View Full Version : Roleplaying The silent ones.

2018-11-23, 09:22 PM
So i had these ideas for characters and would love some thoughts on how to build them using existing races and classes.
So my Siren character would be "near mute" (perhaps have a buddy that we could swap notes or something) because i want there to be a chance that it was too aluring to others in some ways kinda like Jessica Jones Kilgrave. Might have to get the DM onboard for an extra ability and some sort of cost. I see her as a seaman who has become somewhat of a lucky charm on board. Interacting with others as i said above would be via an interpreter or perhaps id just have to carefully guard what exactly i said. She isnt evil just cursed.

From that i also started thinking of a succubus a character who actually sucks the life from others, again played as good/neutral with the idea that its a curse not a weapon usually.

Any thoughts?

2018-11-23, 10:51 PM
Kilgrave’s Voice isn’t alluring, it’s outright dominating.

Anyways, College of Glamour seems right up your ally, with all their features involving some form of enchantment.

2018-11-24, 07:14 AM
Ask your DM for a Boon ability, but with a drawback and that you can't decide to turn off.

Ex: whenever you speak, it functions as the Friends cantrip. With the chantrip's negative effect once it stops working.

2018-11-24, 10:37 AM
Ask your DM for a Boon ability, but with a drawback and that you can't decide to turn off.

Ex: whenever you speak, it functions as the Friends cantrip. With the chantrip's negative effect once it stops working.

This. Friends is the perfect effect for a Siren to have.

Also, in mythology Succubi are inherently evil (somewhat like the tieflings of 5e). I would say that a Succubi character would be inclined toward Chaos and Evil (they do attempt to steal the souls from those they charm after all). Your character however, could resist the urge to be evil and steal souls and resist her instinct (much like a lawful/neutral/chaotic good Half-Orc who feels an urge to commit evil acts due to Gruumsh's influence as the creator of all Orcs). Persuasion proficiency and a +2 racial bonus to Cha seems fitting.

2018-11-24, 10:55 AM
This. Friends is the perfect effect for a Siren to have


Also, in mythology Succubi are inherently evil (somewhat like the tieflings of 5e).

Tieflings aren't inherently evil in 5e, though.

I would say that a Succubi character would be inclined toward Chaos and Evil (they do attempt to steal the souls from those they charm after all).

5e succubi are neutral evil.

2018-11-24, 10:58 AM

Tieflings aren't inherently evil in 5e, though.

5e succubi are neutral evil.

My mistake. In that case, Neutral Evil would be best.

2018-11-24, 11:21 AM
Ask your DM for a Boon ability, but with a drawback and that you can't decide to turn off.

Ex: whenever you speak, it functions as the Friends cantrip. With the chantrip's negative effect once it stops working.

Yes I like it. Perhaps even upgrading to charm, suggest and command at higher levels.

As to the succubus, in not necessarily trying to create one...just an effect of one. But with this suggestion of friends I'm leaning towards the siren effect.
Perhaps backstory had her working under threat for a merchant. And her now translator was once her guard.

2018-11-24, 09:04 PM
Siren I think I can make work (convince DM) Im going to go water genasi. The AS don't fit but flavour does.

It got me thinking of other silent types that might need a translator of sorts and the other one that springs to mind is a character like Black Bolt. Where if he took a hit you roll for affect.
D6 -
1 nothing.
2. Push back
3. causes closest person to go prone.
4. everyone within x gets pushed back/knocked prone?
5. damage to all those within x
6. damage+ to all within x

I already have a tongueless air genasi courtesan assassin idea I am building. I have a thing for mute character ideas currently...weird.