View Full Version : Pathfinder Lookinf for Ideas/Inspiration for Rakshasa-Blooded Tieflinf

Dr. Cliché
2018-11-23, 10:30 AM
I'm planning to use a Rakshasa-blooded Tiefling (a Summoner) in an upcoming campaign.

In terms of appearance, I'm thinking something like this:


Anyway, I'm looking for ideas/inspiration for backstory and personality traits.

Any suggestions?

2018-11-23, 11:16 AM
Uff. Ok, PF Rakshasa are actually native outsiders and prone to extreme pride, so much so, that they see themselves above dukes of hell, demon princes and actual full divinities. What they are definitely not, is part of the Great Beyond. My personal theory, they're such great kings of deception because they constantly deceive themselves on matters of their own importance.

You should actually consider your Rakshasa-Spawn to also get the Rakshasa bloodline wie VMC Sorcerer and talk with your gm whether the alternate bloodline-affinity racial trait for Tieflings should count towards Summoner, not be restricted to Sorcerer.

As such, I´d play such a character as mix of being at the same time insecure and an extremely outgoing force of personality, out to clubber anyone in line by sheer presence.

2018-11-24, 12:20 PM
What is your character's relationship with their eidolon? Do they see it as a plaything/slave they summon to do their bidding? An equal they have bartered power with? A force they managed to harness and pull through to the material? A mirror of themselves? What about summoned creatures? Are these cannon fodder, allies, toys, loyal servants?

Rakshasa's believe in order and servitude, either ruling from the top or vying for the spot. They are incredibly egotistical as well, and being summoners you have strong charisma to represent that. Is it confidence, arrogance, or both?

Dr. Cliché
2018-11-24, 07:50 PM
What is your character's relationship with their eidolon? Do they see it as a plaything/slave they summon to do their bidding? An equal they have bartered power with? A force they managed to harness and pull through to the material? A mirror of themselves? What about summoned creatures? Are these cannon fodder, allies, toys, loyal servants?

I think he'd regard the normal summoned creatures as playthings or cannon-fodder, depending on the situation. He's not intentionally cruel towards them, rather he just struggles to see them as 'real' creatures.

Regarding his Eidolon, I'm thinking that he'd regard it as a mix of friend and pet. It could also reflect not what he is exactly but what he fears becoming (or fears others seeing him as). He has claws on his hands and paw-like feet and is quite self-conscious about others seeing him as a beast rather than a person.

Rakshasa's believe in order and servitude, either ruling from the top or vying for the spot. They are incredibly egotistical as well, and being summoners you have strong charisma to represent that. Is it confidence, arrogance, or both?

Hmm, good question. I'd definitely lean more towards arrogance (partially because he never had to learn his magic through study).