View Full Version : Tales from the Windswept Dunes: Liam's Treasure Hunt [IC]

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2018-11-24, 02:09 PM
This story takes place on the vast sandy lands of Wyral, a landmass of dessert and stone surrounded by increasingly large hills. It's a land of independent people and communities, were knowledge and wealth rule above leadership and strength. The land is in a new age of prosperity and discovery, as ancient untapped magics were unleashed in recent decades and many old ruins and crypts have become unveiled. Anyone with a desire to find artifacts and anomalies of supernatural power is on the hunt for rewards and thrills.

This story centers on one such seeker. Liam of Kree, born on the mixed noble lines of elves from a distant land and Wyral-born and bred humans, begins his own search for lost artifacts in the town of Breezle. It was a small place, less than 2000 individuals, built in an area of higher elevation with desert hills visible all around in the distance. It was a mercantile town like most in Wyral, with all manner of workers for hire and goods to buy. One of the biggest draws of the town is its own library in the Breezle Book Collection. Tomes of all sorts are kept here to be perused by any who come, provided they don't make trouble or attempt to steal the books.

It is a quiet afternoon, the people about all off in their own corners reading or quietly searching the shelves. And among them is Liam, being followed as usual by his personal servant Alro Summers. He gives an occasional glance to the stacks around them then back around to Liam, his head tracking around constantly. A belt of vials klinks from time to time with various mixtures over his white and brown long garments. As always he stands ready to assist. "Sir, are you seeing anything in here that will be of use?" He whispers quickly to Liam, curious of his progress. He was always concerned for the one he served but also devoted to his goals of traveling and searching.

2018-11-24, 05:47 PM
"Yes, actually," Liam replied simply, then points to several points in two of his books, "here, here, and here are enough to give me what I need to locate these artifacts, and this here? It gives a location that has been primed for this sort of occurrence for years now."

He grinned, "I'll confirm with some of the locals, if you wouldn't mind gathering the men I hired, I want to head out today if at all possible."

To guess the general area these artifacts could be.
Knowledge (History): [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll3]
Knowledge (Geography): [roll4]

Followed by looking into strange occurrences in the area noticed by locals
Gather Information: [roll5]

2018-11-26, 03:56 PM
Wyral in general has an extensive though at time vague history of abandoned towns, temples, fortresses, and the like. Breezle hasn't been the only civilization to take advantage of the terrain to be built here. The most concrete information points to a former temple of Chronepsis somewhere to the north of the town.

Most stories of arcane magic and creatures are quiet old and with few details, after whatever event there was that led to magic being sealed away in this land. But with the resurgence of arcane power ancient items are uncovered and mundane locations can be imbued with power. In particular are recent records of overly large animals and insects found in the dunes to the east.

As far as religion in the general area Breezle itself has a small temple with altars to the Sandstorm Pantheon. The only other stories are of a forgotten temple to Chronepsis out of town that was supposedly partly buried by the shifting sands. Rumors you hear in town mention the leading priest in town wishing to have the temple explored, but having trouble getting anyone to work with him.

As far as this area, there is nothing concerning planar information to be had.

Using a number of books and notes and a current map of the area, you are able to put together a new map displaying a few points of interests as well as to document particular hazards. There is the aforementioned temple to the north, a few lost caves to the southeast that may be worth searching, and an what used to be an ancient center of trade out to the west. Between Breezle and the trade center is an oasis, but stories tell of anyone who is around it after dark is never seen again. There are also some tall tales of a wonderful city that seems to appear and disappear out far to the south amid the deepest parts of the sand and wind.

As Liam went to talk to average people in town, there wasn't a lot to hear. An abundance of travelers and mercenary sorts, but the strangest of things he learned from reading through books and collected tales in the library. Once he is done with that his servant can be found at the home of his family friend, outside with a group of collected people. At first glance there is a half-orc with brown dry-looking skin and wearing metal armor on his chest and with a one handed blade on his back. Standing next to him at less than half his height there is a very covered up desert goblin with a backpack almost as large as she is, talking cordially to Alro. And behind them there is a human man who also has a large backpack, wearing more typical dusty clothing of the area and looking rather bored.

2018-11-26, 05:29 PM
Liam let out a cough as his breath caught in his chest, but smiled when he approached nonetheless, "Hello, everyone," he greeted as he pulled a few pouches of coin from his pack, handing one to each of the hirelings, "this is part of your payment in advance, we will be leaving in two hours for the temple of Chronepsis, this will give you time to arrange for the silver's use or instruction for if things go wrong, though I doubt they will. This will also give me time to speak with the priest that is looking into the temple," he looks between them, each holding a pouch with a few silvers and a few dozen coppers, "be ready to depart by that time."

Once the three begin their preparations, whatever they may be, Liam turns to Alro, "I left some gold for materials in the guest room I've been using, there should be enough there for materials you may need in your work," he says, "I plan to try for the caves to the south east and the vanishing city to the south if things go well at the temple, if you find anything that might aid us, and think it is a good investment, don't hesitate to buy it, I trust your judgement."

And with that, Liam heads towards the local temple to find the priest that wants to search the temple of Chronepsis.

2018-11-26, 05:55 PM
And so the four went to do their own various preparations, the orc grumbling something about hazard pay, the bhuka seeming excited, and the human being pretty quiet overall. Alro on the other hand got the mentioned coin and went to go look for materials and supplies for traveling into the desert.

The temple itself was a decent-sized sandstone building. A teenaged asherati was outside reading from a book of scriptures aloud to anyone who passed by, including Liam as he came in. It was a somewhat cramped building though, the sort with many rooms but also lots of furnishings and decorations. There were a handful of people here in prayer or meditation and robed individuals tending to offerings and maintenance. The one who stood out the most was a taller middle-aged man in black and brown robes, who bowed his head to Liam as he came in.

"Greetings fair citizen. I don't believe I've seen you around this temple yet. Father Turk, at your service." He spoke in a sort of airy tone, nodding once again towards Liam and walking over to him.

2018-11-26, 06:22 PM
"Liam of Kree," Liam replied, offering his own subtle bow, "I heard that one of the local priests was interested in the Temple of Chronepsis, I have an expedition I will be leading there, I thought I would extend an invitation."

2018-11-26, 07:25 PM
The man shows an equal measure of curiosity and trepidation at his offer. "A-Ah. Well while I will admit that the chance to see it myself would be quite astonishing, I personally believe it shall be rather risky to go out into the open wilderness like that. I mean...I am typically more suited to my spiritual work here in town." Father Turk sounds hesitant but not completely against the notion. He frets with his holy symbol for a moment. "I was simply more willing to offer some aid to brave travelers and some payment for recovered history and artwork. But to actually go myself..."

2018-11-26, 07:50 PM
Liam laughs, though it turns into a cough as he turns away, covering his mouth, "sorry about that, but, that does help, you see, I am not in the best of health, haven't been since I was born, really," he smiles lightly, "and you see, I am going as it is, leading the expedition, in fact."

"I am a scholar, a sickly one at that, and I set this whole thing in motion because I want to see what is there, not just the artifacts that might be there, but what is there now, as it has sat for decades or, potentially, centuries," he coughs again as he starts to get worked up, calming himself for a moment even as he shakes his head, "Though, that is not the only reason, I'm hoping to find something that will help rid me of this sickness. A priest like yourself along would improve our chance of returning, and give you the chance to see what is there as it is meant to be seen, but this is simply an invitation, with or without, we will be leaving today."

Diplomacy: [roll0] using 1 Improvisation Point to increase the bonus by 1.

2018-11-27, 06:09 PM
Turk considers Liam's proposal for a moment, and the state of the young man's health. "I...am possibly willing. If you would be willing to donate any items found that pertain to religious history and that do not contribute to your own cause, then I will be willing to accompany your expedition. However I would like it sworn right now that you will be helping to contribute to this temple as long as I am along with you." Should Liam accept this arrangement, Turk holds out his hand to shake in agreement.

2018-11-28, 04:30 PM
"So long as I get the chance to look them over myself as well, I am fine with this," Liam replies with a smile as he held out a hand, "deal?"

2018-11-28, 05:03 PM
The two shook hands and Turk took on a much calmer demeanor. "Very well then! I simply need to gather a few things, and let some of the other priests know that I will be out so they can handle business in my stead. Anywhere in particular I should meet you for this expedition to begin?"

2018-11-28, 05:43 PM
Liam gives the priest directions to the meeting spot and the time they would be leaving before heading out to allow the man to go about his business. He started to walk around, just... exploring. He hadn't gotten much chance to actually see the town up to this point after all, maybe he'd find something interesting.

2018-11-28, 06:59 PM
The town itself was mostly built of asymmetrical sandstone buildings, although on some of the wider streets there were tents that either held merchants hawking wares or homeless taking shelter however they can, more the former than the latter. A decent number of specific craftsmen lived in this town, so Liam could have access to a lot of knick knacks or other various items.

Around one of these busy streets there was someone shouting over the calls of the merchants. It was an orcish woman in light desert clothing, who continued to call the name "Jurey" while hurrying around people and looking down each intersection and building. An elven couple are stopped and are speaking to the frantic woman currently.

2018-11-29, 07:25 PM
Liam blinked, and walked over, "excuse me," he says as he makes sure his signet is in view, something to, hopefully, smooth things over, "are you looking for someone? Should I call a guard to help?" he asks trying to calm the orcish woman, he wasn't exactly well suited to running around, a guard would be more physically capable.

2018-11-30, 11:59 AM
The tall woman wrings her hands nervously as he approaches, constantly fidgeting anxiously. "I shall go to a guardsman once I can see one, it's only just happened. Um, you haven't happened to seen a small half-orc boy, have you? Brown hair, green eyes, about this tall?" The elven couple are still there and have already answered in the negative, with one of them also offering to alert a town guard. Two of said guards are currently walking the street patrolling.

2018-11-30, 05:10 PM
Liam shakes his head in the negative, "I have not," he replies, scanning the area, "I will keep an eye open, however. If I do run across him, do you have a preference on where I should bring him? Preferably where he'd feel comfortable and you'd check on regularly."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1] using an Improvisation Point, listening for a child calling for their mother.

Search: [roll2]

2018-12-01, 12:53 AM
"A-ah okay then. The shop down on Brieken Road there, the ones with the blue banners...it's a block or so away, take him there if you see him please. Thank you, thank you." With that the woman went quickly to one of the patrolling guards to ask.

There was definitely no sound of any children around here, nor was there a child to be seen on this street.

2018-12-01, 11:35 PM
Liam nodded as he continued on his way, though he kept his eyes open, he did not go specifically looking for the child, what he did look for, was an antique shop, they always had interesting things, and if someone had already found an artifact, even a minor one, it would possibly end up there, or a map shop, having a good, up to date map was always useful, and if there weren't any, well, cartography supplies were always useful.

2018-12-02, 12:07 AM
This area of town did have a lot of shops. It was no problem to find a cartographer in a small building loaded up with maps and navigational tools. The human woman inside was happy to explain anything Liam might look at but was pretty standoffish otherwise.

After leaving the shop Liam's eyes manage to catch the sight of a child with orcish traits and brown hair. It could fit the description of the child mentioned before. He walked along closely behind a human woman in a long dress with red hair, both heading in the opposite direction of where Liam spoke to the orcish woman.

2018-12-02, 12:52 AM
Liam blinks, that... was way to convenient, he shakes his head and walks over, "excuse me," he says once he's close enough, "sorry for interrupting but," he looks down at the half-orc, "would your name happen to be Jurey?" he asks the kid.

2018-12-02, 04:55 PM
The small child stopped in place and looks to Liam. "Yes that's my name. Stranger...?" Although he seems naturally hesitant he is at least seeming friendly, smiling at Liam. The other human with him tugs on his hand. "Come along Jurey, we must be going." He looks to her and nods, then at Liam. "Sorry mister I guess we gotta go." She pulls for his attention again, ignoring Liam, while the two prepare to keep going.

2018-12-02, 05:42 PM
"Ma'am, I'm afraid his mother is looking for him, and I don't think she would like you to take her son," Liam says, taking out a flask, "not to mention that I now have your full description and know where the local guards are and this," he indicates the flask, "is a screaming flask, which is aptly named, will draw the guards in very quickly," he takes an alchemical sleep gas out from his belt pouch in his other hand, "So do please return him, before things get more interesting."

He tilts his head, "and, young Jurey, my name is Liam of Kree," he says to the boy, showing his signet, "of the Kree nobility."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Readied Action to throw Alchemical Sleep Gas

2018-12-03, 02:07 AM
"Huh? But it's okay, this person it leading me back--" Jurey begins to speak with a confused expression before the woman cuts him off.

"Now now, I don't think this needs to escalate in such a way sir." The red-haired woman speaks, having a tilted smile. She lets Jurey go and slowly walks back a few steps. "You can lead him back certainly, if you are some friend of his mother's. There's no need for any...hostility." As she says this though her hands raise up and she begins some sort of incantation...

You are free to use your item or to try something else since you are prepared. And rolling a Fort save ahead of time for that alchemical sleep gas.
Fort: [roll0]

2018-12-03, 02:24 AM
Liam smiled as he walked over to Jurey, "give me a moment, if you will, this is going to be... interesting," he says, then promptly moved and shoved the glass vial under the woman's nose and popped it open, getting the liquid to instantly turn to mist in her face.

Use 2 Improvisation Points to add +1 to the Sleep Gas's Save DC

2018-12-03, 02:55 AM
The gas along with the sudden lunge forward was enough to make the woman drowsy and off-balance, and ruined her spellcasting attempt. In this quick moment no one around has yet noticed this scene. Jurey doesn't say or do anything, but he does look pretty concerned about whatever is happening and back up a step.

So down for this round, doing her save for the secondary effects.
Fort: [roll0]

2018-12-03, 03:26 AM
Liam looks back at the child and smiles, hopefully disarmingly, even as he ties off some rope and shapesand to the woman's hands, "come on, let's go find a guard, then we can go to the shop on Brieken Road she told me to take you to if I found ya, 'kay?"

2018-12-03, 03:40 AM
Jurey hesitates a moment, looking between Liam and the currently sleeping woman. With some nervousness he does end up walking alongside Liam as they go.

There are certainly enough guards patrolling and so Liam go to a dwarf in chain that is down the road, who looks at him somewhat suspiciously. "Sir...what are you here to report? Hopefully you have some good reasoning for...this." As he motions to the sleeping bound human.

2018-12-03, 04:23 AM
"Don't worry, she's unhurt, just a little sleeping gas," Liam replies, "as for reasoning, well, she was leading this young lad away from his mother, who is currently searching for him. She asked for help from several people, myself included, before going to the guards in the area. There should be some report in that regard. She said to bring him to a shop on Brieken Road with blue banners if I found him. I'd prefer to have a guard along in case something happens and bring her," he indicates the still sleeping woman, "along to see if the boy's mother knows who she is, just in case. Oh, and she's a mage, I gassed her when she was trying to cast a spell. You can wake her up with a couple shakes or a sharp slap. Either would work. Or just wait a minute or two more for it to wear off."

2018-12-03, 04:47 AM
The dwarven warrior gave him a skeptical look, adjusting his axe at his belt. "Hrm, well alright then. Word already spread about a missin' child in this area. So let's go then and meet with this mother. Neither of you better try anything funny." The man seemed either a cautious or a suspicious sort. Jurey was quiet throughout all this except a small pipping up of, "But she is a friend of mommy's..." but nothing besides. While the group walked to the aforementioned shop the guard spoke into a small glowing bead, a very short message.

The shop in question turned out to be a small antique store, with a decent collection of paraphernalia and books and decor. At the counter there was a thin tiefling who at first went to greet them but then instantly backed off on seeing the guard and pretended to keep himself busy. After only around a minute or two the orcish woman from before hurried in along with a human guard. Upon seeing Jurey she immediately ran over and hugged him. "Oh my son, my little Jurey! I'm...I'm so..." And bursts into tears while the two embrace, the little boy seeming rather happy as well.

2018-12-03, 04:04 PM
"Ma'am," Liam started, "do you know this woman? She was leading your son somewhere away from you."

2018-12-03, 04:54 PM
"No actually, I don't recognize her at all. I have no clue how this woman is. She was trying to lead Jurey away?" The mother looked confused and at first sounded mostly puzzled, although anger was starting to creep into her tone towards the end. The two guards waited around in all of this, one watching the human woman closely and the other watching Liam. The red-haired woman remained asleep for now although she would likely be awake soon if someone else didn't wake her first.

2018-12-03, 04:59 PM
"You might want to talk to your son about strangers then, he seemed to believe she was a friend of yours," Liam said before turning to the guards, "shall I wake her to get some... answers?" he asked as he shifted the shapesand so her hands couldn't move to make the gestures necessary for spellcasting.

2018-12-03, 05:19 PM
"But...but I know strangers. This lady was way too nice to be a stranger..." Jurey commented. He seemed very torn. His mother though kept an arm around him and even moved away a step with her son.

The human guard didn't simply comply, but instead went over and shook her awake. Grumbling, the strange woman opened her eyes and glanced about the scene blearily.

Please roll a Sense Motive check please.

2018-12-03, 05:26 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

"They can pretend, just as you can pretend to be a great hero or a vicious monster when playing with friends, a stranger can pretend to be nice to get you to do what you want them to. It's why you need to be careful around people you don't know, at least until you can learn to tell when they're pretending or not," Liam says, sparing a few glances at the woman as she's woken up.

2018-12-03, 05:33 PM
With Liam looking at Jurey while talking to him so directly, there does seem to be something somewhat off. He keeps looking towards the stranger with concern, not fear. Something also about how he stares, there seems to be some sort of mental magical effect still on him. Either magic, psionic, or alchemic, something is altering how Jurey sees this person.

As for the woman herself, now that she is waking up, she pulls at the shapesand a little but stops when a sword is drawn from the human guard. Now she looks rather resigned, with a tilted half smile. Something about how she sits there, her actual posture, is weird. She also seems oddly calm. "So, is there to be questioning now?"

2018-12-03, 05:53 PM
"Well, I'm quite curious what happened to the kid to mess with how he sees you, magic, alchemy, or psionics... it's odd, even with what I've told him..." Liam says, "but that's academic, it's the guard's job to question you, so I'll leave them to it, but first," he turned to the guards, "do you have a mage or psion that can dispel this kind of effect? I'm guessing a simple magical charm. Might be a good idea to get some manacles and something to keep her from being able to speak, so she can't cast anything else."

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

Looking through his memory for anything that might be relevant.

2018-12-03, 06:18 PM
The dwarven guard grunts. "We don't have anyone with 'abilities' among the common guard. Perhaps someone higher up though. We'll have to interrogate her there anyway." Once Liam chooses to take his shapesand back though they are equipped with manacles and a cloth to gag her with. Calm is replaced with annoyance at this, and she especially glares at Liam. For a moment he sees that her eyes change, to yellow with slitted pupils, before returning to normal. "As for the magic, I recommend going to the temple to have the young'un taken care of. Failing that...with hope the magic should just wear off. We don't have anything particular for this person, but she was trying to kidnap a child, so hopefully this is a sufficient bounty." Liam is given 20 gold by the two guards and they nod to him before they take the woman away.

2018-12-03, 06:28 PM
"Hm, might want to watch out for shapeshifting, her eyes just turned yellow and slit pupiled before going back to normal," Liam says with a playfully condescending smile, "I doubt she's a professional in this sort of thing, she's making too many mistakes for that, meaning whoever is employing her, if anyone, they see her as disposable and she won't know much of actual use, but that just means she's a good starting point."

With that, Liam started to lead the woman and her son to the church, "I'm Liam, by the way, forgot to give my name earlier," he says as he does so, he'd have to go back to that antique shop before leaving, but this would do for now.

2018-12-03, 06:43 PM
The two hastened to walk behind him, both hand in hand. "It is a wonderful day thanks to you Liam. My name is Hul'arn. I teach children here in town, just very basic things. It is helpful to a lot of families around here though. So, do you think my son will be alright?" She is clearly very worried about hearing about magic, although Jurey himself smiles and seems pleasant and of sound mind right now.

2018-12-03, 07:01 PM
"At most he'll wonder why he trusted that woman once the spell wears off, the only way that kind of magic causes harm is if it is used repeatedly with higher level magics, which are quite rare," Liam replies, "my guess is the spell will only last a few more minutes before fading. At worst, it might last an hour, but you won't notice anything with her not here."

Liam makes some small talk with Hul'arn as they walk before they arrive at the church, "let's make sure he's in good health with the priests, then I think you might want to go home for the day, a little too much excitement for one day, I think," Liam says with a smile, "I hope we can speak again under better circumstances. I'll be returning here in a few days, if you'd like to meet up again."

2018-12-03, 07:10 PM
"Well I have no plans to be anywhere else. I wouldn't be against talking again another day." Hul'arn spoke with a little nod. Before they went into the church she took a small silver ring out from her pocket. "About rescuing my son...well I was going to be willing to give whoever helped a reward either way, and you did far more than I thought was needed, saving him from a potentially terrible fate...and I also feel that you will find this more useful out there than I will. So here." As she passed the ring over to Liam. There were no jewels or markings, but there was definitely a slightly tingle as it was held.

2018-12-03, 07:39 PM
Liam looks surprised, but smiles nonetheless, "a little forward, don't you think," he says jokingly, "all joking aside, thank you," Liam makes a little more small talk as Jurey is checked over before heading back to the antique shop, he only had a little time left, so it was likely this would be his last stop before meeting up with the others.

2018-12-03, 07:56 PM
Hul'arn was all too happy to laugh as well at how it seemed but didn't regret passing it on to him. She mentioned that the ring came from her mother who had it passed to her by her father who was a traveling bard for a long time. She also joked a bit about the idea of an orcish bard but apparently he did well at it. One of the priests there is willing to use a dispel magic scroll on Jurey to be sure there is nothing else afflicting him free of charge, and confirms that the young boy should be fine after that. The mother and child follow Liam for a little while longer before deciding to go their own way back home. Hul'arn mentions a restaurant in the town that her and Jurey go to frequently and where it is, called Roast and Savor Meatery Eatery (they do have non-meat foods). Jurey also thanks Liam for finding him and gives his lucky copper piece before they depart.

The antique shop is much as it was when Liam came here earlier. The tiefling earlier looks curious as Liam comes in but quickly switches to shopkeeper mode with a wide smile. "Welcome to our shop sir! Let me know if you want to look at anything in particular."

2018-12-03, 08:07 PM
Liam smiles and waves, "Just looking for anything that's come in since The Emergence," he replies, "give me a bit to look around first."

Use Magic Device: [roll0] using an Improvisation Point

2018-12-03, 09:55 PM
After taking a while to scout the room, focusing on everything around, Liam finds that the majority of this place is pretty normal. A lot of it is just mundane stuff. However there are a few things that glow with some energy. There are two faint auras in the area of things to be sold, a white and brown rug and a star-shaped charm made of sandstone with a thin string on it to be carried around. There is also a different aura, smaller but stronger, able to be seen through a wall in a room behind the counter where the tiefling is standing.

3 Psicraft checks to learn more about their auras.

2018-12-04, 06:43 AM
Liam hums quietly, looking at the amulet and rug, then asks the shopkeep about the price for the two items, taking the time to try and determine how valuable they'd be normally, just to see if he can't haggle the price a little.

Rug Appraise: [roll0]
Amulet Appraise: [roll1]

2018-12-04, 06:41 PM
The tiefling boy looked at the rug first and shrugged, wearing a casual smirk. "Oh that old thing? It's nothing much, something we've been trying to get rid of for a bit. You can have it for 5 silver." With the charm he gave a sagely nod. "Ah that's much better of a piece. Has a bit of an helpful enchantment on it, for those who are worried about getting hurt sometimes. That's 100 gold for that."

The rug would clearly be worth more for whatever enchantment is on it, more like around a few hundred to a thousand gold. As for the charm, it really was a rather basic item but one with some power, costing more like 300 or 400.

2018-12-04, 06:54 PM
Liam hummed, and handed over the silver for the rug while he thought on the amulet, "what does the amulet do, exactly?" he asks "I have the gold for it, though some of it will be in silver, but would like to know what I'm buying first."

2018-12-04, 07:38 PM
"It's a blessed charm. Anyone can focus on it to grant a short improvement for the day. It helps someone be able to see harm coming so they can avoid it better. It's not as effective as well-made magical armor I admit, but it's good for an edge when you need it. And if you have friends you can give them a chance to use it too after you've gotten your use out of it!" The tiefling was either pretty proud of the item or an energetic salesman.

The charm doesn't take a slot and can be used as a swift action by making a DC 10 Concentration check to give Defensive Procognition for 3 minutes, is usable 1/day per person.

2018-12-04, 08:01 PM
Liam hummed, then grinned, "I'll take it," he said, then handed over the gold and silver. He then took a moment to estimate his time, how quickly he could get the carpet identified and sold, and if he'd be able to afford the powerful item on the other side of the wall... then made a decision, "I'm curious, do you have anything in the back room?" he points back towards the door, "may I take a look?"

2018-12-04, 08:05 PM
The salesman laughed a bit and folded his arms. "I highly doubt we have anything for sale back there. That's the boss's office. Still, if you're insistent then I can go get him for you. He doesn't mind talking to patrons, especially ones who have recently purchased something. Shall I get him?"

2018-12-04, 08:12 PM
"Please, that would be most appreciated," Liam replies simply, a smile on his face.

2018-12-04, 08:42 PM
"Very well, can do." After giving a nod the tiefling went into the backroom. After maybe a minute he returned with a half-giant wearing a blue eyepatch and in fine cloths underneath a work apron. The red tiefling winks at Liam as he then goes to talk to another person who just walked in. The half-giant offers a hand out to Liam. "The name's Julik, and I own this home of old knick knacks and worn oddities, as well as being a refurbisher of tattered but well-loved collectibles. I was told by my worker there that you have bought something, so I thank you for your fine patronage. But you wished to speak to me about anything more. Is there anything particular that you have in mind?" The man seems quite shrewd and focused, but friendly and well-meaning.

2018-12-05, 06:21 AM
Liam nods with a smile, "I was curious if you had anything in the back room, I have a bit of a sense for these sorts of things, you see, and have a feeling something back there would be of use during my upcoming expedition," he says, indicating the room, but letting his hand aim more towards the aura he could sense. Liam had an idea for this as well, something that might prove interesting and fun, assuming he could convince the half-giant to give it a shot that is.

2018-12-05, 10:31 PM
Julik maintained his bit of a smile but his voice indicated something different. "A sense for these things, right." Detection magic wasn't illegal around these areas but could be seen as suspicious. Not that the guy had proof of this, it was just his assumption with what Liam had said. "I have one item back there, something for collectors who really mean it, and either have the good coin to pay for it or could benefit me in some other way. Does that description fit you? We can see."

The half-giant walks out to the office, and a minute later returns. In his hands is a small bronze chest which he opens up, and inside on a black cloth was a long golden finger-covering tool, a small claw meant to fit on a single digit. If Liam's scroll was still working it clearly marks this item as the one he saw. The man kept a hand near it at all times. "This is the thing. I believe it is part of a collection of them, tools and weapons meant to give psionic power to those who don't have it. The power comes at a price of pain though."

Roll a Spot check

2018-12-06, 04:15 AM
Liam looks over the item in question, humming quietly to himself, then he nods to himself, "I believe I can offer you something of interest, though I already have a promise with father Turk that he have first claim on religious artifacts. I am going on an expedition to the Temple of Chronepsis, to the north. If you or a representative would be willing to accompany my guards, father Turk, and myself, I would be happy to let them lay claim to interesting artifacts we may find in trade. If there is nothing of interest I will simply pay for the time spent and return with the coin for this at a later date, if it is still in your possession at that time," he offers, "feel free to turn it down, I'm likely to return with some things to trade or sell regardless, but I figure I'd extend the invitation."

Spot: [roll0]

2018-12-06, 07:44 PM
Julik gave a boisterous laugh as he looked Liam over. "An expedition huh? You certainly look ready for it." He was clearly a little doubting with Liam's apparent frailness. "Well I wish you all the best at it but but I'd prefer to not go along. I'm a businessman, collector, and philanthropist, not a traveler or treasure hunter. You can feel free to come back with any interesting pieces if you want to sell or trade for this, but unless you have the coin on hand then this item stays here. There are no current offers on it, so you have a fair chance of returning and bartering for it later."

After stating this he then rubs his chin in a thoughtful expression and looks past Liam. "Of course my assistant there might be willing to go along with you and he does represent my business and interests...perhaps ask him if you wish to. He'll have more energy than these old bones anyway." Again he gave a big laugh. The guy liked something about how cordial Liam was, and was willing to be more laid-back and respectful than he was at first.

2018-12-06, 08:30 PM
Liam laughs at the half-giant's skepticism, "fair enough, fair enough," he says, "I will certainly return, thank you for your time. And if your assistant wishes to come along he is more than welcome," Liam makes a little small talk before bidding Julik farewell and going to the apprentice.

"Excuse me," Liam starts, "my name is Liam, I don't believe I got yours earlier," he says, extending a hand, "I would like to make an offer, with Julik's recommendation, if you are interested."

2018-12-07, 12:35 AM
"It's Kel." The tiefling spoke and had an easy-going grin as he shook Liam's hand. "Yeah you were making some interesting choices for what to look for. A rug and a charm? I don't got a clue. Not that I need one, unless it pertains to this offer. And won't get me in trouble with Julik." He laughs about this, his tail waving about. "So let me hear it, what's on your mind?"

I realize I have been forgetting to detail some the the NPCs appearances other than race, so I'm going to try to use OOC tags to describe people so I remember better to do it. Anyway Kel is of average height, red skinned, has a thin tail with a spade tip and narrow and slitted blue eyes. He's got light brown hair that goes into a tied ponytail that turns black as it goes down. He wears a black vest over a sand-toned shirt and similar colored pants with nice and polished black shoes.

As for Julik he was a half-giant so pretty tall, built like someone who does a lot of physical work and very brown tanned skin. His hair is a dark-toned buzz cut and he's missing one of his front teeth with another one near it chipped. He wears some fancy white and brown clothing with blue highlights, something that looks quite expensive.

2018-12-07, 06:14 AM
"I offered Julik to come on an expedition to the Temple of Chronepsis to the north, while he declined he did say I should ask you, said you could act as his representative and make a few claims on artifacts we may find, assuming they aren't religious artifacts at least, those are for someone else who will be coming along," then Liam grins, "as for the rug, you never got someone to check if it was magic, did you," he says, quieting down for the latter half of the rhetorical question.

2018-12-07, 01:23 PM
Kel listens to the proposal with clear interest showing. But the question about the rug gets his attention first though. "Nah, I don't have that ability. Boss man is supposed to work with the Guild to have things checked so either he forgot, he underestimated the item in question, or the magic on it was not worth the price of being checked. Either way, guess that means you got it for a steal." And he winks at Liam.

"As for your offer...well Hells, I'd be intrigued without the idea of it helping my job. I like the sound of a bit of adventure. You sure you just want me on like that though? You don't even know my credentials." Kel brought up his point with a mostly serious expression, as serious as this laid-back individual could seem.

2018-12-07, 06:43 PM
"I would like to know what you're capable of, however, your boss seems to be a good judge of character, even from just our brief interaction, and if he trusts you to go in his stead, I don't see why I should say you can't come along," Liam replies easily, "and really, in this case, the more the merrier, having an extra set of eyes and hands for the expedition seems like a good idea to me."

2018-12-07, 07:06 PM
Kel shrugs and moves his hands around as he speaks. "He trusts me to represent him well and to not try to steal from you. But that doesn't mean he knows whether or not I can handle a trip. Which I can! I just mean that he doesn't specifically know." Stretching for a moment on his toes, he looked to Liam with a smirk again. "So, when are you planning to head out?"

2018-12-07, 08:54 PM
"I'll be going to get the rug identified by a friend and heading out not long after that," Liam replies, telling him where he'll be getting it identified.

2018-12-07, 09:08 PM
"Wow talk about last minute. Uh, well I'll try to meet you out there then. If I'm not in time, then I'm not in time. Too bad for me. I need to speak to Julik to make sure I can get away for a bit and then head home to pick up a few things. I guess I hope to see you out there." Kel was worried about possibly missing the chance so he immediately went to go speak to Julik.

2018-12-07, 09:29 PM
"Don't worry, identification takes an hour to complete," Liam calls to him before leaving himself, it was time to get that rug identified.

2018-12-07, 10:14 PM
Liam was able to find someone as he walked through town at a small building that was apparently a shared home that was now turned into a business place with a cot in the back. From there a somewhat rude human woman was willing to identify whatever he had, but at a bit of a higher price. She wasn't afraid to push things when the business was best. Although she did get a laugh out of the carpet. It was enchanted so that if two people sat on it together and were of weak will and sexually compatible the two would become infatuated with each other. If not compatible, then it could still make two people of favorable disposition towards each other or one to the other if one of them had a stronger mind.

2018-12-07, 10:21 PM
Liam laughs out loud at the items description, and makes a quick stop at the market to sell it as an 'enchanted good luck charm that improves ones love life,' with the signature of the artificer in question to make sure it's actually verified enchanted. It would be enough to get a few dozen gold at least, a few hundred if he was lucky.

2018-12-09, 04:15 PM
For the most part a lot of the merchants in town don't work in enchanted items, either due to lack of funds or suspicions over magic (despite the item being psionic in nature, not all merchants have a way to check that). However Liam eventually does find a pawnbroker that has a good stock of coin for purchases and an interest in strange items. After a bit of time haggling with the shrewd gnome he agrees to buy the carpet for 400 gold.

2018-12-09, 04:46 PM
Liam takes his new coin and gets the final preparations done for the expedition to head out, leaving an extra hundred gold for Alro to use, then heads out to the meeting point. Once there, he buys supplies from the merchants that set up for anyone leaving town; food, water, that sort of thing. A few jugs of water and parcels of foodstuffs later, the cart is stocked and ready, leaving only to wait for whoever needs to arrive still.

2018-12-09, 07:19 PM
Four people are already there waiting for Liam along with the cart while the people he bought the supplies from load it up. Alro is there talking with the human who is loaded up with a large pack and in pretty typical clothing otherwise, discussing Liam's health needs. The half-orc and the bhuka are both just waiting around and greet Liam as he approaches, the former with a stoic nod and the latter with a grinning wave. The half-orc has the sturdiest armor of the lot and as well as a shield and a small axe. The bhuke on the other hand is in clean leathers and has a crossbow.

Once Liam is seen Alro hurries over to him. "Alright sir, I have made sure to send plenty of medical supplies and a few potions along with good Tim here. I will be aiding the best I can from the house and library here. I will look into other leads on relics and make a few more things. Is anything else needed?"

A moment later the rest of the group came, walking together and chatting. Father Turk was in more travel-ready robes and shoes with his own pack prepared and a walking staff. Kel meanwhile had some red-painted leather armor in a more rugged state than the guide's as well as a short sword on one hip and a small crossbow on the other. His pack seemed somewhat lighter than the others.

Father Turk: Goldenrod
Kel: Red
Alro: Gray
Bharat: Dark Slate Gray
Cochik'ukan: Dark Orange
Tim: Light Salmon

2018-12-10, 02:01 AM
"Well, first I'd like to introduce Father Turk from the local church and Kel, who represents an antique shop I visited before arriving, they have an interest in the ruins for their own reasons, and I'm not exactly one to turn away a helping hand," Liam replies to Alro, waving the two over, introducing the two to Alro, naming him as his doctor and an alchemist, "beyond that... I made a bit of a profit earlier, there's another hundred gold at the estate to purchase materials with, if you need it."

Liam thinks a moment more, "lastly, there are a few people I'd like you to check up on, periodically. I helped in the capture of a mage who was kidnapping a child not too long ago, I would like to make sure she doesn't escape. If you could make sure the case runs smoothly, it would be much appreciated. I'd also like if you could check up on the boy and his mother, Jurey and Hul'arn," he gives Alro the information to find and check up on them, "they're good people and having that extra security would ease their worries, I think, as well as assurance that Jurey's not having continued effects from the charm used on him from someone with medical expertise."

"I think that's everything..." Liam nods, "Yes, that's everything. We will be on our way now, we'll send someone ahead on our return."

2018-12-10, 03:30 AM
Alro has little to say to Father Turk and Kel other than a polite greeting. "It is a pleasure. It is especially good to have a man of the cloth along with him to aid in the young lord's safety." He bows to them.

At the request concerning the missing child and the culprit Alro keeps his usual expression but his tone is dripping in sarcasm. "Oh of course sir. I, a simple servant, will keep a close eye on the prison manned by trained warriors and, should a criminal escape past them, I will naturally be able to stop her in their stead. Right on it. Of course this will have to wait until I can speak to an unknown woman and her child. You understand, naturally."

2018-12-10, 04:32 AM
Liam chuckles, "you know what I meant, Alro," he replies, "just a quick check to make sure their precautions against psions are enough to deal with a magic user for the prison's and a quick check up for the child to give Hul'arn some peace of mind about her son being exposed to magic, she was concerned about lingering effects, you see. Although if you'd prefer, you can leave that for after I return so I can introduce you, she's... interesting."

Once Alro was satisfied with the situation, Liam made the final push to get the expedition started.

2018-12-12, 03:19 PM
Alro has his complaints, but otherwise agrees to follow Liam's requests, and gives his farewell as he goes to work on more medical supplies and other preparations.

The trip itself will take 5 hours to get to the temple, assuming they don't get held up on the way or lost. Before they leave Cochik'ukan applies some keepcool salve to anyone who doesn't have the proper clothing for the heat. Now that they are prepared the group heads out of Breezle and into the wilderness.

Roll a d%

2018-12-12, 06:42 PM
Liam was glad to be under way, this would give him the chance to be healthy, for once in his life. To be more than he was before. He just needed to survive it, for that reason, he kept his crossbow both near and loaded.

2018-12-12, 07:09 PM
The first couple hours of their journey went by without incident. Just a group of individuals walking and chatting to pass the time. The town itself was surrounded by sandy dunes but there was a lot more flat land once they got away from it, with traces of sand covering hard stone.

After a while though there is a shifting of the ground in front of them. Two brown-furred heads poke out of the ground, small claws hands gripping the ground. There is a crackle of blue energy above their heads. There is a similar color glow around Kel's head as he grunts in pain and holds it. The moment passes, with one of the two looking like it is preparing to dig away.

Both targeted Kel with power leech, he resisted one while the other drained 1 pp from him, leaving him with 2 left.

Initiatives! (Just in case)
Bharat: [roll0]
Cochik: [roll1]
Tim: [roll2]
Turk: [roll3]
Kel: [roll4]

Brain Moles: [roll5]

2018-12-12, 08:05 PM
Liam stares for a moment, then tilts his head with a hum, "try and catch one of them if you can," he calls out before leveling his crossbow at the one that looks like it's about to run, steadies his aim, and fires.

Heavy Crossbow
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2018-12-12, 08:49 PM
Tim is the quickest to react to all this and he just moves away from the weird animals quickly and yelps in terror, out of immediate reach but not too far from the rest of the group.

Kel grimaces at Liam's request. "Catch? Not exactly what I'm trained for buddy." He decides to try to cause only mild damage and targets the other brain mole with his hand crossbow.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Cochik'ukan stands beside Liam and pulls out a tanglefoot bag. "No worries sir Liam, I'm on it!" With a flick of the wrist she tosses it at the one that Kel shot at.

Touch Attack: [roll2]
Brain Mole #1 Ref Save: [roll3]

Bharat grunts in frustration. "I typically don't aim to leave whatever I have to deal with unharmed...hrmph." So he approaches the two and has his axe at the ready.

Moves next to the two, readied action to attack if one uses a power

And then Liam's shot hits the second of the creatures and it squeaks as it crumples over, barely breathing.

2018-12-12, 09:26 PM
"I never said undamaged, just caught," Liam replies as the one he shot crumpled, "might need to treat some wounds, but that just means they won't be as dangerous to transport."

2018-12-13, 03:51 AM
The brain mole that already ate and was hurt continues to bleed out, falling to -5 hp.

The other brain mole attempts to leech from Kel again but Bharat recognizes the charging of energy and strikes with his battleaxe!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If the attack does more than 6 damage the brain mole is knocked out.

If the brain mole is hit but takes less damage he makes a Concentration check [roll2]

If the attack misses or the brain mole survives and succeeds his check he uses power leech on Kel.

Kel then makes a Will save: [roll3]

If he fails he loses [roll4] power points.

2018-12-13, 06:51 PM
Liam hops out of the cart and starts to walk over, "let's see about getting these two stored away then," he says, going to the one he'd shot and trying to stop it from bleeding out, preferably getting some help from someone in the process.

Even if unsuccessful, Liam sets up a basket in the cart for each of the brain moles, and covers them to give the things some shade, along with some water, they'd have to scrounge up some insects for them to eat when they woke back up, "Might want to send these back once we get to the temple, have someone take a look into taming them or finding out if they're useful in some other way. I'm sure a trained one could sell fairly well."

Heal: [roll0] + [roll1]
One use Uncanny Skill, an Improvisation Point, and an Action Point

2018-12-13, 07:49 PM
Liam is unable to staunch the bleeding all that well even with Cochik's help. However once they are in the baskets on the cart Father Turk goes over to them and performs a small chant, once for each of the things. A glowing yellow light surrounds them and prevents the wounds from bleeding any further but the two are still unconscious. "I wasn't expecting to have to do anything like this with my magic today. Forgive my lack of preparation." Turk chuckled as the group got to moving again. "If you don't mind, I think I'll keep a little distance. That can really give a headache." Kel commented, rubbing his head as they left.

2018-12-13, 08:18 PM
Liam laughs, "I did spring this on you rather suddenly, both of you," he says to both Father Turk and Kel, "they shouldn't wake up again for at least a day, but I can understand your caution," he continues while loading his crossbow.

2018-12-13, 10:12 PM
With that little ambush dealt with the group could now continue on their way. A couple of hours of travel later and they arrived at the site. The temple was only recently uncovered and yet a surprising amount was shown. A number of tall stone pillars lined the way to a large sandstone building with faded artwork on it. Around the place there were some smaller sand dunes including on the path leading up to the temple. However there were a few places of flat stone ground that could be stopped on. A large rectangular passage opened into the building, with a single large stone door broken off and laying on the ground nearby.

"And here we are companions! The recently uncovered temple. Such a simple journey, yes?" Cochik'ukan announces with glee. Bharat looks serious and hefts his shield as he glances at the place. Tim looks bored and drank some water.

Father Turk approaches one of the pillars to inspect it. "Much is faded. This has been buried for quite a long time. With time maybe we could see what is etched here...although it may just be simple artwork with little meaning." He chuckles softly to himself.

2018-12-14, 12:55 AM
Liam was smiling as he looked at the temple, it would be a first step for him, "it's surprising what can be found just beneath the surface, sometimes," he commented at the bhuka's comment before turning to father Turk, "I imagine a number of mending spells will be necessary to fully see what is here, it would have been much more difficult before the emergence. Psionic rarely covers the repair of physical objects."

2018-12-14, 04:54 PM
"Well such magic would certainly help. It's possible we may need to spend some time camped out on site, if you want to be thorough about this." Father Turk continued to speak to Liam. "I primarily prepared curative spells and blessings, since I was of course working in the temple. Perhaps tomorrow I can beseech the Gods of Wyral for spells more befitting of our work here. That said if we find any interesting items of power, I can at least look into the workings of one of them today."

Kel made a concerned expression from this conversation. "Well, I definitely have less of use. I tend to just with people mostly, and was learning to run a business. I can help around here if you need some monster stabbed quickly or want to move quietly, but aside from that...well I'll just be as useful as I can be, partner." His mood seemed to quickly switch to a more chipper one.

Tim then chimes in. "Liam's butler had me prepped with a lot of medical items. I think you won't need to focus on that as much, good father." He then glanced anxiously at the imposing place.

2018-12-14, 11:57 PM
Liam chuckles at that, "I think you all have more to offer than I do at present," he replies, then turns to the temple for a moment, then back to the caravan, and hums, "Cochik'ukan, do you think you could bring those creatures we caught on the way here back to town? We may be here a while and I'd prefer they be in good hands for our return," he asked. He'd be fine with either answer.

Liam starts to get things organized, this was a small expedition, but a full one nonetheless, "let us enter, now. I think it would be best if we set camp inside where we'll be safer from the elements, though do keep your eyes open, don't know what might have gotten in there since it was first lost," and with that, Liam got the cart as close to the temple entrance as possible before tying off the horses with some oat bags and helped get them unhooked from the cart, which in and of itself was a makeshift shelter.

2018-12-15, 01:02 AM
Cochik'ukan nods and shrugs at the same time. "I can manage to take these back on my own, but what of all of you? Do you intend to wait until I return to guide you all back, or shall you try to return without me? I rather advise against the idea of going without someone who knows the deserts as I do." She looks concerned for them.

As for the rest, they followed along with Liam closer to the entrance. The only light was from the sun coming in through the entrance so Bharat stands forward. "I'l go in right now and set a couple torches up before the rest of you join." Without hesitation he walks into the entryway.

2018-12-15, 01:58 AM
"We're likely to be here a while, a little longer will not hurt us, barring extreme circumstances," Liam replies to the Bhuka, handing the letter he'd written after they'd encountered the things, "you can stay if you'd prefer. I won't begrudge you for doing so. Just means we'll have to take care of them while we're here, and I can honestly say I wouldn't mind, so long as they don't cause trouble."

Liam thought about holding Bharat back for a moment, then remembers that half-orcs were better able to see in the dark than with most sources of light. Still, Liam pulled his pellet of liquid sunlight from the pouch at the end of his necklace and used it to shed a little light into the temple entrance. It was as effective as any torch when it came to light.

2018-12-15, 02:08 AM
The bhuka considered the sleeping creatures for a moment. "Well if the plan is to stay here a day or longer, then I suppose I can simply return this way after a night's rest. Very well, don't try traveling to the next location without me! Better safe than sorry." After taking whatever Liam wanted to send her back with, Cochik'ukan grinned and then began to make her way back towards town.

"She's going alone? Are we sure that's a good idea?" Tim seemed pretty skeptical.

From just outside the doorway with a bit of light the entryway could be seen. There were a couple wall sconces that Bharat was putting torches in, and a generally empty rounded room. On the walls close to the ceiling there were engraved eyes that stared into the room. A single narrow stone doorway led beyond there farther into the temple.

2018-12-15, 02:30 AM
"She knows the way better than we do," Liam tells Tim once the bhuka has left, "and it was her choice to do so, only reason I asked is I didn't want them trying to feed off of Kel again."

Liam leads the way into the chamber after that, he gives a small nod and short prayer in draconic as a sign of respect to the eye symbol that represents Chronepsis before moving any farther in, Father Turk would likely be quite keen on seeing what lay within. He takes some time to look around at this point, looking for anything interesting.

Search: [roll0]

2018-12-15, 02:53 AM
After a bit of time searching through the rubble and dust Liam is able to find a couple noteworthy things. Firstly there is writing below the eye symbols, faded and nearly unnoticeable. It appears to be a speech in Draconic, commemorating this land as holy in the name of Chronepsis. Just reading through the inspiring words fills Liam with positive energy. Second he finds a small hole in the corner of this room, the size of a small dog. Something could easily be in here based on that, but the hole looks old and roughly made, definitely not an intentional design choice. Lastly in some of the stone along a wall Liam finds a small gleaming yellow shard, an inch across in size, noticeably shining and broken off of something.

The rest of the group comes in along with him. Bharat, naturally already here, is preparing to poke into the hallway ahead. Tim is still waiting, looking unimpressed. Kel is curiously looking around and stretching. And Father Turk is mumbling something to himself while holding his holy symbol.

Liam gets +1 to all saving throws for 24 hours.

2018-12-16, 05:19 PM
Liam reads the text through again, then grins and calls Father Turk over, "I found something you might be interested in, Father," he comments, reading the speech aloud if Father Turk can't make out the words himself, "the words are enchanted, some kind of artifact was likely used to give them the effect, the magic would have faded otherwise. If that artifact is still here, it would be a significant find for the church as a whole, don't you think?"

"Bharat," Liam calls out after drawing Father Turk to something he may find interesting, "we may have something hiding in the wall here," he says, indicating the hole, "I don't recommend putting your face close, but it may be a good idea to check it and seal it, make sure nothing nasty is hiding in wait for us to let our guard down. Whatever uses it, it has a lot of legs, some kind of bug, most likely."

After the hole is dealt with, Liam calls Kel over as he picks up the crystal, "this is unusual, can you make anything out about it?" he asks the tiefling, "I'm curious if it has any importance in the temple, might be broken off from a larger piece somewhere farther in," he knew he'd need to see how it would pan out, if it needed to be placed somewhere for something he'd gladly use it for that purpose.

Once Kel gives his opinion, Liam goes over to Tim, "this must be pretty boring for you," he notes, "I mean, I know the pay is decent, at the very least, but, are you looking for anything more than that?"

Sense Motive: [roll0] mainly to see if he means his answer or not.

2018-12-16, 05:42 PM
Father Turk looks over the words as well and smiles. "Yes indeed, that is pretty interesting. The would be a rather interesting part of their daily work here, if they have something like this put at the entrance to the temple. The artifact in question will likely be quite a find for the temple. Failing that you could see if the Guild of Sages would find it worthwhile."

"Hrm, these walls were built pretty solid." The orc comments as he pokes that the hole and the surrounding wall with his axe. "I figure whatever made it is somewhere around here. Odd though. This doesn't look chewed, but it also doesn't seem naturally carved. I wonder what made it and how."

Kel follows along first when looking at the hole and then to Liam when he shows the yellow shard. "Huh, yeah this is definitely a fragment of something. The walls maybe?" He raises his head to look around the room and then shrugs. "Nah probably not. Anyway mind if I hold that for a moment?" Kel takes it from Liam and focuses for a second with his eyes closed. "Well it has psionic energy in it but a very very small amount. So whatever it comes from probably has psionic power in some way." He then returns it to Liam and goes off to talk to Bharat.

Tim meanwhile has been off to the side, leaning on a wall. At Liam's approach he just shrugs. "It's interesting enough. I never figured I'd be out somewhere potentially dangerous. Still, it has the potential for me to get more money in a couple days than I would get over a couple months, so that makes it worth it. I have financial concerns that need to be handled, so going into dangerous territory is worth it. But I'm not really looking for anything beyond a decent pay and doing a good enough job that I might get recommended to others."

2018-12-17, 04:30 AM
"It would certainly help the people, having that added vigor... I imagine it would improve the entire town's attitude, given time to work," Liam comments to the priest, "and I imagine it would be quite a bright point for your church as well."

Liam hums, then shrugs, "it may be an ankheg, a young one, but I'm unsure, it would look melted or clawed out if that were the case. Should we wait for it to return? Make sure to take it out before it can ambush us later?"

"That's interesting," Liam replies, "a psionic artifact would likely be older, meaning either its power has waned over time, or become focused. We won't know until we find it, though. We'll need to watch for that."

"You may get something a little more out of this, then," Liam says with a good deal of mirth, "these artifacts we're looking for may well provide some power all their own. If you stumble onto one first you might just gain something to make you like one of those adventurers we hear so much about."

2018-12-17, 11:13 PM
After a hum and smile of agreement Father Turk starts to transcribe the writings, focusing on that until something else draws his attention.

There's a shrug from Tim with no change to expression. "Those stories might inspire others, but not me. I'd prefer to stay as much out of trouble as possible while still being useful, and you'll really have to make it worth my while to do this for more than one or two expeditions." He stops to scratch his chin for a moment with the sparse patch of dark hair there. "Hmm but if we find anything that improves my chance to survive down here, I wouldn't turn it down."

Bharat however takes a closer look at the wall after Liam's comment and calls him back over. "I thought of what you said, and actually it does look like it could be melted. The way the stone is worn around here seems right for that. In that case it may be smarter to wait here rather than encounter something by surprise that can utilize acid. But the waiting might take some time. You're in charge, is that the plan?"

Kel is with Bharat as this part of discussion takes place and nods. "I don't mind doing an ambush of our own. Could be fun." He grins and knocks a bolt into his small crossbow.

2018-12-18, 05:59 AM
Liam chuckles, "and you'd be able to ask for a better price from future employers, both from past experience and having more options than many in your position," he says, then hands Tim one of his screaming flasks, "if you end up cornered, point the head towards whatever you want hurt and pull the ripcord. I want you being able to go back home at the end of this expedition as much as you do, and this could get you out of a tight spot."

Bharat's comment gets Liam to hum, "best we do, getting ambushed by an acid spitting bug the size of a pony isn't my idea of fun. Might be a good idea to set some basic traps and defenses, can probably set a tripwire alarm or something, that'd make it so we wouldn't need to be on high alert for it the entire wait," he says, thinking on it, "beyond that, we'd need someone more knowledgeable about traps in general."

2018-12-18, 03:49 PM
The group all gathers together to discuss this. "It's no problem for me to be on guard for some time. Switching shifts will be easier with me here." Bharat claims directly, more as a simple statement than a boast.

"Yeah I work more in taking things apart than putting them together...maybe we could put something heavy on a rope that drops somehow when something enters?" Kel suggests, scratching his head. "Other than that I can watch from somewhere hidden and strike when the time is right, so that helps our odds."

"I actually have a decent length of rope." Tim chimes in, pulling his backpack around to open and look into. "And a few other things...I could probably have a rope that drops a hard rock easily enough put together, and with time and some help I could build on that to do a couple things. Trip the creature, swing a heavier rock towards them...it's up to what you all think." Bharat and Turk look surprised. "You can really work up something like that?" Tim just shrugs casually. "It isn't my usual work, but really none of this is. I couldn't put it all together quickly and I'd definitely need the help."

Turk simply nods. "Well I would be willing to assist. None of my magic can do anything of the sort right now. I'll just be ready if anyone needs any care."

2018-12-18, 07:07 PM
"Let's set something up then, I have enough shapesand to make any parts we don't have, so long as they don't need to be flexible," Liam says as the trapmaking starts, even making basic devices such as pulleys with his shapesand to aid in getting it set up, and eventually taking the lead on the attempt as his creativity lets him get things going more smoothly.

Craft (Trapmaking): [roll0] using one Improvisation Point.

2018-12-18, 07:29 PM
The whole process takes a bit of time and the group ends up doing more than originally intended with Liam and Tim bringing a lot of knowledge into the work and Liam's shapesand meaning that they can make a lot more than originally thought. By the time they were done they had a deadfall trap set up with a tripwire across the only entrance from inside.

Bharat dusts off his hands as they finish. "I suppose all we have to do now is wait. If nothing comes, then we can go in and avoid our own trap, and perhaps lead something into it."

2018-12-18, 07:41 PM
Liam nods, happy with the work done, "I suggest taking the time to properly set up camp, make something to eat, that might attract whatever made that hole, and then we can start exploring a few rooms. Keep close to this one for the first day."

2018-12-18, 07:51 PM
The others gladly agree to this and the entry chamber is set up for their camp area. Staying near the fire would be helpful, since there's no door to close on the temple and it could easily get very cold.

Father Turk finishes with documenting the speech above their heads then goes to Liam. "So good sir, before we potentially retire for the night I did have some things I wished to consult you on. Firstly do you have any items you may wish to have looked into? I always keep a spell with me that is useful for finding out the details of enchanted items. Second, is there any particular powers I should pray for tomorrow for this expedition? I can always have healing magic prepared on the fly, but most of what I use day to day is other curative spells and blessings. Is there some way in which I could be of more assistance?"

2018-12-18, 08:09 PM
Liam hums, "detection spells will probably be useful, knowing what around us is magic or psionic and what isn't would be very useful, same with detecting poison in case of traps, I doubt there are any but better safe than sorry, you know?" he starts with, "maybe a summons for if we run into any kind of trouble, a dispel of some kind would be useful... and something to give us a chance to get away from something if we get in over our head. Last thing would be a way to stay in contact if we end up separated for any reason."

2018-12-18, 08:36 PM
"Quite a selection. You've thought about this a lot, haven't you?" The kindly man gives a good-natured chuckle. "The gods can only grant me so much, but hopefully Chronepsis shall support me further due to my work in unearthing his temple. Detection should be easy enough, and I almost always have a spell for communication prepared, although it will only work with myself and one other and for a bit less than an hour. Still, it is useful. And I can try to get some assistance from creatures of the celestial planes. Very well then! I shall be heading to rest early tonight so I can get up bright and early for my meditations."

2018-12-19, 05:34 PM
"I like to be prepared," Liam replies, not really admitting he'd come up with the list on the spot.

Liam decides to do something about the chill as they sit down to cook for the night, shifting his shapesand that wasn't in use for the trap into a thin panel over the door, it'd keep most of the wind out for the night.

2018-12-19, 06:26 PM
After that the group rests for the night, taking turns watching out for anything strange or dangerous. During Bharat's watch nothing happens and he wakes Liam up to take a turn with confidence that nothing will happen tonight. About an hour into Liam's watch though he hears scratching and scrabbling against stone just down the darkened hallway. After a moment he is able to see what looks like three scarab coming this way. They are each about a foot tall and two feet in length, dark chitinous shells nearly hidden in the lightless hall. There is a faint green glow on them, just a few lines as though dissecting their bodies.

They seem to have not noticed Liam or the trap yet...

2018-12-19, 06:42 PM
Liam shifts slightly, training his crossbow on the lead bug, he takes a moment, then fires. Once he does, he calls out, "We've got company!"

Heavy Crossbow
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Miraculous Strike: [roll2] if 50 or lower add [roll3] to the damage roll.

2018-12-19, 06:59 PM
The things are fairly small and quick, but Liam is able to get a hit on the lead one. It hisses along with the other two and keeps going despite the bolt in its side but lags a little behind the rest now. The rest of the group is suddenly awake and starts getting up to fight!

Bharat: [roll0]
Turk: [roll1]
Kel: [roll2]
Tim: [roll3]

Scarabs got a 15, surprise round is over.

Bharat quickly grabs his axe and shield, moving to stand behind the area of the stone-dropping trap that you placed. "Come on!" He snarled at the things and hit his axe and shield together, egging them on. But they didn't seem to notice.

The two that were ahead are the ones to trip the wire and get a number of heavy stones dropped on them. One manages to not be hit by the dropping masses but the other is entirely crushed by stone. The third that is already hurt is just behind them out of the trap's range.

The front one that was safe clicks its pincers and then sprays a cone of green acid out forward. Bharat is not prepared and it coats him and he yells in pain but is still standing.

2018-12-19, 08:00 PM
Liam reloads his crossbow, taking him longer than he'd like.

2018-12-19, 08:13 PM
Turk was quick with a prayer for protection from the gods for the group, and all of them feel the gods' blessing.

Prayer spell, everyone gets +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and skill checks while the scarabs get -1 to all of those, lasts 5 rounds.

Meanwhile Kel moves a bit closer, leaning a little back as Bharat gets blasted with acid. Then he takes out his hand crossbow and shoots at the injured scarab. Unfortunately the mechanisms jam, and Kel curses in Infernal as he tries to work it out.

Moved closer, rolled a 1 on his attack.

Tim doesn't feel safe running in to attack so he stays near Liam.

Now that the area is safe Bharat moves in with his axe and swipes at the scarab. He slices in and the creature screeches but it still stands.

Steps into melee range, hits with his axe and deals 6 damage.

The scarab near him immediately bites at him and Bharat tries to quickly step back out of range, and is successfully able to do so. The other scarab tries to corner and bite him, but he lowers his shield to it and it just smashes its head against it.

Both attacked, to the first one Bharat used Dodge to move from Ziegander's feats, the other one attacked but missed.

2018-12-19, 08:20 PM
Liam takes aim, and fires another bolt at the one with a bolt already sticking out of it.

Heavy Crossbow
Attack: [roll0] + 5 from an Action Point rolled OOC
Damage: [roll1]

Miraculous Strike: Using a luck reroll to add [roll2] to the damage roll.

2018-12-19, 08:36 PM
It was a good shot, but with Bharat in melee with it the shot just wasn't accurate enough. The half-orc ducked out of the way as the bolt shot past him and the scarab. "Grr..." Bharat was apologetic but he just had to keep fighting these things.

Without having much else he could do and not needing to use a healing spell yet, Turk just focused on Bharat and a slight shimmer in the air appeared around him.

Used Protective Ward, Bharat gets +1 sacred bonus to AC for 1 round.

Kel tinkered with his crossbow and got it worked out. Then he took a shot at the one farther back from Bharat. That one, which had been sliced by the axe earlier, crumpled to the ground bleeding out.

Tim still stayed on watch anxiously.

Bharat then growled and made a big swing with his axe, and finished off the last scarab that Liam had originally hurt. That left two scarabs unconscious and bleeding and one entirely crushed.

2018-12-20, 06:08 AM
"Give me a sec with those things," Liam says, walking over to the downed insects and pulling out his dagger, "I think I can extract some of the acid from these things for our use, anyone with medical training would be helpful."

Heal: [roll0] Using 1 Improvisation Point.

2018-12-20, 10:50 AM
Father Turk musters up enough energy to go and assist and gives Kel some instruction as well. As a result a small squishy black sack is pulled out from the creature. It's about the size of an apple and sloshing can be heard within.

"Anything else need assisting with?" Kel spoke with a yawn. "Or can I go lay back down now?"

2018-12-20, 04:54 PM
"I think we're set," Liam says as he puts the acid sack into a glass flask, then pops the sack to get the acid out. As the others return to their sleep, barring anyone helping, Liam takes his time to dismantle the scarabs, removing the chitin, separating out whatever meat is available, and otherwise breaking it down for potential use and transport. Chitin is useful for making armor and the meat could be eaten, even if it isn't the most appetizing of options, it would still extend their rations by an extra day or two.

Heal: [roll0] using Uncanny Skill, an Improvisation Point, and an Action Point for + [roll1]

2018-12-20, 05:05 PM
With Turk providing extra guidance on the bodies of the creatures and Tim being an extra pair of hands for things, Liam is able to get two full shells clean enough to take and a few more days of rations from the trip; if he wishes he can also collect some dented and broken chitin fragments from the crushed one although the ruptured acid sack ruined the meat under the shell, whatever was left after the crushing.

After that they all resume rest. Nothing else happens through the last two watches of the night. So it is now morning, although with no light shining through from outside what with the shapesand barrier. Father Turk goes through meditation and prayer for his magic, and Kel briefly meditates and focuses his mind (including going into psionic focus). A bit of food is prepared for all and eaten in here, before they prepare for the day's exploration.

2018-12-20, 05:26 PM
"We're going to check the first few rooms this morning," Liam says as he retrieves his shapesand, "there are probably more of those scarabs around, so we'll need to be ready for them," he continues, hefting his crossbow, before checking their supplies, "might be able to neutralize some of the acid if we have any flour or baking soda in the supplies, it's not much, and we probably won't find anything, but every little bit could count."

2018-12-20, 06:02 PM
"Should we stick together? I can perhaps carefully go forward ahead of the rest and see if I can return with information for you all. I'm quick, quiet, and can see in the dark better than most." Kel offered up.

Bharat then spoke up after him. "Staying together may be safer. You could end up isolated. If I lead then I can keep my shield up for everyone in case of traps or beasts."

Tim just shrugged. "Whatever keeps me out of direct line of fire is good to me. Both ideas sound fine."

2018-12-20, 06:54 PM
"Best to stick together," Liam weighed in, "there's a kids song about splitting up back home, it does not paint a pretty picture when people do so."

Marching Order: Bharat, Turk, Liam, Tim, Kel

2018-12-20, 07:15 PM
The group continued on down the hall, the pellet of liquid light providing them what they needed to look around. The corridor was made of solid stone and went on for about 60 ft. There were doors to the left and right at about 10 ft in and then two more doors about 50 ft; one was closed while the other was missing its door. The end of the hall opened to another room.

Tim grabs Liam shoulder to get his attention. "I hear something. It sounds like a buzzing noise from the door to our right here." He spoke very quietly.

Kel then also spoke up. "There's more. A bit of a metal on metal noise down the hall to our left. I think that's it? It's something with metal and moving."

2018-12-20, 08:12 PM
Liam nods, and takes a moment to think, "we should check the open door, it has the metal noise coming from it, and it would be easiest to see what it is before getting into trouble. Kel, can you take a look?" he says, giving the best at stealth the chance to go for it, and the one that doesn't need to take a light with him.

2018-12-20, 10:28 PM
Kel grins at Liam and nods, carefully moving ahead then turning the corner into the room with a quiet step. It is about a minute when he returns, and he's so quiet that he just seems to appear at the edge of their light. "It looks like some sort of potion room. There's shelves and broken jars around and a couple other things. I only took a quick look after all. I couldn't see or hear anything moving around and I at least poked around behind things. The weird thing is the source of the noise though. There's a cauldron in there, a huge one against the back wall of the room. There's some kinda liquid in there, no fire under it, and a spoon stirring around on its own. The sound is it against the rim of the cauldron. Do you want me to poke around some more in there, or should we all go in?"

2018-12-21, 07:09 AM
"Father Turk, can you go with Kel and see what kind of magic is in there, if nothing looks too dangerous, signal us and we'll come in after you."

2018-12-21, 06:04 PM
With a nod the two walked back into that open room. After a couple more minutes (and Bharat starting to get antsy) Turk returned but Kel didn't. "The chamber is safe. The cauldron has magic naturally, there is also a plant with an slight psionic aura. Kel said he noticed something in the corner and was examining it. I believe it to be some sort of locked thing, he had his tools out."

2018-12-21, 06:46 PM
Liam nods and directs everyone into the room, he wanted to check the potion cauldron and the herb, plus he wanted to make sure Kel hadn't found a mimic by accident.

2018-12-21, 07:30 PM
The room is a bit of a mess, with broken shelves around and shattered glass along the left side of the room. Most of the furnishings are broken so the room looks sparse but there are a few things of note.

There's a long counter with a place to light a fire under a cauldron at the end of it. Although no fire is lit a dusty silver cauldron with a self-spinning long-handled spoon stays where a fire would be. It is quite large and about half full of a clear liquid, rippling with the spoon's motions. The counter is mostly covered with decayed plants but there is a planter built into the counter with what appears to be a small tree with emerald-green leaves and two solid blue fruits the size of an apple.

Kel is currently kneeling down in the back right corner, but then sits up and scratches his head. "There's some sort of glyph here in the floor, with writing I don't understand around the edges. I seem to be able to tinker with it, and it definitely is securing something."

2018-12-21, 07:59 PM
Liam hums in thought, brow furrowed, "does anyone here know anything of alchemy? If so, it would likely be a good idea to try and identify what is in the cauldron," he says, "as well as these," he indicates the fruit as he walks towards Kel, then finishes by saying, "I may be able to read some of what is there," he'd studied languages since he could first read, and had been learning several languages at once for the last decade at least. He'd even gained fluency in celestial within the last few months alone.

If needed, Decipher Script: [roll0]

2018-12-21, 08:46 PM
Father Turk first went over to look at the cauldron, still using his detect magic. Tim and Bharat stand guard near the door although the human is way more reluctant about it. After a moment Turk speaks up. "This liquid is the basis for a number of concoctions having to do with physical vigor. Either for recovery or for enhancement, typically just for a short time. But it is only part of such formulas, and potion-making isn't a specialty of mine. With heat and interesting ingredients we can try to play things by ear and see what comes up. I'd recommend waiting to imbibe such creations tomorrow though, when I can specifically prepare magic to counter some possible negative side effects."

He then gave the plant a few looks, but ended up shrugging sadly. "I have no idea of what this is. I suspect specially cultivated? But I have no concrete information." All of the others look at it too, with the same lack of success.

The glyph is an intricately-drawn glowing white circle that is just larger than a hand. Around the edges are a series of symbols with draconic words; with this knowledge it seems like it is a sundial, with larger and smaller drawn circles and descriptors of them like "midday" and "dusk" for each one; there are 3 on the top and 3 on the bottom, with additional small circles on the left part of the circle and the right across from it. The largest circles are at the top and bottom, looking at it from an angle where the words are easily readable. However there is no way for sunlight to enter here apparently, and no lines on the circle itself.

2018-12-21, 09:29 PM
Liam points out the words and translates them for Kel, but turns to Father Turk when he speaks, leaving the puzzle to Kel for the moment, "I have a few ideas for the potion, I've picked up a bit from Alro so I may be able to experiment a little," he says, but quickly continues, "though now isn't really the time for such, might be a good idea to check the other rooms and make sure nothing can ambush us," he says, indicating the door opposite the room they were in, "such as whatever is making that skittering noise across the hall from us."

2018-12-21, 10:06 PM
Kel spends just a brief amount of time poking at the strange glyph before acknowledging what Liam said. "I'll give it a quick look. The holy man can come with, his eyes are helpful and he's quiet enough." Grinning and poking his tongue out at Turk he led him out of the open chamber and directly across the way to the other.

After a moment there could be heard some grunting, quiet bickering, and then a small yelp of pain. Both returned, Turk looking about the same as before while Kel comically hopped on one foot. "Well uh...those doors are pretty heavy." He looks somewhat embarrassed.

2018-12-21, 10:17 PM
Liam goes over to check the door, pulling a screaming flask from his belt, and gives it a push.

When it doesn't open, he calls Bharat in to open it while preparing his flask.

Str Check: [roll0]

2018-12-21, 10:50 PM
Kel at first looks like he'd going to urge Liam not to mess with the door but hesitates. Father Turk meanwhile looks like he is rubbing some pain out of his arm. Bharat comes forward and gives the stone door a look up and down. He gives a small push to test it, then puts actual force behind it to try opening it like the rest.

Unfortunately he does not have good footing on it and can't get the traction to open it up. He looks at the group, somewhat bemused. "Well this is a hassle. Anyone want to back me up for another try?"

Strength: [roll0]

2018-12-21, 11:02 PM
Liam looks at the issue, then promptly pulls out the flask he'd filled with beetle acid and pours it onto the hinges, "give it another shot now," he says, taking a step back from the now unsupported door.

2018-12-30, 10:51 PM
Now with a good shove Bharat is able to push the unsupported door down with a loud slam as stone meets stone. The room seems to be a sort of small storage room, larger than a simple closet though. Wooden boxes and decayed bags will the area as well as an unpleasant stale smell.

Before the group can start filing in or exploring the place there is a hissing sound. There are 4 arm-sized rats that are tearing into what looks like a bag of grain, their fur matted and smelling of smoke. They begin to scurry towards you all with gleaming red eyes!

2018-12-31, 01:07 AM
Liam's eyes go wide, "oh, that cannot be a good sign," normal rats didn't look like that, normal dire rats didn't look like that, "guess we've got demon rats to deal with now! Anyone speak abyssal or infernal?!"

Initiative if Needed: [roll0]

2019-01-01, 04:36 PM
The rats are quick into action. They hiss and their eyes gleam red as the four rush forward. A couple dart past Bharat who was in the room first and he gets a quick swing at one of them. His axe comes down and crushes that one. The other goes past and specifically to Father Turk and tries to bite him, jumping onto his leg and delivering a quick bite. The other two meanwhile go for the half-orc that's nearby. One leaps at him and goes completely past him while the other latches onto his shoulder with its teeth.

One is killed by a 7 damage axe strike, while one deals 2 damage to Father Turk and the other deals 4 damage to Bharat; the last misses entirely.

Tim is very paranoid about these large rats. He backs up further into the hallway and clutches his club anxiously.

Bharat shakes his arm to dislodge the rat and then tenses up as he goes into a battle trance. Grunting, he swings rapidly at the two rats nearest to him. Unfortunately the tiny foes duck and both of his swings miss.

Enters a ki frenzy and attacks twice but misses.

Father Turk gasps in pain and kicks the rat off of his leg. Then he raises his staff and attempts to slam it on the vermin. The thing is clearly hurt but it still moves.

Uses Knowledge Devotion on the rats then strikes for 6 damage.

Kel is the only one who speaks while drawing his sword. "I can speak Infernal, let me try!" He quickly tries to talk to the rats but they merely hiss at him and don't acknowledge his presence otherwise. Failing that, he goes into the room and stabs his rapier towards the rat that missed earlier. It's a potent strike through the lower body of the rat but it too still stands.

Tried a Diplomacy check and failed, then attacked for 6 damage.

Bharat is at less than half of his health, Turk has small amount of damage, one rat is deat while two others are hurt, no rat is right next to another. Liam is at the end of the initiative count so it is his turn.

2019-01-01, 04:45 PM
Liam frowns, then takes aim at the injured rat near Bharat, letting loose.

Heavy Crossbow
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Spend my last Action Point for the level to add [roll2] to Attack roll
Spend a Luck Reroll for Miraculous Strike to add [roll3] to damage

2019-01-01, 05:37 PM
That rat is speared with the bolt and pinned to a barrel. That just left the ones engaged with Turk and with Kel. Both of which hissed and attempted to attack. Turk's leg was bitten again but Kel stepped away from the biting.

Two are dead, one missed Kel, and one bit Turk for 4 damage.

Bharat quickly moved to flank the one near Kel and swung his axe downward, crushing the thing into the stone.

Turk kept his calm demeanor even as he was getting bitten. With focus he brought his spear down again and crushed the thing with multiple loud snapping sounds.

That was all of them dealt with. Kel laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I guess it's like my mother says. There's no use talking to vermin."

2019-01-01, 06:07 PM
Liam looks over at Kel, "I don't think I want to know the context behind that statement," he says then goes into the room, "shall we have a look around?"

Search: [roll0]

2019-01-01, 06:35 PM
Kel and Tim also helped with looking around while Father Turk gave Bharat a bit of healing. Most of the crates and barrels had stale or rotten food and torn clothing and sheets and paper, other staples like that. One sealed crate did hold a number of pillows shoved into it, but at the bottom of the crate was a green shirt with yellow trim that was in great condition. Also Tim called out from the other side of the room, "Hey, I found some food in here that actually didn't go bad! Some sorta biscuits. They aren't even hard."

2019-01-01, 06:44 PM
Liam folds the shirt up and goes over to the rest, specifically Tim, "that's surprising, most breads would have rotted by now, " he says, "alchemical or magical preservation, maybe?"

He turns to Father Turk, "Father, could you see if there is any magic involved? Oh, this as well, it was in one of the crates farther in."

2019-01-01, 09:30 PM
"I can certainly give these a look, it's no trouble." Father Turk bows his head as he takes them and focuses his vision, the detect magic spell still active. First he turned the biscuits around in his hands then nodded. "However they are preserved they are not magical. But I do recognize this make as being something elven. It is probably fresh nonetheless and decently healthy." Then he glanced at the shirt. This he seems much more into. "Moderate transmutation magic. Something enhancing, tied to wearing it. Of course this spell cannot tell beneficial magic from detrimental, so be careful. Who should try it out?"

Elven biscuits, gives 1d6+1 health upon eating, health that goes above the max hp becomes temp hp for 1 hour.

2019-01-02, 08:14 PM
"I don't mind giving it a try," Liam says as he slips the shirt on, "transmutation is usually beneficial from what my family has said. I'd be more concerned if it were psychometabolic in nature."

2019-01-04, 07:09 PM
As the shirt is put on there is a strange rush of energy in Liam. It isn't strength so much as the potential for strength. There is also something else there, in the back of his mind, that isn't so clear. And a hint of further power. Looking at the shirt closer there is an emblem on there but not of one of the typical gods of Wyral; instead it is a leaf is a darker green than the shirt itself, and over the top of it in bold white lines is the letter 'A' in a sort of boxed-in set of straight lines, one at the left one at the right and one on the bottom.

Shirt of the Kokiku, lets the wearer take 1 point of nonlethal damage to add 3 damage to to a weapon, unarmed, or natural attack but not to spells; it has another effect you can only tell if you roll a high enough Wisdom or Charisma check, as well as the possibility of these two effects getting stronger in time.

2019-01-04, 08:27 PM
Liam blinks as he gets an idea on the shirt's function, "huh, this might be useful," he says, "though I think the main function will help a warrior better than it would myself. It lets you take on a bit of fatigue to increase the power of a strike as well as command or rebuke plants in the same way a cleric can do so for undead."

2019-01-04, 08:42 PM
Everyone is listening in as he discusses the shirt. Bharat has a raised eyebrow towards it. "Those are two very different effects for one item. I wonder who made it that way?"

Kel nods in agreement. "Yeah it is quite odd. Well these two rooms seem safe. How about I use that information you gave me Liam and go work on that symbol lock?" He stayed in the room until told otherwise.

Father Turk is more intrigued by the symbol on the shirt. "This is a little familiar actually...hmm. I might need to look through some books but I swear I know of that marking."

Meanwhile Tim is trying to think more practically. "That plant effect could be useful for anyone, unless it is like you said and only works for a man or woman of the cloth. As for that enhancement, well there is very little I or the good father can do with it. One of you three would get much more out of it."

2019-01-04, 09:10 PM
Liam pulls the shirt off while he thinks, then extends it towards Bharat in offering, "I think you'll get the most use out of it for now," he says, "of course, it grows with use, so you'll have the option to keep it as part of your payment when we leave."

"Probably a good idea, call if you need help with anything," Liam says to Kel before he goes off to do so.

"It's the symbol of the Kokiku, specifically for their divine warrior, who were apparently supposed to keep their people safe from outside threats," Liam says, then explains, "I've studied a lot of history and the Kokiku people featured in some of my studies."

"I'm fairly sure it works for anyone, I'm not getting anything to say it's restricted."

2019-01-04, 09:35 PM
"I generally work for payment, straight forward enough. But I will use this while I am in your employ." With that Bharat went off to the corner to put the shirt on under his armor.

"Ah yes, the Kokiku! I remember reading some stories about them. The tales of them being more rare intrigue me. It is interesting to imagine what has happened to them."

His part having been said, Tim went to go look around more. And of course Kel was now in the room across the hall. There was still nothing known about the room next to the alchemy lab, or the room across from that one that had the buzzing sound.

2019-01-04, 10:06 PM
"I think I'm going to check the room next to the lab, may be where they kept the supplies for the lab," Liam says, "I'll shout if there's any trouble."

Liam makes his way over to the room, warily eying the buzzing room, but ignoring it otherwise as he listens at the door, then inches it open to peak inside if he doesn't hear anything, and opening it fully if he doesn't see anything.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2019-01-04, 10:23 PM
There is no sound as Liam listens at the stone door, and it pushes open with just a small amount of effort. Inside is a room that is dimly lit by a floating blue spark. There are a couple bookshelves with dusty and web-covered books and some old and moldy chairs. There was also a couple tables, including a long one in the corner.

2019-01-04, 11:24 PM
Liam perked up, books were useful. Still, best be careful. He pulls a screaming flask from his belt and has it ready for if anything tries to jump him. He walks in slowly and looks around, then goes to the books to check if any were in good enough condition to actually be read.

2019-01-05, 02:33 AM
A lot of the books were in pretty bad shape. Too dirty or dusty to read but too fragile to clean off carelessly. There were some though that weathered time better. Mostly books on religious practices and a bit of history, but there could be something useful in them. One book however looked pretty clean, stacked between a couple others. It was a book with a golden cover and instead of words just had an image of a very strong looking person standing proudly on the cover.

Any Knowledge (history) or (religion) checks made in this room have advantage.

2019-01-06, 12:58 AM
Liam hums, then calls out, "Father Turk, I may have found something that might interest you!" he pulls the gold book gently from the shelf, blowing away any dust.

Knowledge (History): [roll0] or [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll2] or [roll3]

2019-01-06, 04:41 PM
Father Turk was careful as he walked in. He looked around curiously. "Well isn't this a pleasant chamber. It if were so ravaged by time, it would be a nice place to rest between bouts of our work here." He himself ran his fingers over the books as he checked them out and waited for what Liam wanted to show him.

Not many in the world know about magical tomes that enhance the capabilities of whoever reads them, and such are typically hard to remake and useless after being used. Even fewer know that there was a basis for these books, and original or multiple original books meant to foster self improvement in a dynamic way. From a brief look, as well as some notes in this room, it seemed like this may be one of the original tomes.

2019-01-06, 05:08 PM
Liam brought the book over, "this," Liam started, "this has significant historical value. There are magical tomes, called manuals, that improve the physical abilities of the one to read them, but can only do so once, the magic spent. This," he indicates the book, "appears to be what they were originally based on. I'll need to study it further to be sure, but, if it is what I believe it is, it's a treasure that could be worth a fair deal out of sheer history. The fact it is stored here, and was displayed so proudly, indicates it may have some religious significance as well, though I'm not quite sure on that front."

It was clear Liam was excited about the discovery, but just as ready to give the book up if Father Turk thought it fell into their agreement. He even readily proffered the book to the priest so he may read it himself.

2019-01-06, 05:20 PM
"How intriguing! Nothing about Chronepsis has to do with self improvement but perhaps it was sent from another temple, or held by someone like myself who followed the whole pantheon. Something like this would fall under Aulasha's domain, or Kord, maybe Zuoken..." As he mused he took the book and read it. "Well these is definitely magic upon it, quite strong magic in fact." After another minute he closed the book and smiled. "It is something I would like to take for the temple, but I do believe we can make use of it before it is taken into the temple's safe keeping. I will need to study it a bit longer in here, to be certain. But I believe it should work like the copycat tomes, but without fading away upon use. Again, it is simply a theory."

2019-01-06, 05:29 PM
Liam nods, "if I can aid in that endeavor, I'd be happy to help," he comments.

2019-01-06, 05:41 PM
For about 5 minutes Turk went through the collected books with Liam's help and did some reading about this tome as well as a little magic detection and then nodded. "Very well, reading it should not destroy it. From what I can tell, it can be used by a person once and then not again for a year. So all of us could gain a benefit from it and I could still have it put in the temple in Breezle. This may even make the town a pilgrimage site for people across Wyral!" Turk looks very excited about this, and shakes Liam's hand eagerly in gratitude.

2019-01-07, 02:53 AM
"A great boon, indeed. This alone has made the trip here worth it, in my opinion," Liam replies with an honest smile, then grows thoughtful, "although this will likely be the target of attempted theft, keeping it safe, and secret, should be a high priority until it is well guarded within the church," he continues, still thoughtful, his excitement not dimmed in the slightest despite the topic, "would you agree?"

2019-01-07, 02:25 PM
Father Turk twiddles his thumbs with a somewhat conflicted expression. While this is certainly true, that is certainly easier said than done. There are only so many people of skill in town who aren't already serving the militia, and getting proper guards from outside of Breezle could get costly. Same with trying to place any magical protections on it. It may simply be better for us to hold onto it until a viable solution can be found."

While they are talking Tim comes in and speaks in a whisper. "Hey, be careful around here. I just heard that buzzing sound get...well it changed. Louder I think. Maybe it was faster? I don't know, but whatever is in there reacted to something." He held his wooden club defensively.

2019-01-07, 07:11 PM
Liam nods at Father Turk's reply before turning to Tim, "Let's, go check on that, then, shall we?" he says, getting his crossbow ready.

2019-01-07, 10:34 PM
Father Turk nods with a furrowed brow and brings along his quarterstaff. Tim is nearby as and Bharat leads as they go to the stone door, with Kel still working in the alchemy room. After a bit of effort Bharat shoves the door inward. The room appears to be another mini-library reading room like the other, although with some different furnishings. It also has 4 more of those scarabs from before climbing on the walls and ceiling and making a buzzing sound with their wings, clearly knowing something was around.

Not doing combat stuff until seeing what you want to do, but I am rolling initiative just in case

2019-01-08, 07:39 PM
Liam quickly scans the room for what may have caused the scarabs to be so agitated, then readies a bolt at one of the insects, and holds fire until he knows there hostile, or whatever's agitating them if it seems more dangerous.

Initiative: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2019-01-08, 10:15 PM
There doesn't seem to be anything else in this room, nothing moving or alive. Tim hides out of their sight and pulls out a healing salve, ready to use it just in case.

Bharat has his axe ready and the things are hissing and buzzing at all of you and so he decides to go in and attack. Unfortunately he fails to strike it, swinging just a little too high.

Liam's reaction shot pierces one of the scarabs and it screeches in pain. This causes it to back off to a corner, still with the bolt inside it.

The other three are still very aggressive though. Two of them go to bite at Bharat, and one is pushed back by his shield but the other pierces his leg and he shouts in pain. It's a very deep bite into his thigh. The other moves to go past him towards Turk and avoids Bharat's wide axe swing to try to stop it. It then goes to bite the priest but is warded off by the quarterstaff.

With this creature near him getting off a spell is challenging, so instead he tries to smack it with his staff. Unfortunately he doesn't put nearly enough force into it, essentially just annoyingly poking the thing.

Kel hears Bharat's yell of pain from the other room and draws his hand crossbow, hurrying to assist. He moves as far in as he can to see something and takes a shot at the scarab biting Bharat. Red psychic energy surrounds the bolt as it strikes the scarab, immediately making it fall limp as Bharat kicks it away from himself. Two remain offensive though.

Tim takes a deep breath then hurries to Bharat. He takes the healing salve and applies it to his leg while hiding behind him from the scarab. The half-orc breathes a sigh of relief, as the alchemical compound handles all of the piercing and most of the acid on his wound.

2019-01-08, 11:52 PM
Liam pulls a flask, "Bharat, Tim, move. Gonna use something a bit bigger," he says as he grabs the ripcord of his screaming flask and sets it just right to hit both scarabs and, hopefully, not hit either of the two in the room.

Screaming Flask
Damage: [roll0]
Deafened for 1 round. No saves for either.

2019-01-11, 06:10 PM
Bharat ducked off the the side, pulling Tim with him just before the sonic wave. The two scarabs screeched in pain and for a moment were swaying side to side. As soon as the flask was done Bharat went in and sliced at the one closest to him. While the thing was off balance his axe came down and cleaved it in two.

That just left the one that was cowering in the corner and the one next to Turk was frightened by the screaming flask. The hiding one tried to flee from the room, but Bharat still took his chance to swing at it as it passed due to wanting to deal with the danger. Unfortunately he didn't put enough force into the swing and it glanced off the chitin shell. The other one also went to get out of the chamber which Turk allowed since he didn't care how the fight ended. Kel was thinking like Bharat though and went in with his rapier to try to deal with it. It did pierce the scarab but didn't finish it.

2019-01-11, 10:41 PM
Liam pulls a vial of sleep gas and tosses it at the fleeing beetle.

Sleep Gas
Attack: [roll0] vs. Touch AC
DC 15 or Fall Asleep

2019-01-13, 10:54 PM
The thrown bottle lands just ahead of the scuttling beetle, and it manages to crawl a little farther towards the entrance before passing out on the ground. As for the other injured beetle, it manages to make its way away from Bharat and Tim and starts to move the other way towards the direction they had not yet explored. Kel tried to take a fast shot at it with his crossbow but there was a click as the firing mechanism jammed and nothing happened. The tiefling cursed as he tried to fix it.

Bharat came out of the room and out into the hall. Then he quickly looked to Liam. "Well, what are we doing then? Kill or leave it?"

2019-01-15, 06:06 AM
"Leave it, we'll find it again later, this one though," he points to the unconscious one, "well, honestly I'm not sure. Kinda thought about seeing if we could cage it up somehow, perhaps sell it back in town, could probably find an alchemist willing to purchase it for its acid. Not so sure we have the resources to hold it though, so... we'll probably have to kill it. Still, makes it easier to put it out of its misery this way."

2019-01-15, 05:37 PM
"The real problem is that acid spray. I don't have anything that we can use to counteract that, so moving it would be rather dangerous." Turk comments with a sad expression.

Tim searches through his bag. "Eh, I primarily have healing alchemical items and a couple potions. Some rope and some simple tools as well. Nothing that could stop the acid problem though." He just shrugs at Liam.

Bharat also shrugs, looking down the hall at where the other one went. "I'll keep an eye out this way. All the rooms seem to be safe now, so this is the only dangerous direction now."

"And unless something else happens, I am going to return to working with that strange seal." Kel adds while motioning with this tail and crossbow. "I think I might be able to work it out soon here. I hope whatever it is hiding is worth it." With that he walks back into the alchemy room.

2019-01-17, 06:23 PM
"Then it's best we not try and keep it," Liam says and debates with himself. After a bit of thought, he pulls his dagger and simply slides it into the beetle's head to kill it. He stands up again, then looks at the room the beetle came out of, "let's take a look in there, see if there's anything useful."

2019-01-19, 04:02 PM
With words of agreement Tim and Turk walk into the now safe room along with Liam. Like the other room there are a lot of dusty books here, some still in good enough condition to read. Most of the books have either fictional stories or research and study into arcane magic, strange creatures, and the unique worlds separate from the Material. A number of weathered chairs are around the room.

200 exp for defeating the scarabs. Feel free to make any checks now.

2019-01-20, 07:41 AM
Liam started to look around and try and see if he recognize anything in the room.

Search: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Arcana: [roll2]
Religion: [roll3]
The Planes: [roll4]
Geography: [roll5]

2019-01-20, 05:23 PM
The room is quite similar to the room across the hall with books; the main differences are in the furnishings and the readable books' topics. A Chronepsis temple would naturally have rooms like this for contemplation and research; even small shrines will at least have a corner for meditation and some books near it. However none of the books are specific to anything about this temple in particular; nonetheless the books are likely worth something out of this place.

The books also have a lot of information about magical creatures, so if there was a need to look up a particular being there is likely to be something here. The scarabs are a creature that is natural to Wyral's deserts, at least for the last couple hundred years or more.

Liam does stumble across one interesting tidbit though in the research. Pelor's temples of the past would lock secrets and relics behind seals that are composed of movements of the sun and moon. The solutions for such seals were usually set by a particular cleric in their creation, but sometimes had something to do with what they were guarding or where the seals were. Some however were also known to be guarded by magic if opened improperly or by someone not of Pelor's faith.

While Liam is looking about, he also finds a small peridot in one of the soft chair cushions.

2019-01-22, 06:36 AM
Liam frowned at that tidbit, then asked Father Turk to follow him to the Alchemist's Lab, "Kel, I found something that... might be important, both for helping with the puzzle."

Once he had the attention of both, he set the book with the information down, "it's based on the movement of the sun, but, it may have an enchantment to make it impossible for someone that doesn't worship Pelor, or another appropriate deity I suppose, from opening it," Liam pointed at Father Turk, "your worship of the full pantheon will likely allow you to open it," he shifted the gesture to Kel, "and you can help figure it out, there's more to it as well, where the seal is placed may give a clue as well, and Alchemy is known for having an association with both the sun and moon. It's entirely possible what we need to know is somewhere in here. I think we should do a thorough search of the room to find whatever clues we can."

Search: [roll0] to Aid Another with Kel, assuming he takes 20 and has a few ranks in the skill (or a higher Int bonus than Liam does since that's what Psychic Rogues use for their manifesting).

2019-01-27, 05:11 PM
"Sounds pretty smart. Here, use this to make the marks. Just using a hand doesn't seem to do it." Kel passes his dagger on over to Turk who leans down over the seal to examine it and wait to act. From there, Liam and Kel do a very thorough exploration of the room. And they manage to find two very small etchings on the planter where the tree with the blue fruits is: a sun at the north compass direction and a half sun at the east compass direction. Kel smiles and calls back to Turk. "Make two marks from the center, one going straight up and one going straight to the right."

Kurt does this slow and carefully to make good lines. Once he is done there is a bright light coming from that area of the room. "There's a very bright glowing ball here! Definitely something like what followers of Pelor would obtain. I don't know if it will have an effect on being touched though. It definitely radiates with magic."

2019-01-28, 01:58 AM
Liam grins and approaches to get a look, "I do believe it's your decision what to do with it, it looks like it is connected to one of your deities, after all."

2019-02-02, 06:02 PM
After a moment of hesitation Turk picks up the glowing orb, and nothing seems to immediately happen. He spends a moment looking it over. "There's certainly some sort of power from this item but I am uncertain as to the specifics. I don't have the sort of magic to learn more in detail, at least not with me. But since it seems that nothing hazardous has been triggered by this reclamation, we should definitely take it with us. It'll be quite a sight in the temple, yes?" His pondering done with, he smiles proudly and puts the glowing orb in a satchel on his pack.

After that, everyone convenes in the alchemy chamber with the three of you. "Rest of the rooms are clear. The chamber ahead is quiet, and looks rather large. Probably some sort of primary ritual chamber or something of that sort." Bharat reports to Liam.

2019-02-02, 06:49 PM
"We should rest for a while? Recover from those beetles before we push on?" Liam asked, primarily aimed at those who were actually injured in the fighting.

2019-02-02, 06:54 PM
"I only have a small scratch. Turk's healing magic is a big help." Bharat shrugs off the concern.

Father Turk is somewhat more cautious-minded, but smiles calmly. "The divines have gifted me with a fair amount of power today. I can handle my injuries well enough. But I would not be averse to stopping for a little while. Perhaps we should eat and look over what we have found so far?"

Kel and Tim are both unharmed and Kel shrugs with a grin. Tim however has more to say. "We should consider waiting for our scout. She can help with looking on ahead before we make a mistake."

2019-02-02, 07:07 PM
"Then let's return to the entrance, for now," Liam replied, "I want to see if I can work some of the chitin we got from the beetles earlier, see if I can make some extra bolts."

2019-02-02, 07:09 PM
The group all nod in agreement and go back down the hall to the entryway, Bharat and Kel helping with carrying the slain beetles back with you all. Bharat is still wearing the tunic and Father Turk is going to take the time to examine the bright orb.

2019-02-02, 07:23 PM
Once in the main room, Liam hums in thought, then goes over to Father Turk, "do you mind if I read that book we found?"

2019-02-02, 07:28 PM
"Of course Liam, feel free! This venture is more for you than anything, after all. And it won't make the book disappear so it will still be able to be held safely at the temple afterward." Turk took the book out of his pack and passed it over to Liam.

2019-02-02, 07:38 PM
Liam nods in appreciation and goes to his own corner of the room to read. He focuses on the parts that deal with physical health as he does so.

2019-02-02, 07:45 PM
After a couple hours, in which you all have a bit to eat and everyone makes plans or passes the time in some way, Turk approaches Liam with a bright expression. "I did some research on the orb and some studying, and I believe this will be a very interesting item for our journey! It holds a well of energy from which a number of light-related magic can be used. Who knows how this item was in the time before magic's return!" He holds onto the Sun Orb as he speaks.

2019-02-02, 07:54 PM
"Do you know what spells are possible with it?" Liam asks as he closes the book, holding his place with a slip of paper from his pack, "as for its origin, it might have been gifted directly from Pelor, in which case it would have been created outside of Wyral."

2019-02-02, 08:03 PM
"Well if it was from the Sunlord himself then I am only sensing a portion of its strength. It can be used to cast faerie fire, dancing lights, nimbus of light, and sunbolt. It can only manage a few castings but the energies should recharge with the rising of the sun. There may be more to it...this item hums with magic, but I admit to not being infallible in my knowledge." The middle-aged man sheepishly admits.

2019-02-02, 08:19 PM
"A useful artifact to be sure," Liam says, "I imagine it will be a boon any cleric that travels beyond the church."

2019-02-02, 08:39 PM
Turk nods in agreement before leaving him to continue his reading. It's about 2 hours later, Tim and Turk being patient but Bharat and Kel getting antsy, when the familiar bhuka enters the chamber with a gentle smile. "Ah, it is good that you all are safe and alive here! The brain moles have been left in good hands sir Liam!" She walks in to a decent spot to sit and does so.

2019-02-02, 08:49 PM
"Welcome back, Cochik, and thank you for making the trip," Liam says to the Bhuka, "anything happen on the road? No troubles?"

2019-02-02, 09:04 PM
"Nothing truly bad. I've learned to either move quickly or quietly when traveling alone." Cochik responded while getting a bit of dried food and water. "Anything noteworthy or interesting found in this excavation yet?"

2019-02-03, 02:53 PM
"A few, actually, with one major find," Liam replies, holding up the book at the latter half, "we've managed to find a few others as well," he continues, giving brief explanations, then finishes up with, "we'll be continuing again soon, we were just stopping for some rest and something to eat, if you're hungry."

2019-02-03, 03:16 PM
Cochik gave a cheeky grin and held up the food she already had. "Good, good! Success means well for our objective here. Other than a moment of rest I am well prepared enough for what lies ahead. Everyone else here ready?" The rest give various nods or murmurs of agreement, prepared whenever Liam is.

So far that is 4 hours of reading on the book, with 2 more he will gain the benefit of it but doesn't have to do it all in one day. But you can.

2019-02-03, 03:40 PM
Liam nodded, gave it another 15 or so minutes, then got everything set to continue, "you mentioned the last room might be a ritual room?" he asked Bharat as they got moving.

I left a question on Discord for ya, when you get the chance.

2019-02-03, 04:04 PM
"That's what it seemed like. I could only see a little bit in, I didn't take a light that time." Bharat gruffly explains. "It'd be good for someone who can see in there to check ahead."

"That's pretty much only me." Kel says with a laugh then looks to Liam. "So partner, wanna have me check it out first? Or are we throwing caution to the wind now?"

2019-02-03, 04:53 PM
"Best to check first, be ready for anything," Liam told Kel and readied his crossbow as they approached the entrance to the chamber.

2019-02-03, 06:10 PM
Once they got into the hall just before the entrance to the next chamber Kel motions for them to stop, then quietly walked in. It was a couple minutes of waiting, the rest of the group and either calm or cautious. Then Kel comes back out to them. "Nothing dangerous in there." He spoke at normal volume. "There's a big stone dragon statue in there, some rotted wooden seats, and some sort of platform thing in front of the statue. Looks like there are windows to outside but they're still blocked by sand. At least I think they are windows...actually they are a little too low for that, so I'm not sure what those holes are. Oh, and there are two other doors in the back of the room too but I didn't think I should go on ahead too much."

2019-02-04, 10:43 AM
Liam nodded at that, then pulled his pellet of liquid light out, "let's go have a better look then," he says and leads the way in.

2019-02-06, 07:43 PM
The room is tall and dark with no light sources other than Liam's light pellet, with a number of arches and thick pillars supporting the ceiling. They are in good condition, although the wooden benches are definitely long since worn out. Liam has time to walk around and take it all in, with nothing jumping out to attack. Like Kel had said there are openings in the walls to the left and right at about knee height, with busted hinges on them as though previously sealed; now blocked by tons of sand.

Of course the most obvious thing in the room is a marble statue against the back wall of a dragon, about 20 feet tall; the light shows lines of silver through it as well as small gems for nails on its folded arms and some sort of clear gem for large eyes. In front of where it sits is a circular platform like a serving plate up small sets of stairs to the left and right.

Other than the arched doorless entryway to get into this room there are also two doors against the back wall, one to the left of the statue dragon and one to the right. They also do not have doors but a short examination shows signs of doors having once been here, unlike the passage to enter this room.

2019-02-07, 06:37 PM
Liam took a few steps towards the dragon statue and looked around, then focused his attention on the statue and tried to see what he could glean from it, calling Father Turk over to get his opinion as well.

Knowledge (History): [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]
"Let's get some light in here," Liam says, "look for sconces to place torches for now."

2019-02-07, 11:50 PM
Bharat and Tim put some torches on the pillars to make more light in the room. It would work well enough for everyone in there. Kel gave a quick look at the statue then just shrugged and went around the room to look at something else. Tim kicked back to wait while the others worked and Bharat glanced at the two other doors suspiciously.

First Turk had to recast his detect magic spell then turned to the statue and the platform. "Interesting. The circular area here has psionic power emanating from it, the statue does not. The aura from the platform is one of clairsentience...the divination of psionic power. How interesting, yes..." He proceeded to walk around the platform while trying to get info about it from his magic.

The statue is clearly a representation of Chronepsis, obvious to those with religious knowledge, and this the main chamber of the temple. The eyes reflect the light of the torches. Chronepsis is a figure equally accepted in magic and psionics and those devoted to those disciplines. His most commonly extolled virtues are patience and focus, and his shrines tend to reflect this in some way.

2019-02-08, 09:34 AM
"Patience," Liam whispers quietly, then hums lightly as an idea he'd had prior returns, "I wonder," he quietly approaches the dragon, offering a silent prayer, and pulls both his ring and the amulet he'd obtained from Julik, and begins to focus, slowly examining the enchantment and power held within, more specifically the trigger and how it should flow.

Once he feels he's gotten enough, he does the same for the ring, though that's more about how it feels with it on. Then, he tries to funnel the power from the amulet into the ring.

Concentration: Taking 20 for an 18, but it takes a full minute to activate.
Use Magic Device: [roll0] Add +2 from Improvisation Points and +6 from an Action Point, Use Explosive Fortune to spend a luck reroll roll a second d6 with the action point for an additional +5 for a 21 total.

2019-02-09, 07:46 PM
The amulet and ring both have clearly different feelings to them despite both being psionic items. That's because the amulet's effect is entirely trigger-based and therefore there is only a slight feeling until it is actively used. This is unlike with the ring which has a constant effect on the wearer, so the strength of the enchantment is constantly felt at its normal power.

Of course that is all without even considering the slight tugging feeling between the two items when they are held closer together. It's almost as if the ring actively tries to pull power from other things. At the same time it is as though it is pulling on Liam as well. But with the intent on letting the ring do this, there's no extra struggle or obstruction. There is no physical change to the charm but the power is pulled out of it, now a useless item. The ring feels the same for the most part.

The charm now has no power while the ring allows the wearer to activate it 1/encounter as an immediate action to get a +2 untyped bonus to their AC or saves for 1 full round, as well as still having the Toughness perk for free on it.

Liam is also now fatigued until he can spend at least 30 minutes without doing anything too physically or mentally taxing.

2019-02-09, 09:48 PM
Liam grinned even as his breath heaved and his coughing acted up, "that works nicely," he says quietly, then makes his way over towards the dias, "take your time, everyone, we don't want to start a fight in here. Look around, get comfortable with the layout. Kel, Cochik, can you scout ahead? You're the best suited for the task," Liam coughs again, then sits down, "no rush, mind you, I need a few minutes, I tried something that proved... mentally exhausting, even with it succeeding."

2019-02-09, 10:13 PM
As Liam sits down Tim comes over with a flask of water and ready to use any medicines that he was provided with if need be. Bharat continues to walk around with his weapon at the ready and Father Turk is looking over the statue as well as searching for inscriptions on the walls. Kel takes one entrance while Cochik takes the other.

"Pretty big place. Definitely larger than the temple at home." Tim comments while also taking a seat. "I was just thinking about something, did we ever find out what was up with those fruits? You know, the ones in the room with the big cauldron? Glowing fruit is not a common thing."

After a short amount of time Cochik comes back with a frustrated look. "Bah, a collapsed hallway! It could take quite a long while to clear out that much debris by hand. And who knows if it would be worth it?"

Just after that Kel's voice is heard yelling from the left path. "I've got scarabs trying to kill me, trouble guys!" The twang of his crossbow is heard, and right after that a yelp of pain.

2019-02-10, 08:01 AM
"I don't think we ever did," Liam replies, "although, we didn't really have a way to identify their properties though."

Liam groans as he stands and hefts his crossbow, this was going to be difficult. He couldn't run, so he kept steady and got moving to aid Kel. Once in range, and with enough light from his pellet of liquid light, he fires a bolt at the closest scarab.

Heavy Crossbow
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miraculous Strike: [roll2] if roll is between 1 and 50, add [roll3] If above 50, add no damage.

2019-02-10, 06:25 PM
Upon hearing the yelling everyone in the ground hurries toward Kel. Tim is the first to see the situation, two typical scarabs and one about twice the size of the rest. He shudders in terror and keeps his distance.

With the three all right around Kel all he can do is try to lash out with his rapier but it's no good, as his wild slash goes entirely over the scarab.

The two smalller scarabs try to bite at his legs again but he gives a somewhat comical hop up as they do, and avoid their pincers. There is already one wound on his leg with a small smoky trail coming from it.

Bharat runs in with the rest and takes his own shot with his large crossbow at them. With some lucky aiming he strike one of the insects, a screech emerging from it as the bolt sticks out of its shell.

The larger one hisses and clicks its mandibles together as the others start to rush in. Then it sprays out a gout of acid over Kel and down the hallways but everyone is fortunately out of range of it. Kel does a quick roll away though and entirely avoids the caustic spray.

Cochik, Turk, and Liam arrive in the hall at about the same time. Liam's shot went wide down the hall and thunks against a door at the end, while Turk merely waits and plans since he has no ranged attacks and Cochik doesn't feel like she can make a shot with Kel so close to the creatures.

2019-02-11, 11:18 AM
Liam looks down at his crossbow, then back at the beetles, and promptly drops the crossbow and pulls a flask as he runs up, a tunnel like this, the beetles would be clustered together, "clear," he calls, giving a moment for them to not be in the way of the blast, and pulls the ripcord.

Damage: [roll0]

Can I do something to increase the damage? Improvisation points, luck rerolls, action points, or something? These flasks are supposed to be a fairly heavy hitter for Liam, and both have been way below what they could do.

2019-02-11, 03:25 PM
Kel stands defensively and looks back to the others, relying on their assistance. He sees Liam bringing out the flask and so does what he can to dash away from the scarabs towards the others. The three do lash out at him as he runs though. His acrobatic roll though is too quick and none of them get a bite on him.

The two smaller scarabs move in closer to the group but not right next to the front line people, Bharat and Kel. They instead spray their own acid at those two. The dual gouts of corrosive fluid blast the two, who fall to the ground. As for the larger scarab it stares down the group before moving in behind the two smaller ones but does nothing.

Cochik and Turk move in to grab the two unconscious members of the group and pull them away. Once everyone is behind or next to Liam he can unleash his scream flask. And as it echoes down the tone hall the two smaller scarabs shriek and are blasted away by it, flying down the hall and crumpling to the ground. As for the big one, it remains in its spot and hisses loudly in distress and pain. But it remains standing.

From there Tim quickly applies some healing salve to Kel, who groans in pain but is now doing better.

The large scarab though is not yet done. It scuttled forward at the group and lunged at Cochik, but the goblin ducked into a little ball and avoided the attack. With the creature bearing down on her Cochik just lashed out with her sickle but the blade just slid off the hard shell without affect.

Turk debates for a moment as they face the larger scarab. With a quick nod he touches Bharat and a healing glow covers him. A sharp gasp is heard from him as he is fully revitalized.

2019-02-11, 03:33 PM
Liam nearly curses when the beetle didn't go down and started to panic a little, pulling his dagger out, he does something stupid. He draws his dagger and throws it at the beetle's eye, then stands back.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miraculous Strike: Spending a Luck Reroll to make it a Guarantee if it hits. Add [roll2]

If it hits and the above result is a 6, spend an additional luck reroll to add another [roll3] using Explosive Luck.

2019-02-11, 03:47 PM
The dagger goes wide and down the hall and as Liam throws Kel sits up a bit where he had fallen and takes a shot with his hand crossbow.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

IF the creature is still standing at that time Bharat rises to his feet and with a growl lunges at the large scarab with his battleaxe.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

With a big cleaving slice his blade sinks into the back of the scarab and cuts down into it. Green energy glows for a brief moment around Bharat. The insect shrieks, tries to stand up against the strike, but then its noises hush and it falls still on the ground. Bharat yanks his axe out of it and grunts. "Damn acid-spitting..."

2019-02-11, 04:01 PM
"I'm inclined to agree with that," Liam remarks as he passes the beetle to get his dagger back, "I'm just glad that the flask wasn't a dud like the last one," he returns and checks the smaller scarabs, trying to see if one was the one they fought in the last encounter.

2019-02-11, 04:28 PM
It's a bit hard with how thoroughly blasted the two smaller scarabs were by the flask, but neither of them seems to show injuries consistent with the one they fought previously. It seems that one is still alive somewhere.

Father Turk gives a little healing to Kel and they both go to check the room just off the hallway that the scarabs came from. Tim hangs around without having a particular goal or idea to speak, just walking around the small hallway. Bharat returns to the main hall, pulling his axe along behind him.

Cochik'ukan goes over to Liam as the scarabs are observed. "That was actually dangerous for a moment there. Good thing it worked out, right?" She nudges Liam with a friendly grin.

2019-02-11, 05:27 PM
Liam nods with a soft smile, "good thing we have enough medicine and healing magic to keep going if we need to, that would have been much worse if we didn't."

He looks around, then gives a tired sigh as he sits, "I'm gonna sit for a bit, mind keeping me some company?"

2019-02-11, 05:48 PM
"That's not a problem at all." The bhuka nodded and took a seat against the wall. While sitting she pulls out a map and looks it over. "I've marked where this place is. Any information you can give me about the other places you want to explore after this, so I can mark them as well?"

2019-02-11, 07:19 PM
Liam looks over the map, "There's an oasis over in this region, a mirage that comes and goes a bit farther out from it. To the south there's a cave with giant insects, then there are ruins of an old marketplace a few days travel from the caves."

2019-02-11, 07:35 PM
As Liam speaks and points on the map Cochik makes a few marks to note these locations and looks at some of the environments that will be in the way. "It was a smart choice to come here then, being the closest of the locations. Going to the oasis will take the most time from where we are, but will also probably be the easiest to explore as well. Still, all of these place could have any number of hidden threats. Best we stay smart."

While she starts rolling up her map Kel comes out of the closest room in the hallway. He's grinning with his pointed tail swaying about. "Yo Liam, the smart guy and I found something in a corner of that room. The room itself looks like a pretty typical sleeping chamber, but we poked around until we noticed this." He held up a small yellow-glowing fragment. It had the same general appearance and glow as the one they had found in the entryway.

2019-02-12, 04:53 PM
Liam smiles at the discovery, "interesting, mind if I check something with it?" he asks, pulling out the first crystal, "I have a theory about them."

2019-02-14, 01:24 AM
Naturally Kel passes the fragment over to Liam, waiting around to see what happens. Cochik watches curiously as well. As for Father Turk, he starts to walk past them. "I wish to study that statue and the platform as well. Hopefully I can learn something more of this place from it." And he goes back to the room with Bharat and Tim.

2019-02-14, 02:42 PM
Liam holds the two shards together, trying to see if the two resonate with each other in some way, or would act like a divining rod for whatever they came from, "mind checking on their auras, Kel? If these came from the same artifact they're likely to combine their strengths or create a resonance of some sort. They might not, but it's worth a shot."

2019-02-14, 04:00 PM
As soon as the two are within an inch of each other they immediately pull together. Despite there not seeming to be any clear points at which they would connect the two seem to have fused together into one chunk now, though still oddly shaped. Kel looked in wonder but then grimaced at Liam's question. "Err, not really, no I can't. I can only get a very basic and general feeling of psionic energy from something. It's not really something I've ever tried to hone or learn about, and I don't have any powers like Turk does for this either. Going forward I can certainly work on it but for now...sorry, I have nothing for you." He looks embarrassed about this even though he laughs, shrugging.

Kel doesn't have any points in Psicraft, Use Psionic Device, or Knowledge (psionics) so he can't really do much. A bit of an oversight on my part honestly. He's 400 exp away from leveling up and when he does he will be making an effort to work on those skills.

2019-02-14, 06:32 PM
"It's alright," Liam says, "we'll just have to wait until we find the full thing. As it stands, it looks like I was a little off base with them, I was thinking they'd act like a compass or dowsing rod when paired, now I'm thinking we don't even need that much."

2019-02-16, 02:30 AM
"I think it would be more helpful if they worked like a compass." Kel replies with a laugh. "Still you do know quite a bit when it comes to things like this, and you seem smart enough...have you ever considered learning to use psionics? Really, seems like you'd be a good fit." Cochik'ukan nods and murmurs in agreement.

2019-02-16, 12:11 PM
"I'm just a bit of a scholar," Liam says in reply, smiling, "I'd love to learn, but I don't have the aptitude, it's why I'm interest in psionic and magical artifacts, at least partially."

2019-02-16, 07:02 PM
Kel looks a bit confused. "Aptitude? Anyone can learn to tap into psionic power. Well, anyone of strong mind. For all your uh...frail condition, you're rather sharp. You could probably pick it up. I suppose failing that, you could always just collect a few dorje's to use instead." With a shrug and a smile he stretched out then looked to the end of the hallway where another room was. "I didn't get a chance to look in there. Do the two of you want to go in with me?"

2019-02-16, 09:58 PM
"Half my family came from farther shores where psionics are uncommon, they practiced magic instead," Liam said, "the other half consisted mainly of artisans from the shores, few practitioners of the psionic arts among them. Doesn't help I was born before the emergence and was unable to learn magic because of it. They tried for psionics instead, but I never seemed able to get it down, I'm hoping exposure to powerful psionic auras will kickstart my own psionic potential, as well as another to potentially help with a... more esoteric source of power, though that will be some time farther off, I think."

When Kel shifts attention to the other hall, Liam nods, feeling better after his rest, "a good idea, I think. Might want to get Tim to come along, if we get caught in something and need healing he has the medicine, and Father Turk is busy for the moment."

2019-02-16, 10:52 PM
The other two agreed, and Cochik was able to bring in Tim with little delay. The human stood passively, ready for aiding if necessary.

It took a little pushing to get the door open but it wasn't locked or a heavy stone door so Kel was able to get it done. Inside was a larger bedchamber with a single large bed rather than the multiple smaller ones shown in the room down the hall. It looked like it might have been grand in the past, but now was just another dusty abandoned room. It was still furnished though all of those furnishings were rotted and broken. There was a large dressed, a cabinet in a corner, and a formerly sturdy desk off to one side with a rickety chair. More than any of the previous rooms before this one smelled of stale air and dust.

"A single room...perhaps for the head priest." Cochik spoke with her nose scrunched up. "At least one person here wanted luxury, of course." Kel added in with a smirk, going over to a small bookshelf on the wall above the bed and poking at tomes. Tim went and sat on a softer cushioned chair, but then was sent into a fit of coughed as dust billowed up around him and was quickly standing up again.

2019-02-16, 11:45 PM
Liam looks up as he walks in, then turns his attention to the dresser and cabinet, and frowns. Chronepsis didn't seem the type to worry overly much about comfort, this would make a priest lax. Of course, that's simply Liam's opinion on the matter. He walks over to check the dresser and cabinet.

Search: [roll0]
EDIT: Just take 10 for a 13 total.

2019-02-19, 05:35 PM
The dresser doesn't have anything of note, just ragged clothing, primarily robes but also some older styling of commoner clothing. One of the drawers has a number of small insects nesting within but they simply scatter once they are exposed to Liam's light pellet.

As for the cabinet, it mostly just has some more religious-looking robes. However at the bottom behind some of the long garments there is a strange item. It looks like the handle of a weapon but very ornate and with no weapon on it. The pommel makes it look like a chomping mouth with pointed teeth but not of any particular type of creature. Many grooves on the handle gives it a bumpy texture when held. The thing is a little heavy, just enough to show that it isn't hollow.

Kel is busy in his own way, looking through a book titled Gardening and Arcana: Growing Plants with Magical Potential.

Intelligence check for Kel, if he discovers anything it will be detailed in the next post. Otherwise he gets nothing for it.

Int: [roll0]

2019-02-19, 06:04 PM
Liam hefts the handle up, and hums before hooking it next to his dagger, he'd check what it was later. For now, he looks over the books, "Alro would probably love that book," he says to Kel, "he's always been interested in improving his alchemy, and magic plants would probably do so."

"Tim, you mind letting Father Turk know we found one of the higher ranking priest's rooms. He'd probably like to know about it," Liam asked.

2019-02-19, 06:57 PM
"Well, you'd know." Kel shrugs as he gets bored with the book and passes it over to Liam. He then pokes through the dresser, but all finds nothing of note. During all this Tim heads off to go get Father Turk. Cochik decides to check out that handle though. "I'd say that looks like some sort of totem...but none of the markings seem to be of any gods I'd know."

2019-02-20, 05:30 PM
Liam takes the book and pages through it a little before Cochik makes her comment, he slips the book into his pack and takes the handle off his belt, "it looks like a weapon handle, to me. I hope to have Father Turk take a look at it, later. Once he has a chance to renew his spells."

2019-02-23, 05:34 PM
Cochik nods a bit at Liam's thoughts and looks at the handle. "Likely a good idea. The good father should have some insight into these things, more than we might at least. If I remember right he is also part of that knowledge guild in town, so he might have access to contacts to find more information." Kel was tinkering with his crossbow as the two spoke but did keep up with them. "Yeah and he's had to use a fair bit of magic already today, so we probably have to wait for him anyway."

"Oh pish posh. I have magic to spare, I've barely had to use much." Came Turk's voice as he walked into the room. His eyes cast around as he entered and there was a brief look of displeasure before covering up with his normal pleasant smile. "But I have used my allotment of detect magic for now. I do have a few other things left if you want to know for planning purposes."

2019-02-24, 01:55 AM
"I did not know he was part of the sage's guild," Liam started, "all I knew was that he was interested in the temple and that I was heading there to begin with, I offered him a place on the expedition and he accepted."

Liam noted Kel's work on the crossbow and hummed in thought before Father Turk walked in, "it would be good to know, though I have a feeling that this," he holds up the totem handle thing, "might be of interest. It looks like it might be the handle to a weapon, and Cochik noted its similarity to a totem, as well as a book that Kel found which I am sure Alro would be pleased to read," Liam blinks, "actually... I need to check something, do we still have those fruits from the alchemy lab?" he asked as he pulled the book from his pack and started to look through it.

2019-03-07, 04:02 PM
Father Turk took the handle for a moment to look it over. "Hmm, well it could perhaps go to a weapon but there is no opening or slit for where the bottom part of the weapon would go into this, so I'm uncertain. I'll take some time tonight before we rest to meditate over it, see what I can surmise. It's definitely noteworthy at the very least."

When Liam brought up the fruits Kel shrugged. "Well they aren't gone, but as far as I remember we didn't take them. They're still on that small bush. Want me to go and pick one?"

2019-03-07, 07:38 PM
"No, I think it would be better to go to the lab instead of bringing the fruits here," Liam replies, making his way there even as he looks through the book.

Once there, he starts looking in earnest, checking the fruits and plant for a matching description in the book.

Int Check: [roll0]

2019-03-09, 01:57 AM
The book goes into detail on how the type of fruit itself doesn't matter; the more important elements are the soil and the imparted magic, as well as possibly other small elements added as catalysts to the growth of the fruit. From banana to dragonfruit to anything else possible, they can all hold the same types of magic. That said, the developed fruits tend to give off sensory cues to the sort of power they have been invested with, which Liam can find easily enough by going through pictures and descriptions. The fruits are oranges with greenish-blue glow and a smell like tree bark; from these details they seem to be imbued with fortification, hardening the outer layer of a creature who eats them (be they skin, scales, fur, etc). With a little prodding it is clear that the fruits are healthy, full of juice, and perfectly ripe. According to this book that means the effects from eating these fruits will be permanent. The seeds can also be taken and possibly used by someone knowledgeable with magic and cultivation to grow more similar fruits in the future.

While Liam reads all this and tests as much as he needs to, Cochik and Turk join him in the room. Kel and Tim went with Bharat back to the statue chamber.

2019-03-09, 02:21 AM
Liam slowly grins, "This... is promising," he said and took hold of one of the fruit, separating it from the plant, "these impart a form of permanent fortification magic, like a barkskin spell, I think, it's even possible to grow more of these fruits if you know what you're doing with the seeds. I imagine that would be useful, and the seeds themselves would be quite valuable to the right person."

Liam pauses thoughtfully, then shrugs and peels the fruit.

2019-03-09, 05:11 PM
"Very promising indeed! That will definitely have some use. Is this anything like what you were originally looking for Liam?" The priest spoke with optimism. It was nothing he would be seeking in this venture, so he was content to leave it all to Liam.

"Would you be looking for an arcanist or a gardener? Because I know someone in case of the latter." Cochik offered up.

Once peeled, the fruit was a mix of blue and the typical orange of the inside of an orange. Plenty of juice coats Liam's hands as he peels it, to no effect other than stickiness.

2019-03-09, 08:39 PM
"Depends on how it manifests, and there's really only one way to find out if it is," Liam says, then pulls a slice from the fruit and takes a bite from it.

Cochik's comment catches him as he swallows the piece of fruit, "that's a good idea, actually," Liam replies, "I'm not much of a gardener, and Alro's an herbalist and alchemist rather than a gardener himself."

2019-03-09, 09:00 PM
The effects are not immediate, but rather are apparent upon the food being swallowed. There is a momentary blue glow that starts from Liam's chest and rapidly spreads out to the tips of his fingers and toes, like a sudden starting fire that is quickly put out. The blue doesn't stay, but Liam's skin is now a slight shade darker than it was before and tough like muscle without any having grown on him. There's no difference to how his skin typically feels to the touch, but Liam can tell that his body is naturally more resilient.

Cochik'ukan watches this with a raised eyebrow and waits to see if Liam is okay, but does slowly speak on. "Hrm yes...well I can make the introductions when we go back to town, if you prefer."

2019-03-09, 09:13 PM
Liam nods, "I look forward to it," he says with a smile. After a few moments, he looks at the fruit and the change to his skin, "I really hope this doesn't go farther with each slice, I need to eat the whole thing for it to be permanent, I'd end up looking like a dark elf by the time I finished it," he continued as he took a second slice, spitting out any seeds as he continues to eat the slices.

"I'm gonna go ask if anyone wants the other fruit, unless either of you would like it?" he says, turning it into a question during the second half of the sentence.

2019-03-10, 12:30 AM
Nothing more happened to his body as Liam started eating the second slice. Cochik and Turk both looked thoughtful though the latter was the first to shake his head and respond with a calm smile. "No, I don't need it. The knowledge of religious practices from the past and a couple divine relics are all I require. Do as you will with those fruits." As for Cochik'ukan she eventually shook her head as well. "No, this isn't something I need. I will let you know if something catches my eye though. I believe either Bharat or Tim could use it more. Our half-orc ally is frequently in the midst of trouble, and the other man could use assistance in possible life-threatening encounters."

2019-03-10, 01:39 PM
Liam nods as he eats another wedge of the fruit, "that was my first thought, honestly," he replies, "let's go back then, I don't want anyone to be caught by more of those beetles without us being close enough to help."

2019-03-12, 04:22 PM
"That's true, their acid spray is rather problematic and I'd rather be on site to heal any particularly bad burns." With that Turk and Cochik joined Liam in going back to the large chamber.

Right now Tim and Bharat are cleaning some things out of the way while searching for anything of note, and Kel is standing on the platform in front of the statue and giving it a look. As Liam walks over Kel beckons him over but doesn't say anything.

2019-03-15, 08:23 AM
Liam pauses at Kel's gesture, then turns to Father Turk and Cochik, "would you mind bringing this over to Bharat and offer it to him? I think he needs it most out of us," then he heads towards Kel, "find something?"

Let's say he finished the fruit by now, also, I'm assuming he's not fatigued anymore.

2019-03-23, 03:41 PM
Alright to both of those. Also, eating the fruit does the same thing for Bharat and now his AC is 20.

Turk takes the fruit with a smile and a nod then goes over to give it to Bharat. After a minute of confusion about the offered food the desert orc gratefully eats it, and undergoes the same changes as Liam.

"Yeah actually I think I found something big." Kel starts, and once Liam is on the platform adjusts him slightly to point at writing on the wall behind the statue, 'Meditation and Sermon Hall'. "That was easier to see from up here. So I sat up here and tried some typical meditation stuff, and something strange happened. The room got a strange unreal glow to it. It threw me off and I stopped focusing, things stayed like that for a bit, and then it faded. I asked the others if the room changed, but it was just me. But that has to be something, right?" Kel sounds somewhat excited as he speaks.

2019-03-24, 07:30 AM
"It might, won't know until we test it out a bit more though," Liam replies, then he blinks, "wait, sermon hall?" he says quietly as he realizes something, then grins, "I have an idea, be right back," and with that, Liam heads down to talk to Father Turk.