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2018-11-23, 04:06 PM
As your Mother and Father begin to wind down in their story, in the darkness you feel a sudden jolt.

No matter what may come, remember: you are strong, my child and you are noble, my little one. While we may quarrel, war, and scheme against one another, our shared heritage is what binds us, and what binds our kin.

And with that, the unison voices of your patrons fade into nothingness, and you are left alone, in darkness, cramped by walls on all sides. You can barely hear sounds around you, muffled and faint.
The voices sound gruff. You estimate four sources. You also heard a clattering sound, like something falling and its contents jostling. Lastly, you hear the unmistakable crackle of fire, though you smell nothing.
The voices sound gruff. You estimate at least two sources. You also heard a clattering sound, like wood on wood, or maybe something falling? Lastly, you hear the unmistakable crackle of fire, though you smell nothing.
You hear a slamming noise that startles you.
The darkness is disturbing after having two presences with you for what felt like years, teaching you like two feuding parents.
Mother's voice does not completely fade for you, and the darkness seems to fade into a dull red, murky shapes moving in the background, though all of them giving you a wide berth. Though you are visually alone, you feel far closer to the motherly presence than you were before, and the fatherly one is nowhere to be found. You... you my child, are special. If ever you are lost, I will be with you and will guide you. That said... every dragon needs their first trial... You feel a small bit of amusement from Avaritia as she pauses, and this one will very much test you all by fire.

The red scene before you fades, and the darkness resumes.

The darkness is cold, and the walls around you that felt protective for so long are now stifling.

If you would all mind, please make a Strength check at the end of your first posts.

2018-11-23, 04:40 PM
Darkness.... Quiet... Well almost quiet. Durnehviir reaches out slowly with a taloned forearm and touches something. Something that seems to be all around him. Something confining him, holding him? He was Dragon! He would not be confined! He began to shove.


Orsik Vondal
2018-11-23, 05:47 PM
Fenrir, The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir stirs inside his dark, confining prison. Suddenly a loud slamming noise shakes the walls! Fenrir jumps, if barely being able to flinch can be considered jumping. The startling noise causes Fenrir to inadvertently spew fire, briefly lighting up the curved walls of his cell. He stretches experimentally, testing the bounds that had been imposed upon him.


2018-11-24, 02:26 AM
Yrmys wriggles in her egg as she comes to full awareness. The shell is tough, though it had not bothered her before. Now, though, she was the largest she had been, filling the egg to its edges. She had already eaten most of the nutrition trapped with her. It was time to shed this temporary protection and finally stretch.
She shifts, then begins to stretch, pushing against the walls. They are tough, unyielding. She is still weak and struggles to force her prison to yield.
Prediction: It will take a few tries for me to bust my egg.

2018-11-24, 04:46 AM
the voices where did they go, that odd noise I must find out what happend.

strength check [roll0]
if this is to break out of egg and it succeeds
listen to hear what is going on [roll1]
spot to see what is going on [roll2]

2018-11-24, 04:50 AM
Charazael, Favored Small Red Wyrmling of Mother

Mother! Mother! Where are you Mother?

The Darkness is too much, where is the Red? Too much...

I need OUT, I need to get OUT! I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!

Charazael begins to struggle...

Strength: [roll0]

2018-11-24, 11:55 AM
Charazael, Favored Small Red Wyrmling of Mother

Mother! Mother! Where are you Mother?

The Darkness is too much, where is the Red? Too much...

I need OUT, I need to get OUT! I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!

Charazael begins to struggle...

Strength: [roll0]

The hard walls don't yield to your panic, and Mother does not seem to speak to you. After a few seconds, you hear a small crack as the shell gives slightly. You're making progress, slow but steady.
Make your next check with a +2 bonus

the voices where did they go, that odd noise I must find out what happend.

strength check [roll0]
if this is to break out of egg and it succeeds
listen to hear what is going on [roll1]
spot to see what is going on [roll2]

The shell gives slightly to your stretching and pushing, but progress is slow. Outside, the gruff voices are now a little bit louder.
Make your next check with a +2 bonus.

Yrmys wriggles in her egg as she comes to full awareness. The shell is tough, though it had not bothered her before. Now, though, she was the largest she had been, filling the egg to its edges. She had already eaten most of the nutrition trapped with her. It was time to shed this temporary protection and finally stretch.
She shifts, then begins to stretch, pushing against the walls. They are tough, unyielding. She is still weak and struggles to force her prison to yield.
Prediction: It will take a few tries for me to bust my egg.

Indeed, your progress is slow, and the walls that protected you are proving themselves a prison now. Hopefully you're somewhere that you can take your time. The gruff voices outside that have become louder and more curt suggest that this is not the case.

Fenrir, The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir stirs inside his dark, confining prison. Suddenly a loud slamming noise shakes the walls! Fenrir jumps, if barely being able to flinch can be considered jumping. The startling noise causes Fenrir to inadvertently spew fire, briefly lighting up the curved walls of his cell. He stretches experimentally, testing the bounds that had been imposed upon him.


Between the fire and your pushes, the shell softens an little, and you can feel a section of it give slightly. You're making progress.
Make your next check with a +2 bonus.

Darkness.... Quiet... Well almost quiet. Durnehviir reaches out slowly with a taloned forearm and touches something. Something that seems to be all around him. Something confining him, holding him? He was Dragon! He would not be confined! He began to shove.


With a mighty shove, the walls that surrounded you are no match for the power of the dragon that they once protected, and you find yourself tumbling off of a pile of brown squares, landing on a floor of stone and moss. The world around you is thankfully not bright, but also not nearly as dark as the confines of the dimly orange egg whose shell is now scattered around you. Among the boxes are several oblong spheres of differing colors, mostly pale orange like your own, though a few that are a hot red, as well as some that are more metallic and one that seems like a large gem. More eggs?

Also scattered around you are four creatures, greenish-grey skin, with brown and grey sticks on their sides, save for one that seems to be holding it and pointing the stick at you. You remember something like this being described in Mother and Father's story, a creature called an orc, aggressive creatures and not too quick witted, but quite willing to exploit those who underestimate them. They all look terrified of you, save for the one pointing its stick, who is shouting at the others.

Beyond them, you seem to be in some sort of rocky area, the entrance to a cave of some sort. Outside of the cave, you can see and hear a pretty heavy rainfall. They must have been forced in here by the weather, and indeed they do look pretty thoroughly soaked.
Whether you wish to fight or want to find a peaceful resolution, you have initiative.

2018-11-24, 12:58 PM
those voices they are still there, I must find out what is going on!

strength check [roll0]
if this is to break out of egg and it succeeds
listen to hear what is going on [roll1]
spot to see what is going on [roll2]

2018-11-24, 01:41 PM
The hard walls don't yield to your panic, and Mother does not seem to speak to you. After a few seconds, you hear a small crack as the shell gives slightly. You're making progress, slow but steady.
Make your next check with a +2 bonus

Charazael realizes that panic is weakness, and Mother's silence is disapproval. She calms herself and gives a slow steady constant shove.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2018-11-24, 08:13 PM
Durnehviir gathers his haunches close, feeling his muscles bunch beneath him. He makes a great intake of the air around him and asks in Draconic "Skav! svabol tepoha wux authot? kii re wux tenpiswo sva wer klewar si tepoha confn sari nomeno treskri? anyui ve!"

"Vermin! What have you done? Why are you here at the moment I have come into this world? Answer me!"
Readying an action to breath fire if they attack.

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-25, 09:14 AM
Fenrir, The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir hears more muffled noises from outside his cell. Some of it is unintelligible, but some sounds a bit like Father and Mother. Perhaps they're outside! I need to see them! He Understands that he wasn't meant to stay in this place of darkness. This was a test of his worth as a dragon! He contracts his limbs himself for a forceful push and then extends his head and clawed arms and feet outward at the same moment with a mighty roar!


2018-11-25, 02:37 PM
Curious about the commotion, Yrmys wriggles some more. Wriggling and wriggling, trying to push but her crystalline cage contains her with conviction. She tries to get her feet positioned to use her claws, but they are yet soft. With a silent yell, she shoves with her might that she may at least crack her confinements.
I expect to be the last to hatch.

2018-11-25, 08:03 PM
Curious about the commotion, Yrmys wriggles some more. Wriggling and wriggling, trying to push but her crystalline cage contains her with conviction. She tries to get her feet positioned to use her claws, but they are yet soft. With a silent yell, she shoves with her might that she may at least crack her confinements.
I expect to be the last to hatch.

Fenrir, The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir hears more muffled noises from outside his cell. Some of it is unintelligible, but some sounds a bit like Father and Mother. Perhaps they're outside! I need to see them! He Understands that he wasn't meant to stay in this place of darkness. This was a test of his worth as a dragon! He contracts his limbs himself for a forceful push and then extends his head and clawed arms and feet outward at the same moment with a mighty roar!

Both of You
To your surprises, the shells give way. You find yourselves straddling a large, wooden cube, both looking the other similar yet vastly different creature in the face, while a larger, red creature (another dragon!?) shouts a threat at several grey-green creatures, one of whom is pointing at the red dragon with a grey stick. The other creatures, smaller than the pointing one but otherwise similar, look to be grabbing sticks of their own as the apparent leader says something. Ymrys, you feel like Mother and Father mentioned them, but you can’t put your talon on the name. Fenrir meanwhile is able to remember that they are orcs, a somewhat savage race that make their homes on every major landmass of Valdrieth. That said, they are also clever, adapting well to whatever environments they are placed in.

Getting your bearings, you seem to be on a pile of brown, wooden cubes. Several other eggs, though none like yours, sit among the boxes, brown, web-like material holding them in place. Beyond that is walls of rock, extending into darkness in your direction, and out into a rainy day outside past the orcs.

As you get your bearings, the creatures shouts something to its underlings, but as they charge...

Durnehviir gathers his haunches close, feeling his muscles bunch beneath him. He makes a great intake of the air around him and asks in Draconic "Skav! svabol tepoha wux authot? kii re wux tenpiswo sva wer klewar si tepoha confn sari nomeno treskri? anyui ve!"

"Vermin! What have you done? Why are you here at the moment I have come into this world? Answer me!"
Readying an action to breath fire if they attack.
Maybe it's the fact that you spoke in what they saw as gibberish, maybe it's that your stance adopted suggested that you had already made up your mind. "Yulle lafaardes! Dood dit of ek sal jou slag!" the leading one roars, as the others take up their weapons - and that's about the last action they manage as your flame, for the first time let loose, bursts forth and scorches the even the wet stone.

As your breath weapon dies down, three of the orcs are completely charred, lying on the ground, probably dead. The last one, shaking, had run backward instead of forward toward you. It paused a moment as gout of flame died down, and looked back at you, then, even more terrified and reassured in its choice, begins running faster, out into the rain.

Charazael realizes that panic is weakness, and Mother's silence is disapproval. She calms herself and gives a slow steady constant shove.

Strength Check: [roll0]

This challenge by Mother was proving truly... challenging.
Make your next check with a +4 bonus.

those voices they are still there, I must find out what is going on!

strength check [roll0]
if this is to break out of egg and it succeeds
listen to hear what is going on [roll1]
spot to see what is going on [roll2]

You manage to push your snout and face out of the egg, and the first thing you see is a fellow dragon, red and still glistening with its own albumen, breathing a torrent of fire towards four grey-green creatures... Orcs, you remember from Mother and Father's stories. One of the orcs was fleeing at top speed, but the others were smoldering where they stood. Several other eggs sit next to you, in addition to two smaller dragons, one with scales like sunlight pressed into metal, the other whose seemed to be made of crushed, clear gems.

One of the eggs seems to be rocking back and forth, its occupant evidently having trouble breaking free.

2018-11-25, 08:25 PM
The little crystalline critter spits and coughs a little as she takes her first real, shuddering breaths. She blinks violently as her eyes adjust to the new light. Looking about, Yrmys sees the other newhatched dragons and the wobbling egg. Pushing the remains of her egg aside, she stretches, wings, legs, neck. She sniffs the metallic one, then abruptly realizes how slimy she is. Stretching out, she begins to lick herself as she wonders why she had hatched into a mixed nest. She pauses licking a moment and clears her throat to speak.

"<Greetings, nest siblings. Knowest thou why we have woken into such a situation?>" Her Draconic comes out in a sort of purr. Then she yawns. "<This air makes me wish to return to slumber, though I should not yet.>"

She goes back to licking herself clean.

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-25, 10:01 PM
Fenrir, The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir takes in his surroundings, the big red dragonling--First Brother, by the look of him. The smaller red--she will be Red Sister, for now. The curious one made of gemstone that catches the --Lady Glittersparkles, at least until she reveals her true name...and maybe some time after. And the shaking, rattling egg nearby. Must be another clutch mate. The fleeing orc and his charred companions. First Brother is pretty powerful, then. I should stick by him until I understand what's going on here.

Fenrir turns to Lady Glittersparkles as she asks her question. Si tir ti vucot svabol ui shinaltir. Si siofme wer ghiki nomag tepoha coanwor xoalir ekess siteli udoka. Irral Isthasy l'grada astahi usv valignata astahi. Yth jalla zexenuma ini jacion halkvri yth itrewic nomeno wineva ekik.

As Fenrir speaks he notices his scales begin to slowly tarnish. His scales discolor from the tips to the roots in an agonizingly sedate pace. The air of the outside environment is probably doing this. Though he is saddened his shiny hide will be hidden for the foreseeable future, Fenrir looks on the bright side of the loss. At least this will help me hide better when danger comes.

Approaching his elder clutch mate Fenrir makes his introduction."Gekiikiri, Irral Isthasy. Dout ixen ui versvesh. Dask vur Opsola majaka ve wer ominak Fenrir. Svabol ominak tira astahii majak wux, Irral Isthasy?"


He crawls over the mass of cracked shells to his unhatched sibling. Knowing that this is a right of passage for all dragons he merely leans over the egg and calls out, "Wux shilta tir coi!"

Fenrir then crawls to the still eggs and puts an ear to each. I hope you're okay in there...

Draconic: I do not know what is happening. I think the orcs may have been trying to capture us. First Brother feared them or burned them. We should stay by him until we get this figured out.

Greetings, First Brother. Your fire is strong. Mother and Father gave me the name Fenrir. What name did they give you, First Brother?

You can do it!


2018-11-25, 10:04 PM
You manage to push your snout and face out of the egg, and the first thing you see is a fellow dragon, red and still glistening with its own albumen, breathing a torrent of fire towards four grey-green creatures... Orcs, you remember from Mother and Father's stories. One of the orcs was fleeing at top speed, but the others were smoldering where they stood. Several other eggs sit next to you, in addition to two smaller dragons, one with scales like sunlight pressed into metal, the other whose seemed to be made of crushed, clear gems.

One of the eggs seems to be rocking back and forth, its occupant evidently having trouble breaking free.

one final push should release me from the egg. strength checkl [roll0]
rocking back and forth spinning to face the egg that needs help getting out, sucking in air.
breath weapon attunement [roll1]

2018-11-25, 10:36 PM
Fenrir, The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir takes in his surroundings, the big red dragonling--First Brother, by the look of him. The smaller red--she will be Red Sister, for now. The curious one made of gemstone that catches the --Lady Glittersparkles, at least until she reveals her true name...and maybe some time after. And the shaking, rattling egg nearby. Must be another clutch mate. The fleeing orc and his charred companions. First Brother is pretty powerful, then. I should stick by him until I understand what's going on here.

Fenrir turns to Lady Glittersparkles as she asks her question. Si tir ti vucot svabol ui shinaltir. Si siofme wer ghiki nomag tepoha coanwor xoalir ekess siteli udoka. Irral Isthasy l'grada astahi usv valignata astahi. Yth jalla zexenuma ini jacion halkvri yth itrewic nomeno wineva ekik.

As Fenrir speaks he notices his scales begin to slowly tarnish. His scales discolor from the tips to the roots in an agonizingly sedate pace. The air of the outside environment is probably doing this. Though he is saddened his shiny hide will be hidden for the foreseeable future, Fenrir looks on the bright side of the loss. At least this will help me hide better when danger comes.

Approaching his elder clutch mate Fenrir makes his introduction."Gekiikiri, Irral Isthasy. Dout ixen ui versvesh. Dask vur Opsola majaka ve wer ominak Fenrir. Svabol ominak tira astahii majak wux, Irral Isthasy?"


He crawls over the mass of cracked shells to his unhatched sibling. Knowing that this is a right of passage for all dragons he merely leans over the egg and calls out, "Wux shilta tir coi!"

Fenrir then crawls to the still eggs and puts an ear to each. I hope you're okay in there...

Draconic: I do not know what is happening. I think the orcs may have been trying to capture us. First Brother feared them or burned them. We should stay by him until we get this figured out.

Greetings, First Brother. Your fire is strong. Mother and Father gave me the name Fenrir. What name did they give you, First Brother?

You can do it!


All the eggs save for the one rocking back and forth are silent, in contrast to the sounds of struggling and life in general that are audible in the moving egg. Most likely, the silent eggs are still, their inhabitants dead inside from the poor conditions.

one final push should release me from the egg. strength checkl [roll0]
rocking back and forth spinning to face the egg that needs help getting out, sucking in air.
breath weapon attunement [roll1]
While I don't need an essay, I would like to have a little more description. It's not entirely clear what you are going for, and I am left trying to figure out what your goal is.
With the general structural integrity of the shell completely compromised from your head breaking out, it takes no real effort at all to escape the rest of the shell. As you breath out on the egg before you, the egg is pushed slightly, the ropes holding it burning away. The egg slowly rolls back off of the pile before falling and breaking open.

Hopefully the occupant is okay.

As you gather your strength for one last push, your ears are are pierced by a sound like wind that pierces into your bones. Before you can react, the walls begin to move, and you feel weightless for a second before slamming into the ground, walls cracking and finding yourself splayed out on the floor of a cave.
Take 3 Sonic damage and 3 Bludgeoning damage
Looking around, you see three bodies of unknown species burning. Several other dragons, one red, one white, one a dull and brown metal, and one dark brown with red cracks, are visible around you. The red and brown one is staring down at you from a pile of brown cubes, themselves on some platform supported by circles. The dull metal is investigating several other eggs, while the white one is busy cleaning itself.

2018-11-25, 11:19 PM
As you gather your strength for one last push, your ears are are pierced by a sound like wind that pierces into your bones. Before you can react, the walls begin to move, and you feel weightless for a second before slamming into the ground, walls cracking and finding yourself splayed out on the floor of a cave.
Take 3 Sonic damage and 3 Bludgeoning damage
Looking around, you see three bodies of unknown species burning. Several other dragons, one red, one white, one a dull and brown metal, and one dark brown with red cracks, are visible around you. The red and brown one is staring down at you from a pile of brown cubes, themselves on some platform supported by circles. The dull metal is investigating several other eggs, while the white one is busy cleaning itself.


Charazael feels a sense of failure that stings more than the ringing in her ears. Mother will not be pleased. Mother is NOT pleased, else she would have put her in a clutch of her own kind, but it seems that her panic and weakness has left her in this...mongrel of a clutch, and it appears LAST. Sulking, Charazael frees herself from the wreckage and returns the Red and Brown's challenging gaze after surveying the room.

"Svaust re wux?" she hisses sullenly.

"Who are you?"
Search of the room: [roll0]

2018-11-25, 11:30 PM
Startled by the impact of egg on floor, Yrmys jumps to a standing position and, wings outstretched, hops down to the fallen wyrmling.

"Nest sibling!" she calls with a bit of alarm, sniffing at the splayed creature, "Thou art hurt! Are ye well?"

Using her nose to push and lift, she helps the lasthatched to its feet and begins licking it to help clean its egg slime and its minor wounds. Between licks she speaks.

"Eldest... thou art... of us strongest... I would that... ye would... cast thine gaze... and learn our... whereabouts..." She licks the hurt one on the back of its skull, wiping it clean, then turns to the other newhatched. "Forgive me. I ought not make requests of thee when thou doth not even knoweth mine name. I am Yrmys, too young yet to bear a title. If thou wouldst, I would be pleased to know of thine names. Fenrir, I thank thee for prompting our introductions."

She bows her head a little towards first the Eldest and then the brass scaled Fenrir, then resumes helping to clean the Youngest.

2018-11-26, 07:30 AM
Durnehviir snorts at the other dragons. Didn't mother AND father both speak of battles and and pursuing the enemy? Wiping them out? He begins a run for the cave opening and bursts forth into the storm outside following the...orc was it...

If he can close the gap he will attack the orc and try to kill it.

60' move rate



2018-11-26, 08:52 AM
Durnehviir snorts at the other dragons. Didn't mother AND father both speak of battles and and pursuing the enemy? Wiping them out? He begins a run for the cave opening and bursts forth into the storm outside following the...orc was it...

If he can close the gap he will attack the orc and try to kill it.

60' move rate



The orc screams and tries to swing his sword at you, but it clatters harmlessly off of your hide. The screams quickly go quiet at you tear into him.


Charazael feels a sense of failure that stings more than the ringing in her ears. Mother will not be pleased. Mother is NOT pleased, else she would have put her in a clutch of her own kind, but it seems that her panic and weakness has left her in this...mongrel of a clutch, and it appears LAST. Sulking, Charazael frees herself from the wreckage and returns the Red and Brown's challenging gaze after surveying the room.

"Svaust re wux?" she hisses sullenly.

"Who are you?"
Search of the room: [roll0]

Besides the boxes and corpses (which do have weapons), the cave is empty. The tunnel does go further than your darkvision reaches

2018-11-26, 09:03 AM
Durnehviir smiles inwardly as the orc's bone crunch in his mouth. He picks up the corpse and heads back to the cave, dropping it with the other bodies unceremoniously and then casually stepping over them to gaze at the others.

"I am Durnehviir and I believe I shall call myself the Bringer of Death. Well met."

2018-11-26, 12:03 PM
On hearing the snorts from another dragon. Turning towards, looking as it ran from the cave opening into the storm outside chasing an orc. Like a true hunter turning on her heals chasing the other dragon and orc out of the cave watching as the other dragon bites into the orc. hearing the other dragon exclaim "I am Durnehviir and I believe I shall call myself the Bringer of Death. Well met."
Approaching the other dragon, Hello Durnehviir, I am Wendy, do you know what happened back in the cave?

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-26, 12:28 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir watches as First Brother chases down the fleeing orc and summarily ends its existence.

"Durnehviir, you really are mighty! Bringer of Death, most definitely! Unfortunately, I think we", he gestures to the other dragonlings, "are the only ones that made it from our clutch. It appears that we were each taken from our home nests and put in this cave along with these wooden boxes. We should probably see what we can find for food. Though you have your first kill, I doubt it would feed all of us. Perhaps these boxes hold food. And what is in this cave, I wonder?"

Fenrir turns and begins to examine the wooden boxes while still talking. Not to anyone in particular, rather to the group...or maybe himself. "Let's see. How to open these boxes? Perhaps one of my bigger brothers or sisters can do it. This cave is a nice size. I wonder if anything lives here already. We should probably check that out before we settle in. Could be worse, though. We could be out there in the cold cold rain. We should probably stick together. I need to get this goo off me."

And all of a sudden he abruptly halts his examination of the boxes to jump to the cave floor and roll around in the dirt that covers the surface. He shakes off the excess dirt from his scales and wipes off the now congealed muddy masses from his hide. "There we go! All clean! My name is Fenrir, by the way. You are Durnehviir, Bringer of Death!" He says this with bravado raising his clenched claws in a gesture of triumph. "You are Yrmys. But I don't know your name, Red Sister, or yours," Fenrir points to the other smaller red dragonling on the ground. "Last-Hatched."


2018-11-26, 01:15 PM
Durnehviir munches on his kill as he listens to Fenrir speak. He reaches over and presses a claw through the edge of a box, cracking it open as Fenrir muses about how to get into one.

"Hello, Wandie, the orc's attacked me after I hatched and so they died." He swings his head around back to Fenrir, "You are wise, little one, we should indeed check out this cave, it goes deeper than I can see."

As he finishes his meal he slides one of the corpses towards the other red and moves towards the darker rear of the cavern, ready to explore its depths.

As he nears the back of the cave it strikes him as odd, two here are not any of the ones mother and father spoke of....

He turns and addresses them both, "You there, Wandie and Yrmys, are you Dragon? The stories from the before time made no mention of your kind being Dragon."

2018-11-26, 03:25 PM
The largest crate contains no notable smells, but makes a lot of noise when jostled (ropes, some basic woodworking tools, and net). The next largest smells of meat, salt, and smoke, as well as an unfamiliar, not quite sweet scent (opening will reveal a hard bread). The last smells a strongly sweet and slightly sour scent (and contains citrus fruit if you open it).

Aside from the orc footprints, the cave does no seem to be occupied by anything, though the heavy rain seems like it could easily wash away evidence of a recent inhabitant. Anything that has lived here a long time, it would have to be small enough to not routinely scrape the sides, and does not leave any notable tracks (such as claw marks) on the floor of the cave, nor does it seem to spend much time near the entryway, based on a lack of evidence of fire or any amenities around the mouth.

The only other thing that stands out are two stalactites toward the entrance, though they and the rock walls seem either naturally or otherwise so hewn as to look natural.

2018-11-26, 05:06 PM
Charazael winces, more from the "honor" of being dubbed "last hatched" than the disgusting unwanted grooming from the crystal one. This one acts like a puppy, and another is rolling around enthusiastically in the dirt....perhaps they hit their heads far harder than I. Still the big one seemed good at hunting.

Charazael gives Yrmys a warning hiss.

Obviously, Mother saved the best for last. I am Charazael. It seems we are a mixed nest, I am guessing that no sane dragon would put such an assortment together, so I guess we have these weakthings to thank for our "family".

2018-11-26, 05:14 PM
Having finished with the cleaning, Yrmys follows Eldest and answers his inquiry.

"Dragon I am indeed," she hums, "Yet not of any kind typically known within most realms. These lands doth not resemble well where I feel I ought to be. 'Tis too diverse, disorganized. Mine inner senses beg me that I would leave this realm for another, yet I cannot."

She stops and turns, looking upon the other unusual dragon, the Rash one whose actions had frustrated Youngest.

"For this one, no certain explanation can I provide," she says slowly, "Though the guess I would venture must be that they bear similar otherworldly origin. A realm of earth and fire, mayhaps."

Resuming her walk she hurried to catch up with Eldest.

"Eldest," she addresses him softly, "I would hear thine command, and mindfully obey. What wouldst thou that I should do at this time? The awakening of myself into this world has thus far been rife with confusion, thus I knoweth not as to which direction 'twould be meet of me to venture. I am lost, and would be receptive of command."

2018-11-26, 07:34 PM
Eldest. That name sat well with Durnehviir even coming from whatever this was addressing him as such. And it used the tongue, interesting. "Let us see where it is we have hatched and if anything else desires death by attacking us." He looks directly at Yrmys, "Follow us, we are one brood." For now he thought, for now.

2018-11-26, 07:57 PM
turning to walk beside Durnehviir, yes Durnehviir, I to am dragon from another worldly place, my parents spoke to me some of those creatures - indicating the burnt orcs - we are all stuck with each other and surely need to rely on each others talents to figure things out

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-26, 08:31 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir gets a bit annoyed at all the posturing from his brood mates. Why can we all just have some intelligent conversation? He shakes his head and fly hops to the cave mouth. Getting pelted by the driving rain wasn't Fenrir's idea of a good time, but something about these rock formations at the entrance to the cave didn't seem right. It might give them clues as to why they were here.

Are there any markings on the stalactites? "Writing" of any kind

After pondering the strange formations, Fenrir rejoins his brood. "Let's check out this cave. I doubt the orcs that attacked Elder Brother Durnehviir were the ones to take us from our birth nests. That means those who did may be further inside. I can scout ahead in case we need to get the jump on any enemies. Though I would prefer to gather more information before we burn or eat anyone."

With that Fenrir begins to move further into the cave proper hugging the walls and moving as silently as possible.


2018-11-27, 01:59 PM
seeing Fenrir move towards the back of the cave stealthly, wendy also curious as to what might be back there, will follow along about 10ft back.

Move Silently - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]
Spot - [roll2]

2018-11-27, 02:05 PM

Eldest. That name sat well with Durnehviir even coming from whatever this was addressing him as such. And it used the tongue, interesting. "Let us see where it is we have hatched and if anything else desires death by attacking us." He looks directly at Yrmys, "Follow us, we are one brood."

After pondering the strange formations, Fenrir rejoins his brood. "Let's check out this cave. I doubt the orcs that attacked Elder Brother Durnehviir were the ones to take us from our birth nests. That means those who did may be further inside. I can scout ahead in case we need to get the jump on any enemies. Though I would prefer to gather more information before we burn or eat anyone."

Hmm, perhaps next time we should question the food before we cook it, but no matter, we shall find the truth soon enough. Still, the one that ran ran outwards and not within, so I am wondering whether there is anything left in here of our captors. Still better to hunt under cover than out in the open.

2018-11-27, 02:10 PM
Durnehviir smiles a cruel smile as Charazael mentions the course of action for next time. "I did question them, they chose to die rather than answer." He pauses for a couple of steps then says, "The orc may have simply chosen the path of escape closest to it. To go deeper into these caves he would have had to run past me."

2018-11-28, 05:16 AM
Durnehviir smiles a cruel smile as Charazael mentions the course of action for next time. "I did question them, they chose to die rather than answer." He pauses for a couple of steps then says, "The orc may have simply chosen the path of escape closest to it. To go deeper into these caves he would have had to run past me."


"But of course, Big Brother, your words are wisdom. I will go ahead and make sure Dirty Brother and Red Sister don't get into mischief."

Charazael thoroughly intended to get into mischief of her own.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silent: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2018-11-28, 09:21 PM
Those of you who sneak ahead (and later those that follow) notice that as you begin to venture deeper, occasional torches become visible on the walls, deep enough that a casual observer of the cave would not have noticed the flickering light. Suspicious, most of you begin to move more cautiously, save for Wendy, who try as she might is still clearly audible. Hoping for the best, you continue onward.

Charazael and Fenrir hear a voice further ahead, airy in its sound. And, surprisingly, understandable. "Did you hear that? I believe we have intruders."

"I did hear that. How should we greet our intruders?"

"Politely, for now. They sound small."

"Could they not be an animal? There you go, leading me to an erroneous conclusion. Again."

"The shoredwellers are light on their feet, and I did hear claws. It could be them, trying to spy."

Suddenly, all of you hear one of the voices call out, clearly forming words that it does not find natural. "Watashi-tachi wa soko ni anata o kiite imasu! Anata jishin o misete, nekomimi!"
You however, though you hear the same sounds, find their meaning almost inherently clear: "We hear you out there! Show yourself, [cat ears]!" The last word is unclear, but is clearly an epithet of some sort, rather than a proper name or species description.

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-29, 02:38 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir gives a perturbed look at Yrmys for spoiling his advantage He clears his throat and speaks in a calm tone. "Some of us are small. And some of us are bigger. But none of us are cat ears or intruders. We awoke to find ourselves in this cave not ten minutes ago. We are merely exploring this new environment."

Fenrir continues forward a few paces. "We do beg your forgiveness. And if you are willing, a bit of information?"


2018-11-29, 09:45 AM
Wiandie - dull black & orange, medium pyroclastic dragon

in a quite voice to the tiny brass dragon, what did that voice say?

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-29, 10:02 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Not taking his eyes off the tunnel further ahead Fenrir speaks over his shoulder, "There are two voices ahead. Besides the first bit, they indicated they can hear us and called us 'cat ears', which I think is how they refer to the shoredwellers. Which means there is probably a river or other body of water outside and close by."

He peers into the gloom ahead and tenuously moves forward not trying to hide anymore.


2018-11-29, 11:11 AM
There is a pause, during which you can just hear the mutters of deliberation, though the words are too quiet to make out.

”We implies more than one, and risks more than two,” one of the voices says, now in Draconic, again more airy and natural sounding, though still... lower, than your own dialect. “You who speaks, step forward, but keep your allies back. To not do so will be met with hostility. I shall do the same, and a messenger will be sent if I am slain.”

Moving forward, after another fifty feet or so you see what seems to be your first human: tall, about as large as the largest among you though leaner and standing upright. In the low light, further details are slightly difficult to make out, though you still can see the surprisingly colorful red cloth armor that he wears, a loincloth providing additional defense to the waist. In one arm he carries what appears to be a large, wicker shield with cotton filling the negative space. At his side, he seems to have a large wooden stick, similar in shape to the weapons that the orcs had. However, rather than a metal end, the whole stick seems to have sharp, black rocks, forming a makeshift blade. His face is painted to make his eyes seem larger, and to exaggerate the mouth. The display is a bit unnerving.

The man crosses his arm, waiting to see if you approach him or not.

2018-11-29, 11:29 AM
Interested in the new development, Yrmys scrambles forward, but stops at the warning. Instead she sits and speaks up.

"Mine greetings I extend to thee!" she says brightly, "Alas, our introductions we must not neglect! The name which I bear is Yrmys, and and the one with which ye have already spoken has given his as Fenrir, whom I believe I shall refer unto as the Quick-Witted."

She pauses for a moment, staring into space.

"Ah! Forgive me, for 'twould have been meet of me to introduce Eldest first. Largest of us, Durnehviir," she proudly declares, sitting tall(ish), "His might ye need not fear, save if thou him provoke. Two more remain, Red Sister Charazael is one. One yet still, who has called themselves Wiandie, although I am tempted to call her the Rash. That makes us five. Now, if thou wouldst so please, to perhaps share with us thine name and names?"
I'll assist Fenrir's Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2018-11-29, 11:39 AM
Durnehviir's eyes narrow at the new developments but he stays silent. When he sees Yrmys perk up and start to speak he lets out a low hiss to silence her before she starts.

2018-11-29, 11:51 AM
Yrmys clams up when Eldest hisses at her, and slinks back with her head down.

"Sorry." she whispers.

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-29, 11:59 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Even from behind, the rest of the dragons can probably see Fenrir's eyes roll in his head as he lets out a resigned sigh. If I'm Quick-Witted, then what does that make you? Advantages being lost wing over claw!

Fenrir turns and signals for the rest to stop. He waves Durnehviir forward. "They have indicated that I should come alone to parley. Should they prove to be hostile, I may need your assistance, Elder Brother. Otherwise, I believe this may be a profitable encounter." He speaks to the rest of the group, "Now if you could remain silent that would be much appreciated."

He turns back to the interestingly dressed human. "Greetings, my red-clad friend. There is no need for the weapon. My companions and I are merely exploring our new found environs. As my sister has said there are five of us. I am Fenrir. Who are you?"

Fenrir will stick to the shadows and not move forward in order to keep at least the advantage of being able to see the man without him being able to see him.
[roll0] to ascertain if this red man is truly non-hostile.

2018-11-29, 12:42 PM
He does not seem actively hostile, since his weapon is only present and not drawn.

The man beckons you to come a little closer, one of the flickering torches giving away your shadow slightly. “Hm, indeed you are not one of the shore dwellers. That said... come closer. I do not bite those with whom I speak. I came alone, as I see you have. I am one of the guards to our city. I suppose in fairness, I should give my name, since you have given yours - I am Metztli.

Now, do you wish to enter Huizilhuicaapetl (who-EE-zil—who-ee-KAH-peh-tle), or may I resume my duties? You are welcome to enter, so long as an escort is with you.” The man by this point has squatted down to roughly your level, and seems curious at the small creature at at distance from him.

Orsik Vondal
2018-11-29, 11:51 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir turns back to his brood mates, specifically Durnehviir. "Shall we enter this city? They do not seem hostile at this point."

If the others agree, Fenrir will step forward with the rest of his brood mates.

2018-11-30, 07:03 AM
Durnehviir makes a point of looking at each of their heads in turn to see if anything looks to him like cat ears. If he sees nothing untoward he nods to Fenrir and starts to walk beside him to enter the city.

2018-11-30, 08:23 AM
Charazael grimaces as she watches quietly from the shadows as Yrmys gives away there numbers. Still, brother Fenrir seems to conduct himself well and these weakthings seem harmless. Trust is not in her nature though. She pauses briefly, thinking about the cubes they are abandoning to explore the city, but falls in behind Eldest.

2018-11-30, 09:56 AM
Yrmys slinks along behind Eldest, head and tail down. She's curious about this city place, but still humbled by Eldest's rebuke.

2018-11-30, 10:01 AM
Noticing Yrmys's posture Durnehviir whispers to her, "Chin up, little one, you are Dragon are you not? Being attacked when I was first hatched has made me cautious."

His emphasis on the word dragon is plain to hear, like as not they were a brood and needed to act as such.

2018-11-30, 10:03 AM
walking out from behind head held high and proud walks up to, then beside Durnehviir, not really trusting the ones who have done the inviting.

2018-11-30, 01:20 PM
As the rest of you approach Metztli, the man’s eyes just barely widen at the larger members of your group. “It seems that her young come in a variety of sizes.” He leads you further in, soon reaching a man that is dressed in similarly red armor, but who carries two of the obsidian-shard swords at his sides and no shield.

“Wyrmlings. Though intruders, they are protected. They smell like recent hatchlings, likely knew no better,” he says quietly to the other guard, before continuing deeper.

For about ten minutes, you continue deeper until some of you feel like the area is getting wider, and lighter. After another minute, the cave opens back up into a wide cavern, the earlier light apparently provided by luminous fungi that grow on the walls and ceiling. In the center of the cavern you can see buildings of numerous sizes, from single story shacks to three and four story stone complexes that appear to be been from the rocks. Further off, only visible because of its height bringing it close to the glowing ceiling, is a towering step pyramid. Even from a distance, the stone of the pyramid is clearly different from the rest of the buildings and the walls you had seen up to this point.

Equally striking to you are the people. While many of them look like your guide, though often not in the same military garb, a non-insignificant number of them are more reptilian in nature: tails, serpentine lower bodies, and even whole bodies covered in scales up to the snake-like head, make their way along the main and side streets of the city before you.

“The first thing we will need to do if you wish to travel the city is to get you some escorts, both to keep young ones as you out of trouble, but also to let the rest of our people know that you are welcome here... trespassing aside.”

2018-12-01, 12:43 PM

Charazael recalls from Mother's teachings something about the strange beings before her, the creatures are what she remembers as being called Yaun-ti. Originally humans, they became corrupted early in history by their worship of a demon who appeared to their founder in the form of a snake of many colors. The humanoid ones are known as Purebloods, and are the lowest caste. Next are Half-Breeds, and finally, Abominations. They are all clever and deceptive to outsiders, but within their own quite blunt and honest.

Siblings, it appears we are about to enter the domain of the Yuan-ti. Our hosts are known to be very clever, but very honest amongst their own. We should show them the utmost respect.

Bluff Check to impart a subtle warning to my siblings: [roll0]

2018-12-01, 02:36 PM
"Of course. We have nothing to hide from each other, yet plenty of reason to distrust outsiders," your guide says to you with a bit of a smirk. "Your kind are not at all different in this respect," he continues as the group makes their way to an outpost and begins speaking with a half snake man in a language that once again, only Fenrir recognizes. The snake man seems somewhat irritated by the humanoid's words, but sighs, motioning you all in.
"It seems that some of the Trickster's offspring have hatched and become lost. I thought it safe to bring them in. Perhaps they could make useful allies as they grow, not to mention the good will that it would buy us if we cared for them in her absence."

"Hm... Fine. But it will be your caste that observes them and guards them, and your caste that will be held responsible for any damage they may cause."

"Of course."

As you are led into the city, Metztli signals some of the other Purebloods over to him and explains the situation to them. Most sigh, but some seem to welcome the guests. As you are shown through the city, is there anything that you guys wish to do here?

2018-12-03, 07:26 AM
Durnehviir ducks his head a bit as he heads inside at the beckoning of the reluctant snakeman.

2018-12-03, 11:36 AM
Looking about at the city, Yrmys begins to forget her prior shame. Such varied... everything! So many things, most of which seemed somewhat new. And many smells as well. She wants to look around and explore it all, but she has no clue where to even start. So, she starts with questions. Plenty of them.

"Metztli, thine name was, yes?" she starts off, "For what cause doth thou dwell in the depths? What doth the markings on thine face accomplish? Thine tool at thine waist is crafted with jagged stones of black - to what end is this done? What nature hast caused that so many of the inhabitants herewith do bear so many resemblances of the serpents? What respect dost thou command in this place?"

The questions go on and on, slowing when she receives answers, flowing when she doesn't. She seems to have an endless sea of curiosity.

2018-12-03, 11:50 AM
Metztli seems more than willing to give cursory answers, though his evasion is also not always subtle. “I was born here, and our people have lived here for a decent time.

My markings signify my role, and intimidate lesser beings.

The jagged stones are sharp, like broken glass, and cut through cloth armor and hide without the need of metalworking.

I should ask you how you came to ‘resemble’ such a fearsome being, but know the answer to be that you were born this way. Similarly, so were we.

My caste is the most numerous, but the least in physical prowess, as well as in magical talent. We are city guards, hunters, farmers, and laborers. Those above me are merchants, internal guards, teachers, and so forth. Above them are our generals, leaders, and priests.”

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-03, 01:39 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir absorbs all the information Metztli is willing to put forth. He kicks around some of the things he says in his head. Who is this Trickster? It sounds like he's referring to our brood mother, which is a little odd, since we are four different types of dragon, at least by sight. Possibly he means Mother herself.

He chimes in after Metztli recounts the castes of his society. "Metztli, is there a caste below yours? I do not mean to offend. I merely seek to know more about this place. It is fascinating that an entire society can thrive under the ground. Do you have surface dwellings, as well? Or does your Huizilhuicaapetl reside only beneath the earth?"

Fenrir, like his sister, looks around in wonder at the huge buildings and interesting people they pass. "Metztli, my brood mates and I are dragons. What manner of beings are you and your people?"


"I'm also curious as to where exactly we are heading, and what is that pyramidal structure over there? It seems to have great significance to Huizilhuicaapetl."

2018-12-03, 02:23 PM
”Beneath my caste... just slaves, though we don’t keep too many here,” your guide says after a moment of thought. As you continue through, many of the purebloods and even some of the half bloods give you more than a passing glance, some of the former even asking for permission to touch your scales. While your guides initially shoo them away, they eventually defer to their charges (you).

“We do, but not here. Our home land, however, to the north, is beautiful, overlooking the wide jungle to its south and open planes to the north.

We call ourselves Merrshaulk‘s children,” he says with pride in his voice, “though most other races have chosen more derogatory names. ‘People of the Yaun River,’ and variants and abbreviations thereof are most common.”
Those with the appropriate trained skills may make a Knowledge (Geography) check, and a Knowledge (The Planes) check, if you so desire.
“But!” he says, changing tone, “As is, just showing you around. The... oh what is the word that you would use for it... Holy Temple, or maybe Great Monument. The least of us may only view it from the outside, save for holy days. It is where our priests commune with the great Lord Merrshaulk, he who has blessed us with his magic and marked us as his own. It is where in exchange for his blessings both past and future, we present him gifts - in our homelands, gold; in these outer lands where the land gives none, food.” As the Pureblood speaks to you more, you notice him beginning to smile and relax, as though becoming more comfortable, especially as he begins to discuss aspects of faith.

2018-12-03, 09:12 PM
Wiandie walking with Durnehviir looking at the surroundings keeping an eye on the smaller of her kin. keeping an eye on these snakemen not truly trusting them.

2018-12-04, 07:42 AM
Slightly embarrassed at her earlier faux pas, Charazael accompanies the brood in silent observation. She politely declines anyone touching her. At the mention of the word " Merrshaulk" her ear's perk up.

Roll to see if we are being followed Spot: [roll0]
Knowledge Religion for Merrshaulk: [roll1]

2018-12-06, 07:41 AM

Charazael wracks her brain for this Mershaulk but comes up empty. Is this entity an ally or foe of Mother?

"Metzli, I do not know of Merrshaulk, but it is obvious your people hold her in great reverence, please, ease my ignorance and tell me more of Merrshaulk."

2018-12-06, 12:33 PM

Charazael wracks her brain for this Mershaulk but comes up empty. Is this entity an ally or foe of Mother?

"Metzli, I do not know of Merrshaulk, but it is obvious your people hold her in great reverence, please, ease my ignorance and tell me more of Merrshaulk."

“Merrshaulk is our god! He who adopted us, who taught us the ways of magic. It was under his watchful eye and guidance that we were finally able to fight back against the Tathliki to our south, who had pushed us back to the Yaun River and would have slain the last of us there! To Eztl, he appeared, first in a dream, a majestic serpent of every color with great wings. He told Eztl that now was not the time for his people to die, that the world was a more interesting place with them in it. He then gave Eztl a blessing, both of magic and of being marked.” As if to show this, he pulls down a park of his armor by his neck, showing patches of snakelike scales.

“That mark was the sign that a god was with us, that our existence was divinely commanded. The next morning, as the sun was just peaking over the horizon, he led the last of our people, barely 100 strong, men and women, children and aged, against a camp of over a thousand of the Tathliki. Unprepared for this surprise, they were slaughtered. As we fought, our people’s faith in Merrshaulk grew, and he continued to bless us. Our people were fruitful, for the army needed more men and women. When the king of the Tathliki was finally captured, Eztl presented the king’s flesh, and then his own, to Merrshaulk in thanks. Merrshaulk’s blessing has been upon us ever since.”

2018-12-06, 06:51 PM
Listening carefully to Metzli's story, Yrmys finds herself a bit uncomfortable. She recalls some things about this Merrshaulk...

Thinking for a time, she selects her words carefully. After a silence, she addresses Fenrir.

"Doth not this place cause thine heart to feel the cold?" she asks softly, "Doth thou not favor warmer climes? Mine favor must belong to some place more open. 'Tis not meet that we stay here longer than we ought, and upon our hosts impose."

That was a bluff check to communicate a hidden message, which is as follows:

Stress on "place", "heart", and "cold". Suggest that this place is cold-hearted, meaning that there may be evil here.

The phrase "warmer climes" has the connotation in this context of a place with more good present, and the mention of a place more open connotes a place of candor, honesty, straightforwardness.

The final sentence suggests that we should leave before we risk enmity with the locals.

2018-12-06, 08:23 PM
Listening carefully to Metzli's story, Yrmys finds herself a bit uncomfortable. She recalls some things about this Merrshaulk...

Thinking for a time, she selects her words carefully. After a silence, she addresses Fenrir.

"Doth not this place cause thine heart to feel the cold?" she asks softly, "Doth thou not favor warmer climes? Mine favor must belong to some place more open. 'Tis not meet that we stay here longer than we ought, and upon our hosts impose."

That was a bluff check to communicate a hidden message, which is as follows:

Stress on "place", "heart", and "cold". Suggest that this place is cold-hearted, meaning that there may be evil here.

The phrase "warmer climes" has the connotation in this context of a place with more good present, and the mention of a place more open connotes a place of candor, honesty, straightforwardness.

The final sentence suggests that we should leave before we risk enmity with the locals.

"The cold? Oh, today is just rainy. Most days, it is balmy and warm, with the sun shining through the treetops." The air is indeed rather humid here. "Please, stay one night. I promise you, may my heart be ripped from my chest if I am lying, no harm shall come to you within our city. Indeed, I believe that you and we may be able to forge a... partnership."
He is clearly hiding something, but he seems honest in regards to your safety and not meaning you harm. Only the nature of this potential partnership immediately jumps out as cause for concern.

2018-12-07, 11:19 PM
so Durnehviir, do we stay or go back, they seem honest enough but I am not ready to trust them

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-09, 07:31 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir tilts his head to the side at the mention of "partnership". And this Merrshaulk; he knew nothing of their patron. Well, there's only one way to find out.

"Excuse me, but if I may, what would this partnership entail? I am intrigued by your people. Should this partnership be struck, I would want to know more the people of the Yuan River. Have you learned scholars that could teach me of your history and biology? I must say the biological composition of your race is fascinating. Also, I would hear more of this Merrshaulk. What is his story? His story before his interaction with your people, I mean. What are his tenets? His views on the world at large?"

Fenrir listens intently to their guide as they walk. Metztli seemed very keen on this "partnership", which was all well and good, for they needed a little help at the moment. But Mother and Father had taught him to be shrewd and wise. No sense jumping into anything without knowing the true value and cost.


2018-12-09, 10:32 AM
”Assisting us. I cannot give too much away, save that it requires time and planning on our part, and yours if you should choose to help. This is in case you should turn us down and tell those who ought not know. But, as you seem a cunning and curious one, I’m sure that one above me would be willing to exchange knowledge for your help in a matter that has been a thorn in our side for some time...”
He is much more guarded about the matter specifically, though he again, does not feel actively deceptive, just cautious about what he shares.
“So, a meeting until satisfaction with one well read scholar and one holy man, in exchange for your assistance in one of our planned endeavors?”

2018-12-09, 11:47 AM
so Durnehviir, do we stay or go back, they seem honest enough but I am not ready to trust them

Durnehviir tilts his head to the side considering the question, "I would stay, I have seen no signs of treachery like the Orcs. I have no reason to distrust these people, ...yet."

2018-12-09, 12:04 PM
Looking between Mitzli, Fenrir, Durnehviir, and Wiandie, Yrmys finds herself frustrated.

"If thou wouldst excuse us," she begins, "I would take a moment aside that I may exchange verbiage with mine nest-brother, Fenrir."

Assuming nobody objects, she pulls Fen aside and whispers to him.

"This place I doth not trust. Merrshaulk bears a name I recall from the tutelage of the time within our eggs. His nature is demonic, his title the Abyssal Serpent and The Venomous One. Judge as you will."

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-09, 01:18 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir waves a claw at Metztli. "No no no, my good sir. You misunderstand. We are Dragon." Fen says in the majestic sense of the word. "The information is merely to sate my appetite for knowledge. Depending on what my sisters have to say on the matter and what the nature of this collaboration would be those will determine our collective price for this partnership. Should your superiors please us with the information we seek and other less intangible gifts we may accept your offer. A moment, though, Metztli. My sister wishes to discuss a matter in private."

Fenrir steps aside with Yrmys and listens to her wisdom.
"Good to know, Sister mine. Though I would point out that Mother and Father don't always see eye to eye. We dragons are complex beings, capable of many things. Can these people not be similar? I trust in the strength of our Elder Brother Durnehviir. And in the rest of our brood. I trust you to tell me things I may not know and keep me informed. But I don't see many options for us right now. I am wary of them as well. Keep your eyes and ears open. Seek the truth with me. I feel like we can and should proceed. Will you join us?"

2018-12-09, 02:50 PM
”Ah, then when you are done discussing among yourselves, I can take you to someone higher ranking who can make that deal.”

2018-12-09, 03:00 PM
Fenrir the Clever indeed.
"...very well. I shall endeavor as thou hast requested - presently. Should an outcome more favorable and verily to us be presented, I would that we should seek that it we may embrace. I beseech thee to be wary, and caution exercise, lest ye find thyself paltered."

Yrmys allows her nest-brother to return to the conversation, although she is troubled a whit.

2018-12-11, 09:17 AM
“Merrshaulk is our god! He who adopted us, who taught us the ways of magic. It was under his watchful eye and guidance that we were finally able to fight back against the Tathliki to our south, who had pushed us back to the Yaun River and would have slain the last of us there! To Eztl, he appeared, first in a dream, a majestic serpent of every color with great wings. He told Eztl that now was not the time for his people to die, that the world was a more interesting place with them in it. He then gave Eztl a blessing, both of magic and of being marked.” As if to show this, he pulls down a park of his armor by his neck, showing patches of snakelike scales.

“That mark was the sign that a god was with us, that our existence was divinely commanded. The next morning, as the sun was just peaking over the horizon, he led the last of our people, barely 100 strong, men and women, children and aged, against a camp of over a thousand of the Tathliki. Unprepared for this surprise, they were slaughtered. As we fought, our people’s faith in Merrshaulk grew, and he continued to bless us. Our people were fruitful, for the army needed more men and women. When the king of the Tathliki was finally captured, Eztl presented the king’s flesh, and then his own, to Merrshaulk in thanks. Merrshaulk’s blessing has been upon us ever since.”

"Eztl offered Merrshaulk his own flesh? His faith is indeed worthy of respect."

A false faith in a false god, we must be cautious with these...primitives, they are prone to fanatiscm in false items, however, if they could be turned to Mother, they might make useful fodder.

To my broodmates (privately):

"The people of the Yaun River seem to be honorable have treated us with respect, SO FAR. I see no have in treating with them and hearing their offer, it is simple politeness, but I am reluctant to enter any long term partnership with these beings until we have a firmer grasp of the world at large. We are but hours into our eons of existance, and vulnerable to the predations of the world. We should decide together, because as a brood, our unity is our best defense. I suggest we gather as much information as we can from them and find a temporary shared lair where we can begin our journey into the world."

2018-12-12, 02:00 AM
Well Charazael, while I am wary of the situation, gather what information you can before entering into any agreement, the shorter the better.

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-13, 03:19 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Once his brood mates voice their opinions, Fenrir folds his arms and taps a claw on his chin. "Seems there is a consensus to be wary. Good advice. We are yet young. It also sounds like most of us are not opposed to the idea of hearing what these people of the Yuan River has to say and offer. If you trust me to proceed, I will trust the rest of you to watch our collective tails. We must watch for traps physical and contractual. I will not make any decisions without your agreement. As Sister Charazael said, 'Unity is our best defense.'"

Fenrir turns back to Metztli and bows. Or as much as a tiny dragon can bow. "Metztli, Blessed of Merrshaulk, we have conferred together, and I and my brother and sisters will hear your leaders' proposal. We will then make a judgment as to our participation. You may now take us to your leaders."

With that Fenrir makes an "after you" claw gesture to Metztli.

"I would like to express our gratitude to you, Metztli, for paving our way into your leaders' good graces. Should we end up helping in your cause and should we be treated fairly in our dealings with your people, know that we will also seek a reward for you. You are the architect of this meeting after all. By the way, what are the names of your worthy leaders? I would not want to be uninformed at our meeting."


2018-12-17, 01:00 PM
Metztli nods as you finish convening. "Our current high priest, Itzcoatl, is one of the organizers of this plan. Please, follow me."

The Yaun-ti leads you deeper into the city. As was visible from further off, the stone in the inner sections of town seems different from the stone that makes up the outer buildings. While most of what you had seen seems to have been carved from plain, soft stone local to the area (many of the buildings being part of the cave itself), as you near the tall building in the center of town, the workmanship becomes more fine, brick buildings start to line the roads, and more colorful stone becomes common. Polished granite and similar stone seems to be a popular base and brick material, at first appearing just as scattered bricks in a building, until you eventually reach a large building that seems to shine even in the dimly lit cave, every brick being finely polished to make maximal use of the bio-luminescent fungus that grows on the cave ceiling and walls. Another thing is noticeable to you as Metzli motions for you to halt and steps inside the building, alone: Skulls. Around the large, open hole windows in what you imagine must be a religious temple, each brick has a single, bleached white skull, embedded into the stone itself. Ymrys recognizes the source to be some kind of elf, based on the delicacy of the features.

After about a minute, Metztli steps back out, a look of pride on his face. "Itzcoatl eagerly awaits you." You are led inside, to an equally sparkling interior. Along the walls alternate everburning stones and proper wooden torches, the former burning without regard to the airflow and the latter swaying as though to welcome the new arrivals. The interior has several support columns, and arranged to create concentric circles are three circular rugs, woven to have holes for the columns. The outer one, green and blue, appears to depict continents and oceans in an abstract art. The second it a nearly black purple that is inter-spaced with stars. The central circle is simply black, so dark as to not have any particularly visible depth or texture. In the back of the building, a large creature, entirely serpentine except for two powerful arms at its side, is closing a book with no title and placing it on a desk somewhat scattered with papers, inkwells, and some paperweights. His body is covered in religious tattoos, and he wears little more than a cloth belt, to which are tied some pouches, and around his neck, a metal symbol of a sun with a serpentine eye in the center.

"Welcome!" the creatures says, lifting his arms high and lowering his head in a bow, level with the heads of Wiandie and Durnehviir, before rising back to his full height. "Children of Bahamut and Tiamat, it is a pleasure and a privilege to have creatures of such noble birth come to our humble city. Please, feel free to sit or lie down on the second circle," he continues, gesturing to the rug adorned with stars. The yaun-ti abomination slithers forward, setting himself in the central, dark ring. "Metztli has told me that you all could be persuaded to help us with a problem." Itzcoatl seems to look at you all for some sign of agreement, before continuing. "I suppose first, what do you know about the region here? Based on your faces, you can't be more than a year out of the egg."

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-17, 01:43 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir pipes up before his less subtle siblings take the floor. "High Priest Izcoatl, thank you for welcoming us into your grand city. You are correct; we are young, yet Mother and Father have taught us well in the ways of the world. Unfortunately, our knowledge of the immediate region is embarassingly sparse. What can you tell us of your land? And your people? Metztli was kind enough to give us a brief history of how you came to be, but I pride myself as a scholar and would love to hear the full history of the People of the Yuan River. Also, is there an easier way to refer to your people? The People of the Yuan River can be such a mouthful."

Fenrir makes note of the rugs in his mind, meaning to ask about them later.


2018-12-17, 02:36 PM
"Merrshaulk's Children will be fine," he says with a slight frown. "Our home lands stretch from the Yuan River, down through the land of what was once the Tathlekian Empire, and to the shores. We're on an island about one hundred miles to the south, in the middle of the southern sea. We came here by way of the Underdark, actually. The sea is shallow, and with our lord's blessings, it is safer to travel there than by ocean. Our city's name in your language means 'Southern Outpost.' We have come to inhabit this area... some decades ago," he says, pausing as though somewhat surprised at the amount of time, "and have tried to make allies of the natives to the island.

I suppose that leads us to our... quandary, and why a deal is wanted. The locals on the shores have reacted with hostility to us. While a peace has been brokered, our people are skeptical of its longevity. We would like, in exchange for providing comforts, safety, and in general seeing that your early years are productive ones, ask for your allegiance and support when this peace wilts and fighting breaks out. Metztli has said that he told you of our religious history, and as he may or may not have covered, we are not an aggressive people, but if we are intruded upon, we will strike back with poisoned fangs."

2018-12-17, 03:10 PM
Durnehviir's ears perk up a bit at the comment about not being aggressive, "So those are not the skulls of your enemies in the bricks outside then?"

2018-12-17, 05:01 PM
”As I said: We do not believe in striking first. We believe in landing the final blow,” Itzcoatl says icily. “They serve as a warning to those that would choose aggression over peace.”

2018-12-18, 07:40 AM
Nodding his approval Durnehviir follows up with, "Much as I was met with violence when I first emerged from the egg."

2018-12-19, 10:18 AM

The idea intrigues Charazael, the early years will be the most vulnerable for her and her kin, but all pacts come at a price, and the ones that seem so generous up front seem to cost so much later. They are not telling us everything, and their generousity implies some desperation.

"The Children of Mershaulk show great thinking and foresight in this proposal, and indeed the idea has merit. Please, tell us more of your....neighbors and details of your peace so we may be more able to assist you.."

2018-12-19, 10:42 AM
wendy will follow along

2018-12-19, 11:03 AM
The Yuan-ti nods, seemingly both in approval at your curiosity and irritation at having to give more information without reaching an agreement. ”So, a furred race of humanoids live at the shores of this island, the nearest settlement being about thirty miles from us, known amongst themselves as the Tabaxi. They are not too advanced in their weapons technology, but their mages are skilled in the elemental arts, and their warriors are fierce. When we came out of the Underdark to see what manner of land we had come to settle, several of our scouts came into skirmishes with with them. Some battles we won, some they won, but things remained tense for around fifty years.” The creature gets up and goes to his desk, still talking but also looking for something. “Eventually, one of our own, one of the lesser Yuan-ti, made claims of having met a Tabaxi who claimed both interest and authority in settling this dispute, them having lost kin in a skirmish some years ago. After discussing things for some time, they were permitted to speak to our leaders of a compromise: both sides admit that the skirmishes arose from ignorance and misunderstanding, and borders be agreed upon between the land of the Tabaxi and the land of Merrshaulk’s Children. So long as neither crosses into the land of the other, there should be no need to fight, so went the logic.” Itzcoatl returns, placing before you a map of the immediate area.

https://i.imgur.com/g3wRNj0.png“So as you can see here, our land comprises little more than this mountain range and the immediate lands to them. While this was fine twenty years ago, we did not realize how much our people would grow, and we are quickly finding that expansion is desireable. The long term effects of living underground on our people were also not heavily considered by my predecessors. Adding to this is that because of our limited ability to expand above ground, we are unable to maintain a strong presence at the surface, which has led to some of the Tabaxi encroaching on what little we do own. Their leaders claim that it is just hunters who stray too far toward the mountains, and to their credit, they do not object when we force these intruders back. However, they make no effort to stop them either, and it has become infuriating. Furthermore, because of the skirmishes and ensuing deal, we have had little ability to learn of where we are. We know that it is an island, but not the size, nor shape of it.

As I said, I do not know the day that war will break out, but with the tensions building and their superior numbers, I wish to find an upper hand. A group of young dragons allied with us would be a blessing.”

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-24, 07:12 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir looks to each of his siblings in turn o get their approval or refusal. Once he has consensus, he regards Itzcoatl. "High Priest Itzcoatl, my siblings and I have discussed your proposal, and have come to an agreement amongst ourselves. We have decided that we will help you, but we require one last attempt at diplomacy. Our collaboration in your efforts necessitates you sending us as envoys with an honor guard of Merrshaulk's Children to the Tabaxi. We will endeavor to garner more surface land for you and your people through diplomatic means. Failing that we will return here to assist in taking said land by force. All this will be in exchange for the provision of whatever protection, comfort, and assistance we may need in the years to come. This contract between Merrshaulk's Children and the dragons before you will be finite. Termination of the agreement will occur when we, the Children of Bahamut and Tiamat, deem it so. At such a time, we will leave your lands and seek our own destinies in the world. If this agreement is pleasing to you, High Priest Itzcoatl, then let us begin planning the acquisition of land for Merrshaulk's Children."

2018-12-24, 11:24 AM
Itzcoatl sits on his coils, thinking through the deal. ”Hm... The only term I wish to adjust is the duration: We will provide and assist you in your living for up to five years after our inevitable conflict with the Tabaxi is concluded though you are free to leave earlier, with potential to renew and renegotiate the deal if both parties should agree. I do not want to bind my people to a deal that they cannot dictate terms of, nor do I know how long after the conflict they will still appreciate your presence. I am sure that you are gracious guests, but you understand that I cannot be as foolish as my forbearer was.”

2018-12-24, 09:59 PM
Fenrir, a moment please.
in a hushed voice, if they want only a five year term after diplomacy/conflict I say to adjust our portion of the bargan to just diplomacy, if he wants us to fight for them five years is not enough, I think.

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-30, 09:52 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir acknowledges his sister's concerns with a nod of his head. "I think five years after the conclusion of hostilities should be enough time for us to set up a new situation for ourselves, Sister. We just have to have faith that Father and Mother will see to our provision. They brought us to the Children of Merrshaulk, didn't they? I think they and Merrshalk's Children can guide us to the next stage in our development. We must take goodwill when it crosses our path.

High Priest Itzcoatl, we would be honored to accept your people's hospitality in exchange for a quick and favorable end to this inevitable conflict with the tabaxi." Fenrir bows deeply to the yuan-ti high priest. "Let us not waste any time. Gather your most trustworthy warriors and let's see if we can't broker a deal with these tabaxi. If our diplomacy efforts fail, we can always find other ways to skin these cats."

2018-12-31, 06:16 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir acknowledges his sister's concerns with a nod of his head. "I think five years after the conclusion of hostilities should be enough time for us to set up a new situation for ourselves, Sister. We just have to have faith that Father and Mother will see to our provision. They brought us to the Children of Merrshaulk, didn't they? I think they and Merrshalk's Children can guide us to the next stage in our development. We must take goodwill when it crosses our path.

High Priest Itzcoatl, we would be honored to accept your people's hospitality in exchange for a quick and favorable end to this inevitable conflict with the tabaxi." Fenrir bows deeply to the yuan-ti high priest. "Let us not waste any time. Gather your most trustworthy warriors and let's see if we can't broker a deal with these tabaxi. If our diplomacy efforts fail, we can always find other ways to skin these cats."

"Excellent. Thank you for your own willingness to aid us. Metztli, please gather some of your caste to escort our new friends." Quickly, the Pureblood runs out of the building. The furthest back among you, with your blindsense, notice him stop by the others and mumble something, before the two of them run off, presumably to find some more warriors and explain the situation to them.

"Leaving tomorrow morning, you should be able to reach Kawazawa by the late afternoon, if you take the river. If you would prefer land travel, then Moridanishi is closer. Apparently, both are glorified trading posts that had cities grow around them, so there is otherwise no particular reason to pick one over the other. I should note that the forest around the river is particularly thick, so unless you are a nimble flyer, you will probably have to stay on a boat, unless you want to swim... though I don't believe any of you are of varieties that particularly enjoy water.

The local language there is the Tabaxi tongue, though a decent amount of their sages are familiar with Draconic as well. Metztli knows enough of their language to get through some basic interaction, unless... one of you is of the variety of your kind that is adept at languages?" he says, looking at Fenrir with a knowing grin. "I'm sure it would make a positive impression on them."

2018-12-31, 07:15 PM
Considering the flood of information and agreements, Yrmys whips her tail back and forth in thought.

Hmm... these promises I must deign to dislike. Should our wile not serve us this next day, our tooth and claw must do so. Perhaps... mayhaps I could speak with one and another for a more specific arrangement. I would not desire to come to blows with these... Tabaxi. Nay, save they should force our claws. I must couch on these thoughts. Verily, it must needs be true that I require some time to think.

Lifting her head, she speaks aloud.

"Upon these matters I shall perpend. I am pleased to have the opportunity to call upon them with whom you fight.

Concerning the meeting place, I doth not consider the terrain to be a great concern to our mobility, boat or otherwise. Ah, but it matters not.

Hmm. I shall retire to mine own thoughts forthwith."

Having said this, she goes with their escorts and spends the rest of the day mostly silent in thought, retiring when appropriate.

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-31, 09:44 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

"Thank you for this opportunity,
High Priest Itzcoatl. I fancy myself a connoisseur of life. If I may with the time we have, I would like to speak with the most knowledgeable scholars of your people. You, for instance, would be my expert on religion. If you have any expert doctors, they could tell me of your biology. Engineers, architects, scribes. I want to know it all!

Right now I would settle for talking with the High Priest about the religion of Merrshaulk's Children. Tenets, precepts, holy days and celebrations, rituals, etc.

2019-01-01, 01:32 PM
"Excellent. Thank you for your own willingness to aid us. Metztli, please gather some of your caste to escort our new friends." Quickly, the Pureblood runs out of the building. The furthest back among you, with your blindsense, notice him stop by the others and mumble something, before the two of them run off, presumably to find some more warriors and explain the situation to them.

"Leaving tomorrow morning, you should be able to reach Kawazawa by the late afternoon, if you take the river. If you would prefer land travel, then Moridanishi is closer. Apparently, both are glorified trading posts that had cities grow around them, so there is otherwise no particular reason to pick one over the other. I should note that the forest around the river is particularly thick, so unless you are a nimble flyer, you will probably have to stay on a boat, unless you want to swim... though I don't believe any of you are of varieties that particularly enjoy water.

The local language there is the Tabaxi tongue, though a decent amount of their sages are familiar with Draconic as well. Metztli knows enough of their language to get through some basic interaction, unless... one of you is of the variety of your kind that is adept at languages?" he says, looking at Fenrir with a knowing grin. "I'm sure it would make a positive impression on them."


Charazael stands before her brood and bows.

"We thank you, Itzcoatl, and look forward to a long and prosperous relationship."

2019-01-01, 05:09 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

"Thank you for this opportunity,
High Priest Itzcoatl. I fancy myself a connoisseur of life. If I may with the time we have, I would like to speak with the most knowledgeable scholars of your people. You, for instance, would be my expert on religion. If you have any expert doctors, they could tell me of your biology. Engineers, architects, scribes. I want to know it all!

Right now I would settle for talking with the High Priest about the religion of Merrshaulk's Children. Tenets, precepts, holy days and celebrations, rituals, etc.
The Yuan-ti abomination smiles and give a chuckle. "Very well, young one." Whether the others wish to stick around or not, once other questions have been asked, Itzcoatl begins to give his cursory lecture about Merrshaulk.

"Merrshaulk, as we mentioned before, is a god of snakes and serpents. By extension of that, he is a god of poison and hunting, domains that he shares with a few other deities as well. Merrshaulk teaches that one should only hunt and kill what is needed to survive, rather than create unnecessary chaos. However, when killing is necessary, he also teaches that one must show no mercy, and use whatever means are available: traps, poison, subterfuge, whatever it takes. This is because while the strong naturally feed on the weak, the weak should never be underestimated. Our victory against our oppressors is evidence of that. We respect the strength of our prey, and of our enemies. This is why we honor our strongest enemies and dangerous wild game by giving a portion of them as offerings to Merrshaulk.

Our nation celebrates the Sacrifice of Etzl on the summer solstice, making an offering of one member of each caste from throughout the nation. Each is given food, drink, and company for the month that leads up to their being offered. It is a great honor, though the sacrifice makes it also hard choice, and for this reason the offering must be made willingly. In exchange, Merrshaulk continues to bless us and grant his high priests their power. It will be several months though until that happens." He looks you over, before smiling again. "Let me find you some of our writings about that. It will give you something to read on the river, if you should choose that path tomorrow. I should have something for you tomorrow."


Charazael stands before her brood and bows.

"We thank you, Itzcoatl, and look forward to a long and prosperous relationship."
"I do as well."

Considering the flood of information and agreements, Yrmys whips her tail back and forth in thought.

Hmm... these promises I must deign to dislike. Should our wile not serve us this next day, our tooth and claw must do so. Perhaps... mayhaps I could speak with one and another for a more specific arrangement. I would not desire to come to blows with these... Tabaxi. Nay, save they should force our claws. I must couch on these thoughts. Verily, it must needs be true that I require some time to think.

Lifting her head, she speaks aloud.

"Upon these matters I shall perpend. I am pleased to have the opportunity to call upon them with whom you fight.

Concerning the meeting place, I doth not consider the terrain to be a great concern to our mobility, boat or otherwise. Ah, but it matters not.

Hmm. I shall retire to mine own thoughts forthwith."

Having said this, she goes with their escorts and spends the rest of the day mostly silent in thought, retiring when appropriate.
"The terrain is both for your benefit and that of your guides. I'm sure you can fly faster than they can walk, but they are the ones who know the dangers of the route, and will lend credence to your word that you have been brought as emissaries. But think on it." He waves you off as you leave with one of the escorts.

2019-01-05, 08:45 AM
to her siblings well lets get this done the forest is just as good of a choice as any i think

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-05, 03:36 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir listens with the intensity of a hungry dragon watching his prey. He took it all in. All knowledge could lead to a greater understanding of a people/ Whether it be myth or legend, scientific breakthrough or history lesson. He would go see the doctors, (shamen?), whatever they called themselves, after they returned from the tabaxi. When Itzcoatl finishes, Fen takes a deep breath like he just finished a whole sheep and sighs contentedly. "Thank you, High Priest Itzcoatl. I would be grateful for the reading."

"Sister Wendie, if I may request we take the aqueous route, that I may read up on the celebratory sacrifices of Merrshaulk's Children. In addition, it would save our strength should we need to defend ourselves."

2019-01-05, 08:28 PM
"A valid point-" Itzcoatl begins, before noticing you begin to move toward his study. "You know, most guests ask permission before wandering around one's home. Though this is a temple, that is my study, so I would request that you ask permission before perusing my work." As he speaks, the only thing that you immediately notice is what appears to be a small book written in a surprisingly familiar language, Draconic. The only words you see is Rules of the before your attention is drawn to the serpentine creature. His tone is chiding and firm, but not angry, like a parent scolding a toddler for speaking with their mouth full.

2019-01-06, 06:19 AM
Raising his head from where he appeared to be taking a small nap, Durnehviir clears his throat emitting a small puff of smoke, he says, "IF we cannot simply fly there I would rather travel by water."

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-06, 07:17 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Black Dragon Wyrmling

"Apologies, High Priest. I was unaware this was also your abode. I am naturally curious. I wonder if we could converse about...well...you, your story. Life is comprised of the grand and the personal."

2019-01-06, 01:03 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Black Dragon Wyrmling

"Apologies, High Priest. I was unaware this was also your abode. I am naturally curious. I wonder if we could converse about...well...you, your story. Life is comprised of the grand and the personal."

The priest smiles. "Perhaps when you get back."

2019-01-07, 07:48 AM
Raising his head from where he appeared to be taking a small nap, Durnehviir clears his throat emitting a small puff of smoke, he says, "IF we cannot simply fly there I would rather travel by water."

I understand your concern brother, but some of us might not swim so well and if we go that way swimming might be needed but if we go the forest way and stuff happens.. well the trees should burn

2019-01-07, 11:09 AM
I understand your concern brother, but some of us might not swim so well and if we go that way swimming might be needed but if we go the forest way and stuff happens.. well the trees should burn

"With the rain today and possibly tomorrow, they actually probably will not. Not in any significant way. Green wood burns poorly as well, from what I am told."

2019-01-07, 11:22 AM
Durnehviir swing his large head in Wandie's direction, I would rather not set our new home on fire...yet. If a rain forest even can be set on fire. If something happens someone will haul you out of the water. Let us be done with this task."

2019-01-09, 08:22 AM
very well brother lets go on the water as I agree that will be a bit more open to see things comming

2019-01-09, 08:28 AM

Charazael considers the options and find the idea of...water? Intriguing. She half-remembers a dream, a dream of swimming, though it was not in water, it was in fire.

"The jungle canopy will be thick, and will likely preclude flying, the river should allow us the opportunity to practice flight and allow for more challenging take offs and landing. I vote for the river."

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-12, 10:06 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir bows to Itzcoatl. "Then I think I should find a place to rest before our journey." he says as he yawns broadly. "The life of a growing dragon is tiresome sometimes."

2019-01-12, 09:44 PM
Itzcoatl nods. "Very well, then. You two," he calls to the remaining Purebloods outside, "please find lodging for our guests. Attend to their needs within reason." Itzcoatl rises up from his coils and slithers back to his desk and bookshelves as you are led out.

The other guards lead you away from the temple, around the tall structure in the center of town, and to a house that looks... not lowly, certainly, but not well cared for. Despite being well into the finer part of the city, it does not appear to have received the attention and upkeep that the other structures have had, and lacks the fine brickwork of its neighbors. As you walk through town, it seems that word has spread of the arrivals, and Metztli's running through town looking for guards to assist in your mission has put a rather curious, hopeful air in the city.

"Here. It is one of our few unoccupied buildings that is nearby. My humblest apologies that somewhere nicer was not available," your guide says. He and one of the other guards take a seat on a bench outside, likely to either prevent you from wandering off alone, or to make sure that you are unbothered in your rest (or maybe both).

While you sleep, you again return to the same place mentally that you came to at the end of the story. The area around you again takes on that dark red tone, indistinct shapes moving back and forth in the distance. Mother's familiar presence is there, but distant. You can feel her watching you, judging and evaluating your actions, both in this dream and also throughout the day.

Your first sleep is very deep and restful, all of you easily sleeping for around 12 hours. Even then, you're pretty sure the only thing that actually roused you from your slumber was the scent of meat - fish, likely from the river, as well as what are clearly scraps of relatively fine quality meat, as well as several varieties of mushroom, tubers, and a few meats of... questionable source (clearly not of animal or even humanoid origin). Your guards, apparently swapped out in the night, stand at your door.

"When our guests have finished dining, Itzcoatl will meet you at the city entrance and will travel with you to the river and see you off."

As you eat (or at least those who do), the food is delicious, some of your first real meat ever. The guards themselves seem to stand by, paying only mild interest to you and allowing you to enjoy your food privately if you so desire.

Finishing up, the Purebloods lead you out of the town to the waiting Abomination, Itzcoatl.

"Good morning, heavy sleeping guests. I hope your evening was restful. So, you chose yesterday to travel along the river, which will take you to the town of Kawazawa. The river is fairly wide and slow, no rapids to be worried about. The forest is quite thick - I think some of you will just not be able to fly in there at all, between wingspan and maneuverability... It would probably be wisest to stay toward the river..." He speaks as you all make your way back to the entrance where you hatched yesterday. "You'll know you're getting close to the town when the river becomes more clogged with branches and trees. At that point, you'll probably be better off getting out and walking the rest of the way. Metztli and his people will take care of the boats. Like I said, you would be wise to take care of them - otherwise, you're just dragons wandering around the island, and I'm not sure how the Tabaxi will respond."

As you reach the cave's entrance, the day is overcast and humid, though so far it doesn't seem like rain is in your immediate futures. The cave seems to overlook a massive rain forest. Way off in the distance, you can just make out the blue of the ocean, small islands dotting it. Fenrir can also see the small clearing within the trees snaking its way to the ocean. The path seems relatively straight, thought it meanders a bit locally. As you walk down the mountain, you can see the river flowing past the base is slow moving and murky, lightly brown. With your blindsense, you should be able to sense anything in the water, but even those of you who can swim will have trouble seeing if you were to swim around.

"Oh! Fenrir! Here." Itzcoatl hands you a small, leather book. "A short history of our people. It's not religious specifically, but religion is inextricably linked to history and culture. Take care of it - the leather will keep most rain off of it, but don't go swimming with it or anything."
You gain History of Merrshaulk's Children: From Doomed Tribe to Respected Empire, by Azacoatl

When consulted, grants a +2 Circumstance bonus to all knowledge checks relating to Yuan-ti. This bonus does not stack with those of a library or similar large resource.

At the river, you reach two rafts of respectable size. Each could probably fit four humanoids lounging, more than enough space for all of you plus the three Purebloods.

2019-01-13, 06:38 AM
Durnehviir, silent and watchful as ever, takes a spot on the first raft.

2019-01-14, 10:47 AM
After dining (the taste of meat was quite curious to her, especially the "mystery meat"), Yrmys cheerfully joins the group and boards one of the rafts, taking keen interest in the way it wobbles in the water. Mm, the water, not quite familiar to her yet. She sits upon the edge of the raft, peering into the river, fascinated by the ripples and reflections. Slowly leaning down, she touches the surface with her nose briefly, before pulling her head back with surprise at the texture and temperature. Then she touches the water again, this time dunking her head under and glancing around before pulling back out and shaking the wetness off of her face.

2019-01-14, 09:42 PM

Charazael sleeps fitfully, this is NOT as it was meant to be. The lodgings, the food, they all put her on edge. They have been given the the cast offs of these inferiors, and they are expected to protect them with their lives for years. Still, tribute must be consumed, as meager as it may be. We, are dragon, and We, shall not be treated as pets. She takes it all in with politeness, but within, her embers burn hotly. This shall be remembered and in time, Charazael vowed to make it something these simpletons of Merrshaulk did not forget.

"Good morning, heavy sleeping guests. I hope your evening was restful. So, you chose yesterday to travel along the river, which will take you to the town of Kawazawa. The river is fairly wide and slow, no rapids to be worried about. The forest is quite thick - I think some of you will just not be able to fly in there at all, between wingspan and maneuverability... It would probably be wisest to stay toward the river..." He speaks as you all make your way back to the entrance where you hatched yesterday. "You'll know you're getting close to the town when the river becomes more clogged with branches and trees. At that point, you'll probably be better off getting out and walking the rest of the way. Metztli and his people will take care of the boats. Like I said, you would be wise to take care of them - otherwise, you're just dragons wandering around the island, and I'm not sure how the Tabaxi will respond."

Thank you Itzcoatl for you concern, and your wisdom.

On the river, Charazael rides with Metztli, and gets to know him better.

So, tell me Metztli, how did you come to this great...honor?

In times of boredom, Charazael will fly around and try to snatch fish from the river.

Sense Motive: Was this an intended slight or ignorance on their part [roll0]
Diplomacy: Improve Relations with Metztli [roll1]
Survival: See if I can fish off the raft [roll2]

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-15, 02:58 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir eagerly takes the leather bound tome from Itzcoatl and immediately begins to read. "Thank you!" he says without looking up, his eyes flicking across the pages like a wolf worries at a haunch of meat. He barely notices walking onto the first raft behind his elder brother. Taking a seat in the middle of the raft Fenrir continues to devour the contents of the book. Fenrir makes periodic sounds of delight and epiphany sets the book down to think and wonder. "An interesting people, indeed. I wonder about these tabaxi. What new knowledge will they bring?" He lets out a longing sigh and curls up atop his book.

As the river bank fades into the distance, Fenrir looks at the surrounding jungle. A little too wet to make a home here, but if I was able to use it as a waypoint for wandering, it might be okay to set up a den in the jungle.

2019-01-16, 10:11 PM
As you all board the rafts, the Yuan-ti board as well, two on one raft and one on the other, Wiandie joining the less crowded one.

"Honor is not the word I would use... Responsibility is more precise," Metztli says as you leave earshot of Itzcoatl. "I was the one that proposed you all to him. This is his way of taking a chance on you without having to give his complete backing." The Pureblood takes out a long branch of wood with string and a hook on the end, tossing the hook into the water. "I succeed, he's credited with a great victory, and our people are better off. I fail, I am punished, and he can keep an arm's distance from my misguided attempt. It's how the world works - those with power play those who lack it. Those who lack it take what we can." His words hang awkwardly in the air for a moment. The other Purebloods watch him as well, smirking and chuckling.

"Not that I am resentful. Itzcoatl is a good high priest. He and the others of his caste have done well, overall. And they face far harsher consequences for their failures than we Least ever do. When the deal we're going to renegotiate went south..." Metztli pauses again. "Well, we have a new high priest after all, don't we? I'd have to plunge us into immediate war to have the same happen to me, but I don't think you are all that clumsy with your words."

"So! What are you little ones actually thinking?" another of the Purebloods asks, skepticism in his voice. "Not like any of you even know anything about who you'll be talking to. What makes you think any of the cat ears will listen to you?"

2019-01-17, 02:53 PM
Yrmys looks up from watching the water. She is silent for a brief moment before speaking.

"Thou dost refer to them as the 'cat-ears'," she thinks aloud, "One must infer that they are good listeners."

Turning back to look at the water, she continues her thought.

"Even if not, a sense of curiosity within them must exist. I posit that the delegates with which we confer hence must needs at least grant some heed to us, as thou didst. Save for if one shall perform a deed most rash, many tidings shall be made clear, and hearts may consider a most expedient change. Yet, even if not, it would be proper to give a gander, lest we be the ones most rash."

2019-01-17, 08:02 PM
"As good as we are," the Pureblood says. "But our eyesight is better," he adds, tapping his temple and grinning. "It's another reason we are taking the river as an option: they're a quiet bunch, but it's hard to sneak up on someone when you're surrounded by a moat."

As you converse with the Pureblood, Metztli gives a yank to the rod, but sighs as he fails to set the hook.

"Oh yeah, they're curious. I'm, ah, not familiar with your dialect of Draconic, though. You saying that you don't expect them to attack us if they get a chance? Because I put our chances at around 50-50 if we run into them that they don't kill us and try to capture you all without a word."

2019-01-18, 09:39 AM
"Ah, forgive my phrasing," Yrmys apologizes, "I speculate that they shall desire to gather further information, even so as we do. A mutual curiosity. Such curiosity may grant us to talk before action is taken."

She gazes about the river and the foliage as she speaks, taking it all in. All so new to her.

2019-01-18, 12:42 PM
”Like I said: kill us, capture you. They don’t find us particularly interesting, but you might be worth catching.”

2019-01-19, 02:24 PM

Charazael ***** her head to the side as she watches Metzli put his stick in the water most curiously, wondering what he is doing. She grunts in agreement.

Naturally, Itzlcoatl is doing what is in his best interests, and our agreement as such offers him little risk and much to gain. Still, Metzli, while the priest may find you disposable, I remember what you have done and will be most cross with the cat ears if they eat you. As for whether they will listen to us, we come honorably to treat and they are presumably a civilized people, besides, is it not true felines are curious?

2019-01-20, 01:46 PM
”Well as far as I know they are not man eaters. We are still trespassing into their land, though, diplomats or not. It all depends on the mood of the Tabaxi that may or may not find us.” Metztli gives a shrug, before yanking the rod again. After about twenty seconds of struggle, he pulls a small fish onto the raft. The Pureblood smiles at his work. “But I think any who try to attack us will be in for a big surprise when they find that you all are working with us.”

2019-01-22, 08:46 PM
As you all drift along the water, the river becomes more choked with logs. Though the Purebloods don't notice it, you all notice that among the logs appear to be fish, some quite large, only noticeable by the nearly silent sound of their heartbeats that your blindsense picks up. Metztli and one of the other Yuan-ti adjust the trajectory of the rafts, pushing them slightly apart to get past the largest of the logs, under which appeared to be a particularly large-

It is at this precise moment that you realize that those logs floating in the river were not logs, and what you had thought were fish hiding in the shade of those not-logs were also not fish.

Surprise Round
As the raft passes by the largest log, Durnehviir turns his head to the passing driftwood and too late sees a green eye open on the dark, rough piece of what he and everyone else had mistaken for wood. As he opens his mouth to speak, the not-log opens its own, much larger mouth, and snaps at the young dragon, but quickly lets go as the wyrmling's rough hide catches it by surprise and it fails to get a good hold on him.

The purebloods on their raft are not nearly so lucky, both getting yanked in by smaller not-logs, screaming and flailing madly. The one that Yrmys was talking to is looking particularly bloody.

Meanwhile, in the other raft, Fenrir is the first to be bitten by one of the more normally size crocodiles. Unlike Durn, his tiny size makes him easily grabbed and yanked into the water. Fenrir also takes 7 Piercing/Bludgeoning damage and is grappled. Another tries to grab Metztli, but misses him outright.

Round 1
Drawing his weapon, the Yuan-ti hisses in anger, nearly striking the creature, before getting a wicked look in his eye and backing up, standing over Yrmys. In what you all recognize as very finely spoken Draconic, his hisses "Know your betters and leave us be!" magic emanating from his voice as he gracefully moves, eyes shifting between the large crocodile and the smaller crocodile that attacked him. Both creatures pause, the former no longer looking at Durnehviir and the latter staring dumbly at him while it slowly slides off the raft.

You recognize this as the spell Animal Trance. The two affected crocodiles are fascinated, and unless attacked will likely leave you alone so long as you do not attack them, and Metztli's spell is not interrupted.

22 - Metztli
18 - Durn, Fen
17 - Yrmys
15 - Crocodile 1
14 - Crocodile 2
13 - Charazael
13 - Giant Crocodile
9 - Wiandie
8 - Pureblood 1, Pureblood 2
6 - Crocodile 4
3 - Crocodile 3

If you and another PC share a block in the initiative, then you may post in any order. If someone fails to post after 24 hours in combat, I will have them do what seems best or most in character for their turn, generally by asking the other players.

As you are all on the river, your relative motion together is the same. You are moving 15 ft per round upward, relative the map.

Map! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16-aVz799Hlp2V1oOYilIqOaqlPw1_fGqnyg8JkV5dOM/edit?usp=sharing) Editable, every square is 5ft.

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-23, 10:15 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling
HP: 24/31 AC: 18 . F: 5 R: 5 W:7

As Fenrir is dragged into the water a high-pitched roar escapes his jaws. "Sisters!" He flails about trying to find vulnerable flesh on this water lizard. He twists as much as he can in the toothy mouth and imagines the croc's maw to be just another tunnel to widen...He begins to rake at the roof of the foul beast's mouth.


2019-01-23, 11:39 PM
Yrmys blinks in surprise as what she had taken to be a log turned out to be a not-log, and said not-log turned out to be not-friendly. At first she is frozen, watching. Metzli steps over her, and she huddles smaller beneath his protection. But... she needed to do something.

Fenrir's cry snaps her out of this hesitation. Shaking her thoughts into clarity, the glimmering little wyrmling straightens herself and begins to speak, stretching her lungs greater than they had yet been stretched.

"Eldest!" she cries out, her voice ringing across the open water, "Our brother seeks thine aid! With haste, I implore!"

Noting the present fate of their not-Metzli guides, she calls out again.

"Sisters! Lend thine aid to our guides, lest they perish! Do not delay!"

Turning about and tensing her haunches, Yrmys identifies her actions, and initiates. Leaving the comfortable safety of Metzli's protection, she slithers into the cold-glass, the water. The cold strikes her, but only as a sensation, nothing more. Pushing herself deeper, she twists and faces her foe. The not-log that had struck at their friend. it would taste her disapproval.

Through the water, all that is seen is a glimmer and a flash.

S C R E A M I N G is always a free action.
Move: east 5', down 10', south 5'
Standard: breath weapon, 15' cone of light (electricity), I'm pretty sure I can get an angle that doesn't even leave the water. Reflex DC 15 for half damage to eastmost croc. Damage: [roll0]
Cannot use breath again until I have waited [roll1] (min 1) rounds.

2019-01-24, 10:01 AM
Snarling at his inattention to potential threats Durn half leaps half flys to the other raft to help Fenrir.

Move to O12 and try and lay the smack down on the croc Fen is fighting with.

2019-01-24, 10:42 AM
Fenrir’s attack barely draws blood as the larger creature holds the tiny dragon in its mouth.

The fascinated larger crocodile moves with surprising grace out of the way of most of the blast of light, only being lightly burned. It snaps out of its daze and turns to look down at the source, and quickly sees you, Ymrys.

The two flailing Yuan-ti continue to flail in the water, but at least for now seem to be holding their attackers off, one wedging his shield in the creature’s jaw, the other simply bracing his arm over his stomach.

22 - Metztli
18 - Durn, Fen
17 - Yrmys
15 - Crocodile 1
14 - Crocodile 2
13 - Charazael
13 - Giant Crocodile
9 - Wiandie
8 - Pureblood 1, Pureblood 2
6 - Crocodile 4
3 - Crocodile 3

If you and another PC share a block in the initiative, then you may post in any order. If someone fails to post after 24 hours in combat, I will have them do what seems best or most in character for their turn, generally by asking the other players.

As you are all on the river, your relative motion together is the same. You are moving 15 ft per round upward, relative the map.

2019-01-25, 12:58 AM

Charazael looks furtively as Fenrir, is dragged below, as she is recovering from the shock of it, she is about to jump in after him when Eldest dives in. Seeing the Giant rouse and begin to eye Ymrys, she quickly takes to the air and circles around to the beasts rear and breathes on the mammoth.

Taking to the air and moving to O4 trying to avoid AoOs and breathing on the giant trying to draw him away
Breath weapon: [roll0] Fire

2019-01-25, 11:47 AM
Charazael’s fire barely touches the smaller crocodile as it lowers itself into the water and snaps at Ymrys with its jaws, but the little wyring is far too fast, narrowly escaping.

Wiandie, lacking a good target for her own breath weapon and slightly offput by the ineffectiveness of the other attacks, instead tries to rescue the flailing Yuan-ti in the best as she can: flailing attacks at the crocodile in question. While her jaws latch on and one of her wings manages to buff the croc, her claws fail to find purchase. Just as bloody as the man it holds, the crocodile is looking pretty hurt. The Yuan-ti, seeing a chance, tries to pull out a dagger to finish off the crocodile, but can’t manage to wedge his arm free of its jaws. The other seems to nearly have freed himself from the crocodile, before the jaws slam back shut, causing him to scream in pain.

The crocodile holding onto Fenrir continues to sink, both of you a good 2ft underwater as the struggle continues and the crocodile tries to tighten its hold toward your neck. You feel the pressure crushing your windpipe, cutting off your ability to use your breath weapon. You are pinned.

Metztli meanwhile keeps his focus on the large crocodile. “As long as they leave me alone and you leave him alone, I can keep him calm all day long! Now will someone please help those two!”

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-26, 11:09 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fen feels the pressure increase as the water lizard clamps down. Things were getting pretty dicey. I'm not even a week old! I haven't even mated yet! This is the worst way to go! His life flashed before his eyes. Breaking out of his egg. Rolling in the dirt. Meeting the yuan-ti guard. Walking through the underground city. Speaking with the high priest. Sleeping. Getting on the raft. Reading his book. And dying. He hoped that last one was just wishful thinking on the part of the water lizard.

Fenrir summons all the memories he has of the sinuous form of the yuan-ti abominations from his interactions with Itzcoatl and from the book and channels them into wriggling about, hoping to slip free of the lizard's jaws.


2019-01-27, 05:14 PM
After a momentary lull, the obscured light show continues in the water.
Yrmys attacks easternmost croc with breath again. DC 15 reflex for half of [roll0]

2019-01-28, 07:34 AM
Hissing at the situation, "Fight, little dragon, fight!" Durn takes another bite holding Fen.


2019-01-28, 10:38 AM
The crocodile near Ymrys moves quickly, again only being singed by the light of her breath weapon. You begin to fear that what happened to Fenrir may happen to you.

Durn snaps his jaws into the water, and seizes the crocodile by the throat. As he lifts the upper end of the creature, the tiny figure of Fenrir falls out of its jaws and back into the water. The crocodile is very much dead.

The crocodile furthest from most of the group releases the Yuan-ti briefly, only to slam its jaws down even harder and beginning to turn its body rapidly around, spinning the screaming man in and out of the water, before he begins to go quiet.
Being so close and not immediately occupied with the other crocodiles, you can tell that he is still alive, but unconscious and dying.

The southernmost crocodile has more trouble with its prey, the Yuan-ti still firmly wedging his shield into the creature’s mouth. He’s looking pretty terrified and hurt, though, especially as the sound from the other side of the raft reaches him.
22 - Metztli
18 - Durn, Fen
17 - Yrmys
15 - Crocodile 1
14 - Crocodile 2
13 - Charazael
13 - Giant Crocodile
9 - Wiandie, assuming Charazael does nothing to disturb the big croc
8 - Pureblood 1, Pureblood 2
6 - Crocodile 4
3 - Crocodile 3

2019-01-29, 11:03 PM

Charazael is mildly disappointed by her strafing run, but is relieved to see Fenrir freed from the beasts jaws. She dives into the water to bring Fenrir to the surface.

Swim: [roll0]

2019-01-30, 10:46 AM
Charazael is able to grab Fenrir easily enough and place the smaller wyrmling on the raft.

Wiandie, seeing one of their guides about to be dragged away, quickly snaps at the crocodile and leaves a nasty gash on its side. The pain is enough that the croc lets the Yuan-ti go, and the Pyroclastic dragon quickly grabs him by the scruff of his armor. The man is bleeding heavily, but for the time being, breathing shallowly.

The other Yuan-ti, panic in his eyes, summons one last bit of strength and manages to wedge himself out of the mouth and wrap his arms around the crocodile’s jaw, holding onto the flailing (and still quite healthy) creature. It doesn’t seem like the crocodile can open it’s mouth with the Yuan-ti’s arms around it. With some careful motion, he manages to wrestle the creature onto the raft. “Somebody kill this thing!”

Fortunately for Ymrys, the crocodile seems slightly dazzled by the bright light, and its jaws fail to find grip with the little dragon.

Metztli looks at the cluster of wyrmlings next to him and somewhat motions toward the struggling man, as though to suggest helping him, his focus still remaining on the very, very large crocodile.

22 - Metztli
18 - Durn, Fen
17 - Yrmys
14 - Crocodile 2
13 - Charazael
13 - Giant Crocodile
9 - Wiandie
8 - Pureblood 1, Pureblood 2
6 - Crocodile 4

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-30, 11:57 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir sputters as he flops onto the raft. "Vile water lizard! Thank you brother and sister." He unfurls is wings and snaps the water off. Then the tiny brown dragon takes flight and streaks for the muzzled crocodile's exposed side.

He rakes his claw along the croc's side hoping to help the yuan-ti guard subdue the monster.


2019-01-30, 02:42 PM
The flickering lights that were visible through the water die down.

Beneath the surface, Yrmys pushes herself a little deeper, focusing her attention on her chosen crocodile and preparing to defend herself again against the the reptile's excessively large maw.

5' deeper, assuming the river is that deep. Total Defense action, I get +4 dodge to my AC for the round, bringing my AC to 21. I cannot make attacks of opportunity this round.

2019-01-30, 06:12 PM
Durnehviir hops back over to the first raft and tries to bite the croc harassing the pureblood.

Move to K10 and attack

2019-01-30, 06:41 PM
The crocodile flails madly, panicking at the sudden change in circumstances, but cannot move.

2019-02-01, 11:34 AM
Seeing the one crocodile that’s still fighting a Yuan-ti being surrounded, Charazael instead dives into the water to help Ymrys, slamming into the crocodile nearest them with a solid bite. Seeing that it is beginning to be outnumbered and rather shaken by the attack, the crocodile begins to flee, leaving an opening for Charazael to give it a parting bite into the tail. The creature seems heavily injured and has no further will to fight, instead lazily letting itself float down the river in hopes of recovering to hunt less difficult prey. All the while, the large crocodile seems to just float lazily.

Wiandie meanwhile, eager to make up for lost pride, tears into the exposed belly of the crocodile that the Yuan-ti is wrestling, nearly disemboweling the creature.

Not even missing a beat, the Yuan-ti shoves the crocodile off of himself and rolls over to try and tend to the wounds of the unconscious Yuan-ti. “Damn it all, live you bastard!” he shouts as he tries to stop his friend’s bleeding, to no avail.

Metztli, seeing the fighting start to die down, tries to keep his focus on the spell while slowly picking up one of the poles that was used to guide the raft, and gently pushing it into the river bottom, pushes the raft away from the large crocodile.

As you all clamber back onto the rafts, the Yuan-ti continues to try and patch the dying member of your group up. Thinking quickly, he pulls some of the cotton from his wicker shield and binds it over the largest wound (which, to be fair, is pretty mangled), and though the man’s breathing is shallow, it is breathing.

End of Combat

You each gain 450 EXP to use for crafting, or other activities that make use of EXP.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-03, 03:11 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir alights on the raft as the giant crocodile recedes into the distance. He quickly moves over to his book and lifts it to let the water run off its leather. He inspects the pages to make sure no damage was done and, satisfied the book was okay, moves to middle of the raft and begins licking his wounds. "Stupid water lizards. No respect for knowledge."

Fenrir calls to Metztli, "That was some trick you did back there with the big one. What exactly did you do? I knew from my readings that all of Merrshaulk's Children had some ability with magic, but was under the impression that a self-proclaimed lower caste member would have less powerful magic. Perhaps my appraisal of what constitutes high and low level magic needs to be adjusted. Would it be possible fro me to study your arcane methods or, at the least, ask you more questions about your use of your magical abilities? When we're less likely to be attacked by water lizards, of course."

2019-02-03, 05:43 PM
”Thanks,” Metztli says with a gasp, letting himself collapse on the raft in relief once the danger was well and truly gone. ”Simple spell that we are taught in youth. Useful in sneaking past dangerous animals, but most of us can only work it once a day. It’s not particularly powerful. Dire animals can shrug it off, and the spell breaks when you draw blades. It’s a bit of a quirk that natural weapons don’t seem to shake the targets as long as they don’t feel like you will attack them.

I don’t know what all you can learn from us, but when we get back, feel free to go to one of the classes for young Children. Or maybe speak to Itzcoatl about studying with some of our arcanists. We have a few sorcerers - perhaps you can learn a thing or two from them,” he continues, smiling slightly. “Yeah, let’s make sure that we are in less danger, and then I’d be happy to teach you a little of what I know.”

2019-02-04, 09:43 AM
Durnehviir takes up his perch back on the lead raft while munching on some crocodile meat, "This has a distinctly different flavor from the orc I ate earlier." He continues to watch hopefully more alert this time.

2019-02-06, 01:57 PM
As Durn’s crocodile munching echoes out in the distance, the only other sounds that accompany you on the water are the occasional birdsong from the trees and the gentle sounds of water lapping against o Sri also that the river lacked the strength to wash away.

Eventually, Metztli and Fenrir begin to chat lightly, Metztli explaining the basics of Yuan-ti magic to the wyrmling. It’s clear that the man understands what little he had been taught in school, but sometimes lacked the vocabulary to delve into more complex terms, like a traveler in another country who knew how to ask for the restroom, but not how to follow the directions to reach it. While the chat is illuminating, you find that you have more questions than answers. “In the end, you do need that magic spark, something to kindle and grow. Knowing the words and gestures isn’t enough. You might-“

With less suddenness than the crocodile attack, though enough to still give you all a start, one of the trees to the right crashes down across the river, the brush and trunk being too thick to pass the rafts through. The water doesn’t push you fast enough for the impact to be dangerous, but you’ll probably have to get out and move the rafts on the shore to actually get around the massive tree. The unconscious Yuan-ti groans at the noise and splash, but otherwise doesn’t move.

“That’s suspicious,” the two Yuan-ti say in unison.

Looking over at the base of the tree, you notice that it seems like it was intentionally damaged, and then given a final push before falling. Nobody is visible near the now stump, though. Neither do you sense anyone with your blindsense.

2019-02-06, 09:32 PM
As Durn’s crocodile munching echoes out in the distance, the only other sounds that accompany you on the water are the occasional birdsong from the trees and the gentle sounds of water lapping against o Sri also that the river lacked the strength to wash away.

Eventually, Metztli and Fenrir begin to chat lightly, Metztli explaining the basics of Yuan-ti magic to the wyrmling. It’s clear that the man understands what little he had been taught in school, but sometimes lacked the vocabulary to delve into more complex terms, like a traveler in another country who knew how to ask for the restroom, but not how to follow the directions to reach it. While the chat is illuminating, you find that you have more questions than answers. “In the end, you do need that magic spark, something to kindle and grow. Knowing the words and gestures isn’t enough. You might-“

With less suddenness than the crocodile attack, though enough to still give you all a start, one of the trees to the right crashes down across the river, the brush and trunk being too thick to pass the rafts through. The water doesn’t push you fast enough for the impact to be dangerous, but you’ll probably have to get out and move the rafts on the shore to actually get around the massive tree. The unconscious Yuan-ti groans at the noise and splash, but otherwise doesn’t move.

“That’s suspicious,” the two Yuan-ti say in unison.

Looking over at the base of the tree, you notice that it seems like it was intentionally damaged, and then given a final push before falling. Nobody is visible near the now stump, though. Neither do you sense anyone with your blindsense.


"It is more than suspicious," Charazael hisses, "It appears we are not alone, be on your guard."

Charazael calls out to the jungle.

"Greetings, obviously you know of our presence, we mean you no harm, we are on a peaceful diplomatic mission to Kawazawa to treat with the Tabaxi. We have wounded and wish to be on our way."

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-07, 12:17 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir nods to his sister and follows the line of the tree away from the cut stump to the canopy. He scans the jungle there looking for anyone who may have pulled rather than pushed the tree down. He assumes this more sophisticated hindrance a product of the tabaxi "protecting" their lands.

After Charazael finishes her preamble, Fenrir pipes up in his high-pitched voice, "My sister speaks true! We wish to parley with the leaders of the mighty tabaxi peoples! We are humble diplomats and their honor guard. In our haste to meet with the tabaxi we unknowingly disturbed a nest of crocodiles, and a few of our number are in need of healing. We do not wish for violence, but peaceful resolution. Might you be able to guide us to Kawazawa?"


2019-02-07, 06:33 PM
The forest feels as though it goes silent for minutes (though in reality only a few seconds pass) as your words hang in the air. Just as you get ready to brace for an attack, a voice calls out from the brush, gentle but clearly trying to sound stronger than the body that it comes from. With your blindsenses, those of you in the rightmost raft can peg the voice as coming from just behind the brush, a small body, maybe five feet tall. "Oh? And to what ends would demon worshipers want to meet with us?" she calls out in Draconic. "Our people have no reason to speak with you, much less the savages that you claim to work for."

Metztli clicks his tongue angrily, but remains silent, hand off of his weapon. Eyes cold, he looks to you, before his gaze drifts back to the unconscious man on the raft as you gently bump into the felled tree. "Well, looks like this will be your first diplomatic test. We follow your lead."

2019-02-08, 12:47 AM

Charazael holds her tongue as this animal prattle on, Mother said we must be strong in many ways, and this appears to be a test of patience. Still, the creature sounded young, which tickled Charazael, given her own age.

I am Charazael, last hatched of my brood and first to greet you, brave and clever warrior, who might you be so I may tell your elders of your mighty deeds?

2019-02-08, 07:04 AM
As Durnehviir catches up to the conversation at hand his talons dig deep furrows into the wood of the raft but he manages to remain quiet and keeps an eye out for ambush or other dangers.

2019-02-08, 08:34 AM

Charazael holds her tongue as this animal prattle on, Mother said we must be strong in many ways, and this appears to be a test of patience. Still, the creature sounded young, which tickled Charazael, given her own age.

I am Charazael, last hatched of my brood and first to greet you, brave and clever warrior, who might you be so I may tell your elders of your mighty deeds?

“Unless you’re Sonna Herself, I don’t care what your name is!” the voice calls back. “Your flattery cannot hide the evil of those you travel with! I asked you to what end you think this quest will take you, not your name.”

2019-02-08, 10:23 AM
Perking up and looking around for who she is about to address, Yrmys speaks, almost cheerfully. She faces in the approximate direction of the speaker, but not directly at them.

"With luck, a scene without bloodshed. Would that not be pleasant? If naught further, knowledge and understanding, for it doth seem that ignorance of each other abounds in these lands. Doth not confusion then abound? Mine belief is that 'twould be meet to meet one with another, that confusion may be settled and a conclusion perhaps be reached."

2019-02-08, 11:08 AM
”If you do not wish bloodshed, you would not have come. These people have not been welcome in our land for many years, and they know it. It seems you are one who is ignorant, not us. We know plenty about them, and the vile demon they revere as a god. Conclusions were reached long ago, and we see no reason to reevaluate them. Now, Wyrmling, either depart back from whence you came, or give a reason why we should hear you out that is not just vague platitudes about understanding.”

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-08, 02:32 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

"Fine then! No more platitudes! My siblings and I reached an agreement with the yuan-ti to send us to the tabaxi. Our goal in speaking with the great tabaxi people is to secure more living space for the yuan-ti people. They have grown in population beyond the capacity of the Undermountain. They wish to treat with the tabaxi to secure living space for their families and children. They do not wish this increasing necessity for living space to erupt in violence, whether under the surface or above. Will you help us achieve peace?"

2019-02-08, 11:00 PM
There is silence for a solid minute as the owner of the voice seems to think the question over.


Two minutes. The particularly keen eared among you can just barely hear chattering, though the words are not intelligible.


Three minutes.


"Very well." The voice has slightly changed tone. Slowly, an auburn face with long fur splayed out (like a Persian cat) peeks out from the shoreline, her clothing light in weight and drab in appearance. In her hands is a crossbow, trained on you but the finger not on the trigger. Behind her, two more Tabaxi step out of the forest, both with jet black, short fur, and armor made of what appear to be heavy leathers and hides, though no weapons at their sides.

One of the black cats looks around at the shore and picks up a rock, and skips it along the side of the tree opposite you. "Kinpatsu! Anzen desu! Ageimasu!" he shouts over in a firm voice. As the rock skips by you, a reed that you had not even noticed among the brush of the tree lifts up, a fourth tabaxi holding it in his mouth, this one spotted like a leopard. The cat person swims quickly to shore, shaking himself off and not seeming to pay you the slightest mind.
"Gold-fur! It's safe! Come ashore!"
"Well, come on then! You plan to sit next to a felled tree all day, or do you not have a job to do?"

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-09, 05:08 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir looks to his companions and shrugs. "Well, it looks like we got our meeting." He turns to the crossbow-wielding tabaxi. "I think my companions are hesitant to disembark while you have a weapon trained on them. Could we ask that you point it in a direction other than at us? I will vouch for the others. If we initiate violence in any way, I will willingly give myself into your custody. Frankly, ever since I heard of the tabaxi, I have been intrigued by your people. I am what one might call a connoisseur of cultures and peoples. This is not only a diplomatic mission for me, but an educational one, as well."

Fenrir rises into the air, hands his book to Metztli, then slowly flies over to the bank. He lands far enough away from the tabaxi, so she could raise her weapon and fire before he gets to her. Hello. My name is Fenrir. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. He bows.

2019-02-09, 05:42 PM
The Tabaxi removes the bolt from her crossbow and stows the weapon. “Ms. Kanezawa. The dark furred twins are the Umiame twins Marui and Iki. The sneaky one insists on being called Kinpatsu,” she says with a slight hint of amusement in her voice. The others begin to chatter quietly with one another in Tabaxi.
Kinpatsu: They didn’t notice me at all!
Iki: We could have taken them.
Marui: I’m not so sure. There’s more than we expected. Plus the Yuan-ti.
Kinpatsu: With a surprise attack, I could have offed one of the big ones. Mae was ready to take another one out. You guys jumping out of the brush as soon as they reached shore, we’d have had them. Big old payday.
Marui: And the two Yuan-ti?
Iki: Them? Nah, backstabbing bastards would have run when things looked grim.

That’s all you get before one notices your attention slightly lingering on them, and quickly shushes the group.
“Well, I hope that your mission is educational. Iki, Marui, remove the Yuan-ti’s weapons. Diplomats have no need of blades. They may be returned when they leave.” The two dark Tabaxi help bring the second raft ashore, taking the Yuan-ti’s blades and quivers. Looking to Ms. Kanezawa, she nods, and one of them takes out a potion of red liquid and puts it to the unconscious Yuan-ti’s lips. With a cough and a sputter, his eyes open. “Can’t be slowed down, want to get back to Kawazawa before nightfall. Things worse than crocodiles roam these woods at night,” she says. “Well, hope you don’t mind walking the rest of the way. The swamp gets pretty thick in a mile or so anyways, so you might as well leave the rafts here.”

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-09, 06:12 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir claps his claws and his eyes grow large with excitement. "Oooh! Is that the tabaxi language?! It sounds so different from Draconic!" He mouths the last thing he heard in a horrible imitation of the tabaxi dialect.

[In broken tabaxi] "Thongs worn slim!" he says with an openly enthusiastic smile! "What did I say? Is it a typical tabaxi greeting?"

2019-02-09, 08:22 PM
The trio looks at you, confusion on their faces as you switch back to Draconic. "Iie, ryugo wo hanshimasen," one of them says before turning back to the others and beginning to head along the river.

"They don't know what you're saying, Mr. Fenrir. And no, it is very much not."

2019-02-09, 11:37 PM

Charazael greets the apparent leader with a slight nod of deference.

Ms. Kanezawa

2019-02-11, 07:30 AM
Durnehviir uncurls his wings and lets himself show his full size and he quietly disembarks the rafts and follows the rest through the woods.

2019-02-11, 03:27 PM
The dark furred twins split up, one taking the rear while the other walks up front with Ms. Kanezawa, while Kinpatsu quickly and quietly runs ahead and soon disappears into the brush. The Yuan-ti help their now conscious companion up, and follow the group, grumbling but allowing the Tabaxi to keep them surrounded.

You follow the river and as you were told, it quickly gives way to marsh and swamp. At some sections, small foot bridges cross deeper sections of the water, but otherwise you find yourselves slightly cold and very damp despite the sun still remaining high in the sky, in part thanks to the surprisingly thick tree growth in the area. As you approach the town, you begin to see the occasional small, wooden hut on stilts. Alongside some of these buildings are small, two person boats, though many of the huts without boats seem to be empty at this time of day. Moving deeper in, you begin to smell salt in the air as it grows even more humid, almost unpleasantly so as the humidity seems to only intensify the scents of the stagnant water that you find yourselves occasionally wading through.

After around an hour and a half of walking through the swamp, you see what is clearly the limits proper of the city - a wall, mostly wood but stone at its base and rising around eight feet high, surrounds taller buildings inside, the tallest maybe three stories, though most only rise one or two high. Two Tabaxi, similar in fur color to the twins, look your group up and down before speaking to the long furred Tabaxi in their language.
Guard: Why did you bring Yuan-ti here? Their kind aren't allowed outside of the mountain, much less in our towns.
Kanezawa: They purport to be diplomats, having some wyrmlings speak on behalf of their leaders. They think perhaps an outside force, like the Trickster of the Mountain before, might be able to broker a more fair arrangement and prevent future war. I thought there to be no harm. Either we prevent a war from breaking out, or nothing changes. Either way, we already know that they are willing to fight us if this talk doesn't go through. Besides, if they prove treacherous, we can always kill the Yuan-ti and bring the wyrmlings to the Wu-Jen academy, same as we originally planned.
Guard: Mae, you... Nevermind. Not my job. As long as they don't cause trouble, who am I to care? You're responsible for them from here on.
The long furred Tabaxi (Mae might be her name?) gives the guard a pointed glare, but says nothing further to him.
"We're free to enter. As we were not expecting... diplomats... we don't exactly have a place to house you. For now, can we keep you at the prison while I make arrangements?" While the question is asked, she doesn't pause for an answer, leading you along a walkway to one of the few all-stone buildings in the town. While most of the structures were wooden with a stone base, the building you are led to is built out of stone for the lower half of it, only the roof being made of wood. You are led past two more Tabaxi standing guard at the entrance (though once again, not carrying weapons and dressed in similar armors to the twins), and another, plain clothed one inside, to whom your guide once again explains the situation to. You're led to two cells and split up, Wiandie and the two Yuan-ti that you have yet to ask the names of in one, the smaller Wyrmlings and Metztli in the other. While the doors are closed, they do not appear to bother locking them.

"I will return once I have an answer for when you can all meet. Please... don't do anything stupid while I'm gone," she says in Draconic to you before leaving.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-13, 07:22 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

"Then we will await your return, Gracious Kanezawa. When she leaves, Fenrir turns back to his companions. "Well, we're here. And I have to say these tabaxi are fascinating! Feline in form. I wonder if there are any tabaxi that are more feline than others? Do they have any scientists I could talk to? How long will we be staying here, do you think?"

Fenrir goes on like this for a bit, then subsides into frantic contemplation. "Wiandie. How are you over there, sister? I don't know why they stuffed us all in here with Eldest and left you over there."

2019-02-13, 07:35 PM
Yrmys watches the proceedings with an intense, but silent, curiosity. She would have spoken more, but she had decided that she was far too inexperienced and possessed far too little knowledge to be able to trust herself to open her maw in negotiations - yet. She was gathering knowledge quickly, though.

The twins, their armor. The other cats-not-cats wearing the same armor. Their apparent unarmed state. Perhaps they fought with their claws, or perhaps their fists. They were surely nimble and acrobatic. The fur is interesting as well, the Tabaxi being the first furry creatures Yrmys has seen. She was tempted several times to try to sneak a feel of the fur.

2019-02-13, 10:18 PM
"Limited space? Most of you are pretty small," the other dragon says after a few seconds.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-16, 08:43 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir notices the bars of the cell and looks at his body. "True, Sister." He then calmly steps through the bars and approaches the two guards standing watch.

He clears his throat "Ahem. Excuse me. I was wondering if either of you would be amenable to speaking with me until Kanezawa returns. Nothing politically important. I'm just very curious, and I like to learn about anything interesting I encounter. And the tabaxi people are definitely interesting! So what do you say? Mind speaking with a wee dragon?"

2019-02-16, 11:19 PM

Charazael accepts the conditions with dignity, but inside a rage smolders. These fools and their arrogance will be remembered.

2019-02-17, 12:43 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir notices the bars of the cell and looks at his body. "True, Sister." He then calmly steps through the bars and approaches the two guards standing watch.

He clears his throat "Ahem. Excuse me. I was wondering if either of you would be amenable to speaking with me until Kanezawa returns. Nothing politically important. I'm just very curious, and I like to learn about anything interesting I encounter. And the tabaxi people are definitely interesting! So what do you say? Mind speaking with a wee dragon?"

One of the guard looks at you, then over to the other. ”Nani wo hanashi ta?” The other gives a shrug. “Koko de, Tabaxigo de hanashi te, Ryuu-san.” The one at least seems to give you the time of day.
”What did he say?”

“Mr. Dragon, here, we speak Tabaxi.”

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-17, 02:00 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir puts on a suitably confused face, then points at the tabaxi guards. "Tabaxi." He then pats his chest with both claws. "Draaa-gon. Dra-gon." Points at the guards. "Tabaxi." Points at himself. "Dragon."

Fenrir then grins widely and nods his head encouraging the guards into an impromptu language lesson.

2019-02-17, 02:06 PM
The guard rolls his eyes and turns back to the door.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-17, 06:31 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir replays the words of the guard back in his mind searching for any correlations. ”Nani wo hanashiita? Koko de, Tabaxigo de hanashiite, Ryuu-san.” Ah. That must be the way to say tabaxi language. Now how to reboot this dialog without alarming them too much?

"Tabaxigo? Are you tabaxigo?" He points at the guards to emphasize his question. He points at himself. "Am I dragon-go?"

2019-02-18, 12:25 AM
"Iie, anata wa ryuu ga desu," the other Tabaxi says, gesturing to you. "Ryuu ga ryuugo wo hanashiite imasu ga, Tabaxi ga Tabaxigo wo hanshiite imasu." He gestures to himself as he says the second part. Then, gesturing to his mouth, "Hanasuru."
No, you, you're a dragon.

Dragons speak the dragon language, and Tabaxi speak the Tabaxi language.


[While Fen does this, do you all discuss anything, or should I skip ahead in the day?]

2019-02-21, 11:42 AM
Over the course of the afternoon, Fen has a pretty good time learning the basics of the Tabaxi language. While the grammar itself is different from Draconic, you find that the writing systems are more similar than not - both make heavy use of symbols to illustrate a concept, and then simpler symbols to express relationships between those concepts. While the symbols themselves differ widely, the shared idea makes the language not too difficult to pick up.

(Fen can understand, speak, and read small amounts of the Tabaxi language, even without the use of Tongues)

As you have your conversation, the sun begins to move low onto the horizon, painting the sky in reds and oranges. Both of your guards, taking turns, take a moment to turn and acknowledge the time with a brief gesture and whisper what seems to be a prayer in a language besides Tabaxi, though more clumsily, as though repeating a language that they do not actually understand. Fen understands it to roughly mean "We give thanks for Your light this day."

Before you can ask further questions, Mae steps back in. The guards immediately stand a little more upright as the female Tabaxi speaks to you all. "Well, I spoke to our town's elders, and they are willing to at the very least hear out your request. I make no promises beyond that. Come." The guard that was willing to entertain Fenrir walks over and opens the cell doors for the larger group of you. As he goes for Wiandie and the other Yuan-ti, Mae raises a hand and tells him to stop. "The elders requested as few of them as possible, in the interests of space and safety. You have one Yuan-ti as representative and four wyrmlings as speakers already. Consider those who remain here as being kept to ensure good behavior. Plus, your injured friend should rest."

Wiandie gives a bit of a snort, but sighs. "Whatever. Didn't have much to say to them anyways." Apparently satisfied, Mae motions you to follow her.


The walk through the town, now without the light of the sun, surprisingly brisk in spite of the humidity, the ocean breeze now slightly chilly. You walk through town and see that the place is much more lively than when you walked in. Many more folk are in buildings and at small shops trading goods and talking, some appear to be at small food stands sharing drinks. Most of them tend toward the dark color of the twins - very few share the lightly colored fur of Mae, nor the tawny color of Kinpatsu, though some exist, most of them visible hauling large satchels of some sort of food. The town seems an entirely different place in the evening than it did in the day.

After around fifteen minutes, you find yourselves led to a low, round, and wide building, built primarily of stone like the prison, save for a wooden roof, causing it to stand out compared to the largely wooden construction of the other buildings. Unlike the prison, there appear to be small windows, though they seem to be too small to let it more than a little light or to see out of. Mae leads you in and through several halls that twist, not in a way that would make you ever get lost, but in a way that suggests that this building was made to be defended and difficult to take. Long weapons would not work here, running would be a challenge, ranged weapons would offer no advantage, and destruction of the building would be just as difficult as pushing into it. You do see several very large longbows and crossbows adorning the walls, though most have only a single, equally long bolt or arrow next to them, suggesting that they are more ornamental than practical. Finally, you are led into what feels like a central chamber lit by a central fire, though it gives off no warmth. In front of you sit three Tabaxi on an ornate mat, black fur like most of the others of this town, with greying tips, each dressed in vastly different attire. On the left, one sits in flowing robes, similar to Mae's save for their more flamboyant color. In the center sits one that seems to be almost peasant-like by comparison, though several rings on his fingers and ears suggest a decent amount of wealth. To the right sits one in armor, still of leathers, but more finely crafted. The only detail shared between them is a necklace that hangs down to the chest, on the end of it a single white pendant in the shape of a sun.

The center one speaks up, and Mae translates for him as he does. "So, the Yuan-ti have sent some of their own to speak to us. We understand that you have threatened war if your request is not met, or at the very least insinuated its possibility. So speak, Yuan-ti. What gives you courage to make such bold statements to a more numerous people, people your kind invaded and saw push you back into the hills?"

Metztli speaks, slightly nervously, but still firm. In the Tabaxi language, he speaks, haltingly as he digs for the words in his mind. "Thank you, sirs. When our people came to this land, I admit that there were certain... missteps. We were perhaps a a bit aggressive and warlike, and justified it to ourselves. We did not realize that this land was inhabited, and when we were proven wrong, we thought the Tabaxi to simply be savage locals, and not an established people." You can see the pained expression on his face. Gone is the proud worshiper of Merrshaulk, to whom he was one of the chosen people. "Our people are finding what food we can grow in the mountains is no longer sufficient to sustain our population, let alone its growth. We understood that renegotiation of how both our people were to continue existing on this island in peace was necessary. It was then that..." You see him pause again, as though thinking hard about his next words. For several seconds, the room is silent, save fro Mae translating his words to you all, more quietly than she did for the elders.

"Whether by the hands of Merrshaulk or those of Sonna, these wyrmlings came to us. Speaking to our own leaders and clergy, we thought that they would be an ideal set of mediators between our people, just as the Trickster of the Mountains served as before. They have no bias toward our people or yours, and unlike most races, they are not also born dumb to the ways of reason. We knew that any proposal by us would create the impression of aggression and expansion, but that what they suggest would at the very least be tempered by dispassion toward both sides."

The three Tabaxi look at one another, seeming to speak through facial expression and gesture alone. Finally, the armored one speaks aloud, chuckling slightly. "Very well," Mae translates. Then, in Draconic, the robed one speaks, "So, wyrmlings, what is your impression of things here, and what would you have us do?"

2019-02-21, 04:00 PM
Perhaps the most unusual looking dragon of the clutch speaks first. Yrmys had spent much of the wait processing all the information that had at first been somewhat overwhelming to her. Sitting upon her haunches, she addresses the robed Tabaxi.

"Mine impressions are many, though it doth contain a single primary theme: mutual ignorance. I perceive that the people of the Tabaxi doth know of their neighbors only their physical traits and the name of the one they doth worship; and the converse, they only know of the Tabaxi that they are like unto a cat. Scholars of each race may be educated further, yet the people are not. This ignorance, together with respective isolation, doth breed misunderstanding and hatred to an extent most severe."

While speaking, she stands and moves a bit to the side, sitting down again where she can face both sides of the negotiation.

"Perhaps thou couldst, one day, coexist one with another without issue. This day however, not yet. Yet such would be possible only if thine respective people know of each other more than their blades. Three things I would propose to seek this solution, these things I doth present unto thee.

Firstly, concerns most immediate must be addressed: borders. I cannot postulate the specifics, for I know not the geography, but this condition I present: infractions of the new borders must be forgiven without application of the sword. That repeated conflict appears to have created the most tension between ye. If thine neighbors are always met with hostility, thou shalt never reach contentment. Hatred further would brew, and war would be the only outcome.

The second matter deals also with more immediate concerns, and doth handle the fairness of the trade of land. That is, trading of materials between ye. Specifically, the spoils of the mountain for the spoils of the more fertile lands. The depths of the mountains doth make for poor farmland, and the swamps are surely lacking in access to metals and skilled smiths. At the first, the trade of these materials must favor the Tabaxi, that the trade of land be done in fairness. The meetings thus necessary shall require the mediation of one of this clutch, lest passions grow high and tempers fail.

The final matter I hath determined to be necessary concerns an exchange of information. Thine conflict is based in ignorance; I would that ye should address thus. This interaction too, must needs need be mediated, although I predict less conflict amongst scholars. However, this exchange of information must not be kept to the scholars alone, but must be spread. 'Tis one thing to hate that which ye cannot understand, but another to hate that of which you know.

I would make a brief note concerning this exchange of knowledge and religion. Namely, such exchanges are to be for the purpose of educating, not preaching. Thine beliefs differ wildly, and I cannot expect this to change; however, ye must know what thine neighbor believes if ye wish to coexist.

There are many details that would require further negotiation; this is the frame of my suggestion and plan, to be developed further. If ye should agree to attempt mine plan, a future beneficial to each may develop. Should ye refuse my plan, perhaps ye can find another solution that doth not involve spilling more blood than either of ye have. Perhaps not.

Consider mine words with fullness of intent."

Having delivered the words which she had prepared, Yrmys sits on all fours and waits for the reaction; not only, of the Tabaxi, but also of Metzli. Her proposal is ambitious, and may not be received well by either party. If they would but give it a try, though, the war the Yuan-ti considered so certain may never occur. Maybe.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2019-02-21, 04:06 PM
The Tabaxi listen, and again exchange several glances. “Do the rest of you have anything to add?” asks the robed one.

2019-02-21, 04:17 PM
Durnehviir's deep voice resonates as he speaks, "I can think of nothing that would add any value to the negotiations."

2019-02-21, 08:14 PM

"My sister speaks words wise and true. We are young but it is clear from an outsiders perspective that this is what is best for all. It is difficult when dealing with different species, ways, customs, and gods, but I can assure you, we are a clutch of many different eggs, and yet we have put aside such differences to call each other brother and sister. The Yaun Ti have come to you openly and honestly in good faith. This, is a plan that will enrich both people, and make you stronger against the many dangers of the world. It is well understood that the past between the Tabaxi and the Yaun Ti is troubled, but how can one hold a bright future while they still clutch a bloody past?"

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-21, 09:59 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir nods in satisfaction as his sisters take the lead. He agreed with Yrmys' assessment of the situation with both factions. Ignorance is the greatest tragedy.

2019-02-21, 11:10 PM
The plain clothed Tabaxi is the first to speak. Mae's translation is almost halting, the elder speaking very slowly and precisely with every word. "You assume so much, little one. That we only know who the Yuan-ti worship, that they only know our appearance. You know that we have already met once, to end wars that had been started... mutually, let us say. Your plea to ignorance may have swayed us then, but it is patronizing, now. Furthermore, faith may tell you what someone will say, but their actions tell you what they believe. Their action upon meeting us was violence, to see us as savages. Our actions upon meeting them was to defend ourselves, seeing them as raiders or invaders. While such groups may learn to see the other as potential allies, you must be aware that there is distrust. Furthermore, the actions that the Yuan-ti have proudly proclaimed int the past suggest that peaceful relationships may not stay so.

For example, I see your friend has a book in their tongue. As you speak of understanding and trade of knowledge, I would guess that it is a book that mentions their history, their violent conquest of neighbors. Their enslavement of those that they conquer. That they expanded to our island because to expand further in their homelands would bring them into conflict with other nations, so they instead decided to expand into what they had thought was an uninhabited island. Our agreement was that we would coexist peacefully so long as they would agree that they would recognize the Tabaxi claim to the island of Taishim. They now seek to speak through you and present you half truths to sway you to favor them in matters that you truly know nothing about. You're pawns to them, nothing more.

Perhaps..." he says coldly, not looking at you but Metztli, "the Yuan-ti should know when to turn around and go home, and respect that lands that they desire are claimed by someone else. Our people, while concentrated in cities, live throughout Taishim. Giving land to the Yuan-ti is taking the same from those who look to us as leaders. Consider when you are older - would you merely give land to another dragon who has grown too close to you, when they have plenty of fertile land elsewhere already? Or would you tell them 'No, that's enough, and if you press me further, you do so at your own peril.' They have other lands that they may expand into - we do not. You say that uniting would protect us from the dangers of the world, but the way we see it, they are the embodiment of that danger."

The robed Tabaxi speaks again. "I admit, there is a temptation, the exchange of knowledge. I would call myself more amenable to intermixing than my friend. However, even discounting the worship of a demon, which is... unnerving, to put it politely, there are more concerns that we would have. If we were to agree, there is not just the matter of trade. There is the matter of law and customs. We understand that the Yuan-ti practice sacrifice, sometimes that of unwilling participants, and something that is abhorrent to us. In regions of evenly mixed races, there is the question of whose law and whose authority reigns. The Tabaxi are not a united people, only united against being invaded by outsiders who would see us killed off. Any one of these would create instability in a future relationship. You also speak as though we have an abundance of food. We produce what we need, and then enough to store extra for times of famine."

The last Tabaxi finally speaks for the first time. Mae translates, "Their aggression in the past is what concerns me in the present. That they might make an agreement, then seek to divide us and conquer our people over time also concerns me. Who is to say that the minerals in their hills are worth anything? From what I understand, they form their weapons from obsidian, not metal, which tells me that there are no mines of worth there."

"Actually," Metztli speaks up, "while that is true, I understand that some gold and silver deposits have been found. Furthermore, the tunnels only briefly dip into the Underdark. It would not be unfeasible to trade from the mainland, as well as Huizilhuicapetl."

The armored Tabaxi nods. "Hm... That changes things, somewhat." The three look at each other again, exchanging gestures, smirks, and frowns. Some mentions of gold, outside, and similar single or two word phrases reach Fenrir's ears, but overall the conversation is not intelligible, nor does it seem to be. They mostly seem to be attempting to quietly see how each of the others feels regarding Metztli's new information. Finally, the three turn and look toward Ymris again.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-22, 10:43 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir blinks in realization and steps forward. "Excuse me and forgive us, Great Ones. We have been remiss. As we speak of ignorance, I realize that we", he gestures at himself and his siblings, "have not properly introduced ourselves. I am Fenrir. This is Yrmys, Charazael, and Durnehviir. Our other sister Wiandie is waiting in the sitting room.Our yuan-ti companion is Metztli." He takes a deep bow. "How may we address the arrayed elders?"

He pauses for their answer.

He addresses the plain-clothed tabaxi. "You are correct, ????. Belief an action, although closely related, are not synonymous. The yuan-ti treated us with great deference for the most part. Probably, because they see us as a tool to achieve a goal. Which, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, is what we are. However, this goal will not be conquest if we have anything to say about it...Which we do."

Fenrir takes a steeling breath. "Our current agreement with the yuan-ti stipulates that my siblings and I would attempt to reach an agreement with the tabaxi peoples for an expansion of the yuan-ti living space above ground. Barring that we would fight alongside the yuan-ti to acquire enough space above ground for the growing yuan-ti population. As we were not in an advantageous position in our initial encounter with the yuan-ti leader, we agreed in order to gain room to assess the situation ourselves. We are here now assessing the full breadth of the situation between the yuan-ti and tabaxi. I do in fact a a book of their history, and would welcome the same of your people. The more knowledge we have, the better decisions we will be able to make going forward."

He turns to the robed tabaxi. Probably the head of the tabaxi mages, he reasons. "I agree, ????. Culture can be a difficult thing to reconcile, especially between groups so different from each other. I will freely admit that I was put off by the practice of sacrifice amongst the yuan-ti. Their caste system is also something hard for me to embrace. But understanding does not mean condoning. Without a true and full understanding of another person, we will ever be mired in violence borne of, for lack of a better term, ignorance. As I have said before, we are attempting to arbitrate something that has very deep roots, and any background and current information of the relations between your peoples would benefit our outlook greatly."

Fenrir finally turns to the military commander, most likely. "????, your concerns are our concerns. We do not wish to put your people in an untenable position. Our only goal in these negotiations is to achieve the most good for the most people in the least destructive way possible. We do not wish to disadvantage the tabaxi militarily. Only find a way to cease hostilities for the foreseeable future. If the possibility of trade can assuage some the discomfort of ceding lands, let us move forward in that vein of mutual benefit. No pun intended."

"And if it is at all possible before we leave, I would love to learn more about the tabaxi culture and way of life. Arigato gozaimasu for welcoming us into your city." Fenrir then takes a polite bow and retreats to stand with his siblings. Well, it's all out there now. Let's see where the scales fall.

2019-02-22, 03:57 PM
"For now, Sir and Sirs will be fine. If things end amicably, then perhaps individual titles will be appropriate. For now, considering that you speak to the Tabaxi as a whole, the individual that you do that through is less important than what you say to that individual," the mage says. Though his voice is steady, you do catch the crack of a smile from him as you make your request. It would seem that while the formalities are not desired at this point, the suggestion of them showed a certain level of respect that he appreciated.


The likely-commander nods as Fenrir speaks openly. Mae translates again for him. "Your honesty in your intentions is appreciated. You and the glimmering one, Ymrys, seem guided by curiosity and a desire to learn. This is good, but remember that some springs run clear, but are sourced by foul waters. With the promise of trade, I would hope that our... potential allies would be dissuaded from taking hostile actions that would endanger such a friendship. Scholars and mages meeting to discuss their theories might also bind us in ways that would make separation by claws unappealing to both parties." He looks to the others, who both nod.

The room goes quiet for several seconds. Both the mage and warrior look to the Tabaxi in the middle, who seems to be weighing this all, having as far as you both can tell been the most against this agreement. Finally, he sighs. "Very well. We shall... tentatively agree to peaceful coexistence, while we meet and discuss with the other Tabaxi leaders. Consider the land up to one mile to the south of the hills permitted to be inhabited and developed by your people for the time being. Yuan-ti will be permitted to travel to and from Kawazawa, though they may not take up residence there. Within our land, Tabaxi and Yuan-ti will otherwise be treated equitably, and we expect the same in yours. Tabaxi are not," he says with firmness in his voice that makes most of you and Metztli flinch, "to be used in any sacrifice without their explicit, written, and witnessed consent. Preaching between either culture in the other's lands is expressly prohibited. The Yuan-ti are not to get involved in any conflicts between Tabaxi, nor will Tabaxi become involved in Yuan-ti conflicts. Emissaries from us will be sent to Huizilhucaapetl once this has been discussed between the cities, to convey the final agreement. Barring any incidents between the Tabaxi of Kawazawa, the prior agreement will stand and be reaffirmed during this meeting.

Does that seem acceptable?"

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-23, 02:34 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir bows at the waist. "Sirs, you have been very accommodating, and have offered a more than gracious proposal. We thank you immensely for your generosity and look forward to our continued, mutual collaboration."

He pauses looking a bit self-conscious, then pushes forward. "Now that the politics are done for the moment, I noticed that your city comes alive once the sun sets. I wonder if I might trouble you for a tour of Kanezawa while we are here? I'm curious by nature and love to learn about cultures and people." As he speaks there is a genuine and visible eagerness in his expression that makes Fenrir look like an excited young child.

2019-02-25, 12:34 PM
The mage watches you with curiosity. "And just what would you be looking to learn, little one? Kawazawa comes to life because people are no longer working in the fields. People come home, drink, eat, and rest. Still, you are guests until the morning at least. Mae, please show the wyrmlings around as best you can. In the morning, we will send word to our own subjects that hostilities against the Yuan-ti shall cease until further notice. You, though," he says to Metztli. "You stay here for a while longer. While the wyrmlings may have been arbiters in this agreement, as far as we are concerned, you represent your people, not them. I want to make sure our terms are understood and are accurately carried to your own superiors." You all feel Metztli go tense for a moment as the Tabaxi speaks to him, but relax as it is made clear that it will hopefully be just boring clarifications of agreements, likely marking out what territories are being permitted and which ones are not.


Mae leads you all out of the building, the twisting corridors being slightly less disorienting to leave than to enter now that you have traveled in them at least once. "As you were told, there isn't much for the visiting types. Most farmers trade their goods there," she says, pointing to one path where several Tabaxi seem to be discussing trade with a farmer. "The Tabaxi here mostly harvest crops that grow well in waterlogged land - rice, sugarcane, some root vegetables and fruits that do well in the swamp. Some of the other cities have more wide fields, and grow what is appropriate for them. Those who don't farm tend to be city guards, fishers, game hunters."

Continuing on, you see several Tabaxi, a dark furred one speaking to several younger Tabaxi, roughly one half like the majority of the Tabaxi you have seen, but the other half of more varied fur types and colors. "In this town, there is one of the two schools of arcane magic on the island; you already spoke with one of the instructors. Those who are either discovered to be talented or willing to pay for the instructor's time, travel either to here or to Hanmin in the north."

As you continue on, you notice one individual, short furred like the locals with with splotches of white fur like Mae's and grey fur. Over his body is some rather fine and light hide armor, and unlike most Tabaxi, you see two blades at his sides, short but curved and sharp. Mae gives a brief wave to them, but doesn't stop. "Some also dedicate their lives to Sonna, hunting down creatures in the forest that are too much for simple hunters to deal with when they show themselves to be a threat, or take up other work that needs doing if things remain safe for an extended period of time. It's a very dangerous job. The elders that you spoke to all served in that role in their youth."

Mae continues to lead you around. Though seemingly disinterested, she does answer most questions that you ask as you walk. (If you have any questions, please ask. Otherwise, is there anything else you wish to be shown to, or are you good for the night?)

2019-02-26, 08:26 PM
You continue about the city for another half hour or so. Fenrir at one point requests of Mae to meet with one of the teachers of the Wu-Jen. To the surprise of your guide, the elder Tabxi is still awake, and humors Fenrir with around an hour of discussion, while the rest of you are led back to the cells, where you see Metztli speaking quietly to the other Yuan-ti in their native language. He seems tentatively optimistic about how things went, but, as he mentions to you, is not entirely sure whether the other citystates will agree or not.

You have a pretty enjoyable discussion with the elder, whose name you learn to be Ketsu Takashi. You find that the Tabaxi understanding of magic is quite different than the one that you learned from Metztli - more formalized but also with far more room to grow. There is a strong emphasis on give and take with local spirits, on self discipline and appeasing of said spirits. You get a feeling that it somewhat mixes arcane and nature magic, with a slight tendency toward the former over the latter. Still, it interests you. Eventually though, the elderly Ketsu becomes tired and begins to nod off. You take your leave, and Mae guides you back to the cell with the others.

All, Morning
The morning is surprisingly sunny, and though your window to the outside world is small, you still can feel its warmth quickly heating the wet air. The Yuan-ti begin to wake and stretch, and begin to take out parts of their stored food from their bags. "Well, I guess we don't have much to do but head back," Metztli says while looking at you all.

"Actually... While you all were out..." Wiandie says, yawning and stretching her bulky form, "some of the cat ears decided to pay a visit, ones in robes. They mentioned that I was an unusual variety of dragon, not one that they had ever heard of. They wanted to spend a little more time with me, studying me in what ways they can. They mentioned Ymris was as well, but thought it rude to ask to keep more than one of us here. I would be free to leave and join you all back at Huitzlhuicaapetl whenever I had grown tired of here. They did not want to pass up the chance." She looks to Metztli, then to the two guards. "Think of it as having someone on the inside, in case relations still sour."

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-28, 05:57 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir's attention is completely absorbed by the conversation he has with the Wu-Jen teacher. This view of the world is so fascinating. And oddly comforting.

"Ever since I hatched, I have felt a connection to the land and nature. I want to understand that connection more. I already have a way with languages, and on our trek through the jungle, I thought I could understand what some of the animals were chittering to each other. On our return journey I will endeavor to listen more closely to the animals and the land and try to hear the spirits that inhabit it. When we return, I would very much like to continue this conversation...Uh, hello? Elder Ketsu? Are you awake?"

Fenrir hears a soft snoring sound emanating from the elder tabaxi. When Mae retrieves him, he says, "Elder Ketsu must be communing with the spirits. Thank you for bringing me here. It was very enlightening."

The next morning Fenrir can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at not being asked to stay. These tabaxi, even though they looked less like him and his siblings than some of the yuan-ti, he felt more of a connection with them, a deeper connection. Fenrir gives Wiandie a playful nip on the neck to say goodbye, then makes his way out with Metztli. "Even though we haven't been together long, I wish you all the best, my sister. See you again soon."

2019-02-28, 10:17 AM
Durnehviir visibly tenses when Wiandie makes her announcement, the changes in his countenance are easy to see. He seems to swell in size before he speaks, "Is this something you desire to do? If not then you will leave with us as planned."

2019-02-28, 10:53 AM
Durnehviir visibly tenses when Wiandie makes her announcement, the changes in his countenance are easy to see. He seems to swell in size before he speaks, "Is this something you desire to do? If not then you will leave with us as planned."

”To be honest, I didn’t want any of this. So, I might as well find the option that is least stifling to me. Letting some mages watch me seems like it will be less so that than living with the Yuan-ti. No offense to present company. Plus, so long as war breaks out, they don’t even have to do anything for me. They should view it as a win.”

2019-02-28, 04:01 PM
”To be honest, I didn’t want any of this. So, I might as well find the option that is least stifling to me. Letting some mages watch me seems like it will be less so that than living with the Yuan-ti. No offense to present company. Plus, so long as war breaks out, they don’t even have to do anything for me. They should view it as a win.”

"As long as the choice is yours and not one you were forced to make I am fine with it."

2019-03-01, 02:11 PM
”To be honest, I didn’t want any of this. So, I might as well find the option that is least stifling to me. Letting some mages watch me seems like it will be less so that than living with the Yuan-ti. No offense to present company. Plus, so long as war breaks out, they don’t even have to do anything for me. They should view it as a win.”

"I do not like it, we should stay together, you could be used against us, as a hostage. But what do I know? Your will is your own."

Charazael seems accepting of the decision, but hurt.

2019-03-01, 05:03 PM
"Hm?" Wiandie tilts her head in slight confusion. "Being used against you? You've known me for three days. Surely you don't care so deeply about me that my harm would be a significant barrier to any of your goals," Wiandie says. "And like I said, on the surface, the deal is every bit as appealing as the one of the Yuan-ti, with far less binding. If things turn south, the Tabaxi don't seem to know much about me. I'm sure I could find a way to escape them and meet with you, if their words turned out to be lies."

"I suppose I should thank you for your concern," the large wyrmling says, almost as an afterthought as she sees Charazael's apparent sadness, "so thank you. You're not bound to the mountains like the Yuan-ti, so maybe visit some time." The pyroclastic dragon gives you all an awkward look, before heading out of the building.


As the air sits awkward and quiet, Mae makes her way into the building, quietly mumbling something to herself in annoyance. Metztli speaks up. "Hm... You know, we don't really need you all to travel with us on the way back. Not meaning any ill will, just noting that you all have seemed... eager to spread your wings. It will likely be an all day hike along the river for us, but you have the luxury of avoiding all that brush."

"While I would rather have the extra eyes and claws around during the hike, between the three Yuan-ti and my allies, we should be more than safe," Mae says in somewhat agreement. "It's your choice. We'll be heading out in around half an hour. Plus, flying would leave you free to hunt at your lesure on the way up."

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-02, 11:45 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

"I haven't yet had the pleasure of feeling the wind on my wings. Speaking with the Wu-Jen Master last night has gotten me thinking about the nature of things and how connected everything can be. I think flying above the land might afford me a quiet place to think."

Fenrir walks over to Mae and bows to her slightly. In tabaxi he says, "私をWu-Jenに紹介してくれてありがとう。彼と他の長老たちによろしくお伝えください。私は彼らと再び話すのを楽 しみにしています。"
"Thank you very much for introducing me to the Wu-Jen. Give my regards to him and the rest of the elders. I look forward to speaking with them again."

He unfurls his little wings and gives them a good flap, kicking up a tiny cloud of dust. He then walks outside and practices his flapping and flying in the intervening time. His first run at staying aloft doesn't go so well. He flaps his wings several times and barely gets an inch off the ground before his wing beats get out of sync and he topples to the side.

Fenrir thinks back to his conversation with the Wu-Jen. He said there were spirits in the land that you could connect with. He closes his eyes and begins to listen more intently to the nature around him. The scuff of dirt as tabaxi walk along the road. The rustle of leaves in the canopy above. And faintly the whisper of wind in his ears. The caress of it on his scales and leather of his wings. He slowly spreads his wings and lets the wind break over them. He imagines himself soaring over the jungle and begins to slowly rock from side to side as if he was really turning in the air.

Slowly the wings begin to beat. Whap...whap...whap...whap! The speed and power gradually increases until Fenrir completely lifts off the ground. He then opens his eyes and a big, goofy, grin spreads across his face. "I'm definitely going to enjoy this!"

I just want to roll for roleplaying purposes!
<10=no go on the Fen's first attempt; >10=He's a natural!

2019-03-02, 12:49 PM
You begin to lift into the air, your tiny form making liftoff more easy than it would be for the larger wyrmlings. As you get just above the tree canopy though, the full force of the ocean breeze grabs you and hurls you back down into the trees.

The rest of you see Fenrir step outside and eagerly begin flapping his wings and take off, and about ten seconds later hear a sound that is suspiciously like a wyrmling crashing into a tree. Fenrir takes 10 non-lethal bludgeoning damage.

2019-03-03, 07:43 AM
Durnehviir chuckles to himself as he follows suit. Stepping outside and spreading his wings as he leaps into the air, flaps a couple of times and rises above the trees letting the breeze lift his and push him along. Relishing the feeling it gives him.

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-03, 01:58 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir shakes his head to clear his vision and peaks out from under his wing, which is currently flopped over his body haphazardly. "Nature is a fickle mistress, indeed." he says. "Wind one. Fenrir zero. Time for round two."

Fenrir rights himself and prepares to fly again. Before he can get airborne Durnheviir jumps into the sky and flies above the trees like he had been doing it for years. Fenrir rolls his eyes. "Show off." He readies himself again and flaps his wings.


2019-03-05, 08:45 AM

Charazael steps outside to contemplate the leaving of her sister. We will all leave eventually, she thinks, it is our nature. Still, she didn't think it would happen so soon, or that she'd feel so lonely or abandoned by it. She has a fierce instinct to protect the brood.

Her reverie is disturbed by Fenrir's first flight, and subsequent first crash. She helps him out of the bushes as Eldest takes flight.

]Fenrir shakes his head to clear his vision and peaks out from under his wing, which is currently flopped over his body haphazardly. "Nature is a fickle mistress, indeed." he says.

"Falling is easy, getting back up again is hard. You are overthinking it," she advises," We are dragon, our flight does not make sense, it simply IS, it is not logic, it is not natural, it is supernatural, and it is our birthright.

"Wind one. Fenrir zero. Time for round two."

Fenrir's words are bold, but his flapping is uncoordinated. Charazael takes flight to encourage him and join Eldest.

"Come, you can do it."

Aid Another

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-05, 03:35 PM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

Fenrir watches is brother and sister flying through the air and takes Charazael's words to heart. He lets all the thinking go, and just...


Eats it.

He shakes himself and puts on a determined face. Fenrir looks around and finds what he is looking for. A tall sturdy tree. He stomps over to it and begins to climb, his claws digging into the bark. Once at a good height where he can feel the wind in the canopy, Fenrir wiggles his hind quarters and bounds forward, leaping off the branch out into empty air!

He can feel the wind across his wings and the thrill of flight in his chest. Then he looks down...

2019-03-05, 03:44 PM
Durnehviir smiles to himself as he makes a big circle in the air intending to snatch Fenrir off the ground. He thinks to himself, Maybe if he will just let the wind flow underneath his wings...

Well he is a brave little one anyway.

Just as Fenrir reaches the apex of his jump Durnheviir catches him and places the little dragon on his back. "Try letting the wind flow underneath your wings, just feel it. Don't try to fly just yet."

2019-03-05, 09:38 PM
As the two of you try to help Fenrir get the hang of flying, Ymris follows you out. "T'would seem our guides and new allies hath permitted us to soar the skies without them." The crystal dragon stretches their wings, and with a bit of a running start, takes off and glides over the ground, getting comfortable with the feeling of being aloft before slowly ascending, adjusting to the feeling of the wind as they clear the treetops.

Soon, Fenrir too gets the hang of flight enough that he feels comfortable at least staying just above the treetops. The four of you make your way out of Kawazawa, flying over the walls that separate the main town from the outlying lands. Before you is nothing but trees for several miles, the mountain range just barely visible in the hazy air. Behind you, you can see the ocean, stretching out to the horizon like its own blue forest. The only other differing sight is a faint trail of smoke to the east coming from its own mountain, impressively large even from this distance. Fenris finds himself wondering if that could be the mountain that the name "Trickster of the Mountain" referred to.


Thankfully, your flight is fast, and more importantly, safe. Nothing from the forests below you seems to bother you, and nothing larger than a few birds seems to take to the air, not that you could see or hear, anyway. Eventually, you reach the cave mouth that you exited from yesterday morning. A single Yuan-ti stands guard, and waves you in, getting out of the way as the larger Durnehviir comes in for a landing.

As you are walked back to the city within the mountains, you see Itzcoatl waiting for you at the city gate. The Most Blessed greets you with a jovial tone. "Well! I didn't expect you all back so soon! Tell me, does this mean that you were successful?"

2019-03-06, 07:49 AM
Durnehviir snorts a small puff of smoke out his nose as he walks past Itzcoatl, Or perhaps you had hoped for a different outcome, he thinks to himself as he passes.

2019-03-06, 11:03 AM
The high priest looks slightly confused as Durn walks by him. “Is he not well? Did something go wrong? Where is the craggy one, ah...” he pauses as he looks for the name, “Wiandie, I believe.”

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-07, 11:50 AM
Fenrir - The Tiny Brass Dragon Wyrmling

"Oh, him? He's fine. He's probably just miffed that he had to stop flying. Nothing untoward happened while we were in the care of the tabaxi. We were able to broker a tentative peace with Kawazawa. Now we need only wait for the other tabaxi tribes to agree."

Fenrir lays out the details of the agreement to Itzcoatl.

"Sister Wiandie was asked by the learned of the Kawazawa to stay, so they could study her unique origins and biology. She agreed, and we had no objections to her staying. Though it is hard to part ways so soon, this gives us a direct link to the tabaxi peoples. Hopefully, she will continue to cultivate good will."

2019-03-09, 12:04 AM
Itzcoatl nods. "Uh-huh..." though his voice suggests that he doesn't entirely believe that explanation. "Regardless!" he says, joy returning to his voice, "I am pleased that the Tabaxi were willing to negotiate with you when our attempts had failed. Hopefully the other clans are willing to listen to their kin and we may see a long, productive relationship with our furred neighbors! I am... slightly disappointed, that meetings between our and their clergy will be severely limited, but perhaps that is for the best early on, especially if that served as one of their major concerns in the first place... Perhaps living by example will change minds where active proselytization would fail and create resentment.

"Well, I will see to it that construction begins on a chancery," he says, giving a look to one of the Middle Blessed that stands at his side. Without a word, the snake-headed man jogs off, apparently taking the suggestion as an order.

"So, Wiandie has decided to take up residence with the Tabaxi, supposedly with the suggestion that she could work as a spy... Interesting. I'm not mad, do not worry, but... be cautious. A dog that breeds with wolves does not birth more dogs, so they say up north. If you would, could you keep an eye on her?"

2019-03-10, 01:53 PM

Charazael bristles a bit, ever protective of the brood.
Be assured, Itzcoatl, Dragons are neither wolf nor dog, and we will keep an eye on our own.
Her tone softens.
Your servant, Metzli, acquitted himself well, both in battle and at the negotiation table. His talents should be of greater use to you in the future.

2019-03-10, 11:15 PM
Itzcoatl smiles a little. "Good, good! I'm happy to hear that he proved his worth. I will be sure to speak to him when he and the others return. Is there anything else, to report or otherwise?"

2019-03-11, 04:12 PM
Of all your siblings, you find yourself the busiest, flying to and from Kawazawa every few days. Within the first few days after the Tabaxi and Yuan-ti formalize their agreement, you are able to convince the Yuan-ti of the worthwhileness of working with the Tabaxi Hunters, but are unable to convince the Tabaxi of the same. The Yuan-ti already seem eager to join their neighbors in numerous ways, though. You figure that they will likely continue to pursue this avenue in the future, even without further prompting from you. The Tabaxi are still wary, however, of the new inhabitants of their island. One reason you suspect strong resistance is the quasi-religious nature of the role of Hunter. While you are unsuccessful, this information may prove helpful to the Yuan-ti if you wish to further assist them in joining the hunters.

Still, your time spent traveling to the nearby Tabaxi lands is not entirely wasted. You speak with the Wu-Jen and discuss what little you remember mother teaching you regarding magic. Your interest with nature causes you to be paired with a young shaman named Suii, who seems to have a good deal of magical knack. You gain more insight into natural magic, and her way of magic feels far more intuitive to you than that of the more studious Wu-Jen, though you still cannot manage a spell. The two of you strike up a rather solid friendship, and soon you find yourself making your treks through the forest with a second set of eyes, as well as a local guide. Though you try to focus on her lessons about nature, you spend more of your time avoiding conflict with local wildlife (and some less than natural beasts) than you do studying them, it sometimes seems.

The Yuan-ti are not permitted to join the Hunters.

You have a Tabaxi ally (Suii) who is generally willing to help you locally on the island.

You are now familiar with bats, boars, hawks, rats (including dire), ravens, snakes (all standard varieties up to medium size), toads (including dire), wolves, fish (in general), manta rays, and similar animals. If you are unsure about a specific animal, feel free to ask. As a general rule, the most useful combat forms you have seen are boars, dire rat, medium snakes, wolves, and dire toads.

Your focus on hunting and in general harassing the local wildlife makes you a useful ally to the Yuan-ti, who waste no time sending parties into the forest and jungle to begin the process of making the land safe for settling. While you don’t find much in the way of ruins or wealth, you do find a rather surprising amount of undead throughout the forests. Though no match for your sharp claws and powerful flames, you do wonder briefly at what the possible origin of these abominations could be. After all, the Tabaxi said that their god was a god of healing and positive energy. Still, it doesn’t matter, and you quickly find yourself more interested in taking down the more challenging prey that is wights, ghasts, and ghouls, than the simple minded boars, snakes, and other animals that server as naught but food. Soon you begin to get a reputation, the nickname Wight Slayer becoming a popular epithet.
You gain 2000 XP, and 576 GP, 450 SP, 1457 CP, and 462 GP in gems

Your presence is generally welcome among the scholars, though it takes a little time to get used to a wyrmling sitting in on the meetings. While initially the meetings between Yuan-ti and Tabaxi focus on differing understandings of arcane theory, you rather quickly become the topic of interest. While psionic individuals exist in both cultures, the Yuan-ti tend to be more knowledgeable in the area. While everyone present is relatively knowledgeable of dragons and their kind, you’re rather surprised that nobody really seems sure what variety of dragon you fall under. Your scales have the wrong sheen to be a white dragon, and while you are similarly shaped to a brass dragons like Fenrir, again, coloration is completely wrong. Eventually, one of the Tabaxi, somewhat absentmindedly, mentions “It is as though she has been left out to bleach in the sun.” Amid mild chuckles, one of the Yuan-ti mages seems struck by inspiration. With your permission, the mage casts a spell that you speculate as being some form of identifying spell. “Hm… interesting.” The man leaves the room quickly, and returns with several maps. “Bleached, yes? But, what if not by sunlight or chemical means, but…” he mumbles as he flips through maps of nations and continents, before finding one that reads ‘Blue Mountains.’ “What if it was psionic energy that bleached her, instead?” At that, some of the Tabaxi speak up. “That’s possible. Our own research with one of these dragons suggests that her own origin is not exactly normal, either. Much of her biology suggest that she is a red dragon, and yet not more than a glance would tell you otherwise. As far as we can tell,” the Tabaxi says, speaking to everyone but looking to you, “You and your friend are, if not new, previously unknown forms of dragon, shaped by the environment that your eggs were stored in.”

Compared to the above, the rest of the discussions you listen to are almost mundane - exchange of more technical knowledge seems reserved on both sides at first, but funny enough, both sides seem to bond a little as the discovery of your unusual nature, and soon discussions become more in-depth and friendly between the groups. You feel like this could be the start of something really good.
In addition to the above information, relations between the Tabaxi and Yuan-ti have improved. It will be more difficult for them to sour over time.

You may age yourselves up, now.

You spend much of your time flying over the island, seeking out a potential lair location - somewhere away from settled lands, but close enough that you might still demand tributes from the locals. After around a year, you at least have a good idea of the lands as a whole, and where the Tabaxi live and leave alone. The whole Northeastern portion of the island is sparsely populated, even by the already sparse standards of the Tabaxi. One area that really jumps out at you as perfect is a low, flat volcano on the south eastern end of the island. The area is forbidding enough to suggest that you are a powerful being not to be trifled with, yet not so imposing that your lessers would complain to much about the trip necessary to pay their respects to the true lord of this island.

In the coming weeks, you survey the land around it - good animal population, beautiful scenery, few holes for pesky locals to stumble in (but just enough to have designated points of entry, or easy escape routes). Finally, you decide to dive into the slightly smoking caldera. Below you, lava sits, pooled around a large, dry stone of red hot, floating pumice.

As you slow down and land on the stone, you feel a sudden surge of arcane energy course through your limbs as the wind is thoroughly knocked out of you. As you sit there dazed, you look around and as your eyes adjust to the smokey air. What initially seemed like an empty volcano was in actuality... not so empty. Above the lava, you see what almost appear to be shelves, with gold, silver, copper, and platinum coins sitting in large piles. On another, you see gems, some as big as your body. The more you look around, the more you see old suits of armor, some what you assume are magical pieces of gear, given the fact that many of the items are made of wood or leather and yet appear unharmed by the heat.

As the weakness leaves your body, you look back toward the center of the floating pumice stone and see... a Tabaxi? You blink several times and sure enough, in the caldera of this volcano, on a pumice stone that is glowing red with the heat of the lava it floats on, is a plainly clothed, calico Tabaxi, looking somewhat quizzically right back at you.

2019-03-11, 07:47 PM
You spend much of your time flying over the island, seeking out a potential lair location - somewhere away from settled lands, but close enough that you might still demand tributes from the locals. After around a year, you at least have a good idea of the lands as a whole, and where the Tabaxi live and leave alone. The whole Northeastern portion of the island is sparsely populated, even by the already sparse standards of the Tabaxi. One area that really jumps out at you as perfect is a low, flat volcano on the south eastern end of the island. The area is forbidding enough to suggest that you are a powerful being not to be trifled with, yet not so imposing that your lessers would complain to much about the trip necessary to pay their respects to the true lord of this island.

In the coming weeks, you survey the land around it - good animal population, beautiful scenery, few holes for pesky locals to stumble in (but just enough to have designated points of entry, or easy escape routes). Finally, you decide to dive into the slightly smoking caldera. Below you, lava sits, pooled around a large, dry stone of red hot, floating pumice.

As you slow down and land on the stone, you feel a sudden surge of arcane energy course through your limbs as the wind is thoroughly knocked out of you. As you sit there dazed, you look around and as your eyes adjust to the smokey air. What initially seemed like an empty volcano was in actuality... not so empty. Above the lava, you see what almost appear to be shelves, with gold, silver, copper, and platinum coins sitting in large piles. On another, you see gems, some as big as your body. The more you look around, the more you see old suits of armor, some what you assume are magical pieces of gear, given the fact that many of the items are made of wood or leather and yet appear unharmed by the heat.

As the weakness leaves your body, you look back toward the center of the floating pumice stone and see... a Tabaxi? You blink several times and sure enough, in the caldera of this volcano, on a pumice stone that is glowing red with the heat of the lava it floats on, is a plainly clothed, calico Tabaxi, looking somewhat quizzically right back at you.

Greetings, I am Charazael, you look out of place, yet I have a sense you are right at home.

2019-03-11, 08:21 PM
The Tabaxi looks at you with amusement, and though her accent reminds you heavily of the Tabaxi, even more than Mae when she spoke, in Draconic she replies, ”Yes, and why should I not? This island is home to the Tabaxi, after all...

“Charazael, you call yourself? Tell me, little Char-y,” she says, squatting down so that her head is at your level. Her eyes narrow, but her mischievous smile remains wide. “What brings you into my land?” You notice that though she seems to wear nothing more than plain cloths, around her neck sits a thin, metal chain, that goes down into her shirt. Where the necklace ends, you see the outline of a thin dagger gently pressing against the cloth.

2019-03-11, 09:51 PM

Charazael twitches slightly at the mispronunciation of her name, but something about this one sets her scales on edge.

"I am but a hatchling, learning her boundaries. Your land, is quite beautiful, ideal even, and the decor is FABULOUS. And your taste in jewelry is intriguing, why hide such a gem? I had no idea I would encounter a Tabaxi here, they seem to prefer the wet and the mud to stone and heat."

2019-03-11, 10:48 PM
"Why? Because collecting is fun, but there are thieves in this world. Besides, your kind more than anyone should know the value in protecting treasure," she says, boopping your nose on the word 'your.'

"The Tabaxi are a varied people. If you think that the wet and mud is to be preferred, you must have met those in Kawazawa. Or maybe Yamazawa, though they prefer the highlands to the lowlands, so... yes, Kawazawa it must be. But no, it is simply that clan who has made their home there. Tabaxi have made homes in the mountains, planes, and forests of this island, just as well as the swamps... Hm...

"So, little Char-y, I'm glad you like my home. However... That wouldn't be a hint of envy I hear in your voice, would it?" While her words are friendly, her eyes still have not left yours, and seem to aggressively follow your gaze as you continue to look around the room.

2019-03-12, 10:52 PM

Envy is not the word I would use, admiration is more appropriate.

Her gaze flickers to the pendant.

2019-03-12, 11:21 PM
”Good,” she says, eyes following your own. Her smile shifts to the side slightly, more cocky than amused, “because I would hate to have to tattle on you for trying to take my stuff.~”

She looks at you, as if trying to piece something together. Her hunters seem to trace lines in the air, not like the spells that you have occasionally seen cast, it more like she’s visually organizing thoughts. “Tell the others that you all can settle yourselves wherever you want on the island that isn’t my volcano. While all of it is mine, consider yourselves... tenants. Little ones after all need some help getting started in the world, whether Tabaxi or dragon. Keep me amused with your antics like you have been, little Char-y, and I won’t even charge you coin! You can build your hoards up in safety, I can have some entertainment in this somewhat stagnant, backwater island.” She offers a paw out to you. ”Oh, and if you ever enter my home again without permission, I will flay you alive. So, seem like a fair deal?~”

2019-03-12, 11:29 PM

Charazael smiles cautiously, and takes the paw in her hand.

A most generous offer. And what may I call you, friend?

2019-03-13, 12:14 AM
She grips your claw firmly. ”I suppose that’s fair, little Chara-y. The Tabaxi call me Yama no Itazuramono. The Yuan-ti call me Tepe-iztlacatini. But, I suppose in Draconic, those would both roughly translate to ‘Trickster of the Mountain.’” Before you can speak further, you are surrounded in a bright flash of light, and filled with a feeling that your entire form has been forcibly shoved through a tiny, confined space. For a moment, you see a dark sky with uncountably many stars in the distance, before a feeling like being gripped tightly yanks you down, and you find yourself back at the cave entrance to Huizlhuicaapetl, smelling slightly of sulphur still, but otherwise unharmed.

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-13, 01:01 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

When Charazael returned with news of the Trickster of the Mountain, Fenrir's curiosity hits an all time high! He runs to find Suii and tells her of his plan to speak with the Trickster. He asks if she will accompany him to one of the entrances to the Trickster's Mountain. It would be a bit of a journey, so Suii fills a backpack for herself.

As they head out of Kawazawa the sense of adventure fills Fenrir, while Suii feels more apprehension. "Fraidy cat!" Fenrir jokes. "Just think! We'll get to meet the Trickster of the Mountain! Think of all the things she will know. All the guidance she could give us in our current situation. Wow!"

As they make their way through the jungle and to the base of Kyama Mountain, Fenrir wonders what he will say to the Trickster when he meets her. All too soon, they come upon one of the entrances to the mountain. Fenrir is unsure of what to do, but remembers his sister saying something about "entering without permission" and "being flayed alive". So he opts for the "not flayed" route.

He speaks loudly into the cave entrance as if it were a large mouthpiece meant for communication. "Excuse me. Yama no Itazuramono? Trickster of the Mountain? My sister, Charazael, spoke with you recently. My name is Fenrir. I was wondering if I might speak with you, as well. Of all my siblings I am likely the most curious. And as you have been alive for a long time, I felt that speaking with you would be a great privilege and honor. To hear what you have to say about our current situation and to learn from she who brokered the first peace between the yuan-ti and tabaxi."

Fenrir waits with baited breath for an answer not knowing whether the Trickster could hear him or not.

2019-03-13, 01:19 PM
There is silence as your words echo around the mountain. Suii looks around, and notices some writing in Tabaxi near one of the cave entrances. Place hand on rune, speak. No more than 25 words.

Suii carefully examines the rune, curious. ”Fenrir, it’s... weird. I’ve never seen Draconic written this way. The words are right, but the form is... rather poetic, almost. We don’t write down our spells this way. It’s... it has a few characters that suggest sending messages far off, but there’s so many more characters that I don’t recognize being used that way... If I am reading this correctly... it basically lets us message someone, presumably Yama no Itazuramono. It’s sort of like if someone made a magical trap, but set it to send a message, rather than, you know, explode or kill someone.” As she talks her way through examination, she seems to get more confident in her assessment.

“Well, want to give it a try?”

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-13, 01:52 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir slaps his claw into his face and rolls his eyes at his stupidity. "Good thing I have you around, or else we would've been sitting here for a loooong time. Twenty-five words, huh? Let's see." He thinks for a moment then places his claw on the rune.

"Trickster of the Mountain. Fenrir, Brother to Charazael, wishes to learn from she who brokered the First Peace. May I be permitted to approach?" He counts on his other claw noting each word. "Please."

2019-03-13, 02:38 PM
Suii simply smiles, somewhat proud of her curiosity.

As your claw touches the runes, the central character begins to glow a pale yellow color, like tarnished gold. There is a pause after you speak, and for a moment you wonder if maybe Suii was wrong. Then, a voice, gentle and deep, speaks to you in your mind. "Hello, Fenrir. I will arrive in the meeting room shortly. If you have friends, they may come, too." The voice then goes silent. It's a different feeling to when Mother and Father spoke to you in your shell - more distant, like someone calling to you from across a field. It lacks that closeness.

As you step into the cave, you find the lava tube that has been made into an entrance is well lit, small torches burning with, to your slight surprise after seeing the messaging sigil at the entrance, simple flames. The tube twists and turns, taking you around five minutes of walking with Suii until you reach a section where the tube widens into a room that has been carved out into a roughly triangular shape, around 100 feet from entrance to back wall. Along the walls on either side of the entrance are many, many cushions, rather than the chairs that you would expect. On the opposite end, meanwhile, is a rather oversized long chair, itself almost drowning in brightly colored cushions. In the center of the room sits a large, low table and what appears to be a game set with two, very wide differently sized boards, one sitting a few feet up from the other, and what must be around 100 pieces, half made of what appears to be ivory or a similar bony material, the other half made of metal, with no two of the same material looking the same, each capped with a figure. As you look more at it, one board appears to be split into several different sections while the lower board looks like a world with two continents, one larger-

"Well. I should have expected that if one of you came, the rest would," says a voice similar but not quite the same as the one that spoke to you at the entrance. The accent is thickly Tabaxi, compared to the accentless voice that spoke in your head. Over at the other end, stepping through the opposite threshold, was a Tabaxi with very dark, thick fur, though not quite black in color like the Tabaxi of Kawazawa, clothing as plain and Charazael described. The feline humanoid hops over the back of the other chair and takes a seat, lying on their belly and staring at you with curiosity. "So, Fen-chan, what brings you to me as a guest? What knowledge do you seek? Who is your cute little friend?" As her presence is acknowledged, Suii's fur stands up slightly, and she ever so slightly pushes her way back into the cushions on your side of the table.

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-13, 04:09 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Suii's reaction is not lost on Fenrir, and he files it away for later reference. "Thank you for welcoming us into your home, Trickster of the Mountain." He bows deeply and continues. "My friend here is called Suii. She and I have bonded over the natural aspects of the island, and she has taught me what she knows of magic and its origins in the natural world."

Fenrir pauses thinking about how to best proceed. Fenrir had the feeling this tabaxi was more than what she seemed. Beating around the bush would only waste time, but he didn't want to offend the Trickster. "Honestly, the knowledge I seek would be infinite. Mother and Father endowed me with a great capacity for understanding, and that ability spawned a near infinite hunger for knowledge." As the words start to flow, Fenrir finds this stream quickly grow into a river. He halts the next words from issuing forth and takes a calming breath. "From everything that I have learned about you, the Trickster of the Mountain, I know that you are very powerful, and very old. You were here when the yuan-ti first came from across the sea. When we first met the yuan-ti, they intimated that we might be children of the Trickster, which intrigued me. Now I see that you look like a tabaxi. I guess...I wou...are you dragon? Are we your children?"

Fenrir coc ks his head in a questioning manner. There were so many other things he wanted to ask, but this was most important. He just hoped the Trickster was not put off by his abruptness.

2019-03-13, 05:33 PM
The Trickster smiles at Suii. ”Welcome, little one,” she says warmly in Tabaxi. “Worry not dear, I am hospitable to my guests. You have nothing to fear. Like the other more powerful spirits of the island, I am nothing if not beholden to my word. It’s good that you two have bonded. Even if not as familiar and mage, it is good that your kinds live together more than they have in the past. So few dragons are willing to live so closely with the ensouled races.”

As you ask your question, the Trickster chuckles. “They would, wouldn’t they? No, I am not. But, you’re right to suspect things. I am a... a local spirit, you could say. Not a fey, but similar. I broker peace and feed strife as it suits me. When I desire it, I even live life among the locals for a time. I have taken the shape of a dragon before, when speaking to the Yuan-ti. I thought it would give my words a little more weight.

“As for knowledge, I could teach you some, but you’re still too young to learn magic, if that is your intention. While you might be able to understand the theory - a human not much older than you can understand that - to truly get an intuitive feeling for magic, you will need a little more time and experience.”

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-13, 06:28 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir nods. "I understand magic is a dragon's nature. And I feel drawn to the magic of this world. I also understand that I am but a child in the grand scheme of dragonkind. What interests me more is people. Understanding them. How they work. Live. Are. What makes each especially unique. You seem to also have an interest in the people of this island, as well. Your words and your environment," He indicates the two "game" boards on the table. "evidence an interest of some kind in the peoples on this island. The agreement we have forged between the yuan-ti and tabaxi may not last. The yuan-ti will continue to grow. And sooner or later they will ask for more land. Can you teach me how to play this game? This round was fairly simple. The novelty of my siblings and me appearing when we did probably helped push the agreement through. But next time will not be so easy. If war does break out in the future...I want to learn how you do it."

Fenrir studies the game boards intently. Two land masses. "I also want to know more of the land beyond. What is out there? Where did the yuan-ti come from? How did the tabaxi get here in the first place? What of the other island spirits? Are they tied to specific regions? Are they your siblings?"

Fenrir takes a breath and tilts his head. "And I'm curious. If not a dragon or tabaxi, what do you really look like?"

2019-03-13, 07:22 PM
”Dararyte,” the Trickster says as you reference the game on the table. “A game about directing forces in the world. It’s not my specialty, but the emphasis on directing numerous unrelated and competing sources toward a single end makes it interesting to me.

“They’ll never last, regardless of the agreement. The Yuan-ti are more aggressive than they give themselves credit for, and the Tabaxi, no offense to present company, are xenophobic to the point that they can’t even unite with their own kind in spite of not even having been placed on this plane all that long ago by Sonna. Any deal between these two groups needs an adult to moderate it frequently. But I’m old. Maybe you young ones can come at this with fresh eyes.

“How I do what? Stay uninvolved? Take the lid off of the boiling kettle?”

She watches you studying the game board. “Valdrieth is more massive than this little island. Take your time learning things. Know your house before you know your town, before you know the forests beyond.

“There are many throughout the forest, and some stronger ones in the lands that the Tabaxi have yet to claim. But so far, none have challenged me for supremacy. The weaker ones are what the Tabaxi Hunters fight to keep out of their towns. But no, we don’t have proper kin.

“Oh, Fen-chan...” the Tabaxi says hautily. Without a word, her form changes to that of a creature heavily resembling Itzcoatl. “Would you really expect someone named Trickster to reveal their true form?”

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-13, 08:09 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Suii nods in resigned acceptance of the xenophobic descriptor. "You're not wrong. Even though, we have more in common than not, we can't seem to grow together as a united people. Unfortunate."

Fenrir shrugs his shoulders. "It was worth a shot, I guess. I'd love to learn this Dararyte game if you care to teach me. It may help me develop the mind to manage the tabaxi and yuan-ti as time moves forward. "

"Yes. I have been trying to get to know the house and town. Charazael gave us a better idea of the layout of the island, and I'll continue gaining knowledge about this place. Valdrieth. I know my siblings will wish to find a place to call our own someday. These lands unclaimed by the tabaxi. Are they what the locals call the Untamed Lands? Are the spirits there hostile to outsiders?"

"And please let me know if I'm being too intrusive. I don't want to overstay my welcome or tread on your hospitality. You are just so interesting!"

2019-03-13, 08:28 PM
"I would not be opposed to teaching you a bit," the now-Yuan-ti Abomination says. "Yes, the Untamed Lands. There are a few spirits there. One in the mountains, and one in the water. The lake there has a connection to the Plane of Water, from what I understand, so I decided that I would rather have nothing to do with whatever being has made its home there. Fire is more my preference, as you may have guessed.

"Thank you for your politeness, it is appreciated, as is your inquisitiveness. I am, however, busy as well. Maybe stop by in a few months? We can play a game of Dararyte."

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-13, 08:40 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir and Suii both jump in surprise as the Trickster changes forms. "Wow! That's amazing! Maybe one day you could teach me how to do that, as well!"

He settles in to listen to the Trickster as she explains the basics of Dararyte. Afterward Fenrir and Suii bow and take their leave. "Thank you for your time and instruction. I will return in several months to challenge you to a game and learn anything more you think I might be ready to understand. Thank you, again, Trickster of the Mountain."

The tabaxi and the dragon head out of the lava tube feeling exhilarated and excited. "We should find our own game boards, so we can play a few games before we return. We wouldn't want to put up a poor showing for the Trickster."

"Indeed! We need to know all the ins and outs of this game when we return!"

2019-03-14, 02:15 PM
Your short questions and answers with Mother while slow to get used to at first, quickly become a morning habit for you. You learn that the primary Tabaxi god is Sonna, the goddess of sunlight, motherhood, and healing. Pelor is also worshipped less commonly here as well, as a god of purification and destruction of undead. Of the lords of Hell, only Mammon, god of passion, has any notably sized following, and still far smaller than that of the other two. Sonna is one of the younger gods, alongside her brother Lunis, the only ones younger being some of the abyssal demon lords. While Tiamat hales from the second generation of gods, Sonna hales from the fourth. This is why her people live almost exclusively on an island out at sea.

The Yuan-ti, meanwhile, for all their religious fanaticism, are actually more varied. While Merrshaulk is the primary patron of just about every Yuan-ti, many will pay homage to the demon lords Lolth of the Drow and Irithnel, god of violence, the heavenly god Kord, god of industriousness, and the hellish god of The Hag Queen, god of feasting. In general, those who have a tangential connection to Merrshaulk’s teachings, as well as those that have worshippers who were simply nearby to the Yuan-ti, enjoy some level of patronage.

Tiamat also mentions that Merrshaulk is indeed very recently ascended. The story that the Yuan-ti tell is basically true, right down to the self-sacrifice of Itzl. While she is… evasive about the details, Tiamat mentions that Itzl’s sacrifice was how Merrshaulk gained his divinity in the first place. She expresses some distaste as well for the penchant that the demon lords have for sacrifices, a proclivity not shared by the heavenly or hellish gods, save for The Hag Queen.
The four of you spend your first few years enjoying relative peace, save for occasional forays into the forest. Though Durnehviir’s hunting, especially of undead, has earned him far more wealth than most of you, you all begin to feel the call of wealth and treasure, especially as you begin to take to a longer rest at around four years of age. As the time comes, Mother and Father begin to speak to you for the first time in what has for everyone except for Charazael been years.


Though you may have fallen asleep in different areas, you all awaken from your slumber lying in a single, large room, Durnehiiver recognizing the not so mall collection of coins that has served as the beginning of what will no doubt become a vast hoard. Most of the group is snuggled up to Durnehiiver, who is now much larger than you remember, your hatchmate now probably equal in size to Itzcoatl. As you begin to rouse yourselves and move about, one of the Least Blessed steps in. Seeing you all waking up and looking around, he motions for you to follow him.

The city hasn’t changed too much in the year that you rested, save that the chancery that Itzcoatl mentioned before has been fully completed, a modest building opposite the church that you spoke to your host in shortly after hatching. It appears that the Children of Merrshaulk are cleaning up from some celebration earlier in the city center around the temple. The air, while it never gets properly cold, does have that cooler than normal touch that suggests they may have been celebrating the close of a harvest. Around a year before you took to rest, the Tabaxi and Children of Merrshaulk finally met and came to an agreement on the lands that the latter would be permitted to inhabit as part of their deal. For all the mess and risk of war that was spoken of, the dealings were relatively painless: a representative from each Tabaxi city came, and over the course of a week, specific lines were drawn on the map to mark boundaries. Leading into your sleep, surveyors were being sent out to map the newly acquired land and find what was suitable for farming and what would serve other purposes better.

The Least Blessed leads you into the temple, where Itzcoatl and several other Most Blessed are eating and discussing matters. At your arrival, the high priest smiles and waves you in. "Ah, as if we were not just speaking about you! Come, come! You missed the harvest close celebration!" A lower, wider table than the one that the other Moderately and Most Blessed sit at seems to have been added since you last were in this building, and food is brought out for you there. ”You must be starving! When I heard that you had all had not woken from sleep, I became worried! Thankfully, our new friends," he says gesturing with a glass, and you notice that at the table with him is a Tabaxi, dark furred like those from Kawazawa, "reported the same of Wiandie, and their mages believe it is simply a resting process as you grow. Like shedding an old skin. We decided it best to put you all together somewhere, and so moved you into Durnehiiver’s quarters. Though that may not be so good an idea next time, with how much he has grown.

"Oh, and you’ve missed so much! Most of our surveying of land is done, and while the Tabaxi have not exactly been…" he looks at the only furred creature in the room with an awkward smile, "most generous with the specific land they chose to cede to us, there is plenty of workable farm land, and plenty of wild game. The only thing that could have been better would be ocean access- oh, but I’m sure I am boring you." He pauses and looks at one of the others next to him, as though maybe one of them had silently shushed him, but then looks back at you, as if to give you a moment to actually speak.

2019-03-14, 04:40 PM
Yrmys stretches her still-small-but-not-quite-as-small-as-before form, yawns with a sound somewhat amusing to hear from a dragon, and shakes herself fully awake. Recalling her activities prior to this very long nap, she wonders how long she was on that Tabaxi scholar's lap before they worked up the nerve to move her. The feline had been examining her, and wasn't there a Yuan-ti with a light measurement array interested in testing the reflective and refractive properties of her scales? She wonders if any interesting results came from that.

She starts to speak, but her words stumble over her tongue at first, as they sometimes do after a very long sleep. She recomposes herself, then speaks clearly.

"How long hath we been in repose? I feel I have increased a few inches."

Turning to the side and way up to face Durnheviir, she comments, "And Eldest hath gained far more than inches."

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-14, 08:18 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir stretches and blinks his eyes open. Then his eyes grow wide as he takes in his elder brother. "Eldest, I think you may have grow a bit. You're going to need a bigger room."

As they are summoned by the Lesser yuan-ti, Fenrir notices his scales. Sure they were dull brown before, but now they were...chipped and unkempt. His sisters' scales were also dull. But not Durnheviir's. Hmmm...I feel like this might have something to do with Eldest Brother's accumulation of wealth. It is a notable difference in our situations. And I remember the desire I felt when in the Trickster's lair. Perhaps I should seek my own collection. Though Eldest has little imagination, his instincts are usually correct.


"Oh, don't worry, Itzcoatl. You're not boring me. The Trickster always instructs me to know all that is going on in the world, so that I can better guide the people in it. Tepe-iztlacatini also told me about the Untamed Lands to the northeast. I think my siblings and I might want to explore that part of the island as it seems to be sparsely populated. Who knows. We might be able to find my brother somewhere big enough he could call home. I think I, at least, will be taking a journey to Hanmin in the near future then into the Untamed Lands to see what I might find."

He turns to the dark tabaxi and in perfect tabaxi says, "I'm Fenrir. What is your name and from which tabaxi city do you come?"

2019-03-16, 10:26 PM
"I am Jian. I'm one of the Tabaxi representatives. I keep my people updated on what they need to know about our neighbors, and communicate what the Tabaxi want communicated with them. It also helps get the... Blessed of Merrshaulk," she says, pausing for a second on the race's preferred moniker, "become more used to seeing our people around. While there is not any real integration of our people and theirs into society, it's a first step that we all are comfortable with."

Itzcoatl nods in approval of the description. "Actually, interesting that you mention the Untamed Lands. We were wondering if you would be willing to help us with the more local lands that we have yet to tame. Our surveying has found that while the land may be adequate, it does have a bit of a problem with... well, there was a reason the Hunters existed. While overrun is an excessive word, there are more undead than we would like to have in our future farmlands and hunting grounds. We aren't sure if this is a simple trait of the island, or if there is a more controllable cause. While we were originally going to send Metztli and his companions to investigate, we were wondering if you would be interested in going instead."

2019-03-17, 08:12 PM

Charazael uses one of her new found tricks, Prestidigitation, to give her scales a proper grooming, still, despite her best efforts, the gleam is not so bright as Eldest's

The hoard, the hoard must be founded...she thinks to herself.

"Taming the Untamed Lands holds great benefit to the Tabaxi, and the Children of Mershaulk, what would the benefit be to the Brood? Especially since it will be we who bear the risk"?

2019-03-19, 10:03 AM
Indeed, the magic does nothing to the scales. While you can try to remove the tarnish, the effect seems tied to your own biology, and is not merely cosmetic, and quickly reasserts itself.

"No, not the Untamed Lands," Itzcoatl replies, clarifying. "The land within our territory that was ceded to us. Though... Hm. One gold for every lesser form of undead you slay - zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and so on. Ten for stronger ones, such as ghasts and wights, and dangerous beasts. Anything beyond those, we can negotiate further."

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-19, 11:39 AM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir ponders the suggestion or a moment and then springs on an idea. "Hmmm...Perhaps we could make it a competition. What about a bounty for most undead kills with a bonus for a certain number of kills within a category? We can work out the details later, but siblings, might you want to have a friendly competition to make this task more enjoyable?"

Fenrir looks to each of his sisters and his brother for confirmation.

2019-03-19, 03:58 PM

Did Eldest put you up to that? Obviously, we all have different capabilities, and some of us are more adept at physical combat than others. And while cleverness might bag you a couple, keep in mind we are still in our youth, there are many dangers in the world and splitting up and encountering them individually seems like an unnecessary risk in an already risky undertaking. Our strength is in our unity as a brood. We will be far stronger hunting together than as individuals.

2019-03-19, 04:51 PM
Pausing her inspection of her scales, Yrmys weighs in.

"All of us together would be... redundant. Mayhaps we could split into two teams, each with one large sibling and one small sibling. Thusly we could cover greater ground than all together, yet not take great risk of finding oneself overwhelmed. Total unity would be safer for all, however, I do not believe it to be necessary. As for competition, each team would be awarded for their success, and may work out the division between them. I'm sure none of us would want to be outdone, hmm?"

With a slight smile, she makes eye contact with Fenrir, expressing a silent challenge. If either of them found and eliminated the source, they would certainly have something to be proud of.

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-20, 07:14 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

"I see your points, sisters. How about this? Perhaps High Priest Itzcoatl might enjoy a friendly wager of sorts. You put together a group of warriors from the ranks of the Blessed of Merrshaulk, and they hunt the undead as do we. At the end of a predetermined time, let's say one week, we tally the kills for each group. In addition to the one gold per lesser undead and ten for stronger undead and dangerous beasts, the winners would garner a fifty gold bonus."

Fenrir rubs his chin horns in contemplation. "And! Yes! The tabaxi could send two judges to oversee both groups and adjudicate the winners! Perhaps Mae Kanezawa would be amenable to being a judge."

He claps his claws and rubs them together in front of a supremely excited pair of eyes. "What say you, high priest, Jian?"

2019-03-21, 10:11 AM
"Oh no, not a priest, just a representative," the Tabaxi says with a chuckle. "I don't see a reason for the Tabaxi to become officially involved in this. It seems more like a matter for you all, taking care of your new land," Jian says with a rather relaxed shrug. "Still, there is no reason that they should be barred from assisting, either. Still, I'm not sure what interest this Miss Kanazawa would have in making a day or more journey on foot in order to count undead remains. It seems like you have plenty of people here who are more than capable."

Itzcoatl nods. "That's fair. However, back on your other proposal... A general bounty would be a good idea. We would clear out far more land more quickly if anyone who was interested partook. I'll see that the populace is informed, especially those of notable martial skill. And fifty gold as a bonus...?" He seems to think for a moment before shrugging. "A rather paltry sum, but still would be well appreciated by whoever takes it." Once again, as he speaks a Least Blessed seems to take a moment to scribble something down before rushing out of the room.

2019-03-21, 10:45 AM
"Nicknames and titles aside, the undead are no joke. Tireless, relentless, single minded in purpose, this is no small task. And ware their strength, it is remarkably deceiving." Durnehviir shifts his position and seems to be ready to begin the new challenge at hand.

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-22, 02:40 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir gives his brother a nod. "Right you are, Brother. Fenrir flies over to Durnheviir and perches on his shoulder. "Let's get out there and rid this land of some undead!

He points in a very dramatic way towards what he believes to be the outside.

2019-03-23, 11:37 PM
"Excellent. I think heads will be the most reliable way to tally your kills. After all, not all undead may have both of their hands to bring as proof."

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-24, 07:35 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir leans over to whisper in Durnheviir's ear. "I met someone that knows more about the undead. Let's go see him and head out before the other groups get started."

2019-03-25, 10:35 AM
You (and possibly the others?) head out after finishing your meals. Durnehviir's larger size is not currently too much of a barrier to travel, though you begin to think down the way about how his time in cities is probably limited.

The place of work for the Moderately Blessed is easy to find, a slightly run down weapons shop. Inside, a tall humanoid form appears to be working on one of the weapons that you saw Metztli using those obsidian glass swords. While his head is serpentine like Itzcoatl's, his body is that of a strong, lean Least Blessed. You remember his name as Chicahua. As you step in, the man looks up and sets the partially finished weapon on a table. Along the walls, you can see obsidian daggers, wooden clubs, heavy bows with obsidian tipped arrows, macuahuitl, as well as what appear to be more experimental designs: a large stone attached to a heavy rope, and a club with rough stones attached at one end are some of the coherent designs. "Ah, Fenrir," the gruff but friendly voice says, "What brings you in here? Can't imagine you being too interested in any of my works."

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-27, 06:42 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

You are correct, Chicahua. I've not come for arms, but for information. We have taken on the task of ridding the surrounding land of all the undead we can find. I remember not long ago you mentioned something about ruins in the jungle that were home to many of the risen. Have you any more details that might help us find these ruins and rid them of the undead?

2019-03-28, 09:55 AM

Charazael attends the gathering of the brood, but she is distracted by thoughts of her sister, Wiandie. What have become of her? How was the Great Sleep for her? I must go and check on her, I don't trust the cat ears one bit. After this quest, I shall go and see her, she vows. Inside the weapon stall, her attention is brought to the many strange devices.

Chicahua? What manner of fang is this? she asks, pointing a claw at the stone and rope.

2019-03-28, 10:17 AM
"Oh yeah, I did mention that..." the man says, scratching his chin. "Well they're still keeping me from doing a proper survey of one promising area. There's a section, about two days' hike out, that I think would be a good place to begin a mining operation. Proud as I am of my work here," he says, gesturing to the weapons on the wall, "back in the capital and in some cities on the mainland, the iron deposits are great enough that iron weapons and armor can at least be used by the Most Blessed, and high rankings of the Moderately and Least Blessed. Here though, it's too expensive or dangerous to send any bulk deliveries, so I want to try and make us a little more independent." He goes behind his desk and brings a map. On it, you can see the new borders penciled in, and the Blessed of Merrshaulk's land sectioned off and numbered, with notes about each section to the side. "Around this strip," Chicahua says, gesturing to what amounts to a horizontal line right on the accepted border with Sanshi, "has sounded the most promising. Much of the boggier areas are described as having the right signs for iron. Unfortunately, these bogs are also the perfect places for undead to hide. If the area can be cleared, I'd be able to start harvesting and see just how deep those iron deposits go."

As Charazael asks her question, Chicahua smiles. "An experiment. Whips don't have the same impact as a proper blade, and throwing a stone is both difficult and disarms you of the stone. I've been experimenting with different rope materials to see if any hold up well under the repeated stress of combat without the need for magical enchantment."

2019-03-28, 10:38 AM
Durnehviir turns carefully, keeping track of tail and wings, so as to not disturb the merchants wares and makes his way back out of the shop. Once outside he shakes himself a little and spreads his wings slightly, stretching in the relatively fresher air of the cave. He is eager to get on with this new task.

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-29, 06:11 AM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Due to the fact that Fenrir is still perched on Durnehviir, his next comments are shouted over his shoulder. "Thanks for the info, Chicahua! We'll see what we can do about the undea-" The door closes behind them as his older brother takes a deep breath in relative space of the "outside".

"Alright. Northwest toward Sanshi. Two days out. And did you hear that there are more Children on the mainland? At some point we'll need to go see this other land. Once the others are done in there, we can head out. I'm itching to dispatch these husks!"

2019-03-30, 09:31 AM
"Oh yeah, I did mention that..." the man says, scratching his chin. "Well they're still keeping me from doing a proper survey of one promising area. There's a section, about two days' hike out, that I think would be a good place to begin a mining operation. Proud as I am of my work here," he says, gesturing to the weapons on the wall, "back in the capital and in some cities on the mainland, the iron deposits are great enough that iron weapons and armor can at least be used by the Most Blessed, and high rankings of the Moderately and Least Blessed. Here though, it's too expensive or dangerous to send any bulk deliveries, so I want to try and make us a little more independent." He goes behind his desk and brings a map. On it, you can see the new borders penciled in, and the Blessed of Merrshaulk's land sectioned off and numbered, with notes about each section to the side. "Around this strip," Chicahua says, gesturing to what amounts to a horizontal line right on the accepted border with Sanshi, "has sounded the most promising. Much of the boggier areas are described as having the right signs for iron. Unfortunately, these bogs are also the perfect places for undead to hide. If the area can be cleared, I'd be able to start harvesting and see just how deep those iron deposits go."

As Charazael asks her question, Chicahua smiles. "An experiment. Whips don't have the same impact as a proper blade, and throwing a stone is both difficult and disarms you of the stone. I've been experimenting with different rope materials to see if any hold up well under the repeated stress of combat without the need for magical enchantment."

So, you wish to go into business with us then? I think the brood might be open-minded to a partnership. As for your "whip", it has some merit, the momentum of the weighted end could be significant, much like a proper tail slap.

2019-03-30, 11:35 AM
So, you wish to go into business with us then? I think the brood might be open-minded to a partnership. As for your "whip", it has some merit, the momentum of the weighted end could be significant, much like a proper tail slap.

The Moderately Blessed looks at you curiously, smiling as the others leave. "Perhaps. I couldn't work with all of you, but if one of you were interested in apprenticing for me... Let's talk after you all get back, okay? It's not something I had initially considered."

2019-03-31, 10:42 PM
The Moderately Blessed looks at you curiously, smiling as the others leave. "Perhaps. I couldn't work with all of you, but if one of you were interested in apprenticing for me... Let's talk after you all get back, okay? It's not something I had initially considered."

We shall indeed.

2019-04-01, 10:45 AM
We shall indeed.

"Excellent. I look forward to working with you. Now, I do recommend making some level of preparations for your little quest, but other than that, stay safe, good luck." With that, he returns to working on the blade that he was fashioning before you entered.

(Are there any preparations you wish to make, or other places you wish to go?)

2019-04-02, 01:29 PM
Eager at the prospect of being paid, you all head out of the city and begin to fly north, ignoring any dangers of the vast forest below you as you head to what may or may not be the source of at least part of the undead population in the jungle.

At around the two hour mark, you notice a small section where the overgrowth is thinner. Circling around it a few times, you can pick out what look to be large stones, hewn by tools but clearly worn by time, through thin patches of the forest. In the center of the mess of stones sits a single building built into a slight hill. Around the thinned section of jungle is a small barrier, fencing, though it is in a state of horrible disrepair, and the jungle has begun to encroach on the stone dotted landscape. Charazael recognizes that pretty much all of the stones are Tabaxi grave markers, the larger ones having simple carvings of faces or a basic, sun shaped symbol. While it is later in the day, mist seems to cling to the ground unnaturally, and Fenrir gets a small chill up his spine as the group dips closer to the land. While you can hear the sounds of jungle in the distance, near here, the only sound is that of a gentle wind in the trees, and even that seems dampened compared to your travels here.

As you dip to around 100ft (any lower and you would be hitting trees without hovering), Fenrir tries to peer through the canopy and notices a couple of fleshy colored mounds walking around, seemingly in aimless circles - probably zombies? They don't seem to walk with any purposes like you would expect of intelligent undead.

Orsik Vondal
2019-04-03, 06:54 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir speaks close to Durnehviir's ear. "Red Leader, this is Brass Leader. I think I see something down below the canopy. Might be undead. I'm going to see if I can get a better look."

He unfurls his wings to catch the wind and slowly lifts off. He soars down to where he saw the fleshy mounds and alights on the top canopy. He makes his way carefully through the dense foliage and peers down to the jungle floor.


2019-04-03, 08:13 PM
Fen is easily able to climb through the trees, and after about twenty feet of branches and brush, is able to get a better view of the area. In one direction, a forest trail leads from out of the gloom into a disorganized mess of tombstones and grave stele, winding through the rocky garden. Several zombies, probably Tabaxi, are wandering aimlessly, though you remain quiet and out of sight. You see only three, but by the smell here alone, there are probably more, hiding in the jungle and remaining buried in graves until fresh prey wanders in.

Looked at from above, the single building looks almost like the upper half of a skull - two wide, rusty doors sit side by side in the marble building, overrun by vines. Despite the building's age, and the jungle's encroachment, the path between the graves appears to be still well traveled.

Orsik Vondal
2019-04-03, 08:31 PM
Fenrir - The Very Young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

Fenrir forces down the instinct to draw closer and speak to the wandering zombies. They probably wouldn't be good conversationalists. He instead retreats to the open sky and rejoins his siblings.

"There's some kind of skull-looking structure down there that is surrounded by zombies--unearthed and earthed. I'm not sure of their jumping abilities, but I assume Yrmys and I would be better off in the air using our dragon-breath to attack them from on high, while Durn and Char herd them into a nice clump and rip them to shreds with teeth and claw. There may be something under this land that is awakening the dead. After we dispatch the undead, we should take a look in that building. Sound like a plan?"

2019-04-03, 08:34 PM
Yrmys glides into the top of a tree, catching herself on its branches and clinging to it. The foliage obstructs her view, but also obscures her presence. Fen would survey the situation and judge their odds, and advise Eldest accordingly. Although she cannot see the forest floor from her position, she pays close attention to her more sensitive senses, tracking her nest-sibling as he descends.

Fen indeed reports back and gives his suggestion.

"Can you size them up, brother? What danger would you estimate?"

Orsik Vondal
2019-04-05, 05:20 AM
Fenrir - The Very young, Tiny, Brass Dragon

"The ones I can see above ground do not appear to be supremely dangerous. Though there may be undead concealed in the earth that could be more so. Most appear to be tabaxi corpses. Some are yuan-ti looking. If we clear these external husks, perhaps we could stop over in Kawazawa and pick up Sui. She's been a big help in the past.