Regenerate will work, the way the situation was presented makes me think the crystals are absorbing/blocking the magic. We haven't had a session since this happened, it'll be about a week til we get back together, so I'll be gathering ideas to use at that time :)

Cutting off the crystals and trying the regen spell
Contact/bargain with the Patron
Artificer/Blacksmith Prosthesis
Invent and attach chainsaw

These are the going ideas so far.

Just wait. A DM doesn't just say "You lost an arm and can't heal it back" unless he has a very intentional, very direct plan of action for that character. It didn't happen to the Sword-and-Board Fighter. It didn't happen to the Two-Weapon-Fighting Swashbuckler. It happened to the one person who couldn't give a crap about it. That screams "plotline" to me.

Just wait.

2018-11-21, 11:50 AM
You could also seek people who know a lot about the Elemental Planes and portals, or miraculous healers beyond the typical PC scope.

On the "cut off the crystal" thing, note you'll have to remove some of the fleshy arm too. Hiring a surgeon is advised.

Hrm..."Roll for sepsis"...that's not a phrase I want to hear.

Just wait. A DM doesn't just say "You lost an arm and can't heal it back" unless he has a very intentional, very direct plan of action for that character. It didn't happen to the Sword-and-Board Fighter. It didn't happen to the Two-Weapon-Fighting Swashbuckler. It happened to the one person who couldn't give a crap about it. That screams "plotline" to me.

Just wait.

That does sound a lot like the DM, and it's not bad advice, but he's also said that he's going to try to let us take the initiative in our story choices more. He's admitted himself that he's quasi-railroaded the group for a lot of what's happened so far and wants to see how the group handles things without as much of his direct influence.


The group is really starting to delve into the RP/Group dynamics side of the game finally. I like the ideas you all have given, it'll be fun trying to see how the group reacts to the different ideas that are brought up. I'm already certain that the idea of an artificer is going to go over like a lead balloon, there's 2 NPCs that we could talk to, but at least 2 of our party has a rather strong dislike toward them...

2018-11-21, 11:54 AM
Get a wizard to use the clone spell to make you a new body.

2018-11-21, 12:15 PM
If they're an Undying warlock, that's a feature they get at 14th level.
The setting may have articulated prosthesis in the world, such as the Automail from Fullmetal Alchemist
A quest, item, or other sacrifice to the patron or other type of powerful being to have a new limb created or grown. It may not be a humanoid arm, but could be a tentacle or paw.
A spell, invocation, or feat they could take to upgrade the player's Mage Hand to a more permanent limb.

2018-11-21, 12:25 PM
Was the losing of the arm part of a "tough character choice" moment where you had some say? Or was it more of a DM dictation that you lost your arm in the portal?

If it was the former, it might be on you to figure it out or it was the cost of a choice. If it was the latter I'd agree that the DM has something in mind, or at least wants to see how you overcome this setback.

2018-11-21, 12:41 PM
Was the losing of the arm part of a "tough character choice" moment where you had some say? Or was it more of a DM dictation that you lost your arm in the portal?

If it was the former, it might be on you to figure it out or it was the cost of a choice. If it was the latter I'd agree that the DM has something in mind, or at least wants to see how you overcome this setback.

It was an impulsive choice done in the heat of the moment. There appeared to be a reason to go through, it was our goal to close the rift but it seemed something was stopping it from happening. The arm was lost as it was the only part to actually cross the threshold, another party member interceded before any other part of the body made it through, and the DM explained how, when the scuffle was over, the arm was missing.

2019-03-13, 11:44 AM
You could have a character craft a prosthetic.

2019-03-13, 11:54 AM
You could have a character craft a prosthetic.

She wound up having to confer with a Cleric and a Surgeon. The surgeon removed the affected area via amputation, applied a medical salve on the exposed flesh, and then stood aside for the Cleric. With a lot of prayer and a little influence from the player's warlock patron, the appendage started to grow back, much like the scene from Deadpool. The appendage is all grey, as this was influenced by her patron who appears as a completely grey colored humanoid, but is fully functional. There was a healing period, and some down time, but it all worked out for her. The best part is I didn't do anything, she and her friends made all the decisions and conversation! I ended up worrying about nothing, they did all the leg work for me :)