View Full Version : Need a roll table for 'ordinary' stuff

2018-11-24, 07:02 AM
My group and I are running a game where portals from other dimensions open up and teleport random objects into the world. (Rick and Morty meets Gravity Falls meets Adventure Time.)

I want in the next session the players to encounter one of these portals and would like to roll for it. Now, my players and I really haven't decided from what world(s) the portals teleport stuff from so it could be from anything (Wild West, Sci-fi, 80's action movie, a world where everything and everyone is made of shrimps) though I'm personally leaning more towards modern world things. As long as the players can't exchange it for any real value or it increases the players stats.

Thanks in advance!

I'll start

1. Car
2. Radio
3. A whisky glass
4. Baseball bat
5. 20-sided die
6. A goat with a very long tongue
7. ...

2018-11-24, 10:02 AM
1.A cart full of poo.
2. A potted plant.
3. A pile of Atari E.T games.
4. A group of 6 inch tall shirp Adventures.
5. A necklace with a weird symbol.
6. A book called " The Lusty Argonian"
7. A chocobo that runs off as soon it hits the ground
8. A little goblin with a bag of loot to him.
9. A card board box of some office papers.
10. A bucket.
11. A Shovel.
12. A Potion of laxative.
13. A Out house.
14. A flash light with dying batteries so limited use.
15. A bag of bad flower.

2018-11-24, 11:16 AM
22. Pot of petunias. A whale may arrive separately.

2018-11-24, 04:30 PM
22. Pot of petunias. A whale may arrive separately.

Does the whale know if its flying or not.

2018-11-24, 04:44 PM
Hi, OP!

I was originally going to suggest a supplement like Ultimate Toolbox (https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Toolbox-OP-Dawn-Ibach/dp/1594720606) but it sounds like you want something distinctly modern. A quick look on DriveThruRPG has The Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244529/The-Book-of-Random-Tables-Science-Fiction) for 2.99 as a PDF.

However, I do not own the latter book so I can't vouch for its quality. So, let the buyer beware. I do own the former book and it served me great back when I ran 3.0E D&D and felt the imagination well run dry. Since it runs on a d20 for a fantasy setting it's still a good resource for 5E D&D.